コード例 #1
 def generate_small_world_graph(self):
     max_edges = self.NODE_COUNT*(self.NODE_COUNT-1)/2
     if self.EDGE_COUNT > max_edges:
         return complete_graph(self.NODE_COUNT)
     graph = Graph()
     edges = performer.edge_indices.flatten()
     probabilities = performer.probabilities.flatten()
     for trial in range(len(edges)-9):
         edge_index = numpy.random.choice(edges, p=probabilities)
         source, destination = self.edge_nodes(edge_index)
         graph.add_edge(source, destination, length = self.link_length(source, destination),
                        weight = self.edge_weight(source, destination))
         probabilities[edge_index] = 0
         probabilities /= sum(probabilities)
         if max(graph.degree().values()) > self.DEGREE_MAX:
             graph.remove_edge(source, destination)
         if graph.number_of_edges() > self.EDGE_COUNT:
             victim = random.choice(graph.edges())
             graph.remove_edge(victim[0], victim[1])
         if self.constraints_satisfied(graph):
             print 'performer.generate_small_world_graph:',
             print self.BENCHMARK, self.NODE_COUNT, self.EDGE_COUNT, trial
             return graph
コード例 #2
def test_algorithms(algorithms, graph: Graph, k):
    print("Testing graph with {0} nodes and {1} edges, expected result: {2}"
          .format(graph.number_of_nodes(), graph.number_of_edges(), k))

    for algorithm, name in algorithms:
        start_time = time.time()

        args = inspect.getfullargspec(algorithm)[0]
        if len(args) == 2:
            result = len(algorithm(graph))
            result = len(algorithm(graph, k))

        print("{0}: {1}, time: {2}".format(name, result, time.time() - start_time))
        assert k == result, "Wrong result!"
コード例 #3
ファイル: graph_analysis.py プロジェクト: linzhp/Codevo3
__author__ = 'zplin'
import sys
import json
import csv
from os import path
import numpy as np
from networkx import Graph, transitivity, clustering, average_shortest_path_length, connected_component_subgraphs
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open(sys.argv[1]) as g_file:
        data = json.load(g_file)
        g = Graph(json_graph.node_link_graph(data))
    print('Number of nodes:', g.number_of_nodes())
    print('Average degree:', 2 * g.number_of_edges()/g.number_of_nodes())
    print('Transitivity:', transitivity(g))
    cc = clustering(g)
    print('Average clustering coefficient:', np.mean(list(cc.values())))
    for subgraph in connected_component_subgraphs(g):
        if subgraph.number_of_nodes() > 1:
            print('Average shortest path length for subgraph of', subgraph.number_of_nodes(), ':',
    # Calculating average clustering coefficient for different degrees
    degree_cc = {}
    for node, degree in g.degree_iter():
        if degree not in degree_cc:
            degree_cc[degree] = []

    with open(path.join(path.dirname(sys.argv[1]), 'clustering.csv'), 'w', newline='') as cc_file:
コード例 #4
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: satra/connectomeviewer
class Network(HasTraits):
    """ The implementation of the Connectome Networks """


    # Network ID, from parsed GraphML the graphid
    networkid = ''

    # Network name
    networkname = Str
    # network name as seen in the TreeView
    name = Str
    # Is it an hierarchical network?
    hierarchical = CBool(False)

    # TODO: later, also Hypergraph?!
    # see: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000385
    hypergraph = CBool(False)

    # Directionality of the Network, {True: 'directed', False: 'undirected'}
    directed = CBool(False)

    # metadata for the network
    metadata = Dict

    # NodeKeys from the parsed GraphML
    # These are Dict of Dict, all having strings
    nodekeys = {}
    # Edgekeys, from parsed GraphML
    edgekeys = {}

    # A NetworkX AttrGraph containing all the information
    graph = Any
    # Surface containers
    surfaces = List(ISurfaceContainer)
    # Surface containers loaded
    surfaces_loaded = List(ISurfaceContainer)
    # Volume data
    volumes = List(IVolume)
    # Track data
    tracks = List(ITrackfile)

    # is this network active, and thus a render manager displayed?
    active = Bool

    # the render manager of this network
    rendermanager = Instance(RenderManager)
    # DatasourceManager Instance of this network
    datasourcemanager = Instance(DatasourceManager)
    # private traits
    # parent cfile this networks belongs to
    _parentcfile = Any

    # filezip of cfile
    _filezip = DelegatesTo('_parentcfile')

    # edge parameters for visualization
    _edge_para = Instance(EdgeParameters)

    # View
    traits_view = View(
        Item('networkname', style = 'readonly'),
        Item('hierarchical', style = 'simple'),
        Item('hypergraph', style = 'simple'),
        Item('directed', style = 'simple'),
        Item('active', style = 'simple'),
        title   = 'A network', 

    def __init__(self, name, src = None, directed = '0', pickled_graph = None, \
                 hierarchical ='0', hypergraph = '0', graph = None):
        """ Initializes the network and sets the traits.
        name : string
            the name of the network
        src : file handle or StringIO object
            the source text of the network to parse
        pickled_graph : NetworkX graph
            reference to a graph object, src should be None
        directed : bool
            Is the network directed?
        hierarchical : bool
            Is the network hierarchical? (default: '0') Not implemented yet.
        hypergraph : bool
            Is the network a hypergraph? (default: '0') Not implemented yet.
        # initialize the traits
        self.networkname = name
        self.directed = int(directed)
        self.hierarchical = int(hierarchical)
        self.hypergraph = int(hypergraph)
        if src is None and not pickled_graph is None:
            if not src is None:
                # generates NetworkX Graph
                self.graph = self.parse_network_graphml(src)
            elif not graph is None:
                self.graph = graph
                if self.directed:
                    from networkx import DiGraph
                    self.graph = DiGraph()
                    logger.info("Initialize with empty directed Graph")
                    from networkx import Graph
                    self.graph = Graph()
                    logger.info("Initialize with empty undirected Graph")
        # initializes the weight key of the graph
        # with the first edgekey
        if len(self.edgekeys) > 0:
            edgk = self.edgekeys.keys()
            if not 'weight' in edgk:
            # try grabbing first edge from the graph
            if self.graph.number_of_edges() > 0:
                it = self.graph.edges_iter(data=True)
                edg = it.next()
                if len(edg[2]) > 0:
                    # if it has a weigth key, just leave it
                    edgk = edg[2].keys()
                    if not 'weight' in edgk:
                # logger.error('Cannot set weight key for network : ' + self.networkname)
    def _name_default(self):
        return self.networkname

    def _active_default(self):
        return False

    def _active_changed(self , value):
        if value:
            n = self.name
            if ' [Active]' not in n:
                self.name = "%s [Active]" % n
            # XXX: do refactor with threaded loading of surfaces
            # and default spring force layout for graph rendering!
            # see also TraitsUI Demos: Multi thread demo
            # load the surface containers data
            # make a deep copy of the already loaded surface containers
            import copy
            self.surfaces = copy.deepcopy(self.surfaces_loaded)
            for surfcont in self.surfaces:
            if self.rendermanager is None:
                # if there are no surfaces, initialize
                # network rendering, but only if dn_positions are given
                if len(self.surfaces) == 0:
                    logger.debug('No surfaces found. Try to render graph view with dn_position information.')
                    self.rendermanager.datasourcemanager._compute_3DLayout(-1, -1)
                    logger.debug('SurfaceContainer found. Try to render 3D View using %s.' % self.surfaces[0].name)
                    if len(self.surfaces[0].surfaces) == 0:
                        logger.debug('Rendering not possible because SurfaceContainer contains no surfaces.')
                        logger.debug('Using first surface for rendering.')
            if not self._parentcfile._workbenchwin is None:
                #from enthought.pyface.timer.api import do_later
                from enthought.pyface.api import GUI
                GUI.invoke_later(self._parentcfile._workbenchwin.status_bar_manager.set, message = '')
            self.name = self.name.replace(' [Active]', '')
            logger.debug('Close RenderManager scenes')
            logger.debug('All scenes closed.')
            # FIXME: what is happening in the following?
            # e.g. for instances. e.g. reset traits?
            # XXX: this is somehow not correct. do i need to use del
            # or remove/reset traits?
            self.rendermanager = None
            self.datasourcemanager = None
            self.surfaces = []

    def _de_activate(self):
        """ Toggles the internal state of the activation """
        if self.active:
            self.active = False
            self._parentcfile._workbenchwin.status_bar_manager.message = 'Activating network ...'
            self.active = True

    def _edge_parameters(self):
        """ Dialog to change edge attribute and thresholding """
        if self._edge_para is None:
            self._edge_para = EdgeParameters(self, self.rendermanager.attract.point_scalars_name)

    def _create_renderer(self):
        """ Creates the renderer instance if not yet available
        and opens the scenes in mayavi """

        if self.active:
            if self.rendermanager is None:
                logger.debug('Create a RenderManager instance')
                self.rendermanager = RenderManager(network=self)
                logger.debug('RenderManager instance already running. This is an error.')

    def _create_datasourcemanager(self):
        """ Creates the datasource manager instance if not yet available """
        if self.active:
            if self.datasourcemanager is None:
                logger.debug('Create a DatasourceManager instance')
                self.datasourcemanager = DatasourceManager(network=self)
                logger.debug('DatasourceManager instance already running. This is an error.')

    def _render_matrix(self):
        """ Invokes the connectivity matrix viewer """
        # assume the network is activated (i.e. data source generated)
        # we need the edge parameter instance initialized
        if self._edge_para is None:
            self._edge_para = EdgeParameters(self, self.rendermanager.attract.point_scalars_name)
        logger.debug('Invoke Matrix Viewer...')
    def _trackvis_launch(self):
        """ Generates scene file and launch Trackvis on the selected nodes """
        import tempfile
        logger.debug('Starting TrackVis ...')

        # extract selected subgraph
        selectionlist = self.get_selectiongraph_list()
        if len(selectionlist) == 0:
            # message            
            from enthought.traits.ui.message import message
            message(message = 'No nodes selected for ROI creation!', title = 'Infomessage', buttons = [ 'OK' ], parent = None)

        tmpgraph = self.graph.subgraph(selectionlist)

        # extract trackfile temporarily
        if len(self.tracks) == 0:
            logger.info('No trackfile found to invoke Trackvis.')

            # load the first trackfile
            trackfname = self.tracks[0].load_trackfile_to_file()

            # find the first valid segmentation volume in the self.volumes list
            for vol in self.volumes:
                if vol.segmentation:
                    logger.debug('Found a segmentation volume file. Assume labels are corresponding.')
                    volumefname = vol.load_volume_to_file()

        # generate the scene file in the temporary folder
        tmpscenefile=tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='tmp', suffix='.scene')
        # generate trackfile        
        generate_scene_file(scenefname=tmpscenefile[1], \
                          trackfname = trackfname, \
                          volumefname = volumefname, \
                          selectiongraph = tmpgraph)
        # execute trackvis in a thread
        pref = preference_manager.preferences       
        action = ThreadedTrackvis(tvpath = pref.get('cviewer.plugins.ui.trackvispath'), \
                                    fname = tmpscenefile[1], \
                                    trkfname = trackfname,\
                                    volfname = volumefname)

    def add_surface_container(self, surfacecontainer):
        """ Add a surface container to the loaded list
        surfacecontainer : `ISurfaceContainer` instance
            a surface container object
        surfacecontainer._networkref = self

    def add_volume(self, volume):
        """ Adds a volume to the volumes list
        volume : `IVolume` instance
            a volume object
    def add_trackfile(self, trackfile):
        """ Adds a trackfile to the tracks list
        trackfile : `ITrackfile` instance
            a trackfile of type ITrackfile

    def unselect_all(self):
        """ Unselects every node in the current network """
        if self.datasourcemanager is None:
            raise Exception('No DatasourceManager. You have to first activate the network and render it.')
        from numpy import array
        # get all the nodes
        graphnodes = self.datasourcemanager._srcobj.relabled_graph.nodes()
        # and unselect all nodes
        self.rendermanager._select_nodes(selection_node_array = array(graphnodes))

    def select_all(self):
        """ Selects all nodes in the current network """
        if self.datasourcemanager is None:
            raise Exception('No DatasourceManager. You have to first activate the network and render it.')
        from numpy import array
        # get all the nodes
        graphnodes = self.datasourcemanager._srcobj.relabled_graph.nodes()
        # and select all nodes
        self.rendermanager._select_nodes(selection_node_array = array(graphnodes), activate = True)
    def set_selectiongraph(self, sellist, activate = False):
        """ Sets the selected nodes in the network to active.
        sellist : array_like
            a list of nodeids conforming to the NetworkX node id
        activate : boolean
            set the selectionlist nodes to activated?
        from numpy import array, int16
        graphnodes = self.graph.nodes(data=False)

        if self.rendermanager is None:
            raise Exception('No RenderManager. You have to first activate the network and render it.')

        if len(sellist) == 0:
        from numpy import array, append
        tmparr = array([])
        for node in sellist:
            # check if it is a valid graph node id
            if node in graphnodes:
                # get the node id as integer
                j = int(node.lstrip('n'))-1
                # extend empty array with node id
                tmparr = append(tmparr, j)
        self.rendermanager._select_nodes(selection_node_array = array(tmparr, dtype = int16), activate = activate)

    def get_selectiongraph_list(self):
        """ Returns a list of the node ids that were selected in
        the rendered scene.
        if self.datasourcemanager is None:
            raise Exception('No DatasourceManager. You have to first activate the network and render it.')
        import numpy as np
        sel_list = []
        if not self.active:
            return sel_list
        selnodesarray = self.datasourcemanager._srcobj.selected_nodes
        # array with indices where the nodes are selected (==1)
        idx = np.where(selnodesarray == 1)[0]
        for i in idx:
            sel_list.append('n' + str(i + 1))
        return sel_list

    def set_weight_key(self, weight_key = None):
        """ Sets the weight key in the graph representation of the network.
        weight_key : Str
            Must be a possible existing edge key
        if not weight_key is None:
            for u,v,d in self.graph.edges(data=True):
            return True
            return False

    def get_matrix(self, weight_key = None):
        """ Returns the connectivity matrix of the network with the nodes
        ordered according to their id in the GraphML file.
        weight_key : Str
            Possible key value of the edges
        matrix : `Numpy.array` instance
            The connectivity matrix
        nr_nodes = len(self.graph.nodes())
        if not weight_key is None:
            #FIXME: sanity check if weight_key exists
            # thanks to Aric Hagberg
            for u,v,d in self.graph.edges(data=True):
        nodes = [(lambda nmod:'n'+str(nmod))(node) for node in range(1,nr_nodes + 1)]
        from networkx import to_numpy_matrix
        return to_numpy_matrix(self.graph, nodelist = nodes)

    def toggle_surface(self):
        """ Toggle the surface for the selected network nodes """
        if self.rendermanager is None:
            raise Exception('No RenderManager. You have to first activate the network and render it.')
    def show_surface(self):
        """ Shows the surface for the selected network nodes """
        if self.rendermanager is None:
            raise Exception('No RenderManager. You have to first activate the network and render it.')

    def load_pickled_graphml(self, graph):
        """ Loads a pickled GraphML file
        graph : NetworkX Graph instance
            A graph instance
        # setting the graph
        self.graph = graph
        if self.graph.has_node('n0'):
            if self.graph.node['n0'].has_key('nodekeys'):
                # extracting the node keys from the first node
                self.nodekeys = self.graph.node['n0']['nodekeys']
            # extracting the edge keys from the first edge (without explanation)
            if self.graph.node['n0'].has_key('edgekeys'):
                self.edgekeys = self.graph.node['n0']['edgekeys']
            if self.graph.node['n0'].has_key('graphid'):
                self.networkid = self.graph.node['n0']['graphid']
            # remove node
    def _return_default_edgevalue(self, edgekeys, key):
        """ Looks up if there is a default value defined, otherwise
        return zero """
        if edgekeys[key].has_key('default'):
            return float(edgekeys[key]['default'])
            return 0.0
    def parse_network_graphml(self, path):
        """ Read network in GraphML format from a path.
        path : string
            path the the GraphML file
        graph : NetworkX `Graph`
        import networkx as nx
        from networkx.utils import _get_fh
        from lxml import etree
        # Return a file handle for given path.
        # Path can be a string or a file handle.
        # Attempt to uncompress/compress files ending in .gz and .bz2.
        tree = etree.parse(fh)
        # get the root node from parsed lxml
        root = tree.getroot()
        # Schema Validation
        # http://codespeak.net/lxml/validation.html#xmlschema
        # define the namespace prefixes
        nsprefix = "{%s}" % root.nsmap[None]
        nsxlink = "{%s}" % root.nsmap['xlink']
        nodekeys = {}
        edgekeys = {}
        defaultDirected = [True]
        # Parse the KEYs
        for child in root.iterchildren():
            if child.tag == (nsprefix+'key'):
                attribs = child.attrib
                ddkeys = {}
                for mchildren in child:
                    if mchildren.tag == (nsprefix+'default'):
                        ddkeys['default'] = mchildren.text
                    elif mchildren.tag == (nsprefix+'desc'):
                        ddkeys['desc'] = mchildren.text
                if child.attrib['for'] == 'node':
                    # Parse all the node keys
                    # Read in the description and the default (if existing)
                    # dict of dicts for nodes: key1: the id; key2: rest: attr.name, attr.type, desc, default
                    nodekeys[attribs['id']] = {'attr.name' : attribs['attr.name'], \
                                               'attr.type' : attribs['attr.type']}
                    # add default/desc keys if existing
                    nodekeys[attribs['id']] = ddkeys
                elif child.attrib['for'] == 'edge':
                    # Parse all the edge keys
                    # Read in the description and the default (if existing)
                    # dict of dicts for edges: key1: the id; key2: rest: attr.name, attr.type, desc, default
                    edgekeys[attribs['id']] = {'attr.name' : attribs['attr.name'], \
                                               'attr.type' : attribs['attr.type']}
                    # add default/desc keys if existing
                    edgekeys[attribs['id']] = ddkeys
                    logger.error("The 'for' attribute of key-tag not known, must be either node or edge")
            elif child.tag == (nsprefix+'graph'):
                # start parsing the graph into networkx data structure
                # create graph depending on (either AttrGraph or AttrDiGraph)
                #   directionality: undirected/directed
                #   version of networkx:
                #   contains self-loops
                #   edges have dicts
                #   data per graph/node/edge
                for attr, value in child.items():
                    if attr == 'edgedefault' and value == 'undirected':
                        defaultDirected[0] = False
                    elif attr == 'id':
                        graphid = value
                if defaultDirected[0]:
                    G = nx.DiGraph()
                    G = nx.Graph()
                # add id, nodekeys and edkeys as traits               
                self.networkid = graphid
                self.nodekeys = nodekeys
                self.edgekeys = edgekeys
                # iterate over all nodes and edges
                for children in child.iterchildren():
                    if children.tag == (nsprefix+'node'):
                        # parse the node
                        for attr, value in children.items():
                            if attr == 'id':
                                # add the node with corresponding id
                                # keep node id to store attributes
                                nodeid = value
                            elif attr == (nsxlink+'href'):
                                # add xlink to node dictionary
                                G.node[nodeid]['xlink'] = value
                                # node attribute not known
                                logger.warning('The following node attribute is not known and thus discarded:'+ attr + ':' + value)
                        # parse node data, add to node dict
                        for data in children.iterchildren():
                            # read the keylabel, i.e. the data attribute name
                            keylabel = data.attrib['key']
                            # is the keylabel in the list of allowed keys
                            if nodekeys.has_key(keylabel):
                                if not data.text == '':
                                    # add data to the node's dict
                                    G.node[nodeid][keylabel] = data.text

                                    # no data available, check if default value exists
                                    if nodekeys[keylabel].has_key('default'):
                                        # add default data to the node's dict
                                        G.node[nodeid][keylabel] = nodekeys[keylabel]['default']
                                        logger.debug('Added default value '+ keylabel + ':' + nodekeys[keylabel]['default'])
                                        logger.warning('Nor data nor default value defined for ' + keylabel)
                                        # TODO: Work with exceptions!
                                logger.warning("Data entry with key " + keylabel + " not defined.")
                    elif children.tag == (nsprefix+'edge'):
                        # parse the edge
                        # parse its attributes
                        for attr, value in children.items():
                            if attr == 'id':
                                # no usage of edge id
                                # add the edge with corresponding id
                                src = children.attrib['source']
                                tar = children.attrib['target']
                                G.add_edge(src, tar)
                                # keep dest and tar id to store attributes
                                srcid = src
                                tarid = tar
                            elif attr == (nsxlink+'href'):
                                # add xlink to edge dictionary
                                G.edge[srcid][tarid]['xlink'] = value
                        # parse data, and add to the edge dict
                        for data in children.iterchildren():
                            # read the keylabel, i.e. the data attribute name
                            keylabel = data.attrib['key']
                            # is the keylabel in the list of allowed keys
                            if self.edgekeys.has_key(keylabel):
                                if not data.text == '':
                                    # add data to the edge's dict, assume float!!
                                    G.edge[srcid][tarid][keylabel] = float(data.text)
                                    # no data available, check if default value exists
                                    G.edge[srcid][tarid][keylabel] = self._return_default_edgevalue(self.edgekeys, keylabel)
                        data_keys = G.edge[srcid][tarid].keys()
                        # check if we missed some edge keys that are available in the header
                        for k, v in self.edgekeys.items():
                            if not k in data_keys:
                                G.edge[srcid][tarid][k] = self._return_default_edgevalue(self.edgekeys, k)
        # return the generated network graph
        return G
コード例 #5
ファイル: import.py プロジェクト: weddige/kcenter
    print('{0}/{1} nodes processed'.format(i, n))
    print('Delete {0} orphaned nodes'.format(len(orphaned)))

    print('Calculate offset')
    points = [node[1]['pos'] for node in graph.nodes(data=True)]
    min_x = min(points, key=lambda p: p[0])[0]
    min_y = min(points, key=lambda p: p[1])[1]
    for node in graph.nodes_iter():
        pos = (graph.node[node]['pos'][0] - min_x, graph.node[node]['pos'][1] - min_y)
        graph.node[node]['pos'] = pos
    print('Translated data by ({0}, {1})'.format(-min_x, -min_y))

    print('Calculate edge weights')
    n = graph.number_of_edges()
    i = 0
    for edge in graph.edges():
        lat1 = math.radians(graph.node[edge[0]]['lat'])
        lon1 = math.radians(graph.node[edge[0]]['lon'])
        lat2 = math.radians(graph.node[edge[1]]['lat'])
        lon2 = math.radians(graph.node[edge[1]]['lon'])
        graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] = distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
        i += 1
        print('{0}/{1} edges processed'.format(i, n), end='\r')
    print('{0}/{1} edges processed'.format(i, n))

    print('Write {0}'.format(output_file))
    write_gpickle(graph, output_file)
    stop = timeit.default_timer()
コード例 #6
def test_algorithms(algorithms, graph: nx.Graph):
    print("Testing graph with {0} nodes and {1} edges".format(graph.number_of_nodes(), graph.number_of_edges()))
    results = []
    for algorithm, name in algorithms:
        # make a copy of the graph in case the algorithm mutates it
        graph_copy = graph.copy()
        start_time = time.time()
        result = len(algorithm.get_fbvs(graph_copy))
        print("{0}: {1}, time: {2}".format(name, result, time.time() - start_time))
    assert results.count(results[0]) == len(results), "The algorithms's results are not the same!"
コード例 #7
def _compute_ricci_curvature_edges(G: nx.Graph,
    """Compute Ricci curvature for edges in  given edge lists.

    G : NetworkX graph
        A given directional or undirectional NetworkX graph.
    weight : str
        The edge weight used to compute Ricci curvature. (Default value = "weight")
    edge_list : list of edges
        The list of edges to compute Ricci curvature, set to [] to run for all edges in G. (Default value = [])
    alpha : float
        The parameter for the discrete Ricci curvature, range from 0 ~ 1.
        It means the share of mass to leave on the original node.
        E.g. x -> y, alpha = 0.4 means 0.4 for x, 0.6 to evenly spread to x's nbr.
        (Default value = 0.5)
    method : {"OTD", "ATD", "Sinkhorn"}
        The optimal transportation distance computation method. (Default value = "OTD")

        Transportation method:
            - "OTD" for Optimal Transportation Distance,
            - "ATD" for Average Transportation Distance.
            - "Sinkhorn" for OTD approximated Sinkhorn distance.  (faster)
    base : float
        Base variable for weight distribution. (Default value = `math.e`)
    exp_power : float
        Exponential power for weight distribution. (Default value = 0)
    proc : int
        Number of processor used for multiprocessing. (Default value = `cpu_count()`)
    chunksize : int
        Chunk size for multiprocessing, set None for auto decide. (Default value = `None`)
    cache_maxsize : int
        Max size for LRU cache for pairwise shortest path computation.
        Set this to `None` for unlimited cache. (Default value = 1000000)
    shortest_path : {"all_pairs","pairwise"}
        Method to compute shortest path. (Default value = `all_pairs`)
    nbr_topk : int
        Only take the top k edge weight neighbors for density distribution.
        Smaller k run faster but the result is less accurate. (Default value = 1000)

    output : dict[(int,int), float]
        A dictionary of edge Ricci curvature. E.g.: {(node1, node2): ricciCurvature}.


    logger.trace("Number of nodes: %d" % G.number_of_nodes())
    logger.trace("Number of edges: %d" % G.number_of_edges())

    if not nx.get_edge_attributes(G, weight):
            'Edge weight not detected in graph, use "weight" as default edge weight.'
        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2][weight] = 1.0

    # ---set to global variable for multiprocessing used.---
    global _Gk
    global _alpha
    global _weight
    global _method
    global _base
    global _exp_power
    global _proc
    global _cache_maxsize
    global _shortest_path
    global _nbr_topk
    global _apsp
    # -------------------------------------------------------

    _Gk = nk.nxadapter.nx2nk(G, weightAttr=weight)
    _alpha = alpha
    _weight = weight
    _method = method
    _base = base
    _exp_power = exp_power
    _proc = proc
    _cache_maxsize = cache_maxsize
    _shortest_path = shortest_path
    _nbr_topk = nbr_topk

    # Construct nx to nk dictionary
    nx2nk_ndict, nk2nx_ndict = {}, {}
    for idx, n in enumerate(G.nodes()):
        nx2nk_ndict[n] = idx
        nk2nx_ndict[idx] = n

    if _shortest_path == "all_pairs":
        # Construct the all pair shortest path dictionary
        # if not _apsp:
        _apsp = _get_all_pairs_shortest_path()

    if edge_list:
        args = [(nx2nk_ndict[source], nx2nk_ndict[target])
                for source, target in edge_list]
        args = [(nx2nk_ndict[source], nx2nk_ndict[target])
                for source, target in G.edges()]

    # Start compute edge Ricci curvature
    t0 = time.time()

    with mp.get_context('fork').Pool(processes=_proc) as pool:
        # WARNING: Now only fork works, spawn will hang.

        # Decide chunksize following method in map_async
        if chunksize is None:
            chunksize, extra = divmod(len(args), proc * 4)
            if extra:
                chunksize += 1

        # Compute Ricci curvature for edges
        result = pool.imap_unordered(_wrap_compute_single_edge,

    # Convert edge index from nk back to nx for final output
    output = {}
    for rc in result:
        for k in list(rc.keys()):
            output[(nk2nx_ndict[k[0]], nk2nx_ndict[k[1]])] = rc[k]

    logger.info("%8f secs for Ricci curvature computation." %
                (time.time() - t0))

    return output
コード例 #8
def run(graph: nx.Graph, game, alpha, T, sets=dict()):
    n = graph.number_of_nodes()
    m = graph.number_of_edges()
    players = [Player(id=i) for i in graph.nodes()]

    # TODO vary init
    sus = random.choices([0, 1], k=m)
    svs = random.choices([0, 1], k=m)

    rates = dict()
    for key in sets.keys():
        rates[key] = []

    for p in players:
        p.deg = graph.degree(p.id)

    for _ in range(T):
        for p in players:
            p.g_avg = .0
            p.sig = .0
            p.rho = .0
            p.best_neighbor = -1

        for (u, v), su, sv in zip(graph.edges(), sus, svs):
            pu, pv = game.payoff(su, sv)
            players[u].g_avg += pu
            players[v].g_avg += pv

            players[u].sig += 1 - sv
            players[v].sig += 1 - su

            players[u].rho += 1 - su
            players[v].rho += 1 - sv

        for p in players:
            p.best_g = -INF
            p.best_s = None
            p.g_avg /= p.sz()

            p.sig /= p.sz()
            p.rho /= p.sz()

        for (u, v), su, sv in zip(graph.edges(), sus, svs):
            if players[u].best_g < players[v].g_avg:
                players[u].best_g = players[v].g_avg
                players[u].best_s = sv
                players[u].best_neighbor = v

            if players[v].best_g < players[u].g_avg:
                players[v].best_g = players[u].g_avg
                players[v].best_s = su
                players[v].best_neighbor = u

        for p in players:
            delta = (p.best_g - p.g_avg)
            # TODO b = 1 ensure ????
            p.prob = sigmoid(delta / alpha)

            if p.best_neighbor != -1:
                q = players[p.best_neighbor]
                if p.sig == q.sig:
                    p.star = +100
                    p.star = (p.rho - q.rho) / (p.sig - q.sig)
                p.star = -100

        for i, (u, v) in zip(range(m), graph.edges()):
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < players[u].prob:
                sus[i] = players[u].best_s
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < players[v].prob:
                svs[i] = players[v].best_s

        for p in players:
            p.cnt = 0

        for (u, v), su, sv in zip(graph.edges(), sus, svs):
            players[u].cnt += 1 - su
            players[v].cnt += 1 - sv

        store_rates(rates, players, sets)

    return rates
コード例 #9
def count_noiseless_subsystems(g: nx.Graph):
    n = g.number_of_nodes()
    m = nx.to_numpy_array(g) if g.number_of_edges() > 0 else np.zeros([n, n])
    return count_noiseless_eigenvectors(m)
コード例 #10
class BotSimilarityGrapher(BotRetweetGrapher):

    def __init__(self):
        self.similarity_graph = None

    def retweet_graph(self):
        return self.graph

    def retweet_graph_report(self):

    def perform(self):
            bot_ids (list) a unique list of bot ids, which should all be included as nodes in the bot retweet graph.
                The retweet graph will also contain retweeted users. So that's why we need a separate list.
                The bot ids will be used as nodes in the similarity graph.

            bot_retweet_graph (networkx.DiGraph) a retweet graph generated from the bot list

        Returns: a similarity graph (networkx.Graph), where the similarity is based on the Jaccard index.
            For each pair of bots we calculate the Jaccard index based on the sets of people they retweet.
            If two bots retweet exactly the same users, their Jaccard index is one.
            If they don't retweet anyone in common, their Jaccard index is zero.


        bot_ids = [row.user_id for row in self.bq_service.fetch_bot_ids(bot_min=self.bot_min)]
        print("FETCHED", fmt_n(len(bot_ids)), "BOT IDS")

        node_pairs = []
        for i, bot_id in enumerate(bot_ids):
            for other_bot_id in bot_ids[i+1:]:
                if self.retweet_graph.has_node(other_bot_id) and self.retweet_graph.has_node(bot_id):
                    node_pairs.append((bot_id, other_bot_id))
        # could maybe just take the combinations between all nodes in the bot graph
        # because we can assume they were assembled using the same bot ids as the ones here
        # but the point is to be methodologically sound and it doesn't take that long
        print("NODE PAIRS:", fmt_n(len(node_pairs)))

        results = jaccard_coefficient(self.retweet_graph.to_undirected(), node_pairs)
        #> returns an iterator of 3-tuples in the form (u, v, p)
        #> where (u, v) is a pair of nodes and p is their Jaccard coefficient.
        print("JACCARD COEFFICIENT RESULTS:", fmt_n(len(results)))

        self.similarity_graph = Graph()
        edge_count = 0
        #positive_results = [r for r in results if r[2] > 0] # this takes a while, maybe let's just stick with the original iterator approach
        for bot_id, other_bot_id, similarity_score in results:
            if similarity_score > 0:
                self.similarity_graph.add_edge(bot_id, other_bot_id, weight=similarity_score)
                edge_count += 1

            self.counter += 1
            if self.counter % self.batch_size == 0:
                print(logstamp(), "|", fmt_n(self.counter), "|", fmt_n(edge_count), "EDGES")

    #   TODO: refactor into a new storage service to inherit from the base storage service,
    #   and mix that in instead (requires some parent class de-coupling)

    def local_similarity_graph_filepath(self):
        return os.path.join(self.local_dirpath, "similarity_graph.gpickle")

    def gcs_similarity_graph_filepath(self):
        return os.path.join(self.gcs_dirpath, "similarity_graph.gpickle")

    def write_similarity_graph(self):
        print("SAVING SIMILARITY GRAPH...")
        write_gpickle(self.similarity_graph, self.local_similarity_graph_filepath)

    def upload_similarity_graph(self):
        self.upload_file(self.local_similarity_graph_filepath, self.gcs_similarity_graph_filepath)

    def load_similarity_graph(self):
        print("LOADING SIMILARITY GRAPH...")
        if not os.path.isfile(self.local_similarity_graph_filepath):
            self.download_file(self.gcs_similarity_graph_filepath, self.local_similarity_graph_filepath)

        return read_gpickle(self.local_similarity_graph_filepath)

    def save_similarity_graph(self):

    def similarity_graph_report(self):
        if not self.similarity_graph:
            self.similarity_graph = self.load_similarity_graph()

        print("SIMILARITY GRAPH", type(self.similarity_graph))
        print("  NODES:", fmt_n(self.similarity_graph.number_of_nodes()))
        print("  EDGES:", fmt_n(self.similarity_graph.number_of_edges()))
コード例 #11
ファイル: reduction.py プロジェクト: aditya95sriram/python-vc
def rrhandler(graph: nx.Graph, budget: int):
    Handles application of reduction rules (both count and order).
    Doesn't take already constructed vc as part of input and
    thus the input graph must be cleaned with respect to the already
    known vc

    :param graph: graph to reduce
    :param budget: parameter k
    :return: 4-tuple (flag, new_graph, vc, folded_verts)
    where flag=false denotes that this is a NO-instance and vice-versa,
    new_graph is the reduced subgraph,
    vc is the partial vc constructed while applying reduction rules
    folded_verts is list of folded_verts
    vc = set()
    folded_verts = []
    budget_active = (budget >= 0)
    changed = True
    while changed:
        if graph.number_of_edges() == 0:
            return True, graph, vc, folded_verts

        changed = False

        # apply sage reduction (RR1-4)
        old_verts = graph.number_of_nodes()
        graph, new_vc, new_folded_verts = sage_reduction(graph.copy())
        # noinspection PyChainedComparisons
        if budget_active and len(new_vc) + len(new_folded_verts) > budget:
            return False, graph, set(), []
        if graph.number_of_nodes() < old_verts:  # some change
            if budget_active:
                budget -= (len(new_vc) + len(new_folded_verts))
            changed = True

        # apply lp based crown reduction rule
        graph, new_vc, lpopt = lp_reduction(graph.copy())
        if budget_active and len(new_vc) > budget:
            return False, graph, set(), []
        if graph.number_of_nodes() < old_verts:  # some change
            print("#" * 80)
            print("lp crown found")
            print("#" * 80)
            if budget_active:
                budget -= len(new_vc)
            changed = True
            if budget_active:
                #print("lpopt", lpopt, "budget", budget)
                if lpopt > budget:
                    return False, graph, set(), []
            #print("all half", check_all_half_lp(graph, lpopt))

        # apply degree k reduction rule only if positive budget
        if budget_active:
            graph, new_vc = degree_k(graph.copy(), budget)
            if len(new_vc) > budget:
                return False, graph, set(), []
            if len(new_vc) > 0:
                budget -= len(new_vc)
                changed = True

    return True, graph, vc, folded_verts
コード例 #12
def _compute_ricci_flow(G: nx.Graph, weight="weight",
                        iterations=100, step=1, delta=1e-4, surgery=(lambda G, *args, **kwargs: G, 100),
    Compute the given Ricci flow metric of each edge of a given connected NetworkX graph.

    :param iterations: Iterations to require Ricci flow metric.
    :param step: step size for gradient decent process.
    :param delta: process stop when difference of Ricci curvature is within delta.
    :param surgery: A tuple of user define surgery function that will execute every certain iterations.
    :return: G: A NetworkX graph with weight as Ricci flow metric.

    if not nx.is_connected(G):
        logger.warning("Not connected graph detected, compute on the largest connected component instead.")
        G = nx.Graph(G.subgraph(max(nx.connected_components(G), key=len)))

    logger.info("Number of nodes: %d" % G.number_of_nodes())
    logger.info("Number of edges: %d" % G.number_of_edges())

    # Set normalized weight to be the number of edges.
    normalized_weight = float(G.number_of_edges())

    # Start compute edge Ricci flow
    t0 = time.time()

    if nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "original_RC"):
        logger.warning("original_RC detected, continue to refine the ricci flow.")
        _compute_ricci_curvature(G, weight=weight, **kwargs)

        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2]["original_RC"] = G[v1][v2]["ricciCurvature"]

    # Start the Ricci flow process
    for i in range(iterations):
        for (v1, v2) in G.edges():
            G[v1][v2][weight] -= step * (G[v1][v2]["ricciCurvature"]) * G[v1][v2][weight]

        # Do normalization on all weight to prevent weight expand to infinity
        w = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, weight)
        sumw = sum(w.values())
        for k, v in w.items():
            w[k] = w[k] * (normalized_weight / sumw)
        nx.set_edge_attributes(G, values=w, name=weight)
        logger.info(" === Ricci flow iteration %d === " % i)

        _compute_ricci_curvature(G, weight=weight, **kwargs)

        rc = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "ricciCurvature")
        diff = max(rc.values()) - min(rc.values())

        logger.info("Ricci curvature difference: %f" % diff)
        logger.info("max:%f, min:%f | maxw:%f, minw:%f" % (
            max(rc.values()), min(rc.values()), max(w.values()), min(w.values())))

        if diff < delta:
            logger.info("Ricci curvature converged, process terminated.")

        # do surgery or any specific evaluation
        surgery_func, do_surgery = surgery
        if i != 0 and i % do_surgery == 0:
            G = surgery_func(G, weight)
            normalized_weight = float(G.number_of_edges())

        for n1, n2 in G.edges():
            logger.debug(n1, n2, G[n1][n2])

    logger.info("\n%8f secs for Ricci flow computation." % (time.time() - t0))

    return G
コード例 #13
ファイル: aggregate_relays.py プロジェクト: 00h-i-r-a00/torps
    ips = {}
    # filter all relays in this consensus to those that
    # have a descriptor, are running, and are fast
    for relay in consensus.relays:
        if (relay in descriptors):
            sd = descriptors[relay] # server descriptor
            rse = consensus.relays[relay] # router status entry
            if "Running" in rse.flags and "Fast" in rse.flags:
                if relay not in ips: ips[relay] = []
    # build edges between every relay that could have been
    # selected in a path together
    for r1 in ips:
        for r2 in ips:
            if r1 is r2: continue
            g.add_edges_from(product(ips[r1], ips[r2]))                    
    nsf_i += 1
    # check if we should do a checkpoint and save our progress
    if nsf_i == nsf_len or "01-00-00-00" in fname:
        chkpntstart = fname[0:10]
        with open("relaypairs.{0}--{1}.json".format(chkpntstart, chkpntend), 'wb') as f: json.dump(g.edges(), f)

print ""
print('Num addresses: {0}'.format(g.number_of_nodes()))
print('Num unique pairs: {0}'.format(g.number_of_edges()))

# write final graph to disk
with open(out_file, 'wb') as f: json.dump(g.edges(), f)