コード例 #1
def generate_f_0_amplitude(coefficients, pole):
    chebyshev = cheb.chebval(omega_1(pole), coefficients)
    loop_kaon = loop_function(pole, KAON_MASS)
    loop_pion = loop_function(pole, PION_MASS)
    phase_space = rho(PION_MASS, pole)
    denominator = (loop_pion * pole).imag - 2.0 * (phase_space * pole).real

    cheb_kaon = chebyshev * loop_kaon

    g_parameter = -(pole + cheb_kaon).imag / denominator
    m_parameter = (cheb_kaon.real +
                   ((loop_pion.imag - 2.0 * phase_space.real) * abs(pole)**2 -
                    cheb_kaon.imag *
                    ((pole * loop_pion).real + 2.0 *
                     (pole * phase_space).imag)) / denominator)

    def amplitude(s):
        chebyshev = cheb.chebval(omega_1(s), coefficients)
        loop_1 = loop_function(s, PION_MASS)
        loop_2 = loop_function(s, KAON_MASS)
        return (
            s * g_parameter /
            (m_parameter - s - loop_1 * s * g_parameter - loop_2 * chebyshev))

    return amplitude
コード例 #2
def _tan_phase(mandelstam_s, isospin, pion_mass, peak, coefficients):
    threshold = 4.0 * pion_mass**2
    param = mandelstam_s / threshold - 1.0
    phase_space = rho(pion_mass, mandelstam_s)
    polynomial = sum(coeff * param**i for i, coeff in enumerate(coefficients))
    peak_factor = (threshold - peak) / (mandelstam_s - peak)
    return phase_space * param**to_spin(isospin) * polynomial * peak_factor
コード例 #3
ファイル: breit_wigner.py プロジェクト: patbat/khuri
def partial_wave(mandelstam_s, resonance_mass, resonance_width,
                 angular_momentum, mass):
    """The Breit Wigner partial wave with an energy dependent width.

    This differs from the one in the PDG via one phase space factor that
    is introduced in the appropriate place to

        1. obtain a unitarity relation of the form
           Im(partial_wave) = (phase_space) * abs(partial_wave)**2

        2. avoid division by zero at threshold.

    Moreover, the coupling is fixed by unitarity.
    width = width_energy_dependent(mandelstam_s, resonance_mass,
                                   resonance_width, angular_momentum, mass)
    width *= resonance_mass
    space = rho(mass, mandelstam_s)
    return -width / (mandelstam_s - resonance_mass**2 + width * space * 1j)
コード例 #4
ファイル: amplitude.py プロジェクト: patbat/khuri
 def amplitude(*args):
     phase_value = phase(*args)
     inelastic = inelasticity(args[-1])
     numerator = inelastic * np.exp(2j * phase_value) - 1
     return numerator / rho(mass, args[-1]) / 2j
コード例 #5
ファイル: amplitude.py プロジェクト: patbat/khuri
 def amplitude(*args):
     return 1 / (cot_phase(*args) - 1j) / rho(mass, args[-1])
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_schenk.py プロジェクト: patbat/khuri
def test_peak(isospin):
    peak = literature_values(isospin, pion_mass=1.0)[0]
    tan = tan_phase_lit(peak, isospin, pion_mass=1.0)
    partial_wave = partial_wave_lit(peak, isospin, pion_mass=1.0)
    assert tan == np.inf
    assert partial_wave == pytest.approx(1j / rho(1.0, peak))
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_iam.py プロジェクト: patbat/khuri
def test_unitarity():
    mandelstam_s = np.linspace(5.0, 40.0, 50) * PION_MASS**2
    one = np.imag(nlo(mandelstam_s))
    two = rho(PION_MASS, mandelstam_s) * np.abs(nlo(mandelstam_s))**2
    assert np.allclose(one, two)
コード例 #8
def rho(s):
    return kps.rho(MASS, s)
コード例 #9
 def conformal_amplitude(s):
     conf = conformal_polynomial(omega(s, s_0=s_0, alpha=1))
     prefactor = PION_MASS**2 / (s - 0.5 * a2)
     psi = prefactor * (a2 / PION_MASS / csqrt(s) + conf)
     return 1.0 / (psi - 1j * rho(PION_MASS, s))
コード例 #10
 def wrapper(mandelstam_s):
     return 1.0 + 2.0j * rho(mass, mandelstam_s) * func(mandelstam_s)
コード例 #11
def momentum(s):
    return csqrt(s) * rho(PION_MASS, s) / 2.0
コード例 #12
 def inelasticity(s):
     amp = amplitude(s)
     space = rho(PION_MASS, s)
     return np.sqrt((2.0 * space * amp.real)**2 +
                    (1.0 - 2.0 * space * amp.imag)**2)
コード例 #13
 def phase(s):
     amp = amplitude(s)
     space = rho(PION_MASS, s)
     numerator = 2.0 * space * amp.real
     denominator = 1.0 - 2.0 * space * amp.imag
     return 0.5 * arctan2_alt(numerator, denominator)
コード例 #14
 def amplitude(s):
     conf = conformal_amplitude(s)
     f_0 = f_0_amplitude(s)
     return conf + f_0 + 2j * rho(PION_MASS, s) * conf * f_0
コード例 #15
ファイル: amplitude.py プロジェクト: patbat/khuri
 def second(*args):
     first = amplitude(*args)
     return first / (1 + 2j * rho(mass, args[-1]) * first)
コード例 #16
ファイル: amplitude.py プロジェクト: patbat/khuri
 def first(*args):
     second = amplitude(*args)
     return second / (1 - 2j * rho(mass, args[-1]) * second)
コード例 #17
def loop_function(s, mass):
    phase_space = rho(mass, s)
    return ((2.0 + phase_space * clog(
        (phase_space - 1) / (phase_space + 1))) / np.pi)