コード例 #1
list_iso_img = [isometric_resampling(im) for im in list_img]

from timagetk.algorithms import blockmatching
trsf_type = 'iso-deformable'
list_res_trsf, list_res_img = [], []
for ind, sp_img in enumerate(list_iso_img):
    if ind < len(list_iso_img) - 1:
        # --- filenames to save:
        img_path, img_fname = split(list_img_fname[ind])
        img_path += "/"
        # -- get the result image file name & path (output path), and create it if necessary:
        res_img_fname = get_res_img_fname(img_fname, index2time[ind+1], index2time[ind], trsf_type)
        res_path = img_path + '{}_registrations/'.format(trsf_type)
        # -- get DEFORMABLE registration result trsf filename and write trsf:
        res_trsf_fname = get_res_trsf_fname(img_fname, index2time[ind+1], index2time[ind], trsf_type)
        if exists(res_path + res_trsf_fname) and not force:
            print "Found saved {} registered image and transformation!".format(trsf_type)
            print "Loading BalTransformation:\n  {}".format(res_path + res_img_fname)
            res_trsf = bal_trsf.BalTransformation()
            res_trsf.read(res_path + res_trsf_fname)
            if not exists(res_path):
                print "Creating folder: {}".format(res_path)
            # --- rigid registration
            print "\nPerforming rigid registration of t{} on t{}:".format(ind,
                                                                          ind + 1)
            trsf_rig, res_rig = blockmatching(sp_img, list_iso_img[ind + 1],
                                              param_str_2='-trsf-type rigid -py-ll 1')
コード例 #2
not_sequence = True if len(time_steps) == 2 else False

# - Build the list of result transformation filenames to check if they exist (if, not they will be computed):
# res_trsf_list = []
seq_res_trsf_list = []
for t_ref, t_float in time_reg_list:  # 't' here refer to 't_float'
    float_img_path, float_img_fname = split(
    float_img_path += "/"
    # - Get the result image file name & path (output path), and create it if necessary:
    res_img_fname = get_res_img_fname(float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float,
    res_path = float_img_path + '{}_registrations/'.format(trsf_type)
    # - Get sequence registration result trsf filename and write trsf:
    # res_trsf_list.append(res_path + get_res_trsf_fname(float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float, trsf_type))
    seq_res_trsf_list.append(res_path + get_res_trsf_fname(
        float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float, "sequence_" + trsf_type))

print ""
for f in seq_res_trsf_list:
    print "Existing tranformation file {}: {}\n".format(f, exists(f))

list_img = []
print "\n# - Loading list of images for which to apply registration process:"
for n, img_fname in enumerate(list_img_fname):
    print "  - Time-point {}, reading image {}...".format(n, img_fname)
    im = imread(img_fname)
    if ref_ch_name.find('raw') != -1:
        im = z_slice_contrast_stretch(im)
コード例 #3
 print '  - t_{}h reference fname: {}'.format(t_ref, ref_img_fname)
 im_ref = imread(image_dirname + ref_path_suffix + ref_img_fname)
 if ref_img_fname.find('iso') == -1:  # if not isometric, resample!
     im_ref = isometric_resampling(im_ref)
 print ""
 res_trsf, res_im = registration(im_float,
 print ""
 # - Save result image and tranformation:
 print "Writing image file: {}".format(rig_float_img_fname)
 imsave(res_path + rig_float_img_fname, res_im)
 # - Get result trsf filename:
 res_trsf_fname = get_res_trsf_fname(float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float,
 print "Writing trsf file: {}".format(res_trsf_fname)
 res_trsf.write(res_path + res_trsf_fname)
 print "\nApplying estimated {} transformation on '{}' to segmented image:".format(
     'rigid', ref_ch_name)
 if not exists(res_path + rig_seg_img_fname):
     print "  - {}\n  --> {}".format(seg_img_fname, rig_seg_img_fname)
     # --- Read the segmented image file:
     seg_im = imread(image_dirname + seg_path_suffix + seg_img_fname)
     res_seg_im = apply_trsf(seg_im,
                             param_str_2=' -nearest -param')
     # --- Apply and save registered segmented image:
     imsave(res_path + rig_seg_img_fname, res_seg_im)
     print "  - existing file: {}".format(rig_seg_img_fname)
コード例 #4
# - Consecutive blockmatching registration:
# Trsf are saved, registered might be saved, extra image will be saved if registered are.
sorted_time_steps = [time_steps[i] for i in t_index]
time2index = {t: n for n, t in enumerate(time_steps)}

out_trsf_fnames = []  # list of transformation matrix filenames
for t_float, t_ref in zip(sorted_time_steps[:-1], sorted_time_steps[1:]):
    i_float = time2index[t_float]
    i_ref = time2index[t_ref]
    print "\n\n# -- Blockmatching registration t{}->t{}!".format(i_float, i_ref)
    # - Get the intensity image filenames corresponding to `t_ref` & `t_float`:
    ref_img_path, ref_img_fname = split(indexed_img_fnames[i_ref])
    float_img_path, float_img_fname = split(indexed_img_fnames[i_float])
    # - Defines the transformation matrix filename (output):
    out_trsf_fname = get_res_trsf_fname(float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float, trsf_type)
    # -- Add it to the list of transformation matrix filenames:
    # - Read the reference and floating images:
    print "\n - Reading floating image (t{},{}{}): '{}'...".format(i_float, t_float, time_unit, float_img_fname)
    float_img = read_image(join(float_img_path, float_img_fname))
    print "\n - Reading reference image (t{},{}{}): '{}'...".format(i_ref, t_ref, time_unit, ref_img_fname)
    ref_img = read_image(join(ref_img_path, ref_img_fname))
    if not exists(join(out_folder, out_trsf_fname)) or force:
        print "\nComputing {} blockmatching registration t{}->t{}!".format(trsf_type.upper(), i_float, i_ref)
        # - Blockmatching registration:
        out_trsf, _ = registration(float_img, ref_img, method=trsf_type, pyramid_lowest_level=py_ll)
        # -- Save the transformation matrix:
        print "--> Saving {} transformation file: '{}'".format(trsf_type.upper(), out_trsf_fname)
        save_trsf(out_trsf, out_folder + out_trsf_fname)
    elif write_cons_img or extra_im is not None or seg_im is not None:
コード例 #5
composed_trsf = zip(list_comp_tsrf, time_steps[:-1])
for trsf, t in composed_trsf:  # 't' here refer to 't_float'
    # - Get the reference file name & path:
    ref_img_path, ref_img_fname = split(list_img_fname[-1])
    # - Get the float file name & path:
    float_im = list_img[time2index[t]]
    float_img_path, float_img_fname = split(list_img_fname[time2index[t]])
    float_img_path += "/"
    # - Get the result image file name & path (output path), and create it if necessary:
    res_img_fname = get_res_img_fname(float_img_fname, time_steps[-1], t,
    res_path = float_img_path + '{}_registrations/'.format(trsf_type)
    if not exists(res_path):
    # - Get result trsf filename and write trsf:
    res_trsf_fname = get_res_trsf_fname(float_img_fname, time_steps[-1], t,

    if not exists(res_path + res_trsf_fname) or force:
        if t == time_steps[-2]:
            # -- No need to "adjust" for time_steps[-2]/time_steps[-1] registration since it is NOT a composition:
            print "\n# - Saving {} t{}/t{} registration:".format(
                trsf_type.upper(), time2index[t], time2index[time_steps[-1]])
            res_trsf = trsf
            res_im = list_res_img[-1]
            # -- One last round of vectorfield using composed transformation as init_trsf:
            print "\n# - Final {} registration adjustment for t{}/t{} composed transformation:".format(
                trsf_type.upper(), time2index[t], time2index[time_steps[-1]])
            py_hl = 1  # defines highest level of the blockmatching-pyramid
            py_ll = 0  # defines lowest level of the blockmatching-pyramid
            print '  - t_{}h floating fname: {}'.format(t, float_img_fname)