コード例 #1
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: juanmaneo/ivy
 def int_update(self,domain,pvars):
     if determinize and len(self.args) == 2:
         cond = bool_const('___branch:' + str(self.unique_id))
         ite = IfAction(cond,self.args[0],self.args[1])
         return ite.update(domain,pvars)
     result = [], false_clauses(), false_clauses()
     for a in self.args:
         foo = a.update(domain, pvars)
         result = join_action(result, foo, domain.relations)
     return result
コード例 #2
 def int_update(self,domain,pvars):
     if determinize and len(self.args) == 2:
         cond = bool_const('___branch:' + str(self.unique_id))
         ite = IfAction(cond,self.args[0],self.args[1])
         return ite.update(domain,pvars)
     result = [], false_clauses(), false_clauses()
     for a in self.args:
         foo = a.update(domain, pvars)
         result = join_action(result, foo, domain.relations)
     return result
コード例 #3
ファイル: tactics_api.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
 def top_bottom(node):
     # TODO: change this to use the concrete post already there
     preds, action = arg_get_preds_action(node)
     assert action != "join"
     assert len(preds) == 1
     pred = preds[0]
     implied = implied_facts(forward_image(arg_get_fact(pred), action), [false_clauses()])
     if len(implied) == 1:
         node.clauses = false_clauses()
         node.clauses = true_clauses()
コード例 #4
ファイル: tactics_api.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def top_bottom(node):
     # TODO: change this to use the concrete post already there
     preds, action = arg_get_preds_action(node)
     assert action != 'join'
     assert len(preds) == 1
     pred = preds[0]
     implied = implied_facts(
         forward_image(arg_get_fact(pred), action),
     if len(implied) == 1:
         node.clauses = false_clauses()
         node.clauses = true_clauses()
コード例 #5
def testfunc(mod):
    # for testing/ debugging
    ns = logic.UninterpretedSort("node")
    ids = logic.UninterpretedSort('id')
    n1 = logic.Var('Node0', ns)
    n2 = logic.Var('Node1', ns)
    ineq = logic.Not(logic.Eq(n2, n1))
    leadsorts = [ns, logic.BooleanSort()]
    leadfunc = logic.Const("leader", logic.FunctionSort(*leadsorts))
    idsorts = [ns, logic.UninterpretedSort("id")]
    idfunc = logic.Const("idn", logic.FunctionSort(*idsorts))
    lesorts = [ids, ids, logic.BooleanSort()]
    lefunc = logic.Const('le', logic.FunctionSort(*lesorts))
    leadterm = logic.Apply(leadfunc, *[n1])
    leterm = logic.Apply(
        lefunc, *[logic.Apply(idfunc, *[n1]),
                  logic.Apply(idfunc, *[n2])])
    fmla = logic.Not(logic.And(*[ineq, leadterm, leterm]))
    candInv, coincide = Clauses([fmla]), false_clauses()
    print "<plearn> CandInv", candInv
    for actname in sorted(mod.public_actions):
        spos, sneg = samplePos(mod, candInv, coincide,
                               actname), sampleNeg(mod, candInv, actname)
        spos, sneg = Sample(spos, '1'), Sample(sneg, '0')
        if hasattr(spos, 'interp'):
            print "<plearn> + interp: ", spos.interp
        if hasattr(sneg, 'interp'):
            print "<plearn> - interp: ", sneg.interp
コード例 #6
def learnWeekestInv(mod, clf, actname):
	candInv and coincide will be of type ivy_logic_utils.Clauses.
	coincide is a Clause object representing samples which cannot be distinguish by feature set
    global candInv, coincide
    candInv, coincide = true_clauses(), false_clauses()
    while True:
        spos = samplePos(mod, candInv, coincide,
                         actname)  # Generating positve sample
        sneg = sampleNeg(mod, candInv, actname)
        if spos is None and sneg is None:
        spos, sneg = Sample(spos, '1'), Sample(sneg, '0')
        print "Pos Sample", spos.unv.unvsize() if hasattr(spos,
                                                          'interp') else None
        print "Neg Sample", sneg.unv.unvsize() if hasattr(sneg,
                                                          'interp') else None
        # if hasattr(spos, 'interp'): # spos is not None
        # 	print "<plearn> + sample interpretation : ",spos.interp, "\n" # for detailed information
        # 	spos.displaySample() # for displaying the sample
        # if hasattr(sneg, 'interp'): # sneg is not None
        # print "<plearn> - sample interpretation : ",sneg.interp, "\n" # for detailed information
        # sneg.displaySample()
        clf.addSample(spos)  # adding Positive sample
        print "<plearn> done adding samples"
        import sys
        candInv, coincide = clf.learn()
        print "<plearn> candidate Invariant", candInv
        # print "coincide Clause", coincide
        # a = raw_input('One iteration of loop completed, press enter:')
    return candInv
コード例 #7
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def int_update(self, domain, pvars):
     update = ([], true_clauses(), false_clauses())
     axioms = domain.background_theory(pvars)
     for op in self.args:
         thing = op.int_update(domain, pvars)
         #            print "op: {}, thing: {}".format(op,thing)
         update = compose_updates(update, axioms, thing)
     return update
コード例 #8
    def int_update(self,domain,pvars):
        update = ([],true_clauses(),false_clauses())
        axioms = domain.background_theory(pvars)
        for op in self.args:
            thing = op.int_update(domain,pvars);
#            print "op: {}, thing: {}".format(op,thing)
            update = compose_updates(update,axioms,thing)
        return update
コード例 #9
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
    def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
        lhs, rhs = self.args
        n = lhs.rep

        # Handle the hierarchical case
        if n in domain.hierarchy:
            asgns = [
                postfix_atoms_ast(self, Atom(x, []))
                for x in domain.hierarchy[n]
            res = unzip_append(
                [asgn.action_update(domain, pvars) for asgn in asgns])
            return res

        # If the lhs application is partial, make it total by adding parameters
        xtra = len(lhs.rep.sort.dom) - len(lhs.args)
        if xtra < 0:
            raise IvyError(self,
                           "too many parameters in assignment to " + lhs.rep)
        if xtra > 0:
            extend = sym_placeholders(lhs.rep)[-xtra:]
            extend = variables_distinct_list_ast(extend,
                                                 self)  # get unused variables
            lhs = add_parameters_ast(lhs, extend)
            # Assignment of individual to a boolean is a special case
            if is_individual_ast(rhs) and not is_individual_ast(lhs):
                rhs = eq_atom(extend[-1],
                              add_parameters_ast(rhs, extend[0:-1]))
                rhs = add_parameters_ast(rhs, extend)

        type_check(domain, rhs)
        if is_individual_ast(lhs) != is_individual_ast(rhs):
            #            print type(lhs.rep)
            #            print str(lhs.rep)
            #            print type(lhs.rep.sort)
            #            print "lhs: %s: %s" % (lhs,type(lhs))
            #            print "rhs: %s: %s" % (rhs,type(rhs))
            raise IvyError(self,
                           "sort mismatch in assignment to {}".format(lhs.rep))

        new_n = new(n)
        args = lhs.args
        dlhs = new_n(*sym_placeholders(n))
        vs = dlhs.args
        eqs = [
            eq_atom(v, a) for (v, a) in zip(vs, args)
            if not isinstance(a, Variable)
        rn = dict(
            (a.rep, v) for v, a in zip(vs, args) if isinstance(a, Variable))
        drhs = substitute_ast(rhs, rn)
        if eqs:
            drhs = Ite(And(*eqs), drhs, n(*dlhs.args))
        new_clauses = Clauses([], [Definition(dlhs, drhs)])
        #        print "assign new_clauses = {}".format(new_clauses)
        return ([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #10
    def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
#        print type(self.args[0])
        ca = checked_assert.get()
        if ca:
            if ca != self.lineno:
                return ([],formula_to_clauses(self.args[0]),false_clauses())
        cl = formula_to_clauses(dual_formula(self.args[0]))
#        return ([],formula_to_clauses_tseitin(self.args[0]),cl)
        return ([],true_clauses(),cl)
コード例 #11
ファイル: ivy_ui_cti.py プロジェクト: jamella/ivy
 def start(self):
     self.node(0).clauses = ilu.false_clauses() # just to make CG empty initially
     self.transitive_relations = []
     self.transitive_relation_concepts = []
     self.relations_to_minimize = Thing('relations to minimize')
     self.conjectures = im.module.conjs
     with self.ui_parent.run_context():
     self.have_cti = False
コード例 #12
ファイル: tactics_api.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def get_diagram(goal, weaken=False):
    axioms = _ivy_interp.background_theory()
    d = ivy_solver.clauses_model_to_diagram(
        and_clauses(goal.node.clauses, goal.formula),
        # None,
    return goal_at_arg_node(d, goal.node)
コード例 #13
ファイル: tactics_api.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
def get_diagram(goal, weaken=False):
    axioms = _ivy_interp.background_theory()
    d = ivy_solver.clauses_model_to_diagram(
        and_clauses(goal.node.clauses, goal.formula),
    return goal_at_arg_node(d, goal.node)
コード例 #14
 def start(self):
         0).clauses = ilu.false_clauses()  # just to make CG empty initially
     self.transitive_relations = []
     self.transitive_relation_concepts = []
     self.relations_to_minimize = Thing('relations to minimize')
     self.conjectures = im.module.conjs
     with self.ui_parent.run_context():
     self.have_cti = False
コード例 #15
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def get_update_axioms(self, updated, action):
     #        print "get_update_axioms: {}, {}".format(map(str,updated),action)
     for x in updated:
         if x in self.dependencies.symbols:
             updated = updated + [y for y in self.defines.symbols if y not in updated]
                 precond, postcond = next(y for y in (p.match(action) for p in self.patterns.args) if y != None)
             except StopIteration:
                 raise IvyError(action, "No matching update axiom for " + str(x))
             postcond = state_to_action((updated, postcond, precond))
             #                print "update axioms: {}, {}, {}".format(map(str,postcond[0]),postcond[1],postcond[2])
             return (updated, postcond[1], precond)
     return (updated, true_clauses(), false_clauses())
コード例 #16
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lit = self.args[0]
     n = lit.atom.relname
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lit.atom.args
     vs = sym_placeholders(n)
     eqs = [Atom(equals,[v,a]) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     new_clauses = And(*([Or(sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1-lit.polarity,Atom(n,vs))),
                          sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,args))] +
                         [Or(*([sign(0,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(*([sign(1,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(0,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs]))
     new_clauses = formula_to_clauses(new_clauses)
     return ([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #17
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lit = self.args[0]
     n = lit.atom.relname
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lit.atom.args
     vs = sym_placeholders(n)
     eqs = [Atom(equals,[v,a]) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     new_clauses = And(*([Or(sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1-lit.polarity,Atom(n,vs))),
                          sign(lit.polarity,Atom(new_n,args))] +
                         [Or(*([sign(0,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(1,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(*([sign(1,Atom(new_n,vs)),sign(0,Atom(n,vs))] + [eq])) for eq in eqs]))
     new_clauses = formula_to_clauses(new_clauses)
     return ([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #18
    def get_update_axioms(self,updated,action):
#        print "get_update_axioms: {}, {}".format(map(str,updated),action)
        for x in updated:
            if x in self.dependencies.symbols:
                updated = updated + [y for y in self.defines.symbols if y not in updated]
                    precond,postcond = next(y for y in (p.match(action) for p in self.patterns.args) if y != None)
                except StopIteration:
                    raise IvyError(action,'No matching update axiom for ' + str(x))
                postcond = state_to_action((updated,postcond,precond))
#                print "update axioms: {}, {}, {}".format(map(str,postcond[0]),postcond[1],postcond[2])
                return (updated,postcond[1],precond)
        return (updated,true_clauses(),false_clauses())
コード例 #19
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def int_update(self, domain, pvars):
     inst = self.args[0]
     if hasattr(domain, "macros"):
         im = instantiate_macro(inst, domain.macros)
         #            print "im: {}".format(im)
         if im:
             #                print im
             res = im.compile().int_update(domain, pvars)
             ##                print "res: {}".format(res)
             return res
     if inst.relname in domain.schemata:
         clauses = domain.schemata[inst.relname].get_instance(inst.args)
         return ([], clauses, false_clauses())
     raise IvyError(inst, "instantiation of undefined: {}".format(inst.relname))
コード例 #20
    def int_update(self,domain,pvars):
        inst = self.args[0]
        if hasattr(domain,'macros'):
            im = instantiate_macro(inst,domain.macros)
#            print "im: {}".format(im)
            if im:
#                print im
                res = im.compile().int_update(domain,pvars)
##                print "res: {}".format(res)
                return res
        if inst.relname in domain.schemata:
            clauses = domain.schemata[inst.relname].get_instance(inst.args)
            return ([],clauses, false_clauses())
        raise IvyError(inst,"instantiation of undefined: {}".format(inst.relname))
コード例 #21
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lhs = type_ast(domain,self.args[0])
     n = lhs.rep
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lhs.args
     vs = [Variable("X%d" % i,s) for i,s in enumerate(n.sort.dom)]
     eqs = [eq_atom(v,a) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     if is_atom(lhs):
         clauses = And(*([Or(Not(Atom(new_n,vs)),Atom(n,vs),eq) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(Atom(new_n,vs),Not(Atom(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs]))
     elif is_individual_ast(lhs.rep):
         clauses = And(*[Or(eq_atom(type(lhs)(new_n,vs),type(lhs)(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs])
     else: # TODO: ???
         clauses = And()
     clauses = formula_to_clauses(clauses)
     return ([n], clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #22
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lhs = self.args[0]
     n = lhs.rep
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lhs.args
     vs = [Variable("X%d" % i,s) for i,s in enumerate(n.sort.dom)]
     eqs = [eq_atom(v,a) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     if is_atom(lhs):
         clauses = And(*([Or(Not(Atom(new_n,vs)),Atom(n,vs),eq) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(Atom(new_n,vs),Not(Atom(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs]))
     elif is_individual_ast(lhs.rep):
         clauses = And(*[Or(eq_atom(type(lhs)(new_n,vs),type(lhs)(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs])
     else: # TODO: ???
         clauses = And()
     clauses = formula_to_clauses(clauses)
     return ([n], clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #23
ファイル: ivy_alpha.py プロジェクト: yotamfe/ivy
    def post_step(self,concept_spaces):
        if self.unsat:
            return false_clauses()
        self.inferred = []
#        print "cs: {}".format(concept_spaces)
        for atom,cs in concept_spaces:
            if log:
                print "concept space: %s" % atom
            concepts = cs.enumerate(self.memo,self.test_cube)
            if log:
                print "result: {}".format([str(c) for c in concepts])
            self.memo[atom.relname] = ([t.rep for t in atom.args], concepts)
        res = self.inferred
        if log:
            print "inferred: {}".format([[str(c) for c in cls] for cls in res])
        del self.inferred
        return Clauses(res)
コード例 #24
 def post_step(self, concept_spaces):
     if self.unsat:
         return false_clauses()
     self.inferred = []
     #        print "cs: {}".format(concept_spaces)
     for atom, cs in concept_spaces:
         if log:
             print "concept space: %s" % atom
         concepts = cs.enumerate(self.memo, self.test_cube)
         if log:
             print "result: {}".format([str(c) for c in concepts])
         self.memo[atom.relname] = ([t.rep for t in atom.args], concepts)
     res = self.inferred
     if log:
         print "inferred: {}".format([[str(c) for c in cls] for cls in res])
     del self.inferred
     return Clauses(res)
コード例 #25
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
    def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
        lhs, rhs = self.args
        n = lhs.rep

        # Handle the hierarchical case
        if n in domain.hierarchy:
            asgns = [postfix_atoms_ast(self, Atom(x, [])) for x in domain.hierarchy[n]]
            res = unzip_append([asgn.action_update(domain, pvars) for asgn in asgns])
            return res

        # If the lhs application is partial, make it total by adding parameters
        xtra = len(lhs.rep.sort.dom) - len(lhs.args)
        if xtra < 0:
            raise IvyError(self, "too many parameters in assignment to " + lhs.rep)
        if xtra > 0:
            extend = sym_placeholders(lhs.rep)[-xtra:]
            extend = variables_distinct_list_ast(extend, self)  # get unused variables
            lhs = add_parameters_ast(lhs, extend)
            # Assignment of individual to a boolean is a special case
            if is_individual_ast(rhs) and not is_individual_ast(lhs):
                rhs = eq_atom(extend[-1], add_parameters_ast(rhs, extend[0:-1]))
                rhs = add_parameters_ast(rhs, extend)

        type_check(domain, rhs)
        if is_individual_ast(lhs) != is_individual_ast(rhs):
            #            print type(lhs.rep)
            #            print str(lhs.rep)
            #            print type(lhs.rep.sort)
            #            print "lhs: %s: %s" % (lhs,type(lhs))
            #            print "rhs: %s: %s" % (rhs,type(rhs))
            raise IvyError(self, "sort mismatch in assignment to {}".format(lhs.rep))

        new_n = new(n)
        args = lhs.args
        dlhs = new_n(*sym_placeholders(n))
        vs = dlhs.args
        eqs = [eq_atom(v, a) for (v, a) in zip(vs, args) if not isinstance(a, Variable)]
        rn = dict((a.rep, v) for v, a in zip(vs, args) if isinstance(a, Variable))
        drhs = substitute_ast(rhs, rn)
        if eqs:
            drhs = Ite(And(*eqs), drhs, n(*dlhs.args))
        new_clauses = Clauses([], [Definition(dlhs, drhs)])
        #        print "assign new_clauses = {}".format(new_clauses)
        return ([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #26
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: ZZHGit/ivy
def null_update():
    return SemActionValue([],true_clauses(),false_clauses())
コード例 #27
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def int_update(self, domain, pvars):
     result = [], false_clauses(), false_clauses()
     for a in self.args:
         result = join_action(result, a.int_update(domain, pvars),
     return result
コード例 #28
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: asyaf/ivy
def null_update():
    return SemActionValue([], true_clauses(), false_clauses())
コード例 #29
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: simudream/ivy
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     return ([], formula_to_clauses_tseitin(self.args[0]), false_clauses())
コード例 #30
def null_update():
    return ([], true_clauses(), false_clauses())
コード例 #31
def bottom_state():
    return pure_state(false_clauses())
コード例 #32
def pure_state(clauses):
    return (None, clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #33
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def pure_state(clauses):
    return (None,clauses,false_clauses())
コード例 #34
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     check_can_assume(self.args[0], self)
     return SemActionValue([], formula_to_clauses_tseitin(self.args[0]),
コード例 #35
 def get_update_axioms(self,updated,action):
     defines = self.defn.args[0].rep
     if defines not in updated and any(x in self.dependencies for x in updated):
     return (updated,true_clauses(),false_clauses())
コード例 #36
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: ZZHGit/ivy
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     return SemActionValue([],formula_to_clauses_tseitin(self.args[0]),false_clauses())
コード例 #37
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def null_update():
    return ([],true_clauses(),false_clauses())
コード例 #38
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     clauses = formula_to_clauses_tseitin(skolemize_formula(self.args[0]))
     clauses = unfold_definitions_clauses(clauses)
     return ([],clauses,false_clauses())
コード例 #39
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def int_update(self, domain, pvars):
     result = [], false_clauses(), false_clauses()
     for a in self.args:
         result = join_action(result, a.int_update(domain, pvars), domain.relations)
     return result
コード例 #40
    def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
        lhs,rhs = self.args
        n = lhs.rep

        # Handle the hierarchical case
        if n in domain.hierarchy:
            asgns = [postfix_atoms_ast(self,Atom(x,[])) for x in domain.hierarchy[n]]
            res = unzip_append([asgn.action_update(domain,pvars) for asgn in asgns])
            return res

        # If the lhs application is partial, make it total by adding parameters
        xtra = len(lhs.rep.sort.dom) - len(lhs.args)
        if xtra < 0:
            raise IvyError(self,"too many parameters in assignment to " + lhs.rep)
        if xtra > 0:
            extend = sym_placeholders(lhs.rep)[-xtra:]
            extend = variables_distinct_list_ast(extend,self)  # get unused variables
            lhs = add_parameters_ast(lhs,extend)
            # Assignment of individual to a boolean is a special case
            if is_individual_ast(rhs) and not is_individual_ast(lhs):
                rhs = eq_atom(extend[-1],add_parameters_ast(rhs,extend[0:-1]))
                rhs = add_parameters_ast(rhs,extend)

        lhs_vars = used_variables_ast(lhs)
        if any(v not in lhs_vars for v in used_variables_ast(rhs)):
            print self
            raise IvyError(self,"multiply assigned: {}".format(lhs.rep))

        if is_individual_ast(lhs) != is_individual_ast(rhs):
#            print type(lhs.rep)
#            print str(lhs.rep)
#            print type(lhs.rep.sort)
#            print "lhs: %s: %s" % (lhs,type(lhs))
#            print "rhs: %s: %s" % (rhs,type(rhs))
            raise IvyError(self,"sort mismatch in assignment to {}".format(lhs.rep))

        # For a destructor assignment, we actually mutate the first argument

        if n.name in ivy_module.module.destructor_sorts:
            mut = lhs.args[0]
            rest = list(lhs.args[1:])
            mut_n = mut.rep
            nondet = mut_n.suffix("_nd").skolem()
            new_clauses = mk_assign_clauses(mut_n,nondet(*sym_placeholders(mut_n)))
            fmlas = []
            nondet_lhs = lhs.rep(*([nondet(*mut.args)]+rest))
            vs = sym_placeholders(n)
            dlhs = n(*([nondet(*mut.args)] + vs[1:]))
            drhs = n(*([mut] + vs[1:]))
            eqs = [eq_atom(v,a) for (v,a) in zip(vs,lhs.args)[1:] if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
            if eqs:
            for destr in ivy_module.module.sort_destructors[mut.sort.name]:
                if destr != n:
                    phs = sym_placeholders(destr)
                    a1 = [nondet(*mut.args)] + phs[1:]
                    a2 = [mut] + phs[1:]
            new_clauses = and_clauses(new_clauses,Clauses(fmlas))
            return ([mut_n], new_clauses, false_clauses())

        new_clauses = mk_assign_clauses(lhs,rhs)
#        print "assign new_clauses = {}".format(new_clauses)
        return ([n], new_clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #41
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: ZZHGit/ivy
def pure_state(clauses):
    return SemStateValue(None,clauses,false_clauses())
コード例 #42
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: asyaf/ivy
def pure_state(clauses):
    return SemStateValue(None, clauses, false_clauses())
コード例 #43
ファイル: ivy_transrel.py プロジェクト: odedp/ivy
def bottom_state():
    return pure_state(false_clauses())
コード例 #44
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def get_update_axioms(self, updated, action):
     defines = self.defn.args[0].rep
     if defines not in updated and any(x in self.dependencies for x in updated):
     return (updated, true_clauses(), false_clauses())
コード例 #45
ファイル: ivy_actions.py プロジェクト: JJTRX/ivy
 def action_update(self, domain, pvars):
     type_check(domain, self.args[0])
     return ([], formula_to_clauses_tseitin(self.args[0]), false_clauses())
コード例 #46
 def int_update(self,domain,pvars):
     return ([], true_clauses(), false_clauses())
コード例 #47
import ivy_ast
import display_sample as ds
import ivy_utils as iu

# <TODO> No such assumption as universe cannot be empty
# <TODO> support for enumerated sort
# <TODO> dictionary mapping Var to its assigned number
# <TODO> action Clause for positive sample is different from Neg sample
module = None
featureset = []
numVarFS = {
}  # number of Variables(quant.) of each sort in feature set (invariant: equal to max number of quantified Var that could be present in CandInv)
numVarInv = {
}  # number of variables of each sort in learned as well as previous invariant. Used for determining instance size
candInv = true_clauses()
coincide = false_clauses()
silent = False  # if True then silent the print statement in sat checker (ivy backend)
enum = iu.BooleanParameter("enum", False)
	:returns a tuple containing universe and pure state.
	pure state is again a tuple with 2nd element a clause repr that state

def sampleUtil(mod, preclause, fcs, actname):
	a sample created by using z3 which satsfies preclauses and final condition(fcs) where transtion 
	function is obtained from action corresponding to actname
    action = mod.actions[actname]
    ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph()