コード例 #1
    def _do_payment(self):
        if self.payment_token_id.acquirer_id.capture_manually:
            raise ValidationError(
                _('This feature is not available for payment acquirers set to the "Authorize" mode.\n'
                  'Please use a token from another provider than %s.') %
        reference = "P-%s-%s" % (
            self.id, datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S'))
        tx = self.env['payment.transaction'].create({

        s2s_result = tx.s2s_do_transaction()

        if not s2s_result or tx.state != 'done':
            raise ValidationError(
                _("Payment transaction failed (%s)") % tx.state_message)

        self.payment_transaction_id = tx
コード例 #2
def validate_iban(iban):
    iban = normalize_iban(iban)
    if not iban:
        raise ValidationError(_("No IBAN !"))

    country_code = iban[:2].lower()
    if country_code not in _map_iban_template:
        raise ValidationError(
            _("The IBAN is invalid, it should begin with the country code"))

    iban_template = _map_iban_template[country_code]
    if len(iban) != len(iban_template.replace(' ', '')):
        raise ValidationError(
            _("The IBAN does not seem to be correct. You should have entered something like this %s\n"
              "Where B = National bank code, S = Branch code, C = Account No, k = Check digit"
              ) % iban_template)

    check_chars = iban[4:] + iban[:4]
    digits = int(''.join(
        str(int(char, 36))
        for char in check_chars))  # BASE 36: 0..9,A..Z -> 0..35
    if digits % 97 != 1:
        raise ValidationError(
            _("This IBAN does not pass the validation check, please verify it."
コード例 #3
 def check_complete_move(self, move, theorical_lines):
     for aml in move.line_ids:
         line = (aml.name, round(aml.debit, 2), round(aml.credit, 2))
         if line in theorical_lines:
             raise ValidationError('Unexpected journal item. (label: %s, debit: %s, credit: %s)' % (aml.name, round(aml.debit, 2), round(aml.credit, 2)))
     if theorical_lines:
         raise ValidationError('Remaining theorical line (not found). %s)' % ([(aml[0], aml[1], aml[2]) for aml in theorical_lines]))
     return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: barcodes.py プロジェクト: rawatrahul321/noblecrm
 def _check_pattern(self):
     p = self.pattern.replace("\\\\", "X").replace("\{", "X").replace("\}", "X")
     findall = re.findall("[{]|[}]", p) # p does not contain escaped { or }
     if len(findall) == 2: 
         if not re.search("[{][N]*[D]*[}]", p):
             raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern ") + self.pattern + _(": braces can only contain N's followed by D's."))
         elif re.search("[{][}]", p):
             raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern ") + self.pattern + _(": empty braces."))
     elif len(findall) != 0:
         raise ValidationError(_("There is a syntax error in the barcode pattern ") + self.pattern + _(": a rule can only contain one pair of braces."))
     elif p == '*':
         raise ValidationError(_(" '*' is not a valid Regex Barcode Pattern. Did you mean '.*' ?"))
コード例 #5
 def _check_product_recursion(self):
     for bom in self:
         if bom.bom_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.product_id.product_tmpl_id
                                      == bom.product_tmpl_id):
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('BoM line product %s should not be same as BoM product.')
                 % bom.display_name)
コード例 #6
ファイル: hr_holidays.py プロジェクト: rawatrahul321/noblecrm
 def _check_timesheet_generate(self):
     for holiday_status in self:
         if holiday_status.timesheet_generate:
             if not holiday_status.timesheet_project_id or not holiday_status.timesheet_task_id:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('For the leaves to generate timesheet, the internal project and task are requried.'
コード例 #7
 def _check_communication(self, payment_method_id, communication):
     super(AccountPayment, self)._check_communication(payment_method_id, communication)
     if payment_method_id == self.env.ref('account_check_printing.account_payment_method_check').id:
         if not communication:
         if len(communication) > 60:
             raise ValidationError(_("A check memo cannot exceed 60 characters."))
コード例 #8
 def action_capture(self):
     if any(self.mapped(lambda tx: tx.state != 'authorized')):
         raise ValidationError(
             _('Only transactions in the Authorized status can be captured.'
     for tx in self:
コード例 #9
 def _check_companies(self):
     if any(
                 lambda pl: pl.company_id.id not in
                 (False, self.company_id.id))):
         raise ValidationError(
             _("The selected pricelists must belong to no company or the company of the point of sale."
コード例 #10
 def _check_company_payment(self):
     if self.env['account.journal'].search_count([
         ('id', 'in', self.journal_ids.ids),
         ('company_id', '!=', self.company_id.id)
         raise ValidationError(
             _("The company of a payment method is different than the one of point of sale"
コード例 #11
 def _set_check_next_number(self):
     if self.check_next_number < self.check_sequence_id.number_next_actual:
         raise ValidationError(
             _("The last check number was %s. In order to avoid a check being rejected "
               "by the bank, you can only use a greater number.") %
     if self.check_sequence_id:
         ).number_next_actual = self.check_next_number
コード例 #12
ファイル: pos_session.py プロジェクト: rawatrahul321/noblecrm
 def _check_unicity(self):
     # open if there is no session in 'opening_control', 'opened', 'closing_control' for one user
     if self.search_count([('state', 'not in',
                            ('closed', 'closing_control')),
                           ('user_id', '=', self.user_id.id),
                           ('rescue', '=', False)]) > 1:
         raise ValidationError(
             _("You cannot create two active sessions with the same responsible!"
コード例 #13
 def check_reserved_done_quantity(self):
     for move_line in self:
         if move_line.state == 'done' and not float_is_zero(
                 precision_get('Product Unit of Measure')):
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('A done move line should never have a reserved quantity.'
コード例 #14
ファイル: lunch.py プロジェクト: rawatrahul321/noblecrm
 def _check_date(self):
     Prevents the user to create an order in the past
     date_order = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.date, '%Y-%m-%d')
     date_today = datetime.datetime.strptime(
         fields.Date.context_today(self), '%Y-%m-%d')
     if (date_order < date_today):
         raise ValidationError(_('The date of your order is in the past.'))
コード例 #15
 def _check_main_currency_rounding(self):
     if any(precision.name == 'Account' and tools.float_compare(
             precision_digits=6) == -1 for precision in self):
         raise ValidationError(
             _("You cannot define the decimal precision of 'Account' as greater than the rounding factor of the company's main currency"
     return True
コード例 #16
ファイル: stock_quant.py プロジェクト: rawatrahul321/noblecrm
 def check_quantity(self):
     for quant in self:
         if float_compare(
         ) > 0 and quant.lot_id and quant.product_id.tracking == 'serial':
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('A serial number should only be linked to a single product.'
コード例 #17
 def _validate_fiscalyear_lock(self, values):
     if values.get('fiscalyear_lock_date'):
         nb_draft_entries = self.env['account.move'].search([
             ('company_id', 'in', [c.id for c in self]),
             ('state', '=', 'draft'),
             ('date', '<=', values['fiscalyear_lock_date'])
         if nb_draft_entries:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('There are still unposted entries in the period you want to lock. You should either post or delete them.'
コード例 #18
 def _check_account_ids(self, vals):
     # Raise an error to prevent the account.budget.post to have not specified account_ids.
     # This check is done on create because require=True doesn't work on Many2many fields.
     if 'account_ids' in vals:
         account_ids = self.resolve_2many_commands('account_ids',
         account_ids = self.account_ids
     if not account_ids:
         raise ValidationError(
             _('The budget must have at least one account.'))
コード例 #19
ファイル: product.py プロジェクト: rawatrahul321/noblecrm
 def _check_attribute_value_ids(self):
     for product in self:
         attributes = self.env['product.attribute']
         for value in product.attribute_value_ids:
             if value.attribute_id in attributes:
                 raise ValidationError(
                     _('Error! It is not allowed to choose more than one value for a given attribute.'
             if value.attribute_id.create_variant:
                 attributes |= value.attribute_id
     return True
コード例 #20
 def _check_holidays(self):
     for holiday in self:
         if holiday.holiday_type != 'employee' or holiday.type != 'remove' or not holiday.employee_id or holiday.holiday_status_id.limit:
         leave_days = holiday.holiday_status_id.get_days(
         if float_compare(leave_days['remaining_leaves'], 0, precision_digits=2) == -1 or \
           float_compare(leave_days['virtual_remaining_leaves'], 0, precision_digits=2) == -1:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('The number of remaining leaves is not sufficient for this leave type.\n'
                   'Please verify also the leaves waiting for validation.'))
コード例 #21
    def post(self):
        """ Create the journal items for the payment and update the payment's state to 'posted'.
            A journal entry is created containing an item in the source liquidity account (selected journal's default_debit or default_credit)
            and another in the destination reconciliable account (see _compute_destination_account_id).
            If invoice_ids is not empty, there will be one reconciliable move line per invoice to reconcile with.
            If the payment is a transfer, a second journal entry is created in the destination journal to receive money from the transfer account.
        for rec in self:

            if rec.state != 'draft':
                raise UserError(_("Only a draft payment can be posted."))

            if any(inv.state != 'open' for inv in rec.invoice_ids):
                raise ValidationError(
                    _("The payment cannot be processed because the invoice is not open!"

            # Use the right sequence to set the name
            if rec.payment_type == 'transfer':
                sequence_code = 'account.payment.transfer'
                if rec.partner_type == 'customer':
                    if rec.payment_type == 'inbound':
                        sequence_code = 'account.payment.customer.invoice'
                    if rec.payment_type == 'outbound':
                        sequence_code = 'account.payment.customer.refund'
                if rec.partner_type == 'supplier':
                    if rec.payment_type == 'inbound':
                        sequence_code = 'account.payment.supplier.refund'
                    if rec.payment_type == 'outbound':
                        sequence_code = 'account.payment.supplier.invoice'
            rec.name = self.env['ir.sequence'].with_context(
            if not rec.name and rec.payment_type != 'transfer':
                raise UserError(
                    _("You have to define a sequence for %s in your company.")
                    % (sequence_code, ))

            # Create the journal entry
            amount = rec.amount * (rec.payment_type in ('outbound', 'transfer')
                                   and 1 or -1)
            move = rec._create_payment_entry(amount)

            # In case of a transfer, the first journal entry created debited the source liquidity account and credited
            # the transfer account. Now we debit the transfer account and credit the destination liquidity account.
            if rec.payment_type == 'transfer':
                transfer_credit_aml = move.line_ids.filtered(
                    lambda r: r.account_id == rec.company_id.
                transfer_debit_aml = rec._create_transfer_entry(amount)
                (transfer_credit_aml + transfer_debit_aml).reconcile()

            rec.write({'state': 'posted', 'move_name': move.name})
        return True
コード例 #22
 def _check_date(self):
     for holiday in self:
         domain = [
             ('date_from', '<=', holiday.date_to),
             ('date_to', '>=', holiday.date_from),
             ('employee_id', '=', holiday.employee_id.id),
             ('id', '!=', holiday.id),
             ('type', '=', holiday.type),
             ('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']),
         nholidays = self.search_count(domain)
         if nholidays:
             raise ValidationError(
                 _('You can not have 2 leaves that overlaps on same day!'))
コード例 #23
 def _check_required_if_provider(self):
     """ If the field has 'required_if_provider="<provider>"' attribute, then it
     required if record.provider is <provider>. """
     empty_field = []
     for acquirer in self:
         for k, f in acquirer._fields.items():
             if getattr(f, 'required_if_provider',
                        None) == acquirer.provider and not acquirer[k]:
                     ('name', '=', k), ('model', '=', acquirer._name)
     if empty_field:
         raise ValidationError((', ').join(empty_field))
     return True
コード例 #24
ファイル: sale_order.py プロジェクト: rawatrahul321/noblecrm
 def action_mark_as_paid(self):
     """ Mark directly a sales order as paid if:
             - State: Quotation Sent, or sales order
             - Provider: wire transfer or manual config
         The transaction is marked as done
         The invoice may be generated and marked as paid if configured in the website settings
     if self.can_directly_mark_as_paid:
         if self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('website_sale.automatic_invoice', default=False):
         self.payment_tx_id.state = 'done'
         raise ValidationError(_("The quote should be sent and the payment acquirer type should be manual or wire transfer"))
コード例 #25
 def _check_currencies(self):
     if self.pricelist_id not in self.available_pricelist_ids:
         raise ValidationError(
             _("The default pricelist must be included in the available pricelists."
     if any(
                 lambda pricelist: pricelist.currency_id != self.currency_id
         raise ValidationError(
             _("All available pricelists must be in the same currency as the company or"
               " as the Sales Journal set on this point of sale if you use"
               " the Accounting application."))
     if self.invoice_journal_id.currency_id and self.invoice_journal_id.currency_id != self.currency_id:
         raise ValidationError(
             _("The invoice journal must be in the same currency as the Sales Journal or the company currency if that is not set."
     if any(
                 lambda journal: journal.currency_id and journal.currency_id
                 != self.currency_id)):
         raise ValidationError(
             _("All payment methods must be in the same currency as the Sales Journal or the company currency if that is not set."
コード例 #26
 def isr_print(self):
     """ Triggered by the 'Print ISR' button.
     if self.l10n_ch_isr_valid:
         self.l10n_ch_isr_sent = True
         return self.env.ref('l10n_ch.l10n_ch_isr_report').report_action(
         raise ValidationError(
             _("""You cannot generate an ISR yet.\n
                                For this, you need to :\n
                                - set a valid postal account number (or an IBAN referencing one) for your company\n
                                - define its bank\n
                                - associate this bank with a postal reference for the currency used in this invoice\n
                                - fill the 'bank account' field of the invoice with the postal to be used to receive the related payment. A default account will be automatically set for all invoices created after you defined a postal account for your company."""
コード例 #27
 def check_vat(self):
     if self.env.context.get('company_id'):
         company = self.env['res.company'].browse(self.env.context['company_id'])
         company = self.env.user.company_id
     if company.vat_check_vies:
         # force full VIES online check
         check_func = self.vies_vat_check
         # quick and partial off-line checksum validation
         check_func = self.simple_vat_check
     for partner in self:
         if not partner.vat:
         #check with country code as prefix of the TIN
         vat_country, vat_number = self._split_vat(partner.vat)
         if not check_func(vat_country, vat_number):
             #if fails, check with country code from country
             country_code = partner.commercial_partner_id.country_id.code
             if country_code:
                 if not check_func(country_code.lower(), partner.vat):
                     msg = partner._construct_constraint_msg(country_code.lower())
                     raise ValidationError(msg)
コード例 #28
 def _check_amount(self):
     if self.amount < 0:
         raise ValidationError(_('The payment amount cannot be negative.'))
コード例 #29
 def _check_seats_limit(self):
     if self.event_id.seats_availability == 'limited' and self.event_id.seats_max and self.event_id.seats_available < (1 if self.state == 'draft' else 0):
         raise ValidationError(_('No more seats available for this event.'))
コード例 #30
 def _check_closing_date(self):
     if self.date_end < self.date_begin:
         raise ValidationError(_('Closing Date cannot be set before Beginning Date.'))