コード例 #1
def UpdateClientAttributes(connector, table, conditionCategory, condition):
    c = connector.cursor()
    data = (table, conditionCategory, condition)
    if conditionCategory in ('ClientName', 'Email'):  # force ID lookup
        select_query = """SELECT Client_ID FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE '%s'""" % (
            data[0], data[1], "%" + str(data[2]) + "%")
        c.execute(select_query, )
        result = c.fetchall()
        for i in result:
            for j in i:
                if j >= 1:
                    condition = j
        conditionCategory = 'Client_ID'
        data = (table, conditionCategory, condition)

    select_query = """SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = %s""" % (data[0], data[1],
    c.execute(select_query, )
    userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_client_options)
    while userChoice != 0:
        update_value = ''
        column = ''
        if userChoice == 1:  # name
            update_value = input(clientInName)
            column = 'ClientName'
        elif userChoice == 2:  # address
            update_value = input(addressInMessage)
            column = 'Address'
        elif userChoice == 3:  # city
            update_value = input(cityInMessage)
            column = 'City'
        elif userChoice == 4:  # state
            update_value = input(stateInMessage)
            if len(update_value) != 2 or re.search('[0-9]', update_value):
                print('Error: State Values are accepted in format: \'CA\'')
                column = 'State'
        elif userChoice == 5:  # zip
            update_value = input(zipInMessage)
            if len(update_value) != 5 or re.search('[a-zA-Z]', update_value):
                print("Error: zip code is 5 integers ex: 55555...\n")
                column = 'Zip'
        elif userChoice == 6:  # email
            update_value = input(emailInMessage)
            column = 'Email'
        elif userChoice == 7:  # phone
            update_value = input(phoneInMessage)
            column = 'Phone'
        str_column = str(column)
        if column != '':
            query = """UPDATE %s SET %s = '%s' WHERE (%s = '%s')""" % (
                table, str_column, update_value, conditionCategory, condition)
            c.execute(query, )
        c.execute(select_query, )
        userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_client_options)
    return 0
コード例 #2
def UpdateUser(connector):
    userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_user_search_options)
    curr_table_name = 'Users'
    while int(userChoice) != 0:
        categoryCondition = ''
        searched_value = ''
        if userChoice == 1:  # ID
            searched_value = getWholeNumberChoice(userIDPrompt)
            categoryCondition = 'User_ID'
        elif userChoice == 2:  # name
            searched_value = input("enter user name...\n")
            categoryCondition = 'Name'
        elif userChoice == 3:  # email
            searched_value = input("enter user email...\n")
            categoryCondition = 'Email'

        if categoryCondition in 'User_ID' and RecordExistsOneCondition(
                connector, curr_table_name, str(categoryCondition),
            # connector, table, conditionCategory, condition
            userChoice = UpdateUserAttributes(connector, curr_table_name,
        elif categoryCondition in ('Name', 'Email') and RecordExistsLike(
                connector, curr_table_name, str(categoryCondition),
            userChoice = UpdateUserAttributes(connector, curr_table_name,
            userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_user_search_options)
コード例 #3
def GetJobRecord(connector):
    userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_job_search_options)
    curr_table_name = 'Job'
    while int(userChoice) != 0:
        categoryCondition = ''
        searched_value = ''
        if userChoice == 1:  # ID
            searched_value = getWholeNumberChoice(jobIDPrompt)
            categoryCondition = 'Job_ID'
        elif userChoice == 2:  # name
            searched_value = input(clientIDprompt)
            categoryCondition = 'Client_ID'
        elif userChoice == 3:  # Date
            searched_value = getDate()
            # searched_value = searched_value
            categoryCondition = 'Last_active'

        if categoryCondition in ('Job_ID',
                                 'Client_ID') and RecordExistsOneCondition(
                                     connector, curr_table_name,
                                     str(categoryCondition), searched_value):
            # connector, table, conditionCategory, condition
            userChoice = UpdateJobAttributes(connector, curr_table_name,
                                             categoryCondition, searched_value)
        elif categoryCondition in 'Last_active' and RecordExistsDate(
                connector, curr_table_name, str(categoryCondition),
            userChoice = UpdateJobAttributes(connector, curr_table_name,
                                             categoryCondition, searched_value)
            userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_job_search_options)
コード例 #4
def GetContactRecord(connector):
    userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_contact_search_options)
    curr_table_name = 'Contacts'
    while int(userChoice) != 0:
        categoryCondition = ''
        searched_value = ''
        if userChoice == 1:  # ID
            searched_value = getWholeNumberChoice(contactIDprompt)
            categoryCondition = 'Contact_ID'
        elif userChoice == 2:  # name
            searched_value = input(contactInName)
            categoryCondition = 'ContactName'
        elif userChoice == 3:  # email
            searched_value = input(contactInEmail)
            categoryCondition = 'Email'

        if categoryCondition in 'Contact_ID' and RecordExistsOneCondition(
                connector, curr_table_name, str(categoryCondition),
            # connector, table, conditionCategory, condition
            userChoice = UpdateContactAttributes(connector, curr_table_name,
        elif categoryCondition in ('ContactName',
                                   'Email') and RecordExistsLike(
                                       connector, curr_table_name,
                                       str(categoryCondition), searched_value):
            userChoice = UpdateContactAttributes(connector, curr_table_name,
            userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_contact_search_options)
def getDay(year, month):
    last_day = int(calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1])
    dayError = 'Please enter in range 1-%s', last_day
    day = getWholeNumberChoice(dayMessage)
    while day <= 0 or day > last_day:
        day = getWholeNumberChoice(dayMessage)
    return day
コード例 #6
def getStatusID():
    statuses = [
        'Lead', 'Client has made contact with Company regarding job',
        'Accepted', 'Terms have been negotiated and contract signed',
        'Declined', 'Negotiations did not succeed - job not accepted',
        'Cancelled', 'Job has been permanently cancelled', 'Postponed',
        'Job has been postponed due to some type of emergency', 'Finished',
        'Job has been completed'
    i = 0
    phrase = ''
    full_phrase = ''
    count = 0
    for status in statuses:
        if i >= 2 and (i % 2) == 0:
            if count == 0:
                full_phrase = "Enter..\n"
            count += 1
            full_phrase += str(count) + ": " + phrase + "\n"
            phrase = ''

        phrase += status + ' '
        if (i % 2) == 0:
            phrase += '| '
        i += 1

    userChoice = 0
    full_phrase = full_phrase[:-2]
    full_phrase += '...\n'

    while not 1 <= userChoice <= 5:
        userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(full_phrase)
    return userChoice
コード例 #7
def GetUserIDbyID(connector):
    ID = getWholeNumberChoice(userIDPrompt)
    table = 'Users'
    conditionCategory = 'User_ID'
    if RecordExistsOneCondition(connector, table, conditionCategory, ID):
        return ID
        return 0
コード例 #8
def GetContactIDbyID(connector):
    ID = getWholeNumberChoice(contactIDprompt)
    table = 'Contacts'
    conditionCategory = 'Contact_ID'
    if RecordExistsOneCondition(connector, table, conditionCategory, ID):
        return ID
        return 0
コード例 #9
def UpdateContactAttributes(connector, table, conditionCategory, condition):
    c = connector.cursor()
    data = (table, conditionCategory, condition)
    if conditionCategory in ('ContactName', 'Email'):  # force ID lookup
        select_query = """SELECT Contact_ID FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE '%s'""" % (
            data[0], data[1], "%" + str(data[2]) + "%")
        c.execute(select_query, )
        result = c.fetchall()
        for i in result:
            for j in i:
                if j >= 1:
                    condition = j
        conditionCategory = 'Contact_ID'
        data = (table, conditionCategory, condition)

    select_query = """SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = %s""" % (data[0], data[1],
    c.execute(select_query, )
    userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_contact_options)
    while userChoice != 0:
        update_value = ''
        column = ''
        if userChoice == 1:  # name
            update_value = input(contactInName)
            column = 'ContactName'
        elif userChoice == 2:  # url
            update_value = input(contactInURL)
            column = 'URL'
        elif userChoice == 3:  # email
            update_value = input(emailInMessage)
            column = 'Email'
        elif userChoice == 4:  # phone
            update_value = input(phoneInMessage)
            column = 'Phone'
        str_column = str(column)
        if column != '':
            query = """UPDATE %s SET %s = '%s' WHERE (%s = '%s')""" % (
                table, str_column, update_value, conditionCategory, condition)
            c.execute(query, )
        c.execute(select_query, )
        userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_contact_options)
    return 0
コード例 #10
def addNewClientJobToDB(connection, clientID):
    c = connection.cursor()
    Estimate = getUserNumFloat(estimatePrompt)
    Payout = getUserNumFloat(payoutPrompt)
    Hours = getWholeNumberChoice(hoursPrompt)
    date = datetime.now()
    # "AddJob(IN ClientIDIn int, IN EstimateIn float, IN PayoutIn float, IN HoursIN float,IN DateIN datetime)"
    # print(Mats)
    # print(adds)
    args = (clientID, Estimate, Payout, Hours, date)
    # print('inserted %s', ''.join(str(args)))
    c.callproc('AddJob', args)
    return clientID
コード例 #11
def addUser(
):  #TODO: ORI - you need to check your inputs and validate user input data. I set num_roles up to make sure that \
    #                   roles are accurate incase more roles are added. The method below shows the workflow
    name = input(userInName)
    num_roles = getRoles(cursor)
    role = 0
    while (role <= 0) or (role > num_roles):
        role = getWholeNumberChoice(userRoleIDIn)
    address = input(addressInMessage)
    city = input(cityInMessage)
    state = input(stateInMessage)
    # doesn't check for non-numeric/alphabetical characters yet
    while len(state) > 2 or len(state) < 2 or re.search('[0-9]', state):
        state = input(stateInMessage)
    # zip length error check
    zipCode = input(zipInMessage)
    while len(zipCode) > 5 or len(zipCode) < 5 or re.search(
            '[a-zA-Z]', zipCode):
        zipCode = input(zipInMessage)
    phone = input(phoneInMessage)
    email = input(emailInMessage)
    args = [name, role, address, city, state, zipCode, phone, email]
    cursor.callproc('CreateUser', args)
    print('User created, returning to Menu...')
    cursor.execute("select User_ID from Users ORDER BY User_ID DESC LIMIT 1"
                   )  # get last user
    lastUserIDList = cursor.fetchall()  # returns a list with a tuple inside
    lastUserID = 0
    for value in lastUserIDList:  # iterate the list
        for num in value:  # iterate the tuple
            if num > 0:
                lastUserID = num
            elif num is None:
                print('User does not exist')
                print('something happened')
    return lastUserID
コード例 #12
def addExistingClientJobToDB(connection):
    c = connection.cursor()
    clientID = getWholeNumberChoice(clientIDprompt)
    while not RecordExistsOneCondition(connection, 'Client', 'Client_ID', clientID):
        clientID = getWholeNumberChoice(clientIDprompt)
    Estimate = getUserNumFloat(estimatePrompt)
    Payout = getUserNumFloat(payoutPrompt)
    Hours = getWholeNumberChoice(hoursPrompt)
    date = datetime.now()
    # "AddJob(IN ClientIDIn int, IN EstimateIn float, IN PayoutIn float, IN HoursIN float,IN DateIN datetime)"
    # print(Mats)
    # print(adds)
    args = (clientID, Estimate, Payout, Hours, date)
    # TODO: LINK Subcontractors and SalesPeople

    sub_id = getWholeNumberChoice('Enter Sub-Contractor Contact ID:\n')
    while not RecordExistsOneCondition(connection, 'Contacts', 'Contact_ID', sub_id):
        print("Invalid ID")
        sub_id = getWholeNumberChoice('Enter Sub-Contractor Contact ID:\n')

    sales_id = getWholeNumberChoice('Enter Sales ID:\n')
    while not RecordExistsTwoCondition(connection, 'Users', 'User_ID', sales_id, 'Role_ID', 1):
        print("Invalid ID")
        sales_id = getWholeNumberChoice('Enter Sales ID:\n')

    c.callproc('AddJob', args)

    query = """Select Job_ID from Job Order By Job_ID DESC LIMIT  1"""
    last_job_id = ExtractSingleSelectValue(c, query)

    args_sub = (last_job_id, sub_id)

    args_sales = (last_job_id, sales_id)

    c.callproc('CreateJobSubDetails', args_sub)

    c.callproc('CreateJobSalesDetails', args_sales)
    CalculateNumJobsForClient(connection, clientID)
    return clientID
コード例 #13
def getMonth():
    month = getWholeNumberChoice(monthMessage)
    while month <= 0 or month > 12:
        month = getWholeNumberChoice(monthMessage)
    return month
コード例 #14
def getYear():
    year = getWholeNumberChoice(yearMessage)
    while year <= MINYEAR or year >= MAXYEAR:
        year = getWholeNumberChoice(monthMessage)
    return year
コード例 #15
# main

#  TODO: (OPTIONAL FEATURES before class due date): More Verbose UI, Login Input Information, LOGGING SYSTEM

start_time = time.time()

connection = mysql.connector.connect(host='',

mycursor = connection.cursor()
userChoice = -1
while userChoice != 1 and userChoice != 2:
    userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice('input mode:\n 1: fresh, 2: continual...\n ')

if userChoice == 1:  # fresh DB must have at least one record
    num_tuples = -1
    while num_tuples <= 1:
        num_tuples = getWholeNumberChoice('Enter the amount of clients and jobs: Ex: 9\n')
    ResetDBToRandVals(connection, num_tuples)

# printAnyFullTable(mycursor, tableNamesAddOrder[4])
    while userChoice != 0:
        userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(main_output_message)
        if userChoice == 1:  # display options - works for now - need to add if deleted dont show
            userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice((DisplayTableMessage(table_names_drop_order)))
            if not userChoice > len(table_names_drop_order):
                printAnyFullTable(mycursor, table_names_drop_order[userChoice - 1])
コード例 #16
def UpdateJobAttributes(connector, table, conditionCategory, condition):
    c = connector.cursor()
    select_query = ''
    data = (table, conditionCategory, condition)
    if conditionCategory in 'Last_active':  # force ID lookup
        start_date = data[2].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        end_date = (data[2] + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        # SELECT * FROM Job WHERE (Last_active >= '2020-03-23 00:00:00') AND (Last_active <= '2020-03-24 00:00:00');
        select_query = """SELECT Job_ID FROM %s WHERE (%s >= '%s') AND (%s <= '%s')""" % (
            data[0], data[1], start_date, data[1], end_date)
        c.execute(select_query, )
        result = c.fetchall()
        for i in result:
            for j in i:
                if j >= 1:
                    condition = j
        conditionCategory = 'Job_ID'

    if conditionCategory in ('Client_ID'):  # force ID lookup
        select_query = """SELECT Job_ID FROM %s WHERE %s = %s""" % (
            data[0], data[1], data[2])
        c.execute(select_query, )
        result = c.fetchall()
        for i in result:
            for j in i:
                if j >= 1:
                    condition = j
        conditionCategory = 'Job_ID'

    table_two = 'JobCost'
    table_three = 'JobStatus'
    conditionCategory_two = 'Job.Job_ID'
    conditionCategory_three = 'JobCost.Job_ID'
    conditionCategory_four = 'JobStatus.Job_ID'

    displayItems = (conditionCategory_three, 'Last_active', 'Status_ID',
                    'Job.Estimate', 'Payout', 'Hours', 'MaterialsCost',
    # select * from Job, JobCost WHERE Job.Job_ID = 42 AND JobCost.Job_ID = 42;
    data = (table, table_two, table_three, conditionCategory_two, condition,
            conditionCategory_three, conditionCategory_four)
    select_query = """SELECT %s, %s,%s, %s,%s, %s, %s, %s 
    FROM %s, %s, %s
    WHERE %s = %s AND %s = %s AND %s = %s AND DateCreated = Last_active
    ORDER BY %s ASC LIMIT 1""" % (
        displayItems[0], displayItems[1], displayItems[2], displayItems[3],
        displayItems[4], displayItems[5], displayItems[6], displayItems[7],
        data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[4], data[6],
        data[4], displayItems[1])
    c.execute(select_query, )
    userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_job_attributes)
    while userChoice != 0:
        is_cost_table = False
        is_status_table = False
        update_value = ''
        column = ''
        if userChoice == 1:  # Estimate
            update_value = float(input(estimatePrompt))
            column = 'Estimate'
        elif userChoice == 2:  # Payout
            update_value = float(input(payoutPrompt))
            column = 'Payout'
        elif userChoice == 3:  # hours
            update_value = getWholeNumberChoice(hoursPrompt)
            column = 'Hours'
        elif userChoice == 4:  # Status
            update_value = getStatusID()
            table_two = 'JobStatus'
            column = 'Status_ID'
            is_status_table = True
        elif userChoice == 5:  # additional costs
            update_value = float(input(additionsInPrompt))
            table_two = 'JobCost'
            column = 'Additions'
            is_cost_table = True
        elif userChoice == 6:  # additional Mats
            update_value = float(input(materialsInPrompt))
            table_two = 'JobCost'
            column = 'MaterialsCost'
            is_cost_table = True
        str_column = str(column)
        if column != '':
            if is_cost_table:  # do jobcost
                update_query = """UPDATE %s SET %s = '%s' WHERE (%s = %s)""" % (
                    table_two, str_column, update_value, conditionCategory,
                c.execute(update_query, )
                is_cost_table = False
            elif is_status_table:  # change status
                curr_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                args = [condition, update_value, curr_date]
                c.callproc('UpdateJobStatus', args)
                is_status_table = False
                # update estimate #update hours #update status
                update_query = """UPDATE %s SET %s = '%s' WHERE (%s = %s)""" % (
                    table, str_column, update_value, conditionCategory,
                c.execute(update_query, )
        c.execute(select_query, )
        userChoice = getWholeNumberChoice(update_job_attributes)
    return 0