コード例 #1
def ghostDirectionSuccessorStateAxioms(t, ghost_num, blocked_west_positions,
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost direction state (t) (from t-1).
    west or east walls.
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str + str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str + str(ghost_num)
    west_positions = list()
    east_positions = list()
    blocked_west_positions_copy = blocked_west_positions[:]
    blocked_east_positions_copy = blocked_east_positions[:]

    while blocked_west_positions_copy:
        position = blocked_west_positions_copy.pop()
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, position[0], position[1], t))

    while blocked_east_positions_copy:
        position = blocked_east_positions_copy.pop()
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, position[0], position[1], t))

    west_positions = logic.disjoin(west_positions)
    east_positions = logic.disjoin(east_positions)

    conditions = (west_positions & ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1)) | (
        ~east_positions & logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1))
    final_axiom = logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t) % conditions

    return final_axiom
コード例 #2
def ghostDirectionSuccessorStateAxioms(t, ghost_num, blocked_west_positions,
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost direction state (t) (from t-1).
    west or east walls.
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str + str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str + str(ghost_num)

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    west_action = ~(logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1))
    east_action = logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1)

    west_list = []
    east_list = []

    for pos in blocked_east_positions:
        x, y = pos
        not_blocked_east = ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t)
        lst = logic.conjoin(east_action, not_blocked_east)

    for pos in blocked_west_positions:
        x, y = pos
        blocked_west = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t)
        lst = logic.conjoin(west_action, blocked_west)

    east_list = logic.conjoin(east_list)
    west_list = logic.disjoin(west_list)

    return logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t) % logic.disjoin(
        east_list, west_list)
コード例 #3
def exactlyOne(literals):
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals, return a single logic.Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form)that represents the logic that exactly one of 
    the expressions in the list is true.
    # print literals
    conjunctions = []
    one_must_be_true_list = []
    for literal in literals:
        not_literal = ~literal

        # Disjoin literal with NOT(literal) for every other element besides this literal
        # and add it to the list to be conjoined
        reached_literal = False
        for inner_literal in literals:
            if (reached_literal):
                not_inner_literal = ~inner_literal
                disjunction = logic.disjoin(not_literal, not_inner_literal)
            if literal == inner_literal:
                reached_literal = True

    # Add the expression that states at least one of the literals must be true
    one_must_be_true = logic.disjoin(one_must_be_true_list)

    return logic.conjoin(conjunctions)
コード例 #4
def SLAMSensorAxioms(t, non_outer_wall_coords):
    all_percept_exprs = []
    combo_var_def_exprs = []
    for direction in DIRECTIONS:
        percept_exprs = []
        dx, dy = DIR_TO_DXDY_MAP[direction]
        for x, y in non_outer_wall_coords:
            combo_var = PropSymbolExpr(pacman_wall_str, x, y, t, x + dx,
                                       y + dy)
                combo_var % (PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)
                             & PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x + dx, y + dy)))

        blocked_dir_clause = PropSymbolExpr(blocked_str_map[direction], t)
        all_percept_exprs.append(blocked_dir_clause % disjoin(percept_exprs))

    percept_to_blocked_sent = []
    for n in range(1, 4):
        wall_combos_size_n = itertools.combinations(blocked_str_map.values(),
        n_walls_blocked_sent = disjoin([
                [PropSymbolExpr(blocked_str, t) for blocked_str in wall_combo])
            for wall_combo in wall_combos_size_n
        # n_walls_blocked_sent is of form: (N & S) | (N & E) | ...
            PropSymbolExpr(geq_num_adj_wall_str_map[n], t) %

    return conjoin(all_percept_exprs + combo_var_def_exprs +
コード例 #5
def exactlyOne(literals):
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals, return a single logic.Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form)that represents the logic that exactly one of 
    the inits in the list is true.
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    conjunctions = []
    true_list = []
    for literal in literals:

        reached = False
        for inner_literal in literals:
            if reached:
                not_inner_literal = ~inner_literal
                disjunction = logic.disjoin(~literal, not_inner_literal)
            if literal == inner_literal:
                reached = True

    true_one = logic.disjoin(true_list)

    return logic.conjoin(conjunctions)
コード例 #6
def sentence1():
    """Returns a Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    s1 = disjoin(A, B)
    s2 = ~A % disjoin(~B, C)
    s3 = disjoin(~A, ~B, C)
    return conjoin(s1, s2, s3)
コード例 #7
def pacmanSLAMSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid, var_str=pacman_str):
    Similar to `pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms` but accounts for illegal actions
    where the pacman might not move timestep to timestep.
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    moved_tm1_possibilities = []
    if not walls_grid[x][y + 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y + 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('South', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x][y - 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y - 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('North', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('West', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('East', t - 1))

    if not moved_tm1_possibilities:
        return None

    moved_tm1_sent = conjoin([
        ~PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t - 1), ~PropSymbolExpr(wall_str, x, y),

    unmoved_tm1_possibilities_aux_exprs = []  # merged variables
    aux_expr_defs = []
    for direction in DIRECTIONS:
        dx, dy = DIR_TO_DXDY_MAP[direction]
        wall_dir_clause = PropSymbolExpr(
            wall_str, x + dx, y + dy) & PropSymbolExpr(direction, t - 1)
        wall_dir_combined_literal = PropSymbolExpr(wall_str + direction,
                                                   x + dx, y + dy, t - 1)
        aux_expr_defs.append(wall_dir_combined_literal % wall_dir_clause)

    unmoved_tm1_sent = conjoin([
        PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t - 1),

    return conjoin([
        PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t) %
        disjoin([moved_tm1_sent, unmoved_tm1_sent])
    ] + aux_expr_defs)
コード例 #8
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    ans1 = logic.Expr('A') | logic.Expr('B')
    ans2 = ~logic.Expr('A') % logic.disjoin(
        [~logic.Expr('B'), logic.Expr('C')])
    ans3 = logic.disjoin([~logic.Expr('A'), ~logic.Expr('B'), logic.Expr('C')])
    return logic.conjoin([ans1, ans2, ans3])
コード例 #9
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jiffchan/cs188-sp21
def sentence1():
    """Returns a Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    A = Expr('A')
    B = Expr('B')
    C = Expr('C')
    return conjoin(disjoin(A, B), ~A % disjoin(~B, C), disjoin(~A, ~B, C))
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
コード例 #10
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    A = logic.Expr('A')
    B = logic.Expr('B')
    C = logic.Expr('C')
    aaa = logic.disjoin(A, B)
    a_or_b = ~A % (~B | C)
    not_a = logic.disjoin(~A, ~B, C)
    return logic.conjoin(aaa, a_or_b, not_a)
コード例 #11
def sentence2():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    C if and only if (B or D)
    A implies ((not B) and (not D))
    (not (B and (not C))) implies A
    (not D) implies C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    A = logic.Expr('A')
    B = logic.Expr('B')
    C = logic.Expr('C')
    D = logic.Expr('D')
    notB = ~B
    notD = ~D
    notC = ~C
    B_or_D = logic.disjoin((B), (D))
    notB_and_notD = logic.conjoin((notB), (notD))
    C_iff_B_or_D = C % B_or_D
    A_implies_notB_and_notD = A >> notB_and_notD
    B_and_notC = logic.conjoin((B), (notC))
    not_B_and_notC_implies_A = ~B_and_notC >> A
    notD_implies_C = notD >> C

    return logic.conjoin((C_iff_B_or_D), (A_implies_notB_and_notD),
                         (not_B_and_notC_implies_A), (notD_implies_C))
コード例 #12
def exactlyOne(literals) :
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals, return a single logic.Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form)that represents the logic that exactly one of 
    the expressions in the list is true.
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    n = len(literals)
    clause_brev = []
    clauses = []

    for i in range(2**n):
        bstr = str(bin(i))

    for brev in clause_brev:
        clause = []
        if (bin(int(brev,2)).count('1') == 1):
        for i in range(n):
            if (brev[i] == '1'):
            elif (brev[i] == '0'):
        for i in range(n-1):
            temp = logic.disjoin(temp,clause[i+1])

    expression = clauses[0]
    for i in range(2**n-n-1):
        expression = logic.conjoin(expression,clauses[i+1])
    return expression
コード例 #13
def atLeastOne(literals) :
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals (i.e. in the form A or ~A), return a single 
    logic.Expr instance in CNF (conjunctive normal form) that represents the logic 
    that at least one of the literals in the list is true.
    >>> A = logic.PropSymbolExpr('A');
    >>> B = logic.PropSymbolExpr('B');
    >>> symbols = [A, B]
    >>> atleast1 = atLeastOne(symbols)
    >>> model1 = {A:False, B:False}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model1)
    >>> model2 = {A:False, B:True}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model2)
    >>> model3 = {A:True, B:True}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model2)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    expression = literals[0]
    for i in range(len(literals)-1):
        expression = logic.disjoin(expression, literals[i+1])

    return expression
コード例 #14
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.

    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    A = logic.Expr("A")
    B = logic.Expr("B")
    C = logic.Expr("C")
    first = logic.disjoin(A, B)

    second = (~A) % logic.disjoin(~B, C)
    third = logic.disjoin(~A, ~B, C)
    return logic.conjoin(first, second, third)
コード例 #15
def pacmanAliveSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, num_ghosts):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    ghost_strs = [
        ghost_pos_str + str(ghost_num) for ghost_num in xrange(num_ghosts)
    current = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)
    ghosts = ghost_strs[:]
    neighbors = []

    k = []
    l = []
    while num_ghosts != 0:
        k += [
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(ghost_strs[num_ghosts - 1], x, y, t - 1)
            | logic.PropSymbolExpr(ghost_strs[num_ghosts - 1], x, y, t)
        num_ghosts -= 1
    m = ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t - 1)

    prev_states = logic.disjoin(k)
    prev_states = logic.conjoin(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t),
                                prev_states) | m
    final_axiom = ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t) % prev_states
    return final_axiom
コード例 #16
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: aparsrinara/logic_plan
def ghostPositionSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, ghost_num, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    GE is going east, ~GE is going west 
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str+str(ghost_num)

    pos = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t)
    listAdj = [(x-1, y), (x+1, y)]
    lst = []
    for l in listAdj:
        if not walls_grid[l[0]][l[1]]:
            if l == (x-1, y):
                e = logic.conjoin([logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x-1, y, t-1), logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t-1)]) 
                e = logic.conjoin([logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x+1, y, t-1), ~(logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t-1))])
    if walls_grid[x-1][y] & walls_grid[x+1][y]: #if there are walls on both sides and ghost cannot move
       lst.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t-1))
    if (len(lst) == 0):
        return pos % pos
    r = logic.disjoin(lst)
    return pos % r
コード例 #17
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: aparsrinara/logic_plan
def ghostPositionSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, ghost_num, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    GE is going east, ~GE is going west 
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str+str(ghost_num)

    pos = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t)
    listAdj = [(x-1, y), (x+1, y)]
    lst = []
    for l in listAdj:
        if not walls_grid[l[0]][l[1]]:
            if l == (x-1, y):
                e = logic.conjoin([logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x-1, y, t-1), logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t-1)])
                e = logic.conjoin([logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x+1, y, t-1), ~(logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t-1))])
    if (len(lst) == 0):
        return pos % pos
    r = logic.disjoin(lst)
    return pos % r
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    return logic.Expr('A') # Replace this with your expression
コード例 #18
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a 
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    current_pos = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)
    pre = []

    if not walls_grid[x][y - 1]:
        pre_pos = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y - 1, t - 1)
        move = logic.PropSymbolExpr("North", t - 1)
        pre.append(move & pre_pos)

    if not walls_grid[x][y + 1]:
        pre_pos = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y + 1, t - 1)
        move = logic.PropSymbolExpr("South", t - 1)
        pre.append(move & pre_pos)

    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
        pre_pos = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
        move = logic.PropSymbolExpr("East", t - 1)
        pre.append(move & pre_pos)

    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
        pre_pos = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
        move = logic.PropSymbolExpr("West", t - 1)
        pre.append(move & pre_pos)

    all_pre = logic.disjoin(pre)
    return current_pos % all_pre
コード例 #19
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jiffchan/cs188-sp21
def atLeastOne(literals):
    Given a list of Expr literals (i.e. in the form A or ~A), return a single 
    Expr instance in CNF (conjunctive normal form) that represents the logic 
    that at least one of the literals in the list is true.
    >>> A = PropSymbolExpr('A');
    >>> B = PropSymbolExpr('B');
    >>> symbols = [A, B]
    >>> atleast1 = atLeastOne(symbols)
    >>> model1 = {A:False, B:False}
    >>> print(pl_true(atleast1,model1))
    >>> model2 = {A:False, B:True}
    >>> print(pl_true(atleast1,model2))
    >>> model3 = {A:True, B:True}
    >>> print(pl_true(atleast1,model2))
    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    conj = literals[0]
    for i in literals[1:]:
        conj = disjoin(conj, i)
    return conj
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
コード例 #20
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    def noWallHere(coord):
        return not walls_grid[coord[0]][coord[1]]

    listPrev = []
    directions = ["East", "West", "South", "North"]
    at = [(x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]
    for i in xrange(len(directions)):
        direc = directions[i]
        coord = at[i]
        if noWallHere(coord):
            prevAtHere = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, coord[0], coord[1],
                                              t - 1)
            prevGoThere = logic.PropSymbolExpr(direc, t - 1)
            listPrev.append(logic.conjoin(prevAtHere, prevGoThere))

    pacmanNow = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)

    return pacmanNow % logic.disjoin(i for i in listPrev)
コード例 #21
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: gemiracle/CS181
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a 
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    moves = []
    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('West', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('East', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x][y + 1]:
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y + 1, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('South', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x][y - 1]:
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y - 1, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('North', t - 1))

    return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) % (logic.disjoin(moves))
コード例 #22
def atLeastOne(literals):
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals (i.e. in the form A or ~A), return a single
    logic.Expr instance in CNF (conjunctive normal form) that represents the logic
    that at least one of the literals in the list is true.
    >>> A = logic.PropSymbolExpr('A');
    >>> B = logic.PropSymbolExpr('B');
    >>> symbols = [A, B]
    >>> atleast1 = atLeastOne(symbols)
    >>> model1 = {A:False, B:False}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model1)
    >>> model2 = {A:False, B:True}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model2)
    >>> model3 = {A:True, B:True}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model2)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # symbols=list(combinations(literals,2))
    y = logic.disjoin(literals)
    # print(symbols)
    # for i in symbols:
    #     x=logic.conjoin(i)
    #     y=logic.disjoin(y,x)
    return y
コード例 #23
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    A = logic.Expr('A')
    B = logic.Expr('B')
    C = logic.Expr('C')
    A_or_B = logic.disjoin(A, B)
    Two = ~A % logic.disjoin(~B, C)
    Three = logic.disjoin(~A, ~B, C)
    return logic.conjoin(A_or_B, Two, Three)
コード例 #24
def ghostPositionSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, ghost_num, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    GE is going east, ~GE is going west 
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str + str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str + str(ghost_num)

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    left = walls_grid[x - 1][y]
    right = walls_grid[x + 1][y]

    possible_locations = []

    left_prev = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
    right_prev = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
    west_action = ~(logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1))
    east_action = logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1)

    if left and right:
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t) % logic.PropSymbolExpr(
            pos_str, x, y, t - 1)

    if not left:
        possible_locations.append(logic.conjoin(left_prev, east_action))

    if not right:
        possible_locations.append(logic.conjoin(right_prev, west_action))

    return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y,
                                t) % logic.disjoin(possible_locations)
コード例 #25
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid, var_str=pacman_str):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a 
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    Available actions are ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']
    Note that STOP is not an available action.
    possibilities = []
    if not walls_grid[x][y + 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y + 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('South', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x][y - 1]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y - 1, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('North', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('West', t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
            PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
            & PropSymbolExpr('East', t - 1))

    if not possibilities:
        return None

    return PropSymbolExpr(var_str, x, y, t) % disjoin(possibilities)
コード例 #26
def sentence3():
    """Using the symbols WumpusAlive[1], WumpusAlive[0], WumpusBorn[0], and WumpusKilled[0],
    created using the logic.PropSymbolExpr constructor, return a logic.PropSymbolExpr
    instance that encodes the following English sentences (in this order):

    The Wumpus is alive at time 1 if and only if the Wumpus was alive at time 0 and it was
    not killed at time 0 or it was not alive and time 0 and it was born at time 0.

    The Wumpus cannot both be alive at time 0 and be born at time 0.

    The Wumpus is born at time 0.
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    #know the use of the PropSymbolExpr from logic.py
    Alive_1 = logic.PropSymbolExpr("WumpusAlive", 1)
    #print (Alive_1)
    Alive_0 = logic.PropSymbolExpr("WumpusAlive", 0)
    Born_0 = logic.PropSymbolExpr("WumpusBorn", 0)
    Killed_0 = logic.PropSymbolExpr("WumpusKilled", 0)
    One = Alive_1 % logic.disjoin(logic.conjoin(Alive_0, ~Killed_0),
                                  logic.conjoin(~Alive_0, Born_0))
    Two = ~logic.conjoin(Alive_0, Born_0)
    Three = Born_0
    return logic.conjoin(One, Two, Three)
コード例 #27
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jxyoung/pacman
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    expr = []
    if (not walls_grid[x][y - 1]):
        expr += [
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y - 1, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('North', t - 1)
    if (not walls_grid[x][y + 1]):
        expr += [
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y + 1, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('South', t - 1)
    if (not walls_grid[x - 1][y]):
        expr += [
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x - 1, y, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('East', t - 1)
    if (not walls_grid[x + 1][y]):
        expr += [
            logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x + 1, y, t - 1)
            & logic.PropSymbolExpr('West', t - 1)
    return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) % logic.disjoin(
        expr)  # Replace this with your expression
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a 
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # init current/final position
    current = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t)
    test = []
    if walls_grid[x+1][y] != True:
        action = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x+1, y, t-1) & logic.PropSymbolExpr('West', t-1)
        successor_nodes.append((x+1, y, t))
    if walls_grid[x-1][y] != True:
        action2 = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x-1, y, t-1) & logic.PropSymbolExpr('East', t-1)
        successor_nodes.append((x+1, y, t))
    if walls_grid[x][y+1] != True:
        action3 = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y+1, t-1) & logic.PropSymbolExpr('South', t-1)
        successor_nodes.append((x+1, y, t))
    if walls_grid[x][y-1] != True:
        action4 = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y-1, t-1) & logic.PropSymbolExpr('North', t-1)
        successor_nodes.append((x+1, y, t))
    return current % logic.disjoin(test)
コード例 #29
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    a = logic.Expr('A')
    B = logic.Expr('B')
    C = logic.Expr('C')
    sentence1 = logic.disjoin(a,B)
    sentence2 = logic.disjoin(~a%(~B|C))
    sentence3 = logic.disjoin(~a,~B,C)
    return logic.conjoin(sentence1,sentence2,sentence3)
コード例 #30
def exactlyOne(literals):
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals, return a single logic.Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form)that represents the logic that exactly one of 
    the expressions in the list is true.
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    result = []

    for value in literals:
        for other in literals:
            if (other != value):
                result.append(logic.disjoin(~value, ~other))


    return logic.conjoin(result)
コード例 #31
def exactlyOne(literals):
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals, return a single logic.Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form)that represents the logic that exactly one of 
    the expressions in the list is true.
    conj_list = []
    for literal in literals:  # could set a variable to indicate if reach the result, to remove repetitive pair
        for pair_literal in literals:
            if literal != pair_literal:
                pair = logic.disjoin(~literal, ~pair_literal)

    at_least_one = logic.disjoin(literals)

    return logic.conjoin(conj_list)
コード例 #32
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jesseyli/OldProjects
def exactlyOne(literals) :
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals, return a single logic.Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form)that represents the logic that exactly one of 
    the expressions in the list is true.
    if len(literals) == 1:
        return literals[0]
    return logic.conjoin([logic.disjoin(literals),atMostOne(literals)])
コード例 #33
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: Roboball/Pacman
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    A, B, C = logic.Expr('A'), logic.Expr('B'), logic.Expr('C')
    line1, line2, line3 = A | B, ~A % (~B | C), logic.disjoin(~A, ~B, C)
    return logic.conjoin(line1, line2, line3)
コード例 #34
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: aparsrinara/logic_plan
def ghostDirectionSuccessorStateAxioms(t, ghost_num, blocked_west_positions, blocked_east_positions):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost direction state (t) (from t-1).
    west or east walls.
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    # iterate over 
    # blocked east and blocked west disjoin 
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str+str(ghost_num)
    lst = []
    lst3 = []
    for (x, y) in blocked_east_positions:
        lst.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t))
    east = ~(logic.disjoin(lst))
    east = logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t-1) & east
    lst2 = []
    for (x, y) in blocked_west_positions:
        lst2.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t))   
    west = logic.disjoin(lst2)
    west = ~(logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t-1)) & west
    return logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t) % (east | west)
コード例 #35
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jesseyli/OldProjects
def atMostOne(literals) :
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals, return a single logic.Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form) that represents the logic that at most one of 
    the expressions in the list is true.
    notliterals = [~literal for literal in literals]
    clauses = []
    for i in range(0,len(literals)-1):
        for j in range(i+1, len(literals)):
            clause = [notliterals[i]] + [notliterals[j]]
    return logic.conjoin(clauses)
コード例 #36
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jesseyli/OldProjects
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    A = logic.Expr('A')
    B = logic.Expr('B')
    C = logic.Expr('C')
    expr1 = A | B
    expr2 = (~A) % ((~B)|C)
    expr3 = logic.disjoin([~A,~B,C])
    return logic.conjoin([expr1,expr2,expr3])
コード例 #37
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: Roboball/Pacman
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a 
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    lst = []
    for i in [(-1, 0, "East"), (1, 0, "West"), (0, -1, "North"), (0, 1, "South")]:
        xt, yt = x + i[0], y + i[1]
        if not walls_grid[xt][yt]:
            lst.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, xt, yt, t - 1) & logic.PropSymbolExpr(i[2], t - 1))
    if lst:
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) % logic.disjoin(lst)
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) % logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t - 1)
コード例 #38
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jesseyli/OldProjects
def ghostPositionSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, ghost_num, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    GE is going east, ~GE is going west 
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str+str(ghost_num)
    disjoin = []
    if not walls_grid[x-1][y]:
        disjoin.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str,x - 1,y, t-1) & logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str,t-1))
    if not walls_grid[x+1][y]: 
        disjoin.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str,x + 1,y, t-1) & ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str,t-1))
    if walls_grid[x-1][y] and walls_grid[x+1][y]:
        disjoin.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t-1))
    disjoin = logic.disjoin(disjoin)
    return logic.to_cnf(~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t) | disjoin) & logic.to_cnf(~disjoin|logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t))
コード例 #39
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: aparsrinara/logic_plan
def sentence2():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    C if and only if (B or D)
    A implies ((not B) and (not D))
    (not (B and (not C))) implies A
    (not D) implies C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    A, B, C, D = logic.Expr('A'), logic.Expr('B'), logic.Expr('C'), logic.Expr('D')
    C_iff = C % logic.disjoin([B,D])
    A_imp = A >> logic.conjoin([~B, ~D])
    nots = ~(logic.conjoin([B, ~C])) >> A
    notD = ~D >> C

    return logic.conjoin([C_iff, A_imp, nots, notD])
コード例 #40
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jesseyli/OldProjects
def pacmanSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for state (x,y,t) (from t-1), given the board (as a 
    grid representing the wall locations).
    Current <==> (previous position at time t-1) & (took action to move to x, y)

    literals = []
    if not walls_grid[x][y + 1]:
        literals.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y + 1, t-1)&logic.PropSymbolExpr('South', t-1))
    if not walls_grid[x][y - 1]:
        literals.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y - 1, t-1)&logic.PropSymbolExpr('North', t-1))
    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
        literals.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x + 1, y, t-1)&logic.PropSymbolExpr('West', t-1))
    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
        literals.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x - 1, y, t-1)&logic.PropSymbolExpr('East', t-1))
    expression = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) % logic.disjoin(literals)
    return logic.to_cnf(expression)
コード例 #41
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: aparsrinara/logic_plan
def pacmanAliveSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, num_ghosts):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    ghost_strs = [ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num) for ghost_num in xrange(num_ghosts)]

    alive = logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t)
    lst = []
    e = []
    for g in ghost_strs:
        e.append(~logic.PropSymbolExpr(g, x, y, t-1))
        e.append(~logic.PropSymbolExpr(g, x, y, t))
    q = logic.conjoin(e)
    lst.append(~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t))
    res = logic.disjoin(lst)
    if len(lst) == 0:
        return alive % alive 
    return alive % (logic.conjoin([logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t-1), res]))
コード例 #42
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: aparsrinara/logic_plan
def sentence1():
    """Returns a logic.Expr instance that encodes that the following expressions are all true.
    A or B
    (not A) if and only if ((not B) or C)
    (not A) or (not B) or C
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    A = logic.Expr('A')
    B = logic.Expr('B')
    C = logic.Expr('C')
    a_or_b = A | B
    notA, notB = ~A, ~B
    notB_or_C = notB | C
    notA_iff = notA % notB_or_C
    notA_or_else = logic.disjoin([notA,notB,C])

    return logic.conjoin([(a_or_b),(notA_iff),(notA_or_else)])

コード例 #43
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jesseyli/OldProjects
def atLeastOne(literals) :
    Given a list of logic.Expr literals (i.e. in the form A or ~A), return a single 
    logic.Expr instance in CNF (conjunctive normal form) that represents the logic 
    that at least one of the literals in the list is true.
    >>> A = logic.PropSymbolExpr('A');
    >>> B = logic.PropSymbolExpr('B');
    >>> symbols = [A, B]
    >>> atleast1 = atLeastOne(symbols)
    >>> model1 = {A:False, B:False}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model1)
    >>> model2 = {A:False, B:True}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model2)
    >>> model3 = {A:True, B:True}
    >>> print logic.pl_true(atleast1,model2)
    return logic.disjoin(literals)
コード例 #44
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: Roboball/Pacman
def pacmanAliveSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, num_ghosts):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    ghost_strs = [ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num) for ghost_num in xrange(num_ghosts)]

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    lst1, lst2 = [], []

    for g in ghost_strs:
        lst1.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(g, x, y, t))
        lst2.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(g, x, y, t - 1))

    if len(ghost_strs):
        causes = (logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t) & logic.disjoin(lst2)) | logic.conjoin((logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_str, x, y, t), ~logic.disjoin(lst2), logic.disjoin(lst1)))
        return ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t) % ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t - 1)
    #print logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t) % logic.conjoin(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t - 1), cause)
    return ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t) % ((logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t - 1) & causes) | ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pacman_alive_str, t - 1)) 
コード例 #45
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: Roboball/Pacman
def ghostPositionSuccessorStateAxioms(x, y, t, ghost_num, walls_grid):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost state (x,y,t) (from t-1).
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    GE is going east, ~GE is going west 
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str+str(ghost_num)

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    lst = []

    if not walls_grid[x - 1][y]:
        lst.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x - 1, y, t - 1) & logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1))
    if not walls_grid[x + 1][y]:
        lst.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x + 1, y, t - 1) & ~logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1))

    if lst:
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t) % logic.disjoin(lst)
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t) % logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t - 1)
コード例 #46
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: Roboball/Pacman
def ghostDirectionSuccessorStateAxioms(t, ghost_num, blocked_west_positions, blocked_east_positions):
    Successor state axiom for patrolling ghost direction state (t) (from t-1).
    west or east walls.
    Current <==> (causes to stay) | (causes of current)
    pos_str = ghost_pos_str+str(ghost_num)
    east_str = ghost_east_str+str(ghost_num)

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    wlst, elst = [], []

    for (x, y) in blocked_east_positions:
        elst.append(~logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t))
    for (x, y) in blocked_west_positions:
        wlst.append(logic.PropSymbolExpr(pos_str, x, y, t))

    if not elst and wlst:
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t) % (logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1) | (~logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1) & logic.disjoin(wlst)))
    elif elst and not wlst:
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t) % (logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1) & logic.conjoin(elst))
    elif not elst and not wlst:
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t) % logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1)
        return logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t) % ((logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1) & logic.conjoin(elst)) | (~logic.PropSymbolExpr(east_str, t - 1) & logic.disjoin(wlst)))
コード例 #47
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: jiffchan/cs188-sp21
def atMostOne(literals):
    Given a list of Expr literals, return a single Expr instance in 
    CNF (conjunctive normal form) that represents the logic that at most one of 
    the expressions in the list is true.
    "*** BEGIN YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    comb = list(itertools.combinations(literals, 2))
    conj = disjoin(~comb[0][0], ~comb[0][1])
    for i in comb[1:]:
        conj = conjoin(conj, disjoin(~i[0], ~i[1]))
    return conj
    "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"