コード例 #1
    def _analyze_predictors_on_holdout(self):
        fm_io = FeatureMatrixIO()

        algorithms_to_test = list()

        pipeline_file_name = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
        data_dir = SupervisedLearningPipeline._fetch_data_dir_path(
            self, pipeline_file_name)
        # for algorithm in SupervisedClassifier.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS:
        #     algorithms_to_test.append('bifurcated-%s' % algorithm)
        log.debug('algorithms_to_test: %s' % algorithms_to_test)
        for algorithm in algorithms_to_test:
            log.info('analyzing %s...' % algorithm)
            # If report_dir does not exist, make it.
            report_dir = '/'.join([data_dir, algorithm])

            pipeline_prefix = '%s-normality-prediction-%s' % (self._var,

            predictor_path = self._build_model_dump_path(algorithm)

            if os.path.exists(
                    predictor_path) and 'bifurcated' not in algorithm:
                log.debug('Loading model from disk...')
                # TODO(sbala): Fix loblib.load so that it works for bifurcated
                # supervised classifiers.
                self._predictor = joblib.load(predictor_path)
                # self._features = self._X_train.columns
                status = SupervisedClassifier.TRAINED

                self, report_dir, pipeline_prefix)
コード例 #2
    def _build_raw_matrix_path(self):
        template = '%s-change-matrix-%d-episodes-raw.tab'
        pipeline_file_name = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())

        # Build matrix file name.
        slugified_var = '-'.join(self._var.split())
        matrix_name = template % (slugified_var, self._num_rows)

        # Build path using parent class logic for _fetch_data_dir_path.
        # This puts raw matrix in the directory for lab test rather than the
        # subdirectory for the specific change definition.  That way it can be
        # reused in pipelines for multiple different change defs.
        data_dir = SupervisedLearningPipeline._fetch_data_dir_path(self, pipeline_file_name)
        matrix_path = '/'.join([data_dir, matrix_name])

        return matrix_path
コード例 #3
    def _train_and_analyze_predictors(self):
        log.info('Training and analyzing predictors...')
        problem = SupervisedLearningPipeline.CLASSIFICATION
        meta_report = None
        fm_io = FeatureMatrixIO()

        # Build paths for output.
        pipeline_file_name = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
        data_dir = SupervisedLearningPipeline._fetch_data_dir_path(
            self, pipeline_file_name)

        # Test BifurcatedSupervisedClassifier and SupervisedClassifier.
        algorithms_to_test = list()
        # for algorithm in SupervisedClassifier.SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS:
        #     algorithms_to_test.append('bifurcated-%s' % algorithm)
        log.debug('algorithms_to_test: %s' % algorithms_to_test)

        # Train and analyse algorithms.
        for algorithm in algorithms_to_test:
            log.info('Training and analyzing %s...' % algorithm)
            # If report_dir does not exist, make it.
            report_dir = '/'.join([data_dir, self.drug, algorithm])
            if not os.path.exists(report_dir):

            # Define hyperparams.
            hyperparams = {}
            hyperparams['algorithm'] = algorithm
                'hyperparam_strategy'] = SupervisedClassifier.EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH
            hyperparams['max_iter'] = 1024
            hyperparams['random_state'] = self._random_state

            # If bifurcated algorithm, define bifurcator.
            if 'bifurcated' in algorithm:
                # bifrucator = LAB.pre == 0
                hyperparams['bifurcator'] = '%s.pre' % self._var
                    'bifurcation_strategy'] = BifurcatedSupervisedClassifier.EQUAL
                hyperparams['bifurcation_value'] = 0
                hyperparams['bifurcated'] = True

            # Train classifier.
            predictor_path = self._build_model_dump_path(algorithm)
            if os.path.exists(
                    predictor_path) and 'bifurcated' not in algorithm:
                log.debug('Loading model from disk...')
                # TODO(sbala): Fix loblib.load so that it works for bifurcated
                # supervised classifiers.
                self._predictor = joblib.load(predictor_path)
                self._features = self._X_train.columns
                status = SupervisedClassifier.TRAINED
                status = SupervisedLearningPipeline._train_predictor(
                    self, problem, [0, 1], hyperparams)

            # If failed to train, write an error report.
            y_train_counts = self._y_train[
            y_test_counts = self._y_test[
            if status == SupervisedClassifier.INSUFFICIENT_SAMPLES:
                # Skip all analysis and reporting.
                # This will be true for all algorithms, so just return.
                # Build error report.
                algorithm_report = DataFrame(
                        'bug_panel': [self._var],
                        'algorithm': [algorithm],
                        'error': [status],
                        'y_train.value_counts()': [y_train_counts.to_dict()],
                        'y_test.value_counts()': [y_test_counts.to_dict()]
                        'bug_panel', 'algorithm', 'error',
                        'y_train.value_counts()', 'y_test.value_counts()'
                header = [
                    'LabCulturePredictionPipeline("%s", 1000000)' % self._var
                # Write error report.
                fm_io.write_data_frame_to_file(algorithm_report, \
                    '/'.join([report_dir, '%s-normality-prediction-report.tab' % (self._var)]), \
            # If successfully trained, append to a meta report.
            elif status == SupervisedClassifier.TRAINED:
                pipeline_prefix = '%s-normality-prediction-%s' % (self._var,
                    self, report_dir, pipeline_prefix)
                if meta_report is None:
                    meta_report = fm_io.read_file_to_data_frame('/'.join(
                         '%s-report.tab' % pipeline_prefix]))
                    algorithm_report = fm_io.read_file_to_data_frame('/'.join(
                         '%s-report.tab' % pipeline_prefix]))
                    log.debug('algorithm_report: %s' % algorithm_report)
                    meta_report = meta_report.append(algorithm_report)
                # Write predictor to disk.
                predictor = SupervisedLearningPipeline.predictor(self)
                predictor_path = self._build_model_dump_path(algorithm)
                joblib.dump(predictor, predictor_path)

        # After building per-algorithm reports, write to meta report.
        # Note that if there were insufficient samples to build any of the
        # algorithms, then meta_report will still be None.
        if meta_report is not None:
            header = [
                'LabCulturePredictionPipeline("%s", 1000000)' % self._var
            fm_io.write_data_frame_to_file(meta_report, \
                '/'.join([data_dir, '%s-normality-prediction-report.tab' % self._var]), header)