コード例 #1
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: nyu-wireless/mmwchanmod
    def get_los_path(self, dvec):
        Computes LOS path loss and angles

        dvec : (n,3) array            
            Vector from cell to UAV
        los_pl:  (n,) array
            LOS path losses computed from Friis' Law
        los_ang:  (n,AngleFormat.nangle) = (n,4) array
            LOS angles 
        los_dly:  (n,) array
            Delay of the paths computed from the speed of light
        # Compute free space path loss from Friis' law
        dist = np.maximum(np.sqrt(np.sum(dvec**2,axis=1)), 1)        
        lam = 3e8/self.fc
        los_pl = 20*np.log10(dist*4*np.pi/lam)
        # Compute the LOS angles
        r, los_aod_phi, los_aod_theta = cart_to_sph(dvec)
        r, los_aoa_phi, los_aoa_theta = cart_to_sph(-dvec)
        # Stack the angles
        los_ang = np.stack((los_aoa_phi, los_aoa_theta,\
                            los_aod_phi, los_aod_theta), axis=-1)
        # Compute the delay
        los_dly = dist/PhyConst.light_speed
        return los_pl, los_ang, los_dly
コード例 #2
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: nyu-wireless/mmwchanmod
    def transform_ang(self, dvec, nlos_ang, nlos_pl):
        Performs the transformation on the angle data

        dvec : (nlink,ndim) array
            Vectors from cell to UAV for each link
        nlos_ang : (nlink,npaths_max,nangle) array
            Angles of each path in each link.  
            The angles are in degrees
        nlos_pl : (nlink,npaths_max) array 
            Path losses of each path in each link.
            A value of pl_max indicates no path

        Xang : (nlink,nangle*npaths_max)
            Tranformed angle coordinates

        # Compute the LOS angles
        r, los_aod_phi, los_aod_theta = cart_to_sph(dvec)
        r, los_aoa_phi, los_aoa_theta = cart_to_sph(-dvec)
        # Get the NLOS angles
        nlos_aod_phi   = nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aod_phi_ind]
        nlos_aod_theta = nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aod_theta_ind]
        nlos_aoa_phi   = nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aoa_phi_ind]
        nlos_aoa_theta = nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aoa_theta_ind]
        # Rotate the NLOS angles by the LOS angles to compute
        # the relative angle        
        aod_phi_rel, aod_theta_rel = spherical_add_sub(\
            nlos_aod_phi, nlos_aod_theta,\
            los_aod_phi[:,None], los_aod_theta[:,None])
        aoa_phi_rel, aoa_theta_rel = spherical_add_sub(\
            nlos_aoa_phi, nlos_aoa_theta,\
            los_aoa_phi[:,None], los_aoa_theta[:,None])            
        # Set the relative angle on non-existent paths to zero
        I = (nlos_pl < self.pl_max-0.01)
        aod_phi_rel = aod_phi_rel*I
        aod_theta_rel = aod_theta_rel*I
        aoa_phi_rel = aoa_phi_rel*I
        aoa_theta_rel = aoa_theta_rel*I
        # Stack the relative angles and scale by 180
        Xang = np.hstack(\
            (aoa_phi_rel/180, aoa_theta_rel/180,\
             aod_phi_rel/180, aod_theta_rel/180))
        return Xang
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: nyu-wireless/mmwchanmod
    def inv_transform_ang(self, dvec, Xang):
        Performs the transformation on the angle data

        dvec : (nlink,ndim) array
            Vectors from cell to UAV for each link
        Xang : (nlink,nangle*npaths_max)
            Tranformed angle coordinates            

        nlos_ang : (nlink,npaths_max,nangle) array
            Angles of each path in each link.  
            The angles are in degrees        
        # Compute the LOS angles
        r, los_aod_phi, los_aod_theta = cart_to_sph(dvec)
        r, los_aoa_phi, los_aoa_theta = cart_to_sph(-dvec)
        # Get the transformed angles
        npm = self.npaths_max
        aoa_phi_rel   = Xang[:,:npm]*180
        aoa_theta_rel = Xang[:,npm:2*npm]*180        
        aod_phi_rel   = Xang[:,2*npm:3*npm]*180
        aod_theta_rel = Xang[:,3*npm:]*180        
        # Rotate the relative angles by the LOS angles to compute
        # the original NLOS angles
        nlos_aoa_phi, nlos_aoa_theta = spherical_add_sub(\
            aoa_phi_rel, aoa_theta_rel,\
            los_aoa_phi[:,None], los_aoa_theta[:,None], sub=False)
        nlos_aod_phi, nlos_aod_theta = spherical_add_sub(\
            aod_phi_rel, aod_theta_rel,\
            los_aod_phi[:,None], los_aod_theta[:,None], sub=False)
        # Stack the relative angles     
        nlink = nlos_aod_phi.shape[0]
        nlos_ang = np.zeros((nlink,self.npaths_max,AngleFormat.nangle))
        nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aoa_phi_ind] = nlos_aoa_phi
        nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aoa_theta_ind] = nlos_aoa_theta
        nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aod_phi_ind] = nlos_aod_phi
        nlos_ang[:,:,AngleFormat.aod_theta_ind] = nlos_aod_theta
        return nlos_ang