コード例 #1
ファイル: IRLibs.py プロジェクト: shatter15/Compiler
def convert(builder: ir.IRBuilder, value, type):
    if isinstance(value, ir.Constant):
        return type(get_type_rank(type)[1](value.constant))
    elif isinstance(type, ir.IntType) and isinstance(value.type, ir.IntType):
        if type.width > value.type.width:
            return builder.zext(value, type)
        elif type.width < value.type.width:
            return builder.trunc(value, type)
    elif isinstance(type, ir.DoubleType) and isinstance(
            value.type, ir.IntType):
        return builder.sitofp(value, type)
    elif isinstance(type, ir.IntType) and isinstance(value.type,
        return builder.fptosi(value, type)
    return value
コード例 #2
ファイル: Expression.py プロジェクト: ZippeyKeys12/wappa
    def compile(self, module: ir.Module, builder: ir.IRBuilder,
                symbols: SymbolTable) -> ir.Value:
        bop = self.bop

        exprL = self.exprL.compile(module, builder, symbols)
        exprL_type = self.exprL.type_of()
        exprL_int = exprL_type in IntTypes

        exprR = self.exprR.compile(module, builder, symbols)
        exprR_type = self.exprR.type_of()
        exprR_int = exprR_type in IntTypes

        if bop == '+':
            if exprL_int and exprR_int:
                return builder.add(exprL, exprR)

            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprR, exprL_type.ir_type)

            return builder.fadd(exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '-':
            if exprL_int and exprR_int:
                return builder.sub(exprL, exprR)

            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprL_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            return builder.fsub(exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '*':
            if exprL_int and exprR_int:
                return builder.mul(exprL, exprR)

            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprL_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            return builder.fmul(exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '/':
            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprL_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            return builder.fdiv(exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '//':
            return builder.sdiv(exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '%':
            if exprL_int and exprR_int:
                return builder.srem(exprL, exprR)

            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprL_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            return builder.frem(exprL, exprR)

        if bop in ['&', '&&']:
            return builder.and_(exprL, exprR)

        if bop in ['|', '||']:
            return builder.or_(exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '^':
            return builder.xor(exprL, exprR)

        if bop in ['<', '<=', '>=', '>']:
            if exprL_int and exprR_int:
                return builder.icmp_signed(bop, exprL, exprR)

            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprL_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            return builder.fcmp_ordered(bop, exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '==':
            if exprL_int and exprR_int:
                return builder.icmp_signed(bop, exprL, exprR)

            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprL_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            return builder.fcmp_ordered(bop, exprL, exprR)

        if bop == '!=':
            if exprL_int and exprR_int:
                return builder.icmp_signed(bop, exprL, exprR)

            if exprL_int:
                exprL = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprL_type.ir_type)

            if exprR_int:
                exprR = builder.sitofp(exprL, exprR_type.ir_type)

            return builder.fcmp_unordered(bop, exprL, exprR)

        # if bop == '**':

        # if bop in ['**', '*', '%', '-', '<<', '>>', '>>>', '<=', '>=', '<',
        #            '>', '&', '^', '|', '==', '!=', '&&', '||', '=', '+=',
        #            '-=', '*=', '&=', '|=', '^=', '<<=', '>>=', '>>>=', '%=']:
        #     data = (exprL, bop, exprR)

        #     if minify:
        #         return "({}{}{})".format(*data)

        #     return "({} {} {})".format(*data)

        # converter = {
        #     '<=>': '<>=',
        #     '===': '==',
        #     '!==': '!=',
        #     '~=': '~==',
        #     '//=': '/='
        # }
        # if bop in converter.keys():
        #     data = (exprL, converter[bop], exprR)

        #     if minify:
        #         return "({}{}{})".format(*data)

        #     return "({} {} {})".format(*data)

        # if bop == '+':
        #     if self.exprL.type_of() == StringType:
        #         return "{}..{}".format(exprL, exprR)

        #     return "{}+{}".format(exprL, exprR)

        # if bop == '/':
        #     return "({}/double({}))".format(exprL, exprR)

        # if bop == '//':
        #     return "floor({}/{})".format(exprL, exprR)

        # if bop == 'is':
        #     return "{} is '{}'".format(exprL, exprR)

        # if bop == '|>':
        #     return "({}({}))".format(exprR, exprL)

        # if bop == '**=':
        #     data = (exprL, exprR)

        #     if minify:
        #         return "({0}={0}**{1})".format(*data)

        #     return "({0} = {0} ** {1})".format(*data)

        # if bop == '/=':
        #     data = (exprL, exprR)

        #     if minify:
        #         return "({0}={0}/double({1}))".format(*data)

        #     return "({0} = {0} / double({1}))".format(*data)

            "FATAL", "Unhandled Binary Operator {}".format(bop), self.tok)
        return bop
コード例 #3
ファイル: llvmgen.py プロジェクト: stharding/compilers
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A dictionary of global declarations
        #    3.  Initialization of runtime functions (for printing)
        self.module = Module('module')

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Wabbit source code is going to get an entry here
        self.globals = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file wabbitrt.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare runtime functions
        functions = [
            ('_print_int', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_print_float', void_type, [float_type]),
            ('_print_byte', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_grow', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peeki', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekf', float_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekb', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_pokei', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
            ('_pokef', void_type, [int_type, float_type]),
            ('_pokeb', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
        for name, rettype, args in functions:
            self.runtime[name] = Function(self.module,
                                          FunctionType(rettype, args),

    def declare_function(self, funcname, argtypes, rettype):
        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(rettype, argtypes),

        # Insert a reference in global namespace
        self.globals[funcname] = self.function

    def generate_function(self, funcname, argnames, ircode):
        # Generate code for a single Wabbit function. Each opcode
        # tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the form
        # self.emit_opcode(args). Function should already be declared 
        # using declare_function.
        self.function = self.globals[funcname]
        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Stack of LLVM temporaries
        self.stack = [] 

        # Dictionary of local variables
        self.locals = { }

        # Combined symbol table
        self.symbols = ChainMap(self.locals, self.globals)

        # Have to declare local variables for holding function arguments
        for n, (name, ty) in enumerate(zip(argnames, self.function.function_type.args)):
            self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(ty, name=name)
            self.builder.store(self.function.args[n], self.locals[name])

        # Stack of blocks
        self.blocks = [ ]

        for opcode, *opargs in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode)(*opargs)
                print('Warning: No emit_'+opcode+'() method')

        # Add a return statement to void functions.
        if self.function.function_type.return_type == void_type:

    # Helper methods for LLVM temporary stack manipulation
    def push(self, value):

    def pop(self):
        return self.stack.pop()

    def set_block(self, block):
        self.block = block

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_CONSTI(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(int_type, value))

    def emit_CONSTF(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(float_type, value))

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)

    # Allocation of globals
    def emit_GLOBALI(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, int_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(int_type, 0)
        self.globals[name] = var

    def emit_GLOBALF(self, name):
        var = GlobalVariable(self.module, float_type, name=name)
        var.initializer = Constant(float_type, 0.0)
        self.globals[name] = var
    # Load/store instructions for variables.  Load needs to pull a
    # value from a global variable and store in a temporary. Store
    # goes in the opposite direction.
    def emit_LOAD(self, name):
        self.push(self.builder.load(self.symbols[name], name))

    def emit_STORE(self, target):
        self.builder.store(self.pop(), self.symbols[target])

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.add(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_ADDF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fadd(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sub(left, right))

    def emit_SUBF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fsub(left, right))

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.mul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_MULF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fmul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sdiv(left, right))

    def emit_DIVF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fdiv(left, right))

    # Conversion
    def emit_ITOF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.sitofp(self.pop(), float_type))

    def emit_FTOI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fptosi(self.pop(), int_type))

    # Comparison operators
    def emit_LEI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('<=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_LTI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('<', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GEI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('>=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GTI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('>', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))
    def emit_EQI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('==', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_NEI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.icmp_signed('!=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    # Comparison operators
    def emit_LEF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('<=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_LTF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('<', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GEF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('>=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_GTF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('>', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))
    def emit_EQF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('==', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    def emit_NEF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        result = self.builder.fcmp_ordered('!=', left, right)
        self.push(self.builder.zext(result, int_type))

    # Bitwise operations

    def emit_ANDI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.and_(left, right))

    def emit_ORI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.or_(left, right))
    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self):
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_print_int'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTF(self):
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_print_float'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTB(self):
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_print_byte'], [self.pop()])

    # Memory statements
    def emit_GROW(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_grow'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_peeki'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_peekf'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKB(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_peekb'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_POKEI(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_pokei'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEF(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_pokef'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEB(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_pokeb'], [addr, value])

    # Control flow
    def emit_IF(self):
        then_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        else_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        exit_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        self.builder.cbranch(self.builder.trunc(self.pop(), IntType(1)), then_block, else_block)
        self.blocks.append([then_block, else_block, exit_block])

    def emit_ELSE(self):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_ENDIF(self):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_LOOP(self):
        top_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        exit_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        self.blocks.append([top_block, exit_block])

    def emit_CBREAK(self):
        next_block = self.function.append_basic_block()
        self.builder.cbranch(self.builder.trunc(self.pop(), IntType(1)), self.blocks[-1][1], next_block)
    def emit_ENDLOOP(self):
        if not self.block.is_terminated:

    def emit_RETURN(self):

    def emit_CALL(self, name):
        func = self.globals[name]
        args = [self.pop() for _ in range(len(func.args))][::-1]
        self.push(self.builder.call(func, args))
コード例 #4
ファイル: llvmgen.py プロジェクト: stharding/compilers
class GenerateLLVM(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # Perform the basic LLVM initialization.  You need the following parts:
        #    1.  A top-level Module object
        #    2.  A dictionary of global declarations
        #    3.  Initialization of runtime functions (for printing)
        self.module = Module('module')

        # Dictionary that holds all of the global variable/function declarations.
        # Any declaration in the Wabbit source code is going to get an entry here
        self.globals = {}

        # Initialize the runtime library functions (see below)

    def declare_runtime_library(self):
        # Certain functions such as I/O and string handling are often easier
        # to implement in an external C library.  This method should make
        # the LLVM declarations for any runtime functions to be used
        # during code generation.    Please note that runtime function
        # functions are implemented in C in a separate file wabbitrt.c

        self.runtime = {}

        # Declare runtime functions
        functions = [
            ('_print_int', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_print_float', void_type, [float_type]),
            ('_print_byte', void_type, [int_type]),
            ('_grow', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peeki', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekf', float_type, [int_type]),
            ('_peekb', int_type, [int_type]),
            ('_pokei', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
            ('_pokef', void_type, [int_type, float_type]),
            ('_pokeb', void_type, [int_type, int_type]),
        for name, rettype, args in functions:
            self.runtime[name] = Function(self.module,
                                          FunctionType(rettype, args),

    def declare_function(self, funcname, argtypes, rettype):
        self.function = Function(self.module,
                                 FunctionType(rettype, argtypes),

        # Insert a reference in global namespace
        self.globals[funcname] = self.function

    def generate_function(self, funcname, argnames, ircode):
        # Generate code for a single Wabbit function. Each opcode
        # tuple (opcode, args) is dispatched to a method of the form
        # self.emit_opcode(args). Function should already be declared 
        # using declare_function.
        self.function = self.globals[funcname]
        self.block = self.function.append_basic_block('entry')
        self.builder = IRBuilder(self.block)

        # Stack of LLVM temporaries
        self.stack = [] 

        # Dictionary of local variables
        self.locals = { }

        for opcode, *opargs in ircode:
            if hasattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode):
                getattr(self, 'emit_'+opcode)(*opargs)
                print('Warning: No emit_'+opcode+'() method')

        # Add a return statement to void functions.
        if self.function.function_type.return_type == void_type:

    # Helper methods for LLVM temporary stack manipulation
    def push(self, value):

    def pop(self):
        return self.stack.pop()

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Opcode implementation.   You must implement the opcodes.  A few
    # sample opcodes have been given to get you started.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Creation of literal values.  Simply define as LLVM constants.
    def emit_CONSTI(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(int_type, value))

    def emit_CONSTF(self, value):
        self.push(Constant(float_type, value))

    # Allocation of variables.  Declare as global variables and set to
    # a sensible initial value.
    def emit_VARI(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(int_type, name=name)

    def emit_VARF(self, name):
        self.locals[name] = self.builder.alloca(float_type, name=name)
    # Load/store instructions for variables.  
    def emit_LOAD(self, name):
        self.push(self.builder.load(self.locals[name], name))

    def emit_STORE(self, name):
        self.builder.store(self.pop(), self.locals[name])

    # Binary + operator
    def emit_ADDI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.add(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_ADDF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fadd(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary - operator
    def emit_SUBI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sub(left, right))

    def emit_SUBF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fsub(left, right))

    # Binary * operator
    def emit_MULI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.mul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    def emit_MULF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fmul(self.pop(), self.pop()))

    # Binary / operator
    def emit_DIVI(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.sdiv(left, right))

    def emit_DIVF(self):
        right = self.pop()
        left = self.pop()
        self.push(self.builder.fdiv(left, right))

    # Conversion
    def emit_ITOF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.sitofp(self.pop(), float_type))

    def emit_FTOI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.fptosi(self.pop(), int_type))

    # Print statements
    def emit_PRINTI(self):
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_print_int'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTF(self):
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_print_float'], [self.pop()])

    def emit_PRINTB(self):
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_print_byte'], [self.pop()])

    # Memory statements
    def emit_GROW(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_grow'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKI(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_peeki'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKF(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_peekf'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_PEEKB(self):
        self.push(self.builder.call(self.runtime['_peekb'], [self.pop()]))

    def emit_POKEI(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_pokei'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEF(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_pokef'], [addr, value])

    def emit_POKEB(self):
        value = self.pop()
        addr = self.pop()
        self.builder.call(self.runtime['_pokeb'], [addr, value])