コード例 #1
ファイル: ThirdPartyImport.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
 def displayMessage(self, message):
     # Clean the hexdump view
     self.textview.get_buffer().delete(self.textview.get_buffer().get_start_iter(), self.textview.get_buffer().get_end_iter())
     # Fecth the content of the message to display
     hexContent = TypeConvertor.hexdump(TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message.getData()))
     # Update the hexdump
     self.textview.get_buffer().insert_with_tags_by_name(self.textview.get_buffer().get_start_iter(), hexContent, "normalTag")
コード例 #2
    def test_alignmentOfEquivalentMessages(self):
        alignmentSolution = NeedlemanAndWunsch(8)
        nbTest = 1000
        for i_test in range(0, nbTest):
            common_pattern = self.generateRandomString(30, 40)
            # Generate the content of two messages
            data1 = TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(common_pattern)
            data2 = TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(common_pattern)
            # Create the messages
            message1 = RawMessage(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(time.time()), data1)
            message2 = RawMessage(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(time.time()), data2)

            (scores, alignment) = alignmentSolution.alignTwoMessages(
                False, message1, message2)
            (score1, score2, score3) = scores
            self.assertEqual(score1, 100.0)
            self.assertEqual(score2, 100.0)
            self.assertEqual(score3, 100.0)

            (scores, alignment) = alignmentSolution.alignTwoMessages(
                True, message1, message2)
            (score1, score2, score3) = scores
            self.assertEqual(score1, 100.0)
            self.assertEqual(score2, 100.0)
            self.assertEqual(score3, 100.0)
コード例 #3
ファイル: ThirdPartyImport.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
 def displayMessage(self, message):
     # Clean the hexdump view
     self.textview.get_buffer().delete(self.textview.get_buffer().get_start_iter(), self.textview.get_buffer().get_end_iter())
     # Fecth the content of the message to display
     hexContent = TypeConvertor.hexdump(TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message.getData()))
     # Update the hexdump
     self.textview.get_buffer().insert_with_tags_by_name(self.textview.get_buffer().get_start_iter(), hexContent, "normalTag")
コード例 #4
ファイル: IPv4Variable.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
    def learn(self, value, indice, negative, vocabulary, memory):
        if self.format == Format.ASCII:
            currentContent = TypeConvertor.bin2string(value[indice:])
            IPRegex = re.compile("(((?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))")
            hasMatched = False
            for t in range(min(len(currentContent), 15), 7, -1):
                currentPossibleIP = currentContent[:t]
                result = IPRegex.match(currentPossibleIP)
                if result != None:
                    hasMatched = True
                elif hasMatched:

            if hasMatched:
                result = currentContent[:t + 2]
                self.log.debug("Learn from received message : " + str(result))

                strCurrentValue = str(result)
                binCurrentValue = TypeConvertor.string2bin(result, 'big')
                memory.memorize(self, (binCurrentValue, strCurrentValue))

                return len(TypeConvertor.string2bin(result, 'big'))
                self.log.debug("Compare on format was not successfull")
                return -1
            raise NotImplementedError("Error, the current variable (IPv4Variable) doesn't support function compareFormat in this case")
コード例 #5
    def test_serializeValues(self):
        # Generate randoms values and retrieve their
        # serializations
        nb_test = 100
        for i_test in range(0, nb_test):
            values = []

            nb_values = random.randint(5, 200)
            for i_value in range(0, nb_values):
                # Generate the content of a random value
                value = TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(
                    self.generateRandomString(5, 100))

            # start the serialization process
             format) = TypeConvertor.serializeValues(values, 8)

            # start the deserialisation process
            deserializedValues = TypeConvertor.deserializeValues(
                serializedValues, format)

            for i_value in range(0, len(values)):
                value = values[i_value]
                self.assertEqual(value, deserializedValues[i_value])
コード例 #6
ファイル: FileMessageFactory.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
    def save(message, xmlMessages, namespace_project, namespace_common):
        root = etree.SubElement(xmlMessages, "{" + namespace_common + "}message")
        root.set("id", str(message.getID()))
        root.set("timestamp", str(message.getTimestamp()))
        root.set("{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type", "netzob-common:FileMessage")
        # data
        subData = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_common + "}data")
        subData.text = str(message.getData())
        # line number
        subLineNumber = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_common + "}lineNumber")
        subLineNumber.text = str(message.getLineNumber())
        # filename
        subFilename = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_common + "}filename")
        subFilename.text = message.getFilename()
        # creationDate
        subCreationDate = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_common + "}creationDate")
        subCreationDate.text = TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(message.getCreationDate())
        # creationDate
        subModificationDate = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_common + "}modificationDate")
        subModificationDate.text = TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(message.getModificationDate())

        # owner
        subOwner = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_common + "}owner")
        subOwner.text = message.getOwner()
        # size
        subSize = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace_common + "}size")
        subSize.text = str(message.getSize())
コード例 #7
ファイル: Searcher.py プロジェクト: EnjoyHacking/netzob
 def getSearchedDataForString(self, value):
     # Creation of a SearchTask
     task = SearchTask(value, value, Format.STRING)
     task.registerVariation(TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(value), "String representation of '%s'" % value)
     task.registerVariation(TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(value[::-1]), "Inverted string representation of '%s'" % value[::-1])
     task.registerVariation(TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(value.decode('utf-8')), "String representation of '%s' encoded in UTF-8" % value)
     return [task]
コード例 #8
ファイル: _WordVariable.py プロジェクト: EnjoyHacking/netzob
    def compareFormat(self, value, indice, negative, vocabulary, memory):
                Compute if the provided data is "format-compliant" and return the size of the biggest compliant data.

                @type value: bitarray.bitarray
                @param value: a bit array a subarray of which we compare to the current variable binray value.
                @type indice: integer
                @param indice: the starting point of comparison in value.
                @type negative: boolean
                @param negative: tells if we use the variable or a logical not of it.
                @type vocabulary: netzob.Common.Vocabulary.Vocabulary
                @param vocabulary: the vocabulary of the current project.
                @type memory: netzob.Common.MMSTD.Memory.Memory
                @param memory: a memory which can contain a former value of the variable.
                @rtype: integer
                @return: the size of the biggest compliant data, -1 if it does not comply.
        tmp = value[indice:]
        size = len(tmp)
        if size <= 16:
            self.log.debug("Too small, not even 16 bits available (2 letters)")
            return -1
        for i in range(size, 16, -1):
            subValue = value[indice:indice + i - 1]
            if (i - 1) % 8 == 0:
                strVal = TypeConvertor.bin2string(TypeConvertor.strBitarray2Bitarray(subValue))
                typeIdentifier = TypeIdentifier()
                if typeIdentifier.isAscii(strVal):
                    self.log.debug("Its an ascii : (" + str(strVal) + ")")
                    if (not ' ' in strVal and not '\n' in strVal and not '\r' in strVal):
                        self.log.debug("Its an ascii without space : (" + str(strVal) + ")")
                        self.log.debug("Binary value of the ascii  : %s" % str(TypeConvertor.strBitarray2Bitarray(subValue)))
                        return indice + i - 1

        return -1
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_Needleman.py プロジェクト: warsang/netzob
    def test_semanticAlignment_bug1(self):
        A bug on the semantic alignment has been identified which prevent
        the computation of a valid regex. This test verifies the bug is not comming back.
        @date 18/04/2013

        firstname1 = "antoine"
        email1 = "*****@*****.**"

        firstname2 = "luc"
        email2 = "*****@*****.**"

        msg1 = RawMessage(uuid.uuid4(), None, TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw("6" + firstname1 + "GAHFSHQS" + email1))
        msg2 = RawMessage(uuid.uuid4(), None, TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw("3" + firstname2 + "CVSDHISD" + email2))

        project = Project(uuid.uuid4(), "Experiment", datetime.now(), "")
        nwEngine = NeedlemanAndWunsch(8, project, False, None)
        symbol = Symbol(uuid.uuid4(), "Test", project)

        symbol.addMessages([msg1, msg2])
        msg1.addSemanticTag("firstname", 2, 2 + len(firstname1) * 2)
        msg1.addSemanticTag("email", 2 + len(firstname1) * 2 + 16, 2 + len(firstname1) * 2 + 16 + len(email1) * 2)

        msg2.addSemanticTag("firstname", 2, 2 + len(firstname2) * 2)
        msg2.addSemanticTag("email", 2 + len(firstname2) * 2 + 16, 2 + len(firstname2) * 2 + 16 + len(email2) * 2)


        print("Computed Regex : {0}".format(symbol.getRegex()))

        computedFields = symbol.getExtendedFields()
        self.assertTrue(len(computedFields) > 1, "Only one field has been computed which tells us something went wrong.")
コード例 #10
    def updateDisplayFollowingSplitPosition(self):
        messages = self.field.getCells()
        # Colorize text according to position

        for m in messages:
            # Crate padding in case of right alignment
            if self.split_align == "right":
                padding = " " * (self.split_max_len - len(m))
                    self.view.buffer.get_buffer().get_end_iter(), padding,
                split_index = -self.split_position
                split_index = self.split_position

            leftContent = m[:split_index]
            rightContent = m[split_index:]

                    leftContent, self.field.getFormat()) + "  ", "redTag")
                    rightContent, self.field.getFormat()) + "\n", "greenTag")

        value = self.split_position * (self.view.getMaxSizeOfHBuffer() /
コード例 #11
ファイル: UPGMA.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
    def processUPGMA(self):
        self.log.debug("Computing the associated matrix")

        # Serialize the symbols
        (serialSymbols, formatSymbols) = TypeConvertor.serializeSymbols(self.symbols, self.unitSize, self.scores)
        self.log.debug("Clustering input format " + formatSymbols)

        # Execute the Clustering part in C
        debug = False
        logging.debug("Execute the clustering part in C ...")
        (i_max, j_max, maxScore, scores) = _libNeedleman.getHighestEquivalentGroup(self.doInternalSlick, len(self.symbols), formatSymbols, serialSymbols, self.cb_executionStatus, debug)
        listScores = TypeConvertor.deserializeScores(self.symbols, scores)

        # Retrieve the scores for each association of symbols
        self.scores = {}
        for (iuid, juid, score) in listScores:
            if iuid not in self.scores.keys():
                self.scores[iuid] = {}
            if juid not in self.scores.keys():
                self.scores[juid] = {}
            self.scores[iuid][juid] = score
            if iuid not in self.scores[juid].keys():
                self.scores[juid][iuid] = score

        # Reduce the UPGMA matrix (merge symbols by similarity)
        return (i_max, j_max, maxScore)
コード例 #12
    def loadFromXML(rootElement, namespace, version, id, timestamp, data):

        # Retrieves the lineNumber (default -1)
        msg_lineNumber = int(rootElement.find("{" + namespace + "}lineNumber").text)

        # Retrieves the filename
        msg_filename = rootElement.find("{" + namespace + "}filename").text.encode("utf-8")

        # Retrieves the creation date
        msg_creationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(rootElement.find("{" + namespace + "}creationDate").text)

        # Retrieves the modification date
        if rootElement.find("{" + namespace + "}modificationDate").text is not None:
            msg_modificationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(rootElement.find("{" + namespace + "}modificationDate").text)
            msg_modificationDate = msg_creationDate

        # Retrieves the owner
        msg_owner = rootElement.find("{" + namespace + "}owner").text

        # Retrieves the size
        msg_size = int(rootElement.find("{" + namespace + "}size").text)

        # TODO : verify this ! Circular imports in python !
        # WARNING : verify this ! Circular imports in python !
        from netzob.Common.Models.FileMessage import FileMessage
        result = FileMessage(id, timestamp, data, msg_filename, msg_creationDate, msg_modificationDate, msg_owner, msg_size, msg_lineNumber)

        return result
コード例 #13
    def receiveSymbolWithTimeout(self, timeout):
        # First we read from the input the message
        receivedData = self.communicationChannel.read(timeout)

        nbMaxAttempts = 5

        if receivedData is None:
            self.log.warn("The communication channel seems to be closed !")
#            return (EmptySymbol(), None)
            return (None, None)

        if len(receivedData) > 0:
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            receptionTime = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
            self.log.info("Received following message : " + TypeConvertor.bin2strhex(receivedData))

            # Now we abstract the message
            symbol = self.abstract(receivedData)

            # We store the received messages its time and its abstract representation
            self.inputMessages.append([receptionTime, TypeConvertor.bin2strhex(receivedData), symbol.getName()])
            self.registerInputSymbol(receptionTime, TypeConvertor.bin2strhex(receivedData), symbol)

            return (symbol, receivedData)
            if len(self.manipulatedSymbols) > nbMaxAttempts:
                if self.manipulatedSymbols[len(self.manipulatedSymbols) - 1].getType() == EmptySymbol.TYPE or self.manipulatedSymbols[len(self.manipulatedSymbols) - 1].getType() == UnknownSymbol.TYPE:
                    self.log.warn("Consider client has disconnected since no valid symbol received after " + str(nbMaxAttempts) + " attempts")
                    return (None, None)
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            receptionTime = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
            symbol = EmptySymbol()
            self.registerInputSymbol(receptionTime, "", symbol)
            return (symbol, None)
コード例 #14
    def read(self, timeout):
        self.log.debug("Reading from the socket some data (timeout = " + str(timeout))
        result = bitarray(endian='big')

        chars = []
            if timeout > 0:
                ready = select.select([self.socket], [], [], timeout)
                if ready[0]:
                    chars = self.socket.recv(4096)
                ready = select.select([self.socket], [], [])
                self.log.debug("ready = " + str(ready[0]))
                if ready[0]:
                    chars = self.socket.recv(4096)
            self.log.debug("Impossible to read from the network socket")
            return None

        if (len(chars) == 0):
            return result
        result = TypeConvertor.stringB2bin(chars)

        self.log.debug("Received : {0}".format(TypeConvertor.bin2strhex(result)))
        return result
コード例 #15
ファイル: Project.py プロジェクト: otetard/netzob
    def generateXMLConfigFile(self):
        # Register the namespace
        etree.register_namespace("netzob", PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
        etree.register_namespace("netzob-common", COMMON_NAMESPACE)

        # Dump the file
        root = etree.Element("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}project")
        root.set("id", str(self.getID()))
        root.set("path", str(self.getPath()))
        # Warning, changed because of project = Project.createProject(self.netzob.getCurrentWorkspace(), projectName)
        if isinstance(self.getCreationDate(), types.TupleType):
            root.set("creation_date", TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(self.getCreationDate()[0]))
            root.set("creation_date", TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(self.getCreationDate()))
        root.set("name", str(self.getName()))

        if self.description:
            root.set("description", str(self.description))

        # Save the configuration in it
        self.getConfiguration().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE)

        # Save the vocabulary in it
        self.getVocabulary().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE)

        # Save the grammar in it
        if self.getGrammar() is not None:
            self.getGrammar().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE)

        # Save the simulator in it
        self.getSimulator().save(root, PROJECT_NAMESPACE)

        return root
コード例 #16
    def test_alignmentOfAlmostEquivalentMessages(self):
        alignmentSolution = NeedlemanAndWunsch(8)
        nbTest = 1000
        for i_test in range(0, nbTest):
            common_pattern_before = self.generateRandomString(30, 40)
            common_pattern_after = self.generateRandomString(30, 40)
            # Generate the content of two messages
            data1 = TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(common_pattern_before +
                                                    "hercule" +
            data2 = TypeConvertor.stringToNetzobRaw(common_pattern_before +
                                                    "thomas" +
            # Create the messages
            message1 = RawMessage(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(time.time()), data1)
            message2 = RawMessage(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(time.time()), data2)

            (scores, alignment) = alignmentSolution.alignTwoMessages(
                False, message1, message2)
            (score1, score2, score3) = scores
            (scoresBis, alignment2) = alignmentSolution.alignTwoMessages(
                True, message1, message2)
            (scoreBis1, scoreBis2, scoreBis3) = scoresBis

            self.assertGreater(scoreBis1, score1)
            self.assertGreater(scoreBis1, 95)
コード例 #17
    def compareFormat(self, value, indice, negative, vocabulary, memory):
                Compute if the provided data is "format-compliant" and return the size of the biggest compliant data.

                @type value: bitarray.bitarray
                @param value: a bit array a subarray of which we compare to the current variable binray value.
                @type indice: integer
                @param indice: the starting point of comparison in value.
                @type negative: boolean
                @param negative: tells if we use the variable or a logical not of it.
                @type vocabulary: netzob.Common.Vocabulary.Vocabulary
                @param vocabulary: the vocabulary of the current project.
                @type memory: netzob.Common.MMSTD.Memory.Memory
                @param memory: a memory which can contain a former value of the variable.
                @rtype: integer
                @return: the size of the biggest compliant data, -1 if it does not comply.
        tmp = value[indice:]
        size = len(tmp)
        if size <= 8:
            self.log.debug("Too small, not even 8 bits available (1 number)")
            return -1
        for i in range(size, 8, -1):
            subValue = value[indice:indice + i - 1]
            strVal = TypeConvertor.bin2string(
            typeIdentifier = TypeIdentifier()
            if typeIdentifier.isAscii(strVal):
                if (strVal.isdigit()):
                    self.log.debug("Its a numeric : (" + str(strVal) + ")")
                    return i + indice - 1
        self.log.debug("the value " + str(
                       + " cannot be parsed as a decimalWord")
        return -1
コード例 #18
    def save(message, xmlMessage, namespace_project, namespace_common):

        # line number
        subLineNumber = etree.SubElement(
            xmlMessage, "{" + namespace_common + "}lineNumber")
        subLineNumber.text = str(message.getLineNumber())
        # filename
        subFilename = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage,
                                       "{" + namespace_common + "}filename")
        subFilename.text = message.getFilename().decode('utf-8')
        # creationDate
        subCreationDate = etree.SubElement(
            xmlMessage, "{" + namespace_common + "}creationDate")
        subCreationDate.text = TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(
        # creationDate
        subModificationDate = etree.SubElement(
            xmlMessage, "{" + namespace_common + "}modificationDate")
        subModificationDate.text = TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(

        # owner
        subOwner = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage,
                                    "{" + namespace_common + "}owner")
        subOwner.text = message.getOwner()
        # size
        subSize = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage,
                                   "{" + namespace_common + "}size")
        subSize.text = str(message.getSize())
コード例 #19
ファイル: _IntVariable.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
 def generateValue(self, negative, dictionary):
     self.log.debug("Generate value of hex")
     if self.min != -1 and self.max != -1:
         # generate a value in int
         r = random.randint(self.min, self.max)
         self.log.debug("Generating hex of value : " + str(r))
         self.binValue = TypeConvertor.int2bin(r, self.size)
         self.strValue = TypeConvertor.int2string(r)
コード例 #20
ファイル: Searcher.py プロジェクト: lindi2/netzob
 def getSearchedDataForDecimal(self, value):
     if not value.isdigit():
         return []
     # Creation of a SearchTask
     task = SearchTask(value, value, Format.DECIMAL)
     task.registerVariation(TypeConvertor.decimalToNetzobRaw(value), "Decimal representation of '{0}'".format(TypeConvertor.decimalToNetzobRaw(value)))
     task.registerVariation(TypeConvertor.decimalToNetzobRaw(value[::-1]), "Inverted decimal representation of '{0}'".format(TypeConvertor.decimalToNetzobRaw(value[::-1])))
     return [task]
コード例 #21
ファイル: _IntVariable.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
 def generateValue(self, negative, dictionary):
     self.log.debug("Generate value of hex")
     if self.min != -1 and self.max != -1:
         # generate a value in int
         r = random.randint(self.min, self.max)
         self.log.debug("Generating hex of value : " + str(r))
         self.binValue = TypeConvertor.int2bin(r, self.size)
         self.strValue = TypeConvertor.int2string(r)
コード例 #22
ファイル: IpcCapturer.py プロジェクト: EnjoyHacking/netzob
 def getMessageDetails(self, messageID):
     if not messageID in self._payloadDict:
         errorMessage = _("Message ID: {0} not found in importer " +
                          "message list").format(messageID)
         raise NetzobImportException("IPC", errorMessage, ERROR)
     payload = self._payloadDict[messageID]
     return TypeConvertor.hexdump(TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(payload))
コード例 #23
    def doGetMessageDetails(self, messageID):
        message = self.model.getMessageByID(str(messageID))

        properties = [(props.getName(), props.getCurrentValue()) for props in message.getProperties()
                      if props.getName() != 'Data']
        messageDetails = "\n".join(["{0}: {1}".format(*prop)
                                    for prop in properties])
        messageDetails += "\n\n" + TypeConvertor.hexdump(TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message.getStringData()))
        return messageDetails
コード例 #24
 def getMessageDetails(self, messageID):
     if not messageID in self._payloadDict:
         errorMessage = _("Message ID: {0} not found in importer " +
                          "message list").format(messageID)
         raise NetzobImportException("IPC", errorMessage, ERROR)
     payload = self._payloadDict[messageID]
     return TypeConvertor.hexdump(
コード例 #25
ファイル: WordVariable.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
 def learn(self, value, indice, negative, vocabulary, memory):
     # First we retrieve the size of the value to memorize
     size = self.compare(value, indice, negative, vocabulary, memory)
     if size > 0:
         # memorize
         self.log.debug("Memorize : " + str(value[indice:size]))
         memory.memorize(self, (value[indice:size], TypeConvertor.bin2string(TypeConvertor.strBitarray2Bitarray(value[indice:size]))))
         return size
         self.log.debug("Incompatible for learning")
         return -1
コード例 #26
ファイル: _DynLenStringVariable.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
    def generateValue(self, negative, dictionary):

        variable = dictionary.getVariableByID(self.idVar)
        (binValue, strValue) = variable.getValue(negative, dictionary)

        self.log.debug("GENERATE VALUE of size : " + str(binValue))
        nb_letter = TypeConvertor.bin2int(binValue)
        self.strVal = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in range(nb_letter))
        self.binVal = TypeConvertor.string2bin(self.strVal, 'big')
        self.log.debug("Generated value = " + self.strVal)
        self.log.debug("Generated value = " + str(self.binVal))
コード例 #27
    def write(self, message):
        self.log.debug("Writing to the socket")
        # This work only for values between 0x00 and 0x7f
        # self.socket.send(message.tostring())
        if self.protocol == "UDP":
            self.socket.sendto(TypeConvertor.bin2string(message), (self.getTargetIP(), self.getTargetPort()))
        else:  # TCP

        self.log.debug("Write down !")
コード例 #28
    def doGetMessageDetails(self, messageID):
        message = self.model.getMessageByID(str(messageID))

        properties = [(props.getName(), props.getCurrentValue())
                      for props in message.getProperties()
                      if props.getName() != 'Data']
        messageDetails = "\n".join(
            ["{0}: {1}".format(*prop) for prop in properties])
        messageDetails += "\n\n" + TypeConvertor.hexdump(
        return messageDetails
コード例 #29
    def generateValue(self, negative, dictionary):

        variable = dictionary.getVariableByID(self.idVar)
        (binValue, strValue) = variable.getValue(negative, dictionary)

        self.log.debug("GENERATE VALUE of size : " + str(binValue))
        nb_letter = TypeConvertor.bin2int(binValue)
        self.strVal = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in range(nb_letter))
        self.binVal = TypeConvertor.string2bin(self.strVal, 'big')
        self.log.debug("Generated value = " + self.strVal)
        self.log.debug("Generated value = " + str(self.binVal))
コード例 #30
ファイル: Base64Function.py プロジェクト: EnjoyHacking/netzob
 def reverse(self, message):
     Encode in B64 the provided message"""
     result = message
         rawContent = TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message)
         b64Content = base64.b64encode(rawContent)
         result = TypeConvertor.pythonRawToNetzobRaw(b64Content)
     except TypeError as error:
         logging.warning("Impossible to compute the base64 value of message (error={0})".format(str(error)))
         result = ""
     return result
コード例 #31
ファイル: GZipFunction.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
 def apply(self, message):
     result = message
     rawData = TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message)
     compressedstream = StringIO.StringIO(rawData)
         gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedstream)
         data = gzipper.read()
         result = TypeConvertor.pythonRawToNetzobRaw(data)
     except Exception as e:
         logging.info("Impossible to apply GZip function on provided message (error= {0})".format(str(e)))
         result = ""
     return result
コード例 #32
ファイル: Searcher.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
 def getSearchedDataForString(self, value):
     # Creation of a SearchTask
     task = SearchTask(value, value, Format.STRING)
                            "String representation of '%s'" % value)
         "Inverted string representation of '%s'" % value[::-1])
         "String representation of '%s' encoded in UTF-8" % value)
     return [task]
コード例 #33
ファイル: BZ2Function.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
 def reverse(self, message):
     This compress the provided message in bz2 format"""
     result = message
     rawData = TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message)
         rawResult = bz2.compress(rawData)
         result = TypeConvertor.pythonRawToNetzobRaw(rawResult)
     except Exception as e:
         logging.info("Impossible to reverse BZ2 function (compress) on provided message (error= {0})".format(str(e)))
         result = ""
     return result
コード例 #34
ファイル: GZipFunction.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
 def reverse(self, message):
     result = message
     rawData = TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message)
     compressedstream = StringIO.StringIO()
         gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedstream, mode='w')
         result = TypeConvertor.pythonRawToNetzobRaw(compressedstream.getvalue())
     except Exception as e:
         logging.info("Impossible to apply GZip function on provided message (error= {0})".format(str(e)))
         result = ""
     return result
コード例 #35
ファイル: Searcher.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
 def getSearchedDataForDecimal(self, value):
     if not value.isdigit():
         return []
     # Creation of a SearchTask
     task = SearchTask(value, value, Format.DECIMAL)
         "Decimal representation of '{0}'".format(
         "Inverted decimal representation of '{0}'".format(
     return [task]
コード例 #36
ファイル: AbstractionLayer.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
    def abstract(self, message):
                Searches in the vocabulary the symbol which abstract the received message.

                @type message: netzob.Common.Models.AbstractMessage
                @param message: the message that is being read/compare/learn.
                @rtype: netzob.Common.Symbol
                @return: the symbol which content matches the message.
        self.log.debug("We abstract the received message : " +
        # we search in the vocabulary an entry which match the message
        for symbol in self.vocabulary.getSymbols():
            self.log.debug("Try to abstract message through : {0}.".format(
            readingToken = VariableReadingToken(
                False, self.vocabulary, self.memory,
                TypeConvertor.strBitarray2Bitarray(message), 0)

                "ReadingToken: isOk: {0}, index: {1}, len(value): {2}".format(
                    str(readingToken.isOk()), str(readingToken.getIndex()),
            # The message matches if the read is ok and the whole entry was read.
            if readingToken.isOk() and readingToken.getIndex() == len(
                self.log.debug("The message matches symbol {0}.".format(
                # It matches so we learn from it if it's possible
                return symbol
                self.log.debug("The message doesn't match symbol {0}.".format(
            # This is now managed in the variables modules.
            #    self.memory.createMemory()
            #    self.log.debug("We memorize the symbol " + str(symbol.getRoot()))
            #    readingToken = VariableReadingToken(False, self.vocabulary, self.memory, TypeConvertor.strBitarray2Bitarray(message), 0)
            #    symbol.getRoot().learn(readingToken)
            #    self.memory.persistMemory()
            #    return symbol
            # else:
            #    self.log.debug("Entry " + str(symbol.getID()) + " doesn't match")
            #    # we first restore a possibly learned value
            #    self.log.debug("Restore possibly learned value")
            #    processingToken = AbstractVariableProcessingToken(False, self.vocabulary, self.memory)
            #    symbol.getRoot().restore(processingToken)
        return UnknownSymbol()
コード例 #37
 def reverse(self, message):
     Encode in B64 the provided message"""
     result = message
         rawContent = TypeConvertor.netzobRawToPythonRaw(message)
         b64Content = base64.b64encode(rawContent)
         result = TypeConvertor.pythonRawToNetzobRaw(b64Content)
     except TypeError as error:
             "Impossible to compute the base64 value of message (error={0})"
         result = ""
     return result
コード例 #38
ファイル: _MD5Variable.py プロジェクト: EnjoyHacking/netzob
    def generateValue(self, negative, dictionary):
        # Retrieve the value of the data to hash
        var = dictionary.getVariableByID(self.id_var)
        (binToHash, strToHash) = var.getValue(negative, dictionary)

        toHash = TypeConvertor.bin2string(binToHash)
        self.log.debug("Will hash the followings : " + toHash)

        md5core = hashlib.md5(self.init)

        md5Hex = md5core.digest()
        self.binVal = TypeConvertor.hex2bin(md5Hex)
        self.strVal = TypeConvertor.bin2strhex(self.binVal)
        self.log.debug("Generated MD5 = " + self.strVal)
コード例 #39
ファイル: _DynLenStringVariable.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
    def learn(self, val, indice, isForced, dictionary):
        variable = dictionary.getVariableByID(self.idVar)
        (binValue, strValue) = variable.getValue(False, dictionary)
        nb_letter = TypeConvertor.bin2int(binValue) * 8
        self.log.debug("nb_letter = " + str(nb_letter))
        tmp = val[indice:]
        self.log.debug("tmp size : " + str(len(tmp)))
        if (len(tmp) >= nb_letter):
            self.binVal = tmp[:nb_letter]
            self.strVal = TypeConvertor.bin2string(self.binVal)
            self.log.debug("Value learnt : " + self.strVal)
            return indice + nb_letter

        return -1
コード例 #40
    def generateValue(self, negative, dictionary):
        # Retrieve the value of the data to hash
        var = dictionary.getVariableByID(self.id_var)
        (binToHash, strToHash) = var.getValue(negative, dictionary)

        toHash = TypeConvertor.bin2string(binToHash)
        self.log.debug("Will hash the followings : " + toHash)

        md5core = hashlib.md5(self.init)

        md5Hex = md5core.digest()
        self.binVal = TypeConvertor.hex2bin(md5Hex)
        self.strVal = TypeConvertor.bin2strhex(self.binVal)
        self.log.debug("Generated MD5 = " + self.strVal)
コード例 #41
    def learn(self, val, indice, isForced, dictionary):
        variable = dictionary.getVariableByID(self.idVar)
        (binValue, strValue) = variable.getValue(False, dictionary)
        nb_letter = TypeConvertor.bin2int(binValue) * 8
        self.log.debug("nb_letter = " + str(nb_letter))
        tmp = val[indice:]
        self.log.debug("tmp size : " + str(len(tmp)))
        if (len(tmp) >= nb_letter):
            self.binVal = tmp[:nb_letter]
            self.strVal = TypeConvertor.bin2string(self.binVal)
            self.log.debug("Value learnt : " + self.strVal)
            return indice + nb_letter

        return -1
コード例 #42
    def applySession(self, session):
        # retrieve the automata
        automata = self.project.getGrammar().getAutomata()

        self.log.debug("automata: %s" % automata.getDotCode())

        if automata is None:
            self.log.warn("Cannot apply a session on the current automata because it doesn't exist")
            return None

        difference = None

        # Configure the role-play environment
        # with :
        #  - a memory
        memory = Memory()
        # memory = Memory(None)
        #  - an abstraction layer
        abstractionLayer = AbstractionLayer(None, self.project.getVocabulary(), memory, None, None)

        currentState = automata.getInitialState()
        # We execute the opening transition
        if len(currentState.getTransitions()) == 1 and currentState.getTransitions()[0].getType() == OpenChannelTransition.TYPE:
            currentState = currentState.getTransitions()[0].getOutputState()

        isInput = True
        for message in session.getMessages():
            self.log.debug("Inject message: %s" % (message.getData()))
            # we abstract the message
            symbol = abstractionLayer.abstract(TypeConvertor.netzobRawToBitArray(str(message.getData())))
            if isInput:
                # We simulate the reception of the message
                #  - verify its a valid input symbol
                #  - find out the associated transition
                currentTransition = None
                for transition in currentState.getTransitions():
                    if transition.getInputSymbol() == symbol:
                        currentTransition = transition
                if currentTransition is None:
                    self.log.warn("Input symbol %s doesn't match any existing transition in current state %s" % (symbol.getName(), currentState.getName()))
                    self.log.warn("We forget this message.")
                    self.log.debug("Input symbol %s matchs the transition %s from state %s" % (symbol.getName(), currentTransition.getName(), currentState.getName()))
                    isInput = False
                # We simulate emiting the message
                #  - we just verify the symbol matches available output message in current transition
                found = False
                for (outputSymbol, probability, time) in currentTransition.getOutputSymbols():
                    if symbol.getID() == outputSymbol.getID():
                        found = True
                        isInput = True
                        currentState = currentTransition.getOutputState()

                if not found:
                    self.log.info("A difference has been found, symbol %s is not an output symbol of transition %s" % (symbol.getName(), currentTransition.getName()))
                    return (currentTransition, symbol)
        return difference
コード例 #43
 def getTargetPort(self):
     """Returns in int the value of the bind Port retrieved from memory"""
     binPort = self.memory.recall(self.varTargetPort)
     if binPort is None:
         self.log.warn("Impossible to find the memorized value of the Target Port")
         return None
     return int(TypeConvertor.binB2string(binPort))
コード例 #44
ファイル: Workspace.py プロジェクト: EnjoyHacking/netzob
    def saveConfigFile(self, overrideTraces=[]):
        """This functions allows to save the current (and only)
        instance of the Workspace. You can supply a list of traces
        that should be written on-disk through the `overrideTraces`
        variable. This allows to override specific traces that where

        :param overrideTraces: a list of trace identifiers that should
        be written on-disk, even if they already exists.

        workspaceFile = os.path.join(self.path, Workspace.CONFIGURATION_FILENAME)

        logging.info("Save the config file of the workspace {0} in {1}".format(self.getName(), workspaceFile))

        # Register the namespace
        etree.register_namespace('netzob', WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE)
        etree.register_namespace('netzob-common', COMMON_NAMESPACE)

        # Dump the file
        root = etree.Element("{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}workspace")
        root.set("creation_date", TypeConvertor.pythonDatetime2XSDDatetime(self.getCreationDate()))
        root.set("name", str(self.getName()))

        xmlWorkspaceConfig = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}configuration")

        relTracePath = os.path.relpath(self.getPathOfTraces(), self.path)
        xmlTraces = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}traces")
        xmlTraces.text = str(self.getPathOfTraces())

        xmlLogging = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}logging")
        xmlLogging.text = str(self.getPathOfLogging())

        xmlPrototypes = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}prototypes")
        xmlPrototypes.text = str(self.getPathOfPrototypes())

        xmlPrototypes = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceConfig, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}enable_bug_reporting")
        xmlPrototypes.text = str(self.enableBugReporting).lower()

        xmlWorkspaceProjects = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}projects")
        for projectPath in self.getProjectsPath():
            xmlProject = etree.SubElement(xmlWorkspaceProjects, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}project")
            xmlProject.set("path", projectPath)

        xmlWorkspaceImported = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}traces")
        for importedTrace in self.getImportedTraces():
            # overrideTraces variable contains the list of
            # ImportedTraces that should be overriden. This is useful
            # in case of message removal for example.
            forceOverride = (importedTrace.id in overrideTraces)

            importedTrace.save(xmlWorkspaceImported, WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE, COMMON_NAMESPACE,
                               os.path.join(self.path, self.getPathOfTraces()), forceOverride)

        xmlWorkspaceFunctions = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE + "}functions")
        for function in self.getCustomFunctions():
            function.save(xmlWorkspaceFunctions, WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE)

        tree = ElementTree(root)
        tree.write(workspaceFile, pretty_print=True)
コード例 #45
 def getTargetIP(self):
     """Returns in string the value of the target IP retrieved from memory"""
     binIP = self.memory.recall(self.varTargetIP)
     if binIP is None:
         self.log.warn("Impossible to find the memorized value of the Target IP")
         return None
     return TypeConvertor.binB2string(binIP)
コード例 #46
ファイル: _BinaryVariable.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
    def toXML(self, root, namespace):
            Create the xml tree associated to this variable.
        xmlVariable = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace + "}variable")
        # Header specific to the definition of a variable
        xmlVariable.set("id", str(self.getID()))
        xmlVariable.set("name", str(self.getName()))

        # Original Value
        if self.getOriginalValue() is not None:
            xmlBinaryVariableOriginalValue = etree.SubElement(
                xmlVariable, "{" + namespace + "}originalValue")
            xmlBinaryVariableOriginalValue.text = TypeConvertor.bitarray2StrBitarray(

        # Minimum bits
        xmlBinaryVariableStartValue = etree.SubElement(
            xmlVariable, "{" + namespace + "}minBits")
        xmlBinaryVariableStartValue.text = str(self.getMinBits())

        # Maximum bits
        xmlBinaryVariableEndValue = etree.SubElement(
            xmlVariable, "{" + namespace + "}maxBits")
        xmlBinaryVariableEndValue.text = str(self.getMaxBits())
コード例 #47
ファイル: Project.py プロジェクト: otetard/netzob
def loadProject_0_1(projectFile):
    # Parse the XML Document as 0.1 version
    tree = ElementTree()


    xmlProject = tree.getroot()

    # Register the namespace
    etree.register_namespace("netzob", PROJECT_NAMESPACE)
    etree.register_namespace("netzob-common", COMMON_NAMESPACE)

    projectID = str(xmlProject.get("id"))
    projectName = xmlProject.get("name", "none")
    projectCreationDate = TypeConvertor.xsdDatetime2PythonDatetime(xmlProject.get("creation_date"))
    projectPath = xmlProject.get("path")
    project = Project(projectID, projectName, projectCreationDate, projectPath)

    description = xmlProject.get("description")

    # Parse the configuration
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration") is not None:
        projectConfiguration = ProjectConfiguration.loadProjectConfiguration(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}configuration"), PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1"

    # Parse the vocabulary
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary") is not None:
        projectVocabulary = Vocabulary.loadVocabulary(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}vocabulary"),

    # Parse the grammar
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar") is not None:
        projectGrammar = Grammar.loadGrammar(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}grammar"), projectVocabulary, PROJECT_NAMESPACE, "0.1"
        if projectGrammar is not None:

    # Parse the simulator
    if xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator") is not None:
        projectSimulator = Simulator.loadSimulator(
            xmlProject.find("{" + PROJECT_NAMESPACE + "}simulator"),
        if projectSimulator is not None:

    return project
コード例 #48
ファイル: HexVariable.py プロジェクト: KurSh/netzob
 def computeCurrentValue(self, strValue):
     if strValue != None:
         strCurrentValue = strValue
         binCurrentValue = TypeConvertor.netzobRawToBitArray(strValue)
         self.currentValue = (binCurrentValue, strCurrentValue)
         self.currentValue = None
コード例 #49
ファイル: TextValue.py プロジェクト: EnjoyHacking/netzob
    def __init__(self, text):
        AbstractValue.__init__(self, "TextValue")
        # create logger with the given configuration
        self.log = logging.getLogger('netzob.Common.MMSTD.Dictionary.Values.TextValue.py')

        self.strtext = text
        self.bintext = TypeConvertor.string2bin(self.strtext, 'big')
コード例 #50
ファイル: _BinaryVariable.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
    def loadFromXML(xmlRoot, namespace, version):
                Load a binary variable from an XML definition.
        if version == "0.1":
            varId = xmlRoot.get("id")
            varName = xmlRoot.get("name")

            xmlBinaryVariableOriginalValue = xmlRoot.find("{" + namespace +
            if xmlBinaryVariableOriginalValue is not None:
                originalValue = TypeConvertor.strBitarray2Bitarray(
                originalValue = None

            xmlBinaryVariableStartValue = xmlRoot.find("{" + namespace +
            minBits = int(xmlBinaryVariableStartValue.text)

            xmlBinaryVariableEndValue = xmlRoot.find("{" + namespace +
            maxBits = int(xmlBinaryVariableEndValue.text)

            return BinaryVariable(varId, varName, originalValue, minBits,
        return None
コード例 #51
 def save(self, root, namespace):
     """Save in the XML tree the actor definition"""
     xmlActor = etree.SubElement(root, "{" + namespace + "}actor")
     xmlActor.set('id', str(self.getID()))
     xmlActor.set('name', str(self.getName()))
     xmlActor.set('initiator', TypeConvertor.bool2str(self.isInitiator()))
     self.abstractionLayer.save(xmlActor, namespace)
コード例 #52
 def addPropertiesToElement(xmlMessage, message, namespace):
     # direction
     subDirection = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage,
                                     "{" + namespace + "}direction")
     subDirection.text = message.getDirection()
     # major
     subMajor = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage, "{" + namespace + "}major")
     subMajor.text = message.getMajor()
     # minor
     subMinor = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage, "{" + namespace + "}minor")
     subMinor.text = str(message.getMinor())
     # requestMode
     subRequestMode = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage,
                                       "{" + namespace + "}requestMode")
     subRequestMode.text = message.getRequestMode()
     # pid
     subPid = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage, "{" + namespace + "}pid")
     subPid.text = str(message.getPID())
     # status
     subStatus = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage, "{" + namespace + "}status")
     subStatus.text = str(message.getStatus())
     # information
     subInformation = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage,
                                       "{" + namespace + "}information")
     subInformation.text = str(message.getInformation())
     # cancel
     subCancel = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage, "{" + namespace + "}cancel")
     subCancel.text = TypeConvertor.bool2str(message.getCancel())
     # sizeIn
     subSizeIn = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage, "{" + namespace + "}sizeIn")
     subSizeIn.text = str(message.getSizeIn())
     # sizeOut
     subSizeOut = etree.SubElement(xmlMessage, "{" + namespace + "}sizeOut")
     subSizeOut.text = str(message.getSizeOut())
コード例 #53
ファイル: AbstractionLayer.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
    def receiveSymbolWithTimeout(self, timeout):
        # First we read from the input the message
        receivedData = self.communicationChannel.read(timeout)

        nbMaxAttempts = 5

        if receivedData is None:
            self.log.warn("The communication channel seems to be closed !")
            #            return (EmptySymbol(), None)
            return (None, None)

        if len(receivedData) > 0:
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            receptionTime = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
            self.log.info("Received following message : " +

            # Now we abstract the message
            symbol = self.abstract(receivedData)

            # We store the received messages its time and its abstract representation

            return (symbol, receivedData)
            if len(self.manipulatedSymbols) > nbMaxAttempts:
                if self.manipulatedSymbols[
                        len(self.manipulatedSymbols) - 1].getType(
                        ) == EmptySymbol.TYPE or self.manipulatedSymbols[
                            len(self.manipulatedSymbols) -
                            1].getType() == UnknownSymbol.TYPE:
                        "Consider client has disconnected since no valid symbol received after "
                        + str(nbMaxAttempts) + " attempts")
                    return (None, None)
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            receptionTime = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
            symbol = EmptySymbol()
            self.registerInputSymbol(receptionTime, "", symbol)
            return (symbol, None)
コード例 #54
ファイル: TextValue.py プロジェクト: windli4367/netzob
    def __init__(self, text):
        AbstractValue.__init__(self, "TextValue")
        # create logger with the given configuration
        self.log = logging.getLogger(

        self.strtext = text
        self.bintext = TypeConvertor.string2bin(self.strtext, 'big')
コード例 #55
 def getTargetPort(self):
     """Returns in int the value of the bind Port retrieved from memory"""
     binPort = self.memory.recall(self.varTargetPort)
     if binPort is None:
             "Impossible to find the memorized value of the Target Port")
         return None
     return int(TypeConvertor.binB2string(binPort))