コード例 #1
ファイル: mx_substratevm.py プロジェクト: charig/truffle
def suite_native_image_root(suite=None):
    if not suite:
        suite = svm_suite()
    root_dir = join(svmbuild_dir(suite), 'native-image-root')
    rev_file_name = join(root_dir, 'rev')
    rev_value = suite.vc.parent(suite.vc_dir)
    def write_rev_file():
        with open(rev_file_name, 'w') as rev_file:
    if exists(root_dir):
            with open(rev_file_name, 'r') as rev_file:
                prev_rev_value = rev_file.readline()
            prev_rev_value = 'nothing'
        if prev_rev_value != rev_value:
            mx.warn('Rebuilding native-image-root as working directory revision changed from ' + prev_rev_value + ' to ' + rev_value)
    return root_dir
コード例 #2
ファイル: mx_microbench.py プロジェクト: charig/mx
    def microbench(self, args):
        """run JMH microbenchmark projects"""
        parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx microbench', description=microbench.__doc__,
                                usage="%(prog)s [command options|VM options] [-- [JMH options]]")
        parser.add_argument('--jar', help='Explicitly specify micro-benchmark location')

        mx.warn("`mx microbench` is deprecated! Consider moving to `mx_benchmark.JMHRunnerBenchmarkSuite`")

        known_args, args = parser.parse_known_args(args)

        vmArgs, jmhArgs = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=True)
        vmArgs = self.parseVmArgs(vmArgs)

        # look for -f in JMH arguments
        forking = True
        for i in range(len(jmhArgs)):
            arg = jmhArgs[i]
            if arg.startswith('-f'):
                if arg == '-f' and (i+1) < len(jmhArgs):
                    arg += jmhArgs[i+1]
                    if int(arg[2:]) == 0:
                        forking = False
                except ValueError:

        if known_args.jar:
            # use the specified jar
            args = ['-jar', known_args.jar]
            if not forking:
                args += vmArgs
            # we do not know the compliance level of the jar - assuming 1.8
            self.javaCompliance = mx.JavaCompliance('1.8')
            # find all projects with a direct JMH dependency
            projects_dict = mx_benchmark.JMHRunnerBenchmarkSuite.get_jmh_projects_dict()
            jmhProjects = projects_dict['JMH'] if 'JMH' in projects_dict else []
            # get java compliance - 1.8 is minimum since we build jmh-runner with java 8
            self.javaCompliance = max([p.javaCompliance for p in jmhProjects] + [mx.JavaCompliance('1.8')])
            cpArgs = mx.get_runtime_jvm_args([p.name for p in jmhProjects], jdk=mx.get_jdk(self.javaCompliance))

            # execute JMH runner
            if forking:
                args, cpVmArgs = self.filterVmArgs(cpArgs)
                vmArgs += cpVmArgs
                args = cpArgs + vmArgs
            args += ['org.openjdk.jmh.Main']

        if forking:
            def quoteSpace(s):
                if " " in s:
                    return '"' + s + '"'
                return s

            forkedVmArgs = map(quoteSpace, self.parseForkedVmArgs(vmArgs))
            args += ['--jvmArgsPrepend', ' '.join(forkedVmArgs)]
        self.run_java(args + jmhArgs)
コード例 #3
 def repairDatapointsAndFail(self, benchmarks, bmSuiteArgs, partialResults, message):
         super(BaseDaCapoBenchmarkSuite, self).repairDatapointsAndFail(benchmarks, bmSuiteArgs, partialResults, message)
         if self.workdir:
             # keep old workdir for investigation, create a new one for further benchmarking
             mx.warn("Keeping scratch directory after failed benchmark: {0}".format(self.workdir))
コード例 #4
ファイル: mx_testsuites.py プロジェクト: jakre/sulong
 def getVariants(self):
     if not hasattr(self, '_variants'):
         self._variants = []
         for v in self.variants:
             if 'gcc' in v and not SulongTestSuite.haveDragonegg():
                 mx.warn('Could not find dragonegg, not building test variant "%s"' % v)
     return self._variants
コード例 #5
 def before(self, bmSuiteArgs):
     parser = mx_benchmark.parsers["dacapo_benchmark_suite"].parser
     bmArgs, _ = parser.parse_known_args(bmSuiteArgs)
     self.keepScratchDir = bmArgs.keep_scratch
     if not bmArgs.no_scratch:
         mx.warn("NO scratch directory created! (--no-scratch)")
         self.workdir = None
コード例 #6
ファイル: mx_graal_8.py プロジェクト: axel22/graal-core
def run_vm(*positionalargs, **kwargs):
    """run a Java program by executing the java executable in a Graal JDK"""

    # convert positional args to a list so the first element can be updated
    positionalargs = list(positionalargs)
    args = positionalargs[0]
    if '-G:+PrintFlags' in args and '-Xcomp' not in args:
        mx.warn('Using -G:+PrintFlags may have no effect without -Xcomp as Graal initialization is lazy')
    positionalargs[0] = _buildGOptionsArgs(args)
    return _jvmci_run_vm(*positionalargs, **kwargs)
コード例 #7
ファイル: mx_graal_9.py プロジェクト: sanzinger/graal-core
def _parseVmArgs(jdk, args, addDefaultArgs=True):
    args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)
    jacocoArgs = mx_gate.get_jacoco_agent_args()
    if jacocoArgs:
        args = jacocoArgs + args

    # Support for -G: options
    def translateGOption(arg):
        if arg.startswith("-G:+"):
            if "=" in arg:
                mx.abort("Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: " + arg)
            arg = "-Dgraal." + arg[len("-G:+") :] + "=true"
        elif arg.startswith("-G:-"):
            if "=" in arg:
                mx.abort("Mixing - and = in -G: option specification: " + arg)
            arg = "-Dgraal." + arg[len("-G:+") :] + "=false"
        elif arg.startswith("-G:"):
            if "=" not in arg:
                mx.abort('Missing "=" in non-boolean -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            arg = "-Dgraal." + arg[len("-G:") :]
        return arg

    args = map(translateGOption, args)

    if "-G:+PrintFlags" in args and "-Xcomp" not in args:
        mx.warn("Using -G:+PrintFlags may have no effect without -Xcomp as Graal initialization is lazy")

    bcp = [mx.distribution("truffle:TRUFFLE_API").classpath_repr()]
    if _jvmciModes[_vm.jvmciMode]:
        bcp.extend([d.get_classpath_repr() for d in _bootClasspathDists])

    args = ["-Xbootclasspath/p:" + os.pathsep.join(bcp)] + args

    # Remove JVMCI from class path. It's only there to support compilation.
    cpIndex, cp = mx.find_classpath_arg(args)
    if cp:
        jvmciLib = mx.library("JVMCI").path
        cp = os.pathsep.join([e for e in cp.split(os.pathsep) if e != jvmciLib])
        args[cpIndex] = cp

    # Set the default JVMCI compiler
    jvmciCompiler = _compilers[-1]
    args = ["-Djvmci.compiler=" + jvmciCompiler] + args

    if "-version" in args:
        ignoredArgs = args[args.index("-version") + 1 :]
        if len(ignoredArgs) > 0:
                "Warning: The following options will be ignored by the vm because they come after the '-version' argument: "
                + " ".join(ignoredArgs)
    return jdk.processArgs(args, addDefaultArgs=addDefaultArgs)
コード例 #8
ファイル: mx_graal_js.py プロジェクト: prg-titech/graaljs
def deploy_binary_if_master(args):
    """If the active branch is 'master', deploy binaries for the primary suite to remote maven repository."""
    primary_branch = 'master'
    _, vc_root = mx.VC.get_vc_root(_suite.dir)
    active_branch = mx.VC.get_vc(vc_root).active_branch(_suite.dir)
    deploy_binary = mx.command_function('deploy-binary')
    if active_branch == primary_branch:
        return deploy_binary(args)
            'The active branch is "%s". Binaries are deployed only if the active branch is "%s".'
            % (active_branch, primary_branch))
        return 0
コード例 #9
ファイル: mx_graal_core.py プロジェクト: emrul/graal-core
def _check_bootstrap_config(args):
    Issues a warning if `args` denote -XX:+BootstrapJVMCI but -XX:-UseJVMCICompiler.
    bootstrap = False
    useJVMCICompiler = False
    for arg in args:
        if arg == '-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI':
            bootstrap = True
        elif arg == '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler':
            useJVMCICompiler = True
    if bootstrap and not useJVMCICompiler:
        mx.warn('-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI is ignored since -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler is not enabled')
コード例 #10
ファイル: mx_compiler.py プロジェクト: zapster/graal-old
def _check_bootstrap_config(args):
    Issues a warning if `args` denote -XX:+BootstrapJVMCI but -XX:-UseJVMCICompiler.
    bootstrap = False
    useJVMCICompiler = False
    for arg in args:
        if arg == '-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI':
            bootstrap = True
        elif arg == '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler':
            useJVMCICompiler = True
    if bootstrap and not useJVMCICompiler:
        mx.warn('-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI is ignored since -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler is not enabled')
コード例 #11
ファイル: mx_substratevm.py プロジェクト: charig/truffle
def native_image_on_jvm(args, **kwargs):
    save_args = []
    for arg in args:
        if arg == '--no-server' or arg.startswith('--server'):
            mx.warn('Ignoring server-mode native-image argument ' + arg)

    driver_cp = [join(suite_native_image_root(), 'lib', subdir, '*.jar') for subdir in ['boot', 'jvmci', 'graalvm']]
    driver_cp += [join(suite_native_image_root(), 'lib', 'svm', tail) for tail in ['*.jar', join('builder', '*.jar')]]
    driver_cp = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.glob(cp) for cp in driver_cp))
    run_java(['-Dnative-image.root=' + suite_native_image_root(), '-cp', ":".join(driver_cp),
        mx.dependency('substratevm:SVM_DRIVER').mainClass] + save_args, **kwargs)
コード例 #12
def setupNodeEnvironment(args, add_graal_vm_args=True):
    args = args if args else []
    mode, vmArgs, progArgs = _parseArgs(args)

    if mx.suite('vm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None and mx.suite(
            'substratevm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None:
        return mode, vmArgs, progArgs

    if mx.suite('vm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None or mx.suite(
            'substratevm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None:
            "Running on the JVM.\nIf you want to run on SubstrateVM, you need to dynamically import both '/substratevm' and '/vm'.\nExample: 'mx --env svm node'"

    _setEnvVar('JAVA_HOME', _java_home())
    if mx.suite('compiler', fatalIfMissing=False) is None:
        _setEnvVar('GRAAL_SDK_JAR_PATH', mx.distribution('sdk:GRAAL_SDK').path)
    _setEnvVar('TRUFFLENODE_JAR_PATH', mx.distribution('TRUFFLENODE').path)
    node_jvm_cp = (os.environ['NODE_JVM_CLASSPATH'] +
                   os.pathsep) if 'NODE_JVM_CLASSPATH' in os.environ else ''
    node_cp = node_jvm_cp + mx.classpath(['TRUFFLENODE'] + ([
    ] if mx.suite('tools', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None else []))
    _setEnvVar('NODE_JVM_CLASSPATH', node_cp)

    prevPATH = os.environ['PATH']
               "%s:%s" % (join(_suite.mxDir, 'fake_launchers'), prevPATH))

    if _has_jvmci() and add_graal_vm_args:
        if mx.suite('graal-enterprise', fatalIfMissing=False):
            # explicitly require the enterprise compiler configuration
            vmArgs += ['-Dgraal.CompilerConfiguration=enterprise']
        if mx.suite('compiler', fatalIfMissing=False):
            vmArgs += [
                '-Djvmci.Compiler=graal', '-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions',

    if isinstance(_suite, BinarySuite):
        mx.logv('%s is a binary suite' % _suite.name)
        tarfilepath = mx.distribution('TRUFFLENODE_GRAALVM_SUPPORT').path
        with tarfile.open(tarfilepath, 'r:') as tar:
            mx.logv('Extracting {} to {}'.format(tarfilepath, _suite.dir))

    return mode, vmArgs, progArgs
def checkLinks(javadocDir):
    href = re.compile('(?<=href=").*?(?=")')
    filesToCheck = {}
    for root, _, files in os.walk(javadocDir):
        for f in files:
            if f.endswith('.html'):
                html = os.path.join(root, f)
                content = open(html, 'r').read()
                for url in href.findall(content):
                    full = urljoin(html, url)
                    sectionIndex = full.find('#')
                    questionIndex = full.find('?')
                    minIndex = sectionIndex
                    if minIndex < 0:
                        minIndex = len(full)
                    if questionIndex >= 0 and questionIndex < minIndex:
                        minIndex = questionIndex
                    path = full[0:minIndex]

                    sectionNames = filesToCheck.get(path, [])
                    if sectionIndex >= 0:
                        s = full[sectionIndex + 1:]
                        sectionNames = sectionNames + [(html, s)]
                        sectionNames = sectionNames + [(html, None)]

                    filesToCheck[path] = sectionNames

    err = False
    for referencedfile, sections in filesToCheck.items():
        if referencedfile.startswith(
                'javascript:') or referencedfile.startswith(
                    'http:') or referencedfile.startswith(
                        'https:') or referencedfile.startswith('mailto:'):
        if not exists(referencedfile):
            mx.warn('Referenced file ' + referencedfile +
                    ' does not exist. Referenced from ' + sections[0][0])
            err = True
            content = open(referencedfile, 'r').read()
            for path, s in sections:
                if not s == None:
                    where = content.find('name="' + s + '"')
                    if where == -1:
                        mx.warn('There should be section ' + s + ' in ' +
                                referencedfile + ". Referenced from " + path)
                        err = True

    if err:
        mx.abort('There are wrong references in Javadoc')
コード例 #14
ファイル: mx_graal_9.py プロジェクト: Prototype1/graal-core
def _parseVmArgs(jdk, args, addDefaultArgs=True):
    args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)
    jacocoArgs = mx_gate.get_jacoco_agent_args()
    if jacocoArgs:
        args = jacocoArgs + args

    # Support for -G: options
    def translateGOption(arg):
        if arg.startswith('-G:+'):
            if '=' in arg:
                mx.abort('Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            arg = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=true'
        elif arg.startswith('-G:-'):
            if '=' in arg:
                mx.abort('Mixing - and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            arg = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=false'
        elif arg.startswith('-G:'):
            if '=' not in arg:
                mx.abort('Missing "=" in non-boolean -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            arg = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:'):]
        return arg
    # add default graal.options.file and translate -G: options
    options_file = join(mx.primary_suite().dir, 'graal.options')
    options_file_arg = ['-Dgraal.options.file=' + options_file] if exists(options_file) else []
    args = options_file_arg + map(translateGOption, args)

    if '-G:+PrintFlags' in args and '-Xcomp' not in args:
        mx.warn('Using -G:+PrintFlags may have no effect without -Xcomp as Graal initialization is lazy')

    bcp = [mx.distribution('truffle:TRUFFLE_API').classpath_repr()]
    if _jvmciModes[_vm.jvmciMode]:
        bcp.extend([d.get_classpath_repr() for d in _bootClasspathDists])

    args = ['-Xbootclasspath/p:' + os.pathsep.join(bcp)] + args

    # Remove JVMCI from class path. It's only there to support compilation.
    cpIndex, cp = mx.find_classpath_arg(args)
    if cp:
        jvmciLib = mx.library('JVMCI').path
        cp = os.pathsep.join([e for e in cp.split(os.pathsep) if e != jvmciLib])
        args[cpIndex] = cp

    # Set the default JVMCI compiler
    jvmciCompiler = _compilers[-1]
    args = ['-Djvmci.Compiler=' + jvmciCompiler] + args

    if '-version' in args:
        ignoredArgs = args[args.index('-version') + 1:]
        if  len(ignoredArgs) > 0:
            mx.log("Warning: The following options will be ignored by the vm because they come after the '-version' argument: " + ' '.join(ignoredArgs))
    return jdk.processArgs(args, addDefaultArgs=addDefaultArgs)
コード例 #15
ファイル: mx_unittest.py プロジェクト: charig/mx
def _write_cached_testclasses(cachesDir, jar, testclasses):
    Writes `testclasses` to a cache file specific to `jar`.

    :param str cachesDir: directory containing files with cached test lists
    :param list testclasses: a list of test class names
    cache = join(cachesDir, basename(jar) + '.testclasses')
        with open(cache, 'w') as fp:
            for classname in testclasses:
                print >> fp, classname
    except IOError as e:
        mx.warn('Error writing to ' + cache + ': ' + str(e))
コード例 #16
ファイル: mx_unittest.py プロジェクト: mukel/mx
def _write_cached_testclasses(cachesDir, jar, testclasses):
    Writes `testclasses` to a cache file specific to `jar`.

    :param str cachesDir: directory containing files with cached test lists
    :param list testclasses: a list of test class names
    cache = join(cachesDir, basename(jar) + '.testclasses')
        with open(cache, 'w') as fp:
            for classname in testclasses:
                print >> fp, classname
    except IOError as e:
        mx.warn('Error writing to ' + cache + ': ' + str(e))
コード例 #17
ファイル: mx_compdb.py プロジェクト: addstone/graalvm-mx
def _get_bear_version():
    global _bear_version
    if _bear_version == '<uninitialized>':
            output = mx._check_output_str(['bear', '--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        except OSError:
            output = ''
        m = _bear_version_regex.search(output)
        if m:
            _bear_version = int(m.group(1))
            mx.warn("Could not find bear, will not produce compilation database for make projects.")
            _bear_version = None
    return _bear_version
コード例 #18
ファイル: mx_fastr.py プロジェクト: petermz/fastr
def cran_pkg_tests(list_file, graalvm_home=None):
    cache_args = []
    cache = os.environ.get('FASTR_PKGS_CACHE_OPT')
    if cache is None:
            "If you want to use R packages cache, export environment variable FASTR_PKGS_CACHE_OPT. See option '--cache-pkgs' of 'mx pkgtest' for the syntax."
        cache_args += ['--cache-pkgs', cache]
    result = pkgtest(["--verbose"] + cache_args +
                     common_pkg_tests_args(graalvm_home) +
                     ["--pkg-filelist", list_file])
    if result != 0:
        mx.abort("package test failed")
コード例 #19
ファイル: mx_fetchjdk.py プロジェクト: graalvm/mx
def _choose_jdk_binary(jdk_binaries, quiet=False):
    if quiet:
        return _get_jdk_binary_or_abort(jdk_binaries, _DEFAULT_JDK_ID)

    index = 1
    default_choice = 1
    choices = sorted(jdk_binaries.items())
    for jdk_id, jdk_binary in choices:
        if jdk_id == _DEFAULT_JDK_ID:
            default_choice = index
            default = "*"
            default = " "
        prefix = '[{index}]{default}'.format(index=index, default=default)

        print("{prefix:5} {jdk_id} | {version}".format(
        index += 1
    print('{:5} Other version'.format('[{}]'.format(index)))
    while True:
                choice = input("Select JDK> ")
            except SyntaxError:  # Empty line
                choice = ""

            if choice == "":
                index = default_choice - 1
                index = int(choice) - 1

            if index < 0:
                raise IndexError(choice)
            if index == len(choices):
                choice = input("Select base JDK (1 .. {})> ".format(index))
                base_index = int(choice) - 1
                if base_index < 0 or base_index >= index:
                    raise IndexError(choice)
                base_jdk = choices[base_index][1]
                version = input("Enter version [{}]> ".format(
                if version == "":
                    version = base_jdk._version
                return base_jdk.with_version(version)
            return choices[index][1]
        except (NameError, IndexError) as e:
            mx.warn("Invalid selection: {}".format(e))
コード例 #20
ファイル: mx_substratevm.py プロジェクト: subiron/graal
def native_image_on_jvm(args, **kwargs):
    save_args = []
    for arg in args:
        if arg == '--no-server' or arg.startswith('--server'):
            mx.warn('Ignoring server-mode native-image argument ' + arg)

    driver_cp = [join(suite_native_image_root(), 'lib', subdir, '*.jar') for subdir in ['boot', 'jvmci', 'graalvm']]
    driver_cp += [join(suite_native_image_root(), 'lib', 'svm', tail) for tail in ['*.jar', join('builder', '*.jar')]]
    driver_cp = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.glob(cp) for cp in driver_cp))

    svmVersion = suite.release_version(snapshotSuffix='SNAPSHOT')
    run_java(['-Dorg.graalvm.version=' + svmVersion, '-Dnative-image.root=' + suite_native_image_root(), '-cp', os.pathsep.join(driver_cp),
        mx.dependency('substratevm:SVM_DRIVER').mainClass] + save_args, **kwargs)
コード例 #21
def _is_batik_supported(jdk):
    Determines if Batik runs on the given jdk. Batik's JPEGRegistryEntry contains a reference
    to TruncatedFileException, which is specific to the Sun/Oracle JDK. On a different JDK,
    this results in a NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/image/codec/jpeg/TruncatedFileException
            [jdk.javap, 'com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.TruncatedFileException'])
        return True
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            'Batik uses Sun internal class com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.TruncatedFileException which is not present in '
            + jdk.home)
        return False
コード例 #22
ファイル: mx_graal_benchmark.py プロジェクト: oraluben/graal
 def extra_agent_run_arg(self, benchmark, args, image_run_args):
     jmhOptions = self._extractJMHOptions(args)
     for index, option in enumerate(jmhOptions):
         argument = jmhOptions[index +
                               1] if index + 1 < len(jmhOptions) else None
         if option == '-f' and argument != '0':
                 f"JMH native images don't support -f with non-zero argument {argument}, ignoring it"
         elif option.startswith('-jvmArgs'):
                 f"JMH native images don't support option {option}, ignoring it"
     return super(JMHJarBasedNativeImageBenchmarkMixin,
                  self).extra_agent_run_arg(benchmark, args, image_run_args)
コード例 #23
ファイル: mx_substratevm.py プロジェクト: yangboyd/graal
def native_image_context(common_args=None,
    common_args = [] if common_args is None else common_args
    base_args = ['-H:Path=' + svmbuild_dir()]
    if debug_gr_8964:
        base_args += ['-Ddebug_gr_8964=true']
    if mx.get_opts().verbose:
        base_args += ['--verbose']
    if mx.get_opts().very_verbose:
        base_args += ['--verbose-server']
    if hosted_assertions:
        base_args += native_image_context.hosted_assertions
    native_image_cmd = native_image_path(suite_native_image_root())

    if exists(native_image_cmd):

        def _native_image(args, **kwargs):
            mx.run([native_image_cmd] + args, **kwargs)
            'native-image executable not found. Fallback to `mx native-image`')
        _native_image = native_image_on_jvm

    def query_native_image(all_args, option):
        out = mx.LinesOutputCapture()
        _native_image(['--dry-run'] + all_args, out=out)
        for line in out.lines:
            _, sep, after = line.partition(option)
            if sep:
                return after.split(' ')[0].rstrip()
        return None

    def native_image_func(args, debug_gr_8964=False):
        all_args = base_args + common_args + args
        path = query_native_image(all_args, '-H:Path=')
        name = query_native_image(all_args, '-H:Name=')
        image = join(path, name)
        return image

        if exists(native_image_cmd):
        yield native_image_func
        if exists(native_image_cmd):
コード例 #24
ファイル: mx_tools.py プロジェクト: charig/truffle
def checkLinks(javadocDir):
    href = re.compile('(?<=href=").*?(?=")')
    filesToCheck = {}
    for root, _, files in os.walk(javadocDir):
        for f in files:
            if f.endswith('.html'):
                html = os.path.join(root, f)
                content = open(html, 'r').read()
                for url in href.findall(content):
                    full = urljoin(html, url)
                    sectionIndex = full.find('#')
                    questionIndex = full.find('?')
                    minIndex = sectionIndex
                    if minIndex < 0:
                        minIndex = len(full)
                    if questionIndex >= 0 and questionIndex < minIndex:
                        minIndex = questionIndex
                    path = full[0:minIndex]

                    sectionNames = filesToCheck.get(path, [])
                    if sectionIndex >= 0:
                        s = full[sectionIndex + 1:]
                        sectionNames = sectionNames + [(html, s)]
                        sectionNames = sectionNames + [(html, None)]

                    filesToCheck[path] = sectionNames

    err = False
    for referencedfile, sections in filesToCheck.items():
        if referencedfile.startswith('javascript:') or referencedfile.startswith('http:') or referencedfile.startswith('https:') or referencedfile.startswith('mailto:'):
        if not exists(referencedfile):
            mx.warn('Referenced file ' + referencedfile + ' does not exist. Referenced from ' + sections[0][0])
            err = True
            content = open(referencedfile, 'r').read()
            for path, s in sections:
                if not s == None:
                    whereName = content.find('name="' + s + '"')
                    whereId = content.find('id="' + s + '"')
                    if whereName == -1 and whereId == -1:
                        mx.warn('There should be section ' + s + ' in ' + referencedfile + ". Referenced from " + path)
                        err = True

    if err:
        mx.abort('There are wrong references in Javadoc')
コード例 #25
ファイル: mx_unittest.py プロジェクト: mukel/mx
def _read_cached_testclasses(cachesDir, jar):
    Reads the cached list of test classes in `jar`.

    :param str cachesDir: directory containing files with cached test lists
    :return: the cached list of test classes in `jar` or None if the cache doesn't
             exist or is out of date
    cache = join(cachesDir, basename(jar) + '.testclasses')
    if exists(cache) and mx.TimeStampFile(cache).isNewerThan(jar):
        # Only use the cached result if the source jar is older than the cache file
            with open(cache) as fp:
                return [line.strip() for line in fp.readlines()]
        except IOError as e:
            mx.warn('Error reading from ' + cache + ': ' + str(e))
    return None
コード例 #26
ファイル: mx_graal_core.py プロジェクト: emrul/graal-core
 def checkGOption(arg):
     if arg.startswith('-G:+'):
         if '=' in arg:
             mx.abort('Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
         translation = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=true'
     elif arg.startswith('-G:-'):
         if '=' in arg:
             mx.abort('Mixing - and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
         translation = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=false'
     elif arg.startswith('-G:'):
         if '=' not in arg:
             mx.abort('Missing "=" in non-boolean -G: option specification: ' + arg)
         translation = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:'):]
         return arg
     mx.warn('Support for -G options is deprecated and will soon be removed. Replace "' + arg + '" with "' + translation + '"')
     return translation
コード例 #27
ファイル: mx_unittest.py プロジェクト: charig/mx
def _read_cached_testclasses(cachesDir, jar):
    Reads the cached list of test classes in `jar`.

    :param str cachesDir: directory containing files with cached test lists
    :return: the cached list of test classes in `jar` or None if the cache doesn't
             exist or is out of date
    cache = join(cachesDir, basename(jar) + '.testclasses')
    if exists(cache) and mx.TimeStampFile(cache).isNewerThan(jar):
        # Only use the cached result if the source jar is older than the cache file
            with open(cache) as fp:
                return [line.strip() for line in fp.readlines()]
        except IOError as e:
            mx.warn('Error reading from ' + cache + ': ' + str(e))
    return None
コード例 #28
ファイル: mx_graal_nodejs.py プロジェクト: prg-titech/graaljs
def setupNodeEnvironment(args, add_graal_vm_args=True):
    args = args if args else []
    mode, vmArgs, progArgs = _parseArgs(args)

    if _is_windows:

    if mx.suite('vm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None and mx.suite(
            'substratevm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None:
        return mode, vmArgs, progArgs

    if mx.suite('vm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None or mx.suite(
            'substratevm', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None:
            "Running on the JVM.\nIf you want to run on SubstrateVM, you need to dynamically import both '/substratevm' and '/vm'.\nExample: 'mx --env svm node'"

    _setEnvVar('JAVA_HOME', _java_home())
    # if mx.suite('compiler', fatalIfMissing=False) is None:
    #     _setEnvVar('GRAAL_SDK_JAR_PATH', mx.distribution('sdk:GRAAL_SDK').path)
    _setEnvVar('TRUFFLENODE_JAR_PATH', mx.distribution('TRUFFLENODE').path)
    node_jvm_cp = (os.environ['NODE_JVM_CLASSPATH'] +
                   pathsep) if 'NODE_JVM_CLASSPATH' in os.environ else ''
    node_cp = node_jvm_cp + mx.classpath(['TRUFFLENODE'] + (
        ['tools:CHROMEINSPECTOR', 'tools:TRUFFLE_PROFILER', 'tools:INSIGHT']
        if mx.suite('tools', fatalIfMissing=False) is not None else []))
    _setEnvVar('NODE_JVM_CLASSPATH', node_cp)

    prevPATH = os.environ['PATH']
        "%s%s%s" % (join(_suite.mxDir, 'fake_launchers'), pathsep, prevPATH))

    if isinstance(_suite, BinarySuite):
        mx.logv('%s is a binary suite' % _suite.name)
        tarfilepath = mx.distribution('TRUFFLENODE_GRAALVM_SUPPORT').path
        with tarfile.open(tarfilepath, 'r:') as tar:
            mx.logv('Extracting {} to {}'.format(tarfilepath, _suite.dir))

    return mode, vmArgs, progArgs
コード例 #29
ファイル: mx_subst.py プロジェクト: timfel/mx
 def _replace(self, m):
     var = m.group(1)
     if var in self._subst:
         fn = self._subst[var]
         if self._hasArg[var]:
             arg = m.group(3)
             return fn(arg)
             if m.group(3) is not None:
                 mx.warn('Ignoring argument in substitution ' + m.group(0))
             if callable(fn):
                 return fn()
                 return fn
     elif self._chain is not None:
         return self._chain._replace(m)
         mx.abort('Unknown substitution: ' + m.group(0))
コード例 #30
def native_image_on_jvm(args, **kwargs):
    save_args = []
    for arg in args:
        if arg == '--no-server' or arg.startswith('--server'):
            mx.warn('Ignoring server-mode native-image argument ' + arg)

    if mx.is_windows():
        config = graalvm_jvm_configs[-1]
        executable = vm_native_image_path(config)
        vm_link = join(svmbuild_dir(), 'vm')
        executable = join(vm_link, 'bin', 'native-image')
    if not exists(executable):
        mx.abort("Can not find " + executable + "\nDid you forget to build? Try `mx build`")
    mx.run([executable, '-H:CLibraryPath=' + clibrary_libpath()] + save_args, **kwargs)
コード例 #31
def hsdis(args, copyToDir=None):
    """download the hsdis library

    This is needed to support HotSpot's assembly dumping features.
    By default it downloads the Intel syntax version, use the 'att' argument to install AT&T syntax."""
    flavor = None
    if mx.get_arch() == "amd64":
        flavor = mx.get_env('HSDIS_SYNTAX')
        if flavor is None:
            flavor = 'intel'
        if 'att' in args:
            flavor = 'att'

    libpattern = mx.add_lib_suffix('hsdis-' + mx.get_arch() + '-' + mx.get_os() + '-%s')

    sha1s = {
        'att/hsdis-amd64-windows-%s.dll' : 'bcbd535a9568b5075ab41e96205e26a2bac64f72',
        'att/hsdis-amd64-linux-%s.so' : '36a0b8e30fc370727920cc089f104bfb9cd508a0',
        'att/hsdis-amd64-darwin-%s.dylib' : 'c1865e9a58ca773fdc1c5eea0a4dfda213420ffb',
        'intel/hsdis-amd64-windows-%s.dll' : '6a388372cdd5fe905c1a26ced614334e405d1f30',
        'intel/hsdis-amd64-linux-%s.so' : '0d031013db9a80d6c88330c42c983fbfa7053193',
        'intel/hsdis-amd64-darwin-%s.dylib' : '67f6d23cbebd8998450a88b5bef362171f66f11a',
        'hsdis-sparcv9-solaris-%s.so': '970640a9af0bd63641f9063c11275b371a59ee60',
        'hsdis-sparcv9-linux-%s.so': '0c375986d727651dee1819308fbbc0de4927d5d9',

    if flavor:
        flavoredLib = flavor + "/" + libpattern
        flavoredLib = libpattern
    if flavoredLib not in sha1s:
        mx.warn("hsdis with flavor '{}' not supported on this plattform or architecture".format(flavor))

    sha1 = sha1s[flavoredLib]
    lib = flavoredLib % (sha1)
    path = join(_suite.get_output_root(), lib)
    if not exists(path):
        sha1path = path + '.sha1'
        mx.download_file_with_sha1('hsdis', path, ['https://lafo.ssw.uni-linz.ac.at/pub/hsdis/' + lib], sha1, sha1path, True, True, sources=False)
    if copyToDir is not None and exists(copyToDir):
        destFileName = mx.add_lib_suffix('hsdis-' + mx.get_arch())
        mx.logv('Copying {} to {}'.format(path, copyToDir + os.sep + destFileName))
        shutil.copy(path, copyToDir + os.sep + destFileName)
コード例 #32
 def attribute_events(self, perf_data):
     assert self.low_address is not None and self.high_address is not None
     attributed = 0
     unknown = 0
     missing = 0
     for event in perf_data.events:
         if self.low_address <= event.pc < self.high_address:
             if self.add_event(event):
                 attributed += 1
                 missing += 1
         elif event.symbol == '[Unknown]':
             unknown += 1
     if missing > 50:
         # some versions of JVMTI leave out the stubs section of nmethod which occassionally gets ticks
         # so a small number of missing ticks should be ignored.
             '{} events of {} could not be mapped to generated code'.format(
                 missing, attributed + missing))
コード例 #33
def _read_cached_testclasses(cachesDir, jar, jdk):
    Reads the cached list of test classes in `jar`.

    :param str cachesDir: directory containing files with cached test lists
    :param JDKConfig jdk: the JDK for which the cached list of classes must be found
    :return: the cached list of test classes in `jar` or None if the cache doesn't
             exist or is out of date
    jdkVersion = '.jdk' + str(jdk.javaCompliance)
    cache = join(cachesDir, basename(jar) + jdkVersion + '.testclasses')
    if exists(cache) and mx.TimeStampFile(cache).isNewerThan(jar):
        # Only use the cached result if the source jar is older than the cache file
            with open(cache) as fp:
                return [line.strip() for line in fp.readlines()]
        except IOError as e:
            mx.warn('Error reading from ' + cache + ': ' + str(e))
    return None
コード例 #34
def gate_body(args, tasks):
    with Task('Vm: GraalVM dist names', tasks, tags=['names']) as t:
        if t:
            mx_sdk_vm.verify_graalvm_configs(suites=['vm', 'vm-enterprise'])

    with Task('Vm: Basic GraalVM Tests', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.compiler]) as t:
        if t and mx_sdk_vm_impl.has_component('GraalVM compiler'):
            # 1. the build must be a GraalVM
            # 2. the build must be JVMCI-enabled since the 'GraalVM compiler' component is registered
            mx_sdk_vm_impl.check_versions(mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_output(), graalvm_version_regex=mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_version_regex, expect_graalvm=True, check_jvmci=True)

    if mx_sdk_vm_impl.has_component('LibGraal'):
        libgraal_location = mx_sdk_vm_impl.get_native_image_locations('LibGraal', 'jvmcicompiler')
        if libgraal_location is None:
            mx.warn("Skipping libgraal tests: no library enabled in the LibGraal component")
            extra_vm_arguments = ['-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler', '-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary', '-XX:JVMCILibPath=' + dirname(libgraal_location)]
            if args.extra_vm_argument:
                extra_vm_arguments += args.extra_vm_argument

            # run avrora on the GraalVM binary itself
            with Task('LibGraal Compiler:Basic', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                if t: _test_libgraal_basic(extra_vm_arguments)
            with Task('LibGraal Compiler:FatalErrorHandling', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                if t: _test_libgraal_fatal_error_handling()

            with Task('LibGraal Compiler:CTW', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                if t: _test_libgraal_ctw(extra_vm_arguments)

            import mx_compiler
            mx_compiler.compiler_gate_benchmark_runner(tasks, extra_vm_arguments, prefix='LibGraal Compiler:')

            with Task('LibGraal Truffle:unittest', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                if t: _test_libgraal_truffle(extra_vm_arguments)
        mx.warn("Skipping libgraal tests: component not enabled")

コード例 #35
def mx_post_parse_cmd_line(opts):
    mx.addJDKFactory(_JVMCI_JDK_TAG, mx.JavaCompliance('9'), JVMCIJDKFactory())

    jdkTag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag

    jvmVariant = None
    debugLevel = None
    jvmciMode = None

    if opts.jdk_jvm_variant is not None:
        jvmVariant = opts.jdk_jvm_variant
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jdk-jvm-variant" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    if opts.jdk_debug_level is not None:
        debugLevel = _translateLegacyDebugLevel(opts.jdk_debug_level)
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jdk-debug-level" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    if opts.jvmci_mode is not None:
        jvmciMode = opts.jvmci_mode
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jvmci-mode" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    _vm.update(jvmVariant, debugLevel, jvmciMode)

    for jdkDist in jdkDeployedDists:
        dist = jdkDist.dist()
        if isinstance(jdkDist, JvmciJDKDeployedDist):
コード例 #36
ファイル: mx_jvmci.py プロジェクト: dougxc/dougxc.github.io
def mx_post_parse_cmd_line(opts):

    jdkTag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag

    jvmVariant = None
    debugLevel = None
    jvmciMode = None

    if opts.jdk_jvm_variant is not None:
        jvmVariant = opts.jdk_jvm_variant
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
                'Ignoring "--jdk-jvm-variant" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' +
                _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    if opts.jdk_debug_level is not None:
        debugLevel = _translateLegacyDebugLevel(opts.jdk_debug_level)
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
                'Ignoring "--jdk-debug-level" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' +
                _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    if opts.jvmci_mode is not None:
        jvmciMode = opts.jvmci_mode
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jvmci-mode" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' +
                    _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    _vm.update(jvmVariant, debugLevel, jvmciMode)
コード例 #37
ファイル: mx_jvmci.py プロジェクト: mearvk/JVM
def mx_post_parse_cmd_line(opts):

    jdkTag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag

    jvmVariant = None
    debugLevel = None
    jvmciMode = None

    if opts.jdk_jvm_variant is not None:
        jvmVariant = opts.jdk_jvm_variant
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jdk-jvm-variant" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    if opts.jdk_debug_level is not None:
        debugLevel = _translateLegacyDebugLevel(opts.jdk_debug_level)
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jdk-debug-level" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    if opts.jvmci_mode is not None:
        jvmciMode = opts.jvmci_mode
        if jdkTag and jdkTag != _JVMCI_JDK_TAG:
            mx.warn('Ignoring "--jvmci-mode" option as "--jdk" tag is not "' + _JVMCI_JDK_TAG + '"')

    _vm.update(jvmVariant, debugLevel, jvmciMode)
コード例 #38
def jackpot(args, suite=None, nonZeroIsFatal=False):
    """run Jackpot 11.1 against non-test Java projects"""

    jackpotHome = mx.get_env('JACKPOT_HOME', None)
    if jackpotHome:
        jackpotJar = join(jackpotHome, 'jackpot.jar')
        jackpotJar = mx.library('JACKPOT').get_path(resolve=True)
    assert exists(jackpotJar)
    if suite is None:
        suite = mx.primary_suite()
    nonTestProjects = [p for p in mx.projects() if _should_test_project(p)]
    if not nonTestProjects:
        return 0
    groups = []
    for p in nonTestProjects:
        javacClasspath = []

        deps = []
        p.walk_deps(visit=lambda dep, edge: deps.append(dep) if dep.isLibrary() or dep.isJavaProject() else None)
        annotationProcessorOnlyDeps = []
        if len(p.annotation_processors()) > 0:
            for apDep in p.annotation_processors():
                if not apDep in deps:

        for dep in deps:
            if dep == p:

            if dep in annotationProcessorOnlyDeps:


        sourceLevel = min(p.javaCompliance.value, 9)

        groups = groups + ['--group', "--classpath " + mx._separatedCygpathU2W(_escape_string(os.pathsep.join(javacClasspath))) + " --source " + str(sourceLevel) + " " + " ".join([_escape_string(d) for d in p.source_dirs()])]

    cmd = ['--add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.code=ALL-UNNAMED', '--add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED', '--add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED']
    cmd = cmd + ['-classpath', mx._cygpathU2W(jackpotJar), 'org.netbeans.modules.jackpot30.cmdline.Main']
    jackCmd = ['--fail-on-warnings', '--progress'] + args + groups

    jdk = mx.get_jdk(mx.JavaCompliance("11+"), cancel='cannot run Jackpot', purpose="run Jackpot")
    if jdk is None:
        mx.warn('Skipping Jackpot since JDK 11+ is not available')
        return 0
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.jackpot') as f:
            for c in jackCmd:
                print(c, file=f)
            ret = mx.run_java(cmd + ['@' + f.name], nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, jdk=jdk)
            if ret != 0:
                mx.warn('To simulate the failure execute `mx -p {0} jackpot`.'.format(suite.dir))
                mx.warn('To fix the error automatically try `mx -p {0} jackpot --apply`'.format(suite.dir))
            return ret
コード例 #39
def _write_cached_testclasses(cachesDir, jar, jdk, testclasses, excludedclasses):
    Writes `testclasses` to a cache file specific to `jar`.

    :param str cachesDir: directory containing files with cached test lists
    :param JDKConfig jdk: the JDK for which the cached list of classes must be written
    :param list testclasses: a list of test class names
    :param list excludedclasses: a list of excluded class names
    jdkVersion = '.jdk' + str(jdk.javaCompliance)
    cache = join(cachesDir, basename(jar) + jdkVersion + '.testclasses')
    exclusions = join(cachesDir, basename(jar) + jdkVersion + '.excludedclasses')
        with open(cache, 'w') as fp:
            for classname in testclasses:
                print(classname, file=fp)
        with open(exclusions, 'w') as fp:
            if excludedclasses:
                mx.warn('Unsupported class files listed in ' + exclusions)
            for classname in excludedclasses:
                print(classname[1:], file=fp)
    except IOError as e:
        mx.warn('Error writing to ' + cache + ': ' + str(e))
コード例 #40
ファイル: mx_graal_core.py プロジェクト: emrul/graal-core
 def __add__(self, arcname, contents):
     if arcname.startswith('META-INF/providers/'):
         if self.isTest:
             # The test distributions must not have their @ServiceProvider
             # generated providers converted to real services otherwise
             # bad things can happen such as InvocationPlugins being registered twice.
             provider = arcname[len('META-INF/providers/'):]
             for service in contents.strip().split(os.linesep):
                 assert service
                 self.services.setdefault(service, []).append(provider)
         return True
     elif arcname.endswith('_OptionDescriptors.class'):
         if self.isTest:
             mx.warn('@Option defined in test code will be ignored: ' + arcname)
             # Need to create service files for the providers of the
             # jdk.vm.ci.options.Options service created by
             # jdk.vm.ci.options.processor.OptionProcessor.
             provider = arcname[:-len('.class'):].replace('/', '.')
             self.services.setdefault('com.oracle.graal.options.OptionDescriptors', []).append(provider)
     return False
コード例 #41
 def __add__(self, arcname, contents):
     if arcname.startswith('META-INF/providers/'):
         if self.isTest:
             # The test distributions must not have their @ServiceProvider
             # generated providers converted to real services otherwise
             # bad things can happen such as InvocationPlugins being registered twice.
             provider = arcname[len('META-INF/providers/'):]
             for service in contents.strip().split(os.linesep):
                 assert service
                 self.services.setdefault(service, []).append(provider)
         return True
     elif arcname.endswith('_OptionDescriptors.class'):
         if self.isTest:
             mx.warn('@Option defined in test code will be ignored: ' + arcname)
             # Need to create service files for the providers of the
             # jdk.internal.vm.ci.options.Options service created by
             # jdk.internal.vm.ci.options.processor.OptionProcessor.
             provider = arcname[:-len('.class'):].replace('/', '.')
             self.services.setdefault('org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionDescriptors', []).append(provider)
     return False
コード例 #42
ファイル: mx_ide_intellij.py プロジェクト: oraluben/mx
def intellij_read_sdks():
    sdks = dict()
    if mx.is_linux() or mx.is_openbsd() or mx.is_sunos() or mx.is_windows():
        xmlSdks = glob.glob(os.path.expanduser("~/.IdeaIC*/config/options/jdk.table.xml")) + \
          glob.glob(os.path.expanduser("~/.IntelliJIdea*/config/options/jdk.table.xml")) + \
          glob.glob(os.path.expanduser("~/.config/JetBrains/IdeaIC*/options/jdk.table.xml")) + \
    elif mx.is_darwin():
        xmlSdks = \
          glob.glob(os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IdeaIC*/options/jdk.table.xml")) + \
          glob.glob(os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea*/options/jdk.table.xml")) + \
          glob.glob(os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC*/options/jdk.table.xml")) + \
        mx.warn("Location of IntelliJ SDK definitions on {} is unknown".format(mx.get_os()))
        return sdks
    if len(xmlSdks) == 0:
        mx.warn("IntelliJ SDK definitions not found")
        return sdks

    verRE = re.compile(r'^.*[/\\]\.?(IntelliJIdea|IdeaIC)([^/\\]+)[/\\].*$')
    def verSort(path):
        match = verRE.match(path)
        return match.group(2) + (".a" if match.group(1) == "IntellijIC" else ".b")

    xmlSdk = xmlSdks[-1]  # Pick the most recent IntelliJ version, preferring Ultimate over Community edition.
    mx.log("Using SDK definitions from {}".format(xmlSdk))

    versionRegexes = {}
    versionRegexes[intellij_java_sdk_type] = re.compile(r'^java\s+version\s+"([^"]+)"$|^version\s+(.+)$|^([\d._]+)$')
    versionRegexes[intellij_python_sdk_type] = re.compile(r'^Python\s+(.+)$')
    # Examples:
    #   truffleruby 19.2.0-dev-2b2a7f81, like ruby 2.6.2, Interpreted JVM [x86_64-linux]
    #   ver.2.2.4p230 ( revision 53155) p230
    versionRegexes[intellij_ruby_sdk_type] = re.compile(r'^\D*(\d[^ ,]+)')

    for sdk in etreeParse(xmlSdk).getroot().findall("component[@name='ProjectJdkTable']/jdk[@version='2']"):
        name = sdk.find("name").get("value")
        kind = sdk.find("type").get("value")
        home = realpath(os.path.expanduser(sdk.find("homePath").get("value").replace('$USER_HOME$', '~')))
        if home.find('$APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$') != -1:
            # Don't know how to convert this into a real path so ignore it
        versionRE = versionRegexes.get(kind)
        if not versionRE or sdk.find("version") is None:
            # ignore unknown kinds

        match = versionRE.match(sdk.find("version").get("value"))
        if match:
            version = match.group(1)
            sdks[home] = {'name': name, 'type': kind, 'version': version}
            mx.logv("Found SDK {} with values {}".format(home, sdks[home]))
            mx.warn(u"Couldn't understand Java version specification \"{}\" for {} in {}".format(sdk.find("version").get("value"), home, xmlSdk))
    return sdks
コード例 #43
    def choose_dist(quiet=False):
        if quiet:
            return JdkDistribution.by_name(JdkDistribution._DEFAULT_JDK)

        index = 1
        default_choice = 1
        for dist in JdkDistribution._jdk_distributions:
            if dist.get_name() == JdkDistribution._DEFAULT_JDK:
                default_choice = index
                default = "*"
                default = " "
            print("[{index}]{default} {name} | {version}".format(
            index += 1
        while True:
                    choice = input("Select JDK>")
                except SyntaxError:  # Empty line
                    choice = ""

                if choice == "":
                    index = default_choice - 1
                    index = int(choice) - 1

                if index < 0:
                    raise IndexError

                return JdkDistribution._jdk_distributions[index]
            except (SyntaxError, NameError, IndexError):
                mx.warn("Invalid selection!")
コード例 #44
ファイル: mx_native.py プロジェクト: stiansols/mx
    def _ninja_deps(cls):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        deps = []

            subprocess.check_output(['ninja', '--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        except OSError:
            dep = mx.library('NINJA', False)
            if dep:
                Ninja.binary = mx.join(dep.get_path(False), 'ninja')
                # necessary until GR-13214 is resolved
                mx.warn('Make `ninja` binary available via PATH to build native projects.')

            import ninja_syntax  # pylint: disable=unused-variable, unused-import
        except ImportError:
            dep = mx.library('NINJA_SYNTAX')
            module_path = mx.join(dep.get_path(False), 'ninja_syntax-{}'.format(dep.version))
            mx.ensure_dir_exists(module_path)  # otherwise, import machinery will ignore it

        return deps
コード例 #45
def extractArguments(cli_args):
    vmArgs = []
    rubyArgs = []
    classpath = []
    print_command = False
    classic = False
    main_class = "org.jruby.Main"

    jruby_opts = os.environ.get('JRUBY_OPTS')
    if jruby_opts:
        jruby_opts = jruby_opts.split(' ')

    for args in [jruby_opts, cli_args]:
        while args:
            arg = args.pop(0)
            if arg == '-X+T':
                pass  # Just drop it
            elif arg == '-X+TM':
                main_class = "org.jruby.truffle.Main"
            elif arg == '-Xclassic':
                classic = True
            elif arg == '-J-cmd':
                print_command = True
            elif arg.startswith('-J-G:+'):
                rewritten = '-Dgraal.' + arg[6:] + '=true'
                mx.warn(arg + ' is deprecated - use -J' + rewritten +
                        ' instead')
            elif arg.startswith('-J-G:-'):
                rewritten = '-Dgraal.' + arg[6:] + '=false'
                mx.warn(arg + ' is deprecated - use -J' + rewritten +
                        ' instead')
            elif arg.startswith('-J-G:'):
                rewritten = '-Dgraal.' + arg[5:]
                mx.warn(arg + ' is deprecated - use -J' + rewritten +
                        ' instead')
            elif arg == '-J-cp' or arg == '-J-classpath':
                cp = args.pop(0)
                if cp[:2] == '-J':
                    cp = cp[2:]
            elif arg.startswith('-J-'):
            elif arg.startswith('-X+') or arg.startswith('-X-'):
            elif arg.startswith('-X'):
                vmArgs.append('-Djruby.' + arg[2:])
    return vmArgs, rubyArgs, classpath, print_command, classic, main_class
コード例 #46
ファイル: mx_vm_gate.py プロジェクト: oraluben/graal
def gate_body(args, tasks):
    with Task('Vm: GraalVM dist names', tasks, tags=['names']) as t:
        if t:
            mx_sdk_vm.verify_graalvm_configs(suites=['vm', 'vm-enterprise'])

    with Task('Vm: Basic GraalVM Tests', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.compiler]) as t:
        if t and mx_sdk_vm_impl.has_component('GraalVM compiler'):
            # 1. the build must be a GraalVM
            # 2. the build must be JVMCI-enabled since the 'GraalVM compiler' component is registered
            mx_sdk_vm_impl.check_versions(mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_output(), graalvm_version_regex=mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_version_regex, expect_graalvm=True, check_jvmci=True)

    libgraal_suite_name = 'substratevm'
    if mx.suite(libgraal_suite_name, fatalIfMissing=False) is not None:
        import mx_substratevm
        # Use `short_name` rather than `name` since the code that follows
        # should be executed also when "LibGraal Enterprise" is registered
        if mx_sdk_vm_impl.has_component(mx_substratevm.libgraal.short_name):
            libgraal_location = mx_sdk_vm_impl.get_native_image_locations(mx_substratevm.libgraal.short_name, 'jvmcicompiler')
            if libgraal_location is None:
                mx.warn("Skipping libgraal tests: no library enabled in the LibGraal component")
                extra_vm_arguments = ['-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler', '-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary', '-XX:JVMCILibPath=' + dirname(libgraal_location)]
                if args.extra_vm_argument:
                    extra_vm_arguments += args.extra_vm_argument

                # run avrora on the GraalVM binary itself
                with Task('LibGraal Compiler:Basic', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                    if t: _test_libgraal_basic(extra_vm_arguments)
                with Task('LibGraal Compiler:FatalErrorHandling', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                    if t: _test_libgraal_fatal_error_handling()

                with Task('LibGraal Compiler:CTW', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                    if t: _test_libgraal_ctw(extra_vm_arguments)

                import mx_compiler
                mx_compiler.compiler_gate_benchmark_runner(tasks, extra_vm_arguments, prefix='LibGraal Compiler:')

                with Task('LibGraal Truffle:unittest', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t:
                    if t: _test_libgraal_truffle(extra_vm_arguments)
            mx.warn("Skipping libgraal tests: component not enabled")
        mx.warn("Skipping libgraal tests: suite '{suite}' not found. Did you forget to dynamically import it? (--dynamicimports {suite})".format(suite=libgraal_suite_name))

    gate_substratevm(tasks, quickbuild=True)
コード例 #47
ファイル: mx_jruby.py プロジェクト: sumitmah/jruby
def extractArguments(cli_args):
    vmArgs = []
    rubyArgs = []
    classpath = []
    print_command = False

    jruby_opts = os.environ.get('JRUBY_OPTS')
    if jruby_opts:
        jruby_opts = jruby_opts.split(' ')

    for args in [jruby_opts, cli_args]:
        while args:
            arg = args.pop(0)
            if arg == '-X+T':
                # ignore - default
            elif arg == '-Xclassic':
                mx.error('-Xclassic no longer supported')
            elif arg == '-J-cmd':
                print_command = True
            elif arg.startswith('-J-G:+'):
                rewritten = '-Dgraal.'+arg[6:]+'=true'
                mx.warn(arg + ' is deprecated - use -J' + rewritten + ' instead')
            elif arg.startswith('-J-G:-'):
                rewritten = '-Dgraal.'+arg[6:]+'=false'
                mx.warn(arg + ' is deprecated - use -J' + rewritten + ' instead')
            elif arg.startswith('-J-G:'):
                rewritten = '-Dgraal.'+arg[5:]
                mx.warn(arg + ' is deprecated - use -J' + rewritten + ' instead')
            elif arg == '-J-cp' or arg == '-J-classpath':
                cp = args.pop(0)
                if cp[:2] == '-J':
                    cp = cp[2:]
            elif arg.startswith('-J-'):
            elif arg.startswith('-X+') or arg.startswith('-X-') or arg.startswith('-Xlog='):
            elif arg.startswith('-X'):
    return vmArgs, rubyArgs, classpath, print_command
コード例 #48
ファイル: mx_substratevm.py プロジェクト: charig/truffle
def truffle_language_ensure(language_flag, version=None, native_image_root=None, early_exit=False, extract=True, debug_gr_8964=False):
    Ensures that we have a valid suite for the given language_flag, by downloading a binary if necessary
    and providing the suite distribution artifacts in the native-image directory hierachy (via symlinks).
    :param language_flag: native-image language_flag whose truffle-language we want to use
    :param version: if not specified and no TRUFFLE_<LANG>_VERSION set latest binary deployed master revision gets downloaded
    :param native_image_root: the native_image_root directory where the the artifacts get installed to
    :return: language suite for the given language_flag
    if not native_image_root:
        native_image_root = suite_native_image_root()

    version_env_var = 'TRUFFLE_' + language_flag.upper() + '_VERSION'
    if not version and os.environ.has_key(version_env_var):
        version = os.environ[version_env_var]

    if language_flag not in flag_suitename_map:
        mx.abort('No truffle-language uses language_flag \'' + language_flag + '\'')

    language_dir = join('languages', language_flag)
    if early_exit and exists(join(native_image_root, language_dir)):
        mx.logv('Early exit mode: Language subdir \'' + language_flag + '\' exists. Skip suite.import_suite.')
        return None

    language_entry = flag_suitename_map[language_flag]

    language_suite_name = language_entry[0]
    language_repo_name = language_entry[3] if len(language_entry) > 3 else None

    urlinfos = [

    failure_warning = None
    if not version and not mx.suite(language_suite_name, fatalIfMissing=False):
        # If no specific version requested use binary import of last recently deployed master version
        repo_suite_name = language_repo_name if language_repo_name else language_suite_name
        repo_url = mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl('https://github.com/graalvm/{0}.git'.format(repo_suite_name))
        version = mx.SuiteImport.resolve_git_branchref(repo_url, 'binary', abortOnError=False)
        if not version:
            failure_warning = 'Resolving \'binary\' against ' + repo_url + ' failed'

    language_suite = suite.import_suite(

    if not language_suite:
        if failure_warning:
        mx.abort('Binary suite not found and no local copy of ' + language_suite_name + ' available.')

    if not extract:
        if not exists(join(native_image_root, language_dir)):
            mx.abort('Language subdir \'' + language_flag + '\' should already exist with extract=False')
        return language_suite

    language_suite_depnames = language_entry[1]
    language_deps = language_suite.dists + language_suite.libs
    language_deps = [dep for dep in language_deps if dep.name in language_suite_depnames]
    native_image_layout(language_deps, language_dir, native_image_root, debug_gr_8964=debug_gr_8964)

    language_suite_nativedistnames = language_entry[2]
    language_nativedists = [dist for dist in language_suite.dists if dist.name in language_suite_nativedistnames]
    native_image_extract(language_nativedists, language_dir, native_image_root)

    option_properties = join(language_suite.mxDir, 'native-image.properties')
    target_path = remove_existing_symlink(join(native_image_root, language_dir, 'native-image.properties'))
    if exists(option_properties):
        if not exists(target_path):
            mx.logv('Add symlink to ' + str(option_properties))
            symlink_or_copy(option_properties, target_path, debug_gr_8964=debug_gr_8964)
        native_image_option_properties('languages', language_flag, native_image_root)
    return language_suite
コード例 #49
ファイル: mx_fastr_junit.py プロジェクト: graalvm/fastr
def junit(args, harness, parser=None, jdk_default=None):
    """run Junit tests"""
    suppliedParser = parser is not None
    parser = parser if suppliedParser else ArgumentParser(prog='mx junit')
    parser.add_argument('--tests', action='store', help='pattern to match test classes')
    parser.add_argument('--J', dest='vm_args', action='append', help='target VM arguments (e.g. --J @-dsa)', metavar='@<args>')
    parser.add_argument('--jdk', action='store', help='jdk to use')
    if suppliedParser:
        parser.add_argument('remainder', nargs=REMAINDER, metavar='...')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)

    vmArgs = ['-ea', '-esa']

    if args.vm_args:
        vmArgs = vmArgs + mx_fastr.split_j_args(args.vm_args)

    testfile = os.environ.get('MX_TESTFILE', None)
    if testfile is None:
        (_, testfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".testclasses", "mx")

    candidates = []
    if args.jdk:
        jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag=args.jdk)
        if not jdk:
            mx.abort("jdk '" + args.jdk + "' not found")
        if not jdk_default:
            jdk = mx.get_jdk()
            jdk = jdk_default

    for p in mx.projects(opt_limit_to_suite=True):
        if not p.isJavaProject() or jdk.javaCompliance < p.javaCompliance:
        candidates += _find_classes_with_annotations(p, None, ['@Test']).keys()

    tests = [] if args.tests is None else [name for name in args.tests.split(',')]
    classes = []
    if len(tests) == 0:
        classes = candidates
        for t in tests:
            found = False
            for c in candidates:
                if t in c:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                mx.warn('no tests matched by substring "' + t + '"')

    vmArgs += mx.get_runtime_jvm_args([pcp.name for pcp in mx.projects(opt_limit_to_suite=True) if pcp.isJavaProject() and pcp.javaCompliance <= jdk.javaCompliance], jdk=jdk)

    if len(classes) != 0:
        if len(classes) == 1:
            testClassArgs = ['--testclass', classes[0]]
            with open(testfile, 'w') as f:
                for c in classes:
                    f.write(c + '\n')
            testClassArgs = ['--testsfile', testfile]
        junitArgs = ['com.oracle.truffle.r.test.FastRJUnitWrapper'] + testClassArgs
        rc = harness(args, vmArgs, jdk, junitArgs)
        return rc
        return 0
コード例 #50
 def after(self, bmSuiteArgs):
     if hasattr(self, "keepScratchDir") and self.keepScratchDir:
         mx.warn("Scratch directory NOT deleted (--keep-scratch): {0}".format(self.workdir))
     elif self.workdir:
コード例 #51
ファイル: mx_unittest.py プロジェクト: charig/mx
 def _jdk():
     jdk = mx.get_jdk()
     mx.warn('Assuming ' + str(jdk) + ' contains JVM executed by ' + name)
     return _jdk
コード例 #52
ファイル: mx_substratevm.py プロジェクト: charig/truffle
 def stderr_collector(x):
コード例 #53
ファイル: mx_graal_core.py プロジェクト: emrul/graal-core
def _parseVmArgs(args, addDefaultArgs=True):
    args = mx.expand_project_in_args(args, insitu=False)

    argsPrefix = []
    jacocoArgs = mx_gate.get_jacoco_agent_args()
    if jacocoArgs:

    # Check for -G: options
    def checkGOption(arg):
        if arg.startswith('-G:+'):
            if '=' in arg:
                mx.abort('Mixing + and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            translation = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=true'
        elif arg.startswith('-G:-'):
            if '=' in arg:
                mx.abort('Mixing - and = in -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            translation = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:+'):] + '=false'
        elif arg.startswith('-G:'):
            if '=' not in arg:
                mx.abort('Missing "=" in non-boolean -G: option specification: ' + arg)
            translation = '-Dgraal.' + arg[len('-G:'):]
            return arg
        mx.warn('Support for -G options is deprecated and will soon be removed. Replace "' + arg + '" with "' + translation + '"')
        return translation

    # add default graal.options.file
    options_file = join(mx.primary_suite().dir, 'graal.options')
    if exists(options_file):
        argsPrefix.append('-Dgraal.options.file=' + options_file)
    args = [checkGOption(a) for a in args]

    if '-Dgraal.PrintFlags=true' in args and '-Xcomp' not in args:
        mx.warn('Using -Dgraal.PrintFlags=true may have no effect without -Xcomp as Graal initialization is lazy')

    if isJDK8:
        argsPrefix.append('-Djvmci.class.path.append=' + os.pathsep.join((e.get_path() for e in _jvmci_classpath)))
        argsPrefix.append('-Xbootclasspath/a:' + os.pathsep.join([dep.classpath_repr() for dep in _bootclasspath_appends]))
        deployedDists = [entry.dist() for entry in _jvmci_classpath] + \
                        [e for e in _bootclasspath_appends if e.isJARDistribution()]
        deployedModules = [as_java_module(dist, jdk) for dist in deployedDists]

        # Set or update module path to include Graal and its dependencies as modules
        graalModulepath = []
        for deployedModule in deployedModules:
            graalModulepath.extend([jmd.jarpath for jmd in deployedModule.modulepath if jmd.jarpath])
        graalModulepath = _uniqify(graalModulepath)

        # Update added exports to include concealed JDK packages required by Graal
        addedExports = {}
        args = _extract_added_exports(args, addedExports)
        for deployedModule in deployedModules:
            for concealingModule, packages in deployedModule.concealedRequires.iteritems():
                # No need to explicitly export JVMCI - it's exported via reflection
                if concealingModule != 'jdk.vm.ci':
                    for package in packages:
                        addedExports.setdefault(concealingModule + '/' + package, set()).add(deployedModule.name)

        for export, targets in addedExports.iteritems():
            argsPrefix.append('-XaddExports:' + export + '=' + ','.join(sorted(targets)))

        # Extend or set -modulepath argument
        mpUpdated = False
        for mpIndex in range(len(args)):
            if args[mpIndex] in ['-modulepath', '-mp']:
                assert mpIndex + 1 < len(args), 'VM option ' + args[mpIndex] + ' requires an argument'
                args[mpIndex + 1] = os.pathsep.join(_uniqify(args[mpIndex + 1].split(os.pathsep) + graalModulepath))
                mpUpdated = True
        if not mpUpdated:

    # Set the JVMCI compiler to Graal

    if '-version' in args:
        ignoredArgs = args[args.index('-version') + 1:]
        if  len(ignoredArgs) > 0:
            mx.log("Warning: The following options will be ignored by the VM because they come after the '-version' argument: " + ' '.join(ignoredArgs))

    return jdk.processArgs(argsPrefix + args, addDefaultArgs=addDefaultArgs)