コード例 #1
def call_lower_bound_and_out(spot, vol, mat, strike, interest, bound):
    m = m_fct(interest, vol)
    factor = np.power((bound / spot), 2 * m / (vol * vol))
    spot_adj = bound * bound / spot
    call_1 = m1.bsOptionPrice(spot, vol, mat, bound, interest, 0, "call")
    call_2 = m1.bsOptionPrice(spot_adj, vol, mat, bound, interest, 0, "call")
    call_3 = m1.bsOptionPrice(spot, vol, mat, strike, interest, 0, "call")
    call_4 = m1.bsOptionPrice(spot_adj, vol, mat, strike, interest, 0, "call")
    return call_1 - factor * call_2 - (call_3 - factor * call_4)
コード例 #2
def merton_option_price(spot, vol, mat, strike, r, lambdaa, m, v):
    price_element = 1
    price = 0
    n = 0
    # jump_stat = m + 0.5*v
    # comp      = lambdaa * (np.exp(jump_stat) - 1)
    lambda_dt = lambdaa * (1 + m) * mat
    gamma = np.log(1 + m)

    while price_element > 0.00001:
        r_tilde = r + (n * gamma) / mat - lambdaa * m
        # spot_tilde = spot*np.exp(n*jump_stat - comp * mat)
        vol_tilde = np.sqrt(vol * vol + n * v / mat)
        # Without hashtags spot below should be replaced by spot_tilde
        cond_price = m1.bsOptionPrice(spot, vol_tilde, mat, strike,\
                                      r_tilde, 0, "call")
        weight = np.exp(-lambda_dt) * np.power(lambda_dt, n) / factorial(n)
        price_element = cond_price * weight
        price += price_element
        n += 1

    return price
コード例 #3
inter_snr = np.zeros((len(spot), len(mat)))
inter_jnr = np.zeros((len(spot), len(mat)))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# (b) Deriving stock payoff, bond payoff and yield spread.
for i in spot:
    ix = spot.index(i)

    # Payoffs: jmp
    s_jmp[ix, :] = m_jmp_func(i, vol, mat, debt_ttl, r, lambdaa, m, v)
    b_jmp_snr[ix, :] = i - m_jmp_func(i, vol, mat, debt_snr, r, lambdaa, m, v)
    b_jmp_jnr[ix,:] = m_jmp_func(i, vol, mat, debt_snr, r, lambdaa, m, v) -\
                       m_jmp_func(i, vol, mat, debt_ttl, r, lambdaa, m, v)
    # Payoffs: std
    s_std[ix, :] = m1.bsOptionPrice(i, vol, mat, debt_ttl, r, q, 'call')
    b_std_snr[ix, :] = i - m1.bsOptionPrice(i, vol, mat, debt_snr, r, q,
    b_std_jnr[ix, :] = m1.bsOptionPrice(i, vol, mat, debt_snr, r, q, 'call') -\
                        m1.bsOptionPrice(i, vol, mat, debt_ttl, r, q, 'call')

    # Credit spreads: jmp
    y_jmp_snr[ix, :] = 100 * (1 / mat * np.log(debt_snr / b_jmp_snr[ix, :]) -
    y_jmp_jnr[ix, :] = 100 * (1 / mat * np.log(debt_jnr / b_jmp_jnr[ix, :]) -
    # Credit spreads: std
    y_std_snr[ix, :] = 100 * (1 / mat * np.log(debt_snr / b_std_snr[ix, :]) -
    y_std_jnr[ix, :] = 100 * (1 / mat * np.log(debt_jnr / b_std_jnr[ix, :]) -
コード例 #4
# Model parameters
spot = 100
r = 0.01  # risk free return rate
q = 0.0  # Dividends
mu = 0.05  # real return rate (not used here)
vol = 0.25
mat = 1  # Being at t = 0 this functions also as time_to_mat.
debt_junior = 50
debt_senior = 50
debt_total = debt_junior + debt_senior

# Firm value is denoted by FV
FV = np.arange(1, 201, 1)

# S = Stock, B = bond, where debt_i functions as strike price
s = m1.bsOptionPrice(FV, vol, mat, debt_total, r, q, "call")
b_senior = FV - m1.bsOptionPrice(FV, vol, mat, debt_senior, r, q, "call")
b_junior = m1.bsOptionPrice(FV, vol, mat, debt_senior, r, q, "call") -\
            m1.bsOptionPrice(FV, vol, mat, debt_total, r, q, "call")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# 2. Risk structure of stocks and bonds

# New model parameters (Firm value is now given by V)
V = (50, 100, 150)
mat = 30
time_to_mat = np.arange(1, mat + 1, 1)
s_rs = np.zeros((mat, 2 * len(V)))
b_senior_rs = np.zeros((mat, 2 * len(V)))
コード例 #5
def c_lo_bs(spot, vol, mat, strike, interest, dividends, bound, bound_rate):
    spot_adj      = bound * bound / spot
    r_tilde       = interest - 0.5 * vol * vol
    factor        = np.power(bound / spot, 2 * r_tilde / (vol*vol))
    return np.where(bound < strike, m1.bsOptionPrice(spot, vol, mat, strike, interest, dividends, "call") -\
            factor * m1.bsOptionPrice(spot_adj, vol, mat, strike, interest, dividends, "call"),0)
コード例 #6
bond_b = B_b(spot, vol, mat, r, q, bound, gamma)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

bond_barrier  = B(spot, vol, mat, debt, r, q, bound, gamma)
y_barrier     = 1 / mat * np.log(debt / bond_barrier)
s_barrier     = 10000 * (y_barrier - r)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# (c) Merton base case
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

bond_standard = spot - m1.bsOptionPrice(spot, vol, mat, debt, r, q, "call")
y_standard    = 1 / mat * np.log(debt / bond_standard)
s_standard    = 10000 * (y_standard - r)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# =========================================================================== #
# =========================== Comparative Statics =========================== #
# =========================================================================== #

spot   = 120
debt   = 100
mat    = np.arange(0.01,10.01,0.01)

vol_1 = 0.2
vol_2 = 0.3