コード例 #1
    def _compileSimpleFilter(attribute, operator, value):
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if operator == ':=':  # extensibleMatch
            match = RE_EX_ATTRIBUTE_1.match(
                attribute) or RE_EX_ATTRIBUTE_2.match(attribute)
            if not match:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                    "invalid filter attribute: '%s'" % attribute)
            attribute, dn, matchingRule = match.groups()
            if attribute:
                searchFilter['extensibleMatch']['type'] = attribute
            if dn:
                searchFilter['extensibleMatch']['dnAttributes'] = bool(dn)
            if matchingRule:
                searchFilter['extensibleMatch']['matchingRule'] = matchingRule
            searchFilter['extensibleMatch']['matchValue'] = value
            if not RE_ATTRIBUTE.match(attribute):
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                    "invalid filter attribute: '%s'" % attribute)
            if value == '*' and operator == '=':  # present
                searchFilter['present'] = attribute
            elif '*' in value and operator == '=':  # substring
                assertions = value.split('*')
                choice = searchFilter['substrings'][
                substrings = []
                if assertions[0]:
                        'initial', assertions[0]))
                for assertion in assertions[1:-1]:
                        'any', assertion))
                if assertions[-1]:
                        'final', assertions[-1]))
                searchFilter['substrings']['type'] = attribute
            elif '*' not in value:  # simple
                if operator == '=':
                        attribute, value)
                elif operator == '~=':
                    searchFilter['approxMatch'].setComponents(attribute, value)
                elif operator == '>=':
                        attribute, value)
                elif operator == '<=':
                    searchFilter['lessOrEqual'].setComponents(attribute, value)
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("invalid filter '(%s%s%s)'" %
                                                 (attribute, operator, value))

        return searchFilter
コード例 #2
    def _compileCompositeFilter(operator, filters):
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if operator == '!':
            if len(filters) != 1:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("'not' filter must have exactly one element")
        elif operator == '&':
            if len(filters) == 0:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("'and' filter must have at least one element")
        elif operator == '|':
            if len(filters) == 0:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("'or' filter must have at least one element")

        return searchFilter
コード例 #3
ファイル: ldap.py プロジェクト: c0d3z3r0/impacket
    def _compileCompositeFilter(operator, filters):
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if operator == u'!':
            if len(filters) != 1:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("'not' filter must have exactly one element")
            choice = Not().setComponentByName('notFilter', filters[0])
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('not', choice, verifyConstraints=False)
        elif operator == u'&':
            if len(filters) == 0:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("'and' filter must have at least one element")
            choice = And().setComponents(*filters)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('and', choice)
        elif operator == u'|':
            if len(filters) == 0:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("'or' filter must have at least one element")
            choice = Or().setComponents(*filters)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('or', choice)

        return searchFilter
コード例 #4
    def _compileCompositeFilter(operator, filters):
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if operator == u'!':
            if len(filters) != 1:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                    "'not' filter must have exactly one element")
            choice = Not().setComponentByName('notFilter', filters[0])
        elif operator == u'&':
            if len(filters) == 0:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                    "'and' filter must have at least one element")
            choice = And().setComponents(*filters)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('and', choice)
        elif operator == u'|':
            if len(filters) == 0:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                    "'or' filter must have at least one element")
            choice = Or().setComponents(*filters)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('or', choice)

        return searchFilter
コード例 #5
ファイル: ldap.py プロジェクト: c0d3z3r0/impacket
    def _compileSimpleFilter(attribute, operator, value):
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if operator == u':=':  # extensibleMatch
            match = RE_EX_ATTRIBUTE_1.match(attribute) or RE_EX_ATTRIBUTE_2.match(attribute)
            if not match:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("invalid filter attribute: '{0}'".format(attribute))
            attribute, dn, matchingRule = match.groups()
            choice = MatchingRuleAssertion()
            if attribute:
                choice.setComponentByName('type', attribute)
            choice.setComponentByName('dnAttributes', bool(dn))
            if matchingRule:
                choice.setComponentByName('matchingRule', matchingRule)
            choice.setComponentByName('matchValue', value)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('extensibleMatch', choice)
            if not RE_ATTRIBUTE.match(attribute):
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("invalid filter attribute: '{0}'".format(attribute))
            if value == u'*' and operator == u'=':  # present
                choice = Present(attribute)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('present', choice)
            elif u'*' in value and operator == u'=':  # substring
                components = []
                assertions = value.split(u'*')
                initial = assertions[0]
                if initial:
                    components.append(SubString().setComponentByName('initial', initial))
                for assertion in assertions[1:-1]:
                    components.append(SubString().setComponentByName('any', assertion))
                final = assertions[-1]
                if final:
                    components.append(SubString().setComponentByName('final', final))
                subStrings = SubStrings().setComponents(*components)
                choice = SubstringFilter().setComponents(attribute, subStrings)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('substrings', choice)
            elif u'*' not in value:  # simple
                if operator == u'=':
                    choice = EqualityMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('equalityMatch', choice)
                elif operator == u'~=':
                    choice = ApproxMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('approxMatch', choice)
                elif operator == u'>=':
                    choice = GreaterOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('greaterOrEqual', choice)
                elif operator == u'<=':
                    choice = LessOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('lessOrEqual', choice)
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException("invalid filter '({0}{1}{2})'".format(attribute, operator, value))

        return searchFilter
コード例 #6
    def _compileSimpleFilter(attribute, operator, value):
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if operator == u':=':  # extensibleMatch
            match = RE_EX_ATTRIBUTE_1.match(
                attribute) or RE_EX_ATTRIBUTE_2.match(attribute)
            if not match:
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                    "invalid filter attribute: '{0}'".format(attribute))
            attribute, dn, matchingRule = match.groups()
            choice = MatchingRuleAssertion()
            if attribute:
                choice.setComponentByName('type', attribute)
            choice.setComponentByName('dnAttributes', bool(dn))
            if matchingRule:
                choice.setComponentByName('matchingRule', matchingRule)
            choice.setComponentByName('matchValue', value)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('extensibleMatch', choice)
            if not RE_ATTRIBUTE.match(attribute):
                raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                    "invalid filter attribute: '{0}'".format(attribute))
            if value == u'*' and operator == u'=':  # present
                choice = Present(attribute)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('present', choice)
            elif u'*' in value and operator == u'=':  # substring
                components = []
                assertions = value.split(u'*')
                initial = assertions[0]
                if initial:
                        'initial', initial))
                for assertion in assertions[1:-1]:
                    if not assertion:
                        raise LDAPFilterInvalidException(
                            "consecutive '*' in filter assertion")
                        'any', assertion))
                final = assertions[-1]
                if final:
                        'final', final))
                subStrings = SubStrings().setComponents(*components)
                choice = SubstringFilter().setComponents(attribute, subStrings)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('substrings', choice)
            elif u'*' not in value:  # simple
                if operator == u'=':
                    choice = EqualityMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('equalityMatch', choice)
                elif operator == u'~=':
                    choice = ApproxMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('approxMatch', choice)
                elif operator == u'>=':
                    choice = GreaterOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('greaterOrEqual', choice)
                elif operator == u'<=':
                    choice = LessOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                    searchFilter.setComponentByName('lessOrEqual', choice)

        return searchFilter
コード例 #7
ファイル: ldap.py プロジェクト: real-datagram/impacket
    def _compileSimpleFilter(attribute, operator, value):
        # ToDo: extensibleMatch
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if value == u'*' and operator == u'=':  # present
            choice = Present(attribute)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('present', choice)
        elif u'*' in value and operator == u'=':  # substring
            components = []

            assertions = value.split(u'*')
            initial = assertions[0]
            if initial:
                components.append(SubString().setComponentByName('initial', initial))
            for assertion in assertions[1:-1]:
                if not assertion:
                    raise LDAPInvalidFilterException("consecutive '*' in filter")
                components.append(SubString().setComponentByName('any', assertion))
            final = assertions[-1]
            if final:
                components.append(SubString().setComponentByName('final', final))

            subStrings = SubStrings().setComponents(*components)
            choice = SubstringFilter().setComponents(attribute, subStrings)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('substrings', choice)
        elif u'*' not in value:  # simple
            if operator == u'=':
                choice = EqualityMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('equalityMatch', choice)
            elif operator == u'~=':
                choice = ApproxMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('approxMatch', choice)
            elif operator == u'>=':
                choice = GreaterOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('greaterOrEqual', choice)
            elif operator == u'<=':
                choice = LessOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('lessOrEqual', choice)

        return searchFilter
コード例 #8
    def _compileSimpleFilter(attribute, operator, value):
        # ToDo: extensibleMatch
        searchFilter = Filter()
        if value == u'*' and operator == u'=':  # present
            choice = Present(attribute)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('present', choice)
        elif u'*' in value and operator == u'=':  # substring
            components = []

            assertions = value.split(u'*')
            initial = assertions[0]
            if initial:
                    'initial', initial))
            for assertion in assertions[1:-1]:
                if not assertion:
                    raise LDAPInvalidFilterException(
                        "consecutive '*' in filter")
                    'any', assertion))
            final = assertions[-1]
            if final:
                    'final', final))

            subStrings = SubStrings().setComponents(*components)
            choice = SubstringFilter().setComponents(attribute, subStrings)
            searchFilter.setComponentByName('substrings', choice)
        elif u'*' not in value:  # simple
            if operator == u'=':
                choice = EqualityMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('equalityMatch', choice)
            elif operator == u'~=':
                choice = ApproxMatch().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('approxMatch', choice)
            elif operator == u'>=':
                choice = GreaterOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('greaterOrEqual', choice)
            elif operator == u'<=':
                choice = LessOrEqual().setComponents(attribute, value)
                searchFilter.setComponentByName('lessOrEqual', choice)

        return searchFilter