コード例 #1
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def pandoc_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index, inst2index, index2inst,
    # List authors on multiple lines
    authors = []
    for author, i, e in authors_and_institutions:
        author = '**%s**' % author  # set in boldface
        if i is None:
            authors.append(author + ' at ' + ' and '.join(i))

    plain_text = '### Author'
    if len(authors) > 1:
        plain_text += 's'
    plain_text += '\n\n' + '\n\n'.join(authors) + '\n\n'

    if option('strapdown'):
        return plain_text
    elif option('strict_markdown_output'):
        return plain_text
    elif option('multimarkdown_output'):
        return 'Author: ' + ', '.join(authors) + '\n'
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return '% ' + ';  '.join(authors) + '\n'
コード例 #2
ファイル: music.py プロジェクト: zevlg/py-sealhunter
    def __init__(self):
        self.tracks = os.listdir(option("music-dir"))
        if option("music-shuffle"):
        self.track = 0

コード例 #3
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: sakhan007/doconce
def pandoc_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index,
                 inst2index, index2inst, auth2email):
    # List authors on multiple lines
    authors = []
    for author, i, e in authors_and_institutions:
        author = '**%s**' % author  # set in boldface
        if i is None:
            authors.append(author + ' at ' + ' and '.join(i))

    plain_text = '### Author'
    if len(authors) > 1:
        plain_text += 's'
    plain_text += '\n\n' + '\n\n'.join(authors) + '\n\n'

    if option('strapdown'):
        return plain_text
    elif option('strict_markdown_output'):
        return plain_text
    elif option('multimarkdown_output'):
        return 'Author: ' + ', '.join(authors) + '\n'
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return '% ' + ';  '.join(authors) + '\n'
コード例 #4
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: sakhan007/doconce
def pandoc_date(m):
    date = m.group('subst')
    if option('strapdown'):
        return '#### Date: ' + date
    elif option('strict_markdown_output'):
        return '#### Date: ' + date
    elif option('multimarkdown_output'):
        return 'Date: ' + date + '\n'
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return '% ' + date + '\n'
コード例 #5
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def pandoc_date(m):
    date = m.group("subst")
    if option("strapdown"):
        return "#### Date: " + date
    elif option("strict_markdown_output"):
        return "#### Date: " + date
    elif option("multimarkdown_output"):
        return "Date: " + date + "\n"
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return "% " + date + "\n"
コード例 #6
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: ahmadia/doconce
def pandoc_title(m):
    title = m.group('subst')
    if option('strapdown'):
        # title is in <title> tag in INTRO for the header of the HTML output
        return ''
    elif option('strict_markdown_output'):
        return '# ' + title
    elif option('multimarkdown_output'):
        return 'Title: ' + title
        return '% ' + title
コード例 #7
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def pandoc_date(m):
    date = m.group('subst')
    if option('strapdown'):
        return '#### Date: ' + date
    elif option('strict_markdown_output'):
        return '#### Date: ' + date
    elif option('multimarkdown_output'):
        return 'Date: ' + date + '\n'
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return '% ' + date + '\n'
コード例 #8
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def pandoc_title(m):
    title = m.group('subst')
    if option('strapdown'):
        # title is in <title> tag in INTRO for the header of the HTML output
        return ''
    elif option('strict_markdown_output'):
        return '# ' + title
    elif option('multimarkdown_output'):
        return 'Title: ' + title
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return '% ' + title
コード例 #9
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def pandoc_title(m):
    title = m.group("subst")
    if option("strapdown"):
        # title is in <title> tag in INTRO for the header of the HTML output
        return ""
    elif option("strict_markdown_output"):
        return "# " + title
    elif option("multimarkdown_output"):
        return "Title: " + title
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return "% " + title
コード例 #10
def matlabnb_quiz(quiz):
    # Simple typesetting of a quiz
    import string
    question_prefix = quiz.get('question prefix',
                               option('quiz_question_prefix=', 'Question:'))
    common_choice_prefix = option('quiz_choice_prefix=', 'Choice')
    quiz_expl = option('quiz_explanations=', 'on')

    text = '\n\n'
    if 'new page' in quiz:
        text += '======= %s =======\n\n' % (quiz['new page'])

    # Don't write Question: ... if inside an exercise section
    if quiz.get('embedding', 'None') in [
        text += '\n'
        if question_prefix:
            text += '%s ' % (question_prefix)

    text += quiz['question'] + '\n\n'

    # List choices as paragraphs
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz['choices']):
        #choice_no = i+1
        choice_no = string.ascii_uppercase[i]
        answer = choice[0].capitalize() + '!'
        choice_prefix = common_choice_prefix
        if 'choice prefix' in quiz:
            if isinstance(quiz['choice prefix'][i], basestring):
                choice_prefix = quiz['choice prefix'][i]
        if choice_prefix == '' or choice_prefix[-1] in ['.', ':', '?']:
            pass  # don't add choice number/letter
            choice_prefix += ' %s:' % choice_no
        # Let choice start with a newline if pure code starts the choice
        # (test for different code block types so this function can work
        # for other formats too...)
        choice = choice[1].lstrip()
        code_starters = 'Code::', '~~~', '```', '{{{'
        for code_starter in code_starters:
            if choice.startswith(code_starter):
                choice = '\n' + choice

        # Cannot treat explanations
        text += '%s %s\n\n' % (choice_prefix, choice)
    return text
コード例 #11
def xml_movie(m):
    filename = m.group('filename').srip()
    opts = m.group('options').strip()
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()

    if opts:
        opts = [s.split('=') for s in opts.split()]
        opts = ['%s="%s"' % (key, value) for key, value in opts]
        opts = ' ' + ' '.join(opts)
        opts = ''

    autoplay = option('html_video_autoplay=', 'False')
    if autoplay in ('on', 'off', 'True', 'true'):
        autoplay = True
        autoplay = False
    if opts:
        opts.append('autoplay="%s"' % str(autoplay))

    text = '<figure filename="%s%s>' % (filename, opts)
    if caption:
        text += '\n<caption>\n%s\n</caption>' % caption
    text += '\n</figure>\n'
    return text
コード例 #12
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_abstract(m):
    # r'\n*\g<type>.* \g<text>\n\g<rest>'
    name = m.group("type").strip()
    text = m.group("text").strip()
    rest = m.group("rest").strip()

    if option("rst_uio"):
        s = """

.. uio-introduction::

.. contents::

.. section-numbering::

""" % (
            indent_lines(text, "rst"),
        return s
        return "\n*%(name)s.* %(text)s\n\n%(rest)s" % vars()
コード例 #13
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def rst_abstract(m):
    # r'\n*\g<type>.* \g<text>\n\g<rest>'
    name = m.group('type').strip()
    text = m.group('text').strip()
    rest = m.group('rest').strip()

    if option('rst_uio'):
        s = """

.. uio-introduction::

.. contents::

.. section-numbering::

""" % (indent_lines(text, 'rst'), rest)
        return s
        if name.lower() == 'preface':
            # Drop heading (short abstract for books)
            return '\n%(text)s\n\n%(rest)s' % vars()
            return '\n*%(name)s.* %(text)s\n\n%(rest)s' % vars()
コード例 #14
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index, inst2index, index2inst, auth2email):
    if option("rst_uio"):
        if authors_and_institutions:
            # Use first author and email
            responsible = authors_and_institutions[0][0]
            email = authors_and_institutions[0][2]
            text = (
.. uio-meta::
   :responsible-name: %s
                % responsible
            if email:
                text += "   :responsible-email: %s\n\n" % email
            print "*** error: with --rst_uio there must be an AUTHOR:"
            print "    field with (at least) one author w/email who will be"
            print "    listed as the resposible under uio-meta::"
        authors = []
        for author, i, email in authors_and_institutions:
            if email:
                email = email.replace("@", " at ")
                authors.append(author + " (%s)" % email)

        text = ":Authors: " + ", ".join(authors)  # (text is already r-stripped in typeset_authors)
        # we skip institutions in rst
    return text
コード例 #15
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: sakhan007/doconce
def pandoc_linebreak(m):
    # orig: r'\g<text>\\n',
    text = m.group('text')
    if option('github_md'):
        return text + '<br />'
        return text + r'\\n'
コード例 #16
ファイル: xml.py プロジェクト: apetcho/doconce
def xml_movie(m):
    filename = m.group('filename').srip()
    opts = m.group('options').strip()
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()

    if opts:
        opts = [s.split('=') for s in opts.split()]
        opts = ['%s="%s"' % (key, value) for key, value in opts]
        opts = ' ' + ' '.join(opts)
        opts = ''

    autoplay = option('html_video_autoplay=', 'False')
    if autoplay in ('on', 'off', 'True', 'true'):
        autoplay = True
        autoplay = False
    if opts:
        opts.append('autoplay="%s"' % str(autoplay))

    text = '<figure filename="%s%s>' % (filename, opts)
    if caption:
        text += '\n<caption>\n%s\n</caption>' % caption
    text += '\n</figure>\n'
    return text
コード例 #17
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index, inst2index, index2inst,
    if option('rst_uio'):
        if authors_and_institutions:
            # Use first author and email
            responsible = authors_and_institutions[0][0]
            email = authors_and_institutions[0][2]
            text = """
.. uio-meta::
   :responsible-name: %s
""" % responsible
            if email:
                text += '   :responsible-email: %s\n\n' % email
            print '*** error: with --rst_uio there must be an AUTHOR:'
            print '    field with (at least) one author w/email who will be'
            print '    listed as the resposible under uio-meta::'
        authors = []
        for author, i, email in authors_and_institutions:
            if email:
                email = email.replace('@', ' at ')
                authors.append(author + ' (%s)' % email)

        text = ':Authors: ' + ', '.join(
            authors)  # (text is already r-stripped in typeset_authors)
        # we skip institutions in rst
    return text
コード例 #18
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
def rst_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index,
               inst2index, index2inst, auth2email):
    if option('rst_uio'):
        if authors_and_institutions:
            # Use first author and email
            responsible = authors_and_institutions[0][0]
            email = authors_and_institutions[0][2]
            text = """
.. uio-meta::
   :responsible-name: %s
""" % responsible
            if email:
                text += '   :responsible-email: %s\n\n' % email
            errwarn('*** error: with --rst_uio there must be an AUTHOR:')
            errwarn('    field with (at least) one author w/email who will be')
            errwarn('    listed as the resposible under uio-meta::')
        authors = []
        for author, i, email in authors_and_institutions:
            if email:
                email = email.replace('@', ' at ')
                authors.append(author + ' (%s)' % email)

        text = ':Authors: ' + ', '.join(authors)  # (text is already r-stripped in typeset_authors)
        # we skip institutions in rst
    return text
コード例 #19
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
def rst_abstract(m):
    # r'\n*\g<type>.* \g<text>\n\g<rest>'
    name = m.group('type').strip()
    text = m.group('text').strip()
    rest = m.group('rest').strip()

    if option('rst_uio'):
        s = """

.. uio-introduction::

.. contents::

.. section-numbering::

""" % (indent_lines(text, 'rst'), rest)
        return s
        if name.lower() == 'preface':
            # Drop heading (short abstract for books)
            return '\n%(text)s\n\n%(rest)s' % vars()
            return '\n*%(name)s.* %(text)s\n\n%(rest)s' % vars()
コード例 #20
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def sphinx_movie(m):
    filename = m.group("filename")
    special_movie = (
        "*" in filename
        or "->" in filename
        or "youtu.be" in filename
        or "youtube.com" in filename
        or "vimeo.com" in filename
    if option("runestone") and not special_movie:
        # Use RunestoneInteractive video environment
        global video_counter
        video_counter += 1
        text = """
.. video:: video_%d

""" % (
        return text
        # Use plain html code
        return rst_movie(m)
コード例 #21
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def pandoc_linebreak(m):
    # orig: r'\g<text>\\n',
    text = m.group('text')
    if option('github_md'):
        return text + '<br />'
        return text + r'\n'
コード例 #22
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def pandoc_linebreak(m):
    # orig: r'\g<text>\\n',
    text = m.group("text")
    if option("github_md"):
        return text + "<br />"
        return text + r"\n"
コード例 #23
ファイル: plaintext.py プロジェクト: apetcho/doconce
def plain_quiz(quiz):
    # Simple typesetting of a quiz
    import string
    question_prefix = quiz.get('question prefix',
                               option('quiz_question_prefix=', 'Question:'))
    common_choice_prefix = option('quiz_choice_prefix=', 'Choice')
    quiz_expl = option('quiz_explanations=', 'on')

    text = '\n\n'
    if 'new page' in quiz:
        text += '======= %s =======\n\n' % (quiz['new page'])

    # Don't write Question: ... if inside an exercise section
    if quiz.get('embedding', 'None') in ['exercise',]:
        text += '\n'
        if question_prefix:
            text += '%s ' % (question_prefix)

    text += quiz['question'] + '\n\n'

    # List choices as paragraphs
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz['choices']):
        #choice_no = i+1
        choice_no = string.ascii_uppercase[i]
        answer = choice[0].capitalize() + '!'
        choice_prefix = common_choice_prefix
        if 'choice prefix' in quiz:
            if isinstance(quiz['choice prefix'][i], basestring):
                choice_prefix = quiz['choice prefix'][i]
        if choice_prefix == '' or choice_prefix[-1] in ['.', ':', '?']:
            pass  # don't add choice number/letter
            choice_prefix += ' %s:' % choice_no
        # Let choice start with a newline if pure code starts the choice
        # (test for different code block types so this function can work
        # for other formats too...)
        choice = choice[1].lstrip()
        code_starters = 'Code::', '~~~', '```', '{{{'
        for code_starter in code_starters:
            if choice.startswith(code_starter):
                choice = '\n' + choice

        # Cannot treat explanations
        text += '%s %s\n\n' % (choice_prefix, choice)
    return text
コード例 #24
ファイル: plaintext.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
def plain_quiz(quiz):
    # Simple typesetting of a quiz
    import string

    question_prefix = quiz.get("question prefix", option("quiz_question_prefix=", "Question:"))
    common_choice_prefix = option("quiz_choice_prefix=", "Choice")
    quiz_expl = option("quiz_explanations=", "on")

    text = "\n\n"
    if "new page" in quiz:
        text += "======= %s =======\n\n" % (quiz["new page"])

    # Don't write Question: ... if inside an exercise section
    if quiz.get("embedding", "None") in ["exercise"]:
        text += "\n"
        if question_prefix:
            text += "%s " % (question_prefix)

    text += quiz["question"] + "\n\n"

    # List choices as paragraphs
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz["choices"]):
        # choice_no = i+1
        choice_no = string.ascii_uppercase[i]
        answer = choice[0].capitalize() + "!"
        choice_prefix = common_choice_prefix
        if "choice prefix" in quiz:
            if isinstance(quiz["choice prefix"][i], basestring):
                choice_prefix = quiz["choice prefix"][i]
        if choice_prefix == "" or choice_prefix[-1] in [".", ":", "?"]:
            pass  # don't add choice number/letter
            choice_prefix += " %s:" % choice_no
        # Let choice start with a newline if pure code starts the choice
        # (test for different code block types so this function can work
        # for other formats too...)
        choice = choice[1].lstrip()
        code_starters = "Code::", "~~~", "```", "{{{"
        for code_starter in code_starters:
            if choice.startswith(code_starter):
                choice = "\n" + choice

        # Cannot treat explanations
        text += "%s %s\n\n" % (choice_prefix, choice)
    return text
コード例 #25
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def pandoc_quiz(quiz):
    # Simple typesetting of a quiz
    import string
    question_prefix = quiz.get('question prefix',
                               option('quiz_question_prefix=', 'Question:'))
    common_choice_prefix = option('quiz_choice_prefix=', 'Choice')
    quiz_expl = option('quiz_explanations=', 'on')

    text = '\n\n'
    if 'new page' in quiz:
        text += '## %s\n\n' % (quiz['new page'])

    # Don't write Question: ... if inside an exercise section
    if quiz.get('embedding', 'None') in [
        text += '\n'
        if question_prefix:
            text += '**%s** ' % (question_prefix)

    text += quiz['question'] + '\n\n'

    # List choices as paragraphs
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz['choices']):
        #choice_no = i+1
        choice_no = string.ascii_uppercase[i]
        answer = choice[0].capitalize() + '!'
        choice_prefix = common_choice_prefix
        if 'choice prefix' in quiz:
            if isinstance(quiz['choice prefix'][i], basestring):
                choice_prefix = quiz['choice prefix'][i]
        if choice_prefix == '' or choice_prefix[-1] in ['.', ':', '?']:
            pass  # don't add choice number/letter
            choice_prefix += ' %s:' % choice_no
        if choice_prefix:
            choice_prefix = '**%s**' % choice_prefix
        # Always have a newline after choice in case code or tex
        # blocks appear first
        choice_prefix = choice_prefix + '\n'

        # Cannot treat explanations and answers
        text += '%s %s\n\n' % (choice_prefix, choice[1])
    return text
コード例 #26
def sphinx_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    # Special fix early in the process:
    # Deal with !split - by default we place splits before
    # the topmost sections
    # (This must be done before labels are put above section
    # headings)
    if not option('sphinx_keep_splits'):
        print '*** warning: new !split inserted (override all existing !split)'
        # Note: the title is at this stage translated to a chapter heading!
        # This title/heading must be removed for the algorithm below to work
        # (remove it, then insert afterwards)
        pattern = r'^.. Document title:\n\n={3,9}.+?={3,9}'
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        title_replacement = '<<<<<<<DOCUMENT TITLE>>>>>>>>>>>>'  # "unlikely" str
        if m:
            title = m.group()
            filestr = filestr.replace(title, title_replacement)
            title = ''

        topmost_section = 0
        for i in [9, 7, 5]:
            if re.search(r'^%s' % ('=' * i), filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE):
                topmost_section = i
                print '    before every %s heading %s' % \
                      ('='*topmost_section, '='*topmost_section)
                print '    because this strategy gives a well-functioning'
                print '    table of contents in Sphinx'
                print '    (use --sphinx_keep_splits to enforce your own !split commands)'
        if topmost_section:
            # First remove all !split
            filestr = re.sub(r'^!split *\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            # Insert new splits before all topmost sections
            pattern = r'^%s (.+?) %s' % \
                      ('='*topmost_section, '='*topmost_section)
            lines = filestr.splitlines()
            for i in range(len(lines)):
                if re.search(pattern, lines[i]):
                    lines[i] = '!split\n' + lines[i]

            filestr = '\n'.join(lines)
        filestr = filestr.replace(title_replacement, title)

    filestr = ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr)

    # replace all references to sections:
    for label in section_label2title:
        filestr = filestr.replace('ref{%s}' % label, ':ref:`%s`' % label)

    # Not of interest after sphinx got equation references:
    #from common import ref2equations
    #filestr = ref2equations(filestr)

    # Replace remaining ref{x} as :ref:`x`
    filestr = re.sub(r'ref\{(.+?)\}', ':ref:`\g<1>`', filestr)

    return filestr
コード例 #27
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: apetcho/doconce
def sphinx_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    # Special fix early in the process:
    # Deal with !split - by default we place splits before
    # the all the topmost sections
    # (This must be done before labels are put above section
    # headings)
    if '!split' in filestr and not option('sphinx_keep_splits'):
        print '*** warning: new !split inserted (override all existing !split)'
        # Note: the title is at this stage translated to a chapter heading!
        # This title/heading must be removed for the algorithm below to work
        # (remove it, then insert afterwards)
        pattern = r'^.. Document title:\n\n={3,9}.+?={3,9}'
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        title_replacement = '<<<<<<<DOCUMENT TITLE>>>>>>>>>>>>' # "unlikely" str
        if m:
            title = m.group()
            filestr = filestr.replace(title, title_replacement)
            title = ''

        topmost_section = 0
        for i in [9, 7, 5]:
            if re.search(r'^%s' % ('='*i), filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE):
                topmost_section = i
                print '    before every %s heading %s' % \
                      ('='*topmost_section, '='*topmost_section)
                print '    because this strategy gives a well-functioning'
                print '    table of contents in Sphinx'
                print '    (use --sphinx_keep_splits to enforce your own !split commands)'
        if topmost_section:
            # First remove all !split
            filestr = re.sub(r'^!split *\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            # Insert new splits before all topmost sections
            pattern = r'^%s (.+?) %s' % \
                      ('='*topmost_section, '='*topmost_section)
            lines = filestr.splitlines()
            for i in range(len(lines)):
                if re.search(pattern, lines[i]):
                    lines[i] = '!split\n' + lines[i]

            filestr = '\n'.join(lines)
        filestr = filestr.replace(title_replacement, title)

    filestr = ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr)

    # replace all references to sections:
    for label in section_label2title:
        filestr = filestr.replace('ref{%s}' % label, ':ref:`%s`' % label)

    # Not of interest after sphinx got equation references:
    #from common import ref2equations
    #filestr = ref2equations(filestr)

    # Replace remaining ref{x} as :ref:`x`
    filestr = re.sub(r'ref\{(.+?)\}', ':ref:`\g<1>`', filestr)

    return filestr
コード例 #28
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: sakhan007/doconce
def pandoc_quiz(quiz):
    # Simple typesetting of a quiz
    import string
    question_prefix = quiz.get('question prefix',
                               option('quiz_question_prefix=', 'Question:'))
    common_choice_prefix = option('quiz_choice_prefix=', 'Choice')
    quiz_expl = option('quiz_explanations=', 'on')

    text = '\n\n'
    if 'new page' in quiz:
        text += '## %s\n\n' % (quiz['new page'])

    # Don't write Question: ... if inside an exercise section
    if quiz.get('embedding', 'None') in ['exercise',]:
        text += '\n'
        if question_prefix:
            text += '**%s** ' % (question_prefix)

    text += quiz['question'] + '\n\n'

    # List choices as paragraphs
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz['choices']):
        #choice_no = i+1
        choice_no = string.ascii_uppercase[i]
        answer = choice[0].capitalize() + '!'
        choice_prefix = common_choice_prefix
        if 'choice prefix' in quiz:
            if isinstance(quiz['choice prefix'][i], basestring):
                choice_prefix = quiz['choice prefix'][i]
        if choice_prefix == '' or choice_prefix[-1] in ['.', ':', '?']:
            pass  # don't add choice number/letter
            choice_prefix += ' %s:' % choice_no
        if choice_prefix:
            choice_prefix = '**%s**' % choice_prefix
        # Always have a newline after choice in case code or tex
        # blocks appear first
        choice_prefix = choice_prefix + '\n'

        # Cannot treat explanations and answers
        text += '%s %s\n\n' % (choice_prefix, choice[1])
    return text
コード例 #29
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def pandoc_quiz(quiz):
    # Simple typesetting of a quiz
    import string

    question_prefix = quiz.get("question prefix", option("quiz_question_prefix=", "Question:"))
    common_choice_prefix = option("quiz_choice_prefix=", "Choice")
    quiz_expl = option("quiz_explanations=", "on")

    text = "\n\n"
    if "new page" in quiz:
        text += "## %s\n\n" % (quiz["new page"])

    # Don't write Question: ... if inside an exercise section
    if quiz.get("embedding", "None") in ["exercise"]:
        text += "\n"
        if question_prefix:
            text += "**%s** " % (question_prefix)

    text += quiz["question"] + "\n\n"

    # List choices as paragraphs
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz["choices"]):
        # choice_no = i+1
        choice_no = string.ascii_uppercase[i]
        answer = choice[0].capitalize() + "!"
        choice_prefix = common_choice_prefix
        if "choice prefix" in quiz:
            if isinstance(quiz["choice prefix"][i], basestring):
                choice_prefix = quiz["choice prefix"][i]
        if choice_prefix == "" or choice_prefix[-1] in [".", ":", "?"]:
            pass  # don't add choice number/letter
            choice_prefix += " %s:" % choice_no
        if choice_prefix:
            choice_prefix = "**%s**" % choice_prefix
        # Always have a newline after choice in case code or tex
        # blocks appear first
        choice_prefix = choice_prefix + "\n"

        # Cannot treat explanations and answers
        text += "%s %s\n\n" % (choice_prefix, choice[1])
    return text
コード例 #30
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def sphinx_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    # Special fix early in the process:
    # Deal with !split - by default we place splits before
    # the all the topmost sections
    # (This must be done before labels are put above section
    # headings)
    if "!split" in filestr and not option("sphinx_keep_splits"):
        errwarn("*** warning: new !split inserted (override all existing !split)")
        # Note: the title is at this stage translated to a chapter heading!
        # This title/heading must be removed for the algorithm below to work
        # (remove it, then insert afterwards)
        pattern = r"^.. Document title:\n\n={3,9}.+?={3,9}"
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        title_replacement = "<<<<<<<DOCUMENT TITLE>>>>>>>>>>>>"  # "unlikely" str
        if m:
            title = m.group()
            filestr = filestr.replace(title, title_replacement)
            title = ""

        topmost_section = 0
        for i in [9, 7, 5]:
            if re.search(r"^%s" % ("=" * i), filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE):
                topmost_section = i
                errwarn("    before every %s heading %s" % ("=" * topmost_section, "=" * topmost_section))
                errwarn("    because this strategy gives a well-functioning")
                errwarn("    table of contents in Sphinx")
                errwarn("    (use --sphinx_keep_splits to enforce your own !split commands)")
        if topmost_section:
            # First remove all !split
            filestr = re.sub(r"^!split *\n", "", filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            # Insert new splits before all topmost sections
            pattern = r"^%s (.+?) %s" % ("=" * topmost_section, "=" * topmost_section)
            lines = filestr.splitlines()
            for i in range(len(lines)):
                if re.search(pattern, lines[i]):
                    lines[i] = "!split\n" + lines[i]

            filestr = "\n".join(lines)
        filestr = filestr.replace(title_replacement, title)

    filestr = ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr)

    # replace all references to sections:
    for label in section_label2title:
        filestr = filestr.replace("ref{%s}" % label, ":ref:`%s`" % label)

    # Not of interest after sphinx got equation references:
    # from common import ref2equations
    # filestr = ref2equations(filestr)

    # Replace remaining ref{x} as :ref:`x`
    filestr = re.sub(r"ref\{(.+?)\}", ":ref:`\g<1>`", filestr)

    return filestr
コード例 #31
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: sakhan007/doconce
def pandoc_table(table):
    if option('github_md'):
        text = html_table(table)
        # Fix the problem that `verbatim` inside the table is not
        # typeset as verbatim (according to the pandoc translator rules)
        # in the GitHub Issue Tracker
        text = re.sub(r'`([^`]+?)`', '<code>\g<1></code>', text)
        return text

    # else: Pandoc-extended Markdown syntax


    Simple markdown tables look like this::

        Left         Right   Center     Default
        -------     ------ ----------   -------
        12              12     12            12
        123            123     123          123
        1                1      1             1

    # Slight modification of rst_table

    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2py = {'r': 'rjust', 'l': 'ljust', 'c': 'center'}
    s = ''  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        #s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ['horizontal rule'] and i > 0 and i < len(table['rows'])-1:
            # No horizontal rule at the top and bottom, just after heading
            for w in column_width:
                s += '-'*w + '  '
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and \
               table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
               table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in \
                    zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + '  '
                elif row != ['horizontal rule']:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + '  '
        s += '\n'
    s += '\n'
    return s
コード例 #32
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def pandoc_table(table):
    if option('github_md'):
        text = html_table(table)
        # Fix the problem that `verbatim` inside the table is not
        # typeset as verbatim (according to the pandoc translator rules)
        # in the GitHub Issue Tracker
        text = re.sub(r'`([^`]+?)`', '<code>\g<1></code>', text)
        return text

        # else: Pandoc-extended Markdown syntax

    Simple markdown tables look like this::

        Left         Right   Center     Default
        -------     ------ ----------   -------
        12              12     12            12
        123            123     123          123
        1                1      1             1

    # Slight modification of rst_table

    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c' * ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c' * ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2py = {'r': 'rjust', 'l': 'ljust', 'c': 'center'}
    s = ''  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        #s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ['horizontal rule'] and i > 0 and i < len(table['rows']) - 1:
            # No horizontal rule at the top and bottom, just after heading
            for w in column_width:
                s += '-' * w + '  '
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and \
               table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
               table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in \
                    zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + '  '
                elif row != ['horizontal rule']:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + '  '
        s += '\n'
    s += '\n'
    return s
コード例 #33
def ipynb_index_bib(filestr, index, citations, pubfile, pubdata):
    # ipynb has support for latex-style bibliography.
    # Quite some code here is copy from latex_index_bib
    # http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/nbconvert-examples/blob/master/citations/Tutorial.ipynb
    if citations:
        from common import cite_with_multiple_args2multiple_cites
        filestr = cite_with_multiple_args2multiple_cites(filestr)
    for label in citations:
        filestr = filestr.replace(
            'cite{%s}' % label,
            '<cite data-cite="%s">[%d]</cite>' % (label, citations[label]))

    if pubfile is not None:
        # Always produce a new bibtex file
        bibtexfile = pubfile[:-3] + 'bib'
        errwarn('\nexporting publish database %s to %s:' %
                (pubfile, bibtexfile))
        publish_cmd = 'publish export %s' % os.path.basename(bibtexfile)
        # Note: we have to run publish in the directory where pubfile resides
        this_dir = os.getcwd()
        pubfile_dir = os.path.dirname(pubfile)
        if not pubfile_dir:
            pubfile_dir = os.curdir

        bibstyle = option('latex_bibstyle=', 'plain')
        from latex import fix_latex_command_regex
        bibtext = fix_latex_command_regex(r"""
((*- extends 'latex_article.tplx' -*))

((* block bibliography *))
((* endblock bibliography *))
""" % (bibstyle, bibtexfile[:-4]),
        filestr = re.sub(r'^BIBFILE:.+$', bibtext, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # Save idx{} and label{} as metadata, also have labels as div tags
    filestr = re.sub(r'((idx\{.+?\})', r'<!-- dom:\g<1> -->', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'(label\{(.+?)\})',
                     r'<!-- dom:\g<1> --><div id="\g<2>"></div>', filestr)
    # Also treat special cell delimiter comments that might appear from
    # doconce ipynb2doconce conversions
    filestr = re.sub(r'^# ---------- (markdown|code) cell$',
    return filestr
コード例 #34
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def pandoc_table(table):
    if option("github_md"):
        text = html_table(table)
        # Fix the problem that `verbatim` inside the table is not
        # typeset as verbatim (according to the pandoc translator rules)
        # in the GitHub Issue Tracker
        text = re.sub(r"`([^`]+?)`", "<code>\g<1></code>", text)
        return text

        # else: Pandoc-extended Markdown syntax


    Simple markdown tables look like this::

        Left         Right   Center     Default
        -------     ------ ----------   -------
        12              12     12            12
        123            123     123          123
        1                1      1             1

    # Slight modification of rst_table

    column_width = table_analysis(table["rows"])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get("columns_align", "c" * ncolumns).replace("|", "")
    heading_spec = table.get("headings_align", "c" * ncolumns).replace("|", "")
    a2py = {"r": "rjust", "l": "ljust", "c": "center"}
    s = ""  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table["rows"]):
        # s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ["horizontal rule"] and i > 0 and i < len(table["rows"]) - 1:
            # No horizontal rule at the top and bottom, just after heading
            for w in column_width:
                s += "-" * w + "  "
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and table["rows"][i - 1] == ["horizontal rule"] and table["rows"][i + 1] == ["horizontal rule"]:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + "  "
                elif row != ["horizontal rule"]:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + "  "
        s += "\n"
    s += "\n"
    return s
コード例 #35
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: dragly/doconce
def pandoc_author(authors_and_institutions, auth2index, inst2index, index2inst, auth2email):
    # List authors on multiple lines
    authors = []
    for author, i, e in authors_and_institutions:
        author = "**%s**" % author  # set in boldface
        if i is None:
            authors.append(author + " at " + " and ".join(i))

    plain_text = "### Author"
    if len(authors) > 1:
        plain_text += "s"
    plain_text += "\n\n" + "\n\n".join(authors) + "\n\n"

    if option("strapdown"):
        return plain_text
    elif option("strict_markdown_output"):
        return plain_text
    elif option("multimarkdown_output"):
        return "Author: " + ", ".join(authors) + "\n"
        # pandoc-extended markdown syntax
        return "% " + ";  ".join(authors) + "\n"
コード例 #36
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: apetcho/doconce
def has_copyright(filestr):
    copyright_ = False
    # We use the copyright field for citing doconce
    if option('cite_doconce'):
        copyright_ = True
    # Check each author for explicit copyright
    authors = re.findall(r'^AUTHOR:(.+)', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    symbol = False  # We do not need a (c)-symbol if we're only citing doconce
    for author in authors:
        if '{copyright' in author:
            copyright_ = True
            symbol = True
    return copyright_, symbol
コード例 #37
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
def ipynb_index_bib(filestr, index, citations, pubfile, pubdata):
    # ipynb has support for latex-style bibliography.
    # Quite some code here is copy from latex_index_bib
    # http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/nbconvert-examples/blob/master/citations/Tutorial.ipynb
    if citations:
        from common import cite_with_multiple_args2multiple_cites
        filestr = cite_with_multiple_args2multiple_cites(filestr)
    for label in citations:
        filestr = filestr.replace('cite{%s}' % label,
                                  '<cite data-cite="%s">[%d]</cite>' %
                                  (label, citations[label]))

    if pubfile is not None:
        # Always produce a new bibtex file
        bibtexfile = pubfile[:-3] + 'bib'
        errwarn('\nexporting publish database %s to %s:' % (pubfile, bibtexfile))
        publish_cmd = 'publish export %s' % os.path.basename(bibtexfile)
        # Note: we have to run publish in the directory where pubfile resides
        this_dir = os.getcwd()
        pubfile_dir = os.path.dirname(pubfile)
        if not pubfile_dir:
            pubfile_dir = os.curdir

        bibstyle = option('latex_bibstyle=', 'plain')
        from latex import fix_latex_command_regex
        bibtext = fix_latex_command_regex(r"""
((*- extends 'latex_article.tplx' -*))

((* block bibliography *))
((* endblock bibliography *))
""" % (bibstyle, bibtexfile[:-4]), application='replacement')
        filestr = re.sub(r'^BIBFILE:.+$', bibtext, filestr,

    # Save idx{} and label{} as metadata, also have labels as div tags
    filestr = re.sub(r'((idx\{.+?\})', r'<!-- dom:\g<1> -->', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'(label\{(.+?)\})', r'<!-- dom:\g<1> --><div id="\g<2>"></div>', filestr)
    # Also treat special cell delimiter comments that might appear from
    # doconce ipynb2doconce conversions
    filestr = re.sub(r'^# ---------- (markdown|code) cell$', '',
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    return filestr
コード例 #38
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: apetcho/doconce
def sphinx_movie(m):
    filename = m.group('filename')
    special_movie = '*' in filename or '->' in filename or 'youtu.be' in filename or 'youtube.com' in filename or 'vimeo.com' in filename
    if option('runestone') and not special_movie:
        # Use RunestoneInteractive video environment
        global video_counter
        video_counter += 1
        text = """
.. video:: video_%d

""" % (video_counter, filename)
        return text
        # Use plain html code
        return rst_movie(m)
コード例 #39
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def sphinx_movie(m):
    filename = m.group('filename')
    special_movie = '*' in filename or '->' in filename or 'youtu.be' in filename or 'youtube.com' in filename or 'vimeo.com' in filename
    if option('runestone') and not special_movie:
        # Use RunestoneInteractive video environment
        global video_counter
        video_counter += 1
        text = """
.. video:: video_%d

""" % (video_counter, filename)
        return text
        # Use plain html code
        return rst_movie(m)
コード例 #40
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types, tex_blocks, format):
    # In rst syntax, code blocks are typeset with :: (verbatim)
    # followed by intended blocks. This function indents everything
    # inside code (or TeX) blocks.

    for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
        code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        tex_blocks[i] = indent_lines(tex_blocks[i], format)

    # Fix labels
    if option('rst_mathjax'):
        for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
            tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(' label{', ' \\label{')

    filestr = insert_code_and_tex(filestr, code_blocks, tex_blocks, 'rst')

    # substitute !bc and !ec appropriately:
    # the line before the !bc block must end in [a-zA-z0-9)"...]
    # followed by [\n:.?!,] see the bc_regex_pattern global variable above
    # (problems with substituting !bc and !bt may be caused by
    # missing characters in these two families)
    filestr = re.sub(bc_regex_pattern,
                     flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
    # Need a fix for :: appended to special comment lines (---:: -> ---\nCode::)
    filestr = re.sub(r' ---::\n\n', ' ---\nCode::\n\n', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    #c = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9)"])[:.]?\s*?!bt\n', re.DOTALL)
    #filestr = c.sub(r'\g<1>:\n\n', filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex-math::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt\n', '.. latex::\n\n', filestr, re.MULTILINE)

    if option('rst_mathjax') and (re.search(
            r'^!bt', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
                                  or re.search(r'\\\( .+ \\\)', filestr)):
        # First add MathJax script in the very beginning of the file
        from html import mathjax_header
        latex = indent_lines(mathjax_header(filestr).lstrip(), 'rst')
        filestr = '\n.. raw:: html\n\n' + latex + '\n\n' + filestr
        # Replace all the !bt parts by raw html directive (make sure
        # the coming block is sufficiently indented, we used 8 chars above)[[[
        filestr = re.sub(bt_regex_pattern,
                         r'\g<1>\n\n.. raw:: html\n\n        $$',
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n',
                         '        $$\n\n',
        # Remove inner \[..\] from equations $$ \[ ... \] $$
        filestr = re.sub(r'\$\$\s*\\\[', '$$', filestr)
        filestr = re.sub(r'\\\]\s*\$\$', '$$', filestr)
        # Equation references (ref{...}) must be \eqref{...} in MathJax
        # (note: this affects also (ref{...}) syntax in verbatim blocks...)
        filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'\eqref{\g<1>}', filestr)
        # just use the same substitution for tex blocks as for code blocks:
        filestr = re.sub(bt_regex_pattern,
        #filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # Fix: if there are !bc-!ec or other environments after each
    # other without text in between, there is a difficulty with the
    # :: symbol before the code block. In these cases, we get
    # !ec::, !et::, !bbox:: etc. from the above substitutions.
    # We just replace these by empty text.
    filestr = re.sub(r'^(!(b|e)[a-z]+)::',

    # Check
    for pattern in '^!bt', '^!et':
        c = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
        m = c.search(filestr)
        if m:
            print """
Still %s left after handling of code and tex blocks. Problem is probably
that %s is not preceded by text which can be extended with :: (required).
""" % (pattern, pattern)

    # Final fixes

    filestr = fix_underlines_in_headings(filestr)
    # Ensure blank line before and after comments
    filestr = re.sub(r'([.:;?!])\n^\.\. ',
                     r'\g<1>\n\n.. ',
    filestr = re.sub(r'(^\.\. .+)\n([^ \n]+)',
    # Line breaks interfer with tables and needs a final blank line too
    lines = filestr.splitlines()
    inside_block = False
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and not inside_block:
            inside_block = True
            lines[i] = lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe> ', '') + '\n'
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and inside_block:
            lines[i] = '|' + lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe>', '')
        if inside_block and not lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>'):
            inside_block = False
            lines[i] = '| ' + lines[i] + '\n'
    filestr = '\n'.join(lines)

    # Remove too much vertical space
    filestr = re.sub(r'\n\n\n+', '\n\n', filestr)

    return filestr
コード例 #41
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def rst_quiz(quiz):
    import string
    question_prefix = quiz.get('question prefix',
                               option('quiz_question_prefix=', 'Question:'))
    common_choice_prefix = option('quiz_choice_prefix=', 'Choice')
    quiz_expl = option('quiz_explanations=', 'on')
    # Sphinx tooltop: :abbr:`TERM (explanation in tooltip)`
    # Can e.g. just have the right answer number as tooltip!

    text = '\n\n'
    if 'new page' in quiz:
        text += '.. !split\n%s\n%s' % (quiz['new page'],
                                       '-' * len(quiz['new page']))

    text += '.. begin quiz\n\n'
    # Don't write Question: ... if inside an exercise section
    if quiz.get('embedding', 'None') in [
        text += '\n\n'
        if question_prefix:
            text += '**%s** ' % (question_prefix)
            if quiz['question'].lstrip().startswith('..'):
                # block, add extra \n
                text += '\n\n'

    text += quiz['question'] + '\n\n\n'

    # List choices as paragraphs
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz['choices']):
        #choice_no = i+1
        choice_no = string.ascii_uppercase[i]
        answer = choice[0].capitalize() + '!'
        choice_prefix = common_choice_prefix
        if 'choice prefix' in quiz:
            if isinstance(quiz['choice prefix'][i], basestring):
                choice_prefix = quiz['choice prefix'][i]
        if choice_prefix == '' or choice_prefix[-1] in ['.', ':', '?']:
            pass  # don't add choice number/letter
            choice_prefix += ' %s:' % choice_no

        expl = ''
        if len(choice) == 3 and quiz_expl == 'on':
            expl = choice[2]
            if '.. figure::' in expl or 'math::' in expl or '.. code-block::' in expl:
                print '*** warning: quiz explanation contains block (fig/code/math)'
                print '    and is therefore skipped'
                print expl, '\n'
                expl = ''  # drop explanation when it needs blocks
            # Should remove markup
            pattern = r'`(.+?) (<https?.+?)>`__'  # URL
            expl = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1> (\g<2>)', expl)
            pattern = r'``(.+?)``'  # verbatim
            expl = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>', expl)
            pattern = r':math:`(.+?)`'  # inline math
            expl = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>', expl)  # mimic italic....
            pattern = r':\*\*(.+?)\*\*'  # bold
            expl = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>', expl, flags=re.DOTALL)
            pattern = r':\*(.+?)\*'  # emphasize
            expl = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>', expl, flags=re.DOTALL)
            tooltip = ' '.join(expl.splitlines())
        if expl:
            text += '**%s** %s\n\n:abbr:`? (%s)` :abbr:`# (%s)`\n\n' % (
                choice_prefix, choice[1], answer, tooltip)
        else:  # no explanation
            text += '**%s** %s\n\n:abbr:`? (%s)`\n\n' % (choice_prefix,
                                                         choice[1], answer)

    text += '.. end quiz\n\n'
    return text
コード例 #42
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
           ENVIRS, QUIZ, INTRO, OUTRO, filestr):
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['rst'] = '.rst'
    BLANKLINE['rst'] = '\n'

    encoding = 'utf-8'  # 'latin-1'

    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['rst'] = {
        # math and math2 are redefined below if --rst_mathjax
        #'math':      r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<subst>`\g<end>',  # sphinx
        #'math2':     r'\g<begin>:math:`\g<latexmath>`\g<end>',
        None,  # => just use doconce markup (*emphasized words*)
        r'\g<subst>',  # should be improved, rst has cross ref
        #colortext cannot employ pure HTML code. Recipe: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4669689/how-to-use-color-in-text-with-restructured-text-rst2html-py-or-how-to-insert-h (this is too comprehensive). Use bold instead.
        #'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',
        # Use anonymous hyperlink references to avoid warnings if the link
        # name appears twice
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__\g<end>',
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>`\g<link>`_\g<end>' + '\n\n.. ' + r'__\g<link>: \g<url>' + '\n\n',  # better (?): make function instead that stacks up the URLs and dumps them at the end; can be used for citations as well
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',  # no verbatim, does not work well
        r'`\g<link> <\g<url>>`__',  # same
        r'color{red}{(**\g<name>**: \g<comment>})',
        # the replacement string differs, depending on the match object m:
        # (note len(m.group('subst')) gives wrong length for latin-1 strings,
        # seems to work for utf-8, if problems: replace lambda function
        # with an ordinary function where you can debug and test!
        #'chapter':       lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '%'*len(m.group('subst').decode(encoding))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '%' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '=' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s' % (m.group('subst'), '-' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        lambda m: '%s\n%s\n' % (m.group('subst'), '~' * len(m.group('subst'))),
        r'**\g<subst>**\n',  # extra newline
        #'title':         r'======= \g<subst> =======\n',  # doconce top section, must be the highest section level (but no higher than others, need more code)
        None,  # taken care of in ref_and_label_commoncode
        r':Date: \g<subst>\n',
        #'comment':       '.. %s',  # rst does not like empty comment lines:
        # so therefore we introduce a function to remove empty comment lines
        # (we insert an extra blank first to be safe)
        lambda c: '' if c.isspace() or c == '' else '\n.. %s\n' % c,
        #'linebreak':     r'| \g<text>',  # does not work: interfers with tables and requires a final blank line after block
        r'<linebreakpipe> \g<text>',  # fixed in rst_code/sphinx_code as a hack
        ' |nbsp| ',
        r' \g<1>&\g<2>',
    if option('rst_mathjax'):
        # rst2html conversion requires four backslashes here for one of them
        # to survive
            'math'] = r'\g<begin>\\\\( \g<subst> \\\\)\g<end>'
            'math2'] = r'\g<begin>\\\\( \g<latexmath> \\\\)\g<end>'

    ENVIRS['rst'] = {
        'quote': rst_quote,
        'warning': rst_warning,
        'question': rst_question,
        'notice': rst_notice,
        'summary': rst_summary,
        'block': rst_block,
        'box': rst_box,

    CODE['rst'] = rst_code  # function for typesetting code

    LIST['rst'] = {
        'itemize': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '*',
            'end': '\n'
        # lists must end with a blank line - we insert one extra,
        'enumerate': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%d.',
            'end': '\n'
        'description': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%s',
            'end': '\n'
        'separator': '\n',
    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST
    FIGURE_EXT['rst'] = {
        'search': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.pdf', '.eps', '.ps'),
        'convert': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg')
    CROSS_REFS['rst'] = rst_ref_and_label
    INDEX_BIB['rst'] = rst_index_bib

    TABLE['rst'] = rst_table
    EXERCISE['rst'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['rst'] = lambda s: '.. contents:: Table of Contents\n   :depth: 2'
    QUIZ['rst'] = rst_quiz
    INTRO['rst'] = """\
.. Automatically generated reStructuredText file from DocOnce source

    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11830242/non-breaking-space
    from common import INLINE_TAGS
    if re.search(INLINE_TAGS['non-breaking-space'], filestr):
        nbsp = """
.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0

        if 'TITLE:' not in filestr:
            import common
            if common.format in ('rst', 'sphinx'):
                print '*** error: non-breaking space character ~ is used,'
                print '    but this will give an error when the document does'
                print '    not have a title.'
            INTRO['rst'] += nbsp
コード例 #43
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def pandoc_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types, tex_blocks, format):
    # We expand all newcommands now
    from html import embed_newcommands
    newcommands = embed_newcommands(filestr)
    if newcommands:
        filestr = newcommands + filestr

    # Note: the tex code require the MathJax fix of doconce md2html
    # to insert right MathJax extensions to interpret align and labels
    # correctly.
    # (Also, doconce.py runs align2equations so there are no align/align*
    # environments in tex blocks.)
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        # Remove latex envir in single equations
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\[', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\]', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\begin{equation*}', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\end{equation*}', '')
        #tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\[', '$$')
        #tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\]', '$$')
        # Check for illegal environments
        m = re.search(r'\\begin\{(.+?)\}', tex_blocks[i])
        if m:
            envir = m.group(1)
            if envir not in ('equation', 'equation*', 'align*', 'align',
*** warning: latex envir \\begin{%s} does not work well.
""" % envir)
        # Add $$ on each side of the equation
        tex_blocks[i] = '$$\n' + tex_blocks[i] + '$$\n'
    # Note: HTML output from pandoc requires $$ while latex cannot have
    # them if begin-end inside ($$\begin{...} \end{...}$$)

    if option('strict_markdown_output'):
        # Code blocks are just indented
        for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
            code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)

    filestr = insert_code_and_tex(filestr, code_blocks, tex_blocks, format)

    github_md = option('github_md')

    if not option('strict_markdown_output'):
        if github_md:
            for key in language2pandoc:
                language2pandoc[key] = language2pandoc[key].lower()

        # Code blocks apply the ~~~~~ delimiter, with blank lines before
        # and after
        for key in language2pandoc:
            language = language2pandoc[key]
            if github_md:
                replacement = '\n```%s\n' % language2pandoc[key]
                # pandoc-extended Markdown
                replacement = '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.%s}\n' % language2pandoc[
                #replacement = '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.%s ,numberLines}\n' % language2pandoc[key]  # enable line numbering
            filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc\s+%s\s*\n' % key,

        # any !bc with/without argument becomes an unspecified block
        if github_md:
            replacement = '\n```'
            replacement = '\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc.*$', replacement, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

        if github_md:
            replacement = '```\n'
            replacement = '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n'
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\s*$', replacement, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        # Strict Markdown: just indented blocks
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc.*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt *\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # \eqref and labels will not work, but labels do no harm
    filestr = filestr.replace(' label{', ' \\label{')
    pattern = r'^label\{'
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, '\\label{', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'\eqref{\g<1>}', filestr)

    # Final fixes

    # Seems that title and author must appear on the very first lines
    filestr = filestr.lstrip()

    # Enable tasks lists:
    #   - [x] task 1 done
    #   - [ ] task 2 not yet done
    if github_md:
        pattern = '^(\s+)\*\s+(\[[x ]\])\s+'
        filestr = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>- \g<2> ', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    return filestr
コード例 #44
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def ipynb_movie(m):
    # m.group() must be called before m.group('name')
    text = '<!-- dom:%s -->' % m.group()

    global html_encountered, movie_encountered, movie_files
    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    youtube = False

    if 'youtu.be' in filename or 'youtube.com' in filename:
        youtube = True
    if '*' in filename or '->' in filename:
        print '*** warning: * or -> in movie filenames is not supported in ipynb'
        return text

    def YouTubeVideo(filename):
        # Use YouTubeVideo object
        if 'watch?v=' in filename:
            name = filename.split('watch?v=')[1]
        elif 'youtu.be/' in filename:
            name = filename.split('youtu.be/')[1]
            print '*** error: youtube movie name "%s" could not be interpreted' % filename

        text = ''
        global movie_encountered
        if not movie_encountered:
            text += 'from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo\n'
            movie_encountered = True
        text += 'YouTubeVideo("%s")\n' % name
        return text

    text += '\n<!-- begin movie -->\n'
    display_method = option('ipynb_movie=', 'HTML')
    if display_method == 'md':
        text += html_movie(m)
    elif display_method.startswith('HTML'):
        text += '\n!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube and 'YouTube' in display_method:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # Use HTML formatting
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += '_s = """' + html_movie(m) + '"""\n'
            text += 'HTML(_s)\n'
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
        text += '!ec\n'
    elif display_method == 'ipynb':
        text += '!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # see http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/1.x/examples/notebooks/Part%205%20-%20Rich%20Display%20System.ipynb
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18019477/how-can-i-play-a-local-video-in-my-ipython-notebook
            # http://python.6.x6.nabble.com/IPython-User-embedding-non-YouTube-movies-in-the-IPython-notebook-td5024035.html
            # Just support .mp4, .ogg, and.webm
            stem, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if ext not in ('.mp4', '.ogg', '.webm'):
                print '*** error: movie "%s" in format %s is not supported for --ipynb_movie=%s' % (
                    filename, ext, display_method)
                print '    use --ipynb_movie=HTML instead'
            height = 365
            width = 640
            if filename.startswith('http'):
                file_open = 'import urllib\nvideo = urllib.urlopen("%s").read()' % filename
                file_open = 'video = open("%s", "rb").read()' % filename
            text += """
from base64 import b64encode
video_encoded = b64encode(video)
video_tag = '<video controls loop alt="%s" height="%s" width="%s" src="data:video/%s;base64,{0}">'.format(video_encoded)
""" % (file_open, filename, height, width, ext[1:])
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += 'HTML(data=video_tag)\n'
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
        text += '!ec\n'
        print '*** error: --ipynb_movie=%s is not supported' % display_method
    text += '<!-- end movie -->\n'
    return text
コード例 #45
ファイル: pandoc.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
           ENVIRS, QUIZ, INTRO, OUTRO, filestr):
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['pandoc'] = '.md'
    BLANKLINE['pandoc'] = '\n'
    # replacement patterns for substitutions of inline tags
    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['pandoc'] = {
        'math': None,  # indicates no substitution, leave as is
        'math2': r'\g<begin>$\g<latexmath>$\g<end>',
        'emphasize': None,
        'bold': r'\g<begin>**\g<subst>**\g<end>',
        'figure': pandoc_figure,
        #'movie':     default_movie,
        'movie': html_movie,
        'verbatim': None,
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>\g<link> (\g<url>)\g<end>',
        'linkURL2': r'[\g<link>](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL3': r'[\g<link>](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL2v': r'[`\g<link>`](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL3v': r'[`\g<link>`](\g<url>)',
        'plainURL': r'<\g<url>>',
        'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',  # HTML
        # "Reference links" in pandoc are not yet supported
        'title': pandoc_title,
        'author': pandoc_author,
        'date': pandoc_date,
        'chapter': lambda m: '# ' + m.group('subst'),
        'section': lambda m: '## ' + m.group('subst'),
        'subsection': lambda m: '### ' + m.group('subst'),
        'subsubsection': lambda m: '#### ' + m.group('subst') + '\n',
        'paragraph': r'*\g<subst>*\g<space>',
        'abstract': r'*\g<type>.* \g<text>\n\n\g<rest>',
        'comment': '<!-- %s -->',
        'linebreak': pandoc_linebreak,
        'non-breaking-space': '\\ ',
        'ampersand2': r' \g<1>&\g<2>',

    CODE['pandoc'] = pandoc_code
    ENVIRS['pandoc'] = {
        'quote': pandoc_quote,
    if option('slate_md'):
        ENVIRS['pandoc'] = {
            'warning': slate_warning,
            'notice': slate_notice,
            'block': slate_success,
            'summary': functools.partial(slate_success, title='Summary'),
            'question': functools.partial(slate_success, title='Question'),
            'box': slate_success,

    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST
    LIST['pandoc'] = {
        'itemize': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '*',
            'end': '\n'
        'enumerate': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%d.',
            'end': '\n'
        'description': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%s\n  :   ',
            'end': '\n'

        #'separator': '\n',
        'separator': '',
    CROSS_REFS['pandoc'] = pandoc_ref_and_label

    TABLE['pandoc'] = pandoc_table
    INDEX_BIB['pandoc'] = pandoc_index_bib
    EXERCISE['pandoc'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['pandoc'] = lambda s, f: '# Table of contents: Run pandoc with --toc option'
    QUIZ['pandoc'] = pandoc_quiz
    FIGURE_EXT['pandoc'] = {
        'search': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tif', '.tiff', '.pdf'),
        'convert': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg')

    # Wrap markdown output in strapdown HTML code for quick auto rendering
    # with Bootstrap themes?
    if option('strapdown'):
        # Themes
        boostrap_bootwatch_theme = option('bootswatch_theme=', 'spacelab')
        # Grab title
        title = ''
        if 'TITLE:' in filestr:
            for line in filestr.splitlines():
                if line.startswith('TITLE:'):
                    title = line.split('TITLE:')[-1].strip()
        INTRO['pandoc'] = """<!DOCTYPE html>

<xmp theme="%(boostrap_bootwatch_theme)s" style="display:none;">
# Markdown text goes in here
""" % vars()
        OUTRO['pandoc'] = """
コード例 #46
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
def ipynb_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types,
               tex_blocks, format):
    # We expand all newcommands now
    from html import embed_newcommands
    newcommands = embed_newcommands(filestr)
    if newcommands:
        filestr = newcommands + filestr
    # Fix pandoc citations to normal internal links: [[key]](#key)
    filestr = re.sub(r'\[@(.+?)\]', r'[[\g<1>]](#\g<1>)', filestr)

    # filestr becomes json list after this function so we must typeset
    # envirs here. All envirs are typeset as pandoc_quote.
    from common import _CODE_BLOCK, _MATH_BLOCK
    envir_format = option('ipynb_admon=', 'paragraph')
    # Remove all !bpop-!epop environments (they cause only problens and
    # have no use)
    for envir in 'pop', 'slidecell':
        filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !b%s .*\n' % envir, '', filestr,
        filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !e%s .*\n' % envir, '', filestr,
    filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !bnotes.*?<!-- !enotes -->\n', '', filestr,
    filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !split -->\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    from doconce import doconce_envirs
    envirs = doconce_envirs()[8:-2]
    for envir in envirs:
        pattern = r'^!b%s(.*?)\n(.+?)\s*^!e%s' % (envir, envir)
        if envir_format in ('quote', 'paragraph', 'hrule'):
            def subst(m):
                title = m.group(1).strip()
                # Text size specified in parenthesis?
                m2 = re.search('^\s*\((.+?)\)', title)

                if title == '' and envir not in ('block', 'quote'):
                    title = envir.capitalize() + '.'
                elif title.lower() == 'none':
                    title == ''
                elif m2:
                    text_size = m2.group(1).lower()
                    title = title.replace('(%s)' % text_size, '').strip()
                elif title and title[-1] not in ('.', ':', '!', '?'):
                    # Make sure the title ends with puncuation
                    title += '.'
                # Recall that this formatting is called very late
                # so native format must be used!
                if title:
                    title = '**' + title + '**\n'
                    # Could also consider subsubsection formatting
                block = m.group(2)

                # Always use quote typesetting for quotes
                if envir_format == 'quote' or envir == 'quote':
                    # Make Markdown quote of the block: lines start with >
                    lines = []
                    for line in block.splitlines():
                        # Just quote plain text
                        if not (_MATH_BLOCK in line or
                                _CODE_BLOCK in line or
                                line.startswith('FIGURE:') or
                                line.startswith('MOVIE:') or
                            lines.append('> ' + line)
                            lines.append('\n' + line + '\n')
                    block = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n\n'

                    # Add quote and a blank line after title
                    if title:
                        title = '> ' + title + '>\n'
                    # Add a blank line after title
                    if title:
                        title += '\n'

                if envir_format == 'hrule':
                    # Native ------ does not work, use <hr/>
                    #text = '\n\n----------\n' + title + '----------\n' + \
                    #       block + '\n----------\n\n'
                    text = '\n\n<hr/>\n' + title + \
                           block + '\n<hr/>\n\n'
                    text = title + block + '\n\n'
                return text
            errwarn('*** error: --ipynb_admon=%s is not supported'  % envir_format)
        filestr = re.sub(pattern, subst, filestr,
                         flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)

    # Fix pyshell and ipy interactive sessions: remove prompt and output.
    # or split in multiple cells such that output comes out at the end of a cell
    # Fix sys environments and use run prog.py so programs can be run in cell
    # Insert %matplotlib inline in the first block using matplotlib
    # Only typeset Python code as blocks, otherwise !bc environmens
    # become plain indented Markdown.
    from doconce import dofile_basename
    from sets import Set
    ipynb_tarfile = 'ipynb-%s-src.tar.gz' % dofile_basename
    src_paths = Set()
    mpl_inline = False

    split_pyshell = option('ipynb_split_pyshell=', 'on')
    if split_pyshell is None:
        split_pyshell = False
    elif split_pyshell in ('no', 'False', 'off'):
        split_pyshell = False
        split_pyshell = True

    ipynb_code_tp = [None]*len(code_blocks)
    for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
        # Check if continuation lines are in the code block, because
        # doconce.py inserts a blank after the backslash
        if '\\ \n' in code_blocks[i]:
            code_blocks[i] = code_blocks[i].replace('\\ \n', '\\\n')

        if not mpl_inline and (
            re.search(r'import +matplotlib', code_blocks[i]) or \
            re.search(r'from +matplotlib', code_blocks[i]) or \
            re.search(r'import +scitools', code_blocks[i]) or \
            re.search(r'from +scitools', code_blocks[i])):
            code_blocks[i] = '%matplotlib inline\n\n' + code_blocks[i]
            mpl_inline = True

        tp = code_block_types[i]
        if tp.endswith('-t'):
            # Standard Markdown code with pandoc/github extension
            language = tp[:-2]
            language_spec = language2pandoc.get(language, '')
            #code_blocks[i] = '\n' + indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format) + '\n'
            code_blocks[i] = "```%s\n" % language_spec + \
                             indent_lines(code_blocks[i].strip(), format) + \
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'markdown'
        elif tp.startswith('pyshell') or tp.startswith('ipy'):
            lines = code_blocks[i].splitlines()
            last_cell_end = -1
            if split_pyshell:
                new_code_blocks = []
                # Split for each output an put in separate cell
                for j in range(len(lines)):
                    if lines[j].startswith('>>>') or lines[j].startswith('... '):
                        lines[j] = lines[j][4:]
                    elif lines[j].startswith('In ['):  # IPython
                        lines[j] = ':'.join(lines[j].split(':')[1:]).strip()
                    elif lines[j].startswith('   ...: '): # IPython
                        lines[j] = lines[j][8:]
                        # output (no prefix or Out)
                        lines[j] = ''
                        last_cell_end = j
                code_blocks[i] = new_code_blocks
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'
                # Remove prompt and output lines; leave code executable in cell
                for j in range(len(lines)):
                    if lines[j].startswith('>>> ') or lines[j].startswith('... '):
                        lines[j] = lines[j][4:]
                    elif lines[j].startswith('In ['):
                        lines[j] = ':'.join(lines[j].split(':')[1:]).strip()
                        # output
                        lines[j] = ''

                for j in range(lines.count('')):
                code_blocks[i] = '\n'.join(lines)
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'

        elif tp.startswith('sys'):
            # Do we find execution of python file? If so, copy the file
            # to separate subdir and make a run file command in a cell.
            # Otherwise, it is just a plain verbatim Markdown block.
            found_unix_lines = False
            lines = code_blocks[i].splitlines()
            for j in range(len(lines)):
                m = re.search(r'(.+?>|\$) *python +([A-Za-z_0-9]+?\.py)',
                if m:
                    name = m.group(2).strip()
                    if os.path.isfile(name):
                        lines[j] = '%%run "%s"' % fullpath
                    found_unix_lines = True
            src_paths = list(src_paths)
            if src_paths and not found_unix_lines:
                # This is a sys block with run commands only
                code_blocks[i] = '\n'.join(lines)
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'
                # Standard Markdown code
                code_blocks[i] = '\n'.join(lines)
                code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'markdown'
        elif tp.endswith('hid'):
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell_hidden'
        elif tp.startswith('py'):
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'
            # Should support other languages as well, but not for now
            code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'markdown'

    # figure_files and movie_files are global variables and contain
    # all figures and movies referred to
    src_paths = list(src_paths)
    if figure_files:
        src_paths += figure_files
    if movie_files:
        src_paths += movie_files

    if src_paths:
        # Make tar file with all the source dirs with files
        # that need to be executed
        os.system('tar cfz %s %s' % (ipynb_tarfile, ' '.join(src_paths)))
        errwarn('collected all required additional files in ' + ipynb_tarfile + ' which must be distributed with the notebook')
    elif os.path.isfile(ipynb_tarfile):

    # Parse document into markdown text, code blocks, and tex blocks.
    # Store in nested list notebook_blocks.
    notebook_blocks = [[]]
    authors = ''
    for line in filestr.splitlines():
        if line.startswith('authors = [new_author(name='):  # old author method
            authors = line[10:]
        elif _CODE_BLOCK in line:
            code_block_tp = line.split()[-1]
            if code_block_tp in ('pyhid',) or not code_block_tp.endswith('hid'):
                notebook_blocks[-1] = '\n'.join(notebook_blocks[-1]).strip()
            # else: hidden block to be dropped (may include more languages
            # with time in the above tuple)
        elif _MATH_BLOCK in line:
            notebook_blocks[-1] = '\n'.join(notebook_blocks[-1]).strip()
            if not isinstance(notebook_blocks[-1], list):
    if isinstance(notebook_blocks[-1], list):
        notebook_blocks[-1] = '\n'.join(notebook_blocks[-1]).strip()

    # Add block type info
    pattern = r'(\d+) +%s'
    for i in range(len(notebook_blocks)):
        if re.match(pattern % _CODE_BLOCK, notebook_blocks[i]):
            m = re.match(pattern % _CODE_BLOCK, notebook_blocks[i])
            idx = int(m.group(1))
            if ipynb_code_tp[idx] == 'cell':
                notebook_blocks[i] = ['cell', notebook_blocks[i]]
            elif ipynb_code_tp[idx] == 'cell_hidden':
                notebook_blocks[i] = ['cell_hidden', notebook_blocks[i]]
                notebook_blocks[i] = ['text', notebook_blocks[i]]
        elif re.match(pattern % _MATH_BLOCK, notebook_blocks[i]):
            notebook_blocks[i] = ['math', notebook_blocks[i]]
            notebook_blocks[i] = ['text', notebook_blocks[i]]

    # Go through tex_blocks and wrap in $$
    # (doconce.py runs align2equations so there are no align/align*
    # environments in tex blocks)
    label2tag = {}
    tag_counter = 1
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        # Extract labels and add tags
        labels = re.findall(r'label\{(.+?)\}', tex_blocks[i])
        for label in labels:
            label2tag[label] = tag_counter
            # Insert tag to get labeled equation
            tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(
                'label{%s}' % label, 'label{%s} \\tag{%s}' % (label, tag_counter))
            tag_counter += 1

        # Remove \[ and \] or \begin/end{equation*} in single equations
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\[', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\]', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\begin{equation*}', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\end{equation*}', '')
        # Check for illegal environments
        m = re.search(r'\\begin\{(.+?)\}', tex_blocks[i])
        if m:
            envir = m.group(1)
            if envir not in ('equation', 'equation*', 'align*', 'align',
*** warning: latex envir \\begin{%s} does not work well in Markdown.
    Stick to \\[ ... \\], equation, equation*, align, or align*
    environments in math environments.
""" % envir)
        eq_type = 'heading'  # or '$$'
        eq_type = '$$'
        # Markdown: add $$ on each side of the equation
        if eq_type == '$$':
            # Make sure there are no newline after equation
            tex_blocks[i] = '$$\n' + tex_blocks[i].strip() + '\n$$'
        # Here: use heading (###) and simple formula (remove newline
        # in math expressions to keep everything within a heading) as
        # the equation then looks bigger
        elif eq_type == 'heading':
            tex_blocks[i] = '### $ ' + '  '.join(tex_blocks[i].splitlines()) + ' $'

        # Add labels for the eqs above the block (for reference)
        if labels:
            #label_tp = '<a name="%s"></a>'
            label_tp = '<div id="%s"></div>'
            tex_blocks[i] = '<!-- Equation labels as ordinary links -->\n' + \
                            ' '.join([label_tp % label
                                      for label in labels]) + '\n\n' + \

    # blocks is now a list of text chunks in markdown and math/code line
    # instructions. Insert code and tex blocks
    for i in range(len(notebook_blocks)):
        if _CODE_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][1] or _MATH_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][1]:
            words = notebook_blocks[i][1].split()
            # start of notebook_blocks[i]: number block-indicator code-type
            n = int(words[0])
            if _CODE_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][1]:
                notebook_blocks[i][1] = code_blocks[n]  # can be list!
            if _MATH_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][1]:
                notebook_blocks[i][1] = tex_blocks[n]

    # Make IPython structures

    nb_version = int(option('ipynb_version=', '4'))
    if nb_version == 3:
            from IPython.nbformat.v3 import (
                new_code_cell, new_text_cell, new_worksheet,
                new_notebook, new_metadata, new_author)
            nb = new_worksheet()
        except ImportError:
            errwarn('*** error: could not import IPython.nbformat.v3!')
            errwarn('    set --ipynb_version=4 or leave out --ipynb_version=3')
    elif nb_version == 4:
            from nbformat.v4 import (
                new_code_cell, new_markdown_cell, new_notebook)
        except ImportError:
            # Try old style
                from IPython.nbformat.v4 import (
                    new_code_cell, new_markdown_cell, new_notebook)
            except ImportError:
                errwarn('*** error: cannot do import nbformat.v4 or IPython.nbformat.v4')
                errwarn('    make sure IPython notebook or Jupyter is installed correctly')
        cells = []

    mdstr = []  # plain md format of the notebook
    prompt_number = 1
    for block_tp, block in notebook_blocks:
        if (block_tp == 'text' or block_tp == 'math') and block != '':
            # Pure comments between math/code and math/code come
            # out as empty blocks, should detect that situation
            # (challenging - can have multiple lines of comments,
            # or begin and end comment lines with important things between)
            if nb_version == 3:
                nb.cells.append(new_text_cell(u'markdown', source=block))
            elif nb_version == 4:
            mdstr.append(('markdown', block))
        elif block_tp == 'cell' and block != '' and block != []:
            if isinstance(block, list):
                for block_ in block:
                    block_ = block_.rstrip()
                    if block_ != '':
                        if nb_version == 3:
                        elif nb_version == 4:
                        prompt_number += 1
                        mdstr.append(('codecell', block_))
                block = block.rstrip()
                if block != '':
                    if nb_version == 3:
                    elif nb_version == 4:
                    prompt_number += 1
                    mdstr.append(('codecell', block))
        elif block_tp == 'cell_hidden' and block != '':
            block = block.rstrip()
            if nb_version == 3:
                    input=block, prompt_number=prompt_number, collapsed=True))
            elif nb_version == 4:
            prompt_number += 1
            mdstr.append(('codecell', block))

    # Dump the notebook cells in a simple ASCII format
    # (doc/src/ipynb/ipynb_generator.py can translate it back to .ipynb file)
    f = open(dofile_basename + '.md-ipynb', 'w')
    for cell_tp, block in mdstr:
        if cell_tp == 'markdown':
        elif cell_tp == 'codecell':

    if nb_version == 3:
        # Catch the title as the first heading
        m = re.search(r'^#+\s*(.+)$', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        title = m.group(1).strip() if m else ''
        # md below is not used for anything
        if authors:
            authors = eval(authors)
            md = new_metadata(name=title, authors=authors)
            md = new_metadata(name=title)
        nb = new_notebook(worksheets=[nb], metadata=new_metadata())
        # Let us make v4 notebook here by upgrading
        from IPython.nbformat.v4 import upgrade
        nb = upgrade(nb)
        import IPython.nbformat.v4.nbjson as nbjson

        # Convert nb to json format
        filestr = nbjson.writes(nb)
    elif nb_version == 4:
        nb = new_notebook(cells=cells)
        from IPython.nbformat import writes
        filestr = writes(nb, version=4)

    # Check that there are no empty cells:
    if '"input": []' in filestr:
        errwarn('*** error: empty cells in notebook - report bug in DocOnce')
    # must do the replacements here at the very end when json is written out
    # \eqref and labels will not work, but labels (only in math) do no harm
    filestr = re.sub(r'([^\\])label\{', r'\g<1>\\\\label{', filestr,
    # \\eqref{} just gives (???) link at this stage - future versions
    # will probably support labels
    #filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'\\eqref{\g<1>}', filestr)
    # Now we use explicit references to tags
    def subst(m):
        label = m.group(1)
            return r'[(%s)](#%s)' % (label2tag[label], label)
        except KeyError as e:
            errwarn('*** error: label "%s" is not defined' % str(e))

    filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', subst, filestr)
    # MathJax reference to tag (recall that the equations have both label
    # and tag (know that tag only works well in HTML, but this mjx-eqn-no
    # label does not work in ipynb)
    filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)',
                     lambda m: r'[(%s)](#mjx-eqn-%s)' % (label2tag[m.group(1)], label2tag[m.group(1)]), filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'Eq (\g<1>)', filestr)

    # Final fixes: replace all text between cells by markdown code cells
    # Note: the patterns are overlapping so a plain re.sub will not work,
    # here we run through all blocks found and subsitute the first remaining
    # one, one by one.
    pattern = r'   \},\n(.+?)\{\n    "cell_type":'
    begin_pattern = r'^(.+?)\{\n    "cell_type":'
    remaining_block_begin = re.findall(begin_pattern, filestr, flags=re.DOTALL)
    remaining_blocks = re.findall(pattern, filestr, flags=re.DOTALL)
    import string
    for block in remaining_block_begin + remaining_blocks:
        filestr = string.replace(filestr, block, json_markdown(block) + '   ',
    filestr_end = re.sub(r'   \{\n    "cell_type": .+?\n   \},\n', '', filestr,
    filestr = filestr.replace(filestr_end, json_markdown(filestr_end))
    filestr = """{
 "metadata": {
  "name": "SOME NAME"
 "nbformat": 3,
 "nbformat_minor": 0,
 "worksheets": [
   "cells": [
""" + filestr.rstrip() + '\n'+ \
    json_pycode('', final_prompt_no+1, 'python').rstrip()[:-1] + """
   "metadata": {}
    return filestr
コード例 #47
def remove_code_and_tex(filestr, format):
    Remove verbatim and latex (math) code blocks from the file and
    store separately in lists (code_blocks and tex_blocks).
    The function insert_code_and_tex will insert these blocks again.
    # Method:
    # store code and tex blocks in lists and substitute these blocks
    # by the contents of _CODE_BLOCK and _MATH_BLOCK (arguments after
    # !bc must be copied after _CODE_BLOCK).
    # later we replace _CODE_BLOCK by !bc and !ec and the code block again
    # (similarly for the tex/math block).

    # ipynb (and future interactive executable documents) needs to
    # see if a code is to be executed or just displayed as text.
    # !bc *cod-t and !bc *pro-t is used to indicate pure text.
    if format not in ('ipynb', 'matlabnb'):
        filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc +([a-z0-9]+)-t', r'!bc \g<1>',
                         filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # (recall that !bc can be followed by extra information that we must keep:)
    code = re.compile(r'^!bc(.*?)\n(.*?)^!ec *\n', re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)

    # Note: final \n is required and may be missing if there is a block
    # at the end of the file, so let us ensure that a blank final
    # line is appended to the text:
    if filestr[-1] != '\n':
        filestr = filestr + '\n'

    result = code.findall(filestr)
    code_blocks = [c for opt, c in result]
    code_block_types = [opt.strip() for opt, c in result]

    tex = re.compile(r'^!bt *\n(.*?)^!et *\n', re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
    tex_blocks = tex.findall(filestr)

    # Remove blocks and substitute by a one-line sign
    filestr = code.sub('%s \g<1>\n' % _CODE_BLOCK, filestr)
    filestr = tex.sub('%s\n' % _MATH_BLOCK, filestr)

    # Number the blocks
    lines = filestr.splitlines()
    code_block_counter = 0
    math_block_counter = 0
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if lines[i].startswith(_CODE_BLOCK):
            lines[i] = '%d ' % code_block_counter + lines[i]
            code_block_counter += 1
        if lines[i].startswith(_MATH_BLOCK):
            lines[i] = '%d ' % math_block_counter + lines[i]
            math_block_counter += 1
    filestr = safe_join(lines, '\n')

    # Number all equations?
    if option('number_all_equations'):
        subst = [('\\begin{equation*}', '\\begin{equation}'),
                 ('\\end{equation*}', '\\end{equation}'),
                 ('\\[', '\\begin{equation} '),
                 ('\\]', '\\end{equation} '),
                 ('\\begin{align*}', '\\begin{align}'),
                 ('\\end{align*}', '\\end{align}'),
    if option('denumber_all_equations'):
        # Remove equation numbers and also labels in those equations
        subst = [('\\begin{equation}', '\\begin{equation*}'),
                 ('\\end{equation}', '\\end{equation*}'),
                 ('\\begin{align}', '\\begin{align*}'),
                 ('\\end{align}', '\\end{align*}'),
        removed_labels = []
        for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
            found = False
            for construction, dummy in subst:
                if construction in tex_blocks[i]:
                    found = True
            if found:
                for from_, to_ in subst:
                    tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(from_, to_)
                removed_labels += re.findall(r'label\{(.+?)\}', tex_blocks[i])
                tex_blocks[i] = re.sub(r'label\{.+?\}\n', '', tex_blocks[i])
                tex_blocks[i] = re.sub(r'label\{.+?\}', '', tex_blocks[i])
        all_refs = re.findall(r'ref\{(.+?)\}', filestr)
        problematic_refs = []
        for ref in all_refs:
            if ref in removed_labels:
        if problematic_refs:
            print '*** error: removed all equation labels from the DocOnce source,'
            print '    but there are still references (ref{...}) to equation labels:'
            print '\n   ', ', '.join(problematic_refs)
            print '\n    remove all these references!'

    # Give error if blocks contain !bt
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        if '!bt' in tex_blocks[i] or '!et' in tex_blocks[i]:
            print '*** error: double !bt or !et in latex block:'
            print tex_blocks[i]

    # Check that math blocks do not contain edit markup or comments
    for block in tex_blocks:
        m = re.search(INLINE_TAGS['inlinecomment'], block, flags=re.DOTALL)
        if m:
            print '*** error: tex block with mathematics cannot contain'
            print '    inline comment or edit markup!'
            if m.group('name') in ('del', 'add') or '->' in m.group('comment'):
                # edit markup
                print '    Place info about editing after the block.'
            print block

    # Remove |\pause| in code blocks if not latex
    if format not in ('latex', 'pdflatex'):
        for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
            if r'|\pause|' in code_blocks[i]:
                code_blocks[i] = re.sub(r'^\|\\pause\|\n', '', code_blocks[i], flags=re.MULTILINE)

    return filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types, tex_blocks
コード例 #48
def doconce_exercise_output(
    solution_header = '__Solution.__',
    answer_header = '__Answer.__',
    hint_header = '__Hint.__',
    Write exercise in DocOnce format. This output can be
    reused in most formats.
    # Note: answers, solutions, and hints must be written out and not
    # removed here, because if they contain math or code blocks,
    # there will be fewer blocks in the end that what was extracted
    # at the beginning of the translation process.

    latex_style = option('latex_style=', 'std')

    # Store solutions in a separate string
    has_solutions = False
    if exer['solution']:
        has_solutions = True
    if exer['answer']:
        has_solutions = True
    for subex in exer['subex']:
        if subex['solution']:
            has_solutions = True
        if subex['answer']:
            has_solutions = True

    sol = ''  # Solutions
    # s holds the formatted exercise in doconce format
    s = '\n\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['exercise'][0] + '\n\n'
    s += exer['heading']  # result string
    if has_solutions:
        sol += '\n\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['exercise'][0] + ' solution\n\n'
        if latex_style == 'Springer_sv':
            sol += r"""

""" % (exer['label'], exer['title'])
            sol += exer['heading']

    comments = ''  # collect comments at the end of the exercises

    if include_numbering and not include_type:
        include_type = True
    if not exer['type_visible']:
        include_type = False
    if include_type:
        s += ' ' + exer['type']
        if sol:
            sol += ' Solution to ' + exer['type']
        if include_numbering:
            exer_numbering = option('exercise_numbering=', 'absolute')
            if exer_numbering == 'chapter' and exer['chapter_type'] is not None:
                s += ' %s.%s' % (exer['chapter_no'], exer['chapter_exercise'])
                s += ' ' + str(exer['no'])

            if sol:
                sol += ' ' + str(exer['no'])
        s += ':'
        if sol:
            sol += ':'
    s += ' ' + exer['title'] + ' ' + exer['heading'] + '\n'
    if sol:
        sol += ' ' + exer['title'] + ' ' + exer['heading'] + '\n'

    if exer['label']:
        s += 'label{%s}' % exer['label'] + '\n'
        if sol:
            sol += '# Solution to Exercise ref{%s}' % exer['label'] + '\n'

    if exer['keywords']:
        s += '# keywords = %s' % '; '.join(exer['keywords']) + '\n'

    if exer['text']:
        # Let comments at the end of the text come very last, if there
        # are no subexercises. Just outputting comments at the end
        # makes Filename: ... on a separate line, which does not look good.
        # We extract the final comments and print them after anything else.
        # Final comments often contain fruitful comments about the solution.
        if (not exer['subex']) and '\n#' in exer['text']:
            lines = exer['text'].splitlines()
            newlines = []
            comments = []
            for i, line in enumerate(reversed(lines)):
                if (line.startswith('#') or line.isspace() or line == '') \
                and not line.startswith('# ---'):
                    # (do not touch # --- begin/end type of comments!)
            comments = '\n'.join(reversed(comments))
            if i == 0:
                exer['text'] = '\n'.join(lines)
            elif i > 0:
                exer['text'] = '\n'.join(lines[:-i])

        s += '\n' + exer['text'] + '\n'

    if exer['hints']:
        for i, hint in enumerate(exer['hints']):
            if len(exer['hints']) == 1 and i == 0:
                hint_header_ = hint_header
                hint_header_ = hint_header.replace('Hint.', 'Hint %d.' % (i+1))
            if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['hint'][0] + '\n'
            s += '\n' + hint_header_ + '\n' + hint + '\n'
            if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['hint'][1] + '\n'

    if exer['subex']:
        s += '\n'
        if sol:
            sol += '\n'
        import string
        for i, subex in enumerate(exer['subex']):
            letter = string.ascii_lowercase[i]
            s += '\n__%s)__\n' % letter

            if subex['solution'] or (subex['answer'] and not option('without_answers')):
                sol += '\n__%s)__\n' % letter

            if subex['text']:
                s += subex['text'] + '\n'

                for i, hint in enumerate(subex['hints']):
                    if len(subex['hints']) == 1 and i == 0:
                        hint_header_ = hint_header
                        hint_header_ = hint_header.replace(
                            'Hint.', 'Hint %d.' % (i+1))
                    if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                        s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['hint'][0] + '\n'
                    s += '\n' + hint_header_ + '\n' + hint + '\n'
                    if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                        s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['hint'][1] + '\n'

                if subex['file']:
                    if len(subex['file']) == 1:
                        s += 'Filename: `%s`' % subex['file'][0] + '.\n'
                        s += 'Filenames: %s' % \
                             ', '.join(['`%s`' % f for f in subex['file']]) + '.\n'

                if subex['answer']:
                    s += '\n'
                    if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                        s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][0] + '\n'
                        sol += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][0] + '\n'
                    s += answer_header + '\n' + subex['answer'] + '\n'
                    sol += answer_header + '\n' + subex['answer'] + '\n'
                    if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                        s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][1] + '\n'
                        sol += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][1] + '\n'

                if subex['solution']:
                    s += '\n'
                    if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                        s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['sol'][0] + '\n'
                    s += solution_header + '\n'
                    # Make sure we have a sentence after the heading
                    if solution_header.endswith('===') and \
                       re.search(r'^\d+ %s' % _CODE_BLOCK,
                        print '\nwarning: open the solution in exercise "%s" with a line of\ntext before the code! (Now "Code:" is inserted)' % exer['title'] + '\n'
                        s += 'Code:\n'
                        sol += '\nCode:\n'
                    s += subex['solution'] + '\n'
                    sol += '\n' + subex['solution'] + '\n'
                    if exer['type'] != 'Example':
                        s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['sol'][1] + '\n'

            if 'aftertext' in subex:
                s += subex['aftertext']

    if exer['answer']:
        s += '\n'
        # Leave out begin-end answer comments if example since we want to
        # avoid marking such sections for deletion (--without_answers)
        if exer['type'] != 'Example':
            s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][0] + '\n'
            sol += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][0] + '\n'
        s += answer_header + '\n' + exer['answer'] + '\n'
        sol += answer_header + '\n' + exer['answer'] + '\n'

        if exer['type'] != 'Example':
            s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][1] + '\n'
            sol += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['ans'][1] + '\n'

    if exer['solution']:
        s += '\n'
        # Leave out begin-end solution comments if example since we want to
        # avoid marking such sections for deletion (--without_solutions)
        if exer['type'] != 'Example':
            s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['sol'][0] + '\n'
        s += solution_header + '\n'
        # Make sure we have a sentence after the heading if real heading
        if solution_header.endswith('===') and \
           re.search(r'^\d+ %s' % _CODE_BLOCK, exer['solution'].lstrip()):
            print '\nwarning: open the solution in exercise "%s" with a line of\ntext before the code! (Now "Code:" is inserted)' % exer['title'] + '\n'
            s += 'Code:\n'
            sol += '\nCode:\n'
        s += exer['solution'] + '\n'
        sol += '\n'+ exer['solution'] + '\n'
        if exer['type'] != 'Example':
            s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['sol'][1] + '\n'

    if exer['file']:
        if exer['subex']:
            # Place Filename: ... as a list paragraph if subexercises,
            # otherwise let it proceed at the end of the exercise text.
            s += '\n'
        if len(exer['file']) == 1:
            s += 'Filename: `%s`' % exer['file'][0] + '.\n'
            s += 'Filenames: %s' % \
                 ', '.join(['`%s`' % f for f in exer['file']]) + '.\n'
        #s += '*Filename*: `%s`' % exer['file'] + '.\n'
        #s += '\n' + '*Filename*: `%s`' % exer['file'] + '.\n'

    if exer['closing_remarks']:
        s += '\n# Closing remarks for this %s\n\n=== Remarks ===\n\n' % \
             exer['type'] + exer['closing_remarks'] + '\n\n'

    if exer['solution_file']:
        if len(exer['solution_file']) == 1:
            s += '# solution file: %s\n' % exer['solution_file'][0]
            s += '# solution files: %s\n' % ', '.join(exer['solution_file'])

    if comments:
        s += '\n' + comments

    s += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['exercise'][1] + '\n\n'
    if sol:
        if latex_style == 'Springer_sv':
            sol += r'\end{sol}' + '\n'
            sol += '\n# ' + envir_delimiter_lines['exercise'][1] + ' solution\n\n'

    return s, sol
コード例 #49
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def sphinx_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types, tex_blocks, format):
    # In rst syntax, code blocks are typeset with :: (verbatim)
    # followed by intended blocks. This function indents everything
    # inside code (or TeX) blocks.

    # default mappings of !bc environments and pygments languages:
    envir2pygments = dict(
        ccq='text',  # not possible with extra indent for ccq

    # grab line with: # sphinx code-blocks: cod=python cpp=c++ etc
    # (do this before code is inserted in case verbatim blocks contain
    # such specifications for illustration)
    m = re.search(r'.. *[Ss]phinx +code-blocks?:(.+)', filestr)
    if m:
        defs_line = m.group(1)
        # turn specifications into a dictionary:
        for definition in defs_line.split():
            key, value = definition.split('=')
            envir2pygments[key] = value

    # First indent all code blocks

    for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
        if code_block_types[i].startswith(
                'pyoptpro') and not option('runestone'):
            code_blocks[i] = online_python_tutor(code_blocks[i],
        if code_block_types[i].endswith('-h'):
            indentation = ' ' * 8
            indentation = ' ' * 4
        code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format, indentation)

    # After transforming align environments to separate equations
    # the problem with math labels in multiple eqs has disappeared.
    # (doconce.py applies align2equations, which takes all align
    # envirs and translates them to separate equations, but align*
    # environments are allowed.
    # Any output of labels in align means an error in the
    # align -> equation transformation...)
    math_labels = []
    multiple_math_labels = []  # sphinx has problems with multiple math labels
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        tex_blocks[i] = indent_lines(tex_blocks[i], format)
        # extract all \label{}s inside tex blocks and typeset them
        # with :label: tags
        label_regex = fix_latex(r'label\{(.+?)\}', application='match')
        labels = re.findall(label_regex, tex_blocks[i])
        if len(labels) == 1:
            tex_blocks[i] = '   :label: %s\n' % labels[0] + tex_blocks[i]
        elif len(labels) > 1:
        if len(labels) > 0:
        tex_blocks[i] = re.sub(label_regex, '', tex_blocks[i])

        # fix latex constructions that do not work with sphinx math
        # (just remove them)
        commands = [
            # some common abbreviations (newcommands):
            r'\eeq',  # the simplest name, contained in others, must come last!
        for command in commands:
            tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(command, '')
        # &=& -> &=
        tex_blocks[i] = re.sub('&\s*=\s*&', ' &= ', tex_blocks[i])
        # provide warnings for problematic environments

    # Replace all references to equations that have labels in math environments:
    for label in math_labels:
        filestr = filestr.replace('(:ref:`%s`)' % label, ':eq:`%s`' % label)

    multiple_math_labels_with_refs = []  # collect the labels with references
    for labels in multiple_math_labels:
        for label in labels:
            ref = ':eq:`%s`' % label  # ref{} is translated to eq:``
            if ref in filestr:

    if multiple_math_labels_with_refs:
*** warning: detected non-align math environment with multiple labels
    (Sphinx cannot handle this equation system - labels will be removed
    and references to them will be empty):""")
        for label in multiple_math_labels_with_refs:
            errwarn('    label{%s}' % label)

    filestr = insert_code_and_tex(filestr, code_blocks, tex_blocks, 'sphinx')

    # Remove all !bc ipy and !bc pyshell since interactive sessions
    # are automatically handled by sphinx without indentation
    # (just a blank line before and after)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc +d?ipy *\n(.*?)^!ec *\n', '\n\g<1>\n', filestr,
                     re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc +d?pyshell *\n(.*?)^!ec *\n', '\n\g<1>\n', filestr,
                     re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)

    # Check if we have custom pygments lexers
    if 'ipy' in code_block_types:
        if not has_custom_pygments_lexer('ipy'):
            envir2pygments['ipy'] = 'python'
    if 'do' in code_block_types:
        if not has_custom_pygments_lexer('doconce'):
            envir2pygments['do'] = 'text'

    # Make correct code-block:: language constructions
    legal_pygments_languages = get_legal_pygments_lexers()
    for key in set(code_block_types):
        if key in envir2pygments:
            if not envir2pygments[key] in legal_pygments_languages:
                    """*** warning: %s is not a legal Pygments language (lexer)
found in line:

    The 'text' lexer will be used instead.
""" % (envir2pygments[key], defs_line))
                envir2pygments[key] = 'text'

        #filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc\s+%s\s*\n' % key,
        #                 '\n.. code-block:: %s\n\n' % envir2pygments[key], filestr,
        #                 flags=re.MULTILINE)

        # Check that we have code installed to handle pyscpro
        if 'pyscpro' in filestr and key == 'pyscpro':
                import icsecontrib.sagecellserver
            except ImportError:
*** warning: pyscpro for computer code (sage cells) is requested, but'
    icsecontrib.sagecellserver from https://github.com/kriskda/sphinx-sagecell
    is not installed. Using plain Python typesetting instead.""")
                key = 'pypro'

        if key == 'pyoptpro':
            if option('runestone'):
                filestr = re.sub(
                    r'^!bc\s+%s\s*\n' % key,
                    '\n.. codelens:: codelens_\n   :showoutput:\n\n',
                filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc\s+%s\s*\n' % key,
                                 '\n.. raw:: html\n\n',
        elif key == 'pyscpro':
            if option('runestone'):
                filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc\s+%s\s*\n' % key,
.. activecode:: activecode_
   :language: python

                filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc\s+%s\s*\n' % key,
                                 '\n.. sagecellserver::\n\n',
        elif key == 'pysccod':
            if option('runestone'):
                # Include (i.e., run) all previous code segments...
                # NOTE: this is most likely not what we want
                include = ', '.join([i for i in range(1, activecode_counter)])
                filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc\s+%s\s*\n' % key,
.. activecode:: activecode_
   :language: python
   "include: %s
""" % include,
                    '*** error: pysccod for sphinx is not supported without the --runestone flag\n    (but pyscpro is via Sage Cell Server)'

        elif key == '':
            # any !bc with/without argument becomes a text block:
            filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc$',
                             '\n.. code-block:: text\n\n',
        elif key.endswith('hid'):
            if key in ('pyhid', 'jshid', 'htmlhid') and option('runestone'):
                # Allow runestone books to run hidden code blocks
                # (replace pyhid by pycod, then remove all !bc *hid)
                for i in range(len(code_block_types)):
                    if code_block_types[i] == key:
                        code_block_types[i] = key.replace('hid', 'cod')

                key2language = dict(py='python', js='javascript', html='html')
                language = key2language[key.replace('hid', '')]
                include = ', '.join([i for i in range(1, activecode_counter)])
                filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc +%s\s*\n' % key,
.. activecode:: activecode_
   :language: %s
   :include: %s

""" % (language, include),
                # Remove hidden code block
                pattern = r'^!bc +%s\n.+?^!ec' % key
                filestr = re.sub(pattern,
                                 flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
            show_hide = False
            if key.endswith('-h'):
                key_orig = key
                key = key[:-2]
                show_hide = True
            # Use the standard sphinx code-block directive
            if key in envir2pygments:
                pygments_language = envir2pygments[key]
            elif key in legal_pygments_languages:
                pygments_language = key
                errwarn('*** error: detected code environment "%s"' % key)
                    '    which is not registered in sphinx.py (sphinx_code)')
                errwarn('    or not a language registered in pygments')
            if show_hide:
                filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc +%s\s*\n' % key_orig,
                                 '\n.. container:: toggle\n\n    .. container:: header\n\n        **Show/Hide Code**\n\n    .. code-block:: %s\n\n' % \
                                 pygments_language, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
                # Must add 4 indent in corresponding code_blocks[i], done above
                filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc +%s\s*\n' % key,
                                 '\n.. code-block:: %s\n\n' % \
                                 pygments_language, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    # any !bc with/without argument becomes a text block:
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!bc.*$',
                     '\n.. code-block:: text\n\n',
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec *\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^!ec\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    filestr = re.sub(r'^!bt *\n', '\n.. math::\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub(r'^!et *\n', '\n', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # Fix lacking blank line after :label:
    filestr = re.sub(r'^(   :label: .+?)(\n *[^ ]+)',

    # Insert counters for runestone blocks
    if option('runestone'):
        codelens_counter = 0
        activecode_counter = 0
        lines = filestr.splitlines()
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            if '.. codelens:: codelens_' in lines[i]:
                codelens_counter += 1
                lines[i] = lines[i].replace('codelens_',
                                            'codelens_%d' % codelens_counter)
            if '.. activecode:: activecode_' in lines[i]:
                activecode_counter += 1
                lines[i] = lines[i].replace(
                    'activecode_', 'activecode_%d' % activecode_counter)
        filestr = '\n'.join(lines)

    # Final fixes

    filestr = fix_underlines_in_headings(filestr)
    # Ensure blank line before and after comments
    filestr = re.sub(r'([.:;?!])\n^\.\. ',
                     r'\g<1>\n\n.. ',
    filestr = re.sub(r'(^\.\. .+)\n([^ \n]+)',

    # Line breaks interfer with tables and needs a final blank line too
    lines = filestr.splitlines()
    inside_block = False
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and not inside_block:
            inside_block = True
            lines[i] = lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe> ', '') + '\n'
        if lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>') and inside_block:
            lines[i] = '|' + lines[i].replace('<linebreakpipe>', '')
        if inside_block and not lines[i].startswith('<linebreakpipe>'):
            inside_block = False
            lines[i] = '| ' + lines[i] + '\n'
    filestr = '\n'.join(lines)

    # Remove double !split (TOC with a prefix !split gives two !splits)
    pattern = '^.. !split\s+.. !split'
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, '.. !split', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    if option('html_links_in_new_window'):
        # Insert a comment to be recognized by automake_sphinx.py such that it
        # can replace the default links by proper modified target= option.
        #filestr = '\n\n.. NOTE: Open external links in new windows.\n\n' + filestr
        # Use JavaScript instead
        filestr = """.. raw:: html

        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {

""" + filestr

    # Remove too much vertical space
    filestr = re.sub(r'\n{3,}', '\n\n', filestr)

    return filestr
コード例 #50
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def sphinx_quiz(quiz):
    if option('runestone'):
        return sphinx_quiz_runestone(quiz)
        return rst_quiz(quiz)
コード例 #51
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def sphinx_figure(m):
    result = ''
    # m is a MatchObject

    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()

    # Stubstitute DocOnce label by rst label in caption
    # (also, remove final period in caption since caption is used as hyperlink
    # text to figures).

    m_label = re.search(r'label\{(.+?)\}', caption)
    if m_label:
        label = m_label.group(1)
        result += '\n.. _%s:\n' % label
        # remove . at the end of the caption text
        parts = caption.split('label')
        parts[0] = parts[0].rstrip()
        if parts[0] and parts[0][-1] == '.':
            parts[0] = parts[0][:-1]
        parts[0] = parts[0].strip()
        # insert emphasize marks if not latex $ at the
        # beginning or end (math subst does not work for *$I=1$*)
        # or if not boldface or emphasize already in the caption
        caption_font = option('sphinx_figure_captions=', 'emphasize')
        if parts[0] and \
           caption_font == 'emphasize' and \
           not parts[0].startswith('$') and \
           not parts[0].endswith('$') and \
           not '*' in parts[0] and \
           not '_' in parts[0]:
            parts[0] = '*' + parts[0] + '*'
        #caption = '  label'.join(parts)
        caption = parts[0]
        # contrary to rst_figure, we do not write label into caption
        # since we just want to remove the whole label as part of
        # the caption (otherwise done when handling ref and label)

        if caption and caption[-1] == '.':
            caption = caption[:-1]

    # math is ignored in references to figures, test for math only
    if caption.startswith('$') and caption.endswith('$'):
            '*** warning: math only in sphinx figure caption (it will be ignored by sphinx, resulting in empty caption)\n  %s\n    FIGURE: [%s'
            % (caption, filename))

    #stem = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    #result += '\n.. figure:: ' + stem + '.*\n'  # utilize flexibility  # does not work yet
    result += '\n.. figure:: ' + filename + '\n'
    opts = m.group('options')
    if opts:
        # opts: width=600 frac=0.5 align=center
        # opts: width=600, frac=0.5, align=center
        info = [s.split('=') for s in opts.split()]
        fig_info = [
            '   :%s: %s' % (opt, value.replace(',', '')) for opt, value in info
            if opt not in ['frac', 'sidecap']
        result += '\n'.join(fig_info)
    if caption:
        result += '\n\n   ' + caption + '\n'
        result += '\n\n'
    #errwarn('sphinx figure: caption=\n', caption, '\nresult:\n', result)
    return result
コード例 #52
ファイル: sphinx.py プロジェクト: npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot/doconce
def sphinx_quiz_runestone(quiz):
    quiz_feedback = option('quiz_explanations=', 'on')

    text = ''
    if 'new page' in quiz:
        text += '.. !split\n%s\n%s' % (quiz['new page'],
                                       '-' * len(quiz['new page']))

    text += '.. begin quiz\n\n'
    global question_counter
    question_counter += 1
    # Multiple correct answers?
    if sum([1 for choice in quiz['choices'] if choice[0] == 'right']) > 1:
        text += '.. mchoicema:: question_%d' % question_counter + '\n'
        text += '.. mchoicemf:: question_%d' % question_counter + '\n'

    def fix_text(s, tp='answer'):
        Answers and feedback in RunestoneInteractive book quizzes
        cannot contain math, figure and rst markup. Perform fixes.
        drop = False
        if 'math::' in s:
            errwarn('\n*** warning: quiz %s with math block not supported:' %
            drop = True
        if '.. code-block::' in s:
            errwarn('\n*** warning: quiz %s with code block not supported:' %
            drop = True
        if '.. figure::' in s:
            errwarn('\n*** warning: quiz %s with figure not supported:' % tp)
            drop = True
        if drop:
            return ''
        # Make multi-line paragraph a one-liner
        s = ' '.join(s.splitlines()).rstrip()
        # Fixes
        pattern = r'`(.+?) (<https?.+?)>`__'  # URL
        s = re.sub(pattern, '<a href="\g<2>"> \g<1> </a>', s)
        pattern = r'``(.+?)``'  # verbatim
        s = re.sub(pattern, '<tt>\g<1></tt>', s)
        pattern = r':math:`(.+?)`'  # inline math
        s = re.sub(pattern, '<em>\g<1></em>', s)  # mimic italic....
        pattern = r':\*(.+?)\*'  # emphasize
        s = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>', s, flags=re.DOTALL)
        return s

    import string
    correct = []
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz['choices']):
        if i > 4:  # not supported
                '*** warning: quiz with %d choices gets truncated (first 5)' %
        letter = string.ascii_lowercase[i]
        text += '   :answer_%s: ' % letter
        answer = fix_text(choice[1], tp='answer')
        if not answer:
            answer = 'Too advanced typesetting prevents the text from being rendered'
        text += answer + '\n'
        if choice[0] == 'right':
    if correct:
        text += '   :correct: ' + ', '.join(correct) + '\n'
            '*** error: correct choice in quiz has index > 5 (max 5 allowed for RunestoneInteractive books)'
    for i, choice in enumerate(quiz['choices']):
        if i > 4:  # not supported
        letter = string.ascii_lowercase[i]
        text += '   :feedback_%s: ' % letter  # must be present
        if len(choice) == 3 and quiz_feedback == 'on':
            feedback = fix_text(choice[2], tp='explanation')
            if not feedback:
                feedback = '(Too advanced typesetting prevents the text from being rendered)'
            text += feedback
        text += '\n'

    text += '\n' + indent_lines(quiz['question'], 'sphinx', ' ' * 3) + '\n\n\n'
    return text
コード例 #53
def insert_code_and_tex(filestr, code_blocks, tex_blocks, format,
    # Consistency check (only for complete documents):
    # find no of distinct code and math blocks
    # (can be duplicates when solutions are copied at the end)
    pattern = r'^\d+ ' + _CODE_BLOCK
    code_lines = re.findall(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    n = len(set(code_lines))
    if complete_doc and len(code_blocks) != n:
        print '*** error: found %d code block markers for %d initial code blocks' % (n, len(code_blocks))
        print """    Possible causes:
           - mismatch of !bt and !et within one file, such that a !bt
             swallows code
           - mismatch of !bt and !et across files in multi-file documents
           - !bc and !ec inside code blocks - replace by |bc and |ec
    (run doconce on each individual file to locate the problem, then on
     smaller and smaller parts of each file)"""
        numbers = range(len(code_blocks))  # expected numbers in code blocks
        for e in code_lines:
            # remove number
            number = int(e.split()[0])
            if number not in numbers:
                print '   Problem: found %s, but the number %d was unexpected' % (e, number)
        if numbers:
            print '    Problem: did not find XX <<<!!CODE_BLOCK for XX in', numbers

    pattern = r'^\d+ ' + _MATH_BLOCK
    n = len(set(re.findall(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)))
    if complete_doc and len(tex_blocks) != n:
        print '*** error: found %d tex block markers for %d initial tex blocks\nAbort!' % (n, len(tex_blocks))
        print """    Possible causes:
           - mismatch of !bc and !ec within one file, such that a !bc
             swallows tex blocks
           - mismatch of !bc and !ec across files in multi-file documents
           - !bt and !et inside code blocks - replace by |bt and |et
    (run doconce on each file to locate the problem, then on
     smaller and smaller parts of each file)"""

    from misc import option
    max_linelength = option('max_bc_linelength=', None)
    if max_linelength is not None:
        max_linelength = int(max_linelength)

        for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
            lines = code_blocks[i].splitlines()
            truncated = False
            for j in range(len(lines)):
                if len(lines[j]) > max_linelength:
                    lines[j] = lines[j][:max_linelength] + '...'
                    truncated = True
            if truncated:
                code_blocks[i] = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'

    lines = filestr.splitlines()

    # Note: re.sub cannot be used because newlines, \nabla, etc
    # are not handled correctly. Need str.replace.

    for i in range(len(lines)):
        if _CODE_BLOCK in lines[i] or _MATH_BLOCK in lines[i]:
            words = lines[i].split()
            # on a line: number block-indicator code-type
            n = int(words[0])
            if _CODE_BLOCK in lines[i]:
                words[1] = '!bc'
                code = code_blocks[n]
                lines[i] = ' '.join(words[1:]) + '\n' + code + '!ec'
            if _MATH_BLOCK in lines[i]:
                words[1] = '!bc'
                math = tex_blocks[n]
                lines[i] = '!bt\n' + math + '!et'

    filestr = safe_join(lines, '\n')

    # All formats except sphinx and ipynb must remove !bc *hid blocks
    # (maybe html will get the possibility to run hidden blocks)
    if format not in ('sphinx', 'ipynb'):
        filestr = remove_hidden_code_blocks(filestr, format)

    return filestr
コード例 #54

    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['xml'] = '.xml'  # output file extension
    BLANKLINE['xml'] = '\n<blankline />\n' # blank input line => new paragraph
    BLANKLINE['xml'] = '\n'

    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['xml'] = {         # from inline tags to HTML tags
        # keep math as is:
        'math':          r'\g<begin><inlinemath>\g<subst></inlinemath>\g<end>',
        'math2':         r'\g<begin><inlinemath>\g<latexmath></inlinemath>\g<end>',
        'emphasize':     r'\g<begin><em>\g<subst></em>\g<end>',
        'bold':          r'\g<begin><b>\g<subst></b>\g<end>',
        'verbatim':      r'\g<begin><inlinecode>\g<subst></inlinecode>\g<end>',
        'colortext':     r'<color type="\g<color>">\g<text></color>',
        #'linkURL':       r'\g<begin><a href="\g<url>">\g<link></a>\g<end>',
        'linkURL2':      r'<link url="\g<url>">\g<link></link>',
        'linkURL3':      r'<link url="\g<url>">\g<link></link>',
        'linkURL2v':     r'<link url="\g<url>"><inlinecode>\g<link></inlinecode></link>',
        'linkURL3v':     r'<link url="\g<url>"><inlinecode>\g<link></inlinecode></link>',
        'plainURL':      r'<link url="\g<url>"><inlinecode>\g<url></inlinecode></link>',
        'inlinecomment': r'<inlinecomment name="\g<name>">\g<comment></inlinecomment>',
        'chapter':       r'\n<h1>\g<subst></h1>',
        'section':       r'\n<h2>\g<subst></h2>',
        'subsection':    r'\n<h3>\g<subst></h3>',
        'subsubsection': r'\n<h4>\g<subst></h4>\n',
        'paragraph':     r'<b>\g<subst></b>\g<space>',
        'abstract':      r'<abstract type="\g<type>">\n\g<text>\n</abstract>\n\g<rest>',
        'title':         r'\n<title>\g<subst></title>',
        'date':          r'<date>\n\g<subst>\n</date>',
        'author':        xml_author,
        'figure':        xml_figure,
        'movie':         xml_movie,
        'comment':       '<comment>%s</comment>',
        'footnote':      xml_footnotes,
        'non-breaking-space': '<nonbreakingspace />',
        'horizontal-rule': '<horizontalrule />',
        'linebreak':     r'\g<text><linebreak />',
        'ampersand2':    r' \g<1><ampersand />\g<2>',
        'ampersand1':    r'\g<1> <ampersand /> \g<2>',

    if option('wordpress'):
            'math':          r'\g<begin>$latex \g<subst>$\g<end>',
            'math2':         r'\g<begin>$latex \g<latexmath>$\g<end>'

    ENVIRS['xml'] = {}

    CODE['xml'] = xml_code

    # how to typeset lists and their items in html:
    LIST['xml'] = {
        {'begin': '\n<ul>\n', 'item': '<li>', 'end': '</ul>\n\n'},

        {'begin': '\n<ol>\n', 'item': '<li>', 'end': '</ol>\n\n'},

        {'begin': '\n<dl>\n', 'item': '<dt>%s<dd>', 'end': '</dl>\n\n'},

        'separator': '<newline/>',

    # how to typeset description lists for function arguments, return
    # values, and module/class variables:
    ARGLIST['xml'] = {
        'parameter': '<b>argument</b>',
        'keyword': '<b>keyword argument</b>',
        'return': '<b>return value(s)</b>',
        'instance variable': '<b>instance variable</b>',
        'class variable': '<b>class variable</b>',
        'module variable': '<b>module variable</b>',

    FIGURE_EXT['xml'] = {
        'search': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg'),
        'convert': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg')}
    CROSS_REFS['xml'] = xml_ref_and_label
    TABLE['xml'] = xml_table
    INDEX_BIB['xml'] = xml_index_bib
    EXERCISE['xml'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['xml'] = xml_toc
    QUIZ['xml'] = xml_quiz

    INTRO['xml'] = """\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    keywords = re.findall(r'idx\{(.+?)\}', filestr)
    # idx with verbatim is usually too specialized - remove them
    keywords = [keyword for keyword in keywords
                if not '`' in keyword]
    # keyword!subkeyword -> keyword subkeyword
    keywords = ','.join(keywords).replace('!', ' ')

    if keywords:
        meta_tags = '<meta name="keywords" content="%s">\n' % keywords
        INTRO['xml'] += """\
""" % (meta_tags)

    # document ending:
    OUTRO['xml'] = ""
コード例 #55
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
def ipynb_movie(m):
    # m.group() must be called before m.group('name')
    text = '<!-- dom:%s -->' % m.group()

    global html_encountered, movie_encountered, movie_files
    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    youtube = False

    if 'youtu.be' in filename or 'youtube.com' in filename:
        youtube = True
    if '*' in filename or '->' in filename:
        errwarn('*** warning: * or -> in movie filenames is not supported in ipynb')
        return text

    def YouTubeVideo(filename):
        # Use YouTubeVideo object
        if 'watch?v=' in filename:
            name = filename.split('watch?v=')[1]
        elif 'youtu.be/' in filename:
            name = filename.split('youtu.be/')[1]
            errwarn('*** error: youtube movie name "%s" could not be interpreted' % filename)

        text = ''
        global movie_encountered
        if not movie_encountered:
            text += 'from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo\n'
            movie_encountered = True
        text += 'YouTubeVideo("%s")\n' % name
        return text

    text += '\n<!-- begin movie -->\n'
    display_method = option('ipynb_movie=', 'HTML')
    if display_method == 'md':
        text += html_movie(m)
    elif display_method.startswith('HTML'):
        text += '\n!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube and 'YouTube' in display_method:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # Use HTML formatting
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += '_s = """' + html_movie(m) + '"""\n'
            text += 'HTML(_s)\n'
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
        text += '!ec\n'
    elif display_method == 'ipynb':
        text += '!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # see http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/1.x/examples/notebooks/Part%205%20-%20Rich%20Display%20System.ipynb
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18019477/how-can-i-play-a-local-video-in-my-ipython-notebook
            # http://python.6.x6.nabble.com/IPython-User-embedding-non-YouTube-movies-in-the-IPython-notebook-td5024035.html
            # Just support .mp4, .ogg, and.webm
            stem, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if ext not in ('.mp4', '.ogg', '.webm'):
                errwarn('*** error: movie "%s" in format %s is not supported for --ipynb_movie=%s' % (filename, ext, display_method))
                errwarn('    use --ipynb_movie=HTML instead')
            height = 365
            width = 640
            if filename.startswith('http'):
                file_open = 'import urllib\nvideo = urllib.urlopen("%s").read()' % filename
                file_open = 'video = open("%s", "rb").read()' % filename
            text += """
from base64 import b64encode
video_encoded = b64encode(video)
video_tag = '<video controls loop alt="%s" height="%s" width="%s" src="data:video/%s;base64,{0}">'.format(video_encoded)
""" % (file_open, filename, height, width, ext[1:])
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += 'HTML(data=video_tag)\n'
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
        text += '!ec\n'
        errwarn('*** error: --ipynb_movie=%s is not supported' % display_method)
    text += '<!-- end movie -->\n'
    return text
コード例 #56
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
           ENVIRS, QUIZ, INTRO, OUTRO, filestr):
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['ipynb'] = '.ipynb'
    BLANKLINE['ipynb'] = '\n'
    # replacement patterns for substitutions of inline tags
    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['ipynb'] = {
        'math': None,  # indicates no substitution, leave as is
        'math2': r'\g<begin>$\g<latexmath>$\g<end>',
        'emphasize': None,
        'bold': r'\g<begin>**\g<subst>**\g<end>',
        'figure': ipynb_figure,
        'movie': ipynb_movie,
        'verbatim': None,
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>\g<link> (\g<url>)\g<end>',
        'linkURL2': r'[\g<link>](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL3': r'[\g<link>](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL2v': r'[`\g<link>`](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL3v': r'[`\g<link>`](\g<url>)',
        'plainURL': r'<\g<url>>',
        'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',
        'title': r'<!-- dom:TITLE: \g<subst> -->\n# \g<subst>',
        'author': ipynb_author,
        'date': '\nDate: _\g<subst>_\n',
        lambda m: '# ' + m.group('subst'),  # seldom used in notebooks
        'section': lambda m: '# ' + m.group('subst'),
        'subsection': lambda m: '## ' + m.group('subst'),
        'subsubsection': lambda m: '### ' + m.group('subst') + '\n',
        'paragraph': r'**\g<subst>**\g<space>',
        'abstract': r'\n**\g<type>.** \g<text>\n\n\g<rest>',
        'comment': '<!-- %s -->',
        r'\g<text>',  # Not sure how this is supported; Markdown applies <br> but that cannot be used for latex output with ipynb...
        'non-breaking-space': ' ',
        'ampersand2': r' \g<1>&\g<2>',

    CODE['ipynb'] = ipynb_code
    # Envirs are in doconce.py treated after code is inserted, which
    # means that the ipynb format is json. Therefore, we need special
    # treatment of envirs in ipynb_code and ENVIRS can be empty.
    ENVIRS['ipynb'] = {}

    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST
    LIST['ipynb'] = {
        'itemize': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '*',
            'end': '\n'
        'enumerate': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%d.',
            'end': '\n'
        'description': {
            'begin': '',
            'item': '%s\n  :   ',
            'end': '\n'
        'separator': '\n',
    CROSS_REFS['ipynb'] = pandoc_ref_and_label

    TABLE['ipynb'] = ipynb_table
    cite = option('ipynb_cite=', 'plain')
    if cite == 'latex':
        INDEX_BIB['ipynb'] = ipynb_index_bib
        INDEX_BIB['ipynb'] = pandoc_index_bib
    EXERCISE['ipynb'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['ipynb'] = lambda s: ''
    FIGURE_EXT['ipynb'] = {
        'search': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tif', '.tiff', '.pdf'),
        'convert': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg')
    QUIZ['ipynb'] = pandoc_quiz
コード例 #57
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
def ipynb_figure(m):
    # m.group() must be called before m.group('name')
    text = '<!-- dom:%s -->\n<!-- begin figure -->\n' % m.group()

    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    opts = m.group('options').strip()
    if opts:
        info = [s.split('=') for s in opts.split()]
        opts = ' ' .join(['%s=%s' % (opt, value)
                          for opt, value in info
                          if opt not in ['frac', 'sidecap']])

    global figure_files
    if not filename.startswith('http'):

    # Extract optional label in caption
    label = None
    pattern = r' *label\{(.+?)\}'
    m = re.search(pattern, caption)
    if m:
        label = m.group(1).strip()
        caption = re.sub(pattern, '', caption)

    display_method = option('ipynb_figure=', 'imgtag')
    if display_method == 'md':
        # Markdown image syntax for embedded image in text
        # (no control of size, then one must use HTML syntax)
        if label is not None:
            #text += '<a name="%s"></a>\n' % label
            text += '<div id="%s"></div>\n' % label
        text += '![%s](%s)' % (caption, filename)
    elif display_method == 'imgtag':
        # Plain <img tag, allows specifying the image size
        if label is not None:
            #text += '<a name="%s"></a>' % label
            text += '<div id="%s"></div>\n' % label
        # Fix caption markup so it becomes html
        from doconce import INLINE_TAGS_SUBST, INLINE_TAGS
        for tag in 'bold', 'emphasize', 'verbatim':
            caption = re.sub(INLINE_TAGS[tag], INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['html'][tag],
                             caption, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        text += """
<img src="%s" %s>

""" % (caption, filename, opts)
    elif display_method == 'Image':
        # Image object
        # NOTE: This code will normally not work because it inserts a verbatim
        # block in the file *after* all such blocks have been removed and
        # numbered. doconce.py makes a test prior to removal of blocks and
        # runs the handle_figures and movie substitution if ipynb format
        # and Image or movie object display.
        text += '\n'
        if label is not None:
            text += '<div id="%s"></div>' % label
        text += '<!-- options: %s -->\n' % opts
        text = '!bc pycod\n'
        global figure_encountered
        if not figure_encountered:
            # First time we have a figure, we must import Image
            text += 'from IPython.display import Image\n'
            figure_encountered = True
        if caption:
            text += '# ' + caption
        if filename.startswith('http'):
            keyword = 'url'
            keyword = 'filename'
        text += 'Image(%s="%s")\n' % (keyword, filename)
        text += '!ec\n'
        errwarn('*** error: --ipynb_figure=%s is illegal, must be md, imgtag or Image' % display_method)
    text += '<!-- end figure -->\n'
    return text
コード例 #58
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def ipynb_figure(m):
    # m.group() must be called before m.group('name')
    text = '<!-- dom:%s -->\n<!-- begin figure -->\n' % m.group()

    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    opts = m.group('options').strip()
    if opts:
        info = [s.split('=') for s in opts.split()]
        opts = ' '.join([
            '%s=%s' % (opt, value) for opt, value in info
            if opt not in ['frac', 'sidecap']

    global figure_files
    if not filename.startswith('http'):

    # Extract optional label in caption
    label = None
    pattern = r' *label\{(.+?)\}'
    m = re.search(pattern, caption)
    if m:
        label = m.group(1).strip()
        caption = re.sub(pattern, '', caption)

    display_method = option('ipynb_figure=', 'imgtag')
    if display_method == 'md':
        # Markdown image syntax for embedded image in text
        # (no control of size, then one must use HTML syntax)
        if label is not None:
            #text += '<a name="%s"></a>\n' % label
            text += '<div id="%s"></div>\n' % label
        text += '![%s](%s)' % (caption, filename)
    elif display_method == 'imgtag':
        # Plain <img tag, allows specifying the image size
        if label is not None:
            #text += '<a name="%s"></a>' % label
            text += '<div id="%s"></div>\n' % label
        text += """
<img src="%s" %s>

""" % (caption, filename, opts)
    elif display_method == 'Image':
        # Image object
        # NOTE: This code will normally not work because it inserts a verbatim
        # block in the file *after* all such blocks have been removed and
        # numbered. doconce.py makes a test prior to removal of blocks and
        # runs the handle_figures and movie substitution if ipynb format
        # and Image or movie object display.
        text += '\n'
        if label is not None:
            text += '<div id="%s"></div>' % label
        text += '<!-- options: %s -->\n' % opts
        text = '!bc pycod\n'
        global figure_encountered
        if not figure_encountered:
            # First time we have a figure, we must import Image
            text += 'from IPython.display import Image\n'
            figure_encountered = True
        if caption:
            text += '# ' + caption
        if filename.startswith('http'):
            keyword = 'url'
            keyword = 'filename'
        text += 'Image(%s="%s")\n' % (keyword, filename)
        text += '!ec\n'
        print '*** error: --ipynb_figure=%s is illegal, must be md, imgtag or Image' % display_method
    text += '<!-- end figure -->\n'
    return text
コード例 #59
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: KGHustad/doconce
    # all arguments are dicts and accept in-place modifications (extensions)

    FILENAME_EXTENSION['ipynb'] = '.ipynb'
    BLANKLINE['ipynb'] = '\n'
    # replacement patterns for substitutions of inline tags
    INLINE_TAGS_SUBST['ipynb'] = {
        'math':      None,  # indicates no substitution, leave as is
        'math2':     r'\g<begin>$\g<latexmath>$\g<end>',
        'emphasize': None,
        'bold':      r'\g<begin>**\g<subst>**\g<end>',
        'figure':    ipynb_figure,
        'movie':     ipynb_movie,
        'verbatim':  None,
        #'linkURL':   r'\g<begin>\g<link> (\g<url>)\g<end>',
        'linkURL2':  r'[\g<link>](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL3':  r'[\g<link>](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL2v': r'[`\g<link>`](\g<url>)',
        'linkURL3v': r'[`\g<link>`](\g<url>)',
        'plainURL':  r'<\g<url>>',
        'colortext': r'<font color="\g<color>">\g<text></font>',
        'title':     r'<!-- dom:TITLE: \g<subst> -->\n# \g<subst>',
        'author':    ipynb_author,
        'date':      '\nDate: _\g<subst>_\n',
        'chapter':       lambda m: '# '   + m.group('subst'),  # seldom used in notebooks
        'section':       lambda m: '# '   + m.group('subst'),
        'subsection':    lambda m: '## '  + m.group('subst'),
        'subsubsection': lambda m: '### ' + m.group('subst') + '\n',
        'paragraph':     r'**\g<subst>**\g<space>',
        'abstract':      r'\n**\g<type>.** \g<text>\n\n\g<rest>',
        'comment':       '<!-- %s -->',
        'linebreak':     r'\g<text>',  # Not sure how this is supported; Markdown applies <br> but that cannot be used for latex output with ipynb...
        'non-breaking-space': ' ',
        'ampersand2':    r' \g<1>&\g<2>',

    CODE['ipynb'] = ipynb_code
    # Envirs are in doconce.py treated after code is inserted, which
    # means that the ipynb format is json. Therefore, we need special
    # treatment of envirs in ipynb_code and ENVIRS can be empty.
    ENVIRS['ipynb'] = {}

    from common import DEFAULT_ARGLIST
    LIST['ipynb'] = {
        {'begin': '', 'item': '*', 'end': '\n'},

        {'begin': '', 'item': '%d.', 'end': '\n'},

        {'begin': '', 'item': '%s\n  :   ', 'end': '\n'},

        'separator': '\n',
    CROSS_REFS['ipynb'] = pandoc_ref_and_label

    TABLE['ipynb'] = ipynb_table
    cite = option('ipynb_cite=', 'plain')
    if cite == 'latex':
        INDEX_BIB['ipynb'] = ipynb_index_bib
        INDEX_BIB['ipynb'] = pandoc_index_bib
    EXERCISE['ipynb'] = plain_exercise
    TOC['ipynb'] = lambda s: ''
    FIGURE_EXT['ipynb'] = {
        'search': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tif', '.tiff', '.pdf'),
        'convert': ('.png', '.gif', '.jpg')}
    QUIZ['ipynb'] = pandoc_quiz
コード例 #60
ファイル: ipynb.py プロジェクト: sjsrey/doconce
def ipynb_code(filestr, code_blocks, code_block_types, tex_blocks, format):
    # We expand all newcommands now
    from html import embed_newcommands
    newcommands = embed_newcommands(filestr)
    if newcommands:
        filestr = newcommands + filestr
    # Fix pandoc citations to normal internal links: [[key]](#key)
    filestr = re.sub(r'\[@(.+?)\]', r'[[\g<1>]](#\g<1>)', filestr)

    # filestr becomes json list after this function so we must typeset
    # envirs here. All envirs are typeset as pandoc_quote.
    from common import _CODE_BLOCK, _MATH_BLOCK
    envir_format = option('ipynb_admon=', 'paragraph')
    # Remove all !bpop-!epop environments (they cause only problens and
    # have no use)
    for envir in 'pop', 'slidecell':
        filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !b%s .*\n' % envir,
        filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !e%s .*\n' % envir,
    filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !bnotes.*?<!-- !enotes -->\n',
                     flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = re.sub('^<!-- !split -->\n', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    from doconce import doconce_envirs
    envirs = doconce_envirs()[8:-2]
    for envir in envirs:
        pattern = r'^!b%s(.*?)\n(.+?)\s*^!e%s' % (envir, envir)
        if envir_format in ('quote', 'paragraph', 'hrule'):

            def subst(m):
                title = m.group(1).strip()
                # Text size specified in parenthesis?
                m2 = re.search('^\s*\((.+?)\)', title)

                if title == '' and envir not in ('block', 'quote'):
                    title = envir.capitalize() + '.'
                elif title.lower() == 'none':
                    title == ''
                elif m2:
                    text_size = m2.group(1).lower()
                    title = title.replace('(%s)' % text_size, '').strip()
                elif title and title[-1] not in ('.', ':', '!', '?'):
                    # Make sure the title ends with puncuation
                    title += '.'
                # Recall that this formatting is called very late
                # so native format must be used!
                if title:
                    title = '**' + title + '**\n'
                    # Could also consider subsubsection formatting
                block = m.group(2)

                # Always use quote typesetting for quotes
                if envir_format == 'quote' or envir == 'quote':
                    # Make Markdown quote of the block: lines start with >
                    lines = []
                    for line in block.splitlines():
                        # Just quote plain text
                        if not (_MATH_BLOCK in line or _CODE_BLOCK in line
                                or line.startswith('FIGURE:')
                                or line.startswith('MOVIE:')
                                or line.startswith('|')):
                            lines.append('> ' + line)
                            lines.append('\n' + line + '\n')
                    block = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n\n'

                    # Add quote and a blank line after title
                    if title:
                        title = '> ' + title + '>\n'
                    # Add a blank line after title
                    if title:
                        title += '\n'

                if envir_format == 'hrule':
                    # Native ------ does not work, use <hr/>
                    #text = '\n\n----------\n' + title + '----------\n' + \
                    #       block + '\n----------\n\n'
                    text = '\n\n<hr/>\n' + title + \
                           block + '\n<hr/>\n\n'
                    text = title + block + '\n\n'
                return text
            print '*** error: --ipynb_admon=%s is not supported' % envir_format
        filestr = re.sub(pattern,
                         flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)

    # Fix pyshell and ipy interactive sessions: remove prompt and output.
    # or split in multiple cells such that output comes out at the end of a cell
    # Fix sys environments and use run prog.py so programs can be run in cell
    # Insert %matplotlib inline in the first block using matplotlib
    # Only typeset Python code as blocks, otherwise !bc environmens
    # become plain indented Markdown.
    from doconce import dofile_basename
    from sets import Set
    ipynb_tarfile = 'ipynb-%s-src.tar.gz' % dofile_basename
    src_paths = Set()
    mpl_inline = False

    split_pyshell = option('ipynb_split_pyshell=', 'on')
    if split_pyshell is None:
        split_pyshell = False
    elif split_pyshell in ('no', 'False', 'off'):
        split_pyshell = False
        split_pyshell = True

    ipynb_code_tp = [None] * len(code_blocks)
    for i in range(len(code_blocks)):
        # Check if continuation lines are in the code block, because
        # doconce.py inserts a blank after the backslash
        if '\\ \n' in code_blocks[i]:
            code_blocks[i] = code_blocks[i].replace('\\ \n', '\\\n')

        if not mpl_inline and (
            re.search(r'import +matplotlib', code_blocks[i]) or \
            re.search(r'from +matplotlib', code_blocks[i]) or \
            re.search(r'import +scitools', code_blocks[i]) or \
            re.search(r'from +scitools', code_blocks[i])):
            code_blocks[i] = '%matplotlib inline\n\n' + code_blocks[i]
            mpl_inline = True

        tp = code_block_types[i]
        if tp.endswith('-t'):
            # Standard Markdown code with pandoc/github extension
            language = tp[:-2]
            language_spec = language2pandoc.get(language, '')
            #code_blocks[i] = '\n' + indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format) + '\n'
            code_blocks[i] = "```%s\n" % language_spec + \
                             indent_lines(code_blocks[i].strip(), format) + \
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'markdown'
        elif tp.startswith('pyshell') or tp.startswith('ipy'):
            lines = code_blocks[i].splitlines()
            last_cell_end = -1
            if split_pyshell:
                new_code_blocks = []
                # Split for each output an put in separate cell
                for j in range(len(lines)):
                    if lines[j].startswith('>>>') or lines[j].startswith(
                            '... '):
                        lines[j] = lines[j][4:]
                    elif lines[j].startswith('In ['):  # IPython
                        lines[j] = ':'.join(lines[j].split(':')[1:]).strip()
                    elif lines[j].startswith('   ...: '):  # IPython
                        lines[j] = lines[j][8:]
                        # output (no prefix or Out)
                        lines[j] = ''
                        new_code_blocks.append('\n'.join(lines[last_cell_end +
                                                               1:j + 1]))
                        last_cell_end = j
                code_blocks[i] = new_code_blocks
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'
                # Remove prompt and output lines; leave code executable in cell
                for j in range(len(lines)):
                    if lines[j].startswith('>>> ') or lines[j].startswith(
                            '... '):
                        lines[j] = lines[j][4:]
                    elif lines[j].startswith('In ['):
                        lines[j] = ':'.join(lines[j].split(':')[1:]).strip()
                        # output
                        lines[j] = ''

                for j in range(lines.count('')):
                code_blocks[i] = '\n'.join(lines)
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'

        elif tp.startswith('sys'):
            # Do we find execution of python file? If so, copy the file
            # to separate subdir and make a run file command in a cell.
            # Otherwise, it is just a plain verbatim Markdown block.
            found_unix_lines = False
            lines = code_blocks[i].splitlines()
            for j in range(len(lines)):
                m = re.search(r'(.+?>|\$) *python +([A-Za-z_0-9]+?\.py)',
                if m:
                    name = m.group(2).strip()
                    if os.path.isfile(name):
                        lines[j] = '%%run "%s"' % fullpath
                    found_unix_lines = True
            src_paths = list(src_paths)
            if src_paths and not found_unix_lines:
                # This is a sys block with run commands only
                code_blocks[i] = '\n'.join(lines)
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'
                # Standard Markdown code
                code_blocks[i] = '\n'.join(lines)
                code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
                ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'markdown'
        elif tp.endswith('hid'):
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell_hidden'
        elif tp.startswith('py'):
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'cell'
            # Should support other languages as well, but not for now
            code_blocks[i] = indent_lines(code_blocks[i], format)
            ipynb_code_tp[i] = 'markdown'

    # figure_files and movie_files are global variables and contain
    # all figures and movies referred to
    src_paths = list(src_paths)
    if figure_files:
        src_paths += figure_files
    if movie_files:
        src_paths += movie_files

    if src_paths:
        # Make tar file with all the source dirs with files
        # that need to be executed
        os.system('tar cfz %s %s' % (ipynb_tarfile, ' '.join(src_paths)))
        print 'collected all required additional files in', ipynb_tarfile, 'which must be distributed with the notebook'
    elif os.path.isfile(ipynb_tarfile):

    # Parse document into markdown text, code blocks, and tex blocks.
    # Store in nested list notebook_blocks.
    notebook_blocks = [[]]
    authors = ''
    for line in filestr.splitlines():
        if line.startswith('authors = [new_author(name='):  # old author method
            authors = line[10:]
        elif _CODE_BLOCK in line:
            code_block_tp = line.split()[-1]
            if code_block_tp in (
                    'pyhid', ) or not code_block_tp.endswith('hid'):
                notebook_blocks[-1] = '\n'.join(notebook_blocks[-1]).strip()
            # else: hidden block to be dropped (may include more languages
            # with time in the above tuple)
        elif _MATH_BLOCK in line:
            notebook_blocks[-1] = '\n'.join(notebook_blocks[-1]).strip()
            if not isinstance(notebook_blocks[-1], list):
    if isinstance(notebook_blocks[-1], list):
        notebook_blocks[-1] = '\n'.join(notebook_blocks[-1]).strip()

    # Add block type info
    pattern = r'(\d+) +%s'
    for i in range(len(notebook_blocks)):
        if re.match(pattern % _CODE_BLOCK, notebook_blocks[i]):
            m = re.match(pattern % _CODE_BLOCK, notebook_blocks[i])
            idx = int(m.group(1))
            if ipynb_code_tp[idx] == 'cell':
                notebook_blocks[i] = ['cell', notebook_blocks[i]]
            elif ipynb_code_tp[idx] == 'cell_hidden':
                notebook_blocks[i] = ['cell_hidden', notebook_blocks[i]]
                notebook_blocks[i] = ['text', notebook_blocks[i]]
        elif re.match(pattern % _MATH_BLOCK, notebook_blocks[i]):
            notebook_blocks[i] = ['math', notebook_blocks[i]]
            notebook_blocks[i] = ['text', notebook_blocks[i]]

    # Go through tex_blocks and wrap in $$
    # (doconce.py runs align2equations so there are no align/align*
    # environments in tex blocks)
    label2tag = {}
    tag_counter = 1
    for i in range(len(tex_blocks)):
        # Extract labels and add tags
        labels = re.findall(r'label\{(.+?)\}', tex_blocks[i])
        for label in labels:
            label2tag[label] = tag_counter
            # Insert tag to get labeled equation
            tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(
                'label{%s}' % label,
                'label{%s} \\tag{%s}' % (label, tag_counter))
            tag_counter += 1

        # Remove \[ and \] or \begin/end{equation*} in single equations
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\[', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\]', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\begin{equation*}', '')
        tex_blocks[i] = tex_blocks[i].replace(r'\end{equation*}', '')
        # Check for illegal environments
        m = re.search(r'\\begin\{(.+?)\}', tex_blocks[i])
        if m:
            envir = m.group(1)
            if envir not in ('equation', 'equation*', 'align*', 'align',
                print """\
*** warning: latex envir \\begin{%s} does not work well in Markdown.
    Stick to \\[ ... \\], equation, equation*, align, or align*
    environments in math environments.
""" % envir
        eq_type = 'heading'  # or '$$'
        eq_type = '$$'
        # Markdown: add $$ on each side of the equation
        if eq_type == '$$':
            # Make sure there are no newline after equation
            tex_blocks[i] = '$$\n' + tex_blocks[i].strip() + '\n$$'
        # Here: use heading (###) and simple formula (remove newline
        # in math expressions to keep everything within a heading) as
        # the equation then looks bigger
        elif eq_type == 'heading':
            tex_blocks[i] = '### $ ' + '  '.join(
                tex_blocks[i].splitlines()) + ' $'

        # Add labels for the eqs above the block (for reference)
        if labels:
            #label_tp = '<a name="%s"></a>'
            label_tp = '<div id="%s"></div>'
            tex_blocks[i] = '<!-- Equation labels as ordinary links -->\n' + \
                            ' '.join([label_tp % label
                                      for label in labels]) + '\n\n' + \

    # blocks is now a list of text chunks in markdown and math/code line
    # instructions. Insert code and tex blocks
    for i in range(len(notebook_blocks)):
        if _CODE_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][
                1] or _MATH_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][1]:
            words = notebook_blocks[i][1].split()
            # start of notebook_blocks[i]: number block-indicator code-type
            n = int(words[0])
            if _CODE_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][1]:
                notebook_blocks[i][1] = code_blocks[n]  # can be list!
            if _MATH_BLOCK in notebook_blocks[i][1]:
                notebook_blocks[i][1] = tex_blocks[n]

    # Make IPython structures

    nb_version = int(option('ipynb_version=', '3'))
    if nb_version == 3:
        from IPython.nbformat.v3 import (new_code_cell, new_text_cell,
                                         new_worksheet, new_notebook,
                                         new_metadata, new_author)
        nb = new_worksheet()
    elif nb_version == 4:
        from IPython.nbformat.v4 import (new_code_cell, new_markdown_cell,
        cells = []

    mdstr = []  # plain md format of the notebook
    prompt_number = 1
    for block_tp, block in notebook_blocks:
        if (block_tp == 'text' or block_tp == 'math') and block != '':
            # Pure comments between math/code and math/code come
            # out as empty blocks, should detect that situation
            # (challenging - can have multiple lines of comments,
            # or begin and end comment lines with important things between)
            if nb_version == 3:
                nb.cells.append(new_text_cell(u'markdown', source=block))
            elif nb_version == 4:
            mdstr.append(('markdown', block))
        elif block_tp == 'cell' and block != '' and block != []:
            if isinstance(block, list):
                for block_ in block:
                    block_ = block_.rstrip()
                    if block_ != '':
                        if nb_version == 3:
                        elif nb_version == 4:
                        prompt_number += 1
                        mdstr.append(('codecell', block_))
                block = block.rstrip()
                if block != '':
                    if nb_version == 3:
                    elif nb_version == 4:
                    prompt_number += 1
                    mdstr.append(('codecell', block))
        elif block_tp == 'cell_hidden' and block != '':
            block = block.rstrip()
            if nb_version == 3:
            elif nb_version == 4:
                    new_code_cell(source=block, execution_count=prompt_number))
            prompt_number += 1
            mdstr.append(('codecell', block))
    # Dump the notebook cells in a simple ASCII format
    # (doc/src/ipynb/ipynb_generator.py can translate it back to .ipynb file)
    f = open(dofile_basename + '.md-ipynb', 'w')
    for cell_tp, block in mdstr:
        if cell_tp == 'markdown':
        elif cell_tp == 'codecell':

    if nb_version == 3:
        # Catch the title as the first heading
        m = re.search(r'^#+\s*(.+)$', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        title = m.group(1).strip() if m else ''
        # md below is not used for anything
        if authors:
            authors = eval(authors)
            md = new_metadata(name=title, authors=authors)
            md = new_metadata(name=title)
        nb = new_notebook(worksheets=[nb], metadata=new_metadata())
        # Let us make v4 notebook here by upgrading
        from IPython.nbformat.v4 import upgrade
        nb = upgrade(nb)
        import IPython.nbformat.v4.nbjson as nbjson

        # Convert nb to json format
        filestr = nbjson.writes(nb)
    elif nb_version == 4:
        nb = new_notebook(cells=cells)
        from IPython.nbformat import writes
        filestr = writes(nb, version=4)

    # Check that there are no empty cells:
    if '"input": []' in filestr:
        print '*** error: empty cells in notebook - report bug in DocOnce'
    # must do the replacements here at the very end when json is written out
    # \eqref and labels will not work, but labels (only in math) do no harm
    filestr = re.sub(r'([^\\])label\{',

    # \\eqref{} just gives (???) link at this stage - future versions
    # will probably support labels
    #filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'\\eqref{\g<1>}', filestr)
    # Now we use explicit references to tags
    def subst(m):
        label = m.group(1)
            return r'[(%s)](#%s)' % (label2tag[label], label)
        except KeyError as e:
            print '*** error: label "%s" is not defined' % str(e)

    filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', subst, filestr)
    # MathJax reference to tag (recall that the equations have both label
    # and tag (know that tag only works well in HTML, but this mjx-eqn-no
    # label does not work in ipynb)
    filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)',
                     lambda m: r'[(%s)](#mjx-eqn-%s)' % (label2tag[m.group(1)], label2tag[m.group(1)]), filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'\(ref\{(.+?)\}\)', r'Eq (\g<1>)', filestr)
    # Final fixes: replace all text between cells by markdown code cells
    # Note: the patterns are overlapping so a plain re.sub will not work,
    # here we run through all blocks found and subsitute the first remaining
    # one, one by one.
    pattern = r'   \},\n(.+?)\{\n    "cell_type":'
    begin_pattern = r'^(.+?)\{\n    "cell_type":'
    remaining_block_begin = re.findall(begin_pattern, filestr, flags=re.DOTALL)
    remaining_blocks = re.findall(pattern, filestr, flags=re.DOTALL)
    import string
    for block in remaining_block_begin + remaining_blocks:
        filestr = string.replace(filestr, block, json_markdown(block) + '   ',
    filestr_end = re.sub(r'   \{\n    "cell_type": .+?\n   \},\n', '', filestr,
    filestr = filestr.replace(filestr_end, json_markdown(filestr_end))
    filestr = """{
 "metadata": {
  "name": "SOME NAME"
 "nbformat": 3,
 "nbformat_minor": 0,
 "worksheets": [
   "cells": [
""" + filestr.rstrip() + '\n'+ \
    json_pycode('', final_prompt_no+1, 'python').rstrip()[:-1] + """
   "metadata": {}
    return filestr