コード例 #1
ファイル: richtext.py プロジェクト: timparkin/into-the-light
        def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
            namer = self._namer(key)
            type = args.get(namer('type'), [''])[0].decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
            content = args.get(namer('content'), [''])[0].decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))

            value = IFormalRichTextConvertible(self.original).toType(RichTextData(type, content))
            return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #2
ファイル: form.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
    def process(self, ctx):

        request = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        charset = getPOSTCharset(ctx)

        # Get the request args and decode the arg names
        args = dict([(k.decode(charset),v) for k,v in request.args.items()])

        # Find the callback to use, defaulting to the form default
        callback, validate = self.callback, True
        if self.actions is not None:
            for action in self.actions:
                if action.name in args:
                    # Remove it from the data
                    # Remember the callback and whether to validate
                    callback, validate = action.callback, action.validate

        # IE does not send a button name in the POST args for forms containing
        # a single field when the user presses <enter> to submit the form. If
        # we only have one possible action then we can safely assume that's the
        # action to take.
        # If there are 0 or 2+ actions then we can't assume anything because we
        # have no idea what order the buttons are on the page (someone might
        # have altered the DOM using JavaScript for instance). In that case
        # throw an error and make it a problem for the developer.
        if callback is None:
            if self.actions is None or len(self.actions) != 1:
                raise Exception('The form has no callback and no action was found.')
                callback, validate = self.actions[0].callback, \

        # Remember the args in case validation fails.
        self.errors.data = args

        def _cbProcessingDone(_):
            if self.errors and validate:
                return self.errors

            def _clearUpResources( r ):
                if not self.errors:
                return r

            d = defer.maybeDeferred(callback, ctx, self, self.data)
            d.addCallback( _clearUpResources )
            d.addErrback(self._cbFormProcessingFailed, ctx)
            return d

        # Iterate the items and collect the form data and/or errors.
        dl = []
        for item in self.items:
            dl.append(defer.maybeDeferred(item.process, ctx, self, args, self.errors))

        d = defer.gatherResults(dl)
        return d
コード例 #3
 def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
     """data is a list of strings at this point
     typed = self.original
     val = data[0]
     if typed.unicode:
             val = val.decode(getPOSTCharset(context), "replace")
         except LookupError:
             val = val.decode("utf-8", "replace")
     if typed.strip:
         val = val.strip()
     if val == "" or val is None:
         if typed.required:
             raise formless.InputError(typed.requiredFailMessage)
             return typed.null
         return typed.coerce(val, boundTo)
     except TypeError, e:
             "Typed.coerce takes two values now, the value to coerce and the configurable in whose context the coerce is taking place. %s %s"
             % (typed.__class__, typed)
         return typed.coerce(val)
コード例 #4
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: nakedible/vpnease-l2tp
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
        fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
        name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
        value = (name, fileitem.file)

        value = iformal.IFileConvertible(self.original).fromType(value)
        return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #5
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
            Process the request, storing any uploaded file in the
            resource manager.

        resourceManager = iformal.IForm( ctx ).resourceManager

        # Ping the resource manager with any resource ids that I know
        self._registerWithResourceManager( key, args, resourceManager )

        fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
        name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
        if name:
            # Store the uploaded file in the resource manager
            resourceManager.setResource( key, fileitem.file, name )

        # Validating against an uploaded file. Should the fact that there is
        # original file meet a required field validation?
        value = resourceManager.getResourceForWidget( key )
        value = self.convertibleFactory(self.original).toType( value )
        # check to see if we should remove this      
        if self.removeable is True:
            remove = args.get('%s_remove'%key, [None])[0]
            if remove is not None:
                value = (None,None,None)
        return self.original.validate( value )
コード例 #6
 def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
     """Password needs to look at two passwords in the data,
     typed = self.original
     pw1 = data[0]
     args = context.locate(inevow.IRequest).args
     binding = context.locate(iformless.IBinding)
     pw2 = args.get("%s____2" % binding.name, [''])[0]
     if typed.strip:
         pw1 = pw1.strip()
         pw2 = pw2.strip()
     if pw1 != pw2:
         raise formless.InputError("Passwords do not match. Please reenter.")
     elif pw1 == '':
         if typed.required:
             raise formless.InputError(typed.requiredFailMessage)
             return typed.null
     val = data[0]
     if typed.unicode:
             val = val.decode(getPOSTCharset(context), 'replace')
         except LookupError:
             val = val.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
         return typed.coerce(val, boundTo)
     except TypeError:
         warnings.warn('Typed.coerce takes two values now, the value to coerce and the configurable in whose context the coerce is taking place. %s %s' % (typed.__class__, typed))
         return typed.coerce(data[0])
コード例 #7
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     value = self._valueFromRequestArgs(charset, key, args)
     value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).toType(value)
     if self.noneOption is not None and value == iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key():
         value = None
     return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #8
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     value = self._valueFromRequestArgs(charset, key, args)
     value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).toType(value)
     if self.noneOption is not None and value == iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key():
         value = None
     return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #9
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
    def _render(self, ctx, key, args, errors, immutable):

        charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
        converter = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original)

        if errors:
            value = self._valueFromRequestArgs(charset, key, args)
            value = converter.fromType(args.get(key))

        if value is None:
            value = iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key()

        if immutable:
            template = inevow.IQ(self.template).onePattern('immutable')
            template = inevow.IQ(self.template).onePattern('editable')
        optionGen = template.patternGenerator('option')
        selectedOptionGen = template.patternGenerator('selectedOption')
        optionTags = []
        selectOther = True

        if self.noneOption is not None:
            noneValue = iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key()
            if value == noneValue:
                tag = selectedOptionGen()
                selectOther = False
                tag = optionGen()
            tag.fillSlots('value', noneValue)
            tag.fillSlots('label', iformal.ILabel(self.noneOption).label())

        if self.options is not None:
            for item in self.options:
                if value == item:
                    tag = selectedOptionGen()
                    selectOther = False
                    tag = optionGen()
                tag.fillSlots('value', item)
                tag.fillSlots('label', item)

        if selectOther:
            tag = selectedOptionGen()
            otherValue = value
            tag = optionGen()
            otherValue = ''
        tag.fillSlots('value', self.otherOption[0])
        tag.fillSlots('label', self.otherOption[1])

        tag = template
        tag.fillSlots('key', key)
        tag.fillSlots('id', render_cssid(key))
        tag.fillSlots('options', optionTags)
        tag.fillSlots('otherValue', otherValue)
        return tag
コード例 #10
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: zeus911/vpnease-l2tp
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
        fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
        name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
        value = (name, fileitem.file)

        value = iformal.IFileConvertible(self.original).fromType(value)
        return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #11
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
            Process the request, storing any uploaded file in the
            resource manager.

        resourceManager = iformal.IForm( ctx ).resourceManager

        # Ping the resource manager with any resource ids that I know
        self._registerWithResourceManager( key, args, resourceManager )

        fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
        name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
        if name:
            # Store the uploaded file in the resource manager
            resourceManager.setResource( key, fileitem.file, name )

        # Validating against an uploaded file. Should the fact that there is
        # original file meet a required field validation?
        value = resourceManager.getResourceForWidget( key )
        value = self.convertibleFactory(self.original).toType( value )
        # check to see if we should remove this      
        if self.removeable is True:
            remove = args.get('%s_remove'%key, [None])[0]
            if remove is not None:
                value = (None,None,None)
        return self.original.validate( value )
コード例 #12
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     value = args.get(key, [''])[0].decode(charset)
     value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).toType(value)
     if self.noneOption is not None and \
             value == iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key():
         value = None
     return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #13
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     value = args.get(key, [''])[0].decode(charset)
     value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).toType(value)
     if self.noneOption is not None and \
             value == iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key():
         value = None
     return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #14
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     values = args.get(key, [""])
     decodedValues = []
     for value in values:
         value = value.decode(nevowutil.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
     decodedValues = iformal.ISequenceConvertible(self.original).toType(decodedValues)
     return self.original.validate(decodedValues)
コード例 #15
    def process(self, ctx):

        # Get the request args
        requestArgs = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args

        # Decode the request arg names
        charset = getPOSTCharset(ctx)
        args = dict([(k.decode(charset),v) for k,v in requestArgs.iteritems()])

        # Find the callback to use, defaulting to the form default
        callback, validate = self.callback, True
        if self.actions is not None:
            for action in self.actions:
                if action.name in args:
                    # Remove it from the data
                    # Remember the callback and whether to validate
                    callback, validate = action.callback, action.validate

        # IE does not send a button name in the POST args for forms containing
        # a single field when the user presses <enter> to submit the form. If
        # we only have one possible action then we can safely assume that's the
        # action to take.
        # If there are 0 or 2+ actions then we can't assume anything because we
        # have no idea what order the buttons are on the page (someone might
        # have altered the DOM using JavaScript for instance). In that case
        # throw an error and make it a problem for the developer.
        if callback is None:
            if self.actions is None or len(self.actions) != 1:
                raise Exception('The form has no callback and no action was found.')
                callback, validate = self.actions[0].callback, \

        # Store an errors object in the context
        errors = FormErrors(self.name)
        errors.data = args
        ctx.remember(errors, iformal.IFormErrors)

        # Iterate the items and collect the form data and/or errors.
        for item in self.items:
            item.process(ctx, self, args, errors)

        if errors and validate:
            return errors

        def _clearUpResources( r ):
            if not errors:
            return r

        d = defer.maybeDeferred(callback, ctx, self, self.data)
        d.addCallback( _clearUpResources )
        d.addErrback(self._cbFormProcessingFailed, ctx)
        return d
コード例 #16
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args, default=None):
     # default is ignored here
     namer = self._namer(key)
     value = [
         for part in ('tparser', 'tvalue')
     return self.original.validate(types.RichText(*value))
コード例 #17
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
    def render(self, ctx, key, args, errors):

        charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
        converter = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original)

        if errors:
            value = self._valueFromRequestArgs(charset, key, args)
            value = converter.fromType(args.get(key))

        if value is None:
            value = iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key()

        optionGen = inevow.IQ(self.template).patternGenerator('option')
        selectedOptionGen = inevow.IQ(self.template).patternGenerator('selectedOption')
        optionTags = []
        selectOther = True

        if self.noneOption is not None:
            noneValue = iformal.IKey(self.noneOption).key()
            if value == noneValue:
                tag = selectedOptionGen()
                selectOther = False
                tag = optionGen()
            tag.fillSlots('value', noneValue)
            tag.fillSlots('label', iformal.ILabel(self.noneOption).label())

        if self.options is not None:
            for item in self.options:
                if value == item:
                    tag = selectedOptionGen()
                    selectOther = False
                    tag = optionGen()
                tag.fillSlots('value', item)
                tag.fillSlots('label', item)

        if selectOther:
            tag = selectedOptionGen()
            otherValue = value
            tag = optionGen()
            otherValue = ''
        tag.fillSlots('value', self.otherOption[0])
        tag.fillSlots('label', self.otherOption[1])

        tag = T.invisible[self.template.load(ctx)]
        tag.fillSlots('key', key)
        tag.fillSlots('id', render_cssid(key))
        tag.fillSlots('options', optionTags)
        tag.fillSlots('otherValue', otherValue)
        return tag
コード例 #18
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     # Get the whole string
     value = args.get(key, [''])[0].decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
     # Split into lines, discarding empty lines
     values = [line for line in value.splitlines() if line.strip()]
     # Convert values to correct type
     converter = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original.type)
     values = [converter.toType(v) for v in values]
     # Validate and return
     return self.original.validate(values)
コード例 #19
ファイル: nfields.py プロジェクト: timparkin/into-the-light
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
        namer = self._namer(key)
        values = []
        for i in range(self.count):
            value = args.get(namer(i), [''])[0]
            value = value.decode(nevowutil.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
            values.append( value )

        values = iformal.ISequenceConvertible(self.original).toType(values)
        return self.original.validate( values )
コード例 #20
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     pwds = [pwd.decode(charset) for pwd in args.get(key, [])]
     if len(pwds) == 0:
         pwd = ''
     elif len(pwds) == 1:
         raise validation.FieldValidationError('Please enter the password twice for confirmation.')
         if pwds[0] != pwds[1]:
             raise validation.FieldValidationError('Passwords do not match.')
     return self.original.validate(pwds[0])
コード例 #21
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     pwds = [pwd.decode(charset) for pwd in args.get(key, [])]
     if len(pwds) == 0:
         pwd = ''
     elif len(pwds) == 1:
         raise validation.FieldValidationError('Please enter the password twice for confirmation.')
         if pwds[0] != pwds[1]:
             raise validation.FieldValidationError('Passwords do not match.')
     return self.original.validate(pwds[0])
コード例 #22
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: nakedible/vpnease-l2tp
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
        fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
        name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))

        if name:
            value = self.fileHandler.storeFile( fileitem.file, name )
           namer = self._namer(key)
           value = args.get(namer('value'))[0]

        value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).fromType(value)
        return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #23
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: zeus911/vpnease-l2tp
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
        fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
        name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))

        if name:
            value = self.fileHandler.storeFile(fileitem.file, name)
            namer = self._namer(key)
            value = args.get(namer('value'))[0]

        value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).fromType(value)
        return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #24
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     # Get the whole string
     value = args.get(key, [''])[0].decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
     # Split into lines
     values = value.splitlines()
     # Strip each line
     values = [v.strip() for v in values]
     # Discard empty lines
     values = [v for v in values if v]
     # Convert values to correct type
     converter = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original.type)
     values = [converter.toType(v) for v in values]
     # Validate and return
     return self.original.validate(values)
コード例 #25
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
    def render(self, ctx, key, args, errors):
        namer = self._namer(key)
        if errors:
            fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
            name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
            if name:
                value = name
               namer = self._namer(key)
               value = args.get(namer('value'))[0]
            value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).fromType(args.get(key))

        return self._renderTag(ctx, key, value, namer, False)
コード例 #26
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: nakedible/vpnease-l2tp
    def render(self, ctx, key, args, errors):
        namer = self._namer(key)
        if errors:
            fileitem = inevow.IRequest(ctx).fields[key]
            name = fileitem.filename.decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
            if name:
                value = name
               namer = self._namer(key)
               value = args.get(namer('value'))[0]
            value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).fromType(args.get(key))

        return self._renderTag(ctx, key, value, namer, False)
コード例 #27
ファイル: basket.py プロジェクト: timparkin/into-the-light
    def command_add(self, ctx, args):
        Add a product to the basket.

        Args contains:
            id -- the ID of the product to add.
            quantity -- optional number of the product to add, default to 1
        # Decode the args
        productID = args['id'][0].decode(n_util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
        quantity = args.get('quantity', [1])[0]
        # Lookup the product
        def gotProduct(product):
            if product is not None:
                self.basket.addItem(product, quantity)
            return self.basketURL
        d = self.itemFromId(productID)
        return d
コード例 #28
ファイル: page.py プロジェクト: corydodt/Personal
    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        Render new paste, render the document page, or process a form post.
        req = IRequest(ctx)
        # accept form post when 'convert' was clicked.
        if 'convert' in req.args:
            # spammers can f**k right off
            antispam = re.sub(r'(\s|[.,;-])', '', req.args.get('antispam')[0].lower())
            if antispam not in ANTISPAM_ANSWERS:
                return url.here

            docID = None
            if 'docID' in req.args and req.args['docID'][0] != '':
                docID = int(req.args['docID'][0])
                doc = self.store.find(Document, Document.id==docID).one()
                doc = Document()
            charset = nevowutil.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
            doc.text = req.args['text'][0].decode(charset)
            _, _title = doc.convertParts()
            doc.title = _title.decode(charset)
            doc.who = req.args['who'][0].decode(charset)
            doc.date14 = int(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))

            if docID:
                return url.here
                return url.here.child('doc').child('%s' % (doc.id,))
        elif req.args.get('delete', None) == ['delete']:
            if 'docID' not in req.args or req.args['docID'][0] == '':
                docID = int(req.args['docID'][0])
                doc = self.store.find(Document, Document.id==docID).one()
                return url.here.up().up().up()

        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
コード例 #29
 def process(self, context, boundTo, data):
     """data is a list of strings at this point
     typed = self.original
     val = data[0]
     if typed.unicode:
             val = val.decode(getPOSTCharset(context), 'replace')
         except LookupError:
             val = val.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
     if typed.strip:
         val = val.strip()
     if val == '' or val is None:
         if typed.required:
             raise formless.InputError(typed.requiredFailMessage)
             return typed.null
         return typed.coerce(val, boundTo)
     except TypeError, e:
         warnings.warn('Typed.coerce takes two values now, the value to coerce and the configurable in whose context the coerce is taking place. %s %s' % (typed.__class__, typed))
         return typed.coerce(val)
コード例 #30
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args, default=''):
     value = args.get(key, [default])[0].decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
     value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).toType(value)
     return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #31
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: calston/tums
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     values = [v.decode(charset) for v in args.get(key, [])]
     converter = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original.type)
     values = [converter.toType(v) for v in values]
     return self.original.validate(values)
コード例 #32
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: nakedible/vpnease-l2tp
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     value = args.get(key, [''])[0].decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
     value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).toType(value)
     return self.original.validate(value)
コード例 #33
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     namer = self._namer(key)
     value = [args.get(namer(part), [''])[0].strip().decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)) for part in ('tparser', 'tvalue')]
     return self.original.validate(types.RichText(*value))
コード例 #34
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: bne/squeal
 def processInput(self, ctx, key, args):
     charset = util.getPOSTCharset(ctx)
     values = [v.decode(charset) for v in args.get(key, [])]
     converter = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original.type)
     values = [converter.toType(v) for v in values]
     return self.original.validate(values)
コード例 #35
    def processInput(self, ctx, key, args, default=None):
			# default is ignored here
        value = args.get(key, [''])[0].decode(util.getPOSTCharset(ctx))
        value = iformal.IStringConvertible(self.original).fromType(value)
        return self.original.validate(value)