コード例 #1
    def check_version(self, timeout=2, strict=False):
        """Attempt to guess the broker version.

        Note: This is a blocking call.

        Returns: version tuple, i.e. (0, 10), (0, 9), (0, 8, 2), ...
        # Monkeypatch some connection configurations to avoid timeouts
        override_config = {
            'request_timeout_ms': timeout * 1000,
            'max_in_flight_requests_per_connection': 5
        stashed = {}
        for key in override_config:
            stashed[key] = self.config[key]
            self.config[key] = override_config[key]

        # kafka kills the connection when it doesnt recognize an API request
        # so we can send a test request and then follow immediately with a
        # vanilla MetadataRequest. If the server did not recognize the first
        # request, both will be failed with a ConnectionError that wraps
        # socket.error (32, 54, or 104)
        from .protocol.admin import ApiVersionRequest, ListGroupsRequest
        from .protocol.commit import OffsetFetchRequest, GroupCoordinatorRequest
        from .protocol.metadata import MetadataRequest

        # Socket errors are logged as exceptions and can alarm users. Mute them
        from logging import Filter

        class ConnFilter(Filter):
            def filter(self, record):
                if record.funcName == 'check_version':
                    return True
                return False
        log_filter = ConnFilter()

        test_cases = [
            ((0, 10), ApiVersionRequest[0]()),
            ((0, 9), ListGroupsRequest[0]()),
            ((0, 8, 2), GroupCoordinatorRequest[0]('kafka-python-default-group')),
            ((0, 8, 1), OffsetFetchRequest[0]('kafka-python-default-group', [])),
            ((0, 8, 0), MetadataRequest[0]([])),

        def connect():
            if self.connected():
            timeout_at = time.time() + timeout
            while time.time() < timeout_at and self.connecting():
                if self.connect() is ConnectionStates.CONNECTED:
            raise Errors.NodeNotReadyError()

        for version, request in test_cases:
            f = self.send(request)
            # HACK: sleeping to wait for socket to send bytes
            # when broker receives an unrecognized request API
            # it abruptly closes our socket.
            # so we attempt to send a second request immediately
            # that we believe it will definitely recognize (metadata)
            # the attempt to write to a disconnected socket should
            # immediately fail and allow us to infer that the prior
            # request was unrecognized
            mr = self.send(MetadataRequest[0]([]))

            if self._sock:
            while not (f.is_done and mr.is_done):
            if self._sock:

            if f.succeeded():
                log.info('Broker version identifed as %s', '.'.join(map(str, version)))
                log.info('Set configuration api_version=%s to skip auto'
                         ' check_version requests on startup', version)

            # Only enable strict checking to verify that we understand failure
            # modes. For most users, the fact that the request failed should be
            # enough to rule out a particular broker version.
            if strict:
                # If the socket flush hack did not work (which should force the
                # connection to close and fail all pending requests), then we
                # get a basic Request Timeout. This is not ideal, but we'll deal
                if isinstance(f.exception, Errors.RequestTimedOutError):

                # 0.9 brokers do not close the socket on unrecognized api
                # requests (bug...). In this case we expect to see a correlation
                # id mismatch
                elif (isinstance(f.exception, Errors.CorrelationIdError) and
                      version == (0, 10)):
                elif six.PY2:
                    assert isinstance(f.exception.args[0], socket.error)
                    assert f.exception.args[0].errno in (32, 54, 104)
                    assert isinstance(f.exception.args[0], ConnectionError)
            log.info("Broker is not v%s -- it did not recognize %s",
                     version, request.__class__.__name__)
            raise Errors.UnrecognizedBrokerVersion()

        for key in stashed:
            self.config[key] = stashed[key]
        return version
コード例 #2
    def check_version(self, timeout=2, strict=False):
        """Attempt to guess the broker version. This is a blocking call."""

        # Monkeypatch the connection request timeout
        # Generally this timeout should not get triggered
        # but in case it does, we want it to be reasonably short
        stashed_request_timeout_ms = self.config['request_timeout_ms']
        self.config['request_timeout_ms'] = timeout * 1000

        # kafka kills the connection when it doesnt recognize an API request
        # so we can send a test request and then follow immediately with a
        # vanilla MetadataRequest. If the server did not recognize the first
        # request, both will be failed with a ConnectionError that wraps
        # socket.error (32, 54, or 104)
        from .protocol.admin import ListGroupsRequest
        from .protocol.commit import OffsetFetchRequest, GroupCoordinatorRequest
        from .protocol.metadata import MetadataRequest

        # Socket errors are logged as exceptions and can alarm users. Mute them
        from logging import Filter

        class ConnFilter(Filter):
            def filter(self, record):
                if record.funcName in ('recv', 'send'):
                    return False
                return True

        log_filter = ConnFilter()

        test_cases = [
            ('0.9', ListGroupsRequest[0]()),
            ('0.8.1', OffsetFetchRequest[0]('kafka-python-default-group', [])),
            ('0.8.0', MetadataRequest[0]([])),

        def connect():
            if self.connected():
            timeout_at = time.time() + timeout
            while time.time() < timeout_at and self.connecting():
                if self.connect() is ConnectionStates.CONNECTED:
            raise Errors.NodeNotReadyError()

        for version, request in test_cases:
            f = self.send(request)
            # HACK: sleeping to wait for socket to send bytes
            # when broker receives an unrecognized request API
            # it abruptly closes our socket.
            # so we attempt to send a second request immediately
            # that we believe it will definitely recognize (metadata)
            # the attempt to write to a disconnected socket should
            # immediately fail and allow us to infer that the prior
            # request was unrecognized

            if self._sock:
            while not f.is_done:
            if self._sock:

            if f.succeeded():
                log.info('Broker version identifed as %s', version)
                    "Set configuration api_version='%s' to skip auto"
                    " check_version requests on startup", version)

            # Only enable strict checking to verify that we understand failure
            # modes. For most users, the fact that the request failed should be
            # enough to rule out a particular broker version.
            if strict:
                # If the socket flush hack did not work (which should force the
                # connection to close and fail all pending requests), then we
                # get a basic Request Timeout. This is not ideal, but we'll deal
                if isinstance(f.exception, Errors.RequestTimedOutError):
                elif six.PY2:
                    assert isinstance(f.exception.args[0], socket.error)
                    assert f.exception.args[0].errno in (32, 54, 104)
                    assert isinstance(f.exception.args[0], ConnectionError)
            log.info("Broker is not v%s -- it did not recognize %s", version,
            raise Errors.UnrecognizedBrokerVersion()

        self.config['request_timeout_ms'] = stashed_request_timeout_ms
        return version