コード例 #1
 def testLine(self):
     # plot a a horizontal line
     from myPlots.plots import linePlot
     # select slice
     if self.dataset == 'lm':
         tSlice = {'time': (0, 15 * 86400), 'lon': 0, 'lat': 55, 'z': 0}
         ySlice = {'time': 9 * 86400, 'lon': 0, 'lat': (25, 75), 'z': 10e3}
     elif self.dataset == 'ifs':
         tSlice = {'time': (3, 14), 'lon': 0, 'lat': 45, 'eta': 91}
         ySlice = {'time': 3.5, 'lon': 5, 'lat': (25, 75), 'eta': 60}
     ## line plot example
     # select some options
     kwargs = {}
     kwargs['clevs'] = [None, None, None,
                        None]  # data plot limits / (0,7,7)
     kwargs['labels'] = [
         'T, meridional', 'T, time-series', 'u, meridional',
         'u, time-series'
     ]  # for legend / [ , ]
     kwargs['legends'] = [1, 3, 2, 4]  # location; can also be kwargs /
     # plot
     f = linePlot([[self.data.T], [self.data.u]], [ySlice, tSlice],
コード例 #2
ファイル: plotting_test_old.py プロジェクト: aerler/GeoPy
  def testProfile(self):      
    # plot a profile
    from myPlots.plots import linePlot
    # select slice        
    if self.dataset == 'lm':
      slice1 = {'time':8*86400, 'lon':0,'lat':55,'z':(0,20e3)}
      slice2 = {'time':9*86400, 'lon':0,'lat':55,'z':(0,20e3)}      
      zAxis = self.data.z
    elif self.dataset == 'ifs':
      slice1 = {'time':3.5, 'lon':0,'lat':45,'eta':(30,91)}
      slice2 = {'time':3.5, 'lon':5,'lat':55,'eta':(30,91)}
      zAxis = self.data.phi
    ## first example
    # select some options
    kwargs = {}
    kwargs['clevs'] = [None, None, (150,450,10), None] # data plot limits / (0,7,7) 
    kwargs['labels'] = [None, '', ['Temperature', 'Pot. Temp.'], 'Pressure Profile'] # for legend / [ , ]
    kwargs['legends'] = [4, 3, 4, 1] # location; can also be kwargs / 
    # plot
#    f1 = linePlot([[self.data.T, self.data.th], [self.data.p]], [slice1, slice2], axis=zAxis, **kwargs)
    ## second example
    # select some options
    kwargs = {}
    kwargs['clevs'] = [None, None] # data plot limits / (0,7,7) 
    kwargs['labels'] = [None, ['Day 8', 'Day 9']] # for legend / [ , ]
    kwargs['legends'] = [3, 1] # location; can also be kwargs /
    # make new axis
    pAxis = self.data.p; pAxis.plotatts['plotorder'] = -1; pAxis.plotatts['plotscale'] = 'log' 
    # plot
    f2 = linePlot([[self.data.T], [self.data.p]], [[slice1, slice2]], axis=[[pAxis],[pAxis]], **kwargs)
コード例 #3
  def testProfile(self):      
    # plot a profile
    from myPlots.plots import linePlot
    # select slice        
    if self.dataset == 'lm':
      slice1 = {'time':8*86400, 'lon':0,'lat':55,'z':(0,20e3)}
      slice2 = {'time':9*86400, 'lon':0,'lat':55,'z':(0,20e3)}      
      zAxis = self.data.z
    elif self.dataset == 'ifs':
      slice1 = {'time':3.5, 'lon':0,'lat':45,'eta':(30,91)}
      slice2 = {'time':3.5, 'lon':5,'lat':55,'eta':(30,91)}
      zAxis = self.data.phi
    ## first example
    # select some options
    kwargs = {}
    kwargs['clevs'] = [None, None, (150,450,10), None] # data plot limits / (0,7,7) 
    kwargs['labels'] = [None, '', ['Temperature', 'Pot. Temp.'], 'Pressure Profile'] # for legend / [ , ]
    kwargs['legends'] = [4, 3, 4, 1] # location; can also be kwargs / 
    # plot
#    f1 = linePlot([[self.data.T, self.data.th], [self.data.p]], [slice1, slice2], axis=zAxis, **kwargs)
    ## second example
    # select some options
    kwargs = {}
    kwargs['clevs'] = [None, None] # data plot limits / (0,7,7) 
    kwargs['labels'] = [None, ['Day 8', 'Day 9']] # for legend / [ , ]
    kwargs['legends'] = [3, 1] # location; can also be kwargs /
    # make new axis
    pAxis = self.data.p; pAxis.plotatts['plotorder'] = -1; pAxis.plotatts['plotscale'] = 'log' 
    # plot
    f2 = linePlot([[self.data.T], [self.data.p]], [[slice1, slice2]], axis=[[pAxis],[pAxis]], **kwargs)
コード例 #4
ファイル: plotting_test_old.py プロジェクト: aerler/GeoPy
 def testLine(self):      
   # plot a a horizontal line
   from myPlots.plots import linePlot
   # select slice        
   if self.dataset == 'lm':
     tSlice = {'time':(0,15*86400),'lon':0,'lat':55,'z':0}
     ySlice = {'time':9*86400, 'lon':0,'lat':(25,75),'z':10e3}      
   elif self.dataset == 'ifs':
     tSlice = {'time':(3,14), 'lon':0,'lat':45,'eta':91}
     ySlice = {'time':3.5, 'lon':5,'lat':(25,75),'eta':60}
   ## line plot example
   # select some options
   kwargs = {}
   kwargs['clevs'] = [None, None, None, None] # data plot limits / (0,7,7) 
   kwargs['labels'] = ['T, meridional', 'T, time-series', 'u, meridional', 'u, time-series'] # for legend / [ , ]
   kwargs['legends'] = [1, 3, 2, 4] # location; can also be kwargs / 
   # plot
   f = linePlot([[self.data.T], [self.data.u]], [ySlice, tSlice], axis=None, transpose=True, **kwargs)