コード例 #1
def get_app_xp_for_challenge(app, challenge_no):
    xp_file_json = read_json(xp_file)

        return xp_file_json[app]['level'][challenge_no]
    except KeyError:
        return 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: badges.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def calculate_kano_level():
    Calculates the current level of the user
    Returns: level, percentage and current xp
    level_rules = read_json(levels_file)
    if not level_rules:
        return -1, 0, 0

    max_level = max([int(n) for n in level_rules.keys()])
    xp_now = calculate_xp()

    for level in xrange(1, max_level + 1):
        level_min = level_rules[str(level)]

        if level != max_level:
            level_max = level_rules[str(level + 1)] - 1
            level_max = float("inf")

        if level_min <= xp_now <= level_max:
            reached_level = level
            reached_percentage = (xp_now - level_min) / (level_max + 1 - level_min)

            return int(reached_level), reached_percentage, xp_now
コード例 #3
ファイル: badges.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def load_badge_rules():
    if not os.path.exists(rules_dir):
        logger.error('rules dir missing')

    merged_rules = dict()
    subfolders = ['badges', 'environments']
    for folder in subfolders:
        folder_fullpath = os.path.join(rules_dir, folder)
        if not os.path.exists(folder_fullpath):
            logger.error('rules subfolder missing: {}'.format(folder_fullpath))

        rule_files = os.listdir(folder_fullpath)
        if not rule_files:
            logger.error('no rule files in subfolder: {}'.format(folder_fullpath))

        for rule_file in rule_files:
            rule_file_fullpath = os.path.join(folder_fullpath, rule_file)
            rule_data = read_json(rule_file_fullpath)
            if not rule_data:
                logger.error('rule file empty: {}'.format(rule_file_fullpath))

            category = folder
            subcategory = rule_file.split('.')[0]

            merged_rules.setdefault(category, dict())[subcategory] = rule_data
    return merged_rules
コード例 #4
def get_app_xp_for_challenge(app, challenge_no):
    xp_file_json = read_json(xp_file)

        return xp_file_json[app]['level'][challenge_no]
    except KeyError:
        return 0
コード例 #5
def load_badge_rules():
    if not os.path.exists(rules_dir):
        logger.error("rules dir missing")

    merged_rules = dict()
    subfolders = ['badges', 'environments']
    for folder in subfolders:
        folder_fullpath = os.path.join(rules_dir, folder)
        if not os.path.exists(folder_fullpath):
            logger.error("rules subfolder missing: {}".format(folder_fullpath))

        rule_files = os.listdir(folder_fullpath)
        if not rule_files:
                "no rule files in subfolder: {}".format(folder_fullpath))

        for rule_file in rule_files:
            rule_file_fullpath = os.path.join(folder_fullpath, rule_file)
            if os.path.splitext(rule_file_fullpath)[1] != '.json':
                    "Skipping over non json {}".format(rule_file_fullpath))
            rule_data = read_json(rule_file_fullpath)
            if not rule_data:
                logger.error("rule file empty: {}".format(rule_file_fullpath))

            category = folder
            subcategory = rule_file.split('.')[0]

            merged_rules.setdefault(category, dict())[subcategory] = rule_data
    return merged_rules
コード例 #6
ファイル: badges.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def calculate_xp():
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return -1

    points = 0

    for app, groups in allrules.iteritems():
        appstate = load_app_state(app)
        if not appstate:

        for group, rules in groups.iteritems():
            # calculating points based on level
            if group == 'level' and 'level' in appstate:
                maxlevel = int(appstate['level'])

                for level, value in rules.iteritems():
                    level = int(level)
                    value = int(value)

                    if level <= maxlevel:
                        points += value

            # calculating points based on multipliers
            if group == 'multipliers':
                for thing, value in rules.iteritems():
                    value = float(value)
                    if thing in appstate:
                        points += value * appstate[thing]

    qm = Quests()
    return int(points) + qm.evaluate_xp()
コード例 #7
def calculate_kano_level():
    Calculates the current level of the user
    Returns: level, percentage and current xp
    level_rules = read_json(levels_file)
    if not level_rules:
        return -1, 0, 0

    max_level = max([int(n) for n in level_rules.keys()])
    xp_now = calculate_xp()

    for level in xrange(1, max_level + 1):
        level_min = level_rules[str(level)]

        if level != max_level:
            level_max = level_rules[str(level + 1)] - 1
            level_max = float('inf')

        if level_min <= xp_now <= level_max:
            reached_level = level
            reached_percentage = (xp_now - level_min) / (level_max + 1 -

            return int(reached_level), reached_percentage, xp_now
コード例 #8
ファイル: apps.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def launch_project(app, filename, data_dir):
    logger.info('launch_project: {} {} {}'.format(app, filename, data_dir))

    app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)

    fullpath = os.path.join(data_dir, filename)
    cmd = app_profiles[app]['cmd'].format(fullpath=fullpath, filename=filename)
    _, _, rc = run_print_output_error(cmd)
    return rc
コード例 #9
def get_gamestate_variables(app_name):
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return list()

    groups = allrules[app_name]

    for group, rules in groups.iteritems():
        if group == 'multipliers':
            return [str(key) for key in rules.keys()]
コード例 #10
def get_gamestate_variables(app_name):
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return list()

    groups = allrules[app_name]

    for group, rules in groups.iteritems():
        if group == 'multipliers':
            return [str(key) for key in rules.keys()]
コード例 #11
def get_setting(variable):

        value = read_json(settings_file)[variable]
    except Exception:
        key = get_pi_key()
        if variable not in defaults[key]:
            logger.info('Defaults not found for variable: {}'.format(variable))
        value = defaults[key][variable]
    return value
コード例 #12
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
    def upload_share(self, file_path, title, app_name, featured):
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            return False, "File path not found: {}".format(file_path)

        extensionless_path = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0]

        # attachment
            files = {"attachment": open(file_path, "rb")}

            # List of attachments to search for in (name, extension) format
            attachment_files = [("cover", "png"), ("resource", "tar.gz"), ("sample", "mp3")]

            for attachment in attachment_files:
                key, ext = attachment
                attachment_path = "{}.{}".format(extensionless_path, ext)

                if os.path.exists(attachment_path):
                    logger.debug("uploading {}: {}".format(key, attachment_path))
                    files[key] = open(attachment_path, "rb")

        except IOError as e:
            files = None
            txt = "Error opening the files to be shared {}".format(str(e))

        # Since we can't open the file, there is no need to continue
        if not files:
            return False, txt

        # data
        payload = {"title": title, "featured": featured}

        # description
        jsonfile_path = "{}.json".format(extensionless_path)
            description = read_json(jsonfile_path)["description"]
            logger.debug("uploading json: {}".format(jsonfile_path))
            payload["description"] = description
        except Exception:
            description = None

        logger.debug("uploading payload: {}".format(payload))
        logger.debug("uploading files: {}".format(files))

        endpoint = "/share/{}".format(app_name)

        success, text, data = request_wrapper("post", endpoint, session=self.session, files=files, data=payload)
        if not success:
            return False, text

        success = "success" in data and data["success"]
        if not success:
            return False, "Share upload not successful!"
        return True, None
コード例 #13
def set_chromium_policies(policies):
    if not os.path.exists(chromium_policy_file):
        policy_config = {}
        policy_config = read_json(chromium_policy_file)

    for policy in policies:
        policy_config[policy[0]] = policy[1]

    write_json(chromium_policy_file, policy_config)
コード例 #14
def set_chromium_policies(policies):
    if not os.path.exists(chromium_policy_file):
        policy_config = {}
        policy_config = read_json(chromium_policy_file)

    for policy in policies:
        policy_config[policy[0]] = policy[1]

    write_json(chromium_policy_file, policy_config)
コード例 #15
def set_setting(variable, value):

    if username == 'root':

    logger.debug('config_file / set_setting: {} {}'.format(variable, value))

    data = read_json(settings_file)
    if not data:
        data = dict()

    data[variable] = value
    write_json(settings_file, data)
コード例 #16
def launch_project(app, filename, data_dir, background=False):
    # This is necessary to support the new official names
    # TODO: once the apps have been renamed this will not be necessary
    name_translation = {
        'make-art': 'kano-draw',
        'terminal-quest': 'linux-story'

    app_tr = name_translation.get(app, app)

    logger.info("launch_project: {} {} {}".format(app_tr, filename, data_dir))

    app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)

    # XML file with complete pathname
    fullpath = os.path.join(data_dir, filename)

    # Prepare the command line to open the app with the new project
        cmd = (app_profiles[app_tr]['cmd'].format(fullpath=fullpath,
    except KeyError as exc:
        logger.warn("Can't find app '{}' in the app profiles - [{}]".format(
            app_tr, exc))
        raise ValueError(_("App '{}' not available").format(app_tr))

    # Try to load the project if the app is already running, via a signal.
    _, _, rc = run_cmd('/usr/bin/kano-signal launch-share {}'.format(fullpath))
    if rc:
        # Likely the app is not running and the signal could not be sent, so start it now
            "Error sending launch signal, starting the app now, rc={}".format(
        if background:
            # TODO: After migrating to launching apps via systemd, shares for make-snake
            # stopped launching from KW. Created a special case here to avoid
            # fixing the make-snake cmd through systemd temporarily. FIX THIS.
            if app == 'make-snake':
                run_cmd('systemd-run --user {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd))
            _, _, rc = run_print_output_error(cmd)
            return rc
        logger.info("Sent signal to app: {} to open : {}".format(
            app_tr, fullpath))

    return 0
コード例 #17
def count_stat(key):
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return -1

    count = 0

    for app, _ in allrules.iteritems():
        appstate = load_app_state(app)
            count += int(appstate[key])
        except Exception:

    return count
コード例 #18
def count_completed_challenges():
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return -1

    completed_challenges = 0

    for app, groups in allrules.iteritems():
        appstate = load_app_state(app)
            completed_challenges += int(appstate['level'])
        except Exception:

    return completed_challenges
コード例 #19
ファイル: badges.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def count_completed_challenges():
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return -1

    completed_challenges = 0

    for app, groups in allrules.iteritems():
        appstate = load_app_state(app)
            completed_challenges += int(appstate['level'])
        except Exception:

    return completed_challenges
コード例 #20
ファイル: badges.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def count_stat(key):
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return -1

    count = 0

    for app, _ in allrules.iteritems():
        appstate = load_app_state(app)
            count += int(appstate[key])
        except Exception:

    return count
コード例 #21
ファイル: apps.py プロジェクト: KanoComputing/kano-profile
def launch_project(app, filename, data_dir, background=False):
    # This is necessary to support the new official names
    # TODO: once the apps have been renamed this will not be necessary
    name_translation = {
        'make-art': 'kano-draw',
        'terminal-quest': 'linux-story'

    app_tr = name_translation.get(app, app)

    logger.info("launch_project: {} {} {}".format(app_tr, filename, data_dir))

    app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)

    # XML file with complete pathname
    fullpath = os.path.join(data_dir, filename)

    # Prepare the command line to open the app with the new project
        cmd = (app_profiles[app_tr]['cmd']
               .format(fullpath=fullpath, filename=filename))
    except KeyError as exc:
            "Can't find app '{}' in the app profiles - [{}]"
            .format(app_tr, exc)
        raise ValueError(_("App '{}' not available").format(app_tr))

    # Try to load the project if the app is already running, via a signal.
    _, _, rc = run_cmd('/usr/bin/kano-signal launch-share {}'.format(fullpath))
    if rc:
        # Likely the app is not running and the signal could not be sent, so start it now
        logger.warn("Error sending launch signal, starting the app now, rc={}".format(rc))
        if background:
            # TODO: After migrating to launching apps via systemd, shares for make-snake
            # stopped launching from KW. Created a special case here to avoid
            # fixing the make-snake cmd through systemd temporarily. FIX THIS.
            if app == 'make-snake':
                run_cmd('systemd-run --user {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd))
            _, _, rc = run_print_output_error(cmd)
            return rc
        logger.info("Sent signal to app: {} to open : {}".format(app_tr, fullpath))

    return 0
コード例 #22
    def __init__(self):
        self._app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)
        if not self._app_profiles:
            logger.error("Error reading app_profiles.json")
            raise RuntimeError("Couldn't read app profiles")

        self._app_list = get_app_list() + ['computed']
        self._app_state = dict()
        for app in self._app_list:
            self._app_state[app] = load_app_state(app)

        self._app_state.setdefault('computed', dict())['kano_level'] = \

        self._all_rules = load_badge_rules()
        self._calculated_badges = {}
コード例 #23
    def __init__(self):
        self._app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)
        if not self._app_profiles:
            logger.error("Error reading app_profiles.json")
            raise RuntimeError("Couldn't read app profiles")

        self._app_list = get_app_list() + ['computed']
        self._app_state = dict()
        for app in self._app_list:
            self._app_state[app] = load_app_state(app)

        self._app_state.setdefault('computed', dict())['kano_level'] = \

        self._all_rules = load_badge_rules()
        self._calculated_badges = {}
コード例 #24
ファイル: profile.py プロジェクト: japonophile/kano-profile
def load_profile():
    ''' Read profile data from file containing profile information and return
    it as a dict. If such a file is not present, then a new dict is created
    :returns: profile data as a dict
    :rtype: dict
    data = read_json(profile_file)
    if not data:
        data = dict()
        # if the profile file doesn't exist make sure that the new one
        # is created with the right version
        data['version'] = 2
    if 'version' not in data:
        data.pop('avatar', None)
        data.pop('environment', None)
    data['username_linux'] = get_user_unsudoed()
    return data
コード例 #25
def load_profile():
    ''' Read profile data from file containing profile information and return
    it as a dict. If such a file is not present, then a new dict is created
    :returns: profile data as a dict
    :rtype: dict
    data = read_json(profile_file)
    if not data:
        data = dict()
        # if the profile file doesn't exist make sure that the new one
        # is created with the right version
        data['version'] = 2
    if 'version' not in data:
        data.pop('avatar', None)
        data.pop('environment', None)
    data['username_linux'] = get_user_unsudoed()
    return data
コード例 #26
def calculate_xp():
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return -1

    points = 0

    for app, groups in allrules.iteritems():
        appstate = load_app_state(app)
        if not appstate:

        for group, rules in groups.iteritems():
            # calculating points based on level
            if group == 'level' and 'level' in appstate:
                maxlevel = int(appstate['level'])

                for level, value in rules.iteritems():
                    level = int(level)
                    value = int(value)

                    if level <= maxlevel:
                        points += value

            # calculating points based on multipliers
            if group == 'multipliers':
                for thing, value in rules.iteritems():
                    value = float(value)
                    if thing in appstate:
                        points += value * appstate[thing]

            if group == 'groups':
                # Iterate over the groups of the local profile
                groups_item_iter = appstate.get('groups', {}).iteritems
                for grp_name, grp_obj in groups_item_iter():
                    level_achieved = int(
                    for level, value in rules.get(grp_name, {}).iteritems():
                        level = int(level)
                        value = int(value)

                        if level <= level_achieved:
                            points += value
    qm = Quests()
    return int(points) + qm.evaluate_xp()
コード例 #27
def calculate_xp():
    allrules = read_json(xp_file)
    if not allrules:
        return -1

    points = 0

    for app, groups in allrules.iteritems():
        appstate = load_app_state(app)
        if not appstate:

        for group, rules in groups.iteritems():
            # calculating points based on level
            if group == 'level' and 'level' in appstate:
                maxlevel = int(appstate['level'])

                for level, value in rules.iteritems():
                    level = int(level)
                    value = int(value)

                    if level <= maxlevel:
                        points += value

            # calculating points based on multipliers
            if group == 'multipliers':
                for thing, value in rules.iteritems():
                    value = float(value)
                    if thing in appstate:
                        points += value * appstate[thing]

            if group == 'groups':
                # Iterate over the groups of the local profile
                groups_item_iter = appstate.get('groups', {}).iteritems
                for grp_name, grp_obj in groups_item_iter():
                    level_achieved = int(
                    for level, value in rules.get(grp_name, {}).iteritems():
                        level = int(level)
                        value = int(value)

                        if level <= level_achieved:
                            points += value
    qm = Quests()
    return int(points) + qm.evaluate_xp()
コード例 #28
def calculate_min_current_max_xp():
    level_rules = read_json(levels_file)
    if not level_rules:
        return -1, 0

    max_level = max([int(n) for n in level_rules.keys()])
    xp_now = calculate_xp()

    level_min = 0
    level_max = 0

    for level in xrange(1, max_level + 1):
        level_min = level_rules[str(level)]

        if level != max_level:
            level_max = level_rules[str(level + 1)]
            level_max = float('inf')

        if level_min <= xp_now <= level_max:
            return level_min, xp_now, level_max
コード例 #29
ファイル: badges.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def calculate_min_current_max_xp():
    level_rules = read_json(levels_file)
    if not level_rules:
        return -1, 0

    max_level = max([int(n) for n in level_rules.keys()])
    xp_now = calculate_xp()

    level_min = 0
    level_max = 0

    for level in xrange(1, max_level + 1):
        level_min = level_rules[str(level)]

        if level != max_level:
            level_max = level_rules[str(level + 1)]
            level_max = float("inf")

        if level_min <= xp_now <= level_max:
            return level_min, xp_now, level_max
コード例 #30
def load_app_state(app_name):
    app_state_file = get_app_state_file(app_name)
    app_state = read_json(app_state_file)
    if not app_state:
        app_state = dict()
    return app_state
コード例 #31
def load_app_state(app_name):
    app_state_file = get_app_state_file(app_name)
    app_state = read_json(app_state_file)
    if not app_state:
        app_state = dict()
    return app_state
コード例 #32
ファイル: share.py プロジェクト: isabella232/kano-profile
def download_share(entry):
    app = entry['app']
    title = entry['title']
    description = entry['description']
    attachment_url = entry['attachment_url']
    cover_url = entry['cover_url']
    resource_url = entry['resource_url']

    data = {'title': title, 'description': description}

    app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)

    if app not in app_profiles:
        logger.error("Cannot download share, app not found in app-profiles")

    app_profile = app_profiles[app]

    folder = os.path.join(get_home(), app_profile['dir'], 'webload')

    title_slugified = slugify(title)

    # Download attachment
    attachment_ext = attachment_url.split('.')[-1]
    attachment_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, attachment_ext)
    attachment_path = os.path.join(folder, attachment_name)

    success, text = download_url(attachment_url, attachment_path)
    if not success:
        msg = "Error with downloading share file: {}".format(text)
        return False, msg

    # Download screenshot
    if cover_url:
        cover_ext = cover_url.split('.')[-1]
        cover_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, cover_ext)
        cover_path = os.path.join(folder, cover_name)

        success, text = download_url(cover_url, cover_path)
        if not success:
            msg = "Error with downloading cover file: {}".format(text)
            return False, msg

    # Download resource file
    if resource_url:
        resource_ext = resource_url.split('.')[-1]
        # Make sure we don't remove the tar from gz
        if 'tar.gz' in resource_url:
            resource_ext = 'tar.' + resource_ext
        resource_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, resource_ext)
        resource_path = os.path.join(folder, resource_name)

        success, text = download_url(resource_url, resource_path)
        if not success:
            msg = "Error with downloading resource file: {}".format(text)
            return False, msg

    # JSON file
    json_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, 'json')
    json_path = os.path.join(folder, json_name)
    write_json(json_path, data)
    return True, [title, attachment_path, app, attachment_name, folder]
コード例 #33
    def upload_share(self, file_path, title, app_name, featured):
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            return False, 'File path not found: {}'.format(file_path)

        extensionless_path = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0]

        # attachment
            files = {
                'attachment': open(file_path, 'rb'),

            # List of attachments to search for in (name, extension) format
            attachment_files = [
                ('cover', 'png'),
                ('resource', 'tar.gz'),
                ('sample', 'mp3')

            for attachment in attachment_files:
                key, ext = attachment
                attachment_path = "{}.{}".format(extensionless_path, ext)

                if os.path.exists(attachment_path):
                        'uploading {}: {}'.format(key, attachment_path))
                    files[key] = open(attachment_path, 'rb')

        except IOError as e:
            files = None
            txt = 'Error opening the files to be shared {}'.format(str(e))

        # Since we can't open the file, there is no need to continue
        if not files:
            return False, txt

        # data
        payload = {
            'title': title,
            'featured': featured

        # description
        jsonfile_path = '{}.json'.format(extensionless_path)
            description = read_json(jsonfile_path)['description']
            logger.debug('uploading json: {}'.format(jsonfile_path))
            payload['description'] = description
        except Exception:
            description = None

        logger.debug('uploading payload: {}'.format(payload))
        logger.debug('uploading files: {}'.format(files))

        endpoint = '/share/{}'.format(app_name)

        success, text, data = request_wrapper('post', endpoint,
                                              files=files, data=payload)
        if not success:
            return False, text

        success = 'success' in data and data['success']
        if not success:
            return False, 'Share upload not successful!'
        return True, None
コード例 #34
    def upload_share(self, file_path, title, app_name):
        """Upload a share that is stored in a file.

        This function assumes that a media file/other necessary accompanying
        file shares the same name (but with not extension) with the file to be

        :param file_path: Path to the file that contains the content of the
        :type file_path: str
        :param title: Title to be given to the share
        :type title: str
        :param app_name: App that this share is made from/associated with
        :type app_name: str
        :returns: Success and in case of failure the error message
        :rtype: tuple of form (boolean, string)
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            return False, "File path not found: {}".format(file_path)

        extensionless_path = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0]

        # attachment
            files = {
                'attachment': open(file_path, 'rb'),

            # TODO A config file would be better suited for such a structure
            # List of attachments to search for in (name, [extensions...]) fmt
            attachment_files = [('cover', ['png', 'gif']),
                                ('resource', ['tar.gz']),
                                ('sample', ['mp3', 'ogg'])]

            for attachment in attachment_files:
                key, extensions = attachment
                for ext in extensions:
                    attachment_path = "{}.{}".format(extensionless_path, ext)

                    if os.path.exists(attachment_path):
                        logger.debug("uploading {}: {}".format(
                            key, attachment_path))
                        files[key] = open(attachment_path, 'rb')

        except IOError as e:
            files = None
            txt = "Error opening the files to be shared {}".format(str(e))

        # Since we can't open the file, there is no need to continue
        if not files:
            return False, txt

        # data
        payload = {
            'title': title,

        # description
        jsonfile_path = '{}.json'.format(extensionless_path)
            description = read_json(jsonfile_path)['description']
            logger.debug('uploading json: {}'.format(jsonfile_path))
            payload['description'] = description
        except Exception:
            description = None

        logger.debug('uploading payload: {}'.format(payload))
        logger.debug('uploading files: {}'.format(files))

        endpoint = '/share/{}'.format(app_name)

        success, text, data = request_wrapper('post',
        if not success:
            return False, text

        success = 'success' in data and data['success']
        if not success:
            return False, 'Share upload not successful!'
        return True, None
コード例 #35
from kano.utils import download_url, read_json, ensure_dir, chown_path
from kano_profile.profile import (load_profile, set_avatar, set_environment,
                                  save_profile, save_profile_variable,
from kano_profile.badges import calculate_xp
from kano_profile.apps import get_app_list, load_app_state, save_app_state
from kano_profile.paths import app_profiles_file, online_badges_dir, \
    online_badges_file, profile_dir
from kano_profile.tracker import get_tracker_events, clear_tracker_events
from kano_profile_gui.paths import media_dir
from kano_avatar.paths import (AVATAR_DEFAULT_LOC, AVATAR_DEFAULT_NAME,
                               AVATAR_ENV_DEFAULT, AVATAR_CIRC_PLAIN_DEFAULT)

from .connection import request_wrapper, content_type_json

app_profiles_data = read_json(app_profiles_file)

def is_private(app_name):
        private = app_profiles_data[app_name]['private']
    except Exception:
        private = False
    return private

class KanoWorldSession(object):
    session = requests.Session()

    def __init__(self, token):
        self.session.headers.update({'Authorization': token})
コード例 #36
ファイル: share.py プロジェクト: KanoComputing/kano-profile
def download_share(entry):
    app = entry['app']
    title = entry['title']
    description = entry['description']
    attachment_url = entry['attachment_url']
    cover_url = entry['cover_url']
    resource_url = entry['resource_url']

    data = {
        'title': title,
        'description': description

    app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)

    if app not in app_profiles:
        logger.error("Cannot download share, app not found in app-profiles")

    app_profile = app_profiles[app]

    folder = os.path.join(get_home(), app_profile['dir'], 'webload')

    title_slugified = slugify(title)

    # Download attachment
    attachment_ext = attachment_url.split('.')[-1]
    attachment_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, attachment_ext)
    attachment_path = os.path.join(folder, attachment_name)

    success, text = download_url(attachment_url, attachment_path)
    if not success:
        msg = "Error with downloading share file: {}".format(text)
        return False, msg

    # Download screenshot
    if cover_url:
        cover_ext = cover_url.split('.')[-1]
        cover_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, cover_ext)
        cover_path = os.path.join(folder, cover_name)

        success, text = download_url(cover_url, cover_path)
        if not success:
            msg = "Error with downloading cover file: {}".format(text)
            return False, msg

    # Download resource file
    if resource_url:
        resource_ext = resource_url.split('.')[-1]
        # Make sure we don't remove the tar from gz
        if 'tar.gz' in resource_url:
            resource_ext = 'tar.' + resource_ext
        resource_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, resource_ext)
        resource_path = os.path.join(folder, resource_name)

        success, text = download_url(resource_url, resource_path)
        if not success:
            msg = "Error with downloading resource file: {}".format(text)
            return False, msg

    # JSON file
    json_name = '{}.{}'.format(title_slugified, 'json')
    json_path = os.path.join(folder, json_name)
    write_json(json_path, data)
    return True, [title, attachment_path, app, attachment_name, folder]
コード例 #37
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: KanoComputing/kano-profile
from kano_profile.profile import (load_profile, set_avatar, set_environment,
                                  save_profile, save_profile_variable,
from kano_profile.badges import calculate_xp
from kano_profile.apps import get_app_list, load_app_state, save_app_state
from kano_profile.paths import app_profiles_file, online_badges_dir, \
    online_badges_file, profile_dir
from kano_profile.tracker import get_tracker_events, clear_tracker_events
from kano_profile_gui.paths import media_dir
from kano_avatar.paths import (AVATAR_DEFAULT_LOC, AVATAR_DEFAULT_NAME,

from .connection import request_wrapper, content_type_json

app_profiles_data = read_json(app_profiles_file)

def is_private(app_name):
        private = app_profiles_data[app_name]['private']
    except Exception:
        private = False
    return private

class KanoWorldSession(object):
    session = requests.Session()

    def __init__(self, token):
        self.session.headers.update({'Authorization': token})
コード例 #38
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: KanoComputing/kano-profile
    def upload_share(self, file_path, title, app_name):
        """Upload a share that is stored in a file.

        This function assumes that a media file/other necessary accompanying
        file shares the same name (but with not extension) with the file to be

        :param file_path: Path to the file that contains the content of the
        :type file_path: str
        :param title: Title to be given to the share
        :type title: str
        :param app_name: App that this share is made from/associated with
        :type app_name: str
        :returns: Success and in case of failure the error message
        :rtype: tuple of form (boolean, string)
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            return False, "File path not found: {}".format(file_path)

        extensionless_path = os.path.splitext(file_path)[0]

        # attachment
            files = {
                'attachment': open(file_path, 'rb'),

            # TODO A config file would be better suited for such a structure
            # List of attachments to search for in (name, [extensions...]) fmt
            attachment_files = [
                ('cover', ['png', 'gif']),
                ('resource', ['tar.gz']),
                ('sample', ['mp3', 'ogg'])

            for attachment in attachment_files:
                key, extensions = attachment
                for ext in extensions:
                    attachment_path = "{}.{}".format(extensionless_path, ext)

                    if os.path.exists(attachment_path):
                            "uploading {}: {}".format(key, attachment_path))
                        files[key] = open(attachment_path, 'rb')

        except IOError as e:
            files = None
            txt = "Error opening the files to be shared {}".format(str(e))

        # Since we can't open the file, there is no need to continue
        if not files:
            return False, txt

        # data
        payload = {
            'title': title,

        # description
        jsonfile_path = '{}.json'.format(extensionless_path)
            description = read_json(jsonfile_path)['description']
            logger.debug('uploading json: {}'.format(jsonfile_path))
            payload['description'] = description
        except Exception:
            description = None

        logger.debug('uploading payload: {}'.format(payload))
        logger.debug('uploading files: {}'.format(files))

        endpoint = '/share/{}'.format(app_name)

        success, text, data = request_wrapper('post', endpoint,
                                              files=files, data=payload)
        if not success:
            return False, text

        success = 'success' in data and data['success']
        if not success:
            return False, 'Share upload not successful!'
        return True, None
コード例 #39
ファイル: projects.py プロジェクト: japonophile/kano-profile
# License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GNU General Public License v2

import os
from gi.repository import Gtk
from kano.utils import get_home, read_json
from kano_profile.apps import get_app_list, get_app_data_dir, launch_project
from kano_profile.paths import app_profiles_file
from kano.logging import logger
import kano.gtk3.cursor as cursor
from kano.gtk3.scrolled_window import ScrolledWindow
import kano_profile_gui.components.icons as icons
from .paths import image_dir
from kdesk.hourglass import hourglass_start, hourglass_end

app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)

# The list of the displayed items
class ProjectList():
    def __init__(self):
        self.width = 646
        self.height = 88

        apps = get_app_list()

        self.projects_list = []

        for app in apps:
            if app in app_profiles:
                if 'ext' in app_profiles[app]:
コード例 #40
ファイル: badges.py プロジェクト: rcocetta/kano-profile
def calculate_badges():
    # helper function to calculate operations
    def do_calculate(select_push_back):
        for category, subcats in all_rules.iteritems():
            for subcat, items in subcats.iteritems():
                for item, rules in items.iteritems():
                    target_pushback = 'push_back' in rules and rules['push_back'] is True
                    if target_pushback != select_push_back:

                    if rules['operation'] == 'each_greater':
                        achieved = True
                        for target in rules['targets']:
                            app = target[0]
                            variable = target[1]
                            value = target[2]

                            if variable == 'level' and value == -1:
                                value = app_profiles[app]['max_level']
                            if app not in app_list or variable not in app_state[app]:
                                achieved = False
                            achieved &= app_state[app][variable] >= value

                    elif rules['operation'] == 'sum_greater':
                        sum = 0
                        for target in rules['targets']:
                            app = target[0]
                            variable = target[1]

                            if app not in app_list or variable not in app_state[app]:

                            sum += float(app_state[app][variable])

                        achieved = sum >= rules['value']


                    calculated_badges.setdefault(category, dict()).setdefault(subcat, dict())[item] \
                        = all_rules[category][subcat][item]
                    calculated_badges[category][subcat][item]['achieved'] = achieved

    def count_offline_badges():
        count = 0
        for category, subcats in calculated_badges.iteritems():
            for subcat, items in subcats.iteritems():
                for item, rules in items.iteritems():
                    if category == 'badges' and subcat != 'online' and rules['achieved']:
                        count += 1
        return count

    app_profiles = read_json(app_profiles_file)
    if not app_profiles:
        logger.error('Error reading app_profiles.json')

    app_list = get_app_list() + ['computed']
    app_state = dict()
    for app in app_list:
        app_state[app] = load_app_state(app)

    app_state.setdefault('computed', dict())['kano_level'] = calculate_kano_level()[0]

    all_rules = load_badge_rules()
    calculated_badges = dict()

    # normal ones

    # count offline badges
    app_state['computed']['num_offline_badges'] = count_offline_badges()

    # add pushed back ones

    # Inject badges from quests to the dict
    qm = Quests()
    calculated_badges['badges']['quests'] = qm.evaluate_badges()

    return calculated_badges