コード例 #1
def find_feasible_two_edge_path(graph: nx.Graph,
                                matching: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Optional[Tuple[Any, Any, Any]]:
    # This path has the form top1 -> bottom -> top2 or bottom1 -> top -> bottom2
    # first: must be in the left part of the graph and in matching
    # second: must be in the right part of the graph and in matching
    # third: is also in the left part of the graph and but must not be in matching

    for top, bottom in matching.items():
        if top in top_nodes(graph) and bottom in bottom_nodes(graph):
            for new_bottom in graph.neighbors(top):
                if new_bottom not in matching.values():
                    return (bottom, top, new_bottom)
            for new_top in graph.neighbors(bottom):
                if new_top not in matching:
                    return (top, bottom, new_top)
    return None
コード例 #2
def sorensen_index(G: nx.Graph, i, j):
    i_neighbourhood = set(G.neighbors(i))
    j_neighbourhood = set(G.neighbors(j))
    degreeSum = G.degree(i) + G.degree(j)
    if degreeSum == 0:
        return 0
    return len(i_neighbourhood.intersection(j_neighbourhood)) / degreeSum
コード例 #3
def _compute_ricci_curvature(G: nx.Graph, weight="weight", **kwargs):
    Compute Ricci curvature of edges and nodes.
    The node Ricci curvature is defined as the average of node's adjacency edges.

    :param G: A NetworkX graph.
    :param weight: The edge weight used to compute Ricci curvature. Default: "weight".
    :return G: A networkx graph with "ricciCurvature" on nodes and edges.


    if not nx.get_edge_attributes(G, weight):
        print('Edge weight not detected in graph, use "weight" as default edge weight.')
        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2][weight] = 1.0

    # compute Ricci curvature for all edges
    edge_ricci = _compute_ricci_curvature_edges(G, weight=weight, **kwargs)

    # Assign edge Ricci curvature from result to graph G
    nx.set_edge_attributes(G, edge_ricci, "ricciCurvature")

    # Compute node Ricci curvature
    for n in G.nodes():
        rc_sum = 0  # sum of the neighbor Ricci curvature
        if G.degree(n) != 0:
            for nbr in G.neighbors(n):
                if 'ricciCurvature' in G[n][nbr]:
                    rc_sum += G[n][nbr]['ricciCurvature']

            # Assign the node Ricci curvature to be the average of node's adjacency edges
            G.nodes[n]['ricciCurvature'] = rc_sum / G.degree(n)
            logger.debug("node %s, Ricci Curvature = %f" % (n, G.nodes[n]['ricciCurvature']))

    return G
コード例 #4
def bfs(G: nx.Graph,
        destination: str,
        start: str = "SportsComplex") -> (List[str], Set[str]):
    Searches for a path from *destination* from *start* in the
    graph *G*. A path is a list of nodes from start you need to
    pass to reach destination. Returns the path and a set of
    nodes visited during the search
    if start == destination:
        return []
    frontier = deque([start])
    explored = set()
    solution = []
    visited = set()
    while True:
        if not frontier:
            return []
        node = frontier.popleft()
        for adj in G.neighbors(node):
            if adj not in explored and adj not in frontier:
                if adj == destination:
                    return solution, visited
コード例 #5
def HEM(graph: nx.Graph):
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    matched = dict([(n, 'unmatched') for n in nodes])
    max_matching = list()
    for node in nodes:

        if (matched[node] == 'matched'):

        adj_nodes = graph.neighbors(node)

        max_adj_node = None
        max_weight = 0
        for adj_node in adj_nodes:

            if (matched[adj_node] == 'matched'):

            adj_edge_weight = graph[node][adj_node]['weight']

            if (adj_edge_weight > max_weight):
                max_adj_node = adj_node
                max_weight = adj_edge_weight

        if (max_adj_node != None):
            max_matching.append((node, max_adj_node))
            matched[node] = 'matched'
            matched[max_adj_node] = 'matched'

    return max_matching
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: geyang/graph-search
def a_star(graph: nx.Graph, start, goal, heuristic):

    :param graph:
    :param start:
    :param goal:
    :param heuristic:
    frontier = PriorityQue()
    visited = dict()

    frontier.push(0, 0, start)
    while len(frontier):
        _, sofar, current = frontier.pop()
        ns = [*graph.neighbors(current)]
        to_goals = heuristic(ns, [goal])
        for ind, n in enumerate(ns):
            if n in visited:
            edge_len = graph.edges[current, n].get('weight', 1)
            to_goal = to_goals[ind]
            visited[n] = current, edge_len
            if goal == n:
                return backtrack(visited, start, goal)
            frontier.push(sofar + edge_len + to_goal, sofar + edge_len, n)
    return None, None
コード例 #7
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: geyang/graph-search
def heuristic_search(graph: nx.Graph, start, goal, heuristic):
    """Heuristic Search

    :param graph:
    :param start:
    :param goal:
    :param heuristic:
    frontier = PriorityQue()
    visited = dict()

    frontier.push(0, start)
    while len(frontier):
        _, current = frontier.pop()
        ns = [*graph.neighbors(current)]
        to_goals = heuristic(ns, [goal])
        for ind, n in enumerate(ns):
            if n in visited:
            # only used to compute path length
            edge_len = graph.edges[current, n].get('weight', 1)
            to_goal = to_goals[ind]
            visited[n] = current, edge_len
            if goal == n:
                return backtrack(visited, start, goal)
            frontier.push(to_goal, n)
    return None, None
コード例 #8
def planar_independent_set(
        graph: Graph,
        black_list: List = list(),
        degree_lim=INDEPENDENT_SET_LEMMA_DEGREE) -> Set[Point]:
    Assuming the graph is planar, then computes an independent set of size at
    least n/18 in which every node has degree at most 8.  O(n) time.
    (Note: assume the graph is planar because it is computationally expensive to check)
    :param graph: networkx Graph (assumed planar)
    :param black_list: list of nodes that should not be in the independent set
    :param degree_lim: nodes in independent set have degree at most this
    :return: set of graph nodes
    unmarked_nodes = {
        for node in graph.nodes_iter()
        if graph.degree(node) <= degree_lim and node not in black_list

    independent_set = set()

    while len(unmarked_nodes) > 0:
        node = unmarked_nodes.pop()
        unmarked_nodes -= set(graph.neighbors(node))

    return independent_set
コード例 #9
def c_0(clique: list, graph: nx.Graph):
    """Generates the set :math:`C_0` of nodes that are connected to all nodes in the input
    clique subgraph.

    The set :math:`C_0` is defined in :cite:`pullan2006phased` and is used to determine nodes
    that can be added to the current clique to grow it into a larger one.

    **Example usage:**

    >>> graph = nx.complete_graph(10)
    >>> clique = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> c_0(clique, graph)
    [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

        clique (list[int]): a subgraph specified by a list of nodes; the subgraph must be a clique
        graph (nx.Graph): the input graph

        list[int]: a list containing the :math:`C_0` nodes for the clique

    if not is_clique(graph.subgraph(clique)):
        raise ValueError("Input subgraph is not a clique")

    clique = set(clique)
    c_0_nodes = []
    non_clique_nodes = set(graph.nodes) - clique

    for i in non_clique_nodes:
        if clique.issubset(graph.neighbors(i)):

    return c_0_nodes
コード例 #10
def dynamic_infected_neighbours(network: nx.Graph, **kwargs):
    Counts infected neighbours for all nodes

        network: networkx Graph
        **kwargs: See below

    Keyword Args:
        state (dict): Required if `network` doesn't have 'state' for each node. See: 'graphflow.analysis.metrics'

        dict: dictionary keyed by nodes id into dict of neighbours counts with given status (S,I,R)

    See Also:

    status = nx.get_node_attributes(network, 'status')
    infected = {}
    for node in network.nodes():
        infected[node] = 0
        neighbours = network.neighbors(node)  # id's
        for nb in neighbours:
            if status[nb] == 'I':
                infected[node] += 1
    return infected
コード例 #11
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: ah-ansari/stormq-improved
def action_blocking(g:  nx.Graph, player):
    free_nodes = g.graph['free']
    free_nodes_set = set(free_nodes)
    opponent = 3 - player
    opponent_nodes = g.graph[str(opponent)]

    if not opponent_nodes:
        return action_weight(g)

    opponent_neighbors = set()
    for node in opponent_nodes:
        opponent_neighbors |= set(g.neighbors(node))

    free_opponent_neighbors = free_nodes_set.intersection(opponent_neighbors)
    free_opponent_neighbors = list(free_opponent_neighbors)

    if not free_opponent_neighbors:
        return action_weight(g)

    max_node = -1
    max_value = -1
    for node in free_opponent_neighbors:
        weight_free = 0
        for edge in g.edges(node, data=True):
            if edge[1] in free_nodes_set:
                weight_free += edge[2]['w']
        if weight_free > max_value:
            max_value = weight_free
            max_node = node

    return max_node
コード例 #12
def get_rings (start_node: int, graph: nx.Graph, neigh_size) -> List[List[int]]:
    Performs BFS from the start node and returns a list of lists 
    containing nodes degrees, sorted by distance from the start node.
    q = collections.deque()
    q.appendleft((start_node, 0))

    visited = [False for i in range(graph.number_of_nodes())]
    visited[start_node] = True

    rings = []
    while len(q) > 0:
        (curr, dist) = q.pop()

        if dist>neigh_size:
            return rings

        if len(rings) <= dist:


        for neigh in graph.neighbors(curr):
            if not visited[neigh]:
                visited[neigh] = True
                q.appendleft((neigh, dist+1))

    return rings
コード例 #13
 def _get_neighbor_labels(self, X: nx.Graph):
     neighbor_indices = [[n_v for n_v in X.neighbors(v)]
                         for v in list(X.nodes)]
     neighbor_labels = []
     for n_indices in neighbor_indices:
             sorted([X.nodes[v]['label'] for v in n_indices]))
     return neighbor_labels
コード例 #14
def s(gm: Graph, gt: Graph, x: Example) -> float:
    Return the similarity of model and cluster graphs in the neighborhood of an example
        gm: the graph produced by a base model from a training set
        gt: the graph produced by clustering on the testing set
        x: the example central to the neighborhoods being compared
        a real valued 0 <= s <= 1 denoting the ratio of common neighbors of x between gm and gt
    gm_neighbors = set(gm.neighbors(x))
    gt_neighbors = set(gt.neighbors(x))
    intersect = len(gm_neighbors & gt_neighbors)
    union = len(gm_neighbors | gt_neighbors)
    return intersect / union if union > 0 else 0
コード例 #15
    def generate_graph(self):
        graph = Graph()
        # populate cities:
        g = self.iter_all_strings()
        for _ in range(self.node_count):

        # to make a connected graph, all nodes should be connected.
        connected = self.cities[:1]
        not_connected = self.cities[1:]

        for city in not_connected:
            connected_with = self.random.choice(connected)
            graph.add_edge(connected_with, city)
            # if the number of neighbors (edges) for connecting city is over max_path, remove it from connected,
            # so it doesn't overflow no more.
            if len(list(graph.neighbors(connected_with))) == self.max_paths:

        for city in connected:
            neighbors = list(graph.neighbors(city))
            edge_count = self.random.randint(self.min_paths - len(neighbors),
                                             self.max_paths - len(neighbors))
            if edge_count < 1:

            connectable = [
                c for c in connected if c not in neighbors and c != city
            if not connectable:
            for _ in range(edge_count):
                if not connectable:
                connected_with = self.random.choice(connectable)

                if len(list(
                        graph.neighbors(connected_with))) >= self.max_paths:
                graph.add_edge(city, connected_with)
                # same applies, so when we reach max path, remove it from the connectable pool
        return graph
コード例 #16
def get_neighbour_edge_of_edge_community(G: nx.Graph, edge_community: Set):
    result = set()
    community_nodes = get_node_from_edge_community(edge_community)
    for node in community_nodes:
        for neighbour in G.neighbors(node):
            if neighbour not in community_nodes:
                result.add((node, neighbour) if node < neighbour else (neighbour, node))
    return result
コード例 #17
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: netconstructor/Skeletron
def polygon_skeleton(polygon, density=10):
    """ Given a buffer polygon, return a skeleton graph.
    skeleton = Graph()
    points = []
    for ring in polygon_rings(polygon):
        points.extend(densify_line(list(ring.coords), density))
    if len(points) <= 4:
        # don't bother with this one
        return skeleton
    print >> stderr, ' ', len(points), 'perimeter points',
    rbox = '\n'.join( ['2', str(len(points))] + ['%.2f %.2f' % (x, y) for (x, y) in points] + [''] )
    qvoronoi = Popen('qvoronoi o'.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
    output, error = qvoronoi.communicate(rbox)
    voronoi_lines = output.splitlines()
    if qvoronoi.returncode:
        raise _QHullFailure('Failed with code %s' % qvoronoi.returncode)
    vert_count, poly_count = map(int, voronoi_lines[1].split()[:2])
    for (index, line) in enumerate(voronoi_lines[2:2+vert_count]):
        point = Point(*map(float, line.split()[:2]))
        if point.within(polygon):
            skeleton.add_node(index, dict(point=point))
    for line in voronoi_lines[2+vert_count:2+vert_count+poly_count]:
        indexes = map(int, line.split()[1:])
        for (v, w) in zip(indexes, indexes[1:] + indexes[:1]):
            if v not in skeleton.node or w not in skeleton.node:
            v1, v2 = skeleton.node[v]['point'], skeleton.node[w]['point']
            line = LineString([(v1.x, v1.y), (v2.x, v2.y)])
            if line.within(polygon):
                skeleton.add_edge(v, w, dict(line=line, length=line.length))
    removing = True
    while removing:
        removing = False
        for index in skeleton.nodes():
            if skeleton.degree(index) == 1:
                depth = skeleton.node[index].get('depth', 0)
                if depth < 20:
                    other = skeleton.neighbors(index)[0]
                    skeleton.node[other]['depth'] = depth + skeleton.edge[index][other]['line'].length
                    removing = True
    print >> stderr, 'contain', len(skeleton.edge), 'internal edges.'
    return skeleton
コード例 #18
def bfs_base_points_euclid(g: nx.Graph,
                           min_dist: float,
                           source: int = -1) -> np.ndarray:
    """ Performs a BFS on a weighted graph. Only nodes with a minimum euclidian distance get added
        to the result. The graph nodes must contain the attribute 'position' as a numpy array with
        x,y,z position.

        g: The weighted networkx graph on which the BFS should be performed. Nodes must have a position attribute
         with their xyz positions as a numpy array, e.g. g.nodes[0]['position'] = np.array([1,2,3])
        source: The source node from which the BFS should start. Default is -1 which stands for a random node
        min_dist: The minimum distance between nodes in the BFS result.

        np.ndarray with nodes sorted recording to the result of the filtered BFS
    if source == -1:
        source = np.random.randint(g.number_of_nodes())
    visited = [source]
    chosen = [source]
    # add all neighbors with respective weights
    neighbors = g.neighbors(source)
    de = deque([(i, 0) for i in neighbors])
    while de:
        curr, buddy = de.pop()
        if curr not in visited:
            # only nodes with minimum distance to other chosen nodes get added
            buddy_pos = g.nodes[chosen[buddy]]['position']
            pos = g.nodes[curr]['position']
            if np.linalg.norm(buddy_pos - pos) >= min_dist:
                clear = True
                for node in chosen:
                    if np.linalg.norm(pos -
                                      g.nodes[node]['position']) < min_dist:
                        clear = False
                if clear:
                    buddy = len(chosen)
            # add all neighbors with their weights added to the current weight
            neighbors = g.neighbors(curr)
            de.extendleft([(i, buddy) for i in neighbors if i not in visited])
    # return only chosen nodes
    return np.array(chosen)
コード例 #19
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: JacopoBartoli/agm_algorithms
def clustering_coefficients_set_intersection(graph: Graph) -> dict:
    coefficients = {}
    for v in graph.nodes:
        v_neighbors = set(graph.neighbors(v))
        v_neighbors_len = len(v_neighbors)

        if v_neighbors_len > 1:
            n_triangles = 0
            for u in v_neighbors:
                n_triangles += len(v_neighbors.intersection(

            coeff = n_triangles / (v_neighbors_len * (v_neighbors_len - 1))
            coefficients[v] = coeff
            coefficients[v] = 0

    return coefficients
コード例 #20
def __neighbor_nested_property(graph: nx.Graph, nested: List[str],
                               local_prop_nested: List[List[int]],
                               constraint_nested: List[Tuple[int, int]],
                               self_satisfy_nested: List[bool],
                               **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[int], int]:

    assert isinstance(nested, list)
    assert isinstance(local_prop_nested, list)
    assert isinstance(constraint_nested, list)
    assert isinstance(self_satisfy_nested, list)
    assert len(nested) == len(local_prop_nested) == len(
        constraint_nested) == len(self_satisfy_nested)

    # not empty
    if nested:
        fn = nested[0]
        local_prop = local_prop_nested[0]
        constraint_min, constraint_max = constraint_nested[0]
        self_satisfy = self_satisfy_nested[0]
        raise ValueError("Can't loop forever")

    if local_prop is None:
        local_prop = []

    # calculate the other property
    inner_labels, _ = tagger_dispatch(
    num_1s = sum(inner_labels)

    graph = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph,

    labels = []
    for node in graph:
        node_satisfy = True
        if self_satisfy:
            node_satisfy = bool(inner_labels[node])

        if node_satisfy and (graph.node[node]['color'] in local_prop
                             or len(local_prop) == 0):
            neighbors = graph.neighbors(node)
            neigh_1s = sum(inner_labels[i] for i in neighbors)

            if constraint_max >= (num_1s - neigh_1s) >= constraint_min:

    return np.array(labels).astype(int), int(any(l > 0 for l in labels))
コード例 #21
 def check_largura(G: nx.Graph):
     for i in fila:
         for j in G.neighbors(i):
             if j not in visitados:
コード例 #22
def local_network_neighbors(graph: nx.Graph, node) -> list:
    return list(
            lambda adjacency: get_node_type(graph, adjacency[
                0]) == NodeType.COMPUTER, graph[list(
                        lambda neighbor_node: get_node_type(
                            graph, neighbor_node) == NodeType.ROUTER,
コード例 #23
def largest_first(graph: nx.Graph, m: List[int]) -> Dict[int, int]:
    Largest First colouring algorithm
    :param graph: graph
    :param m: mapping of available number of each colour
    :return: mapping node->colour
    :raises NoColoursRemainingException: when m threshold couldn't be achieved

    max_c = len(m)-1
    nodes = list(graph.nodes)
    ct = {}
    cv = np.zeros(len(m))
    vt = []
    dt = []
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        dt.append(len([u for u in graph.neighbors(nodes[i])]))
        d = dt[i]
        j = i
        while j > 0 and dt[j] < d:
            dt[j] = dt[j - 1]
            vt[j] = vt[j - 1]
            j -= 1
        vt[j] = i
        dt[j] = d

    ct[nodes[vt[0]]] = 0
    cv[0] = 1

    for i in range(1, len(vt)):
        c = {}
        for u in graph.neighbors(nodes[vt[i]]):
            if u in ct:
                c[ct[u]] = True
        color = 0
        while color in c or cv[color] >= m[color]:
            color += 1
            if color > max_c:
                raise NoColoursRemainingException
        ct[nodes[vt[i]]] = color
        cv[color] += 1

    return ct
コード例 #24
ファイル: a_star.py プロジェクト: NicholusMagak/SearchAlgo
 def a_star(self, graph: nx.Graph, start_node, goal_node):
     if start_node is goal_node:
         self.endSearch = True
     queue = [start_node]
     cost_so_far = {start_node: 0}
     while len(queue) > 0 and not self.endSearch:
         fn = {}
         s = queue.pop(0)
         print("Drive to", s, " Estate", end="\n")
         first_closed_index: int = -1
         for i in graph.neighbors(s):
             if i in self.closed:
                 minimum = min(self.closed.index(i), first_closed_index)
                 first_closed_index = self.closed.index(
                     i) if first_closed_index is -1 else minimum
             if len(list(graph.neighbors(s))) is 1:
             current_weight = graph.get_edge_data(s, i).get('weight')
             fn[i] = float(self.heuristics.get(i)) + float(
                 current_weight) + cost_so_far.get(s)
         if len(fn) < 1 and first_closed_index > -1:
             key = self.closed[first_closed_index]
             current_weight = graph.get_edge_data(s, key).get('weight')
             fn[key] = float(self.heuristics.get(key)) + float(
                 current_weight) + cost_so_far.get(s)
         if len(fn) < 1:
             raise Exception("No Path to Destination Exists!")
         min_key = self.get_min_key(fn)
         if min_key in self.visited:
             index = self.visited.index(min_key)
             self.closed.append(self.visited[index + 1])
             self.closed.append(self.visited[index - 1])
         cost_so_far[min_key] = float(cost_so_far.get(s)) + float(
             graph.get_edge_data(s, min_key).get('weight'))
         if min_key is goal_node:
             self.endSearch = True
コード例 #25
def get_surely_reached_nodes(H: nx.Graph):
    currentlyListening = list(H.nodes)
    currentlyTransmitting = [0]
    currentlySleeping = []

    reachedNodes = []

    # every iteration of the while is a slot
        activeInNextSlot = []
        collectiveNeighborhood = []
        for transmitting in currentlyTransmitting:


            # get neighbors from every transmitting node
            # but only those who are still listening
            neighborhood = H.neighbors(transmitting)

            neighborhood = list(set(neighborhood) & set(currentlyListening))
            # set of all currently reachable nodes, with repetitions.
            # If a node appears more than once, it means that it
            # would detect a collision in the next slot

            # collective neighborhood now contains listening nodes
            # that will receive the message on next slot or will detect a collision

        # count how many times a node appears in the neighborhood
        count = Counter(collectiveNeighborhood)

        for node in count:
            # if it appears just once, it won't detect a collision
            if(count[node] == 1):

        # next slot arrives

        # who transmitted, goes to sleep

        # who went to sleep is not listening any more
        currentlyListening = list(set(currentlyListening) - set(currentlySleeping))
        # who is now going to transmit is not listening any more too
        currentlyListening = list(set(currentlyListening) - set(activeInNextSlot))

        # who was reached is now transmitting
        currentlyTransmitting = activeInNextSlot
        reachedNodes = list(set(reachedNodes) | set(activeInNextSlot))

        if(len(currentlyListening) == 0 or len(currentlyTransmitting) == 0):

    return reachedNodes
コード例 #26
def append_rand_edge(g: nx.Graph, depth: int = 0) -> object:
    rn1 = get_rand_node(g)
    exclude_nodes = [rn1]
    rn2: object = get_rand_node_excluding(g, exclude_nodes)
    g.add_edge(rn1, rn2)
    if depth == 0:
        return g
        return append_rand_edge(g, depth - 1)
コード例 #27
def total_ts_2(c: nx.Graph):
    user = c.graph['user']

    sum_ts = 0

    for n in c.neighbors(user):
        edge = c[user][n]['relationship']
        sum_ts += edge.tie_strength_2()

    return sum_ts
コード例 #28
def bfs(g: nx.Graph, start_node: Hashable) -> List[Hashable]:
    Do an breadth-first search and returns list of nodes in the visited order
    :param g: input graph
    :param start_node: starting node for search
    :return: list of nodes in the visited order
    list_ = list(g.neighbors(start_node))
    len_graph = g.number_of_nodes()
    list2 = [start_node]
    while len(list2) < len_graph:
        for i in range(len(list_) - 1):
            if list_[0] not in list2:
                list_ += list(g.neighbors(list_[0]))
    # nx.draw(g, with_labels=True)
    # plt.show()
    return list2
コード例 #29
def transform(g: Graph, c_as):
    g.ip_prefixes = PyTricia()
    for n in g.nodes():
        cust = set()
        prov = set()
        peer = set()
        for n1, n2 in g.edges(n):
            e = g.edges[n1, n2]
            if e['rel'] == 'pc':
            elif e['rel'] == 'cp':
            elif e['rel'] == 'pp':
        # g.node[n]['asn'] = n
        g.node[n]['customers'] = cust
        g.node[n]['providers'] = prov
        g.node[n]['peers'] = peer
        g.node[n]['ip-prefixes'] = set()
        # g.node[n]['ip'] = None

    g.ip_prefixes[""] = c_as
    for node_id in g.nodes():
        node_obj = g.node[node_id]
        node_obj['adj-ribs-in'] = {n: PyTricia() for n in g.neighbors(node_id)}
        node_obj['rib'] = PyTricia()
        node_obj['adj-ribs-out'] = {
            n: PyTricia()
            for n in g.neighbors(node_id)
        node_obj['local_policy'] = PyTricia()

    for n in g.nodes():
        g.node[n]['rib'] = PyTricia()
        for prefix in g.node[n]['ip-prefixes']:
            update_initial_rib(g.node[n]['rib'], prefix, True)
            # out_ribs = G.node[n]['adj-ribs-out']
            # for d in out_ribs:
            #     update_initial_rib(out_ribs[d], prefix, n)
        g.node[n]['adj-ribs-in'] = {n: PyTricia() for n in g.neighbors(n)}
        g.node[n]['adj-ribs-out'] = {n: PyTricia() for n in g.neighbors(n)}
コード例 #30
 def argmax_dsat(g: nx.Graph):
     max_ = []
     v_ = -1
     for n in g.nodes:
         if c[n] == -1:
             neighbours = g.neighbors(n)
             unique_colours_ = {c[i] for i in neighbours}
             if len(unique_colours_) > len(max_):
                 max_ = unique_colours_
                 v_ = n
     return v_, max_
コード例 #31
ファイル: fitness.py プロジェクト: GiulioRossetti/cdlib
def normalized_cut(graph: nx.Graph,
                   community: object,
                   summary: bool = True) -> object:
    """Normalized variant of the Cut-Ratio

    .. math:: f(S) = \\frac{c_S}{2m_S+c_S} + \\frac{c_S}{2(m−m_S )+c_S}

    where :math:`m` is the number of graph edges, :math:`m_S` is the number of community internal edges and :math:`c_S` is the number of community nodes.

    :param graph: a networkx/igraph object
    :param community: NodeClustering object
    :param summary: boolean. If **True** it is returned an aggregated score for the partition is returned, otherwise individual-community ones. Default **True**.
    :return: If **summary==True** a FitnessResult object, otherwise a list of floats.


    >>> from cdlib.algorithms import louvain
    >>> from cdlib import evaluation
    >>> g = nx.karate_club_graph()
    >>> communities = louvain(g)
    >>> mod = evaluation.normalized_cut(g,communities)


    1.Shi, J., Malik, J.: Normalized cuts and image segmentation. Departmental Papers (CIS), 107 (2000)

    graph = convert_graph_formats(graph, nx.Graph)
    values = []
    for com in community.communities:
        coms = nx.subgraph(graph, com)

        ms = len(coms.edges())
        edges_outside = 0
        for n in coms.nodes():
            neighbors = graph.neighbors(n)
            for n1 in neighbors:
                if n1 not in coms:
                    edges_outside += 1
            ratio = (float(edges_outside) /
                     ((2 * ms) + edges_outside)) + float(edges_outside) / (
                         2 * (len(graph.edges()) - ms) + edges_outside)
            ratio = 0

    if summary:
        return FitnessResult(min=min(values),
    return values
コード例 #32
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: Katiesun/Skeletron
def polygon_dots_skeleton(polygon, points):
    skeleton = Graph()

    rbox = '\n'.join( ['2', str(len(points))] + ['%.2f %.2f' % (x, y) for (x, y) in points] + [''] )
    qvoronoi = Popen('qvoronoi o'.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
    output, error = qvoronoi.communicate(rbox)
    voronoi_lines = output.splitlines()
    if qvoronoi.returncode:
        raise _QHullFailure('Failed with code %s' % qvoronoi.returncode)
    vert_count, poly_count = map(int, voronoi_lines[1].split()[:2])
    for (index, line) in enumerate(voronoi_lines[2:2+vert_count]):
        point = Point(*map(float, line.split()[:2]))
        if point.within(polygon):
            skeleton.add_node(index, dict(point=point))
    for line in voronoi_lines[2+vert_count:2+vert_count+poly_count]:
        indexes = map(int, line.split()[1:])
        for (v, w) in zip(indexes, indexes[1:] + indexes[:1]):
            if v not in skeleton.node or w not in skeleton.node:
            v1, v2 = skeleton.node[v]['point'], skeleton.node[w]['point']
            line = LineString([(v1.x, v1.y), (v2.x, v2.y)])
            if line.within(polygon):
                skeleton.add_edge(v, w, dict(line=line, length=line.length))
    removing = True
    while removing:
        removing = False
        for index in skeleton.nodes():
            if skeleton.degree(index) == 1:
                depth = skeleton.node[index].get('depth', 0)
                if depth < 20:
                    other = skeleton.neighbors(index)[0]
                    skeleton.node[other]['depth'] = depth + skeleton.edge[index][other]['line'].length
                    removing = True
    logging.debug('found %d skeleton edges' % len(skeleton.edge))
    return skeleton