コード例 #1
    def body(self, lib_object: JSON, body: Body) -> Body:
        body.short_name = self.utils.normalize_body_name(body.short_name)

        body.ags = lib_object.get("ags")
        if body.ags:
            body.ags = body.ags.replace(" ", "")
        if len(body.ags or "") > 8:
            # Special case for https://ris.krefeld.de/webservice/oparl/v1/body/1
            if body.ags[8:] == "0" * len(body.ags[8:]):
                body.ags = body.ags[:8]
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "The Amtliche Gemeindeschlüssel of {} is longer than 8 characters: '{}'".format(
                        body, body.ags

        # We don't really need the location because we have our own outline
        # importing logic and don't need the city, but we import it for comprehensiveness
        location = self.retrieve(Location, lib_object.get("location"), body.oparl_id)
        if location and location.geometry:
            if location.geometry["type"] == "Point":
                body.center = location
                body.outline = None
            elif location.geometry["type"] == "Polygon":
                logger.warning("Overriding outline of Body with api version")
                body.center = None
                body.outline = location
                    "Location object is of type {}, which is neither 'Point' nor 'Polygon'."
                    "Skipping this location.".format(location.geometry["type"])

        return body
コード例 #2
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.api_data = {}
        cls.loader = MockLoader()
        cls.loader.api_data = cls.api_data
        for file in os.listdir(cls.dummy_data):
            if not file.endswith(".json"):

            with open(os.path.join(cls.dummy_data, file)) as fp:
                data = json.load(fp)
                cls.api_data[data["id"]] = data
                for entry in externalize(data):
                    if entry.data["id"] not in cls.api_data:
                        cls.api_data[entry.data["id"]] = entry.data

        # Used by test_location_default_body
        body = Body()
        body.short_name = "München"
        cls.converter = JsonToDb(cls.loader, default_body=body)
        cls.converter.warn_missing = False
        cls.utils = Utils()