コード例 #1
ファイル: btf_a10xm.py プロジェクト: pgroning/best
def rfact_axial(fuetype,POW):
    # Calculating axial R-factor
    # Import addc from shared lib
    acObj = libADDC.addc(fuetype)
    AC = acObj.addc

    # Define some matrices
    nside = AC.shape[0] # Number of side pins of the assembly
    dim = nside + 2 # Pin map storage dimension

    # Calculate number of hot rods (POW[i,j] > 0)
    Ntotrods = 100 # Total number of rods for ATRIUM 10XM
    Nhotrods = sum(sum(POW>0)) # Number of hot rods

    # Determine total power
    FBUN = sum(sum(POW))

    # Calculate local peaking distribution
    POD = POW/FBUN * Nhotrods
    # Calculate square root of power
    RP = np.zeros((dim,dim))
    RP[1:nside+1,1:nside+1] = np.sqrt(POD)
    # Define Rod Weight factors
    WP = np.zeros((dim,dim))
    # Considered rod: wp = 1. wp(unheated rod) = 0.25 x wp(heated rod)
    for i in range(1,nside+1):
        for j in range(1,nside+1):
            if POD[i-1,j-1] > 0.0001:
                WP[i,j] = 1.0
                WP[i,j] = 0.25

    # Calculate pinwise R-factors for fuel-rods where POW > 0
    DOW = np.zeros((nside,nside))
    # Side rods
    WJ = 0.1  # Weighting factor for side neighboring rods
    WK = WJ/2 # Weighting factor for diagonal neighboring rods
    for i in range(1,nside+1):
        for j in range(1,nside+1):
            if POD[i-1,j-1] > 0.0001:
                # Side rods
                SJ1 = (RP[i-1,j]*WP[i-1,j] + RP[i+1,j]*WP[i+1,j] + 
                RP[i,j-1]*WP[i,j-1] + RP[i,j+1]*WP[i,j+1])*WJ

                SJ2 = (WP[i-1,j] + WP[i+1,j] +
                WP[i,j-1] + WP[i,j+1])*WJ*RP[i,j]

                SJ = min([SJ1,SJ2])
                # Diagonal rods
                SK1 = (RP[i-1,j-1]*WP[i-1,j-1] + RP[i+1,j-1]*WP[i+1,j-1] +
                RP[i-1,j+1]*WP[i-1,j+1] + RP[i+1,j+1]*WP[i+1,j+1])*WK

                SK2 = (WP[i-1,j-1] + WP[i+1,j-1] +
                WP[i-1,j+1] + WP[i+1,j+1])*WK*RP[i,j]

                SK = min([SK1,SK2])

                # Sum weighting factors
                SWJ = (WP[i-1,j] + WP[i+1,j] + WP[i,j-1] + WP[i,j+1])*WJ # Side rods
                SWK = (WP[i-1,j-1] + WP[i+1,j-1] + WP[i-1,j+1] + WP[i+1,j+1])*WK # Diagonal rods

                DOW[i-1,j-1] = (RP[i,j] + SJ + SK)/(1.0 + SWJ + SWK)*np.sqrt(Ntotrods/float(Nhotrods)) + AC[i-1,j-1]
    return DOW
コード例 #2
ファイル: btf_s96.py プロジェクト: pgroning/best
def rfact_axial(fuetype,POW):
    # Calculating axial R-factor
    # Import addc from shared lib
    #print fuetype
    acObj = libADDC.addc(fuetype)
    AC = acObj.addc
    #AC,dim = libADDC.addc(fuetype)
    #AC = AC[:dim,:dim]

    # Define some matrices
    nside = AC.shape[0] # Number of side pins of the assembly
    dim = nside + 2 # Pin map storage dimension

    # Calculate number of hot rods (POW[i,j] > 0)
    Ntotrods = 96 # Total number of rods for SVEA-96
    Nhotrods = sum(sum(POW>0)) # Number of hot rods

    # Determine total power for each sub bundle
    FSUB = np.zeros(4)
    FSUB[0] = sum(sum(POW[:5,:5])) # North-West quarter
    FSUB[1] = sum(sum(POW[6:,:5])) # South-West
    FSUB[2] = sum(sum(POW[:5,6:])) # North-East
    FSUB[3] = sum(sum(POW[6:,6:])) # South-East
    # Normalized sub bundle power distribution
    POD = np.zeros(POW.shape)
    POD[:5,:5] = POW[:5,:5]/FSUB[0] * Nhotrods/4
    POD[6:,:5] = POW[6:,:5]/FSUB[1] * Nhotrods/4
    POD[:5,6:] = POW[:5,6:]/FSUB[2] * Nhotrods/4
    POD[6:,6:] = POW[6:,6:]/FSUB[3] * Nhotrods/4

    #FSUB = FSUB/FSUB.mean()
    # Calculate mismatch-factor
    #MF = -0.14 + 1.5*FSUB - 0.36*FSUB**2

    # Calculate square root of power
    RP = np.zeros((dim,dim))
    RP[1:nside+1,1:nside+1] = np.sqrt(POD)
    # Define Rod Weight factors
    WP = np.zeros((dim,dim))
    #WP[1:nside+1,1:nside+1] = np.ones((nside,nside))
    # Water cross/channel
    for i in range(1,nside+1):
        for j in range(1,nside+1):
            if POD[i-1,j-1] > 0.0001:
                WP[i,j] = 1.0

    # PLR (modeled as cold rods)
    # For cold rods the weighting factor is 0.25 of the value of heated rod in that position
    # PLR (1/3)
    if POD[0,0]   < 0.0001: WP[1,1]   = 0.25
    if POD[0,10]  < 0.0001: WP[1,11]  = 0.25
    if POD[10,0]  < 0.0001: WP[11,1]  = 0.25
    if POD[10,10] < 0.0001: WP[11,11] = 0.25
    # PLR (2/3)
    if POD[3,4]   < 0.0001: WP[4,5]   = 0.25
    if POD[4,3]   < 0.0001: WP[5,4]   = 0.25
    if POD[3,6]   < 0.0001: WP[4,7]   = 0.25
    if POD[4,7]   < 0.0001: WP[5,8]   = 0.25   
    if POD[6,3]   < 0.0001: WP[7,4]   = 0.25
    if POD[7,4]   < 0.0001: WP[8,5]   = 0.25
    if POD[6,7]   < 0.0001: WP[7,8]   = 0.25
    if POD[7,6]   < 0.0001: WP[8,7]   = 0.25

    # Calculate pinwise R-factors for fuel-rods where POW > 0
    DOW = np.zeros((nside,nside))
    # Side rods
    WJ = 0.25  # Weighting factor for side neighboring rods
    WK = 0.125 # Weighting factor for diagonal neighboring rods
    for i in range(1,nside+1):
        for j in range(1,nside+1):
            if POD[i-1,j-1] > 0.0001:
            #if RP[i,j] > 0:
                # Side rods
                SJ1 = (RP[i-1,j]*WP[i-1,j] + RP[i+1,j]*WP[i+1,j] + 
                RP[i,j-1]*WP[i,j-1] + RP[i,j+1]*WP[i,j+1])*WJ

                SJ2 = (WP[i-1,j] + WP[i+1,j] +
                WP[i,j-1] + WP[i,j+1])*WJ*RP[i,j]

                SJ = min([SJ1,SJ2])
                # Diagonal rods
                SK1 = (RP[i-1,j-1]*WP[i-1,j-1] + RP[i+1,j-1]*WP[i+1,j-1] +
                RP[i-1,j+1]*WP[i-1,j+1] + RP[i+1,j+1]*WP[i+1,j+1])*WK

                SK2 = (WP[i-1,j-1] + WP[i+1,j-1] +
                WP[i-1,j+1] + WP[i+1,j+1])*WK*RP[i,j]

                SK = min([SK1,SK2])

                # Sum weighting factors
                SWJ = (WP[i-1,j] + WP[i+1,j] + WP[i,j-1] + WP[i,j+1])*WJ # Side rods
                SWK = (WP[i-1,j-1] + WP[i+1,j-1] + WP[i-1,j+1] + WP[i+1,j+1])*WK # Diagonal rods

                DOW[i-1,j-1] = (RP[i,j] + SJ + SK)/(1.0 + SWJ + SWK)*np.sqrt(Ntotrods/float(Nhotrods)) + AC[i-1,j-1]

    # Apply corner rod protection.
    # The R-factor should be increased about half of the desired CPR correction
    #crpfact = 0.02
    #DOW[0,0] = DOW[0,0]                         * (1.0 + crpfact*0.5)
    #DOW[0,nside-1] = DOW[0,nside-1]             * (1.0 + crpfact*0.5)
    #DOW[nside-1,0] = DOW[nside-1,0]             * (1.0 + crpfact*0.5)
    #DOW[nside-1,nside-1] = DOW[nside-1,nside-1] * (1.0 + crpfact*0.5)

    # Calculate the max R-factor for the assembly
    #Rfact = DOW.max()
    return DOW