コード例 #1
    def __new__(self, M=10, beta=1, phi=0, normalised=True, inverted=False):

        if not inverted:
            if phi == 0:
                wc = np.kaiser(M, beta)  # Window coefficients
                win = wc / sum(wc)  # Normalised window
                wc = np.kaiser(M, beta)  # Window coefficients
                m = np.arange(0, M)  # Create M indeces from 0 to 1
                a = exp(-1j * 2 * pi * m * phi)  # Steering vector
                ws = dot(wc, a)  # Normalisation factor
                win = a * wc / ws  # Steered and normalised window
            if phi == 0:
                wc = 1 / np.kaiser(M, beta)  # Window coefficients
                win = wc / sum(wc)  # Normalised window
                wc = 1 / np.kaiser(M, beta)  # Window coefficients
                m = np.arange(0, M)  # Create M indeces from 0 to 1
                a = exp(-1j * 2 * pi * m * phi)  # Steering vector
                ws = dot(wc, a)  # Normalisation factor
                win = a * wc / ws  # Steered and normalised window

        w = np.Ndarray.__new__(self, win)
        #                               axes=('M',),
        #                               desc = 'Kaiser (beta=%d, phi=%d)'%(beta,phi))
        #                               shape_desc=('M','1'))
        return w
コード例 #2
def create_modular_toy(edges, modular_edges):
    adjMatrix = np.zeros((15, 15))
    module_1, module_2, module_3 = np.arange(5), np.arange(5, 10), np.arange(
        10, 15)
    modules = []
    modules.append(module_1), modules.append(module_2), modules.append(

    def add_modular_edge():
        randomComm = seeded_rng.randint(0, 3)
        randEdge = seeded_rng.choice(modules[randomComm], 2, replace=False)
        while adjMatrix[randEdge[0]][randEdge[1]] != 0 or adjMatrix[
                randEdge[1]][randEdge[0]] != 0:
            randomComm = seeded_rng.randint(0, 3)
            randEdge = seeded_rng.choice(modules[randomComm], 2, replace=False)
        adjMatrix[randEdge[0]][randEdge[1]] += 1
        adjMatrix[randEdge[1]][randEdge[0]] += 1

    def add_cross_edge():  #adds edge outside modules
        randEdge = seeded_rng.choice(15, 2, replace=False)
        while adjMatrix[randEdge[0]][randEdge[1]] != 0 or adjMatrix[randEdge[1]][randEdge[0]] != 0 or \
        (randEdge[0] in module_1 and randEdge[1] in module_1) \
                or (randEdge[0] in module_2 and randEdge[1] in module_2) or \
                (randEdge[0] in module_3 and randEdge[1] in module_3):
            randEdge = seeded_rng.choice(15, 2, replace=False)
        adjMatrix[randEdge[0]][randEdge[1]] += 1
        adjMatrix[randEdge[1]][randEdge[0]] += 1

    for i in range(modular_edges):
    for i in range(edges - modular_edges):
    return adjMatrix
コード例 #3
def create_undirected_network(N, edges):
    adjMatrix = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=float)
    perm = np.arange(N)
    for i in range(N - 1):
        adjMatrix[perm[i]][perm[i + 1]] = 1.0
        adjMatrix[perm[i + 1]][perm[i]] = 1.0
    for i in range(edges - N + 1):
        randEdge = seeded_rng.choice(N, 2, replace=False)
        while adjMatrix[randEdge[0]][randEdge[1]] != 0:
            randEdge = seeded_rng.choice(N, 2, replace=False)
        adjMatrix[randEdge[0]][randEdge[1]] = 1.0
        adjMatrix[randEdge[1]][randEdge[0]] = 1.0
    return adjMatrix
コード例 #4
    def __new__(self, M=10, phi=0, normalised=True):

        # Create the window
        if phi == 0:
            win = np.ones((M, ), dtype=None) / M
            wc = np.ones(M, dtype=complex)  # Window coefficients
            m = np.arange(0, M)  # Create M indeces from 0 to 1
            a = exp(-1j * 2 * pi * m * phi)  # Steering vector
            ws = dot(wc, a)  # Normalisation factor
            win = a * wc / ws  # Steered and normalised window

        w = np.Ndarray.__new__(self, win)
        #                               axes=('M',),
        #                               desc = 'Rectangular (phi=%d)'%phi)
        #                               desc='Rectangular (phi=%d)'%phi,
        #                               shape_desc=('M','1'))
        return w
コード例 #5
    def __new__(self, M=10, a=0.54, phi=0, normalised=True):

        # Create the window
        if phi == 0:
            wc = a + (1 - a) * np.cos(2 * pi * np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, M))
            win = wc / sum(wc)  # Normalised window
            n = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, M)
            wc = a + (1 - a) * np.cos(2 * pi * n)  # Window coefficients
            m = np.arange(0, M)  # Create M indeces from 0 to 1
            aa = exp(-1j * 2 * pi * m * phi)  # Steering vector
            ws = dot(wc, aa)  # Normalisation factor
            win = aa * wc / ws  # Steered and normalised window

        w = np.Ndarray.__new__(self, win)
        #                               axes=('M',),
        #                               desc = 'Rectangular (phi=%d)'%phi)
        #                               desc='Rectangular (phi=%d)'%phi,
        #                               shape_desc=('M','1'))
        return w
コード例 #6
ファイル: Configurable.py プロジェクト: jpaasen/cos
   def __find_new_slot__(self, root_node, conf):
      import mynumpy as np
      dummy_conf = {}
      db = Configurable.__db__
      class_node = db.save(root_node, self.__class__.__name__, None, type='group')
      # If the configuration is new, set a new slot as default
      if conf == None:
         id = class_node._v_nchildren
      # If a configuration exists, set the old slot as default
         id = conf['id']
         conf = conf['class_attr']
      # Iterate over each of the index slots in the class
      is_equal = True
      for i in range(0,class_node._v_nchildren):
         id_node = db.save(class_node, i, None, type='id')
         is_equal = True
         # Iterate over all class variables
         for key,val in self.__dict__.iteritems():
            if val != None:
               cn = val.__class__.__name__
               vc = val.__class__
               # For configurable types, just make sure their entry is the DB
               if issubclass(vc, Configurable):
                  if cn not in root_node:
                     is_equal = False
               # The values of common types need to be compared aswell
               if vc == float or vc == long or vc == int or vc == complex or vc == str:
                  # Fetch the data if it exists
                  if key in id_node:
                     db_val = getattr(id_node, key)
                     is_equal = False
                  # Compare the values. If they are unequal, or the compare operation
                  # is undefined for the two types, the values are treated as unequal.
                     if val != db_val.read():
                        is_equal = False
                     is_equal = False
               # Reading and comparing all arrays in the database is performance
               # intensive. To speed up the process the DB entry is only read if the
               # matrix dimensions are equal:
               elif issubclass(vc, np.Ndarray):
                  # Fetch the data if it exists
                  if key in id_node:
                     db_val = getattr(id_node, key)
                     is_equal = False
                  # Record the array lengths
                  val_len = val.shape.__len__()
                  db_val_len = db_val.shape.__len__()
                  # Are the values scalars?
                  if val_len==0 or (val_len==1 and val.shape==(1,)):
                     if db_val_len==0 or (db_val_len==1 and db_val.shape==(1,)):
                        db_val = db_val.read()
                        if val != db_val:
                           is_equal = False
                  # ...or arrays?
                     # Make sure the DB entry is an array-type 
                     if db_val_len>1 or db_val.shape[0]>1:

                        if db_val.shape == val.shape:
                           db_val = db_val.read()
                           t = val != db_val
                           if (np.isscalar(t) and t) or t.any():
                              is_equal = False
                           is_equal = False
               elif vc == tuple or vc == list:
                  val_len = val.__len__()
                  db_val = []
                  # Create the wrapper object and fill it with list/tuple items
                  if vc == tuple:
                     tw = TupleWrapper()
                     tw = ListWrapper()
                  for j in np.arange(0,val_len):
                     setattr(tw, 'i%d'%j, val[j])
                  # Call its find new slot to recursively dig into the data
                  was_equal,id2 = tw.__find_new_slot__(root_node, conf)
                  # If any of the list items were unequal, we return
                  if was_equal == False:
                     is_equal = False
         # If all contents are equal to that stored at a specific slot in the DB,
         # set the id of this class to match that DB slot. 
         # TODO: Performance tip: I'm storing thing twice now.. 
         if is_equal:
            id = i
      return is_equal,id
コード例 #7
ファイル: Configurable.py プロジェクト: jpaasen/cos
   def __load__(self, root_node, conf):
      import mynumpy as np

      import Coordinate
      self_key    The variable in the calling class that points to self
      db          The database
      depth       The recursive level'''
#      from TypeExtensions import Ndarray
      class_node = getattr(root_node, self.__class__.__name__)
      id = conf.pop('id')
      node = getattr(class_node,'i%d'%id)
      conf = conf['class_attr']

      # Iterate over all class instance variables
      for key in conf:
         # Lookup the type of the variable
            class_type = conf[key].pop('class_type')
            class_type = conf[key]
         # Configurable types are first created, then asked to load themselves
         if issubclass(class_type, Configurable):
            # Hmm, this is some nasty piece of code; A 'lookahead' to fetch the
            # data of the base class in order to initialize the Ndarray with
            # that data.. 
            if class_type == np.Ndarray:
               data = getattr(node,key).read()
#               tmp = class_type(data)
#               tmp.__load__(root_node, conf[key])
#               axes = tmp.__dict__.pop('axes')
#               setattr(self, key, class_type(data, axes))
               setattr(self, key, class_type(data))
#               for subkey in tmp.__dict__:
#                  setattr(getattr(self, key), subkey, getattr(tmp, subkey))

            # TODO: Should make this more general, but no time for that now
            elif issubclass(class_type, Coordinate.Coordinate):
               data = getattr(node,key).read()
               setattr(self, key, class_type(x=data[:,0],y=data[:,1],z=data[:,2]))

               setattr(self, key, class_type())
               getattr(self,key).__load__(root_node, conf[key])
            # Unwrap tuples and lists if necessary:            
            if class_type == TupleWrapper or class_type == ListWrapper:
               val = []
               for i in np.arange(0,getattr(self,key).len):
                  subval = getattr(getattr(self,key), 'i%d'%i)
                  if subval == 'None':
                     subval = None
               if class_type == TupleWrapper:
                  val = tuple(val)
               setattr(self, key, tuple(val))
            elif class_type == DictWrapper:
               val = {}
               for subkey in self.__dict__:
                  if subkey == 'None':
                     val[None] = getattr(getattr(self,key),'None')
                     val[subkey] = getattr(getattr(self,key), subkey)

               setattr(self, key, val)

            setattr(self, key, getattr(node,key).read())
コード例 #8
    def __find_new_slot__(self, root_node, conf):
        import mynumpy as np

        dummy_conf = {}
        db = Configurable.__db__

        class_node = db.save(root_node,

        # If the configuration is new, set a new slot as default
        if conf == None:
            id = class_node._v_nchildren

        # If a configuration exists, set the old slot as default
            id = conf['id']
            conf = conf['class_attr']

        # Iterate over each of the index slots in the class
        is_equal = True
        for i in range(0, class_node._v_nchildren):

            id_node = db.save(class_node, i, None, type='id')
            is_equal = True

            # Iterate over all class variables
            for key, val in self.__dict__.iteritems():

                if val != None:
                    cn = val.__class__.__name__
                    vc = val.__class__

                    # For configurable types, just make sure their entry is the DB
                    if issubclass(vc, Configurable):
                        if cn not in root_node:
                            is_equal = False

                    # The values of common types need to be compared aswell
                    if vc == float or vc == long or vc == int or vc == complex or vc == str:

                        # Fetch the data if it exists
                        if key in id_node:
                            db_val = getattr(id_node, key)
                            is_equal = False

                        # Compare the values. If they are unequal, or the compare operation
                        # is undefined for the two types, the values are treated as unequal.
                            if val != db_val.read():
                                is_equal = False
                            is_equal = False

                    # Reading and comparing all arrays in the database is performance
                    # intensive. To speed up the process the DB entry is only read if the
                    # matrix dimensions are equal:
                    elif issubclass(vc, np.Ndarray):

                        # Fetch the data if it exists
                        if key in id_node:
                            db_val = getattr(id_node, key)
                            is_equal = False

                        # Record the array lengths
                        val_len = val.shape.__len__()
                        db_val_len = db_val.shape.__len__()

                        # Are the values scalars?
                        if val_len == 0 or (val_len == 1
                                            and val.shape == (1, )):
                            if db_val_len == 0 or (db_val_len == 1
                                                   and db_val.shape == (1, )):
                                db_val = db_val.read()
                                if val != db_val:
                                    is_equal = False

                        # ...or arrays?
                            # Make sure the DB entry is an array-type
                            if db_val_len > 1 or db_val.shape[0] > 1:

                                if db_val.shape == val.shape:
                                    db_val = db_val.read()
                                    t = val != db_val
                                    if (np.isscalar(t) and t) or t.any():
                                        is_equal = False
                                    is_equal = False

                    elif vc == tuple or vc == list:

                        val_len = val.__len__()
                        db_val = []

                        # Create the wrapper object and fill it with list/tuple items
                        if vc == tuple:
                            tw = TupleWrapper()
                            tw = ListWrapper()

                        for j in np.arange(0, val_len):
                            setattr(tw, 'i%d' % j, val[j])

                        # Call its find new slot to recursively dig into the data
                        was_equal, id2 = tw.__find_new_slot__(root_node, conf)

                        # If any of the list items were unequal, we return
                        if was_equal == False:
                            is_equal = False

            # If all contents are equal to that stored at a specific slot in the DB,
            # set the id of this class to match that DB slot.
            # TODO: Performance tip: I'm storing thing twice now..
            if is_equal:
                id = i

        return is_equal, id
コード例 #9
    def __load__(self, root_node, conf):
        import mynumpy as np

        import Coordinate
      self_key    The variable in the calling class that points to self
      db          The database
      depth       The recursive level'''
        #      from TypeExtensions import Ndarray

        class_node = getattr(root_node, self.__class__.__name__)
        id = conf.pop('id')
        node = getattr(class_node, 'i%d' % id)
        conf = conf['class_attr']

        # Iterate over all class instance variables
        for key in conf:

            # Lookup the type of the variable
                class_type = conf[key].pop('class_type')
                class_type = conf[key]

            # Configurable types are first created, then asked to load themselves
            if issubclass(class_type, Configurable):

                # Hmm, this is some nasty piece of code; A 'lookahead' to fetch the
                # data of the base class in order to initialize the Ndarray with
                # that data..
                if class_type == np.Ndarray:
                    data = getattr(node, key).read()
                    #               tmp = class_type(data)
                    #               tmp.__load__(root_node, conf[key])
                    #               axes = tmp.__dict__.pop('axes')
                    #               setattr(self, key, class_type(data, axes))
                    setattr(self, key, class_type(data))

#               for subkey in tmp.__dict__:
#                  setattr(getattr(self, key), subkey, getattr(tmp, subkey))

# TODO: Should make this more general, but no time for that now
                elif issubclass(class_type, Coordinate.Coordinate):
                    data = getattr(node, key).read()
                        self, key,
                        class_type(x=data[:, 0], y=data[:, 1], z=data[:, 2]))

                    setattr(self, key, class_type())
                    getattr(self, key).__load__(root_node, conf[key])

                # Unwrap tuples and lists if necessary:
                if class_type == TupleWrapper or class_type == ListWrapper:
                    val = []
                    for i in np.arange(0, getattr(self, key).len):
                        subval = getattr(getattr(self, key), 'i%d' % i)
                        if subval == 'None':
                            subval = None
                    delattr(self, key)
                    if class_type == TupleWrapper:
                        val = tuple(val)
                    setattr(self, key, tuple(val))

                elif class_type == DictWrapper:
                    val = {}
                    for subkey in self.__dict__:
                        if subkey == 'None':
                            val[None] = getattr(getattr(self, key), 'None')
                            val[subkey] = getattr(getattr(self, key), subkey)

                    delattr(self, key)
                    setattr(self, key, val)

                setattr(self, key, getattr(node, key).read())