コード例 #1
ファイル: test_fsf.py プロジェクト: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_fsf_model(tmpdir):
    cubename = get_data_file('sdetect', 'subcub_mosaic.fits')
    cube = Cube(cubename)

    # Read FSF model with the old method
    with pytest.warns(MpdafWarning):
        PSF, fwhm_pix, fwhm_arcsec = get_FSF_from_cube_keywords(cube, 13)

    # Read FSF model from file
    fsf = FSFModel.read(cubename)
    assert len(fsf) == 9
    assert fsf[0].model == 2
    assert_allclose(fsf[0].get_fwhm(cube.wave.coord()), fwhm_arcsec[0])

    # Read FSF model from cube
    fsf = FSFModel.read(cube)
    assert len(fsf) == 9
    assert fsf[0].model == 2
    assert_allclose(fsf[0].get_fwhm(cube.wave.coord()), fwhm_arcsec[0])

    # Read FSF model from header and for a specific field
    hdr = cube.primary_header.copy()
    fsf = FSFModel.read(hdr, field=2)
    assert fsf.model == 2
    assert_allclose(fsf.get_fwhm(cube.wave.coord()), fwhm_arcsec[1])

    # test to_header
    assert [str(x).strip() for x in fsf.to_header().cards] == [
        'FSFMODE =                    2 / Circular MOFFAT beta=poly(lbda) fwhm=poly(lbda)',
        'FSFLB1  =                 5000 / FSF Blue Ref Wave (A)',
        'FSFLB2  =                 9000 / FSF Red Ref Wave (A)',
        'FSF00FNC=                    2 / FSF00 FWHM Poly Ncoef',
        'FSF00F00=              -0.1204 / FSF00 FWHM Poly C00',
        'FSF00F01=               0.6143 / FSF00 FWHM Poly C01',
        'FSF00BNC=                    1 / FSF00 BETA Poly Ncoef',
        'FSF00B00=                  2.8 / FSF00 BETA Poly C00'

    testfile = str(tmpdir.join('test.fits'))
    outcube = cube.copy()
    fsf3 = FSFModel.read(testfile, field=0)
    assert fsf3.model == 2
    assert fsf3.get_beta(7000) == fsf.get_beta(7000)
    assert fsf3.get_fwhm(7000) == fsf.get_fwhm(7000)
    assert fsf3.get_fwhm(7000, unit='pix') == fsf.get_fwhm(7000, unit='pix')
コード例 #2
ファイル: rowcol.py プロジェクト: VeraPatricio/DataReduction
def remove_bg(cube_in,mask,cube_out,invert=False):
	""" Corrects background of a cube to zero (per wavelengh plane)
	Strong emission (e.g. cluster members) should be masked.
	cube_in: string
		path to input cube to be corrected
	mask:	 string
		path to mask to be used. Image with 1 for masked regions (objects) 
		and 0 for regions to be used to calculate the meadian background (sky)'
	cube_out: string
		path to the output (corrected) cube
	invert: boolean
		if True, 0 for masked regions (objects) and 1 for sky (old ZAP version)
		corrected cube

	immask = Image(mask)

	mask = immask.data.astype(bool)
	if invert:
		mask = np.invert(mask)
	c.data.mask[:, mask] = True

	tstart = time.time()
	for k in range(c.shape[0]):
   		for p in range(c.shape[1]):
    		for q in range(c.shape[2]):

	tend = time.time()
        print('ellapsed time %s'%(tend-tstart))

	## Update Header
	c2.primary_header.add_comment('This cube has been median subtracted')
	return c2
コード例 #3
ファイル: muse.py プロジェクト: ntejos/pyntejos
def masked_cube(inp, mask, value=0., method='value'):
    """Returns a masked version of the input cube

    inp : str or Cube
        Input filename or Cube object
    mask : boolean np.array 2D of same shape (ny, nx) than cube spatial
        Pixels to mask
    value : float
        Values to replaces masked spaxels
        if method = 'value'
    method : str
        Method to perform the masking
        value : replaces by the given value
        madian : replaces by the median of all contiguous pixels including the value of the pixel itself

    if not isinstance(inp, Cube):  # assume str
        cube = Cube(inp)
        cube = inp
    newcube = cube.copy()
    nw, ny, nx = cube.shape
    for ii in range(nw):
        image = cube.data[ii, :, :]
        if method == 'value':
            aux = np.where(mask, value, image)
        elif method == 'median':
            inds_y, inds_x = np.where(mask)
            aux = image.data
            for yx in zip(inds_y, inds_x):
                # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
                median = np.median(image[yx[0] - 1:yx[0] + 1,
                                         yx[1] - 1:yx[1] + 1])
                aux[yx[0], yx[1]] = median
        newcube[ii, :, :] = aux
        # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    return newcube
コード例 #4
ファイル: muse.py プロジェクト: ntejos/pyntejos
def masked_cube(inp, mask, value=0., method='value'):
    """Returns a masked version of the input cube

    inp : str or Cube
        Input filename or Cube object
    mask : boolean np.array 2D of same shape (ny, nx) than cube spatial
        Pixels to mask
    value : float
        Values to replaces masked spaxels
        if method = 'value'
    method : str
        Method to perform the masking
        value : replaces by the given value
        madian : replaces by the median of all contiguous pixels including the value of the pixel itself

    if not isinstance(inp, Cube): # assume str
        cube = Cube(inp)
        cube = inp
    newcube = cube.copy()
    nw, ny, nx = cube.shape
    for ii in range(nw):
        image = cube.data[ii,:,:]
        if method == 'value':
            aux = np.where(mask, value, image)
        elif method == 'median':
            inds_y, inds_x = np.where(mask)
            aux = image.data
            for yx in zip(inds_y,inds_x):
                # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
                median = np.median(image[yx[0]-1:yx[0]+1, yx[1]-1:yx[1]+1])
                aux[yx[0],yx[1]] = median
        newcube[ii,:,:] = aux
        # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
    return newcube