コード例 #1
 def loss_function(y_true, y_pred):
     y_true = keras.flatten(y_true)
     y_pred = keras.flatten(y_pred)
     whites = keras.mean((y_true * (1.0 - y_pred))**2)
     blacks = keras.mean(((1.0 - y_true) * y_pred)**2)
     white_area = keras.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + x,
                              y_true)  # TODO try keras.sum
     black_area = keras.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + x,
                              1.0 - y_true)  # TODO try keras.sum
     return (whites * black_area + blacks * white_area) / (white_area +
コード例 #2
ファイル: backend_test.py プロジェクト: oarriaga/keras
    def test_foldl(self):
        x = np.random.rand(10, 3).astype(np.float32)
        for K in [KTF, KTH]:
            kx = K.eval(K.foldl(lambda a, b: a + b, K.variable(x)))

            assert (3,) == kx.shape
            assert_allclose(x.sum(axis=0), kx, atol=1e-05)
コード例 #3
    def test_foldl(self):
        x = np.random.rand(10, 3).astype(np.float32)
        for K in [KTF, KTH]:
            kx = K.eval(K.foldl(lambda a, b: a + b, K.variable(x)))

            assert (3, ) == kx.shape
            assert_allclose(x.sum(axis=0), kx, atol=1e-05)
コード例 #4
    def __call__(self, x):
        top = K.map_fn(lambda x: top_half(x), x)
        median = K.min(top, axis=0)
        mean = K.mean(x, axis=0)
        loss_mean = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + kl_divergence(0.1, x), mean)
        loss_mean = 1.0 * loss_mean

        loss_median = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + kl_divergence(0.06, x),
        loss_median = 1.0 * loss_median

        sparse = K.mean(x, axis=1)
        loss_se = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + kl_divergence(0.1, x), sparse)
        loss_se = 1.0 * loss_se

        return loss_mean + loss_median + loss_se
コード例 #5
    def __call__(self, x):
        x = ((x - K.min(x, axis=0)) /
             (K.max(x, axis=0) - K.min(x, axis=0))) + 0.000001

        top = K.map_fn(lambda x: top_half(x), x)
        median = K.min(top, axis=1)
        mean = K.mean(x, axis=1)
        loss_mean = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + kl_divergence(0.05, x), mean)
        loss_mean = 1.0 * loss_mean

        loss_median = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + kl_divergence(0.03, x),
        loss_median = 1.0 * loss_median

        sparse = K.mean(x, axis=0)
        loss_se = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + kl_divergence(0.05, x), sparse)
        loss_se = 1.0 * loss_se

        return loss_mean + loss_median + loss_se
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_backends.py プロジェクト: ameya005/keras
    def test_foldr(self):
        # This test aims to make sure that we walk the array from right to left
        # and checks it in the following way: multiplying left to right 1e-40
        # cannot be held into a float32 so it causes an underflow while from
        # right to left we have no such problem and the result is larger
        x = np.array([1e-20, 1e-20, 10, 10, 10], dtype=np.float32)
        for K in [KTF, KTH]:
            p1 = K.eval(K.foldl(lambda a, b: a * b, x))
            p2 = K.eval(K.foldr(lambda a, b: a * b, x))

            assert p1 < p2
            assert 9e-38 < p2 <= 1e-37
コード例 #7
    def _sum_seg_embeddings(self, seg_indices, seg_embeddings):
        def __merge(ret, ele):
            _tmp_embedding, _tmp_cnt = ret
            _seg_ind, _seg_embedding = ele
            return _tmp_embedding + self._ungather(
                _seg_embedding, _seg_ind), _tmp_cnt + self._ungather(
                    bk.ones_like(_seg_embedding), _seg_ind)

        tmp_embedding = bk.zeros_like(self.embedding)
        tmp_cnt = bk.zeros_like(self.embedding)
        return bk.foldl(__merge, (seg_indices, seg_embeddings),
                        initializer=(tmp_embedding, tmp_cnt))
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_backends.py プロジェクト: cnvrg/keras
    def test_foldr(self):
        # This test aims to make sure that we walk the array from right to left
        # and checks it in the following way: multiplying left to right 1e-40
        # cannot be held into a float32 so it causes an underflow while from
        # right to left we have no such problem and the result is larger
        x = np.array([1e-20, 1e-20, 10, 10, 10], dtype=np.float32)
        for K in [KTF, KTH]:
            p1 = K.eval(K.foldl(lambda a, b: a * b, x))
            p2 = K.eval(K.foldr(lambda a, b: a * b, x))

            assert p1 < p2
            assert 9e-38 < p2 <= 1e-37
コード例 #9
ファイル: subfunc_1.py プロジェクト: chuiyang/M2S_noise
def integral(y_true, y_pred):
    dx = K.constant(0.05 / 100, dtype='float32')
    Acc_L2R_t = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: x * 0, K.transpose(y_true))
    Acc_L2R_p = K.foldl(lambda acc, x: x * 0, K.transpose(y_pred))
    Acc_R2L_t = K.foldr(lambda acc, x: x * 0, K.transpose(y_true))
    Acc_R2L_p = K.foldr(lambda acc, x: x * 0, K.transpose(y_pred))
    for i in range(2, 50):
        Acc_L2R_t += K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + x,
                             K.transpose(y_true)[0:int(i - 1)])
        Acc_L2R_t += K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + x, K.transpose(y_true)[1:i])
        Acc_L2R_p += K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + x,
                             K.transpose(y_pred)[0:int(i - 1)])
        Acc_L2R_p += K.foldl(lambda acc, x: acc + x, K.transpose(y_pred)[1:i])
        Acc_R2L_t += K.foldr(lambda acc, x: acc + x,
                             K.transpose(y_true)[0:int(i - 1)])
        Acc_R2L_t += K.foldr(lambda acc, x: acc + x, K.transpose(y_true)[1:i])
        Acc_R2L_p += K.foldr(lambda acc, x: acc + x,
                             K.transpose(y_pred)[0:int(i - 1)])
        Acc_R2L_p += K.foldr(lambda acc, x: acc + x, K.transpose(y_pred)[1:i])
    return K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1) + K.mean(
        K.square(Acc_L2R_t * dx - Acc_L2R_p * dx) +
        K.mean(K.square(Acc_R2L_t * dx - Acc_R2L_p * dx)),
コード例 #10
ファイル: mrf_tf.py プロジェクト: wps1215/raynet
def belief_propagation(
    """Run the sum product belief propagation on a batch of ray potentials

    S: tensor (N, M) dtype=float32
       The depth probability distribution for each one of the N rays
    ray_voxel_indices: tensor (N, M, 3), dtype=int32
                       The voxel indices in the voxel grid per ray

    ray_voxel_count: array(shape=(N,1), int) The number of voxels
                     intersected by each ray
    grid_shape: tensor (3,) int32, The number of voxels for each axis
    gamma: float32, Prior probabilitiy that the ith voxel is occupied
    bp_iterations: int, Number of belief-propagation iterations
    # Extract the number of the rays as well as the maximum number of marched
    # voxels
    N, M, _ = K.int_shape(ray_voxel_indices)

    # Initialize the ray to occupancy messages to a uniform distribution (and
    # assume that they were accumulated)
    ray_to_occupancy_pon = K.zeros((N, M), dtype="float32")
    prior_pon = K.log(gamma) - K.log(np.float32(1) - gamma)
    #ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon_init = K.constant(
    #    prior_pon,
    #    shape=grid_shape
    ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon_init = K.tf.fill(grid_shape, prior_pon)
    ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon = ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon_init
    #ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon = K.variable(
    #    ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon_init,
    #    name="ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon"

    # Iterate over the rays
    for it in range(bp_iterations):
        # Compute the messages given the previous messages
        ray_to_occupancy_pon = K.map_fn(
            lambda i: single_ray_belief_propagation(
                S[i, :ray_voxel_count[i]],
                ray_voxel_indices[i, :ray_voxel_count[i]],
                ray_to_occupancy_pon[i, :ray_voxel_count[i]],
            K.tf.range(0, N, dtype="int32"),

        # Accumulate the messages to make the computation of the new messages
        # faster
        ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon = K.foldl(
            lambda acc, i: K.tf.sparse_add(
                    K.cast(ray_voxel_indices[i], dtype="int64"),
            K.tf.range(0, N, dtype="int32"),
        ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon = ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon + ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon_init

    return ray_to_occupancy_accumulated_pon, ray_to_occupancy_pon