コード例 #1
def init_genius(token):
    # get the genius instanse
    genius = Genius(token)
    # Turn off status messages
    genius.verbose = False
    # Remove section headers (e.g. [Chorus]) from lyrics when searching
    genius.remove_section_headers = True
    # Include hits thought to be non-songs (e.g. track lists)
    genius.skip_non_songs = False
    # Exclude songs with these words in their title
    genius.excluded_terms = ["(Remix)", "(Live)"]
    return genius
コード例 #2
from lyricsgenius import Genius
from colorama import init, Fore, Style
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from genius_tokens import CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN
import sys

args = sys.argv

if len(args) == 1:
    print("Specify path to audio")

audio_path = args[1]
audio = EasyID3(audio_path)

genius = Genius(CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN)
genius.verbose = False
genius.remove_section_headers = True
song = genius.search_song(audio["title"][0], audio["artist"][0])
