コード例 #1
ファイル: opt.py プロジェクト: jennyfothergill/msibi
state2 = State(
states = [state0, state1, state2]

# Specify pairs.
indices = list(itertools.combinations(range(1468),
                                      2))  # all-all for 1468 atoms
initial_guess = mie(opt.pot_r, 1.0, 1.0)  # 1-D array of potential values.
rdf_targets = [
    np.loadtxt("rdfs/rdf.target{0:d}.t1t1.txt".format(i)) for i in range(3)

pair0 = Pair("1", "1", initial_guess)
alphas = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

# Add targets to pair.
for state, target, alpha in zip(states, rdf_targets, alphas):
    pair0.add_state(state, target, alpha, indices)
pairs = [pair0]  # optimize() expects a list of pairs

# Do magic.
opt.optimize(states, pairs, n_iterations=5, engine="hoomd")
コード例 #2
ファイル: opt.py プロジェクト: mattwthompson/msibi
# Set up global parameters.
rdf_cutoff = 5.0
opt = MSIBI(rdf_cutoff=rdf_cutoff, n_rdf_points=101, pot_cutoff=3.0,

# Specify states.
state0 = State(kT=0.5, state_dir='./state0', top_file='start.hoomdxml',
               name='state0', backup_trajectory=True)
state1 = State(kT=1.5, state_dir='./state1', top_file='start.hoomdxml',
               name='state1', backup_trajectory=True)
state2 = State(kT=2.0, state_dir='./state2', top_file='start.hoomdxml',
               name='state2', backup_trajectory=True)
states = [state0, state1, state2]

# Specify pairs.
indices = list(itertools.combinations(range(1468), 2))  # all-all for 1468 atoms
initial_guess = mie(opt.pot_r, 1.0, 1.0)  # 1-D array of potential values.
rdf_targets = [np.loadtxt('rdfs/rdf.target{0:d}.t1t1.txt'.format(i))
               for i in range(3)]

pair0 = Pair('1', '1', initial_guess)
alphas = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

# Add targets to pair.
for state, target, alpha in zip(states, rdf_targets, alphas):
    pair0.add_state(state, target, alpha, indices)
pairs = [pair0]  # optimize() expects a list of pairs

# Do magic.
opt.optimize(states, pairs, n_iterations=5, engine='hoomd')
コード例 #3
ファイル: base_test.py プロジェクト: jennyfothergill/msibi
 def pair(self):
     return Pair("0", "1", potential=mie(r, 1.0, 1.0))
コード例 #4
ファイル: opt_lmp.py プロジェクト: mattwthompson/msibi
# Clear out the temp files
os.system('rm state*/_* rdfs/pair* potentials/* f_fits.log state*/log.txt')
os.system('rm state*/err.txt')

# Set up global parameters.
rdf_cutoff = 1.0
opt = MSIBI(engine='lammps', rdf_cutoff=rdf_cutoff, n_rdf_points=100, pot_cutoff=1.0,
        smooth_rdfs=True, max_frames=50)

# Specify states.
state0 = State(k=1, T=0.5, state_dir='./state_lmp', top_file='target.pdb',
               traj_file='query.dcd', name='state0', backup_trajectory=True)
states = [state0]

# Specify pairs.
indices = list(itertools.combinations(range(3000), 2))  # all-all for 1468 atoms
initial_guess = mie(opt.pot_r, 0.01, 0.2)  # 1-D array of potential values.
#rdf_target = np.loadtxt('rdfs/lmp.rdf')
rdf_target = np.loadtxt('rdfs/lmp.target.txt')

pair0 = Pair('1', '1', initial_guess, head_correction_form='linear')
alphas = [1.0]

# Add targets to pair.
#for state, target, alpha in zip(states, rdf_targets, alphas):
pair0.add_state(states[0], rdf_target, alphas[0], indices)
pairs = [pair0]  # optimize() expects a list of pairs

# Do magic.
opt.optimize(states, pairs, n_iterations=10)
コード例 #5
 def test_save_table_potential(self, tmp_path):
     pair = Pair("A", "B", potential=mie(r, 1.0, 1.0))
     pair.potential_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, "pot.txt")
     pair.save_table_potential(r, dr)
     assert os.path.isfile(pair.potential_file)