コード例 #1
    def processAnswer(self, exp_uid, args_json, db, ell):
    reporting back the reward of pulling the arm suggested by getQuery

    Expected input (in json structure with string keys):
      (str) query_uid : unique identifier of query
      (int) index_winner : index of arm must be {index_left,index_right}

    Expected output (comma separated): 
      if error:
        return (JSON) '{}', (bool) False, (str) error
        return (JSON) '{}', (bool) True,''

      processAnswer_args_json,didSucceed,message = app.processAnswer(db_API,exp_uid,processAnswer_args_json)

    Example input:
      processAnswer_args_json = {"query_uid": "4d02a9924f92138287edd17ca5feb6e1", "index_winner": 8}

    Example output:
      processAnswer_response_json = {}

            app_id = self.app_id

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'processAnswer',
                'json': args_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-CALL', log_entry)

            # convert args_json to args_dict
                args_dict = json.loads(args_json)
                error = "%s.processAnswer input args_json is in improper format" % self.app_id
                return '{}', False, error

            # check for the fields that must be contained in args or error occurs
            necessary_fields = ['index_winner', 'query_uid']
            for field in necessary_fields:
                except KeyError:
                    error = "%s.processAnswer input arguments missing field: %s" % (
                        self.app_id, str(field))
                    return '{}', False, error

            # get list of algorithms associated with project
            alg_list, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                   exp_uid, 'alg_list')

            # get alg_id
            query_uid = args_dict['query_uid']
            alg_uid, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':queries',
                                                  query_uid, 'alg_uid')
            for algorithm in alg_list:
                if alg_uid == algorithm['alg_uid']:
                    alg_id = algorithm['alg_id']
                    alg_label = algorithm['alg_label']
                    num_reported_answers, didSucceed, message = db.increment(
                        app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,
                        'num_reported_answers_for_' + alg_uid)

            # get sandboxed database for the specific app_id,alg_id,exp_uid - closing off the rest of the database to the algorithm
            rc = ResourceClient(app_id, exp_uid, alg_uid, db)

            # get specific algorithm to make calls to
            alg = utils.get_app_alg(self.app_id, alg_id)

            targets, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':queries',
                                                  query_uid, 'target_indices')
            for target in targets:
                if target['label'] == 'left':
                    index_left = target['index']
                if target['label'] == 'right':
                    index_right = target['index']
                if target['flag'] == 1:
                    index_painted = target['index']

            index_winner = args_dict['index_winner']

            # update query doc
            timestamp_query_generated, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                app_id + ':queries', query_uid, 'timestamp_query_generated')
            datetime_query_generated = utils.str2datetime(
            timestamp_answer_received = args_dict.get('meta', {}).get(
                'timestamp_answer_received', None)
            if timestamp_answer_received == None:
                datetime_answer_received = datetime_query_generated
                datetime_answer_received = utils.str2datetime(
            delta_datetime = datetime_answer_received - datetime_query_generated
            round_trip_time = delta_datetime.seconds + delta_datetime.microseconds / 1000000.
            response_time = float(args_dict.get('response_time', 0.))
            db.set(app_id + ':queries', query_uid, 'response_time',
            db.set(app_id + ':queries', query_uid, 'network_delay',
                   round_trip_time - response_time)
            db.set(app_id + ':queries', query_uid, 'index_winner',

            # call processAnswer
            didSucceed, dt = utils.timeit(alg.processAnswer)(

            log_entry_durations = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                'task': 'processAnswer',
                'duration': dt
            meta = {'log_entry_durations': log_entry_durations}

            predict_id = 'arm_ranking'
            params = {'alg_label': alg_label}
            predict_args_dict = {'predict_id': predict_id, 'params': params}
            predict_args_json = json.dumps(predict_args_dict)


            response_args_dict = {}
            args_out = {'args': response_args_dict, 'meta': meta}
            response_json = json.dumps(args_out)

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'processAnswer',
                'json': response_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', log_entry)

            return response_json, True, ""
        except Exception, err:
            error = traceback.format_exc()
            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'processAnswer',
                'error': error,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow(),
                'args_json': args_json
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', log_entry)
            return '{}', False, error
コード例 #2
    def predict(self, exp_uid, args_json, db, ell):
    uses current model empirical estimates to forecast which index has the highest mean

    Expected input (in json structure with string keys):
      (string) predict_id : identifier for the desired prediction
      (list) params : dictionary of stat_id specific fields.

    Description: uses current model empirical estimates to forecast the ranking of the arms in order of likelhood of being the best from most to least likely

    Expected input:
      (string) predict_id : 'arm_ranking'
      (dict) params : dictionary with fields
          (string) alg_label : describes target algorithm to use

    Expected output (in json structure):
      (list of dicts with fields):
        (int) index : index of target
        (int) rank : rank that the algorithm assigns to index (rank 0 is most likely the best arm)

            app_id = self.app_id

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'predict',
                'json': args_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-CALL', log_entry)

            # convert args_json to args_dict
                args_dict = json.loads(args_json)
                error = "%s.predict failed to convert input args_json due to improper format" % (
                return '{}', False, error

            # check for the fields that must be contained in args or error occurs
            necessary_fields = ['predict_id', 'params']
            for field in necessary_fields:
                except KeyError:
                    error = "%s.predict input arguments missing field: %s" % (
                        self.app_id, str(field))
                    return '{}', False, error

            predict_id = args_dict['predict_id']
            params = args_dict['params']

            if predict_id == "arm_ranking":

                alg_label = params['alg_label']

                # get list of algorithms associated with project
                alg_list, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                       exp_uid, 'alg_list')

                # get alg_id
                for algorithm in alg_list:
                    if alg_label == algorithm['alg_label']:
                        alg_id = algorithm['alg_id']
                        alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid']
                        num_reported_answers, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                            app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,
                            'num_reported_answers_for_' + alg_uid)
                        if type(num_reported_answers) != int:
                            num_reported_answers = 0

                # get sandboxed database for the specific app_id,alg_id,exp_uid - closing off the rest of the database to the algorithm
                rc = ResourceClient(app_id, exp_uid, alg_uid, db)

                # get specific algorithm to make calls to
                alg = utils.get_app_alg(self.app_id, alg_id)

                # call getQuery
                scores, precisions, dt = utils.timeit(alg.predict)(resource=rc)

                log_entry_durations = {
                    'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                    'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                    'task': 'predict',
                    'duration': dt
                meta = {'log_entry_durations': log_entry_durations}

                import numpy
                ranks = (-numpy.array(scores)).argsort().tolist()

                n = len(scores)
                indexes = numpy.array(range(n))[ranks]
                scores = numpy.array(scores)[ranks]
                precisions = numpy.array(precisions)[ranks]
                ranks = range(n)

                targets = []
                for index in range(n):
                        'index': indexes[index],
                        'rank': ranks[index],
                        'score': scores[index],
                        'precision': precisions[index]

                log_entry = {
                    'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                    'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                    'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
                    'targets': targets,
                    'num_reported_answers': num_reported_answers

                ell.log(app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', log_entry)

            response_args_dict = {}
            args_out = {'args': response_args_dict, 'meta': meta}
            predict_json = json.dumps(args_out)

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'predict',
                'json': predict_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', log_entry)

            return predict_json, True, ''
        except Exception, err:
            error = traceback.format_exc()
            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'predict',
                'error': str(error),
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow(),
                'args_json': args_json
            didSucceed, message = ell.log(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', log_entry)
            return '{}', False, error
コード例 #3
    def getQuery(self, exp_uid, args_json, db, ell):
    A request to ask which two arms to duel next

    Expected input (in jsonstructure with string keys):
      [optional] (string) participant_uid :  unique identifier of session for a participant answering questions (that is, an email address is not good enough as the participant could participate in multiple exp_uids so it would not be unique against all experiments), if key non-existant particpant_uid is assigned as exp_uid. 

    Expected output (in json structure with string keys):
      (list) target_indices : list that stores dictionary of targets with fields:
              (int) index : the index of the target of relevance
              (str) label : in {'left','right'} for display
              (int) flag : integer for algorithm's use
      (str) query_uid : unique identifier of query (used to look up for processAnswer)

      getQuery_response_json,didSucceed,message = app.getQuery(db_API,exp_uid,getQuery_args_json)

    Example input:
      getQuery_args_json = {"participant_uid": "0077110d03cf06b8f77d11acc399e8a7"}

    Example output:
      getQuery_response_json = {"query_uid": "4d02a9924f92138287edd17ca5feb6e1", "target_indices": [{"index": 9, "flag": 0, "label": "left"}, {"index": 8, "flag": 1, "label": "right"}]}

            app_id = self.app_id

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'json': args_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-CALL', log_entry)

            # convert args_json to args_dict
                args_dict = json.loads(args_json)
                error = "%s.initExp input args_json is in improper format" % self.app_id
                return '{}', False, error

            # get list of algorithms associated with project
            alg_list, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                   exp_uid, 'alg_list')
            alg_label_to_alg_id = {}
            alg_label_to_alg_uid = {}
            for algorithm in alg_list:
                    algorithm['alg_label']] = algorithm['alg_id']
                    algorithm['alg_label']] = algorithm['alg_uid']

            algorithm_management_settings, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,

            if 'participant_uid' in args_dict:
                participant_uid = args_dict['participant_uid']
                participant_uid = exp_uid

            participant_doc_exists, didSucceed, message = db.exists(
                app_id + ':participants', participant_uid, 'participant_uid')
            first_participant_query = not participant_doc_exists
            if first_participant_query:
                db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid,
                       'participant_uid', participant_uid)
                db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid, 'exp_uid',

            participant_to_algorithm_management, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,
            if (participant_uid == exp_uid) or (
                    == 'one_to_many') or (first_participant_query):

                if algorithm_management_settings[
                        'mode'] == 'fixed_proportions':
                    proportions_list = algorithm_management_settings['params'][
                    prop = [
                        for prop_item in proportions_list
                    prop_item = numpy.random.choice(alg_list, p=prop)
                    raise Exception('algorithm_management_mode : ' +
                                    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] +
                                    ' not implemented')
                alg_id = alg_label_to_alg_id[prop_item['alg_label']]
                alg_uid = alg_label_to_alg_uid[prop_item['alg_label']]
                alg_label = prop_item['alg_label']

                if (first_participant_query) and (
                        participant_to_algorithm_management == 'one_to_one'):
                    db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid, 'alg_id',
                    db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid,
                           'alg_uid', alg_uid)

            elif (participant_to_algorithm_management == 'one_to_one'):
                # If here, then alg_uid should already be assigned in participant doc
                alg_id, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':participants',
                                                     participant_uid, 'alg_id')
                alg_uid, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':participants',
                raise Exception('participant_to_algorithm_management : ' +
                                participant_to_algorithm_management +
                                ' not implemented')

            # get sandboxed database for the specific app_id,alg_id,exp_uid - closing off the rest of the database to the algorithm
            rc = ResourceClient(app_id, exp_uid, alg_uid, db)

            # get specific algorithm to make calls to
            alg = utils.get_app_alg(self.app_id, alg_id)

            # call getQuery
            index_left, index_right, index_painted, dt = utils.timeit(

            # check for context
            context_type, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                       exp_uid, 'context_type')
            context, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                  exp_uid, 'context')

            # log
            log_entry_durations = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'duration': dt
            meta = {'log_entry_durations': log_entry_durations}

            # create JSON query payload
            if index_left == index_painted:
                targets = [{
                    'index': index_left,
                    'label': 'left',
                    'flag': 1
                }, {
                    'index': index_right,
                    'label': 'right',
                    'flag': 0
                targets = [{
                    'index': index_left,
                    'label': 'left',
                    'flag': 0
                }, {
                    'index': index_right,
                    'label': 'right',
                    'flag': 1
            timestamp = str(utils.datetimeNow())
            query_uid = utils.getNewUID()
            query = {}
            query['query_uid'] = query_uid
            query['target_indices'] = targets

            # save query data to database
            query_doc = {}
            query_doc['participant_uid'] = participant_uid
            query_doc['alg_uid'] = alg_uid
            query_doc['exp_uid'] = exp_uid
            query_doc['alg_label'] = alg_label
            query_doc['timestamp_query_generated'] = timestamp
            db.set_doc(app_id + ':queries', query_uid, query_doc)

            # add context after updating query doc to avoid redundant information
            query['context_type'] = context_type
            query['context'] = context

            args_out = {'args': query, 'meta': meta}
            response_json = json.dumps(args_out)

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'json': response_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', log_entry)

            return response_json, True, ''
        except Exception, err:
            error = traceback.format_exc()
            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'error': error,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow(),
                'args_json': args_json
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', log_entry)
            return '{}', False, error
コード例 #4
    def daemonProcess(self, exp_uid, args_json, db, ell):

            app_id = self.app_id

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'daemonProcess',
                'json': args_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-CALL', log_entry)

            # convert args_json to args_dict
                args_dict = json.loads(args_json)
                error = "%s.daemonProcess input args_json is in improper format" % self.app_id
                return '{}', False, error

            # check for the fields that must be contained in args or error occurs
            necessary_fields = ['alg_uid', 'daemon_args']
            for field in necessary_fields:
                except KeyError:
                    error = "%s.daemonProcess input arguments missing field: %s" % (
                        self.app_id, str(field))
                    return '{}', False, error

            alg_daemon_args = args_dict['daemon_args']
            alg_uid = args_dict['alg_uid']
            alg_id, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':algorithms',
                                                 alg_uid, 'alg_id')

            # get sandboxed database for the specific app_id,alg_id,exp_uid - closing off the rest of the database to the algorithm
            # rc = ResourceClient(app_id,exp_uid,alg_uid,db)
            rc = ResourceClient(app_id, exp_uid, alg_uid, db)

            # get specific algorithm to make calls to
            alg = utils.get_app_alg(self.app_id, alg_id)

            didSucceed, dt = utils.timeit(alg.daemonProcess)(
                resource=rc, daemon_args_dict=alg_daemon_args)
            log_entry_durations = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                'task': 'daemonProcess',
                'duration': dt
            meta = {'log_entry_durations': log_entry_durations}

            daemon_message = {}
            args_out = {'args': daemon_message, 'meta': meta}
            response_json = json.dumps(args_out)

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'daemonProcess',
                'json': response_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', log_entry)

            return response_json, True, ''

        except Exception, err:
            error = traceback.format_exc()
            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'daemonProcess',
                'error': error,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow(),
                'args_json': args_json
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', log_entry)
            return '{}', False, error
コード例 #5
    def initExp(self, exp_uid, args_json, db, ell):
    initialize the project and necessary experiments 

    Expected input (in json structure with string keys):
      (int) n: number of arms
      (float) failure_probability : confidence
      [optional] (list of dicts) alg_list : with fields (Defaults given by Info.get_app_default_alg_list)
            (string) alg_id : valid alg_id for this app_id
            (string) alg_label : unique identifier for algorithm (e.g. may have experiment with repeated alg_id's, but alg_labels must be unqiue, will also be used for plot legends
            [optional] (string) test_alg_label : must be one of the alg_label's in alg_list (Default is self)
      [optional] (dict) algorithm_management_settings : dictionary with fields (string) 'mode' and (dict) 'params'. mode in {'pure_exploration','explore_exploit','fixed_proportions'}. Default is 'fixed_proportions' and allocates uniform probability to each algorithm. If mode=fixed_proportions then params is a dictionary that contains the field 'proportions' which is a list of dictionaries with fields 'alg_label' and 'proportion' for all algorithms in alg_list. All proportions must be positive and sum to 1 over all algs in alg_list 
      [optional] (string) participant_to_algorithm_management : in {'one_to_one','one_to_many'}. Default is 'one_to_many'.
      [optional] (string) instructions
      [optional] (string) debrief
      [optional] (int) num_tries
    Expected output:
      if error:
        return (JSON) '{}', (bool) False, (str) error_str
        return (JSON) '{}', (bool) True,''

      initExp_response_json,didSucceed,message = app.initExp(db_API,exp_uid,initExp_args_json)

    Example input:
      initExp_args_json = {"participant_to_algorithm_management": "one_to_many", "alg_list": [{"alg_label": "BR_LilUCB", "alg_id": "BR_LilUCB", "params": {}}], "algorithm_management_settings": {"params": {"proportions": [{"alg_label": "BR_LilUCB", "proportion": 1.0}]}, "mode": "fixed_proportions"}, "failure_probability": 0.01, "n": 10}

    Example output:
      initExp_response_json = {}

            app_id = self.app_id

            # remove any reminants of an experiment if it exists
            didSucceed, message = db.delete_docs_with_filter(
                'experiments_admin', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = db.delete_docs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':experiments', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = db.delete_docs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':queries', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = db.delete_docs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':participants', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = db.delete_docs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':algorithms', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})

            didSucceed, message = ell.delete_logs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':APP-CALL', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = ell.delete_logs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = ell.delete_logs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = ell.delete_logs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':ALG-DURATION', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})
            didSucceed, message = ell.delete_logs_with_filter(
                app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', {'exp_uid': exp_uid})

            # add indexes (only adds them if they do not already exist)
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index('experiments_admin',
                                                  {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                  {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':queries',
                                                  {'query_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':queries',
                                                  {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':queries',
                                                  {'alg_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':queries',
                                                  {'participant_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':participants',
                                                  {'participant_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':participants',
                                                  {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':algorithms',
                                                  {'alg_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = db.ensure_index(app_id + ':algorithms',
                                                  {'exp_uid': 1})

            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-CALL',
                                                   {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-CALL',
                                                   {'timestamp': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-CALL', {
                'exp_uid': 1,
                'timestamp': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-CALL', {
                'exp_uid': 1,
                'task': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE',
                                                   {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE',
                                                   {'timestamp': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', {
                'exp_uid': 1,
                'timestamp': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', {
                'exp_uid': 1,
                'task': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION',
                                                   {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION',
                                                   {'timestamp': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', {
                'exp_uid': 1,
                'timestamp': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', {
                'exp_uid': 1,
                'task': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-DURATION',
                                                   {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-DURATION',
                                                   {'alg_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-DURATION',
                                                   {'timestamp': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-DURATION', {
                'exp_uid': 1,
                'timestamp': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-DURATION', {
                'alg_uid': 1,
                'task': 1
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION',
                                                   {'exp_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION',
                                                   {'alg_uid': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION',
                                                   {'timestamp': 1})
            didSucceed, message = ell.ensure_index(app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION',
                                                       'exp_uid': 1,
                                                       'timestamp': 1

            db.set('experiments_admin', exp_uid, 'exp_uid', exp_uid)
            db.set('experiments_admin', exp_uid, 'app_id', app_id)
            db.set('experiments_admin', exp_uid, 'start_date',

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'initExp',
                'json': args_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-CALL', log_entry)

            # convert args_json to args_dict
                args_dict = json.loads(args_json)
                error = "%s.initExp input args_json is in improper format" % self.app_id
                return '{}', False, error

            # check for the fields that must be contained in args or error occurs
            necessary_fields = ['n', 'failure_probability']
            for field in necessary_fields:

                except KeyError:
                    error = "%s.initExp input arguments missing field: %s" % (
                        self.app_id, str(field))
                    return '{}', False, error

            n = args_dict['n']
            delta = args_dict['failure_probability']

            if 'alg_list' in args_dict:
                alg_list = args_dict['alg_list']
                supportedAlgs = utils.get_app_supported_algs(self.app_id)
                for algorithm in alg_list:
                    if algorithm['alg_id'] not in supportedAlgs:
                        error = "%s.initExp unsupported algorithm '%s' in alg_list" % (
                            self.app_id, alg_id)
                        return '{}', False, error
                alg_list = utils.get_app_default_alg_list(self.app_id)

            if 'instructions' not in args_dict:
                instructions = utils.get_app_default_instructions(app_id)
                instructions = args_dict['instructions']

            if 'debrief' not in args_dict:
                debrief = utils.get_app_default_instructions(app_id)
                debrief = args_dict['debrief']

            if 'num_tries' not in args_dict:
                num_tries = utils.get_app_default_num_tries(app_id)
                num_tries = args_dict['num_tries']

            if 'context_type' not in args_dict:
                context_type = 'none'
                context_type = args_dict['context_type']

            if 'context' not in args_dict:
                context = ''
                context = args_dict['context']

            if 'algorithm_management_settings' not in args_dict:
                params = {}
                params['proportions'] = []
                for algorithm in alg_list:
                        1. / len(alg_list)

                algorithm_management_settings = {}
                algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions'
                algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params
                algorithm_management_settings = args_dict[

                    mode = algorithm_management_settings['mode']
                    params = algorithm_management_settings['params']
                    error = "%s.initExp algorithm_management_settings must be a dictionary with fields 'mode' and 'params'" % (
                    return '{}', False, error

                if mode == 'fixed_proportions':
                        algorithm_proportions_list = params['proportions']
                        error = "%s.initExp algorithm_management_settings['params'] must be a dictionary with field 'proportions'" % (
                        return '{}', False, error

                    # check if alg_labels are properly labeled
                    for proportion_item in algorithm_proportions_list:
                        proportion = proportion_item['proportion']
                        target_alg_label = proportion_item['alg_label']
                        target_alg_label_in_alg_list = False
                        for algorithm in alg_list:
                            if algorithm['alg_label'] == target_alg_label:
                                target_alg_label_in_alg_list = True
                        if not target_alg_label_in_alg_list:
                            error = "%s.initExp algorithm_management_settings['params']['proportions'] must be a list of dictionaries, each dictionary containing the fields 'alg_label' and 'proportion'. The 'alg_label' value must be one of the alg_labels in a provided alg_list and 'proportion' must be nonnegative and sum to 1 : '%s' not in provided alg_list" % (
                                self.app_id, target_alg_label)
                            return '{}', False, error

                elif mode == 'pure_exploration':
                    error = "%s.initExp Sorry, '%s' is not yet supported." % (
                        self.app_id, mode)
                    return '{}', False, error
                elif mode == 'explore_exploit':
                    error = "%s.initExp Sorry, '%s' is not yet supported." % (
                        self.app_id, mode)
                    return '{}', False, error
                    error = "%s.initExp unsupported algorithm_management_mode: '%s'. Must be in {'pure_exploration','explore_exploit','fixed_proportions'}" % (
                        self.app_id, algorithm_management_mode)
                    return '{}', False, error

            if 'participant_to_algorithm_management' not in args_dict:
                participant_to_algorithm_management = 'one_to_many'
                participant_to_algorithm_management = args_dict[
                if participant_to_algorithm_management not in [
                        'one_to_many', 'one_to_one'
                    error = "%s.initExp unsupported participant_to_algorithm_management: '%s'. Must be in {'one_to_many','one_to_one'}" % (
                        self.app_id, participant_to_algorithm_management)
                    return '{}', False, error

            # assign uid to each algorithm and save it
            for algorithm in alg_list:
                alg_uid = utils.getNewUID()
                algorithm['alg_uid'] = alg_uid

                db.set(app_id + ':algorithms', alg_uid, 'alg_uid', alg_uid)
                db.set(app_id + ':algorithms', alg_uid, 'exp_uid', exp_uid)

            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'exp_uid', exp_uid)
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'app_id', app_id)
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'n', n)
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'failure_probability',
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'alg_list', alg_list)
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'instructions',
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'debrief', debrief)
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'context_type',
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'context', context)
            db.set(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'num_tries', num_tries)

            # now create intitialize each algorithm
            for algorithm in alg_list:
                alg_id = algorithm['alg_id']
                alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid']

                db.set(app_id + ':algorithms', alg_uid, 'alg_id', alg_id)
                db.set(app_id + ':algorithms', alg_uid, 'alg_uid', alg_uid)
                db.set(app_id + ':algorithms', alg_uid, 'exp_uid', exp_uid)

                # get sandboxed database for the specific app_id,alg_id,exp_uid - closing off the rest of the database to the algorithm
                rc = ResourceClient(app_id, exp_uid, alg_uid, db)

                # get specific algorithm to make calls to
                alg = utils.get_app_alg(self.app_id, alg_id)

                # call initExp
                didSucceed, dt = utils.timeit(alg.initExp)(
                    resource=rc, n=n, failure_probability=delta)

                log_entry = {
                    'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                    'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                    'task': 'initExp',
                    'duration': dt,
                    'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
                ell.log(app_id + ':ALG-DURATION', log_entry)

            response_json = '{}'

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'initExp',
                'json': response_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', log_entry)

            return response_json, True, ''

        except Exception, err:
            error = traceback.format_exc()
            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'initExp',
                'error': error,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow(),
                'args_json': args_json
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', log_entry)
            return '{}', False, error
コード例 #6
    def getQuery(self, exp_uid, args_json, db, ell):
    A request to ask which k arms to duel next

    Expected input (in jsonstructure with string keys):
      (int) k : number of objects to display
      [optional] (string) participant_uid :  unique identifier of session for a participant answering questions (that is, an email address is not good enough as the participant could participate in multiple exp_uids so it would not be unique against all experiments), if key non-existant particpant_uid is assigned as exp_uid. 

    Expected output (in json structure with string keys):
      (list) target_indices : list of k target indexes e.g. [ (int) target_index_1, ... , (int) target_index_k ]
      (str) query_uid : unique identifier of query (used to look up for processAnswer)
            app_id = self.app_id

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'json': args_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-CALL', log_entry)

            # convert args_json to args_dict
                args_dict = json.loads(args_json)
                error = "%s.initExp input args_json is in improper format" % self.app_id
                return '{}', False, error

            # get list of algorithms associated with project
            alg_list, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                   exp_uid, 'alg_list')
            alg_label_to_alg_id = {}
            alg_label_to_alg_uid = {}
            for algorithm in alg_list:
                    algorithm['alg_label']] = algorithm['alg_id']
                    algorithm['alg_label']] = algorithm['alg_uid']

            algorithm_management_settings, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,

            if 'participant_uid' in args_dict:
                participant_uid = args_dict['participant_uid']
                participant_uid = exp_uid

            participant_doc_exists, didSucceed, message = db.exists(
                app_id + ':participants', participant_uid, 'participant_uid')
            first_participant_query = not participant_doc_exists
            if first_participant_query:
                db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid,
                       'participant_uid', participant_uid)
                db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid, 'exp_uid',

            participant_to_algorithm_management, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,
            if (participant_uid == exp_uid) or (
                    == 'one_to_many') or (first_participant_query):

                if algorithm_management_settings[
                        'mode'] == 'fixed_proportions':
                    proportions_list = algorithm_management_settings['params'][
                    prop = [
                        for prop_item in proportions_list
                    prop_item = numpy.random.choice(alg_list, p=prop)
                    raise Exception('algorithm_management_mode : ' +
                                    algorithm_management_settings['mode'] +
                                    ' not implemented')
                alg_id = alg_label_to_alg_id[prop_item['alg_label']]
                alg_uid = alg_label_to_alg_uid[prop_item['alg_label']]
                alg_label = prop_item['alg_label']

                if (first_participant_query) and (
                        participant_to_algorithm_management == 'one_to_one'):
                    db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid, 'alg_id',
                    db.set(app_id + ':participants', participant_uid,
                           'alg_uid', alg_uid)

            elif (participant_to_algorithm_management == 'one_to_one'):
                # If here, then alg_uid should already be assigned in participant doc
                alg_id, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':participants',
                                                     participant_uid, 'alg_id')
                alg_uid, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':participants',
                raise Exception('participant_to_algorithm_management : ' +
                                participant_to_algorithm_management +
                                ' not implemented')

            # get sandboxed database for the specific app_id,alg_id,exp_uid - closing off the rest of the database to the algorithm
            rc = ResourceClient(app_id, exp_uid, alg_uid, db)

            # get specific algorithm to make calls to
            alg = utils.get_app_alg(self.app_id, alg_id)

            # call getQuery
            targets, dt = utils.timeit(alg.getQuery)(resource=rc)

            # update targets
            target_list = []
            for target in targets:
                target_list.append({'index': target})

            # check for context
            context_type, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                       exp_uid, 'context_type')
            context, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                  exp_uid, 'context')

            # log
            log_entry_durations = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'duration': dt
            meta = {'log_entry_durations': log_entry_durations}

            # create JSON query payload
            timestamp = str(utils.datetimeNow())
            query_uid = utils.getNewUID()
            query = {}
            query['query_uid'] = query_uid
            query['target_indices'] = target_list

            # save query data to database
            query_doc = {}
            query_doc['participant_uid'] = participant_uid
            query_doc['alg_uid'] = alg_uid
            query_doc['exp_uid'] = exp_uid
            query_doc['alg_label'] = alg_label
            query_doc['timestamp_query_generated'] = timestamp
            for field in query_doc:
                db.set(app_id + ':queries', query_uid, field, query_doc[field])

            # add context after updating query doc to avoid redundant information
            query['context_type'] = context_type
            query['context'] = context

            args_out = {'args': query, 'meta': meta}
            response_json = json.dumps(args_out)

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'json': response_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', log_entry)

            return response_json, True, ''
        except Exception, err:
            error = traceback.format_exc()
            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'getQuery',
                'error': error,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow(),
                'args_json': args_json
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', log_entry)
            return '{}', False, error
コード例 #7
    def predict(self, exp_uid, args_json, db, ell):
    Description: uses current model empirical estimates to forecast the ranking of the arms in order of likelhood of being the best from most to least likely

    Expected input:
      (string) predict_id : 'predict_labels'
      (dict) params : dictionary with fields
          (string) alg_label : describes target algorithm to use

    Expected output (in json structure):
      (list of dicts with fields):
        (int) index : index of target
        (int) rank : rank that the algorithm assigns to index (rank 0 is most likely the best arm)

            app_id = self.app_id

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'predict',
                'json': args_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-CALL', log_entry)

            # convert args_json to args_dict
                args_dict = json.loads(args_json)
                error = "%s.predict failed to convert input args_json due to improper format" % (
                return '{}', False, error

            # check for the fields that must be contained in args or error occurs
            necessary_fields = ['predict_id', 'params']
            for field in necessary_fields:
                except KeyError:
                    error = "%s.predict input arguments missing field: %s" % (
                        self.app_id, str(field))
                    return '{}', False, error

            predict_id = args_dict['predict_id']
            params = args_dict['params']

            if predict_id == "predict_labels":

                alg_label = params['alg_label']

                # get list of algorithms associated with project
                alg_list, didSucceed, message = db.get(app_id + ':experiments',
                                                       exp_uid, 'alg_list')

                # get alg_id
                for algorithm in alg_list:
                    if alg_label == algorithm['alg_label']:
                        alg_id = algorithm['alg_id']
                        alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid']
                        num_reported_answers, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                            app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid,
                            'num_reported_answers_for_' + alg_uid)
                        if type(num_reported_answers) != int:
                            num_reported_answers = 0

                # get sandboxed database for the specific app_id,alg_id,exp_uid - closing off the rest of the database to the algorithm
                rc = ResourceClient(app_id, exp_uid, alg_uid, db)

                # get specific algorithm to make calls to
                alg = utils.get_app_alg(self.app_id, alg_id)

                # call getQuery
                predicted_labels, dt = utils.timeit(alg.predict)(resource=rc)

                log_entry_durations = {
                    'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                    'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                    'task': 'predict',
                    'duration': dt
                meta = {'log_entry_durations': log_entry_durations}

                test_labels, didSucceed, message = db.get(
                    app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'test_labels')

                num_errors = 0
                for answer in test_labels:
                    target_index, target_label = answer
                    if target_label * predicted_labels[target_index] < 0:
                        num_errors += 1.
                error = num_errors / float(max(1., len(test_labels)))

                log_entry = {
                    'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                    'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                    'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
                    'error': error,
                    'num_reported_answers': num_reported_answers

                ell.log(app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', log_entry)

                response_args_dict = {
                    'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                    'alg_uid': alg_uid,
                    'error': error,
                    'num_reported_answers': num_reported_answers

            args_out = {'args': response_args_dict, 'meta': meta}
            predict_json = json.dumps(args_out)

            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'predict',
                'json': predict_json,
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow()
            ell.log(app_id + ':APP-RESPONSE', log_entry)

            return predict_json, True, ''
        except Exception, err:
            error = traceback.format_exc()
            log_entry = {
                'exp_uid': exp_uid,
                'task': 'predict',
                'error': str(error),
                'timestamp': utils.datetimeNow(),
                'args_json': args_json
            didSucceed, message = ell.log(app_id + ':APP-EXCEPTION', log_entry)
            return '{}', False, error