コード例 #1
    def create_many_to_one_relationship(self, force=False, recursive=True):
        For each child of the current object that can only have a single
        parent, set its parent to be the current object.

        >>> a_block.create_many_to_one_relationship()
        >>> a_block.create_many_to_one_relationship(force=True)

        If the current object is a :class:`Block`, you want to run
        populate_RecordingChannel first, because this will create new objects
        that this method will link up.

        If force is True overwrite any existing relationships
        If recursive is True desecend into child objects and create
        relationships there
        parent_name = _reference_name(self.__class__.__name__)
        for child in self._single_children:
            if (hasattr(child, parent_name)
                    and getattr(child, parent_name) is None or force):
                setattr(child, parent_name, self)
        if recursive:
            for child in self.container_children:
コード例 #2
ファイル: container.py プロジェクト: CINPLA/python-neo
    def create_many_to_one_relationship(self, force=False, recursive=True):
        For each child of the current object that can only have a single
        parent, set its parent to be the current object.

        >>> a_block.create_many_to_one_relationship()
        >>> a_block.create_many_to_one_relationship(force=True)

        If the current object is a :class:`Block`, you want to run
        populate_RecordingChannel first, because this will create new objects
        that this method will link up.

        If force is True overwrite any existing relationships
        If recursive is True desecend into child objects and create
        relationships there
        parent_name = _reference_name(self.__class__.__name__)
        for child in self._single_children:
            if (hasattr(child, parent_name) and
                    getattr(child, parent_name) is None or force):
                setattr(child, parent_name, self)
        if recursive:
            for child in self.container_children:
コード例 #3
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: grg2rsr/SeqPeelSort
def assert_neo_object_is_compliant(ob):
    Test neo compliance of one object and sub objects
    (one_to_many_relation only):
      * check types and/or presence of necessary and recommended attribute.
      * If attribute is Quantities or numpy.ndarray it also check ndim.
      * If attribute is numpy.ndarray also check dtype.kind.
    assert type(ob) in objectlist, \
        '%s is not a neo object' % (type(ob))
    classname = ob.__class__.__name__

    # test presence of necessary attributes
    for ioattr in ob._necessary_attrs:
        attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1]
        # ~ if attrname != '':
        if not hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr'):
            assert hasattr(ob, attrname), '%s neo obect does not have %s' % \
                                          (classname, attrname)

    # test attributes types
    for ioattr in ob._all_attrs:
        attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1]

        if (hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr') and
                    ob._quantity_attr == attrname and
                (attrtype == pq.Quantity or attrtype == np.ndarray)):
            # object inherits from Quantity (AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain, ...)
            ndim = ioattr[2]
            assert ob.ndim == ndim, \
                '%s dimension is %d should be %d' % (classname, ob.ndim, ndim)
            if attrtype == np.ndarray:
                dtp = ioattr[3]
                assert ob.dtype.kind == dtp.kind, \
                    '%s dtype.kind is %s should be %s' % (classname,

        elif hasattr(ob, attrname):
            if getattr(ob, attrname) is not None:
                obattr = getattr(ob, attrname)
                assert issubclass(type(obattr), attrtype), \
                    '%s in %s is %s should be %s' % \
                    (attrname, classname, type(obattr), attrtype)
                if attrtype == pq.Quantity or attrtype == np.ndarray:
                    ndim = ioattr[2]
                    assert obattr.ndim == ndim, \
                        '%s.%s dimension is %d should be %d' % \
                        (classname, attrname, obattr.ndim, ndim)
                if attrtype == np.ndarray:
                    dtp = ioattr[3]
                    assert obattr.dtype.kind == dtp.kind, \
                        '%s.%s dtype.kind is %s should be %s' % \
                        (classname, attrname, obattr.dtype.kind, dtp.kind)

    # test bijectivity : parents and children
    for container in getattr(ob, '_single_child_containers', []):
        for i, child in enumerate(getattr(ob, container, [])):
            assert hasattr(child, _reference_name(classname)), \
                '%s should have %s attribute (2 way relationship)' % \
                (container, _reference_name(classname))
            if hasattr(child, _reference_name(classname)):
                parent = getattr(child, _reference_name(classname))
                assert parent == ob, \
                    '%s.%s %s is not symetric with %s.%s' % \
                    (container, _reference_name(classname), i,
                     classname, container)

    # recursive on one to many rel
    for i, child in enumerate(getattr(ob, 'children', [])):
        # intercept exceptions and add more information
        except BaseException as exc:
            exc.args += ('from %s %s of %s' % (child.__class__.__name__, i,
コード例 #4
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: CINPLA/python-neo
def assert_neo_object_is_compliant(ob):
    Test neo compliance of one object and sub objects
    (one_to_many_relation only):
      * check types and/or presence of necessary and recommended attribute.
      * If attribute is Quantities or numpy.ndarray it also check ndim.
      * If attribute is numpy.ndarray also check dtype.kind.
    assert type(ob) in objectlist, \
        '%s is not a neo object' % (type(ob))
    classname = ob.__class__.__name__

    # test presence of necessary attributes
    for ioattr in ob._necessary_attrs:
        attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1]
        #~ if attrname != '':
        if not hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr'):
            assert hasattr(ob, attrname), '%s neo obect does not have %s' % \
                (classname, attrname)

    # test attributes types
    for ioattr in ob._all_attrs:
        attrname, attrtype = ioattr[0], ioattr[1]

        if (hasattr(ob, '_quantity_attr') and
                ob._quantity_attr == attrname and
                (attrtype == pq.Quantity or attrtype == np.ndarray)):
            # object inherits from Quantity (AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain, ...)
            ndim = ioattr[2]
            assert ob.ndim == ndim, \
                '%s dimension is %d should be %d' % (classname, ob.ndim, ndim)
            if attrtype == np.ndarray:
                dtp = ioattr[3]
                assert ob.dtype.kind == dtp.kind, \
                    '%s dtype.kind is %s should be %s' % (classname,

        elif hasattr(ob, attrname):
            if getattr(ob, attrname) is not None:
                obattr = getattr(ob, attrname)
                assert issubclass(type(obattr), attrtype), \
                    '%s in %s is %s should be %s' % \
                    (attrname, classname, type(obattr), attrtype)
                if attrtype == pq.Quantity or attrtype == np.ndarray:
                    ndim = ioattr[2]
                    assert obattr.ndim == ndim,  \
                        '%s.%s dimension is %d should be %d' % \
                        (classname, attrname, obattr.ndim, ndim)
                if attrtype == np.ndarray:
                    dtp = ioattr[3]
                    assert obattr.dtype.kind == dtp.kind, \
                        '%s.%s dtype.kind is %s should be %s' % \
                        (classname, attrname, obattr.dtype.kind, dtp.kind)

    # test bijectivity : parents and children
    for container in getattr(ob, '_single_child_containers', []):
        for i, child in enumerate(getattr(ob, container, [])):
            assert hasattr(child, _reference_name(classname)), \
                '%s should have %s attribute (2 way relationship)' % \
                (container, _reference_name(classname))
            if hasattr(child, _reference_name(classname)):
                parent = getattr(child, _reference_name(classname))
                assert parent == ob, \
                    '%s.%s %s is not symetric with %s.%s' % \
                    (container, _reference_name(classname), i,
                     classname, container)

    # recursive on one to many rel
    for i, child in enumerate(getattr(ob, 'children', [])):
        # intercept exceptions and add more information
        except BaseException as exc:
            exc.args += ('from %s %s of %s' % (child.__class__.__name__, i,