コード例 #1
ファイル: warning_instance.py プロジェクト: pyre/pyre
def test():
    Verify the initial channel state
    # get the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # make a channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # verify the channel name
    assert channel.name == "tests.journal.warning"
    # the detail should be at the default level
    assert channel.detail == 1
    # it should be active
    assert channel.active is True
    # and non-fatal
    assert channel.fatal is False

    # the page should be empty
    assert list(channel.page) == []
    # verify the metadata
    assert channel.notes["application"] == "journal"
    assert channel.notes["channel"] == channel.name
    assert channel.notes["severity"] == channel.severity

    # all done
コード例 #2
def test():
    Exercise a fatal warning channel with a realistic example
    # get the trash can
    from journal.ext.journal import Trash as trash
    # and the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # make a warning channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # make it fatal
    channel.fatal = True
    # send the output to trash
    channel.device = trash()

    # add some metadata
    channel.notes["time"] = "now"

    # we asked for this to be fatal, so carefully
        # inject something
        channel.line("warning channel:")
        channel.log("    hello world!")
        # this should be unreachable
        assert False, "unreachable"
    # if all goes well
    except channel.ApplicationError:
        # all good

    # all done
コード例 #3
ファイル: warning_empty.py プロジェクト: jlmaurer/pyre
def test():
    Verify that empty log messages get handled properly
    # get the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # make a channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")

    # inject an empty message

    # all done
コード例 #4
ファイル: warning_report.py プロジェクト: pyre/pyre
def test():
    Exercise adding multiple lines at once
    # get the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning
    # and the trash can
    from journal.ext.journal import Trash as trash

    # make a channel
    channel = warning(name="test.journal.warning")
    # activate it
    # but send the output to trash
    channel.device = trash()

    # content in a tuple
    reptuple = (
        "report from tuple:",
        "  tuple line 1",
        "  tuple line 2",

    # content in a list
    replist = [
        "report from list:",
        "  list line 1",
        "  list line 2",

    # content in a generator
    def repgen():
        yield "report from generator:"
        yield "  generator line 1"
        yield "  generator line 2"

    # inject
    # flush

    # all done
コード例 #5
ファイル: warning_inject.py プロジェクト: jlmaurer/pyre
def test():
    Exercise the simplest use case
    # get the trash can
    from journal.ext.journal import Trash as trash
    # and the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # make a warning channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # send the output to trash
    channel.device = trash()

    # inject
    channel.log("hello world!")

    # all done
コード例 #6
def test():
    Verify that repeated access to the same channel does not accumulate extraneous material
    # get the trash can
    from journal.ext.journal import Trash as trash
    # and the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # make a warning channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # send the output to trash
    channel.device = trash()

    # a few times
    for _ in range(10):
        # inject
        channel.log("hello world!")

    # all done
コード例 #7
def test():
    Send all warnings to a log file
    # get the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # send output to a log file

    # make a warning channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # add some metadata
    channel.notes["time"] = "now"

    # inject
    channel.line("warning channel:")
    channel.log("    hello world!")

    # all done
コード例 #8
def test():
    Verify we an suppress all channel output
    # get the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # suppress all output

    # make a warning channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # add some metadata
    channel.notes["time"] = "now"

    # inject
    channel.line("warning channel:")
    channel.log("    hello world!")

    # all done
コード例 #9
def test():
    Verify that the channel buffers get flushed properly after {log}
    # get the trash can
    from journal.ext.journal import Trash as trash
    # and the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # make a warning channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # send the output to trash
    channel.device = trash()

    # inject
    channel.log("hello world!")

    # verify that the buffer is empty after the flush
    assert len(channel.page) == 0

    # all done
コード例 #10
def test():
    Exercise the warning channel with a realistic example
    # get the trash can
    from journal.ext.journal import Trash as trash
    # and the channel
    from journal.ext.journal import Warning as warning

    # make a warning channel
    channel = warning(name="tests.journal.warning")
    # send the output to trash
    channel.device = trash()
    # add some metadata
    channel.notes["time"] = "now"

    # inject
    channel.line("warning channel:")
    channel.log("    hello world!")

    # all done