コード例 #1
ファイル: losses.py プロジェクト: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def _init_params(self):
        init_weights = WeightInitializer(str(self.act_fn), mode=self.init)

        self.X = []
        b = np.zeros((1, self.n_classes))
        W = init_weights((self.n_classes, self.n_in))

        self.parameters = {"W": W, "b": b}

        self.gradients = {"W": np.zeros_like(W), "b": np.zeros_like(b)}

        self.derived_variables = {
            "y_pred": [],
            "target": [],
            "true_w": [],
            "true_b": [],
            "sampled_b": [],
            "sampled_w": [],
            "out_labels": [],
            "target_logits": [],
            "noise_samples": [],
            "noise_logits": [],

        self.is_initialized = True
コード例 #2
    def update(self, param, param_grad, param_name, cur_loss=None):
        Compute the Adam update for a given parameter.

        param : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The value of the parameter to be updated.
        param_grad : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The gradient of the loss function with respect to `param_name`.
        param_name : str
            The name of the parameter.
        cur_loss : float
            The training or validation loss for the current minibatch. Used for
            learning rate scheduling e.g., by
            :class:`~numpy_ml.neural_nets.schedulers.KingScheduler`. Default is

        updated_params : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The value of `param` after applying the Adam update.
        C = self.cache
        H = self.hyperparameters
        d1, d2 = H["decay1"], H["decay2"]
        eps, clip_norm = H["eps"], H["clip_norm"]
        lr = self.lr_scheduler(self.cur_step, cur_loss)

        if param_name not in C:
            C[param_name] = {
                "t": 0,
                "mean": np.zeros_like(param_grad),
                "var": np.zeros_like(param_grad),

        # scale gradient to avoid explosion
        t = np.inf if clip_norm is None else clip_norm
        if norm(param_grad) > t:
            param_grad = param_grad * t / norm(param_grad)

        t = C[param_name]["t"] + 1
        var = C[param_name]["var"]
        mean = C[param_name]["mean"]

        # update cache
        C[param_name]["t"] = t
        C[param_name]["var"] = d2 * var + (1 - d2) * param_grad**2
        C[param_name]["mean"] = d1 * mean + (1 - d1) * param_grad
        self.cache = C

        # calc unbiased moment estimates and Adam update
        v_hat = C[param_name]["var"] / (1 - d2**t)
        m_hat = C[param_name]["mean"] / (1 - d1**t)
        update = lr * m_hat / (np.sqrt(v_hat) + eps)
        return param - update
コード例 #3
    def _M_step(self):
        C, N, X = self.C, self.N, self.X
        denoms = np.sum(self.Q, axis=0)

        # update cluster priors
        self.pi = denoms / N

        # update cluster means
        nums_mu = [np.dot(self.Q[:, c], X) for c in range(C)]
        for ix, (num, den) in enumerate(zip(nums_mu, denoms)):
            self.mu[ix, :] = num / den if den > 0 else np.zeros_like(num)

        # update cluster covariances
        for c in range(C):
            mu_c = self.mu[c, :]
            n_c = denoms[c]

            outer = np.zeros((self.d, self.d))
            for i in range(N):
                wic = self.Q[i, c]
                xi = self.X[i, :]
                outer += wic * np.outer(xi - mu_c, xi - mu_c)

            outer = outer / n_c if n_c > 0 else outer
            self.sigma[c, :, :] = outer

コード例 #4
ファイル: losses.py プロジェクト: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def _loss(self, X, target, neg_samples):
        """Actual computation of NCE loss"""
        fstr = "X must have shape (n_ex, n_c, n_in), but got {} dims instead"
        assert X.ndim == 3, fstr.format(X.ndim)

        W = self.parameters["W"]
        b = self.parameters["b"]

        # sample negative samples from the noise distribution
        if neg_samples is None:
            neg_samples = self.noise_sampler(self.num_negative_samples)
        assert len(neg_samples) == self.num_negative_samples

        # get the probability of the negative sample class and the target
        # class under the noise distribution
        p_neg_samples = self.noise_sampler.probs[neg_samples]
        p_target = np.atleast_2d(self.noise_sampler.probs[target])

        # save the noise samples for debugging
        noise_samples = (neg_samples, p_target, p_neg_samples)

        # compute the logit for the negative samples and target
        Z_target = X @ W[target].T + b[0, target]
        Z_neg = X @ W[neg_samples].T + b[0, neg_samples]

        # subtract the log probability of each label under the noise dist
        if self.subtract_log_label_prob:
            n, m = Z_target.shape[0], Z_neg.shape[0]
            Z_target[range(n), ...] -= np.log(p_target)
            Z_neg[range(m), ...] -= np.log(p_neg_samples)

        # only retain the probability of the target under its associated
        # minibatch example
        aa, _, cc = Z_target.shape
        Z_target = Z_target[range(aa), :, range(cc)][..., None]

        # p_target = (n_ex, n_c, 1)
        # p_neg = (n_ex, n_c, n_samples)
        pred_p_target = self.act_fn(Z_target)
        pred_p_neg = self.act_fn(Z_neg)

        # if we're in evaluation mode, ignore the negative samples - just
        # return the binary cross entropy on the targets
        y_pred = pred_p_target
        if self.trainable:
            # (n_ex, n_c, 1 + n_samples) (target is first column)
            y_pred = np.concatenate((y_pred, pred_p_neg), axis=-1)

        n_targets = 1
        y_true = np.zeros_like(y_pred)
        y_true[..., :n_targets] = 1

        # binary cross entropy
        eps = 2.220446049250313e-16
        np.clip(y_pred, eps, 1 - eps, y_pred)
        loss = -np.sum(y_true * np.log(y_pred) + (1 - y_true) * np.log(1 - y_pred))
        return loss, Z_target, Z_neg, y_pred, y_true, noise_samples
コード例 #5
ファイル: losses.py プロジェクト: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def flush_gradients(self):
        """Erase all the layer's derived variables and gradients."""
        assert self.trainable, "NCELoss is frozen"
        self.X = []
        for k, v in self.derived_variables.items():
            self.derived_variables[k] = []

        for k, v in self.gradients.items():
            self.gradients[k] = np.zeros_like(v)
コード例 #6
    def grad2(self, x):
        Evaluate the second derivative of the leaky ReLU function on the elements of input `x`.

        .. math::

            \\frac{\partial^2 \\text{LeakyReLU}}{\partial x_i^2}  =  0
        return np.zeros_like(x)
コード例 #7
ファイル: dsp.py プロジェクト: Tommliu/mx-ml
def __DCT2(frame):
    """Currently broken"""
    N = len(frame)  # window length

    k = np.arange(N, dtype=float)
    F = k.reshape(1, -1) * k.reshape(-1, 1)
    K = np.divide(F, k, out=np.zeros_like(F), where=F != 0)

    FC = np.cos(F * np.pi / N + K * np.pi / 2 * N)
    return 2 * (FC @ frame)
コード例 #8
    def grad2(self, x):
        Evaluate the second derivative of the hard sigmoid activation on the elements
        of input `x`.

        .. math::

            \\frac{\partial^2 \\text{HardSigmoid}}{\partial x_i^2} =  0
        return np.zeros_like(x)
コード例 #9
    def grad2(self, x):
        Evaluate the second derivative of the SELU activation on the elements
        of input `x`.

        .. math::

            \\frac{\partial^2 \\text{SELU}}{\partial x_i^2}
                &=  0 \\ \\ \\ \\ &&\\text{if } x_i > 0 \\\\
                &=  \\text{scale} \\times \\alpha e^{x_i} \\ \\ \\ \\ &&\\text{otherwise}
        return np.where(x > 0, np.zeros_like(x),
                        np.exp(x) * self.alpha * self.scale)
コード例 #10
    def grad2(self, x):
        Evaluate the second derivative of the ELU activation on the elements
        of input `x`.

        .. math::

            \\frac{\partial^2 \\text{ELU}}{\partial x_i^2}
                &=  0 \\ \\ \\ \\ &&\\text{if } x_i > 0 \\\\
                &=  \\alpha e^{x_i} \\ \\ \\ \\ &&\\text{otherwise}
        # 0 if x > 0 else alpha * e^(z)
        return np.where(x >= 0, np.zeros_like(x), self.alpha * np.exp(x))
コード例 #11
ファイル: dsp.py プロジェクト: Tommliu/mx-ml
def DCT(frame, orthonormal=True):
    A naive :math:`O(N^2)` implementation of the 1D discrete cosine transform-II

    For a signal :math:`\mathbf{x} = [x_1, \ldots, x_N]` consisting of `N`
    samples, the `k` th DCT coefficient, :math:`c_k`, is

    .. math::

        c_k = 2 \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x_n \cos(\pi k (2 n + 1) / (2 N))

    where `k` ranges from :math:`0, \ldots, N-1`.

    The DCT is highly similar to the DFT -- whereas in a DFT the basis
    functions are sinusoids, in a DCT they are restricted solely to cosines. A
    signal's DCT representation tends to have more of its energy concentrated
    in a smaller number of coefficients when compared to the DFT, and is thus
    commonly used for signal compression. [1]

    .. [1] Smoother signals can be accurately approximated using fewer DFT / DCT
       coefficients, resulting in a higher compression ratio. The DCT naturally
       yields a continuous extension at the signal boundaries due its use of
       even basis functions (cosine). This in turn produces a smoother
       extension in comparison to DFT or DCT approximations, resulting in a
       higher compression.

    frame : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
        A signal frame consisting of N samples
    orthonormal : bool
        Scale to ensure the coefficient vector is orthonormal. Default is True.

    dct : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
        The discrete cosine transform of the samples in `frame`.
    N = len(frame)
    out = np.zeros_like(frame)
    for k in range(N):
        for (n, xn) in enumerate(frame):
            out[k] += xn * np.cos(np.pi * k * (2 * n + 1) / (2 * N))
        scale = np.sqrt(1 / (4 * N)) if k == 0 else np.sqrt(1 / (2 * N))
        out[k] *= 2 * scale if orthonormal else 2
    return out
コード例 #12
    def update(self, param, param_grad, param_name, cur_loss=None):
        Compute the AdaGrad update for a given parameter.

        Adjusts the learning rate of each weight based on the magnitudes of its
        gradients (big gradient -> small lr, small gradient -> big lr).

        param : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The value of the parameter to be updated
        param_grad : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The gradient of the loss function with respect to `param_name`
        param_name : str
            The name of the parameter
        cur_loss : float or None
            The training or validation loss for the current minibatch. Used for
            learning rate scheduling e.g., by
            Default is None.

        updated_params : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The value of `param` after applying the AdaGrad update
        C = self.cache
        H = self.hyperparameters
        eps, clip_norm = H["eps"], H["clip_norm"]
        lr = self.lr_scheduler(self.cur_step, cur_loss)

        if param_name not in C:
            C[param_name] = np.zeros_like(param_grad)

        # scale gradient to avoid explosion
        t = np.inf if clip_norm is None else clip_norm
        if norm(param_grad) > t:
            param_grad = param_grad * t / norm(param_grad)

        C[param_name] += param_grad**2
        update = lr * param_grad / (np.sqrt(C[param_name]) + eps)
        self.cache = C
        return param - update
コード例 #13
    def update(self, param, param_grad, param_name, cur_loss=None):
        Compute the SGD update for a given parameter

        param : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The value of the parameter to be updated.
        param_grad : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The gradient of the loss function with respect to `param_name`.
        param_name : str
            The name of the parameter.
        cur_loss : float
            The training or validation loss for the current minibatch. Used for
            learning rate scheduling e.g., by
            Default is None.

        updated_params : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape (n, m)
            The value of `param` after applying the momentum update.
        C = self.cache
        H = self.hyperparameters
        momentum, clip_norm = H["momentum"], H["clip_norm"]
        lr = self.lr_scheduler(self.cur_step, cur_loss)

        if param_name not in C:
            C[param_name] = np.zeros_like(param_grad)

        # scale gradient to avoid explosion
        t = np.inf if clip_norm is None else clip_norm
        if norm(param_grad) > t:
            param_grad = param_grad * t / norm(param_grad)

        update = momentum * C[param_name] + lr * param_grad
        self.cache[param_name] = update
        return param - update
コード例 #14
ファイル: losses.py プロジェクト: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def _grad(self, X, input_idx):
        """Actual computation of gradient wrt. loss weights + input"""
        W, b = self.parameters["W"], self.parameters["b"]

        y_pred = self.derived_variables["y_pred"][input_idx]
        target = self.derived_variables["target"][input_idx]
        y_true = self.derived_variables["out_labels"][input_idx]
        Z_neg = self.derived_variables["noise_logits"][input_idx]
        Z_target = self.derived_variables["target_logits"][input_idx]
        neg_samples = self.derived_variables["noise_samples"][input_idx][0]

        # the number of target classes per minibatch example
        n_targets = 1

        # calculate the grad of the binary cross entropy wrt. the network
        # predictions
        preds, classes = y_pred.flatten(), y_true.flatten()

        dLdp_real = ((1 - classes) / (1 - preds)) - (classes / preds)
        dLdp_real = dLdp_real.reshape(*y_pred.shape)

        # partition the gradients into target and negative sample portions
        dLdy_pred_target = dLdp_real[..., :n_targets]
        dLdy_pred_neg = dLdp_real[..., n_targets:]

        # compute gradients of the loss wrt the data and noise logits
        dLdZ_target = dLdy_pred_target * self.act_fn.grad(Z_target)
        dLdZ_neg = dLdy_pred_neg * self.act_fn.grad(Z_neg)

        # compute param gradients on target + negative samples
        dB_neg = dLdZ_neg.sum(axis=(0, 1))
        dB_target = dLdZ_target.sum(axis=(1, 2))

        dW_neg = (dLdZ_neg.transpose(0, 2, 1) @ X).sum(axis=0)
        dW_target = (dLdZ_target.transpose(0, 2, 1) @ X).sum(axis=1)

        # TODO: can this be done with np.einsum instead?
        dX_target = np.vstack(
            [dLdZ_target[[ix]] @ W[[t]] for ix, t in enumerate(target)]
        dX_neg = dLdZ_neg @ W[neg_samples]

        hits = list(set(target).intersection(set(neg_samples)))
        hit_ixs = [np.where(target == h)[0] for h in hits]

        # adjust param gradients if there's an accidental hit
        if len(hits) != 0:
            hit_ixs = np.concatenate(hit_ixs)
            target = np.delete(target, hit_ixs)
            dB_target = np.delete(dB_target, hit_ixs)
            dW_target = np.delete(dW_target, hit_ixs, 0)

        dX = dX_target + dX_neg

        # use np.add.at to ensure that repeated indices in the target (or
        # possibly in neg_samples if sampling is done with replacement) are
        # properly accounted for
        dB = np.zeros_like(b).flatten()
        np.add.at(dB, target, dB_target)
        np.add.at(dB, neg_samples, dB_neg)
        dB = dB.reshape(*b.shape)

        dW = np.zeros_like(W)
        np.add.at(dW, target, dW_target)
        np.add.at(dW, neg_samples, dW_neg)

        return dX, dW, dB