コード例 #1
def circle_transition_matrix(n, p = 0.5, lazy = True):
	Returns the transition matrix of the (possibly lazy) biased random walk
	on the n-cycle.

	p : probability to go to the higher number not regarding 
	lazyness (defaults to 0.5) 
	lazy: should the walk be lazy? Defaults to True
	P = ssp.lil_matrix((n,n))
	P[0,n-1] = (1-p)
	P[0,1] = p

	P[n-1,n-2] = (1-p)
	P[n-1,0] = p

	for i in range(1,n-1):
		P[i,i-1] = (1-p)
		P[i,i+1] = p

	if lazy:
		P = mkm.lazy(P)

	return P.tocsr()
コード例 #2
def nx_graph_lazy_srw(G):
    """Returns the lazy srw on the graph G 
    import networkx as nx

    A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G)
    P = mkm.lazy(mkm.graph_srw_transition_matrix(A))
    mc = mkm.MarkovChain(P)

    return mc
コード例 #3
def nx_graph_lazy_srw(G):
	"""Returns the lazy srw on the graph G 
	import networkx as nx

	A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G)
	P = mkm.lazy(mkm.graph_srw_transition_matrix(A))
	mc = mkm.MarkovChain(P)

	return mc
コード例 #4
def hypercube_transition_matrix(n, lazy = True):
	Returns the transition matrix of the (possibly lazy) random walk 
	on the n-dimensional hypercube.

	n: dimension. The chain has 2^n states
	lazy: should the walk be lazy? Defaults to True
	k = pow(2,n)
	P = ssp.lil_matrix((k,k))
	p = 1./n

 	# use our infinite wisdom on bitwise operators to swap bit j in the number i
	for i in range(0,k):
		for j in range(0,n):
			P[i, i ^ ( (i ^ (~ (i & (1 << j))) ) & (1 << j) )] = p

	if lazy:
		P = mkm.lazy(P)

	return P.tocsr()