コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.12
    def _getCommonChapterValues(self, bonuses, subSection, xmlCtx):
        chapterID = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSection, 'chapter-id')
        title = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSection, 'title'))
        descSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, subSection, 'description')
        defDesc = translation(descSec.asString)
        abDesc = translation(descSec.readString('after-battle', defDesc))
        descriptions = (defDesc, abDesc)
        bonus = self._parseBonus(xmlCtx, subSection, bonuses)
        forcedLoading = subSection.readInt('forced-loading', -1)
        pathSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, subSection, 'file-path')
        defFilePath = pathSec.asString
        afterBattleFilePath = pathSec.readString('after-battle', defFilePath)
        filePaths = (defFilePath, afterBattleFilePath)
        sharedScene = subSection.readString('shared-scene')
        predefinedVars = []
        varsSection = subSection['vars'] or {}
        for name, varSection in varsSection.items():
            if name == 'var-set':
                predefinedVars.append(sub_parsers.parseVarSet(xmlCtx, varSection, ()))
                _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, name, 'Unknown tag')

        return (chapterID,
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.15-CT
def _parseWindow(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    windowID = parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a window ID')
    windowType = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'type')
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    content = {'closeID': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'close')}
    parser = _WINDOW_SUB_PARERS.get(windowType)
    if parser is not None:
        window = parser(xmlCtx, section, flags, windowID, windowType, content)
        window.setActions(parseActions(xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'actions'), flags))
        window = None
        LOG_ERROR('Type of window is not supported: ', windowType)
    return window
コード例 #3
def _readTeleportMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section, markerID, varRef):
    subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'world')
    worldData = {
        'offset': _xml.readVector3(xmlCtx, subSec, 'offset'),
        'yaw': _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'yaw')
    return chapter.AreaMarker(markerID, varRef, {}, {}, worldData, {})
コード例 #4
def _readNationConfigSection(xmlCtx, section):
    config = {}
    firstNames = {}
    lastNames = {}
    icons = {}
    for kindName in component_constants.TANKMEN_GROUPS:
        groups = []
        totalWeight = 0.0
        for sname, subsection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, kindName):
            ctx = (xmlCtx, kindName + '/' + sname)
            group = _readTankmenGroup(ctx, subsection, firstNames, lastNames, icons)
            totalWeight += group.weight

        totalWeight = max(0.001, totalWeight)
        for group in groups:
            group.weight /= totalWeight

        config[kindName] = tuple(groups)

    ranks = _readRanks((xmlCtx, 'ranks'), _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'ranks'))
    config['roleRanks'] = _readRoleRanks((xmlCtx, 'roleRanks'), _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'roleRanks'), ranks)
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        config['firstNames'] = firstNames
        config['lastNames'] = lastNames
        config['icons'] = icons
        config['ranks'] = ranks
        config['firstNames'] = frozenset(firstNames)
        config['lastNames'] = frozenset(lastNames)
        config['icons'] = frozenset(icons)
    return tankmen_components.NationConfig(xmlCtx[1], **config)
コード例 #5
ファイル: chains.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.12-CT
def _readHintSection(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    hintID = sub_parsers.parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a hint ID')
    if 'item-id' in section.keys():
        itemID = sub_parsers.parseID(xmlCtx, section['item-id'], 'Specify a item ID')
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, section.name, 'Specify a item ID')
    tags = section.keys()
    text = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'text'))
    if 'arrow' in tags:
        subSec = section['arrow']
        direction = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'direction')
        if direction not in _AVAILABLE_DIRECTIONS:
            _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, section, 'Arrow direction {} is invalid.'.format(direction))
        arrow = _ArrowProps(direction, _xml.readBool(xmlCtx, subSec, 'loop'))
        arrow = None
    if 'padding' in tags:
        subSec = section['padding']
        padding = _Padding(_xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'left'), _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'top'), _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'right'), _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'bottom'))
        padding = None
    hint = chapter.ChainHint(hintID, itemID, text, section.readBool('has-box', True), arrow, padding)
    hint.setActions(sub_parsers.parseActions(xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'actions'), flags))
    return hint
コード例 #6
ファイル: techtree_dp.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-
    def __readSharedMetrics(self, shared, xmlCtx, section):
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'grids')
        for name, gridSection in precessed:
            gridName = gridSection.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name, gridName)
            gridCtx = (None, xPath)
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, gridSection, 'root')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/root'.format(xPath))
            rootPos = {'start': _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start').tuple(),
             'step': _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step')}
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'vertical')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/vertical'.format(xPath))
            vertical = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'horizontal')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/horizontal'.format(xPath))
            horizontal = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            shared['grids'][gridName] = {'root': rootPos,
             'vertical': vertical,
             'horizontal': horizontal}

        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'lines')
        lines = shared['lines']
        for name, sub in precessed:
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'inPin')
            inPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'outPin')
            outPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'viaPin')
            viaPins = defaultdict(dict)
            for outPin, setSec in pinsSec:
                for inPin, pSec in setSec.items():
                    viaPins[outPin][inPin] = map(lambda section: section[1].asVector2.tuple(), pSec.items())

            defSec = sub['default']
            default = {}
            if defSec is not None:
                xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/default'.format(xPath))
                default = {'outPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin'),
                 'inPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')}
            lines[name] = {'inPins': inPins,
             'outPins': outPins,
             'viaPins': viaPins,
             'default': default}

コード例 #7
    def __readSharedMetrics(self, shared, xmlCtx, section):
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'grids')
        for name, gridSection in precessed:
            gridName = gridSection.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name, gridName)
            gridCtx = (None, xPath)
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, gridSection, 'root')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/root'.format(xPath))
            rootPos = {'start': _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start').tuple(),
             'step': _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step')}
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'vertical')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/vertical'.format(xPath))
            vertical = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'horizontal')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/horizontal'.format(xPath))
            horizontal = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            shared['grids'][gridName] = {'root': rootPos,
             'vertical': vertical,
             'horizontal': horizontal}

        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'lines')
        lines = shared['lines']
        for name, sub in precessed:
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'inPin')
            inPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'outPin')
            outPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'viaPin')
            viaPins = defaultdict(dict)
            for outPin, setSec in pinsSec:
                for inPin, pSec in setSec.items():
                    viaPins[outPin][inPin] = [ section[1].asVector2.tuple() for section in pSec.items() ]

            defSec = sub['default']
            default = {}
            if defSec is not None:
                xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/default'.format(xPath))
                default = {'outPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin'),
                 'inPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')}
            lines[name] = {'inPins': inPins,
             'outPins': outPins,
             'viaPins': viaPins,
             'default': default}

コード例 #8
ファイル: parsers.py プロジェクト: wotmods/WOTDecompiled
 def __parseChapterSummaries(self, xmlCtx, section, descriptor):
     for _, subSection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'chapters'):
         chapterID = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSection, 'chapter-id')
         title = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSection, 'title'))
         descSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, subSection, 'description')
         defDesc = translation(descSec.asString)
         abDesc = translation(descSec.readString('after-battle', defDesc))
         descriptions = (defDesc, abDesc)
         bonusSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, subSection, 'bonus')
         bonus = Bonus(bonusSec.readInt('id', -1), bonusSec.readString('message'), sub_parsers._readBonusValues(bonusSec))
         forcedLoading = subSection.readInt('forced-loading', -1)
         pathSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, subSection, 'file-path')
         defFilePath = pathSec.asString
         afterBattleFilePath = pathSec.readString('after-battle', defFilePath)
         filePaths = (defFilePath, afterBattleFilePath)
         sharedScene = subSection.readString('shared-scene')
         descriptor.addChapter(Chapter(chapterID, title, descriptions, bonus, forcedLoading, filePaths, sharedScene))
コード例 #9
def _readSkillBasics(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName):
    section = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName)
    xmlCtx = (xmlCtx, subsectionName)
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        skill = skills_components.BasicSkill(subsectionName, i18n=shared_components.I18nComponent(section.readString('userString'), section.readString('description')), icon=_xml.readNonEmptyString(xmlCtx, section, 'icon'))
        skill = skills_components.BasicSkill(subsectionName)
    return (skill, xmlCtx, section)
コード例 #10
ファイル: battle.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.17-CT
def _readModelMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section, name = 'model'):
    result = {}
    if name in section.keys():
        subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, name)
        result = {'path': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'path'),
         'action': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'action'),
         'offset': _xml.readVector3(xmlCtx, subSec, 'offset')}
    return result
コード例 #11
    def __readControlsSounds(self, xmlCtx):
        Reading controls sounds data
        @param xmlCtx: [xml data section] xml context document
        controlsSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, xmlCtx, self.CONTROLS)
        self.__default = doc_loaders.readDict(xmlCtx, controlsSection, self.CONTROLS_DEFAULT)
        controlsOverridesSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, controlsSection, self.CONTROLS_OVERRIDES)
        for name in controlsOverridesSection.keys():
            self.__overrides[name] = doc_loaders.readDict(xmlCtx, controlsOverridesSection, name)

        for schemaName, schemaSection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, controlsSection, self.CONTROLS_SCHEMAS):
            self.__schemas[schemaName] = doc_loaders.readDict(xmlCtx, schemaSection, self.SCHEMA_SOUNDS)
            for groupName in _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, schemaSection, self.SCHEMA_GROUPS).asString.split():
                if groupName in self.__groups:
                    LOG_WARNING('Group has already been read. Will be overriden', groupName, schemaName)
                self.__groups[groupName] = schemaName
コード例 #12
ファイル: battle.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT0.9.10
def _readModelMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section, name = 'model'):
    result = {}
    if name in section.keys():
        subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, name)
        result = {'path': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'path'),
         'action': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'action'),
         'offset': _xml.readVector3(xmlCtx, subSec, 'offset')}
    return result
コード例 #13
def _readBonusSection(xmlCtx, section, content):
    bonusSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'bonus')
    content['bonusValue'] = translation(
        _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bonusSec, 'value'))
    content['bonusLabel'] = translation(
        _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bonusSec, 'label'))
    content['bonusImageUrl'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bonusSec, 'background')
    return content
コード例 #14
def _readWorldMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section):
    subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'world')
    return {
        'shape': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'shape'),
        'min-distance': _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'min-distance'),
        'max-distance': _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'max-distance'),
        'offset': _xml.readVector3(xmlCtx, subSec, 'offset')
コード例 #15
def readHintSection(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    sectionInfo = sub_parsers.parseHint(xmlCtx, section)
    hint = chapter.ChainHint(sectionInfo['hintID'], sectionInfo['itemID'],
                             sectionInfo['text'], sectionInfo['hasBox'],
                             sectionInfo['arrow'], sectionInfo['padding'])
            xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'actions'), flags))
    return hint
コード例 #16
 def __readDefaultLine(self, shared, xmlCtx, section):
     defSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'default-line')
     xPath = '{0:>s}/default-line'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
     xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
     name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'line')
     outPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin')
     inPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')
     self.__getLineInfo(xmlCtx, name, 0, outPin, inPin, shared['lines'])
     shared['default'] = {'line': name, 'inPin': inPin, 'outPin': outPin}
コード例 #17
def _parseWindow(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    windowID = parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a window ID')
    windowType = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'type')
    content = {}
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    content['closeID'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'close')
    content['type'] = windowType
    content['windowID'] = windowID
    parser = _WINDOW_SUB_PARERS.get(windowType)
    if parser is not None:
        window = parser(xmlCtx, section, flags, windowID, windowType, content)
            parseActions(xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section,
                                                    'actions'), flags))
        window = None
        LOG_ERROR('Type of window is not supported: ', windowType)
    return window
コード例 #18
ファイル: tankmen.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.14-CT
def _readSkillBasics(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName):
    section = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName)
    xmlCtx = (xmlCtx, subsectionName)
    res = {}
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        res['userString'] = i18n.makeString(section.readString('userString'))
        res['description'] = i18n.makeString(section.readString('description'))
        res['icon'] = _xml.readNonEmptyString(xmlCtx, section, 'icon')
    return (res, xmlCtx, section)
コード例 #19
ファイル: itemstankmen.py プロジェクト: aevitas/wotsdk
def _readSkillBasics(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName):
    section = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName)
    xmlCtx = (xmlCtx, subsectionName)
    res = {}
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        res["userString"] = i18n.makeString(section.readString("userString"))
        res["description"] = i18n.makeString(section.readString("description"))
        res["icon"] = _xml.readNonEmptyString(xmlCtx, section, "icon")
    return (res, xmlCtx, section)
コード例 #20
ファイル: tankmen.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.17-CT
def _readSkillBasics(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName):
    section = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, subsectionName)
    xmlCtx = (xmlCtx, subsectionName)
    res = {}
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        res['userString'] = i18n.makeString(section.readString('userString'))
        res['description'] = i18n.makeString(section.readString('description'))
        res['icon'] = _xml.readNonEmptyString(xmlCtx, section, 'icon')
    return (res, xmlCtx, section)
コード例 #21
def _readNationConfigSection(xmlCtx, section):
    res = {}
    firstNames = {}
    lastNames = {}
    icons = {}
    for kindName in ('normalGroups', 'premiumGroups'):
        groups = []
        res[kindName] = groups
        totalWeight = 0.0
        for sname, subsection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, kindName):
            ctx = (xmlCtx, kindName + '/' + sname)
            group = {
                subsection.readBool('notInShop', False),
                'female' == _xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'sex'),
                _readIDs((ctx, 'firstNames'),
                         _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, 'firstNames'),
                         firstNames, _parseName),
                _readIDs((ctx, 'lastNames'),
                         _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, 'lastNames'),
                         lastNames, _parseName),
                _readIDs((ctx, 'icons'),
                         _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, 'icons'), icons,
            group['firstNamesList'] = list(group['firstNames'])
            group['lastNamesList'] = list(group['lastNames'])
            group['iconsList'] = list(group['icons'])
            weight = _xml.readNonNegativeFloat(ctx, subsection, 'weight')
            totalWeight += weight
            group['weight'] = weight

        totalWeight = max(0.001, totalWeight)
        for group in groups:
            group['weight'] /= totalWeight

    ranks, rankIDsByNames = _readRanks(
        (xmlCtx, 'ranks'), _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'ranks'))
    res['roleRanks'] = _readRoleRanks(
        (xmlCtx, 'roleRanks'), _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section,
                                                  'roleRanks'), rankIDsByNames)
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        res['firstNames'] = firstNames
        res['lastNames'] = lastNames
        res['icons'] = icons
        res['ranks'] = ranks
        res['firstNames'] = frozenset(firstNames)
        res['lastNames'] = frozenset(lastNames)
        res['icons'] = frozenset(icons)
    return res
コード例 #22
def _readInvokeGuiCmdSection(xmlCtx, section, _, conditions):
    commandID = parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a command ID')
    argOverrides = {}
    argsSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'args', throwIfMissing=False)
    if argsSection is not None:
        for _, subSec in argsSection.items():
            arg = resource_helper.readItem(xmlCtx, subSec, 'arg')
            argOverrides[arg.name] = arg.value

    return effects.InvokeGuiCommand(commandID, argOverrides, conditions=conditions)
コード例 #23
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: jamesxia4/wot_client
def readQuestAwardWindowSection(xmlCtx, section, _, windowID, windowType, content):
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    content['nextID'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'next')
    content['closeID'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'close')
    content['description'] = translation(section.readString('description'))
    content['header'] = translation(section.readString('header'))
    content['bgImage'] = section.readString('image')
    varRef = None
    if 'var-ref' in section.keys():
        varRef = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'var-ref')
    return chapter.PopUp(windowID, windowType, content, varRef, forcedQuery=True)
コード例 #24
    def _parseGlobalRuntimeEffects(self, xmlCtx, section, flags, chapter):
        subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'global-runtime-effects', False)
        if subSec is not None:
            priorities = (('pre-scene', False), ('post-scene', True))
            for tagName, isPostScene in priorities:
                for _, effectSec in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, subSec, tagName, False):
                    effect = sub_parsers._parseEffect(xmlCtx, effectSec, flags)
                    if effect is not None:
                        chapter.addGlobalEffect(effect, isPostScene)

コード例 #25
ファイル: quests.py プロジェクト: mahmoudimus/WOT-
 def _parseChapter(self, bonuses, descriptor, subSection, xmlCtx):
     sharedTriggers = subSection.readString('shared-triggers')
     sharedEntities = subSection.readString('shared-entities')
     sharedVars = subSection.readString('shared-vars')
     questConditions = readQuestConditions(subSection)
     image = subSection.readString('image')
     unlockChapter = subSection.readString('unlock-chapter')
     progressSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, subSection, 'progress-condition')
     progressCondition = ProgressCondition(progressSec.readString('progressID'), sub_parsers.readValues(progressSec))
     isHidden = subSection.readBool('isHidden')
     descriptor.addChapter(QuestChapter(questConditions, image, unlockChapter, progressCondition, sharedTriggers, sharedEntities, sharedVars, isHidden, *self._getCommonChapterValues(bonuses, subSection, xmlCtx)))
コード例 #26
ファイル: techtree_dp.py プロジェクト: kblw/wot_client
 def __readDefaultLine(self, shared, xmlCtx, section):
     defSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'default-line')
     xPath = '{0:>s}/default-line'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
     xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
     name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'line')
     outPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin')
     inPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')
     self.__getLineInfo(xmlCtx, name, 0, outPin, inPin, shared['lines'])
     shared['default'] = {'line': name,
      'inPin': inPin,
      'outPin': outPin}
コード例 #27
 def initHitTesters(self, dataSection):
     if dataSection.has_key(self.CRASHED_MODEL_TAG):
         self.__hitTesters[ModelStatus.CRASHED] = self.__createHitTester(
             dataSection, self.CRASHED_MODEL_TAG)
     normalModelSection = dataSection
     if dataSection.has_key(self.NORMAL_MODEL_TAG):
         normalModelSection = _xml.getSubsection(None, dataSection,
     modelHitTester = self.__createHitTester(normalModelSection)
     self.__hitTesters[ModelStatus.NORMAL] = modelHitTester
コード例 #28
ファイル: quests.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT0.9.10
 def _parseChapter(self, bonuses, descriptor, subSection, xmlCtx):
     sharedTriggers = subSection.readString('shared-triggers')
     sharedEntities = subSection.readString('shared-entities')
     sharedVars = subSection.readString('shared-vars')
     questConditions = readQuestConditions(subSection)
     image = subSection.readString('image')
     unlockChapter = subSection.readString('unlock-chapter')
     progressSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, subSection, 'progress-condition')
     progressCondition = ProgressCondition(progressSec.readString('progressID'), sub_parsers.readValues(progressSec))
     isHidden = subSection.readBool('isHidden')
     descriptor.addChapter(QuestChapter(questConditions, image, unlockChapter, progressCondition, sharedTriggers, sharedEntities, sharedVars, isHidden, *self._getCommonChapterValues(bonuses, subSection, xmlCtx)))
コード例 #29
def _readCheckpointSection(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    checkpointID = sub_parsers.parseID(xmlCtx, section,
                                       'missing checkpoint ID')
    checkpointConditions = sub_parsers.readConditions(
        xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'condition'), flags)
    checkpointEffects = [
        effect for effect in (
            sub_parsers._parseEffect(xmlCtx, effectSec, flags)
            for _, effectSec in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'effects'))
        if effect is not None
    return Checkpoint(checkpointID, checkpointConditions, checkpointEffects)
コード例 #30
ファイル: sub_parsersoffbattle.py プロジェクト: Difrex/wotsdk
def _readFinalWindowSection(xmlCtx, section, _, windowID, windowType, content):
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    content['restartID'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'restart')
    content['showVideoID'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'show-video')
    content['imageUrl'] = section.readString('image')
    hintsSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'battle-hints')
    hints = []
    for typeName, hintSec in hintsSec.items():
        if len(hintSec.keys()):
            data = {'type': typeName}
            for key, subSec in hintSec.items():
                data[key] = translation(subSec.asString)

            hints.append({'type': typeName,
             'label': translation(hintSec.asString)})

    content['battleHints'] = hints
    content['restartHint'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'restart-hint'))
    return chapter.PopUp(windowID, windowType, content, _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'var-ref'))
コード例 #31
ファイル: offbattle.py プロジェクト: kblw/wot_client
def _readFinalWindowSection(xmlCtx, section, _, windowID, windowType, content):
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    content['restartID'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'restart')
    content['showVideoID'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bSec, 'show-video')
    content['imageUrl'] = section.readString('image')
    hintsSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'battle-hints')
    hints = []
    for typeName, hintSec in hintsSec.items():
        if len(hintSec.keys()):
            data = {'type': typeName}
            for key, subSec in hintSec.items():
                data[key] = translation(subSec.asString)

            hints.append({'type': typeName,
             'label': translation(hintSec.asString)})

    content['battleHints'] = hints
    content['restartHint'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'restart-hint'))
    return chapter.PopUp(windowID, windowType, content, _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'var-ref'))
コード例 #32
def _parseDialog(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    dialogID = parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a dialog ID')
    dialogType = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'type')
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    submitID = bSec.readString('submit', '')
    cancelID = bSec.readString('cancel', '')
    customID = bSec.readString('custom', '')
    content = {'type': dialogType,
     'dialogID': dialogID,
     'submitID': submitID,
     'cancelID': cancelID,
     'customID': customID,
     'title': translation(_xml.readStringOrNone(xmlCtx, section, 'title') or ''),
     'message': translation(_xml.readStringOrNone(xmlCtx, section, 'text') or ''),
     'imageUrl': _xml.readStringOrNone(xmlCtx, section, 'image') or ''}
    parser = _DIALOG_SUB_PARERS.get(dialogType)
    if parser is not None:
        dialog = parser(xmlCtx, section, flags, dialogID, dialogType, content)
        dialog = tutorial_chapter.PopUp(dialogID, dialogType, content)
    dialog.setActions(parseActions(xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'actions'), flags))
    return dialog
コード例 #33
def _readSequenceItem(ctx, sec, fields):
    messageContent = {'data': {}}
    if fields:
        subSec = _xml.getSubsection(ctx, sec, 'data')
        for field in fields:

    return messageContent
コード例 #34
ファイル: sub_parsers__init__.py プロジェクト: Difrex/wotsdk
def _parseDialog(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    dialogID = parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a dialog ID')
    dialogType = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'type')
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    submitID = bSec.readString('submit', '')
    cancelID = bSec.readString('cancel', '')
    if not len(submitID) and not len(cancelID):
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, '', 'Tag submit or cancel must be specified.')
    content = {'type': dialogType,
     'dialogID': dialogID,
     'submitID': submitID,
     'cancelID': cancelID,
     'title': translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'title')),
     'message': translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'text')),
     'imageUrl': section.readString('image')}
    parser = _DIALOG_SUB_PARERS.get(dialogType)
    if parser is not None:
        dialog = parser(xmlCtx, section, flags, dialogID, dialogType, content)
        dialog = chapter.PopUp(dialogID, dialogType, content)
    dialog.setActions(parseActions(xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'actions'), flags))
    return dialog
コード例 #35
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.15-CT
def _parseDialog(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    dialogID = parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a dialog ID')
    dialogType = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'type')
    bSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'buttons')
    submitID = bSec.readString('submit', '')
    cancelID = bSec.readString('cancel', '')
    if not len(submitID) and not len(cancelID):
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, '', 'Tag submit or cancel must be specified.')
    content = {'type': dialogType,
     'dialogID': dialogID,
     'submitID': submitID,
     'cancelID': cancelID,
     'title': translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'title')),
     'message': translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'text')),
     'imageUrl': section.readString('image')}
    parser = _DIALOG_SUB_PARERS.get(dialogType)
    if parser is not None:
        dialog = parser(xmlCtx, section, flags, dialogID, dialogType, content)
        dialog = chapter.PopUp(dialogID, dialogType, content)
    dialog.setActions(parseActions(xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'actions'), flags))
    return dialog
コード例 #36
    def __readControlsSounds(self, xmlCtx):
        controlsSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, xmlCtx, self.CONTROLS)
        self.__default = doc_loaders.readDict(xmlCtx, controlsSection,
        controlsOverridesSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, controlsSection,
        for name in controlsOverridesSection.keys():
            self.__overrides[name] = doc_loaders.readDict(
                xmlCtx, controlsOverridesSection, name)

        for schemaName, schemaSection in _xml.getChildren(
                xmlCtx, controlsSection, self.CONTROLS_SCHEMAS):
            self.__schemas[schemaName] = doc_loaders.readDict(
                xmlCtx, schemaSection, self.SCHEMA_SOUNDS)
            for groupName in _xml.getSubsection(
                    xmlCtx, schemaSection,
                if groupName in self.__groups:
                        'Group has already been read. Will be overriden',
                        groupName, schemaName)
                self.__groups[groupName] = schemaName
コード例 #37
def _readSkinItem(pricesCache, cache, xmlCtx, section, storage):
    skinID = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, section, 'id', 1)
    if skinID in storage:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'id', "duplicate id '%s'" % skinID)
    priceGroup = section.readString('priceGroup')
    tags = _readGroupTags((xmlCtx, 'tags'), section, 'tags')
    firstNameID = _xml.readStringOrEmpty(xmlCtx, section, 'firstName')
    lastNameID = _xml.readNonEmptyString(xmlCtx, section, 'lastName')
    description = _xml.readNonEmptyString(xmlCtx, section, 'description')
    iconID = _xml.readNonEmptyString(xmlCtx, section, 'icon')
    rarity = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, section, 'rarity', 1)
    maxCount = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, section, 'maxCount')
    soundSetID = section.readString('soundSet', crew_skins_constants.NO_CREW_SKIN_SOUND_SET)
    historical = _xml.readBool(xmlCtx, section, 'historical', False)
    realmsStr = section.readString('realms', '')
    realms = realmsStr.split()
    unexpectedRealms = set(realms) - REGIONAL_REALMS
    if unexpectedRealms:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'realms', "unknown realms '%s'" % unexpectedRealms)
    crewSkinItem = cc.CrewSkin(skinID, priceGroup, firstNameID, lastNameID, iconID, description, rarity, maxCount, tags, historical, soundSetID, realms)
    if section.has_key('filters'):
        filterSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'filters')
        if filterSection.has_key('role'):
            roleName = filterSection.readString('role')
            if roleName not in skills_constants.ROLES:
                _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'role', "unknown tankmanRole '%s'" % roleName)
            crewSkinItem.roleID = roleName if roleName else None
        if filterSection.has_key('nation'):
            nation = filterSection.readString('nation', '')
            if nation and nation not in nations.NAMES:
                _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'nation', "unknown nation '%s'" % nation)
            crewSkinItem.nation = nation if nation else None
        if filterSection.has_key('sex'):
            sex = filterSection.readString('sex', '')
            if sex not in crew_skins_constants.TANKMAN_SEX.AVAILABLE:
                _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'sex', "unknown tankman sex '%s'" % sex)
            crewSkinItem.sex = sex
    storage[skinID] = crewSkinItem
    groupsDict = cache.priceGroups
    itemToGroup = cache.itemToPriceGroup
    if crewSkinItem.priceGroup:
        if crewSkinItem.priceGroup not in cache.priceGroupNames:
            _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'priceGroup', 'unknown price group %s for item %s' % (crewSkinItem.priceGroup, crewSkinItem.id))
        priceGroupId = cache.priceGroupNames[crewSkinItem.priceGroup]
        crewSkinItem.priceGroupTags = groupsDict[priceGroupId].tags
        itemToGroup[crewSkinItem.compactDescr] = groupsDict[priceGroupId].compactDescr
        itemNotInShop = section.readBool('notInShop', False)
        _copyPriceForItem(pricesCache, groupsDict[priceGroupId].compactDescr, crewSkinItem.compactDescr, itemNotInShop)
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'priceGroup', 'no price for item %s' % crewSkinItem.id)
コード例 #38
def _readMessageDialogSequenceItem(xmlCtx, section):
    messageContent = {}
    nations = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'nations', False)
    if nations:
        nationsDataDict = messageContent['nations_data'] = {}
        for _, subSec in nations:
            nationID, data = _readMessageDialogData(xmlCtx, subSec, True)
            nationsDataDict[nationID] = data

        subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'data')
        _, messageContent['data'] = _readMessageDialogData(
            xmlCtx, subSec, False)
    return messageContent
コード例 #39
ファイル: offbattle.py プロジェクト: kblw/wot_client
def _readQueueDialogSection(xmlCtx, section, _, dialogID, dialogType, content):
    content['avgTimeTextFormat'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'avg-time-text'))
    subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'player-time-text')
    content['playerTimeTextStart'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'))
    content['playerTimeTextEnd'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'end'))
    pointcuts = []
    for _, subSec in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'time-pointcuts'):
        value = subSec.asFloat
        if value > 0:

    if len(pointcuts) < 2:
        _xml.raiseWrongSection(xmlCtx, 'time-pointcuts: should be the minimum and maximum value')
    content['timePointcuts'] = sorted(pointcuts)
    return chapter.PopUp(dialogID, dialogType, content, _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'var-ref'))
コード例 #40
ファイル: sub_parsersoffbattle.py プロジェクト: Difrex/wotsdk
def _readQueueDialogSection(xmlCtx, section, _, dialogID, dialogType, content):
    content['avgTimeTextFormat'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'avg-time-text'))
    subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'player-time-text')
    content['playerTimeTextStart'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'))
    content['playerTimeTextEnd'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'end'))
    pointcuts = []
    for _, subSec in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'time-pointcuts'):
        value = subSec.asFloat
        if value > 0:

    if len(pointcuts) < 2:
        _xml.raiseWrongSection(xmlCtx, 'time-pointcuts: should be the minimum and maximum value')
    content['timePointcuts'] = sorted(pointcuts)
    return chapter.PopUp(dialogID, dialogType, content, _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'var-ref'))
コード例 #41
def _readGuiItemPropertiesEffectSection(xmlCtx, section, _, conditions, fixedProp=None):
    itemID = parseID(xmlCtx, section, 'Specify a item ID')
    props = {}
    if fixedProp is None:
        for _, subSec in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'properties'):
            propType, propSec = subSec.items()[0]
            props[subSec.asString] = readVarValue(propType, propSec)

        propName, propType = fixedProp
        if propType is not None:
            props[propName] = readVarValue(propType, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'val'))
            props[propName] = None
    return effects.SetGuiItemProperties(itemID, props, conditions=conditions)
コード例 #42
ファイル: tankmen.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.14-CT
def _readRanks(xmlCtx, subsections):
    ranks = []
    rankIDsByNames = {}
    for sname, subsection in subsections:
        if rankIDsByNames.has_key(sname):
            _xml.raiseWrong(xmlCtx, sname, 'is not unique')
        ctx = (xmlCtx, sname)
        rankIDsByNames[sname] = len(ranks)
        if not (IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB):
            ranks.append({'userString': i18n.makeString(_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'userString')),
             'icon': _parseIcon((ctx, 'icon'), _xml.getSubsection(ctx, subsection, 'icon'))})

    return (ranks, rankIDsByNames)
コード例 #43
ファイル: tankmen.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.17-CT
def _readRanks(xmlCtx, subsections):
    ranks = []
    rankIDsByNames = {}
    for sname, subsection in subsections:
        if rankIDsByNames.has_key(sname):
            _xml.raiseWrong(xmlCtx, sname, 'is not unique')
        ctx = (xmlCtx, sname)
        rankIDsByNames[sname] = len(ranks)
        if not (IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB):
            ranks.append({'userString': i18n.makeString(_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'userString')),
             'icon': _parseIcon((ctx, 'icon'), _xml.getSubsection(ctx, subsection, 'icon'))})

    return (ranks, rankIDsByNames)
コード例 #44
def _readCustomizationSlotIdRanges():
    section = ResMgr.openSection(filePath)
    if section is None:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(None, filePath, 'can not open or read')
    xmlCtx = (None, filePath)
    slots = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'slot_id_ranges')
    for partName, part in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'slot_id_ranges'):
        partIds = __customizationSlotIdRanges[partName]
        for itemName, item in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, slots, partName):
            range_min = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, item, 'range_min')
            range_max = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, item, 'range_max')
            partIds[itemName] = (range_min, range_max)

コード例 #45
ファイル: itemstankmen.py プロジェクト: aevitas/wotsdk
def _readNationConfigSection(xmlCtx, section):
    res = {}
    firstNames = {}
    lastNames = {}
    icons = {}
    for kindName in ("normalGroups", "premiumGroups"):
        groups = []
        res[kindName] = groups
        totalWeight = 0.0
        for sname, subsection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, kindName):
            ctx = (xmlCtx, kindName + "/" + sname)
            group = {
                "notInShop": subsection.readBool("notInShop", False),
                "isFemales": "female" == _xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, "sex"),
                "firstNames": _readIDs(
                    (ctx, "firstNames"), _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, "firstNames"), firstNames, _parseName
                "lastNames": _readIDs(
                    (ctx, "lastNames"), _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, "lastNames"), lastNames, _parseName
                "icons": _readIDs((ctx, "icons"), _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, "icons"), icons, _parseIcon),
            group["firstNamesList"] = list(group["firstNames"])
            group["lastNamesList"] = list(group["lastNames"])
            group["iconsList"] = list(group["icons"])
            weight = _xml.readNonNegativeFloat(ctx, subsection, "weight")
            totalWeight += weight
            group["weight"] = weight

        totalWeight = max(0.001, totalWeight)
        for group in groups:
            group["weight"] /= totalWeight

    ranks, rankIDsByNames = _readRanks((xmlCtx, "ranks"), _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, "ranks"))
    res["roleRanks"] = _readRoleRanks(
        (xmlCtx, "roleRanks"), _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, "roleRanks"), rankIDsByNames
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        res["firstNames"] = firstNames
        res["lastNames"] = lastNames
        res["icons"] = icons
        res["ranks"] = ranks
        res["firstNames"] = frozenset(firstNames)
        res["lastNames"] = frozenset(lastNames)
        res["icons"] = frozenset(icons)
    return res
コード例 #46
def _readRanks(xmlCtx, subsections):
    ranks = tankmen_components.RanksSet()
    for sname, subsection in subsections:
        if ranks.getRankByName(sname) is not None:
            _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, sname, 'is not unique')
        sname = intern(sname)
        ctx = (xmlCtx, sname)
        if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
            i18n = shared_components.I18nString(_xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'userString'))
            icon = _parseIcon((ctx, 'icon'), _xml.getSubsection(ctx, subsection, 'icon'))
            rank = tankmen_components.Rank(sname, i18n=i18n, icon=icon)
            rank = tankmen_components.Rank(sname)

    return ranks
コード例 #47
ファイル: tankmen.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.14-CT
def _readSkillsConfig(xmlPath):
    xmlCtx = (None, xmlPath)
    section = ResMgr.openSection(xmlPath)
    if section is None:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(None, xmlPath, 'can not open or read')
    res = {}
    for skillName in ROLES:
        res[skillName] = _readRole(xmlCtx, section, 'roles/' + skillName)

    section = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'skills')
    xmlCtx = (xmlCtx, 'skills')
    for skillName in ACTIVE_SKILLS:
        res[skillName] = _g_skillConfigReaders[skillName](xmlCtx, section, skillName)

    section = None
    ResMgr.purge(xmlPath, True)
    return res
コード例 #48
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: wotmods/WOTDecompiled
def _readDynamicGuiItemSection(xmlCtx, section, itemFlags, itemID, props, conditions):
    item = chapter.DynamicGuiItemRef(itemID, props, conditions=conditions)
    if 'find-criteria' in section.keys():
        subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'find-criteria')
        parentID = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'parent-ref')
        varPath = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'var-path')
        varRef = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'var-ref')
        item.setFindCriteria([parentID, varPath, varRef])
    for _, effectSec in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'not-on-scene-effects'):
        effect = _parseEffect(xmlCtx, effectSec, itemFlags)
        if effect is not None:

    for _, effectSec in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'on-scene-effects'):
        effect = _parseEffect(xmlCtx, effectSec, itemFlags)
        if effect is not None:

    return item
コード例 #49
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.12-CT
def _readItemTypes():
    xmlPath = ITEM_DEFS_PATH + 'item_types.xml'
    section = ResMgr.openSection(xmlPath)
    if section is None:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(None, xmlPath, 'can not open or read')
    xmlCtx = (None, xmlPath)
    res = {}
    for index, name in enumerate(ITEM_TYPE_NAMES):
        if name == 'reserved':
        itemSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, name)
        ctx = (xmlCtx, name)
        tagNames = []
        tags = {}
        if itemSection.has_key('tags'):
            for tagSection in itemSection['tags'].values():
                tagName = intern(tagSection.name)
                if tags.has_key(tagName):
                    _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, 'tags' + tagName, 'tag name is not unique')
                tagDescr = {'name': tagName,
                 'index': len(tagNames)}
                if IS_CLIENT:
                    tagDescr['userString'] = i18n.makeString(tagSection.readString('userString'))
                    tagDescr['description'] = i18n.makeString(tagSection.readString('description'))
                tags[tagName] = tagDescr

        descr = {'index': index,
         'tags': tags,
         'tagNames': tuple(tagNames)}
        if IS_CLIENT:
            descr['userString'] = i18n.makeString(itemSection.readString('userString'))
            descr['description'] = i18n.makeString(itemSection.readString('description'))
        res[name] = descr

    section = None
    itemSection = None
    tagSection = None
    ResMgr.purge(xmlPath, True)
    return res
コード例 #50
ファイル: tankmen.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-0.9.14-CT
def _readNationConfigSection(xmlCtx, section):
    res = {}
    firstNames = {}
    lastNames = {}
    icons = {}
    for kindName in ('normalGroups', 'premiumGroups'):
        groups = []
        res[kindName] = groups
        totalWeight = 0.0
        for sname, subsection in _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, kindName):
            ctx = (xmlCtx, kindName + '/' + sname)
            group = {'notInShop': subsection.readBool('notInShop', False),
             'isFemales': 'female' == _xml.readNonEmptyString(ctx, subsection, 'sex'),
             'firstNames': _readIDs((ctx, 'firstNames'), _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, 'firstNames'), firstNames, _parseName),
             'lastNames': _readIDs((ctx, 'lastNames'), _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, 'lastNames'), lastNames, _parseName),
             'icons': _readIDs((ctx, 'icons'), _xml.getChildren(ctx, subsection, 'icons'), icons, _parseIcon)}
            group['firstNamesList'] = list(group['firstNames'])
            group['lastNamesList'] = list(group['lastNames'])
            group['iconsList'] = list(group['icons'])
            weight = _xml.readNonNegativeFloat(ctx, subsection, 'weight')
            totalWeight += weight
            group['weight'] = weight

        totalWeight = max(0.001, totalWeight)
        for group in groups:
            group['weight'] /= totalWeight

    ranks, rankIDsByNames = _readRanks((xmlCtx, 'ranks'), _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'ranks'))
    res['roleRanks'] = _readRoleRanks((xmlCtx, 'roleRanks'), _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'roleRanks'), rankIDsByNames)
    if IS_CLIENT or IS_WEB:
        res['firstNames'] = firstNames
        res['lastNames'] = lastNames
        res['icons'] = icons
        res['ranks'] = ranks
        res['firstNames'] = frozenset(firstNames)
        res['lastNames'] = frozenset(lastNames)
        res['icons'] = frozenset(icons)
    return res
コード例 #51
ファイル: items__init__.py プロジェクト: aevitas/wotsdk
def _readItemTypes():
    xmlPath = ITEM_DEFS_PATH + "item_types.xml"
    section = ResMgr.openSection(xmlPath)
    if section is None:
        _xml.raiseWrongXml(None, xmlPath, "can not open or read")
    xmlCtx = (None, xmlPath)
    res = {}
    for index, name in enumerate(ITEM_TYPE_NAMES):
        if name.startswith("_"):
        itemSection = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, name)
        ctx = (xmlCtx, name)
        tagNames = []
        tags = {}
        if itemSection.has_key("tags"):
            for tagSection in itemSection["tags"].values():
                tagName = intern(tagSection.name)
                if tags.has_key(tagName):
                    _xml.raiseWrongXml(xmlCtx, "tags" + tagName, "tag name is not unique")
                tagDescr = {"name": tagName, "index": len(tagNames)}
                if IS_CLIENT:
                    tagDescr["userString"] = i18n.makeString(tagSection.readString("userString"))
                    tagDescr["description"] = i18n.makeString(tagSection.readString("description"))
                tags[tagName] = tagDescr

        descr = {"index": index, "tags": tags, "tagNames": tuple(tagNames)}
        if IS_CLIENT:
            descr["userString"] = i18n.makeString(itemSection.readString("userString"))
            descr["description"] = i18n.makeString(itemSection.readString("description"))
        res[name] = descr

    section = None
    itemSection = None
    tagSection = None
    ResMgr.purge(xmlPath, True)
    return res
コード例 #52
ファイル: techtree_dp.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-
    def __readNation(self, shared, nation, clearCache = False):
        xmlPath = NATION_TREE_REL_FILE_PATH % nation
        if clearCache:
        section = ResMgr.openSection(xmlPath)
        if section is None:
            LOG_ERROR('can not open or read nation tree: ', nation, xmlPath)
            return {}
            xmlCtx = (None, xmlPath)
            settingsName = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, section, 'settings')
            if settingsName not in shared['settings']:
                LOG_ERROR('not found settings (<settings> tag): ', settingsName, xmlPath)
                return {}
            precessed = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'grid')
            gridName = precessed.asString
            if gridName not in shared['grids']:
                LOG_ERROR('not found grid (<grid> tag): ', gridName, xmlPath)
                return {}
            xPath = '{0:>s}/grid'.format(xmlPath)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            grid = shared['grids'][gridName]
            settings = shared['settings'][settingsName]
            rows = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, precessed, 'rows')
            columns = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, precessed, 'columns')
            self.__displaySettings[nations.INDICES[nation]] = settings
            nationIndex = self.__availableNations.index(nation)
            hasRoot = settings['hasRoot']
            if hasRoot:
                coords = self.__makeGridCoordsWithRoot(grid, nationIndex, rows, columns)
                coords = self.__makeGridCoordsWoRoot(grid, rows, columns)
            getIDsByName = vehicles.g_list.getIDsByName
            makeIntCDByID = vehicles.makeIntCompactDescrByID
            getVehicle = vehicles.g_cache.vehicle
            precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'nodes')
            displayInfo = {}
            for name, nodeSection in precessed:
                xPath = '{0:>s}/nodes/{1:>s}'.format(xmlPath, name)
                xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
                uName = '{0:>s}:{1:>s}'.format(nation, name)
                    nationID, vTypeID = getIDsByName(uName)
                except Exception:
                    raise _ConfigError(xmlCtx, 'Unknown vehicle type name {0:>s}'.format(uName))

                nodeCD = makeIntCDByID(_VEHICLE_TYPE_NAME, nationID, vTypeID)
                vType = getVehicle(nationID, vTypeID)
                nextLevel = filter(lambda data: getTypeOfCompactDescr(data[1][1]) == _VEHICLE, enumerate(vType.unlocksDescrs))
                for unlockDescr in vType.unlocksDescrs:
                    self.__unlockPrices[unlockDescr[1]][vType.compactDescr] = unlockDescr[0]

                for idx, data in nextLevel:
                    xpCost = data[0]
                    nextCD = data[1]
                    required = data[2:]
                    self.__nextLevels[nodeCD][nextCD] = (idx, xpCost, set(required))
                    for itemCD in required:

                row = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, nodeSection, 'row')
                column = _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, nodeSection, 'column')
                if hasRoot and row > 1 and column is 1:
                    raise _ConfigError(xmlCtx, 'In first column must be one node - root node, {0:>s} '.format(uName))
                elif row > rows or column > columns:
                    raise _ConfigError(xmlCtx, 'Invalid row or column index: {0:>s}, {1:d}, {2:d}'.format(uName, row, column))
                lines = self.__readNodeLines(nodeCD, nation, xmlCtx, nodeSection, shared)
                displayInfo[nodeCD] = {'row': row,
                 'column': column,
                 'position': coords[column - 1][row - 1],
                 'lines': lines}

            return displayInfo
コード例 #53
ファイル: battle.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT0.9.10
def _readWorldMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section):
    subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'world')
    return {'shape': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'shape'),
     'min-distance': _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'min-distance'),
     'max-distance': _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'max-distance'),
     'offset': _xml.readVector3(xmlCtx, subSec, 'offset')}
コード例 #54
ファイル: battle.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT0.9.10
def _readAreaMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section, markerID, varRef):
    subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'minimap')
    minimapData = {'entry-name': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'entry-name'),
     'entry-type': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, subSec, 'entry-type')}
    return chapter.AreaMarker(markerID, varRef, _readModelMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section), _readModelMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section, name='ground'), _readWorldMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section), minimapData, createInd=section.readBool('create-indicator', True))
コード例 #55
ファイル: battle.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT0.9.10
def _readTeleportMarkerSection(xmlCtx, section, markerID, varRef):
    subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'world')
    worldData = {'offset': _xml.readVector3(xmlCtx, subSec, 'offset'),
     'yaw': _xml.readFloat(xmlCtx, subSec, 'yaw')}
    return chapter.AreaMarker(markerID, varRef, {}, {}, worldData, {})
コード例 #56
ファイル: techtree_dp.py プロジェクト: krzcho/WOTDecompiled
    def __readShared(self, clearCache = False):
        if clearCache:
        shared = {'settings': {},
         'grids': {},
         'default': {},
         'lines': {}}
        section = ResMgr.openSection(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        if section is None:
            _xml.raiseWrongXml(None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, 'can not open or read')
        xmlCtx = (None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'settings-set')
        for name, settingsSec in precessed:
            settingsName = settingsSec.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name, settingsName)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            settings = {}
            for _, settingSec in settingsSec.items():
                name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, settingSec, 'name')
                if name not in DISPLAY_SETTINGS:
                    LOG_ERROR('Setting is invalid', name)
                reader = DISPLAY_SETTINGS[name]
                value = getattr(_xml, reader)(xmlCtx, settingSec, 'value')
                settings[name] = value

            for name in DISPLAY_SETTINGS.iterkeys():
                if name not in settings:
                    raise _ConfigError(xmlCtx, 'Setting not found')

            shared['settings'][settingsName] = settings

        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'grids')
        for name, gridSection in precessed:
            gridName = gridSection.asString
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}/{2:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name, gridName)
            gridCtx = (None, xPath)
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, gridSection, 'root')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/root'.format(xPath))
            rootPos = {'start': _xml.readVector2(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start').tuple(),
             'step': _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step')}
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'vertical')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/vertical'.format(xPath))
            vertical = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            subSec = _xml.getSubsection(gridCtx, gridSection, 'horizontal')
            xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/horizontal'.format(xPath))
            horizontal = (_xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'start'), _xml.readInt(xmlCtx, subSec, 'step'))
            shared['grids'][gridName] = {'root': rootPos,
             'vertical': vertical,
             'horizontal': horizontal}

        if self.__availableNations is None:
            self.__availableNations = self.__readAvailableNations((None, TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH), section)
        precessed = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, section, 'lines')
        lines = shared['lines']
        for name, sub in precessed:
            xPath = '{0:>s}/{1:>s}'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH, name)
            xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'inPin')
            inPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'outPin')
            outPins = dict(((pName, pSec.asVector2.tuple()) for pName, pSec in pinsSec))
            pinsSec = _xml.getChildren(xmlCtx, sub, 'viaPin')
            viaPins = defaultdict(_makeDict)
            for outPin, setSec in pinsSec:
                for inPin, pSec in setSec.items():
                    viaPins[outPin][inPin] = map(lambda section: section[1].asVector2.tuple(), pSec.items())

            defSec = sub['default']
            default = {}
            if defSec is not None:
                xmlCtx = (None, '{0:>s}/default'.format(xPath))
                default = {'outPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin'),
                 'inPin': _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')}
            lines[name] = {'inPins': inPins,
             'outPins': outPins,
             'viaPins': viaPins,
             'default': default}

        defSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'default-line')
        xPath = '{0:>s}/default-line'.format(TREE_SHARED_REL_FILE_PATH)
        xmlCtx = (None, xPath)
        name = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'line')
        outPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'outPin')
        inPin = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, defSec, 'inPin')
        self.__getLineInfo(xmlCtx, name, 0, outPin, inPin, lines)
        shared['default'] = {'line': name,
         'inPin': inPin,
         'outPin': outPin}
        return shared
コード例 #57
ファイル: chains.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT-
def readHintSection(xmlCtx, section, flags):
    sectionInfo = sub_parsers.parseHint(xmlCtx, section)
    hint = chapter.ChainHint(sectionInfo['hintID'], sectionInfo['itemID'], sectionInfo['text'], sectionInfo['hasBox'], sectionInfo['arrow'], sectionInfo['padding'])
    hint.setActions(sub_parsers.parseActions(xmlCtx, _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'actions'), flags))
    return hint
コード例 #58
ファイル: lobby.py プロジェクト: webiumsk/WOT0.10.0
def _readBonusSection(xmlCtx, section, content):
    bonusSec = _xml.getSubsection(xmlCtx, section, 'bonus')
    content['bonusValue'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, bonusSec, 'value'))
    content['bonusLabel'] = translation(_xml.readString(xmlCtx, bonusSec, 'label'))
    content['bonusImageUrl'] = _xml.readString(xmlCtx, bonusSec, 'background')
    return content