コード例 #1
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def installEndPoints(i, localMemberId, tcId):
    Add the local endpoints as defined in the config file in the protocols folder.
    _printAction (i, "Initialise protocols and their endpoints", 1)
    from protocolcontroller import getProtocolController
    from communicationmanager import getProtocolManager
    from communicationmanager import Protocol
    from communicationmanager import getEndpointManager
    from communicationmanager import Endpoint
    from protocols.config import endpoints          # these are actually addesses, not really endpoints
    from securitymanager import getCredentialManager
    from securitymanager import getAlgorithmManager
    for protocolName in getProtocolController().getOpenProtocols():
        _printAction (i+1, "Add Protocol '" + protocolName + "'")
##        protocol = Protocol(None, protocolName)
##        getProtocolManager().addProtocol(protocol)
        protocol = getProtocolManager().getProtocolByNameAndInsert(protocolName)
        _printAction (i+1, "Add Endpoints for protocol '" + protocolName + "'", 1)
        address = endpoints[protocolName]
        for credential in getCredentialManager().getCredentialsForMember(localMemberId):
            algName = getAlgorithmManager().getAlgorithm(credential.getAlgorithmId()).getName()
            _printAction (i+2, "Add Endpoint for protocol '" + protocolName + "' and Algorithm '" + algName + "'")
            endpoint = Endpoint (None, localMemberId, tcId, protocol.getId(), address, credential.getId())
    _printAction (i, "Finished protocols and endpoints")
コード例 #2
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def updateMemberDescription(i):
    All the information is updated and the initial MDL for the user is created and stored.
    _printAction (i, "Generate and store member description for the local node")
    filename = 'local-tmp.mdl'
    from descriptionprocessor import getMemberDescriptionProcessor
    mdl = getMemberDescriptionProcessor().generateLocalMdl("", 4)    # should generate version number
コード例 #3
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def checkModules(indent = 0):
    _printAction(indent, 'Check for availability of required modules', 1)
    allThere = 1
    _printAction(indent+1, 'output - colored console output')
        import output
    except ImportError, msg:
        allThere = 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def installKeys(i, algids):
    Generate and store keys for the algorithms.
    @param algids: ID of the algorithms, public key pairs shall be created for.
    @type algids: C{List} of C{String}
    _printAction (i, "Initialise credentials for algorithms", 1)
    for algid in algids:
        installOneKey(algid, i+1, localMemberId)
    _printAction (i, "Finished credentials")
コード例 #5
ファイル: g4ds.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
    def startup(self):
        Starts up G4DS.
        Regarding to the settings in the configuration files the connections are established and
        the database is loaded.
        from maintainlib import _printAction, _finishActionLine, SUCESS_POS, SUCESS_NEG, SUCESS_SKIP
        from errorhandling import G4dsException 
        print "\n" + "*" * 90
        _printAction(0, "Starting up G4DS",1)

        _printAction(1, "Loading Configuration", 1)
        self.loadConfigurations()        # initialise with their private keys from the personal credential manager
##        _finishActionLine()        

        _printAction(1, "Start G4DS logging")
        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger
        except G4dsException, msg:
            _printAction(2, str(msg))
コード例 #6
ファイル: g4ds.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
    def loadConfigurations(self):
        from maintainlib import _printAction, _finishActionLine, SUCESS_POS, SUCESS_NEG, SUCESS_SKIP
        _printAction(2, "Configuration file: %s" %(LOCATION_CONF_FILE))
        import ConfigParser
        import string
        conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        import config
        self._distributeOneConf(conf, 'global', config.__dict__)
        import protocols.config
        self._distributeOneConf(conf, 'protocols', protocols.config.__dict__)

コード例 #7
ファイル: g4ds.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
 def shutdown(self):
     Shutdown G4DS.
     Connections are all shutdown (especially the network servers waiting for incoming connections) and 
     eventual dynamic data is written back to the database.
     from maintainlib import _printAction, _finishActionLine, SUCESS_POS, SUCESS_NEG, SUCESS_SKIP
     from errorhandling import G4dsRuntimeException
     print "\n" + "*" * 90
     _printAction (0, "Shutting down G4DS ...",1)
     _printAction(1, "Shutting down dynamic routing")
     from dynamicrouting import getRoutingTableUpdater
     except G4dsRuntimeException, msg:
コード例 #8
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def installOneKey(algId, i, localMemberId):
    Install key for one algorithm
    from algorithmcontroller import getAlgorithmController
    from securitymanager import getAlgorithmManager
    algName = getAlgorithmManager().getAlgorithm(algId).getName()
    _printAction (i, "Personal Credential for algorithm '" + algName + "'")
    algImplementation = getAlgorithmController().getAlgorithm(algName)
    privateKey = algImplementation.createKeyPair()
    publicKey = algImplementation.getPublicKey(privateKey)
    from securitymanager import PersonalCredential
    credential = PersonalCredential(None, algName + " key pair", algId, privateKey, publicKey, "")
    from securitymanager import getPersonalCredentialManager
    _printAction (i, "Public Credential for algorithm '" + algName + "'")
    from securitymanager import Credential
    from securitymanager import getCredentialManager
    credential = Credential(None, algId, "", publicKey, localMemberId)
コード例 #9
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def installNewMember(i, memberid = None):
    Put myself in the member list.
    _printAction (i, "Initialise member database with myself as the only member",1)
    _printAction(i+1, 'Create new member')
    from communitymanager import getMemberManager
    from communitymanager import Member
    member = Member(memberid, "temp description", "<mdl/>", "", "2005-07-05")
    #output (i+1, "New Member '" + member.getName() + "'")
    _printAction(i+1, 'Add member to local manager')
    except Exception, msg:
        raise Exception(msg)
コード例 #10
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def installAlgorithms(i, localMemberId):
    Put all algorithms into the database.
    @return: list of algorithm ids.
    @rtype: C{List} of C{String}
    _printAction (i, "Initialise algorithms", 1)
    from algorithmcontroller import getAlgorithmController
    from securitymanager import getAlgorithmManager
    from securitymanager import Algorithm
    allOpen = getAlgorithmController().getOpenAlgorithms()
    returnList = []
    for algName in allOpen:
        _printAction (i +1, "Algorithm '" + algName)
##        alg = Algorithm(None, algName)
##        getAlgorithmManager().addAlgorithm(alg)
        alg = getAlgorithmManager().getAlgorithmByNameAndInsert(algName)
    _printAction (i, "Finished algorithms")
    return returnList
コード例 #11
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
def installNewCommunity(i, localMemberId):
    We should have at least one community at the beginning.
    This community here every node is a member of. This way, any new node is able to connect to
    community authorities of certain communinties using this tc.
    _printAction (i, "Initialise community database with one initial entry",1)
    from communitymanager import getCommunityManager
    from communitymanager import Community
##    from config import init_tcid
##    community = Community(init_tcid, "G4DS Startup", "StartUp service", "", "", "2005-07-05")
    from config import default_tcdl, default_mdls
    from descriptionprocessor import getCommunityDescriptionProcessor, getMemberDescriptionProcessor

    # it's a bit of a funny construction - has to be done like this due to back referencing between communties and members
    # that's how it works:
    # 1. The MDLs are applied without relations
    # 2. The TCDL is applied without relations
    # 3. The MDLs are applied including relations
    # 4. The TCDL is applied including relations

    _printAction (i+1, "Initialise temporary entries for back referencing",1)
    for mdl in default_mdls:
        file = open(mdl, 'r')
        content = file.read()
        if getMemberDescriptionProcessor().processMdl(content)['id'] != localMemberId:
            member = getMemberDescriptionProcessor().applyMdl(content, includingRelations = 0)
            _printAction(i+2, "Adding temporare member '" + member.getId() + "' (authority) to system and community.")
    _printAction (i+1, "Members temporaly added.")
    file = open(default_tcdl, 'r')
    tcdl = file.read()
    community = getCommunityDescriptionProcessor().applyTcdl(tcdl, includingRelations = 0)
    _printAction (i+1, "Preparing new Community '" + community.getName() + "'",1)
    for mdl in default_mdls:
        file = open(mdl, 'r')
        content = file.read()
        if getMemberDescriptionProcessor().processMdl(content)['id'] != localMemberId:
            member = getMemberDescriptionProcessor().applyMdl(content)
            _printAction (i+2, "Adding member '" + member.getId() + "' (authority) to system and community.")
    _printAction(i+1, "Community prepared.")
    _printAction(i+1, "Apply community description and add members")
    community = getCommunityDescriptionProcessor().applyTcdl(tcdl, includingRelations = 1)
        community.addMember(localMemberId, 0, 1)
    except ValueError:
        pass    # that's fine and only happens to the authorities of the communities since they have been added to the tc before
##    community.addMember(localMemberId, 1, 1)

    _printAction (i+2, "Add local member to the community")
    _printAction (i+1, "Finshed new Community '" + community.getName() + "'")
    communityid = community.getId()
    _printAction(i, "Finished community database")
    return communityid
コード例 #12
ファイル: install.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
from algorithmcontroller import getAlgorithmController
from maintainlib import _printAction, _finishActionLine, SUCESS_POS, SUCESS_NEG, SUCESS_SKIP, SUCESS_WARN

def checkModules(indent = 0):
    _printAction(indent, 'Check for availability of required modules', 1)
    allThere = 1
    _printAction(indent+1, 'output - colored console output')
        import output
    except ImportError, msg:
        allThere = 0

    _printAction(indent+1, 'pygresql - postgresql database connector')
        import pg
    except ImportError, msg:
        allThere = 0        

    _printAction(indent+1, 'PyXML - xml processing libraries')
        import xml.dom
    except ImportError, msg:
        allThere = 0        
コード例 #13
ファイル: g4ds.py プロジェクト: kichkasch/ioids
        _printAction(1, "Loading Configuration", 1)
        self.loadConfigurations()        # initialise with their private keys from the personal credential manager
##        _finishActionLine()        

        _printAction(1, "Start G4DS logging")
        from g4dslogging import getDefaultLogger
        except G4dsException, msg:
            _printAction(2, str(msg))
        _printAction(1, "Loading Keys")
        from algorithmcontroller import getAlgorithmController
        getAlgorithmController().loadKeys()        # initialise with their private keys from the personal credential manager

        _printAction(1, "Start up protocols and listeners")
        from protocolcontroller import getProtocolController
        import socket 
            getProtocolController()                     # start listening on all endpoints
        except socket.error, msg:
            _printAction(2, str(msg))