コード例 #1
    def test_owner_2(self):
        args = [1, 2, "--owners=['ABC','DEF',]"]

        args, owners = Utils.get_owners_from_params(args)

        self.assertEqual(args, [1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(owners, set())
コード例 #2
    def test_owner_1(self):
        args = [1, 2]

        args, owners = Utils.get_owners_from_params(args)

        self.assertEqual(args, [1, 2])
コード例 #3
    def test_owner_3(self):
        args = [1, 2, "--owners=['APRgMZHZubii29UXF9uFa6sohrsYupNAvx','AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK',]"]

        args, owners = Utils.get_owners_from_params(args)

        self.assertEqual(args, [1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(len(owners), 2)

        self.assertIsInstance(list(owners)[0], UInt160)
コード例 #4
    def test_owner_and_assets(self):

        args = [1, 2, "--owners=['APRgMZHZubii29UXF9uFa6sohrsYupNAvx','AXjaFSP23Jkbe6Pk9pPGT6NBDs1HVdqaXK',]", '--attach-neo=10']

        args, owners = Utils.get_owners_from_params(args)

        args, neo, gas = Utils.get_asset_attachments(args)

        self.assertEqual(args, [1, 2])
        self.assertEqual(len(owners), 2)

        self.assertIsInstance(list(owners)[0], UInt160)

        self.assertEqual(neo, Fixed8.FromDecimal(10))
コード例 #5
ファイル: SC.py プロジェクト: ilkericyuz/neo-python
    def execute(self, arguments):
        wallet = PromptData.Wallet
        if not wallet:
            print("Please open a wallet")
            return False

        arguments, from_addr = PromptUtils.get_from_addr(arguments)
        arguments, invoke_attrs = PromptUtils.get_tx_attr_from_args(arguments)
        arguments, owners = PromptUtils.get_owners_from_params(arguments)

        if len(arguments) < 1:
            print("Please specify the required parameters")
            return False

        hash_string = arguments[0]
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(hash_string)
        except Exception:
            # because UInt160 throws a generic exception. Should be fixed in the future
            print("Invalid script hash")
            return False

        tx, fee, results, num_ops, engine_success = TestInvokeContract(wallet, arguments, from_addr=from_addr, invoke_attrs=invoke_attrs, owners=owners)
        if tx and results:

            parameterized_results = [ContractParameter.ToParameter(item).ToJson() for item in results]

            print("Test invoke successful")
            print(f"Total operations: {num_ops}")
            print(f"Results {str(parameterized_results)}")
            print(f"Invoke TX GAS cost: {tx.Gas.value / Fixed8.D}")
            print(f"Invoke TX fee: {fee.value / Fixed8.D}")
            print("Enter your password to continue and invoke on the network\n")

            tx.Attributes = invoke_attrs

            passwd = prompt("[password]> ", is_password=True)
            if not wallet.ValidatePassword(passwd):
                return print("Incorrect password")

            return InvokeContract(wallet, tx, fee, from_addr=from_addr, owners=owners)
            print("Error testing contract invoke")
            return False
コード例 #6
    def execute(self, arguments):
        wallet = PromptData.Wallet
        if not wallet:
            print("Please open a wallet")
            return False

        arguments, from_addr = PromptUtils.get_from_addr(arguments)
        arguments, priority_fee = PromptUtils.get_fee(arguments)
        arguments, invoke_attrs = PromptUtils.get_tx_attr_from_args(arguments)
        arguments, owners = PromptUtils.get_owners_from_params(arguments)
        arguments, return_type = PromptUtils.get_return_type_from_args(arguments)

        if len(arguments) < 1:
            print("Please specify the required parameters")
            return False

        hash_string = arguments[0]
            script_hash = UInt160.ParseString(hash_string)
        except Exception:
            # because UInt160 throws a generic exception. Should be fixed in the future
            print("Invalid script hash")
            return False

        p_fee = Fixed8.Zero()
        if priority_fee is not None:
            p_fee = priority_fee
            if p_fee is False:
                logger.debug("invalid fee")
                return False

        tx, fee, results, num_ops, engine_success = TestInvokeContract(wallet, arguments, from_addr=from_addr, invoke_attrs=invoke_attrs, owners=owners)
        if tx and results:

            if return_type is not None:
                    parameterized_results = [ContractParameter.AsParameterType(ContractParameterType.FromString(return_type), item).ToJson() for item in results]
                except ValueError:
                    logger.debug("invalid return type")
                    return False
                parameterized_results = [ContractParameter.ToParameter(item).ToJson() for item in results]

            print("Test invoke successful")
            print(f"Total operations: {num_ops}")
            print(f"Results {str(parameterized_results)}")
            print(f"Invoke TX GAS cost: {tx.Gas.value / Fixed8.D}")
            print(f"Invoke TX fee: {fee.value / Fixed8.D}")
            comb_fee = p_fee + fee
            if comb_fee != fee:
                print(f"Priority Fee ({p_fee.value / Fixed8.D}) + Invoke TX Fee ({fee.value / Fixed8.D}) = {comb_fee.value / Fixed8.D}\n")
            print("Enter your password to send this invocation to the network")

            tx.Attributes = invoke_attrs

                passwd = prompt("[password]> ", is_password=True)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print("Invocation cancelled")
                return False
            if not wallet.ValidatePassword(passwd):
                return print("Incorrect password")

            return InvokeContract(wallet, tx, comb_fee, from_addr=from_addr, owners=owners)
            print("Error testing contract invoke")
            return False