コード例 #1
ファイル: blob.py プロジェクト: cclauss/LaZagne
    def decrypt(self, masterkey, entropy=None, strongPassword=None):
        """Try to decrypt the blob. Returns True/False
        :rtype : bool
        :param masterkey: decrypted masterkey value
        :param entropy: optional entropy for decrypting the blob
        :param strongPassword: optional password for decrypting the blob
        for algo in [crypto.CryptSessionKeyXP, crypto.CryptSessionKeyWin7]:
                sessionkey = algo(masterkey, self.salt, self.hashAlgo, entropy=entropy, strongPassword=strongPassword)
                key = crypto.CryptDeriveKey(sessionkey, self.cipherAlgo, self.hashAlgo)

                if "AES" in self.cipherAlgo.name:
                    cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key[:self.cipherAlgo.keyLength], iv="\x00" * self.cipherAlgo.ivLength)
                    self.cleartext = b"".join([cipher.decrypt(self.cipherText[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(self.cipherText), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
                    cipher = self.cipherAlgo.module.new(key, CBC, "\x00" * self.cipherAlgo.ivLength)
                    self.cleartext = cipher.decrypt(self.cipherText)

                padding = char_to_int(self.cleartext[-1])
                if padding <= self.cipherAlgo.blockSize:
                    self.cleartext = self.cleartext[:-padding]

                # check against provided HMAC
                self.signComputed = algo(masterkey, self.hmac, self.hashAlgo, entropy=entropy, verifBlob=self.blob)
                self.decrypted = self.signComputed == self.sign
                if self.decrypted:
                    return True
            except Exception:
        self.decrypted = False
        return self.decrypted
コード例 #2
def get_hbootkey(samaddr, bootkey):
    sam_account_path = [b"SAM", b"Domains", b"Account"]

    root = get_root(samaddr)
    if not root:
        return None

    sam_account_key = open_key(root, sam_account_path)
    if not sam_account_key:
        return None

    F = None
    for v in values(sam_account_key):
        if v.Name == b'F':
            F = samaddr.read(v.Data.value, v.DataLength.value)
    if not F:
        return None

    revision = ord(F[0x00:0x01])
    if revision == 2:
        md5 = hashlib.md5(F[0x70:0x80] + aqwerty + bootkey + anum)
        rc4_key = md5.digest()
        rc4 = RC4(rc4_key)
        hbootkey = rc4.encrypt(F[0x80:0xA0])

        return hbootkey

    elif revision == 3:
        iv = F[0x78:0x88]
        encryptedHBootKey = F[0x88:0xA8]
        cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(bootkey, iv=iv)
        hbootkey = b"".join([cipher.decrypt(encryptedHBootKey[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(encryptedHBootKey), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])

        return hbootkey[:16]
コード例 #3
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: ingested/LaZagne
def aes_cbc_decrypt(data, key, enc_iv):
    """Decrypt and return `data` with AES CBC."""
    cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=enc_iv)
    return b"".join([
        cipher.decrypt(data[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE])
        for i in range(0, len(data), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
コード例 #4
def dataDecrypt(cipherAlgo, hashAlgo, raw, encKey, iv, rounds):
    Internal use. Decrypts data stored in DPAPI structures.
    hname = {"HMAC": "sha1"}.get(hashAlgo.name, hashAlgo.name)
    derived = pbkdf2(encKey, iv, cipherAlgo.keyLength + cipherAlgo.ivLength, rounds, hname)
    key, iv = derived[:int(cipherAlgo.keyLength)], derived[int(cipherAlgo.keyLength):]
    key = key[:int(cipherAlgo.keyLength)]
    iv = iv[:int(cipherAlgo.ivLength)]

    if "AES" in cipherAlgo.name:
        cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=iv)
        cleartxt = b"".join([cipher.decrypt(raw[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(raw), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
        cipher = cipherAlgo.module(key, CBC, iv)
        cleartxt = cipher.decrypt(raw)
    return cleartxt
コード例 #5
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: cclauss/LaZagne
def dataDecrypt(cipherAlgo, hashAlgo, raw, encKey, iv, rounds):
    Internal use. Decrypts data stored in DPAPI structures.
    hname = {"HMAC": "sha1"}.get(hashAlgo.name, hashAlgo.name)
    derived = pbkdf2(encKey, iv, cipherAlgo.keyLength + cipherAlgo.ivLength, rounds, hname)
    key, iv = derived[:cipherAlgo.keyLength], derived[cipherAlgo.keyLength:]
    key = key[:cipherAlgo.keyLength]
    iv = iv[:cipherAlgo.ivLength]

    if "AES" in cipherAlgo.name:
        cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=iv)
        cleartxt = b"".join([cipher.decrypt(raw[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(raw), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
        cipher = cipherAlgo.module(key, CBC, iv)
        cleartxt = cipher.decrypt(raw)
    return cleartxt
コード例 #6
def decrypt_single_salted_hash(rid, hbootkey, enc_hash, lmntstr, salt):
    if enc_hash == "":
        return ""
    (des_k1, des_k2) = sid_to_key(rid)
    d1 = des(des_k1, ECB)
    d2 = des(des_k2, ECB)
    cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(hbootkey, salt)
    obfkey = b"".join([cipher.decrypt(enc_hash[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(enc_hash), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])

    hash_ = d1.decrypt(obfkey[:8]) + d2.decrypt(obfkey[8:16])
    return hash_
コード例 #7
ファイル: domcachedump.py プロジェクト: zichie/GetPassword
def decrypt_hash_vista(edata, nlkm, ch):
    Based on code from http://lab.mediaservice.net/code/cachedump.rb
    aes = AESModeOfOperationCBC(nlkm[16:32], iv=ch)

    out = ""
    for i in range(0, len(edata), 16):
        buf = edata[i : i+16]
        if len(buf) < 16:
            buf += (16 - len(buf)) * "\00"
        out += b"".join([aes.decrypt(buf[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(buf), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
    return out
コード例 #8
ファイル: mimikatz.py プロジェクト: yongqin12/LaZagne
	def decrypt(self, encrypted):
		# TODO: NT version specific, move from here in subclasses.
		cleartext 	= ''
		size 		= len(encrypted)
		if size:
			if size % 8:
				if not self.aes_key or not self.iv:
					return cleartext
				cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(self.aes_key, iv=self.iv)
				if not self.des_key or not self.iv:
					return cleartext
				cipher = triple_des(self.des_key, CBC, self.iv[:8])
			cleartext = cipher.decrypt(encrypted)
		return cleartext
コード例 #9
def decrypt_aes(secret, key):
    sha = hashlib.sha256()
    for _i in range(1, 1000 + 1):
    aeskey = sha.digest()

    data = ""
    for i in range(60, len(secret), 16):
        aes = AESModeOfOperationCBC(aeskey, iv="\x00" * 16)
        buf = secret[i:i + 16]
        if len(buf) < 16:
            buf += (16 - len(buf)) * "\00"

        data += aes.decrypt(buf)

    return data
コード例 #10
ファイル: lsasecrets.py プロジェクト: cclauss/LaZagne
def decrypt_aes(secret, key):
    sha = hashlib.sha256()
    for _i in range(1, 1000+1):
    aeskey = sha.digest()

    data = ""
    for i in range(60, len(secret), 16):
        aes = AESModeOfOperationCBC(aeskey, iv="\x00"*16)
        buf = secret[i : i + 16]
        if len(buf) < 16:
            buf += (16-len(buf)) * "\00"

        data += aes.decrypt(buf)

    return data
コード例 #11
    def decrypt_vault_attribute(self, vault_attr, key_aes128, key_aes256):
        Helper to decrypt VAULT attributes.
        if not vault_attr.size:
            return b'', False

        if vault_attr.has_iv:  
            cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key_aes256, iv=vault_attr.iv)
            is_attribute_ex = True
            cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key_aes128)
            is_attribute_ex = False

        data = vault_attr.data
        decypted = b"".join([cipher.decrypt(data[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(data), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])
        return decypted, is_attribute_ex
コード例 #12
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: w2n1ck/LaZagne
def aes_cbc_decrypt(data, key, enc_iv):
    """Decrypt and return `data` with AES CBC."""
    cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=enc_iv)
    return cipher.decrypt(data)
コード例 #13
ファイル: crypto.py プロジェクト: cclauss/LaZagne
def aes_cbc_decrypt(data, key, enc_iv):
    """Decrypt and return `data` with AES CBC."""
    cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=enc_iv)
    return b"".join([cipher.decrypt(data[i:i + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(data), AES_BLOCK_SIZE)])