コード例 #1
def run_experiment(ncores, codebase, diag, namelist, resolution, exp_name,
    Measure the time taken to complete the experiment
    :param ncores: Number of processor cores to be used
    :param codebase: One of: Held-Suarez, Grey-Mars
    :param diag: Diagnostics
    :param namelist: Namelist file
    :param resolution: Resolution of simulatin. One of: T21, T42, T85
    :param exp_name: Name of the experiment
    :param codebase_name: Name of the codebase
    runs = 0
    if codebase_name == constants.HELD_SUAREZ:
        runs = 13
    elif codebase_name == constants.GREY_MARS:
        runs = 23

    exp = Experiment(f'{exp_name}', codebase=codebase)
    exp.diag_table = diag
    exp.namelist = namelist.copy()
    start = time.time()
    exp.run(1, use_restart=False, num_cores=ncores)
    end = time.time()
    time_delta = end - start
    data = [ncores, resolution[0], 1, time_delta]
    write_to_csvfile(f'{constants.GFDL_BENCH}/{exp_name}', data)
    for i in range(
            2, runs
    ):  # 13 as there are 12 months (12+1=13)(241 for grey_mars) / (13 for held_suarez)
        start = time.time()
        exp.run(i, num_cores=ncores)
        end = time.time()
        time_delta = end - start
        data = [ncores, resolution[0], i, time_delta]
        write_to_csvfile(f'{constants.GFDL_BENCH}/{exp_name}', data)
コード例 #2
ファイル: frierson5.py プロジェクト: dmm17/Isca-students
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ps', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'bk')
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'pk')
diag.add_field('atmosphere', 'precipitation', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('mixed_layer', 't_surf', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'sphum', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'ucomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vcomp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'temp', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'vor', time_avg=True)
diag.add_field('dynamics', 'div', time_avg=True)

exp.diag_table = diag

#Empty the run directory ready to run

#Define values for the 'core' namelist
exp.namelist = namelist = Namelist({
    'main_nml': {
        'days': 30,
        'hours': 0,
        'minutes': 0,
        'seconds': 0,
        'dt_atmos': 720,
        'current_date': [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
        'calendar': 'thirty_day'
    'idealized_moist_phys_nml': {
        'do_damping': True,
        'turb': True,