def run(filename): tail = utils.Molecule(filename+'.arc') atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] tail.add_to(0., 0., 0., atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) box_size = [40.]*3 T = 100.0 directory = 'lammps' if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) os.chdir(directory) run_name = 'opls_'+filename atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = any([a.charge!=0.0 for a in atoms]) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('''units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n''') f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('''special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5 read_data '''+run_name+'''.data\n dump 1 all xyz 250000 '''+run_name+'''.xyz thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 group mobile id > 1 velocity mobile create '''+str(T)+''' 1 run_style respa 4 2 2 2 inner 2 4.5 6.0 middle 3 7.0 8.0 outer 4 fix anneal mobile nvt temp '''+str(T)+''' 1.0 50.0 timestep 4.0 run 250000 minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 ''') f.close() os.system('lammps -in '+run_name+'.in -log '+run_name+'.log') os.chdir('..')
def run(mode, timescale, step, step_size, makefile): run_name = 'ti10_'+str(mode)+'__'+str(step) z_separation = step * step_size solvent = utils.Molecule('methane.arc') #solvent = utils.Molecule('benzene2.arc') #solvent = utils.Molecule('hexane2.arc') box_size = [21.,21.,42.] S = 3.5 if mode==3: tail = utils.Molecule('propanenitrile.arc') z_offset = -4.5 elif mode==4: tail = utils.Molecule('butanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 4.5 elif mode==5: tail = utils.Molecule('pentanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 5.0 elif mode==6: tail = utils.Molecule('hexanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 6.5 elif mode==7: tail = utils.Molecule('aminopropane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 2.5 elif mode==8: tail = utils.Molecule('aminobutane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, -a.x z_offset = 3.5 elif mode==9: tail = utils.Molecule('aminopentane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 5.0 elif mode==10: tail = utils.Molecule('aminohexane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 6.5 elif mode==11: tail = utils.Molecule('hexane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 9.0 elif mode==12: tail = utils.Molecule('hcn2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x S = 3.0 z_offset = -0.5 elif mode==13: tail = utils.Molecule('cyanoacetylene2.arc') #unfixed dihedrals irrelevant, since angle=180 for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -2.0 elif mode==14: tail = utils.Molecule('acrylonitrile2.arc') #unfixed dihedrals irrelevant, since angle=180 for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -4.0 elif mode==15: tail = utils.Molecule('cyanoallene2.arc') #added one dihedral param (18 19 37 100), other two free, ( 36 37 100 37 ) added too, or modified? Basically, doesn't work in OPLS; allene dihedrals are wrong. for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 4.0 elif mode==16: tail = utils.Molecule('acetonitrile2.arc') #all dihedrals free z_offset = 2.0 elif mode==17: tail = utils.Molecule('hc5n2.arc') #doesn't work well in OPLS for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -4.0 atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] theta = 0; z = 0.0 molecules_not_added = 0 held_atoms = [] pushed_atoms = [] if mode==11: for xi in range(box_size[0]/S): x = xi*S - box_size[0]/2 for yi in range(box_size[1]/S): y = yi*S - box_size[1]/2 #tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) if xi==3 and yi==3: tail.add_to(x, y, z+z_separation*(1 if z_offset<0 else -1), atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) pushed_atoms.append( atoms[-15] ) else: tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) if xi==0 or yi==0: held_atoms.append( atoms[-15] ) old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] for a in tail.atoms: a.z = -a.z+z_offset a.y = -a.y tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] else: for xi in range(box_size[0]/S): x = xi*S - box_size[0]/2 for yi in range(box_size[1]/S): y = yi*S - box_size[1]/2 if (xi%2)==(yi%2): if xi==3 and yi==3: tail.add_to(x, y, z+z_separation*(1 if z_offset<0 else -1), atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] for a in tail.atoms: a.z = -a.z+z_offset a.y = -a.y tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] for a in atoms[::-1]: if a.element=='N': if xi==3 and yi==3: pushed_atoms.append( a ) elif xi==0 or yi==0: held_atoms.append( a ) break #filetypes.write_xyz('', atoms, xyz_file) print pushed_atoms[0].z return print len(atoms)/len(tail.atoms) atom_count = len(atoms) solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x+1.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] for xi in range(box_size[0]/solvent_spacing[0]): for yi in range(box_size[1]/solvent_spacing[1]): for zi in range(box_size[2]/solvent_spacing[2]): x, y, z = xi*solvent_spacing[0]-box_size[0]/2, yi*solvent_spacing[1]-box_size[1]/2, zi*solvent_spacing[2]-box_size[2]/2 try: for a in atoms[:atom_count]: if (a.x-x)**2 + (a.y-y)**2 + (a.z-z)**2 < max_vdw_r**2: raise Exception() solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) except: pass T = 94.0 P = 1.45 atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = True directory = 'lammps' os.chdir(directory) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') f.write(''' dump 1 all xyz '''+str(int(10000*timescale))+''' '''+run_name+'''.xyz thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed epair press lx ly lz tpcpu thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f group held_atoms id '''+(' '.join([str(a.index) for a in held_atoms]))+''' group pushed_atoms id '''+(' '.join([str(a.index) for a in pushed_atoms]))+''' fix no_z held_atoms planeforce 0.0 0.0 1.0 fix hold pushed_atoms smd cvel 100.0 0.0 tether NULL NULL 100.0 0.0 fix no_z_temp pushed_atoms planeforce 0.0 0.0 1.0 #since smd is not enforced during minimization minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 unfix no_z_temp timestep 2.0 fix relax all npt temp 10.0 10.0 50 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 500 run 1000 unfix relax velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian velocity held_atoms set 0.0 0.0 0.0 fix press all npt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 1000 fix average all ave/time 1 1000 1000 c_thermo_pe f_hold[4] f_hold[6] thermo 1000 thermo_style custom f_average[1] f_average[2] f_average[3] run '''+str(int(50000*timescale))+''' write_restart '''+run_name+'.restart\n') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes #os.system('nohup ~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) #print 'Running', run_name makefile.write( '%s:\n\t~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null\n' % (run_name, run_name, run_name) ) else: os.system('~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def run(test_molecule_filename, makefile): utils.Molecule.set_params('../micelle/oplsaa4.prm') test_molecule = utils.Molecule(test_molecule_filename) test_molecule_name = test_molecule_filename[test_molecule_filename. rindex('/') + 1:-4] if test_molecule_name[-1] == '2': test_molecule_name = test_molecule_name[:-1] solvent = copy.deepcopy(test_molecule) solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a: a.x).x - min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a: a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a: a.y).y - min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a: a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a: a.z).z - min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a: a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x + 1.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a: a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x, max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] if test_molecule_name == 'propanenitrile' or test_molecule_name == 'acetonitrile': solvent_spacing[2] += 1.0 if test_molecule_name == 'hcn': solvent_spacing[0] += 0.5 if test_molecule_name == 'acetylene': pass L = 6 box_size = [L * x for x in solvent_spacing] atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] #add staggering between layers (like shingles) for xi in range(L): for yi in range(L): for zi in range(L): x = xi * solvent_spacing[0] - box_size[0] / 2 y = yi * solvent_spacing[1] - box_size[1] / 2 z = (zi + xi * 0.5) * solvent_spacing[2] - box_size[2] / 2 if xi == 0 and yi == 0 and zi == 0: test_molecule.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: if True: #(xi+yi+zi)%2==0: solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: for a in solvent.atoms: a.z = -a.z solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for a in solvent.atoms: a.z = -a.z T = 94.0 P = 1.45 #filetypes.write_xyz('out', atoms) #sys.exit() os.chdir('lammps') original_vdw_e = [a.type.vdw_e for a in test_molecule.atoms] original_charges = [a.type.charge for a in test_molecule.atoms] n_steps = 100 for step in range(0, n_steps + 1): for i, x in enumerate(test_molecule.atoms): a = atoms[i] a.type.vdw_e = original_vdw_e[i] * ( 1.0 * step / n_steps)**2 #since LJ eps is geometric mean a.type.charge = original_charges[i] * step / n_steps a.charge = a.type.charge run_name = test_molecule_name + '_solid2__' + str(int(step)) atom_types = dict([(t.type, True) for t in atoms]).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict([(t, i + 1) for i, t in enumerate(atom_types)]) is_charged = any([a.charge != 0.0 for a in atoms]) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) pickle.dump((atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals), open(run_name + '.pickle', 'w')) os.system('cp ../' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + run_name + '.py') f = open(run_name + '.in', 'w') f.write( 'units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n' ) if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data ' + run_name + '.data\n') test_molecule_types = dict([ (t.type, True) for t in atoms[:len(test_molecule.atoms)] ]).keys() f.write('''thermo 0 dump 1 all xyz 10000 ''' + run_name + '''.xyz group test_molecule id <= ''' + str(len(test_molecule.atoms)) + ''' group others subtract all test_molecule compute SolEng test_molecule group/group others thermo_style custom c_SolEng #thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed eimp evdwl ecoul elong press vol c_SolEng tpcpu #thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 fix relax all nve/limit 0.01 fix drag all viscous 0.05 timestep 2.0 run 2500 unfix relax fix relax all nve run 25000 unfix relax unfix drag velocity all create ''' + str(T) + ''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix press all npt temp ''' + str(T) + ' ' + str(T) + ''' 100 aniso ''' + str(P) + ' ' + str(P) + ''' 1000 timestep 2.0 thermo 1 run 250000 ''') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes #os.system('nohup ~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) makefile.write( '%s:\n\t~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null\n' % (run_name, run_name, run_name)) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name)) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def react_dots( params, dot_size1, dot_size2, prior_run_name1, prior_run_name2, random_seed=1, run_name_prefix="react_", on_queue=True, method="metadynamics", ): random_s = str(random_seed) random.seed(random_seed) run_name = run_name_prefix + str(dot_size1) + "_" + str(dot_size2) spoc = utils.Molecule("/fs/home/jms875/Documents/nanocrystals/pb_oleate_hydrate_morse/" + spoc_name + ".arc") atoms1, bonds1, angles1, dihedrals1 = cPickle.load(open("lammps/" + prior_run_name1 + ".pickle", "rb")) atoms1, bonds1, angles1, dihedrals1 = remove_unattached_ligands(atoms1, bonds1, angles1, dihedrals1, spoc) atoms2, bonds2, angles2, dihedrals2 = cPickle.load(open("lammps/" + prior_run_name2 + ".pickle", "rb")) atoms2, bonds2, angles2, dihedrals2 = remove_unattached_ligands(atoms2, bonds2, angles2, dihedrals2, spoc) atoms1_xyz = filetypes.parse_xyz(prior_run_name1 + ".xyz") atoms2_xyz = filetypes.parse_xyz(prior_run_name2 + ".xyz") goal_atoms = filetypes.parse_xyz("dot" + str(dot_size1 + dot_size2) + ".xyz") # set starting coordinates for a, b in zip(atoms1, atoms1_xyz): a.x = b.x a.y = b.y a.z = b.z for a, b in zip(atoms2, atoms2_xyz): a.x = b.x a.y = b.y a.z = b.z atoms = atoms1 + atoms2 bonds = bonds1 + bonds2 angles = angles1 + angles2 dihedrals = dihedrals1 + dihedrals2 # make sure atom types are the same in atom1 and atom2 atom_types_by_type_index = dict([(t.type.index, t.type) for t in atoms]) for i, a in enumerate(atoms): a.type = atom_types_by_type_index[a.type.index] a.index = i + 1 if coul_on and a.type.index in params: a.charge = params[a.type.index] else: a.charge = a.type.charge atom_types = dict([(t.type, True) for t in atoms]).keys() atom_types.sort(key=lambda t: -t.element - t.index * 0.00001) offset = ( radius_of_gyration([a for a in atoms1 if (a.type.notes == "PbS Nanocrystal Pb" or a.element == "S")]) + radius_of_gyration([a for a in atoms2 if (a.type.notes == "PbS Nanocrystal Pb" or a.element == "S")]) + 10.0 ) offset_vector = utils.matvec(utils.rand_rotation(), [offset, offset, offset]) rot = utils.rand_rotation() for a in atoms2: # offset by random orientation vector a.x, a.y, a.z = utils.matvec(rot, [a.x, a.y, a.z]) a.x += offset_vector[0] a.y += offset_vector[1] a.z += offset_vector[2] box_size = [ 15.0 + max([a.x for a in atoms]) - min([a.x for a in atoms]), 15.0 + max([a.y for a in atoms]) - min([a.y for a in atoms]), 15.0 + max([a.z for a in atoms]) - min([a.z for a in atoms]), ] # goal_atoms = cPickle.load( open('lammps/dot'+str(dot_size1+dot_size2)+'.pickle', 'rb') )[0] # filetypes.write_xyz('out_meta', atoms) # exit() os.chdir("lammps") save_to_file(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, atom_types, run_name) lammps.write_data_file_general( atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types, pair_coeffs_included=False ) os.system("cp ../" + sys.argv[0] + " " + run_name + ".py") starting_rxn_coord = radius_of_gyration( [a for a in atoms if (a.type.notes == "PbS Nanocrystal Pb" or a.element == "S")] ) print len([a for a in atoms if (a.type.notes == "PbS Nanocrystal Pb" or a.element == "S")]) goal_rxn_coord = radius_of_gyration(goal_atoms[0 : 2 * (dot_size1 + dot_size2)]) colvars_file = open(run_name + ".colvars", "w") colvars_file.write( """ colvarsTrajFrequency 10000 colvarsRestartFrequency 100000 colvar { name gyr width 0.1 #size of bins, in Angstroms upperBoundary """ + str(starting_rxn_coord) + """ #two separate dots lowerBoundary """ + str(goal_rxn_coord) + """ #one unified dot lowerwallconstant 10.0 upperwallconstant 10.0 gyration { atoms { atomNumbers """ + (" ".join([str(a.index) for a in atoms if (a.type.notes == "PbS Nanocrystal Pb" or a.element == "S")])) + """ } } } """ ) if method.lower() == "abf": colvars_file.write( """ abf { colvars gyr hideJacobian # when using distance-based colvar: makes pmf flat at infinity fullSamples 1000 } """ ) elif method.lower() == "metadynamics": colvars_file.write( """ metadynamics { colvars gyr hillWeight 0.1 newHillFrequency 1000 } """ ) else: raise Exception('Invalid free energy method "%s"' % method) colvars_file.close() f = open(run_name + ".in", "w") write_input_header(f, run_name, atom_types, read_restart=False) f.write( """ dump 1 all xyz 10000 """ + run_name + """.xyz minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 10000 1000 neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 thermo_style custom pe temp thermo 10000 restart 100000 """ + run_name + """.restart1 """ + run_name + """.restart2 fix motion all nve fix implicit_solvent all langevin 400.0 400.0 100.0 """ + random_s + """ zero yes gjf yes fix col all colvars """ + run_name + """.colvars output """ + run_name + """ seed """ + random_s + """ tstat implicit_solvent velocity all create 400.0 """ + random_s + """ mom yes timestep 2.0 thermo_style custom step temp etotal pe ke epair ebond f_col tpcpu run """ + str(int(1e7)) + """ write_restart """ + run_name + """.restart """ ) f.close() # run_job(run_name, on_queue) os.chdir("..")
def run(filename): tail = utils.Molecule(filename + '.arc') atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] tail.add_to(0., 0., 0., atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) box_size = [40.] * 3 T = 100.0 directory = 'lammps' if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) os.chdir(directory) run_name = 'opls_' + filename atom_types = dict([(t.type, True) for t in atoms]).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict([(t, i + 1) for i, t in enumerate(atom_types)]) is_charged = any([a.charge != 0.0 for a in atoms]) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + run_name + '.py') f = open(run_name + '.in', 'w') f.write( '''units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n''' ) f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('''special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5 read_data ''' + run_name + '''.data\n dump 1 all xyz 250000 ''' + run_name + '''.xyz thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 group mobile id > 1 velocity mobile create ''' + str(T) + ''' 1 run_style respa 4 2 2 2 inner 2 4.5 6.0 middle 3 7.0 8.0 outer 4 fix anneal mobile nvt temp ''' + str(T) + ''' 1.0 50.0 timestep 4.0 run 250000 minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 ''') f.close() os.system('lammps -in ' + run_name + '.in -log ' + run_name + '.log') os.chdir('..')
def run(run_name): utils.Molecule.set_params('oplsaa4.prm') tail = utils.Molecule('acrylonitrile2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x-2.0 atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] added_atoms = [] S = 2.4 R = 8.0 for phi_i in range(math.pi*R/S): phi = S/R*0.5 + S/R*phi_i z = R*math.cos(phi) r = (R**2 - z**2)**0.5 N_theta = int(math.pi*2*r/S) for theta_i in range(N_theta): theta = S/r + (math.pi*2)*theta_i/N_theta x, y = R*math.cos(theta)*math.sin(phi), R*math.sin(theta)*math.sin(phi) weighted_charge = 0.0 for added in added_atoms: weight = 1/( (x-added.x)**2 + (y-added.y)**2 + (z-added.z)**2 ) weighted_charge += weight*added.charge charge = 1 if weighted_charge<0 else -1 added_atoms.append( utils.Struct( x=x, y=y, z=z, theta=theta, phi=phi, charge=charge ) ) for added in added_atoms: x, y, z, theta, phi = added.x, added.y, added.z, added.theta, added.phi old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] if added.charge>0: for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.y, a.z = -a.z-7, a.y, -a.x c1,c2,s1,s2 = math.cos(theta),math.cos(phi+math.pi/2),math.sin(theta),math.sin(phi+math.pi/2) m = [ [c1*c2, -s1, c1*s2], [c2*s1, c1, s1*s2], [-s2, 0., c2] ] tail.rotate(m) tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.y, a.z = -a.z-7, a.y, -a.x c1,c2,s1,s2 = math.cos(theta),math.cos(phi+math.pi/2),math.sin(theta),math.sin(phi+math.pi/2) m = [ [c1*c2, -s1, c1*s2], [c2*s1, c1, s1*s2], [-s2, 0., c2] ] tail.rotate(m) x*=0.7; y*-0.7; z*=0.7 tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] box_size = [R*2+30]*3 T = 94.0 P = 1.45 filetypes.write_xyz('out', atoms) sys.exit() directory = 'lammps' os.chdir(directory) atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = True lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: # f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') #if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') f.write('''thermo 0 dump 1 all xyz 100 '''+run_name+'''.xyz thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f thermo 1000 minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix dynamics all nve fix solvent all langevin '''+str(T)+' '+str(5*T)+''' 100 1337 timestep 2.0 neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 run 100 ''') f.close() if False: #start multiple processes os.system('nohup ~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def make_lattice(params, system_size, prior_run_name, lc_x=1, lc_y=1, lc_z=1, random_seed=1, run_name_prefix='lattice_', on_queue=True): atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals = [], [], [], [] x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 spacer = utils.Molecule('ma.arc') for xi in range(system_size): x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 for yi in range(system_size): x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 for zi in range(system_size): x=xi*lc_x y=yi*lc_y z=zi*lc_z unbonded_atoms = filetypes.parse_xyz('/fs/home/jar528/Desktop/nano/xyz/') for a in unbonded_atoms: a.x += x a.y += y a.z += z atoms = atoms + unbonded_atoms spacer.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) iodine_type = [t for t in utils.Molecule.atom_types if t.element_name=='I'][-1] lead_type = [t for t in utils.Molecule.atom_types if t.element_name=='Pb'][-1] for a in atoms: if a.element=='I': a.type=iodine_type if a.element=='Pb': a.type=lead_type #filetypes.write_xyz('/fs/home/jar528/Desktop/nano/out', atoms) #exit() random_s = str(random_seed) random.seed(random_seed) run_name = run_name_prefix+str(system_size) # make sure atom types are the same in atom1 and atom2 atom_types_by_type_index = dict( [(t.type.index,t.type) for t in atoms] ) for i,a in enumerate(atoms): a.type = atom_types_by_type_index[ a.type.index ] a.index = i+1 if coul_on and a.type.index in params: a.charge = params[a.type.index] else: a.charge = a.type.charge atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_types.sort(key=lambda t:-t.element-t.index*0.00001) box_size = [ 3.24+max([a.x for a in atoms])-min([a.x for a in atoms]), 3.24+max([a.y for a in atoms])-min([a.y for a in atoms]), 3.24+max([a.z for a in atoms])-min([a.z for a in atoms]) ] os.chdir('lammps') save_to_file( atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, atom_types, run_name ) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types, pair_coeffs_included=False) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') write_input_header(f, run_name, atom_types, read_restart=False) f.write(''' dump 1 all xyz 10000 '''+run_name+'''.xyz minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 10000 1000 neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 thermo 10000 restart 100000 '''+run_name+'''.restart1 '''+run_name+'''.restart2 #fix motion all nve #fix implicit_solvent all langevin 400.0 400.0 1000.0 '''+random_s+''' zero yes gjf yes fix motion all npt temp 450.0 450.0 100.0 aniso 1.0 1.0 1000.0 velocity all create 400.0 '''+random_s+''' mom yes timestep 2.0 thermo_style custom step temp etotal pe tpcpu run '''+str(int(1e6))+''' #thermo 1 #run 1000 minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 10000 1000 write_restart '''+run_name+'''.restart ''') f.close() run_job(run_name, on_queue) os.chdir('..')
def run(test_molecule_filename, solvent_ratio=[100,0,0]): utils.Molecule.set_params('../micelle/oplsaa4.prm') test_molecule = utils.Molecule(test_molecule_filename) test_molecule_name = test_molecule_filename[ test_molecule_filename.rindex('/')+1 :-4] if test_molecule_name[-2:] in ['e2','n2']: test_molecule_name = test_molecule_name[:-1] N2 = utils.Molecule('../N2.arc') #N2 params: N2.atoms[0].type.vdw_r = 3.35 N2.atoms[0].type.vdw_e = 0.0721 # N2.bonds[0].type.r = 1.0977 solvents = [utils.Molecule('../micelle/methane.arc'), utils.Molecule('../ethane.arc'), copy.deepcopy(N2)] water_types = [] atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] test_molecule.add_to(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) box_size = (20,20,20) atom_count = len(atoms) solvent_amount_to_add = [ratio for ratio in solvent_ratio] solvent = solvents[0] #cheesy solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] for x in range(-box_size[0]/2+solvent_spacing[0], box_size[0]/2, solvent_spacing[0]): for y in range(-box_size[1]/2+solvent_spacing[1], box_size[1]/2, solvent_spacing[1]): for z in range(-box_size[2]/2+solvent_spacing[2], box_size[2]/2, solvent_spacing[2]): try: for a in atoms[:atom_count]: if (a.x-x)**2 + (a.y-y)**2 + (a.z-z)**2 < max_vdw_r**2: raise AssertionError() while True: index_to_add = random.randrange(len(solvents)) if solvent_amount_to_add[ index_to_add ] > 0: solvents[ index_to_add ].add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) solvent_amount_to_add[ index_to_add ] -= 1 if sum(solvent_amount_to_add) == 0: solvent_amount_to_add = [ratio for ratio in solvent_ratio] break except AssertionError: pass T = 94.0 P = 1.45 filetypes.write_xyz('out', atoms) os.chdir('lammps') original_vdw_e = [a.type.vdw_e for a in test_molecule.atoms] original_charges = [a.type.charge for a in test_molecule.atoms] n_steps = 100 for step in range(0,n_steps+1): for i,x in enumerate(test_molecule.atoms): a = atoms[i] a.type.vdw_e = original_vdw_e[i] * (1.0*step/n_steps)**2 #since LJ eps is geometric mean a.type.charge = original_charges[i] * step/n_steps a.charge = a.type.charge run_name = test_molecule_name+'_'+('_'.join([str(x) for x in solvent_ratio]))+'__'+str(int(step)) atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = any([a.charge!=0.0 for a in atoms]) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) pickle.dump((atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals), open(run_name+'.pickle', 'w')) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') test_molecule_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms[:len(test_molecule.atoms)]] ).keys() f.write('''thermo 0 dump 1 all xyz 10000 '''+run_name+'''.xyz group test_molecule id <= '''+str(len(test_molecule.atoms))+''' group others subtract all test_molecule compute SolEng test_molecule group/group others thermo_style custom c_SolEng #thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed eimp evdwl ecoul elong press vol c_SolEng tpcpu #thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000\n''') if water_types: #rigid water model f.write(('fix rigid_water all shake 0.0001 20 0 t'+(' %d'*len(water_types))+'\n') % tuple([atom_type_numbers[t] for t in water_types]) ) f.write(''' velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix press all npt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 iso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 1000 timestep 2.0 thermo 1 run 250000 ''') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes #os.system('nohup ~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) makefile.write( '%s:\n\t~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null\n' % (run_name, run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def run(): utils.Molecule.set_params('oplsaa4.prm') solvent = utils.Molecule('methane.arc') if False: tail = utils.Molecule('propanenitrile.arc') z_off_1 = 3.0 z_off_2 = -5.5 else: tail = utils.Molecule('hexanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_off_1 = 0.0 z_off_2 = 6.5 directory = 'lammps' os.chdir(directory) n_steps = 1 for step in range(0,n_steps): atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] S = 3.5 box_size = [21.,21.,35.] theta = 0; z = 0.0 molecules_not_added = 0 held_Ns = [] pushed_Ns = [] for xi in range(box_size[0]/S): x = xi*S - box_size[0]/2 for yi in range(box_size[1]/S): y = yi*S - box_size[1]/2 if (xi%2)==(yi%2): tail.add_to(x, y, z+z_off_1, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] for a in tail.atoms: a.z = -a.z+z_off_2 a.y = -a.y tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] if (xi,yi) in [(3,3)]: for a in atoms[::-1]: if a.element=='N': pushed_Ns.append(a) break elif (xi,yi) in [(0,0)]: for a in atoms[::-1]: if a.element=='N': held_Ns.append(a) break print len(atoms)/len(tail.atoms) atom_count = len(atoms) solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x+1.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] for xi in range(box_size[0]/solvent_spacing[0]): for yi in range(box_size[1]/solvent_spacing[1]): for zi in range(box_size[2]/solvent_spacing[2]): x, y, z = xi*solvent_spacing[0]-box_size[0]/2, yi*solvent_spacing[1]-box_size[1]/2, zi*solvent_spacing[2]-box_size[2]/2 try: for a in atoms[:atom_count]: if (a.x-x)**2 + (a.y-y)**2 + (a.z-z)**2 < max_vdw_r**2: raise Exception() solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) except: pass T = 94.0 T_hot = T*4.2 P = 1.45 #filetypes.write_xyz('out', atoms) #sys.exit(0) run_name = 'azoto_hot__0' atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = True lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') f.write('''thermo 0 dump 1 all xyz 1000 '''+run_name+'''.xyz thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed epair press lx ly lz tpcpu thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 timestep 4.0 neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 run_style respa 4 2 2 2 inner 2 4.5 6.0 middle 3 7.0 8.0 outer 4 thermo 1000 fix relax all npt temp 10.0 10.0 50 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 500 run 1000 unfix relax velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix press all npt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 1000 run 1000 group held_Ns id '''+(' '.join([str(N.index) for N in held_Ns]))+''' group pushed_Ns id '''+(' '.join([str(N.index) for N in pushed_Ns]))+''' #fix push1 held_Ns smd cvel 20.0 -0.00001 tether NULL NULL 100.0 0.0 #fix push2 pushed_Ns smd cvel 20.0 0.00001 tether NULL NULL 100.0 0.0 unfix press group membrane id <= '''+str(atom_count)+''' group solvent subtract all membrane fix press1 membrane npt temp '''+str(T_hot)+' '+str(T_hot)+''' 100 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 1000 fix press2 solvent nvt temp '''+str(T_hot)+' '+str(T_hot)+''' 100 #thermo_style custom epair f_push1[7] f_push2[7] thermo 100 run 10000 ''') f.close() if False: #start multiple processes os.system('nohup ~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def run(mode, timescale): run_name = 'bend11_'+str(mode) if mode==3: tail = utils.Molecule('propanenitrile.arc') z_offset = -4.5 elif mode==4: tail = utils.Molecule('butanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 4.5 elif mode==5: tail = utils.Molecule('pentanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 5.0 elif mode==6: tail = utils.Molecule('hexanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 6.5 elif mode==7: tail = utils.Molecule('aminopropane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 2.5 elif mode==8: tail = utils.Molecule('aminobutane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, -a.x z_offset = 3.5 elif mode==9: tail = utils.Molecule('aminopentane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 5.0 elif mode==10: tail = utils.Molecule('aminohexane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 6.5 elif mode==11: tail = utils.Molecule('hexane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 8.0 elif mode==12: tail = utils.Molecule('hcn2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -3.5 elif mode==13: tail = utils.Molecule('cyanoacetylene2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 0.0 elif mode==14: tail = utils.Molecule('acrylonitrile2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -4.0 elif mode==15: tail = utils.Molecule('cyanoallene2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 4.0 elif mode==16: tail = utils.Molecule('acetonitrile2.arc') z_offset = 0.0 elif mode==17: tail = utils.Molecule('hc5n2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -4.0 directory = 'lammps' os.chdir(directory) atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] S_count = 12 S = 3.5 box_size = [ S_count*S ]*3 theta = 0; z = 0.0 molecules_not_added = 0 pushable = [] if mode==11: for xi in range(S_count): x = xi*S - box_size[0]/2 for yi in range(S_count): y = yi*S - box_size[1]/2 tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) push_r = S * ( (xi-S_count/2)**2 + (yi-S_count/2)**2 )**0.5 if xi==0 or yi==0: push_r = 100.0 atoms[-15].push_r = push_r pushable.append( atoms[-15] ) old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] for a in tail.atoms: a.z = -a.z+z_offset a.y = -a.y tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] atoms[-15].push_r = push_r pushable.append( atoms[-15] ) else: for xi in range(S_count): x = xi*S - box_size[0]/2 for yi in range(S_count): y = yi*S - box_size[1]/2 if (xi%2)==(yi%2): tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] for a in tail.atoms: a.z = -a.z+z_offset a.y = -a.y tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] for a in atoms[::-1]: if a.element=='N': a.push_r = 100.0 if (xi==0 or yi==0) else S * ( (xi-S_count/2)**2 + (yi-S_count/2)**2 )**0.5 pushable.append(a) break #for a in pushable: # a.element = str(int(a.push_r)) #for a in atoms: # print a.element #filetypes.write_xyz('out', atoms) #sys.exit(0) print len(atoms)/len(tail.atoms) atom_count = len(atoms) solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x+1.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] for xi in range(int(box_size[0]/solvent_spacing[0])): for yi in range(int(box_size[1]/solvent_spacing[1])): for zi in range(int(box_size[2]/solvent_spacing[2])): x, y, z = xi*solvent_spacing[0]-box_size[0]/2, yi*solvent_spacing[1]-box_size[1]/2, zi*solvent_spacing[2]-box_size[2]/2 try: for a in atoms[:atom_count]: if (a.x-x)**2 + (a.y-y)**2 + (a.z-z)**2 < max_vdw_r**2: raise Exception() solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) except: pass T = 94.0 P = 1.45 atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = True lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') f.write('''thermo 0 dump 1 all xyz '''+str(int(10000*timescale))+''' '''+run_name+'''.xyz thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed epair press lx ly lz tpcpu thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 timestep 4.0 neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 run_style respa 4 2 2 2 inner 2 4.5 6.0 middle 3 7.0 8.0 outer 4 thermo 1000 fix relax all npt temp 10.0 10.0 50 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 500 run 1000 unfix relax velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix press all npt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 1000 run '''+str(int(25000*timescale))+''' ''') push_groups = [[a for a in pushable if a.push_r<=R and a.push_r>(R-0.01)] for R in [0.01*ri for ri in range(0,1000)]] push_groups = [p for p in push_groups if p] for p_i,p in enumerate(push_groups): f.write('group push_g'+str(p_i)+' id '+(' '.join([str(a.index) for a in p]))+'\n') r = p[0].push_r max_r = 10.0 v = 0.5 * 1e-6*( max_r**2 - r**2 )**0.5 / timescale print r, v, 250000*timescale*4*v f.write('fix push_%d push_g%d smd cvel 20.0 %e tether NULL NULL 100.0 0.0\n' % (p_i, p_i, v) ) f.write('group held_atoms id '+(' '.join([str(a.index) for a in pushable if a.push_r==100.0]))+'\nfix zrest held_atoms spring/self 20.0 z\n') f.write('thermo_style custom ' + ( ' '.join(['f_push_%d[6] f_push_%d[7]' % (p_i,p_i) for p_i,p in enumerate(push_groups)]) ) + '\n') f.write(''' thermo '''+str(int(1000*timescale))+''' run '''+str(int(250000*timescale))+''' ''') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes os.system('nohup ~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def run(solvent_ratio): utils.Molecule.set_params('oplsaa4.prm') tail = utils.Molecule('hexanenitrile.arc') solvent = utils.Molecule('methane.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x directory = 'lammps' os.chdir(directory) n_steps = 1 for step in range(0,n_steps): atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] S = 3.5 box_size = [20,20,20] theta = 0; z = 0.0 print len(atoms)/len(tail.atoms) atom_count = len(atoms) solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x+1.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] for x in utils.frange(-box_size[0]/2, box_size[0]/2-solvent_spacing[0], solvent_spacing[0]): for y in utils.frange(-box_size[1]/2, box_size[1]/2-solvent_spacing[1], solvent_spacing[1]): for z in utils.frange(-box_size[2]/2, box_size[2]/2-solvent_spacing[2], solvent_spacing[2]): try: for a in atoms[:atom_count]: if (a.x-x)**2 + (a.y-y)**2 + (a.z-z)**2 < max_vdw_r**2: raise Exception() solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) except: pass T = 94.0 P = 1.45 print (len(atoms)-atom_count)/len(solvent.atoms) filetypes.write_xyz('out', atoms) run_name = 'azoto_solv__'+str(int(step)) atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = True lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') f.write('''thermo 0 dump 1 all xyz 10000 '''+run_name+'''.xyz thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed evdwl ecoul elong press lx ly lz tpcpu thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix press all npt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 500 timestep 4.0 neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 run_style respa 4 2 2 2 inner 2 4.5 6.0 middle 3 7.0 8.0 outer 4 thermo 100 run 25000 unfix press fix dynamics all nvt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 thermo_style custom epair pe etotal thermo 1 run 25000 ''') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes os.system('nohup ~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def run(R): atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] added_atoms = [] S = 3.5 for phi_i in range(math.pi*R/S): phi = S/R*0.5 + S/R*phi_i z = R*math.cos(phi) r = (R**2 - z**2)**0.5 N_theta = int(math.pi*2*r/S) for theta_i in range(N_theta): theta = S/r + (math.pi*2)*theta_i/N_theta x, y = R*math.cos(theta)*math.sin(phi), R*math.sin(theta)*math.sin(phi) weighted_charge = 0.0 for added in added_atoms: weight = 1/( (x-added.x)**2 + (y-added.y)**2 + (z-added.z)**2 ) weighted_charge += weight*added.charge charge = 1 if weighted_charge<0 else -1 added_atoms.append( utils.Struct( x=x, y=y, z=z, theta=theta, phi=phi, charge=charge ) ) added_atoms.append( utils.Struct( x=0., y=0., z=0., theta=0., phi=0., charge=1 ) ) for added in added_atoms: x, y, z, theta, phi = added.x, added.y, added.z, added.theta, added.phi old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] if added.charge>0: for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.y, a.z = -a.z-7, a.y, -a.x c1,c2,s1,s2 = math.cos(theta),math.cos(phi+math.pi/2),math.sin(theta),math.sin(phi+math.pi/2) m = [ [c1*c2, -s1, c1*s2], [c2*s1, c1, s1*s2], [-s2, 0., c2] ] tail.rotate(m) tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.y, a.z = a.z, a.y, a.x c1,c2,s1,s2 = math.cos(theta),math.cos(phi+math.pi/2),math.sin(theta),math.sin(phi+math.pi/2) m = [ [c1*c2, -s1, c1*s2], [c2*s1, c1, s1*s2], [-s2, 0., c2] ] tail.rotate(m) tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] atom_count = len(atoms) box_size = [R*2+20]*3 solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x+0.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] for x in range(-box_size[0]/2+solvent_spacing[0], box_size[0]/2, solvent_spacing[0]): for y in range(-box_size[1]/2+solvent_spacing[1], box_size[1]/2, solvent_spacing[1]): for z in range(-box_size[2]/2+solvent_spacing[2], box_size[2]/2, solvent_spacing[2]): try: for a in atoms[:atom_count]: if (a.x-x)**2 + (a.y-y)**2 + (a.z-z)**2 < max_vdw_r**2: raise Exception() solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) except: pass T = 94.0 P = 1.5 directory = 'lammps' if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) os.chdir(directory) run_name = 'azo_hex_r'+str(R) atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = any([a.charge!=0.0 for a in atoms]) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('''units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n''') f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('''special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5 read_data '''+run_name+'''.data\n neigh_modify exclude molecule all group test_molecules id <= '''+str(atom_count)+''' compute 1 all pair/local eng compute 2 test_molecules reduce sum c_1 minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix dynamics all nvt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 timestep 4.0 run_style respa 4 2 2 2 inner 2 4.5 6.0 middle 3 7.0 8.0 outer 4 run 2500 thermo_style custom c_2 thermo 1 run 1000 ''') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes os.system('nohup ~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def run(mode, timescale): run_name = 'smd20_'+str(mode) utils.Molecule.set_params('oplsaa4.prm') solvent = utils.Molecule('methane.arc') #solvent = utils.Molecule('benzene2.arc') #solvent = utils.Molecule('hexane2.arc') box_size = [21.,21.,42.] S = 3.5 if mode==3: tail = utils.Molecule('propanenitrile.arc') z_offset = -4.5 elif mode==4: tail = utils.Molecule('butanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 4.5 elif mode==5: tail = utils.Molecule('pentanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 5.0 elif mode==6: tail = utils.Molecule('hexanenitrile.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 6.5 elif mode==7: tail = utils.Molecule('aminopropane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 2.5 elif mode==8: tail = utils.Molecule('aminobutane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, -a.x z_offset = 3.5 elif mode==9: tail = utils.Molecule('aminopentane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 5.0 elif mode==10: tail = utils.Molecule('aminohexane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 6.5 elif mode==11: tail = utils.Molecule('hexane2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 8.0 elif mode==12: tail = utils.Molecule('hcn2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x S = 3.0 z_offset = -0.5 elif mode==13: tail = utils.Molecule('cyanoacetylene2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -2.0 elif mode==14: tail = utils.Molecule('acrylonitrile2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -4.0 elif mode==15: tail = utils.Molecule('cyanoallene2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = 4.0 elif mode==16: tail = utils.Molecule('acetonitrile2.arc') z_offset = 2.0 elif mode==17: tail = utils.Molecule('hc5n2.arc') for a in tail.atoms: a.x, a.z = a.z, a.x z_offset = -4.0 directory = 'lammps' os.chdir(directory) atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] theta = 0; z = 0.0 molecules_not_added = 0 held_atoms = [] pushed_atoms = [] if mode==11: for xi in range(box_size[0]/S): x = xi*S - box_size[0]/2 for yi in range(box_size[1]/S): y = yi*S - box_size[1]/2 tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] for a in tail.atoms: a.z = -a.z+z_offset a.y = -a.y tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] if xi==3 and yi==3: pushed_atoms.append( atoms[-15] ) elif xi==0 or yi==0: held_atoms.append( atoms[-15] ) else: for xi in range(box_size[0]/S): x = xi*S - box_size[0]/2 for yi in range(box_size[1]/S): y = yi*S - box_size[1]/2 if (xi%2)==(yi%2): tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: old_atom_positions = [(a.x, a.y, a.z) for a in tail.atoms] for a in tail.atoms: a.z = -a.z+z_offset a.y = -a.y tail.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for i,a in enumerate(tail.atoms): a.x, a.y, a.z = old_atom_positions[i] for a in atoms[::-1]: if a.element=='N': if xi==3 and yi==3: pushed_atoms.append( a ) elif xi==0 or yi==0: held_atoms.append( a ) break print len(atoms)/len(tail.atoms) atom_count = len(atoms) solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x+1.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] for xi in range(box_size[0]/solvent_spacing[0]): for yi in range(box_size[1]/solvent_spacing[1]): for zi in range(box_size[2]/solvent_spacing[2]): x, y, z = xi*solvent_spacing[0]-box_size[0]/2, yi*solvent_spacing[1]-box_size[1]/2, zi*solvent_spacing[2]-box_size[2]/2 try: for a in atoms[:atom_count]: if (a.x-x)**2 + (a.y-y)**2 + (a.z-z)**2 < max_vdw_r**2: raise Exception() solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) except: pass T = 94.0 P = 1.45 #filetypes.write_xyz(run_name, atoms) #os.chdir('..') #return atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = True lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') f.write(''' dump 1 all xyz '''+str(int(10000*timescale))+''' '''+run_name+'''.xyz thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed epair press lx ly lz tpcpu thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 timestep 4.0 neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 run_style respa 4 2 2 2 inner 2 4.5 6.0 middle 3 7.0 8.0 outer 4 fix relax all npt temp 10.0 10.0 50 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 500 run 1000 unfix relax velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix press all npt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 1000 thermo '''+str(int(100*timescale))+''' run '''+str(int(25000*timescale))+''' group held_atoms id '''+(' '.join([str(a.index) for a in held_atoms]))+''' group pushed_atoms id '''+(' '.join([str(a.index) for a in pushed_atoms]))+''' fix zrest held_atoms spring/self 100.0 z fix push pushed_atoms smd cvel 100.0 '''+str((-1 if z_offset<0 else 1)*0.00001/timescale)+''' tether NULL NULL 100.0 0.0 thermo_style custom f_push[6] f_push[7] f_zrest run '''+str(int(250000*timescale))+''' ''') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes os.system('nohup ~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')
def run(test_molecule_filename, makefile): utils.Molecule.set_params('oplsaa4.prm') test_molecule = utils.Molecule(test_molecule_filename) test_molecule_name = test_molecule_filename[ test_molecule_filename.rindex('/')+1 :-4] if test_molecule_name[-2:]=='e2': test_molecule_name = test_molecule_name[:-1] solvent = copy.deepcopy(test_molecule) solvent_spacing = [(max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.x).x), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.y).y), (max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z-min(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.z).z)] solvent_spacing = [x+1.0 for x in solvent_spacing] max_vdw_r = max(solvent.atoms, key=lambda a:a.type.vdw_r).type.vdw_r solvent_spacing = [max(x,max_vdw_r) for x in solvent_spacing] solvent_spacing[2] += 1.0 L = 6 box_size = [L*x for x in solvent_spacing] atoms = [] bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] #add staggering between layers (like shingles) for xi in range(L): for yi in range(L): for zi in range(L): x = xi*solvent_spacing[0] - box_size[0]/2 y = yi*solvent_spacing[1] - box_size[1]/2 z = (zi+xi*0.5)*solvent_spacing[2] - box_size[2]/2 if xi==0 and yi==0 and zi==0: test_molecule.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: if True: #(xi+yi+zi)%2==0: solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) else: for a in solvent.atoms: a.z = -a.z solvent.add_to(x, y, z, atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals) for a in solvent.atoms: a.z = -a.z T = 94.0 P = 1.45 #filetypes.write_xyz('out', atoms) #sys.exit() os.chdir('lammps') original_vdw_e = [a.type.vdw_e for a in test_molecule.atoms] original_charges = [a.type.charge for a in test_molecule.atoms] n_steps = 100 for step in range(0,n_steps+1): for i,x in enumerate(test_molecule.atoms): a = atoms[i] a.type.vdw_e = original_vdw_e[i] * (1.0*step/n_steps)**2 #since LJ eps is geometric mean a.type.charge = original_charges[i] * step/n_steps a.charge = a.type.charge run_name = test_molecule_name+'_solid2__'+str(int(step)) atom_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms] ).keys() atom_type_numbers = dict( [(t,i+1) for i,t in enumerate(atom_types)] ) is_charged = any([a.charge!=0.0 for a in atoms]) lammps.write_data_file_general(atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals, box_size, run_name, atom_types=atom_types) pickle.dump((atoms, bonds, angles, dihedrals), open(run_name+'.pickle', 'w')) os.system('cp ../'+sys.argv[0]+' '+run_name+'.py') f = open(run_name+'.in', 'w') f.write('units real\natom_style full #bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, charges\n') if is_charged: f.write('pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 8.0\n') else: f.write('pair_style lj/cut 8.0\n') if bonds: f.write('bond_style harmonic\n') if angles: f.write('angle_style harmonic\n') if dihedrals: f.write('dihedral_style opls\n') if is_charged: f.write('kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3\n') f.write('special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 0.5\nread_data '+run_name+'.data\n') test_molecule_types = dict( [(t.type,True) for t in atoms[:len(test_molecule.atoms)]] ).keys() f.write('''thermo 0 dump 1 all xyz 10000 '''+run_name+'''.xyz group test_molecule id <= '''+str(len(test_molecule.atoms))+''' group others subtract all test_molecule compute SolEng test_molecule group/group others thermo_style custom c_SolEng #thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed eimp evdwl ecoul elong press vol c_SolEng tpcpu #thermo_modify line multi format float %14.6f minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 fix relax all nve/limit 0.01 fix drag all viscous 0.05 timestep 2.0 run 2500 unfix relax fix relax all nve run 25000 unfix relax unfix drag velocity all create '''+str(T)+''' 1 rot yes dist gaussian fix press all npt temp '''+str(T)+' '+str(T)+''' 100 aniso '''+str(P)+' '+str(P)+''' 1000 timestep 2.0 thermo 1 run 250000 ''') f.close() if True: #start multiple processes #os.system('nohup ~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null &' % (run_name, run_name) ) makefile.write( '%s:\n\t~/lammps2/src/lmp_g++ -in -log %s.log &> /dev/null\n' % (run_name, run_name, run_name) ) print 'Running', run_name else: os.system('~/lammps/src/lmp_g++_no_cuda -in -log %s.log' % (run_name, run_name) ) sys.exit() os.chdir('..')