コード例 #1
def main():
    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 41
    nc = 61
    g = 0.8
    f = 1.0
    silo_y0 = 30.0
    silo_opening_half_width = 6
    plot_interval = 1.0
    run_duration = 80.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    p_init = 0.4  # probability that a cell is occupied at start
    plot_every_transition = False
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0, orientation='vertical', reorient_links=True)
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent particles moving on a lattice: one state
    # per direction (for 6 directions), plus an empty state, a stationary
    # state, and a wall state.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'empty', 
                1 : 'moving up',
                2 : 'moving right and up',
                3 : 'moving right and down',
                4 : 'moving down',
                5 : 'moving left and down',
                6 : 'moving left and up',
                7 : 'rest',
                8 : 'wall'}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list(g, f)

    # Create data and initialize values.
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid')
    # Make the grid boundary all wall particles
    node_state_grid[hmg.boundary_nodes] = 8
    # Place wall particles to form the base of the silo, initially closed
    tan30deg = numpy.tan(numpy.pi/6.)
    rampy1 = silo_y0-hmg.node_x*tan30deg
    rampy2 = silo_y0-((nc*0.866-1.)-hmg.node_x)*tan30deg
    rampy = numpy.maximum(rampy1, rampy2)
    (ramp_nodes, ) = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(hmg.node_y>rampy-0.5, \
    node_state_grid[ramp_nodes] = 8
    # Seed the grid interior with randomly oriented particles
    for i in hmg.core_nodes:
        if hmg.node_y[i]>rampy[i] and random.random()<p_init:
            node_state_grid[i] = random.randint(1, 7)
    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedHexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    # Run with closed silo
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=plot_every_transition, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid

    # Open the silo
    xmid = nc*0.866*0.5
    for i in range(hmg.number_of_nodes):
        if node_state_grid[i]==8 and hmg.node_x[i]>(xmid-silo_opening_half_width) \
           and hmg.node_x[i]<(xmid+silo_opening_half_width) \
           and hmg.node_y[i]>0:
    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedHexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # Re-run with open silo
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < 5*run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=plot_every_transition, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid


    # Plot
コード例 #2
def main():

    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 128
    nc = 128
    fracture_spacing = 10  # fracture spacing, cell widths
    plot_interval = 0.25
    run_duration = 4.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create grid
    mg = RasterModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent a body of fractured rock, with rock 
    # represented by nodes with state 0, and saprolite (weathered rock)
    # represented by nodes with state 1. Node pairs (links) with 0-1 or 1-0
    # can undergo a transition to 1-1, representing chemical weathering of the
    # rock.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'rock', 1 : 'saprolite' }
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create the node-state array and attach it to the grid
    node_state_grid = mg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_map', dtype=int)
    # Initialize the node-state array as a "fracture grid" in which randomly
    # oriented fractures are represented as lines of saprolite embedded in
    # bedrock.
    node_state_grid[:] = make_frac_grid(fracture_spacing, model_grid=mg)    
    # Create the CA model
    ca = RasterLCA(mg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Debug output if needed    
    if _DEBUG:
        n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
        for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
            for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                n -= 1
                print('{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]), end=' ')

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print('Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)')
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=False) #, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid

        # for debugging        
        if _DEBUG:
            n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
            for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
                for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                    n -= 1
                    print('{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]), end=' ')


    # Plot
コード例 #3
ファイル: grains.py プロジェクト: saisiddu/jiaweih_landlab
def main():
    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 21
    nc = 21
    plot_interval = 0.5
    run_duration = 25.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0, orientation='vertical', reorient_links=True)
    # Close the grid boundaries
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent the disease status of a population.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'fluid', 1 : 'grain' }
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create data and initialize values. We start with the 3 middle columns full
    # of grains, and the others empty.
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid')
    middle = 0.25*(nc-1)*sqrt(3)
    is_middle_cols = logical_and(hmg.node_x<middle+1., hmg.node_x>middle-1.)
    node_state_grid[where(is_middle_cols)[0]] = 1
    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedHexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid


    # Plot
def main():


    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 41
    nc = 61
    g = 0.8
    f = 1.0
    plot_interval = 1.0
    run_duration = 200.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    p_init = 0.4  # probability that a cell is occupied at start
    plot_every_transition = False

    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr,

    # Close the grid boundaries

    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent particles moving on a lattice: one state
    # per direction (for 6 directions), plus an empty state, a stationary
    # state, and a wall state.
    ns_dict = {
        0: 'empty',
        1: 'moving up',
        2: 'moving right and up',
        3: 'moving right and down',
        4: 'moving down',
        5: 'moving left and down',
        6: 'moving left and up',
        7: 'rest',
        8: 'wall'
    xn_list = setup_transition_list(g, f)

    # Create data and initialize values.
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid')

    # Make the grid boundary all wall particles
    node_state_grid[hmg.boundary_nodes] = 8

    # Seed the grid interior with randomly oriented particles
    for i in hmg.core_nodes:
        if random.random() < p_init:
            node_state_grid[i] = random.randint(1, 7)

    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedHexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)

    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:

        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time', current_time, '(', 100 * current_time / run_duration, '%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time + plot_interval,
        current_time += plot_interval

        # Plot the current grid


    # Plot
コード例 #5
def main():

    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 10
    nc = 10
    plot_interval = 0.25
    run_duration = 40.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create grid
    mg = RasterModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)
    mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, True)
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent a body of fractured rock, with rock 
    # represented by nodes with state 0, and saprolite (weathered rock)
    # represented by nodes with state 1. Node pairs (links) with 0-1 or 1-0
    # can undergo a transition to 1-1, representing chemical weathering of the
    # rock.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'air', 1 : 'particle' }
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create the node-state array and attach it to the grid
    node_state_grid = mg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_map', dtype=int)
    node_state_grid[where(mg.node_y>nr-3)[0]] = 1    
        # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedRasterLCA(mg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    #ca = RasterLCA(mg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Debug output if needed    
    if _DEBUG:
        n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
        for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
            for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                n -= 1
                print '{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]),

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    updated = False
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=False) #, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Add a bunch of particles
        if current_time > run_duration/2. and not updated:
            print 'updating...'
            node_state_grid[where(ca.grid.node_y>(nc/2.0))[0]] = 1
            updated = True
        # Plot the current grid

        # for debugging        
        if _DEBUG:
            n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
            for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
                for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                    n -= 1
                    print '{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]),


    # Plot
コード例 #6
def main():

    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 80  # number of rows in grid
    nc = 50  # number of columns in grid
    plot_interval = 0.5   # time interval for plotting, sec
    run_duration = 0.0   # duration of run, sec
    report_interval = 10.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create grid
    mg = RasterModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)
    # Make the boundaries be walls
    mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, True)
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'fluid', 1 : 'particle' }
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create the node-state array and attach it to the grid
    node_state_grid = mg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_map', dtype=int)
    # Initialize the node-state array: here, the initial condition is a pile of
    # resting grains at the bottom of a container.
    bottom_rows = where(mg.node_y<0.1*nr)[0]
    node_state_grid[bottom_rows] = 1
    # For visual display purposes, set all boundary nodes to fluid
    node_state_grid[mg.closed_boundary_nodes] = 0
    # Create the CA model
    ca = RasterLCA(mg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    grain = '#5F594D'
    fluid = '#D0E4F2'
    clist = [fluid,grain]
    my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(clist)

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca, cmap=my_cmap)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid


    # Plot
コード例 #7
ファイル: sir.py プロジェクト: brigidlynch/landlab
def main():
    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 20
    nc = 20
    plot_interval = 2.0
    run_duration = 2.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent the disease status of a population.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'susceptible', 1 : 'infectious', 2: 'recovered' }
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create data and initialize values
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid')
    wid = nc-1.0
    ht = (nr-1.0)*0.866
    is_middle_rows = logical_and(hmg.node_y>=0.4*ht, hmg.node_y<=0.5*ht)
    is_middle_cols = logical_and(hmg.node_x>=0.4*wid, hmg.node_x<=0.6*wid)
    middle_area = where(logical_and(is_middle_rows, is_middle_cols))[0]
    node_state_grid[middle_area] = 1
    node_state_grid[0] = 2  # to force full color range, set lower left to 'recovered'
    # Create the CA model
    ca = HexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print('Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)')
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=True, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid


    # Plot
コード例 #8
def main():


    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 128
    nc = 128
    fracture_spacing = 10  # fracture spacing, cell widths
    plot_interval = 0.25
    run_duration = 4.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds

    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create grid
    mg = RasterModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)

    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent a body of fractured rock, with rock
    # represented by nodes with state 0, and saprolite (weathered rock)
    # represented by nodes with state 1. Node pairs (links) with 0-1 or 1-0
    # can undergo a transition to 1-1, representing chemical weathering of the
    # rock.
    ns_dict = {0: 'rock', 1: 'saprolite'}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create the node-state array and attach it to the grid
    node_state_grid = mg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_map', dtype=int)

    # Initialize the node-state array as a "fracture grid" in which randomly
    # oriented fractures are represented as lines of saprolite embedded in
    # bedrock.
    node_state_grid[:] = make_frac_grid(fracture_spacing, model_grid=mg)

    # Create the CA model
    ca = RasterLCA(mg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)

    # Debug output if needed
    if _DEBUG:
        n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
        for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
            for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                n -= 1
                print '{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]),

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)

    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:

        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time', current_time, '(', 100 * current_time / run_duration, '%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time + plot_interval,
               plot_each_transition=False)  #, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval

        # Plot the current grid

        # for debugging
        if _DEBUG:
            n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
            for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
                for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                    n -= 1
                    print '{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]),


    # Plot
コード例 #9
def main():


    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 20
    nc = 20
    plot_interval = 2.0
    run_duration = 2.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds

    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)

    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent the disease status of a population.
    ns_dict = {0: 'susceptible', 1: 'infectious', 2: 'recovered'}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create data and initialize values
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid')
    wid = nc - 1.0
    ht = (nr - 1.0) * 0.866
    is_middle_rows = logical_and(hmg.node_y >= 0.4 * ht,
                                 hmg.node_y <= 0.5 * ht)
    is_middle_cols = logical_and(hmg.node_x >= 0.4 * wid,
                                 hmg.node_x <= 0.6 * wid)
    middle_area = where(logical_and(is_middle_rows, is_middle_cols))[0]
    node_state_grid[middle_area] = 1
        0] = 2  # to force full color range, set lower left to 'recovered'

    # Create the CA model
    ca = HexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)

    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:

        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time', current_time, '(', 100 * current_time / run_duration, '%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time + plot_interval,
        current_time += plot_interval

        # Plot the current grid


    # Plot
コード例 #10
def main():
    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 41
    nc = 61
    plot_interval = 1.0
    run_duration = 100.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    p_init = 0.1  # probability that a cell is occupied at start
    plot_every_transition = False
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0, orientation='vertical', reorient_links=True)
    # Close the grid boundaries
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent particles moving on a lattice: one state
    # per direction (for 6 directions), plus an empty state, a stationary
    # state, and a wall state.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'empty', 
                1 : 'moving up',
                2 : 'moving right and up',
                3 : 'moving right and down',
                4 : 'moving down',
                5 : 'moving left and down',
                6 : 'moving left and up',
                7 : 'rest',
                8 : 'wall'}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create data and initialize values.
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid', dtype=int)
    # Make the grid boundary all wall particles
    node_state_grid[hmg.boundary_nodes] = 8
    # Seed the grid interior with randomly oriented particles
    for i in hmg.core_nodes:
        if random.random()<p_init:
            node_state_grid[i] = random.randint(1, 7)
    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedHexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid
    # Create an array to store the numbers of states at each plot interval
    nstates = zeros((9, int(run_duration/plot_interval)))
    k = 0

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print('Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)')
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=plot_every_transition, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid
        # Record numbers in each state
        nstates[:,k] = bincount(node_state_grid)
        k += 1


    # Plot
    # Display the numbers of each state
    fig, ax = subplots()
    for i in range(1, 8):
        plot(arange(plot_interval, run_duration+plot_interval, plot_interval), nstates[i,:], label=ns_dict[i])
    ylabel('Number of particles in state')
    title('Particle distribution by state')
    axis([0, run_duration, 0, 2*nstates[7,0]])
コード例 #11
def main():


    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 80
    nc = 80
    plot_interval = 2
    run_duration = 200
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds

    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create grid
    mg = RasterModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)

    # Make the boundaries be walls
    mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, True)

    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    ns_dict = {0: 'fluid', 1: 'particle'}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create the node-state array and attach it to the grid
    node_state_grid = mg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_map', dtype=int)

    # Initialize the node-state array
    middle_rows = where(
        bitwise_and(mg.node_y > 0.45 * nr, mg.node_y < 0.55 * nr))[0]
    node_state_grid[middle_rows] = 1

    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedRasterLCA(mg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)

    # Debug output if needed
    if _DEBUG:
        n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
        for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
            for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                n -= 1
                print '{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]),

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)

    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:

        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time', current_time, '(', 100 * current_time / run_duration, '%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time + plot_interval,
               plot_each_transition=False)  #, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval

        # Plot the current grid

        # for debugging
        if _DEBUG:
            n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
            for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
                for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                    n -= 1
                    print '{0:.0f}'.format(ca.node_state[n]),


    # Plot
コード例 #12
def main():


    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 80
    nc = 80
    plot_interval = 2
    run_duration = 200
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds

    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create grid
    mg = RasterModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0)

    # Make the boundaries be walls
    mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, True)

    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    ns_dict = {0: "fluid", 1: "particle"}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create the node-state array and attach it to the grid
    node_state_grid = mg.add_zeros("node", "node_state_map", dtype=int)

    # Initialize the node-state array
    middle_rows = where(bitwise_and(mg.node_y > 0.45 * nr, mg.node_y < 0.55 * nr))[0]
    node_state_grid[middle_rows] = 1

    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedRasterLCA(mg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)

    # Debug output if needed
    if _DEBUG:
        n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
        for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
            for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                n -= 1
                print("{0:.0f}".format(ca.node_state[n]), end=" ")

    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)

    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:

        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print("Current sim time", current_time, "(", 100 * current_time / run_duration, "%)")
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time + plot_interval, ca.node_state, plot_each_transition=False)  # , plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval

        # Plot the current grid

        # for debugging
        if _DEBUG:
            n = ca.grid.number_of_nodes
            for r in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_rows):
                for c in range(ca.grid.number_of_node_columns):
                    n -= 1
                    print("{0:.0f}".format(ca.node_state[n]), end=" ")


    # Plot
コード例 #13
def main():
    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 41
    nc = 61
    plot_interval = 1.0
    run_duration = 100.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    p_init = 0.1  # probability that a cell is occupied at start
    plot_every_transition = False
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0, orientation='vertical', reorient_links=True)
    # Close the grid boundaries
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent particles moving on a lattice: one state
    # per direction (for 6 directions), plus an empty state, a stationary
    # state, and a wall state.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'empty', 
                1 : 'moving up',
                2 : 'moving right and up',
                3 : 'moving right and down',
                4 : 'moving down',
                5 : 'moving left and down',
                6 : 'moving left and up',
                7 : 'rest',
                8 : 'wall'}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list()

    # Create data and initialize values.
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid', dtype=int)
    # Make the grid boundary all wall particles
    node_state_grid[hmg.boundary_nodes] = 8
    # Seed the grid interior with randomly oriented particles
    for i in hmg.core_nodes:
        if random.random()<p_init:
            node_state_grid[i] = random.randint(1, 7)
    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedHexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid
    # Create an array to store the numbers of states at each plot interval
    nstates = zeros((9, int(run_duration/plot_interval)))
    k = 0

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=plot_every_transition, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid
        # Record numbers in each state
        nstates[:,k] = bincount(node_state_grid)
        k += 1


    # Plot
    # Display the numbers of each state
    fig, ax = subplots()
    for i in range(1, 8):
        plot(arange(plot_interval, run_duration+plot_interval, plot_interval), nstates[i,:], label=ns_dict[i])
    ylabel('Number of particles in state')
    title('Particle distribution by state')
    axis([0, run_duration, 0, 2*nstates[7,0]])
コード例 #14
def main():
    # User-defined parameters
    nr = 41
    nc = 61
    g = 0.8
    f = 1.0
    plot_interval = 1.0
    run_duration = 200.0
    report_interval = 5.0  # report interval, in real-time seconds
    p_init = 0.4  # probability that a cell is occupied at start
    plot_every_transition = False
    # Remember the clock time, and calculate when we next want to report
    # progress.
    current_real_time = time.time()
    next_report = current_real_time + report_interval

    # Create a grid
    hmg = HexModelGrid(nr, nc, 1.0, orientation='vertical', reorient_links=True)
    # Close the grid boundaries
    # Set up the states and pair transitions.
    # Transition data here represent particles moving on a lattice: one state
    # per direction (for 6 directions), plus an empty state, a stationary
    # state, and a wall state.
    ns_dict = { 0 : 'empty', 
                1 : 'moving up',
                2 : 'moving right and up',
                3 : 'moving right and down',
                4 : 'moving down',
                5 : 'moving left and down',
                6 : 'moving left and up',
                7 : 'rest',
                8 : 'wall'}
    xn_list = setup_transition_list(g, f)

    # Create data and initialize values.
    node_state_grid = hmg.add_zeros('node', 'node_state_grid')
    # Make the grid boundary all wall particles
    node_state_grid[hmg.boundary_nodes] = 8
    # Seed the grid interior with randomly oriented particles
    for i in hmg.core_nodes:
        if random.random()<p_init:
            node_state_grid[i] = random.randint(1, 7)
    # Create the CA model
    ca = OrientedHexLCA(hmg, ns_dict, xn_list, node_state_grid)
    # Create a CAPlotter object for handling screen display
    ca_plotter = CAPlotter(ca)
    # Plot the initial grid

    # RUN
    current_time = 0.0
    while current_time < run_duration:
        # Once in a while, print out simulation and real time to let the user
        # know that the sim is running ok
        current_real_time = time.time()
        if current_real_time >= next_report:
            print 'Current sim time',current_time,'(',100*current_time/run_duration,'%)'
            next_report = current_real_time + report_interval
        # Run the model forward in time until the next output step
        ca.run(current_time+plot_interval, ca.node_state, 
               plot_each_transition=plot_every_transition, plotter=ca_plotter)
        current_time += plot_interval
        # Plot the current grid


    # Plot