コード例 #1
def process_ipv4_csv(filename, asn_name_map):
    process csv for IPv4 input file

    ip_family = IP_FAMILY_IPV4
    csv_rows = []

    with open(filename, 'rb') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=input_fieldnames)

        for row in reader:
            min_ip = IPAddress(v4_int_to_packed(int(row[MIN_IP_INT_COLUMN])))
            max_ip = IPAddress(v4_int_to_packed(int(row[MAX_IP_INT_COLUMN])))

            (asn_number, asn_name) = get_asn_number_name(row[ASN_STRING_COLUMN])
            row[ASN_NUMBER_COLUMN] = asn_number
            row[ASN_NAME_COLUMN] = asn_name_map[asn_number] if asn_number in asn_name_map else asn_name
            row[MIN_IP_HEX_COLUMN] = hex_encode_ip(min_ip)
            row[MAX_IP_HEX_COLUMN] = hex_encode_ip(max_ip)
            row[MIN_IP_COLUMN] = str(min_ip)
            row[MAX_IP_COLUMN] = str(max_ip)
            row[IP_FAMILY_COLUMN] = ip_family
            del row[MIN_IP_INT_COLUMN]
            del row[MAX_IP_INT_COLUMN]


    # Write the new CSV file with new columns
    with open(OUTPUT_FILENAME, 'w') as csvfile:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=OUTPUT_FIELDNAMES)
        for row in csv_rows:
コード例 #2
ファイル: play.py プロジェクト: garyiwu/integration-test
 def compose_update_message(self):
     """Return update message, prepare next prefix, decrease amount without checking it."""
     prefix_packed = ipaddr.v4_int_to_packed(self.int_nextprefix)
     # print "DEBUG: prefix", self.int_nextprefix, "packed to", binascii.hexlify(prefix_packed)
     msg_out = self.update_message_without_prefix + prefix_packed
     self.int_nextprefix += 16  # Hardcoded, as open message specifies such netmask.
     self.updates_to_send -= 1
     return msg_out
コード例 #3
ファイル: play.py プロジェクト: inocybe/odl-integration
 def compose_update_message(self):
     """Return update message, prepare next prefix, decrease amount without checking it."""
     prefix_packed = ipaddr.v4_int_to_packed(self.int_nextprefix)
     # print "DEBUG: prefix", self.int_nextprefix, "packed to", binascii.hexlify(prefix_packed)
     msg_out = self.update_message_without_prefix + prefix_packed
     self.int_nextprefix += 16  # Hardcoded, as open message specifies such netmask.
     self.updates_to_send -= 1
     return msg_out
コード例 #4
def ParsePackedIP(readable_ip):
    ip_address = ipaddr.IPv4Address(readable_ip)
    return str(ipaddr.v4_int_to_packed(int(ip_address)))
  except ValueError:
    ip_address = ipaddr.IPv6Address(readable_ip)
    return str(ipaddr.v6_int_to_packed(int(ip_address)))
  except ValueError:
    raise bigquery_client.BigqueryInvalidQueryError(
        'Invalid readable ip.', None, None, None)
コード例 #5
def ParsePackedIP(readable_ip):
        ip_address = ipaddr.IPv4Address(readable_ip)
        return str(ipaddr.v4_int_to_packed(int(ip_address)))
    except ValueError:
        ip_address = ipaddr.IPv6Address(readable_ip)
        return str(ipaddr.v6_int_to_packed(int(ip_address)))
    except ValueError:
        raise bigquery_client.BigqueryInvalidQueryError(
            'Invalid readable ip.', None, None, None)
コード例 #6
ファイル: play.py プロジェクト: garyiwu/integration-test
 def __init__(self, args):
     """Initialize data according to command-line args."""
     # Various auxiliary variables.
     # Hack: 4-byte AS number uses the same "int to packed" encoding as IPv4 addresses.
     asnumber_4bytes = ipaddr.v4_int_to_packed(args.asnumber)
     asnumber_2bytes = "\x5b\xa0"  # AS_TRANS value, 23456 decadic.
     if args.asnumber < 65536:  # AS number is mappable to 2 bytes
         asnumber_2bytes = asnumber_4bytes[2:4]
     # From now on, attribute docsrings are used.
     self.int_nextprefix = int(args.firstprefix)
     """Prefix IP address for next update message, as integer."""
     self.updates_to_send = args.amount
     """Number of update messages left to be sent."""
     # All information ready, so we can define messages. Mostly copied from play.py by Jozef Behran.
     # The following attributes are constant.
     self.bgp_marker = "\xFF" * 16
     """Every message starts with this, see rfc4271#section-4.1"""
     self.keepalive_message = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x13"  # Size
         "\x04"  # Type KEEPALIVE
     """KeepAlive message, see rfc4271#section-4.4"""
     # TODO: Notification for hold timer expiration can be handy.
     self.eor_message = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x17"  # Size
         "\x02"  # Type (UPDATE)
         "\x00\x00"  # Withdrawn routes length (0)
         "\x00\x00"  # Total Path Attributes Length (0)
     """End-of-RIB marker, see rfc4724#section-2"""
     self.update_message_without_prefix = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x30"  # Size
         "\x02"  # Type (UPDATE)
         "\x00\x00"  # Withdrawn routes length (0)
         "\x00\x14"  # Total Path Attributes Length (20)
         "\x40"  # Flags ("Well-Known")
         "\x01"  # Type (ORIGIN)
         "\x01"  # Length (1)
         "\x00"  # Origin: IGP
         "\x40"  # Flags ("Well-Known")
         "\x02"  # Type (AS_PATH)
         "\x06"  # Length (6)
         "\x02"  # AS segment type (AS_SEQUENCE)
         "\x01"  # AS segment length (1)
         + asnumber_4bytes +  # AS segment (4 bytes)
         "\x40"  # Flags ("Well-Known")
         "\x03"  # Type (NEXT_HOP)
         "\x04"  # Length (4)
         + args.nexthop.packed +  # IP address of the next hop (4 bytes)
         "\x1c"  # IPv4 prefix length, see RFC 4271, page 20. This tool uses Network Mask:
     """The IP address prefix (4 bytes) has to be appended to complete Update message, see rfc4271#section-4.3."""
     self.open_message = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x2d"  # Size
         "\x01"  # Type (OPEN)
         "\x04"  # BGP Varsion (4)
         + asnumber_2bytes +  # My Autonomous System
         # FIXME: The following hold time is hardcoded separately. Compute from initial hold_time value.
         "\x00\xb4"  # Hold Time (180)
         + args.myip.packed +  # BGP Identifer
         "\x10"  # Optional parameters length
         "\x02"  # Param type ("Capability Ad")
         "\x06"  # Length (6 bytes)
         "\x01"  # Capability type (NLRI Unicast), see RFC 4760, secton 8
         "\x04"  # Capability value length
         "\x00\x01"  # AFI (Ipv4)
         "\x00"  # (reserved)
         "\x01"  # SAFI (Unicast)
         "\x02"  # Param type ("Capability Ad")
         "\x06"  # Length (6 bytes)
         "\x41"  # "32 bit AS Numbers Support" (see RFC 6793, section 3)
         "\x04"  # Capability value length
         + asnumber_4bytes  # My AS in 32 bit format
     """Open message, see rfc4271#section-4.2"""
コード例 #7
ファイル: play.py プロジェクト: inocybe/odl-integration
 def __init__(self, args):
     """Initialize data according to command-line args."""
     # Various auxiliary variables.
     # Hack: 4-byte AS number uses the same "int to packed" encoding as IPv4 addresses.
     asnumber_4bytes = ipaddr.v4_int_to_packed(args.asnumber)
     asnumber_2bytes = "\x5b\xa0"  # AS_TRANS value, 23456 decadic.
     if args.asnumber < 65536:  # AS number is mappable to 2 bytes
         asnumber_2bytes = asnumber_4bytes[2:4]
     # From now on, attribute docsrings are used.
     self.int_nextprefix = int(args.firstprefix)
     """Prefix IP address for next update message, as integer."""
     self.updates_to_send = args.amount
     """Number of update messages left to be sent."""
     # All information ready, so we can define messages. Mostly copied from play.py by Jozef Behran.
     # The following attributes are constant.
     self.bgp_marker = "\xFF" * 16
     """Every message starts with this, see rfc4271#section-4.1"""
     self.keepalive_message = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x13"  # Size
         "\x04"  # Type KEEPALIVE
     """KeepAlive message, see rfc4271#section-4.4"""
     # TODO: Notification for hold timer expiration can be handy.
     self.eor_message = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x17"  # Size
         "\x02"  # Type (UPDATE)
         "\x00\x00"  # Withdrawn routes length (0)
         "\x00\x00"  # Total Path Attributes Length (0)
     """End-of-RIB marker, see rfc4724#section-2"""
     self.update_message_without_prefix = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x30"  # Size
         "\x02"  # Type (UPDATE)
         "\x00\x00"  # Withdrawn routes length (0)
         "\x00\x14"  # Total Path Attributes Length (20)
         "\x40"  # Flags ("Well-Known")
         "\x01"  # Type (ORIGIN)
         "\x01"  # Length (1)
         "\x00"  # Origin: IGP
         "\x40"  # Flags ("Well-Known")
         "\x02"  # Type (AS_PATH)
         "\x06"  # Length (6)
         "\x02"  # AS segment type (AS_SEQUENCE)
         "\x01"  # AS segment length (1)
         + asnumber_4bytes +  # AS segment (4 bytes)
         "\x40"  # Flags ("Well-Known")
         "\x03"  # Type (NEXT_HOP)
         "\x04"  # Length (4)
         + args.nexthop.packed +  # IP address of the next hop (4 bytes)
         "\x1c"  # IPv4 prefix length, see RFC 4271, page 20. This tool uses Network Mask:
     """The IP address prefix (4 bytes) has to be appended to complete Update message, see rfc4271#section-4.3."""
     self.open_message = self.bgp_marker + (
         "\x00\x2d"  # Size
         "\x01"  # Type (OPEN)
         "\x04"  # BGP Varsion (4)
         + asnumber_2bytes +  # My Autonomous System
         # FIXME: The following hold time is hardcoded separately. Compute from initial hold_time value.
         "\x00\xb4"  # Hold Time (180)
         + args.myip.packed +  # BGP Identifer
         "\x10"  # Optional parameters length
         "\x02"  # Param type ("Capability Ad")
         "\x06"  # Length (6 bytes)
         "\x01"  # Capability type (NLRI Unicast), see RFC 4760, secton 8
         "\x04"  # Capability value length
         "\x00\x01"  # AFI (Ipv4)
         "\x00"  # (reserved)
         "\x01"  # SAFI (Unicast)
         "\x02"  # Param type ("Capability Ad")
         "\x06"  # Length (6 bytes)
         "\x41"  # "32 bit AS Numbers Support" (see RFC 6793, section 3)
         "\x04"  # Capability value length
         + asnumber_4bytes  # My AS in 32 bit format
     """Open message, see rfc4271#section-4.2"""