コード例 #1
ファイル: prefixspan_kmeans.py プロジェクト: sdanaipat/TSPM
def prune(L, minsup, k):
    for name, pattern in L.items():
        if pattern.support() < minsup:
            del L[name]
            timeintervals, evids = pattern.timeintervals()
            if len(timeintervals) > 0:
                km.build(timeintervals, k)
                # remove unsatisfied evidence
                kluster = km.getClusters()
                for e, c in zip(evids, km.cluster):
                    if len(kluster[c]) < minsup:
                        for key, value in e.items():
                            #                                print "yeah remove %s from %s" % (value, key)
                            pattern.removeEvidence(key, value)
                if pattern.support() < minsup:
                    #                    print "prune by cluster"
                    del L[name]
コード例 #2
ファイル: main_test_RTree.py プロジェクト: sdanaipat/TSPM
def main():
    data = spatio_data_generator(territory={'x':1000,'y':1000}, seeds=[{'x':200,'y':200}, {'x':700,'y':700}, {'x':700,'y':400}], pts = [50, 50, 50], noise=30, eps=100)
#    x = []
#    y = []
#    start = time.time()
#    rt = rtree.RTree(1, 10)
#    for instance in data:
#        rt.insert(rtree.Box(instance, [0,0]))
#    end = time.time()
#    timer = end-start
#    print rt.root
#    print "build tree completed in %.2fs" % timer
#    query = rt.search(rtree.Box([200, 200], [100, 100]))
#    print len(query)
#    print query

#    start = time.time()
#    opt.build(data, 200, 10)
#    end = time.time()
#    print "===== Finished in %.2fs=====" % (end-start)
#    n = opt.cluster(200)
#    opt.report()
#    opt.plot()
#    opt.plotc(n)
#    print n
#    opt.plotr(400)

    km.build(data, 3, 10, 1000)
    print km.cluster
#    km.plot()
    clusters = km.getClusters()
    print "%d clusters: %d and %d and %d" % (len(clusters), len(clusters[0]), len(clusters[1]), len(clusters[2]))