コード例 #1
def when_statement(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("when") + expression + kw("then") +
              maybe(many(statement + op(";"))) + maybe(
                      kw("elsewhen") + expression + kw("then") +
                      maybe(many(statement + op(";"))))) + kw("end") +
              kw("when")) >> WhenStatement
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #2
def when_equation(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("when") + expression + kw("then") +
              maybe(many(equation + op(";"))) + maybe(
                      kw("elsewhen") + expression + kw("then") +
                      maybe(many(equation + op(";"))))) + kw("end") +
              kw("when")) >> WhenEquation
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #3
def if_equation(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("if") + expression + kw("then") +
              maybe(many(equation + op(";"))) + maybe(
                      kw("elseif") + expression + kw("then") +
                      maybe(many(equation + op(";"))))) +
              maybe(kw("else") + maybe(many(equation + op(";")))) + kw("end") +
              kw("if")) >> IfEquation
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #4
ファイル: modification.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
def short_class_definition(tokens, state):
    # circular import!
    from modparc.syntax.class_definition import (class_prefixes, enum_list,
    parser = (class_prefixes + token_type("ident") + op("=")
              + (base_prefix + name + maybe(array_subscript)
                 + maybe(class_modification) + comment
                 | keyword('enumeration') + op('(') +
                 (maybe(enum_list) | op(":")) + op(')') + comment))
    return (parser >> ShortClassDefinition).run(tokens, state)
コード例 #5
def if_statement(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("if") + expression + kw("then") +
              maybe(many(statement + op(";"))) + maybe(
                      kw("elseif") + expression + kw("then") +
                      maybe(many(statement + op(";"))))) +
              maybe(kw("else") + maybe(many(statement + op(";")))) +
              kw("end") + kw("if")) >> IfStatement
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #6
def statement(tokens, state):
    parser = ((component_reference + (op(":=") + expression
                                      | function_call_args)
               | (op('(') + output_expression_list + op(')') + op(':=') +
                  component_reference + function_call_args)
               | keyword('break')
               | keyword('return')
               | assertion
               | if_statement
               | for_statement
               | while_statement
               | connect_clause
               | when_statement) + comment) >> Statement
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #7
def class_specifier(tokens, state):
    normal = (token_type('ident') + string_comment + composition +
              keyword('end') + token_type('ident'))
    derived = (token_type('ident') + op("=") + base_prefix + name +
               maybe(array_subscript) + maybe(class_modification) + comment)
    enum_def = (token_type('ident') + op("=") + keyword('enumeration') +
                op("(") + (maybe(enum_list) | op(":")) + op(")") + comment)
    derivative = (token_type('ident') + op("=") + keyword('der') + op("(") +
                  name + op(",") + token_type('ident') +
                  maybe(many(op(",") + token_type('ident'))) + op(")") +
    extended = (keyword('extends') + token_type('ident') +
                maybe(class_modification) + string_comment + composition +
                keyword("end") + token_type('ident'))

    parser = (normal | derived | enum_def | derivative | extended)
    return (parser >> ClassSpecifier).run(tokens, state)
コード例 #8
def equation(tokens, state):
    parser = ((simple_expression + op("=") + expression
               | if_equation
               | for_equation
               | connect_clause
               | when_equation
               | assertion
               | name + function_call_args) + comment) >> Equation
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #9
ファイル: expressions.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
def function_arguments(tokens, state):
    from modparc.syntax.equations import for_indices  # circular dependency
    # Since funcparserlib doesn't have full backtracking
    # the `named_arguments` parser is matched first to avoid problems
    parser = (
        | function_argument +
        maybe(op(",") + function_arguments
              | keyword('for') + for_indices))
    return (parser >> FunctionArguments).run(tokens, state)
コード例 #10
ファイル: expressions.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
def primary(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (token_type("number")
              | token_type("string")
              | kw("false")
              | kw("true")
              | (name | kw("der") | kw("initial")) + function_call_args
              | component_reference
              | op("(") + output_expression_list + op(")")
              | (op("[") + expression_list +
                 maybe(many(op(";") + expression_list)) + op("]"))
              | op("{") + function_arguments + op("}")
              | kw("end"))

    return (parser >> Primary).run(tokens, state)
コード例 #11
def for_statement(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("for") + for_indices + kw("loop") + maybe(
        many(statement + op(";"))) + kw("end") + kw("for")) >> ForStatement
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #12
ファイル: expressions.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc

from funcparserlib.parser import many, maybe, Parser

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, missing-docstring
from modparc.syntax import keyword, op, token_type
from modparc.syntax.syntax_elements import (
    Expression, SimpleExpression, LogicalExpression, LogicalTerm,
    LogicalFactor, Relation, ArithmeticExpression, Term, Factor, Primary,
    RelOp, MulOp, AddOp, Name, NamedArgument, NamedArguments, FunctionArgument,
    FunctionArguments, FunctionCallArgs, ExpressionList, OutputExpressionList,
    Subscript, ArraySubscript, ComponentReference, StringComment, Annotation,
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module

name = (maybe(op(".")) + (token_type("ident") | keyword("assert")) +
        maybe(many(op(".") +
                   (token_type("ident") | keyword("assert")))) >> Name)

rel_op = op("<") | op("<=") | op(">") | op(">=") | op("==") | op("<>") >> RelOp

add_op = op("+") | op("-") | op(".+") | op(".-") >> AddOp

mul_op = op("*") | op("/") | op(".*") | op("./") >> MulOp

def primary(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (token_type("number")
              | token_type("string")
コード例 #13
def while_equation(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("while") + expression + kw("loop") + maybe(
        many(equation + op(";"))) + kw("end") + kw("while")) >> WhileEquation
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #14
def for_equation(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("for") + for_indices + kw("loop") + maybe(
        many(equation + op(";"))) + kw("end") + kw("for")) >> ForEquation
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #15
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Parser definition for funcparserlib.

The definitions are specified in the Appendix B.2.1 of the Modelica
Specification 3.3.

This is the top-level module used by in the library api as it parses
the contents of a Modelica source code file (files with suffix .mo).

from funcparserlib.parser import many, maybe, skip, finished

# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, missing-docstring
from modparc.syntax import keyword, op
from modparc.syntax.class_definition import class_definition
from modparc.syntax.expressions import name
from modparc.syntax.syntax_elements import StoredDefinition
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module

stored_definition = (maybe(keyword("within") + maybe(name) + op(";")) +
                     many(maybe(keyword("final")) +
                          class_definition + op(";")) + skip(finished)
                     >> StoredDefinition)
コード例 #16
ファイル: expressions.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
def named_argument(tokens, state):
    parser = token_type('ident') + op('=') + function_argument
    return (parser >> NamedArgument).run(tokens, state)
コード例 #17
ファイル: modification.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
                                                 | component_clause1)
                       + maybe(constraining_clause)) >> ElementReplaceable

element_redeclaration = (keyword("redeclare") + maybe(keyword("each"))
                         + maybe(keyword("final")) +
                         ((short_class_definition | component_clause1
                           | element_replaceable))) >> ElementRedeclaration

element_modification = (name + maybe(modification) + string_comment
                        >> ElementModification)

def km(key):
    return maybe(keyword(key))

element_modification_or_replaceable = (km('each') + km('final') +
                                       (element_modification |
                                       >> ElementModificationOrReplaceable)

argument = (element_modification_or_replaceable | element_redeclaration
            >> Argument)

argument_list = argument + maybe(many(op(',') + argument)) >> ArgumentList

def class_modification(tokens, state):
    parser = op('(') + maybe(argument_list) + op(')') >> ClassModification
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #18
from modparc.syntax import keyword, op, token_type
from modparc.syntax.expressions import (expression, simple_expression, name,
                                        comment, function_call_args,
from modparc.syntax.syntax_elements import (
    ForIndex, ForIndices, ConnectClause, Equation, IfEquation, ForEquation,
    WhileEquation, WhenEquation, Statement, IfStatement, ForStatement,
    WhileStatement, WhenStatement, EquationSection, AlgorithmSection,
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module

for_index = (
    token_type('ident') + maybe(keyword('in') + expression) >> ForIndex)

for_indices = for_index + maybe(many(op(',') + for_index)) >> ForIndices

connect_clause = (keyword("connect") + op("(") + component_reference +
                  op(",") + component_reference + op(")")) >> ConnectClause

assertion = keyword("assert") + function_call_args >> Assertion

def equation(tokens, state):
    parser = ((simple_expression + op("=") + expression
               | if_equation
               | for_equation
               | connect_clause
               | when_equation
               | assertion
コード例 #19
                                        string_comment, component_reference,
                                        array_subscript, expression_list)
from modparc.syntax.extends import extends_clause, constraining_clause
from modparc.syntax.modification import class_modification
from modparc.syntax.syntax_elements import (
    LanguageSpecification, BasePrefix, ExternalFunctionCall, ClassDefinition,
    Element, ElementList, Composition, ClassSpecifier, ClassPrefixes,
    EnumerationLiteral, EnumList, ImportList, ImportClause)
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module

language_specification = token_type('string') >> LanguageSpecification

base_prefix = type_prefix >> BasePrefix

external_function_call = (
    maybe(component_reference + op("=")) + token_type('ident') + op("(") +
    maybe(expression_list) + op(")") >> ExternalFunctionCall)

def class_definition(tokens, state):
    parser = maybe(keyword("encapsulated")) + class_prefixes + class_specifier
    return (parser >> ClassDefinition).run(tokens, state)

def km(key):
    return maybe(keyword(key))

def element(tokens, state):
コード例 #20
ファイル: expressions.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
def function_argument(tokens, state):
    parser = (
        keyword("function") + name + op('(') + maybe(named_arguments) + op(')')
        | expression)
    return (parser >> FunctionArgument).run(tokens, state)
コード例 #21
ファイル: modification.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
def modification(tokens, state):
    parser = (class_modification + maybe(op('=') + expression)
              | op('=') + expression
              | op(':=') + expression) >> Modification
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #22
def while_statement(tokens, state):
    kw = keyword
    parser = (kw("while") + expression + kw("loop") + maybe(
        many(statement + op(";"))) + kw("end") + kw("while")) >> WhileStatement
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #23
ファイル: modification.py プロジェクト: xie-dongping/modparc
def class_modification(tokens, state):
    parser = op('(') + maybe(argument_list) + op(')') >> ClassModification
    return parser.run(tokens, state)
コード例 #24
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module

kw = keyword

type_prefix = (maybe(kw("flow") | kw("stream")) +
               maybe(kw("discrete") | kw("parameter") | kw("constant")) +
               maybe(kw("input") | kw("output"))) >> TypePrefix

type_specifier = name >> TypeSpecifier

condition_attribute = keyword('if') + expression >> ConditionAttribute

def declaration(tokens, state):
    from .modification import modification
    parser = (token_type('ident') + maybe(array_subscript) +
              maybe(modification)) >> Declaration
    return parser.run(tokens, state)

component_declaration = (
    declaration + maybe(condition_attribute) + comment >> ComponentDeclaration)

component_list = (
    component_declaration + maybe(many(op(",") + component_declaration)) >>

component_clause = (type_prefix + type_specifier + maybe(array_subscript) +
                    component_list) >> ComponentClause