コード例 #1
    def predict(self, X_test):
        """Makes predictions for test instances in X_test.

            X_test(list of list of obj): The list of testing samples
                The shape of X_test is (n_test_samples, n_features)

            y_predicted(list of obj): The predicted target y values (parallel to X_test)
            given X, find C such that P(C|X) is greatest
            1. Calculate all P(Ci|X)
            2. compare them
        #calc P(X|C) by multiplying every corresponding posterior for each col val

        c_list = myutils.get_col_byindex(self.priors, 0)
        y_predicted = []
        #loop through x_test rows
        for row in X_test:
            # each x_test is a row with specific values. Compute the total prob for each possible class label
            #all_p_cx = [] : list to hold all P(C|X) to compare
            all_p_cx = []
            #loop through each class label
            for c_list_index in range(len(c_list)):
                #p_cx: this is P(C|X)
                p_cx = 0
                #loop through each val in the row
                for curr_val_index in range(len(row)):
                    ##find the posterior for that val in that col
                    #loop through self.posteriors
                    post_found = False
                    for posteriors in self.posteriors:
                        if post_found == True:
                        #if curr_col_index == self.posteriors[curr_index:A][0]
                        if curr_val_index == posteriors[0]:
                            post_found = True
                            #loop through self.posteriors[A]
                            for i in range(len(posteriors)):
                                if i == 0:
                                #if posterior.class == curr class label C
                                if str(posteriors[i][0]) == str(
                                    #loop through the list with that C
                                    for j in range(len(posteriors[i])):
                                        #if posterior.val == given attr Val
                                        if j == 0:
                                        if str(posteriors[i][j][0]) == str(
                                            p = posteriors[i][j][1]
                                            if p_cx == 0:
                                                p_cx = 1
                                            p_cx = p_cx * p
                p_cx = p_cx * self.priors[c_list_index][1]
                #append p_cx to all_p_cx
            #compare each p_cx from that list and find the index of max
            best_p_index = all_p_cx.index(max(all_p_cx))
            #append the class label with corresponding index to y_predicted
        return y_predicted
コード例 #2
    def fit(self, X_train, y_train):
        """Fits a Naive Bayes classifier to X_train and y_train.

            X_train(list of list of obj): The list of training instances (samples). 
                The shape of X_train is (n_train_samples, n_features)
            y_train(list of obj): The target y values (parallel to X_train)
                The shape of y_train is n_train_samples

            Since Naive Bayes is an eager learning algorithm, this method computes the prior probabilities
                and the posterior probabilities for the training data.
            You are free to choose the most appropriate data structures for storing the priors
                and posteriors.

            1. Probability of C (label)
                P(C) = Total/NumOfInsancesOfC
                ex: #C/Total
            2. Probability of X, (instance/row)
            1. Probability of row given class label
                use independence assumption
                P(X|C) = P(V1 and C) * P(V2 and C) *...etc
                    P(V|C) = (#C&V/TotalLenTable)/P(C)
                    **only for categorical
            2. Probability of class label given row
                P(C|X) = P(X|C)*P(C)



        #get each class
        self.priors = []
        self.posteriors = []
        if isinstance(y_train[0], int):
            c_list, counts = myutils.get_freq_1col(y_train)
            c_list, counts = myutils.get_freq_str(y_train)

        #create list of priors objects, [label, probability], add to priors
        for i in range(len(c_list)):
            p = counts[i] / len(y_train)
            prior = [c_list[i], p]


        #calculate probability of V and C for every possible V for each col (excluding c col)
        #loop through each col
        for i in range(len(X_train[0])):
            col = myutils.get_col_byindex(X_train, i)

            #############check if values in col are categorical or coninuous

            #get a list of every possible value and their counts (get_freq)
            val_list, counts = myutils.get_freq_str(col)
            #create list of posterior objects, [value, probability], add to this col's posteriors list

            #create list to hold all posteriors for col
            col_posteriors = [i]
            #loop through each C
            for c_index in range(len(c_list)):
                #create list to hold P(V|C)'s for this class
                posteriors = [c_list[c_index]]
                #loop through each V
                for V in val_list:
                    # create var to hold the count for number of rows that are C&V
                    count = 0
                    #loop through each row
                    for j in range(len(X_train)):
                        #if C&V then count++
                        if str(X_train[j][i]) == str(V) and str(
                                y_train[j]) == str(c_list[c_index]):
                            count += 1

                    # calc P(V|C) = count/Total#Rows
                    p = count / len(y_train)

                    p = p / self.priors[c_index][1]

                    # make [V_name, P] obj
                    posterior = [V, p]
                    #append obj to list of P(V|C)'s for this class
            #append col_posteriors, [col_index, [class_label, [val_name, P] ] ], to self.posteriors
        pass  # TODO: fix this