コード例 #1
def test_double_delete(topo_m2, create_entry):
    """Check that double delete of the entry doesn't crash server

    :id: 3496c82d-636a-48c9-973c-2455b12164cc
    :setup: Two suppliers replication setup, a test entry
        1. Delete the entry on the first supplier
        2. Delete the entry on the second supplier
        3. Check that server is alive
        1. Entry should be successfully deleted from first supplier
        2. Entry should be successfully deleted from second aster
        3. Server should me alive

    m1 = topo_m2.ms["supplier1"]
    m2 = topo_m2.ms["supplier2"]

    repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    repl.disable_to_supplier(m1, [m2])
    repl.disable_to_supplier(m2, [m1])

    log.info('Deleting entry {} from supplier1'.format(create_entry.dn))

    log.info('Deleting entry {} from supplier2'.format(create_entry.dn))

    repl.enable_to_supplier(m2, [m1])
    repl.enable_to_supplier(m1, [m2])

    repl.test_replication(m1, m2)
    repl.test_replication(m2, m1)
コード例 #2
def test_rename_large_subtree(topology_m2):
    A report stated that the following configuration would lead
    to an operation failure:


    rename ou=s1 to re-parent to ou=account, leaving:


    The ou=s1 if it has < 100 entries below, is able to be reparented.

    If ou=s1 has > 400 entries, it fails.

    Other conditions was the presence of referential integrity - so one would
    assume that all users under s1 are a member of some group external to this.

    :id: 5915c38d-b3c2-4b7c-af76-8a1e002e27f7

    :setup: standalone instance

    :steps: 1. Enable automember plugin
            2. Add UCOUNT users, and ensure they are members of a group.
            3. Enable refer-int plugin
            4. Move ou=s1 to a new parent

        1. The plugin is enabled
        2. The users are members of the group
        3. The plugin is enabled
        4. The rename operation of ou=s1 succeeds

    st = topology_m2.ms["supplier1"]
    m2 = topology_m2.ms["supplier2"]

    # Create a default group
    gps = Groups(st, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    # Keep the group so we can get it's DN out.
    group = gps.create(properties={'cn': 'default_group'})

    _enable_plugins(st, group.dn)
    _enable_plugins(m2, group.dn)

    # Now unlike normal, we bypass the plural-create method, because we need control
    # over the exact DN of the OU to create.
    # Create the ou=account

    # We don't need to set a DN here because ...
    ou_account = OrganisationalUnit(st)

    # It's set in the .create step.
    ou_account.create(basedn=DEFAULT_SUFFIX, properties={'ou': 'account'})
    # create the ou=int,ou=account
    ou_int = OrganisationalUnit(st)
    ou_int.create(basedn=ou_account.dn, properties={'ou': 'int'})
    # Create the ou=s1,ou=int,ou=account
    ou_s1 = OrganisationalUnit(st)
    ou_s1.create(basedn=ou_int.dn, properties={'ou': 's1'})

    # Pause replication
    repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    repl.disable_to_supplier(m2, [

    # Create the users 1 -> UCOUNT in ou=s1
    nsu = nsUserAccounts(st, basedn=ou_s1.dn, rdn=None)
    for i in range(1000, 1000 + UCOUNT):

    # Enable replication

    repl.enable_to_supplier(m2, [

    # Assert they are in the group as we expect
    members = group.get_attr_vals_utf8('member')
    assert len(members) == UCOUNT

    # Wait for replication
    repl.wait_for_replication(st, m2, timeout=60)

    for i in range(0, 5):
        # Move ou=s1 to ou=account as parent. We have to provide the rdn,
        # even though it's not changing.
        ou_s1.rename('ou=s1', newsuperior=ou_account.dn)

        members = group.get_attr_vals_utf8('member')
        assert len(members) == UCOUNT
        # Check that we really did refer-int properly, and ou=int is not in the members.
        for member in members:
            assert 'ou=int' not in member

        # Now move it back
        ou_s1.rename('ou=s1', newsuperior=ou_int.dn)
        members = group.get_attr_vals_utf8('member')
        assert len(members) == UCOUNT
        for member in members:
            assert 'ou=int' in member

    # Check everythig on the other side is good.
    repl.wait_for_replication(st, m2, timeout=60)

    group2 = Groups(m2, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).get('default_group')

    members = group2.get_attr_vals_utf8('member')
    assert len(members) == UCOUNT
    for member in members:
        assert 'ou=int' in member