def test_grant_deferred_award(self): """Deferred award for a badge can be granted to an email address.""" deferred_email = "*****@*****.**" user1 = self._get_user(username="******", email="*****@*****.**") b1 = Badge.objects.create(creator=user1, title="Badge to defer") da = DeferredAward(badge=b1, creator=user1, email='*****@*****.**') url = da.get_claim_url() self.client.login(username="******", password="******") r = self.client.get(url, follow=True) eq_(200, r.status_code) doc = pq(r.content) form = doc('form#grant_award') eq_(1, form.length) eq_(1, form.find('*[name=email]').length) eq_(1, form.find('input.submit,button.submit').length) r =, dict( is_grant=1, email=deferred_email, ), follow=False) user2 = self._get_user(username="******", email=deferred_email) self.client.login(username="******", password="******") r = self.client.get(reverse('badger.views.detail', args=(b1.slug,)), follow=True) ok_(b1.is_awarded_to(user2))
def test_channel_edit_child(self): channel = Channel.objects.get(slug='testing') response = self.client.get( reverse('manage:channel_edit', args=(,)), ) eq_(response.status_code, 200) choices = ( response.content .split('name="parent"')[1] .split('</select>')[0] ) ok_('Main' in choices) # you should not be able to self-reference ok_('Testing' not in choices) main = Channel.objects.get(slug='main') response = reverse('manage:channel_edit', args=(,)), { 'name': 'Different', 'slug': 'different', 'description': '<p>Other things</p>', 'parent':, 'feed_size': 10, } ) eq_(response.status_code, 302) channel = Channel.objects.get(slug='different') eq_(channel.parent, main) # now expect two links to "Main" on the channels page response = self.client.get(reverse('manage:channels')) eq_(response.status_code, 200) view_url = reverse('main:home_channels', args=(main.slug,)) eq_(response.content.count(view_url), 2)
def test_signature_trend(self, rget): model = models.SignatureTrend api = model() def mocked_get(**options): assert 'topcrash/sig/trend' in options['url'], options['url'] return Response(""" { "signature": "Pickle::ReadBytes", "start_date": "2012-04-19T08:00:00+00:00", "end_date": "2012-05-31T00:00:00+00:00", "signatureHistory": [] } """) rget.side_effect = mocked_get today = datetime.datetime.utcnow() r = api.get( product='Thunderbird', version='12.0', signature='Pickle::ReadBytes', end_date=today, duration=1000 ) ok_(r['signature'])
def test_http_method_not_allowed_allowed_methods(self): class GetPostView(views.JSONView): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return 'asdf' def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return 'qwer' response = GetPostView().http_method_not_allowed() ok_(set(['GET', 'POST']).issubset(set(response['Allow'].split(', ')))) class GetPostPutDeleteHeadView(views.JSONView): def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return 'asdf' def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return 'qwer' def put(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return 'qwer' def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return 'qwer' def head(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return 'qwer' response = GetPostPutDeleteHeadView().http_method_not_allowed() expected_methods = set(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'HEAD']) actual_methods = set(response['Allow'].split(', ')) ok_(expected_methods.issubset(actual_methods))
def test_current_versions(self, rget): model = models.CurrentVersions api = model() def mocked_get(**options): assert '/products/' in options['url'] return Response(""" {"hits": { "SeaMonkey": [{ "product": "SeaMonkey", "throttle": "100.00", "end_date": "2012-05-10 00:00:00", "start_date": "2012-03-08 00:00:00", "featured": true, "version": "2.1.3pre", "release": "Beta", "id": 922}] }, "products": ["SeaMonkey"] } """) rget.side_effect = mocked_get info = api.get() ok_(isinstance(info, list)) ok_(isinstance(info[0], dict)) eq_(info[0]['product'], 'SeaMonkey')
def test_comments_by_signature(self, rget): model = models.CommentsBySignature api = model() def mocked_get(**options): assert 'crashes/comments' in options['url'], options['url'] ok_('products/WaterWolf' in options['url']) ok_('versions/WaterWolf%3A19.0a1' in options['url']) ok_('build_ids/1234567890' in options['url']) ok_('reasons/SEG%252FFAULT' in options['url']) return Response(""" {"hits": [ { "date_processed": "2000-01-01T00:00:01", "uuid": "1234abcd", "user_comment": "hello guys!", "email": "*****@*****.**" }], "total": 1 } """) rget.side_effect = mocked_get r = api.get( signature='mysig', products=['WaterWolf'], versions=['WaterWolf:19.0a1'], build_ids='1234567890', reasons='SEG/FAULT' ) ok_(r['hits']) ok_(r['total'])
def mocked_get(url, **options): assert '/crash_data/' in url ok_('/datatype/processed/' in url) return Response(""" { "product": "Firefox", "uuid": "7c44ade2-fdeb-4d6c-830a-07d302120525", "version": "13.0", "build": "20120501201020", "ReleaseChannel": "beta", "os_name": "Windows NT", "date_processed": "2012-05-25 11:35:57", "success": true, "signature": "CLocalEndpointEnumerator::OnMediaNotific", "addons": [ [ "*****@*****.**", "1.2.1" ], [ "{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}", "13.0" ] ] } """)
def test_upload_cleanup(self): dpath = mkdtemp() _write = self.client.write def write(hdfs_path, *args, **kwargs): if 'bar' in hdfs_path: raise RuntimeError() return _write(hdfs_path, *args, **kwargs) try: self.client.write = write npath = osp.join(dpath, 'hi') os.mkdir(npath) with open(osp.join(npath, 'foo'), 'w') as writer: writer.write('hello!') os.mkdir(osp.join(npath, 'bar')) with open(osp.join(npath, 'bar', 'baz'), 'w') as writer: writer.write('world!') try: self.client.upload('foo', dpath) except RuntimeError: ok_(not self._exists('foo')) else: ok_(False) # This shouldn't happen. finally: rmtree(dpath) self.client.write = _write
def test_xss_file_attachment_title(self): title = '"><img src=x onerror=prompt(navigator.userAgent);>' # use view to create new attachment file_for_upload = make_test_file() post_data = { 'title': title, 'description': 'xss', 'comment': 'xss', 'file': file_for_upload, } self.client.login(username='******', password='******') resp ='attachments.new_attachment'), data=post_data) eq_(302, resp.status_code) # now stick it in/on a document attachment = Attachment.objects.get(title=title) rev = revision(content='<img src="%s" />' % attachment.get_file_url(), save=True) # view it and verify markup is escaped response = self.client.get(rev.document.get_edit_url()) eq_(200, response.status_code) doc = pq(response.content) eq_('%s xss' % title, doc('#page-attachments-table .attachment-name-cell').text()) ok_('><img src=x onerror=prompt(navigator.userAgent);>' in doc('#page-attachments-table .attachment-name-cell').html())
def test_failed_login_keeps_username(self): """Wrong password keeps user_name in login form""" resp ='/login_handler?login=manager&password=badpassword', status=302) resp = resp.follow(status=200) ok_('Invalid Password' in resp, resp) eq_(resp.form['login'].value, 'manager')
def test_rename_file(self): paths = ['foo', '%s/bar' % (self.client.root.rstrip('/'), )] self.client._create(paths[0], data='hello') ok_(self.client._rename(paths[0], destination=paths[1]).json()['boolean']) ok_(not self._exists(paths[0])) eq_(self.client._open(paths[1].rsplit('/', 1)[1]).content, b'hello') self.client._delete(paths[1])
def test_amara_callback_successful(self): url = reverse('subtitles:amara_callback') event = Event.objects.get(title='Test event') amara_video = AmaraVideo.objects.create( event=event, video_id='abc123', video_url='', ) response = self.post_json(url, { 'event': 'new-language', 'video_id': amara_video.video_id, 'api_url': '', 'team': 'myteam', 'project': 'myproject', 'language_code': 'sv', }) eq_(response.status_code, 200) amara_callback = AmaraCallback.objects.get( api_url='' ) eq_(amara_callback.amara_video, amara_video) ok_(amara_callback.payload) eq_(amara_callback.api_url, '') eq_(, 'myteam') eq_(amara_callback.project, 'myproject') eq_(amara_callback.language_code, 'sv')
def test_message_with_url_is_link(self): m = Message(message="Go to", is_global=True, is_active=True, url="/") ok_('Go to <a href="">' '</a>' in soapbox_messages(get_soapbox_messages("/")))
def test_form_columns(): app, db, admin = setup() class Model(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.String, primary_key=True) int_field = db.Column(db.Integer) datetime_field = db.Column(db.DateTime) text_field = db.Column(db.UnicodeText) excluded_column = db.Column(db.String) class ChildModel(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.String, primary_key=True) model_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey( model = db.relationship(Model, backref='backref') db.create_all() view1 = CustomModelView(Model, db.session, endpoint='view1', form_columns=('int_field', 'text_field')) view2 = CustomModelView(Model, db.session, endpoint='view2', form_excluded_columns=('excluded_column',)) view3 = CustomModelView(ChildModel, db.session, endpoint='view3') form1 = view1.create_form() form2 = view2.create_form() form3 = view3.create_form() ok_('int_field' in form1._fields) ok_('text_field' in form1._fields) ok_('datetime_field' not in form1._fields) ok_('excluded_column' not in form2._fields) ok_(type(form3.model).__name__ == 'QuerySelectField')
def test_on_model_change_delete(): app, db, admin = setup() Model1, _ = create_models(db) db.create_all() class ModelView(CustomModelView): def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created): model.test1 = model.test1.upper() def on_model_delete(self, model): self.deleted = True view = ModelView(Model1, db.session) admin.add_view(view) client = app.test_client()'/admin/model1/new/', data=dict(test1='test1large', test2='test2')) model = db.session.query(Model1).first() eq_(model.test1, 'TEST1LARGE') url = '/admin/model1/edit/?id=%s' %, data=dict(test1='test1small', test2='test2large')) model = db.session.query(Model1).first() eq_(model.test1, 'TEST1SMALL') url = '/admin/model1/delete/?id=%s' % ok_(view.deleted)
def test_strip_if_true(self): test_with_spaces = " T es t " test_without_spaces = "T es t" test_stripped = strip_if_true(test_with_spaces, True) test_not_stripped = strip_if_true(test_with_spaces, False) ok_(test_without_spaces == test_stripped) ok_(test_with_spaces == test_not_stripped)
def test_non_int_pk(): app, db, admin = setup() class Model(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.String, primary_key=True) test = db.Column(db.String) db.create_all() view = CustomModelView(Model, db.session, form_columns=['id', 'test']) admin.add_view(view) client = app.test_client() rv = client.get('/admin/model/') eq_(rv.status_code, 200) rv ='/admin/model/new/', data=dict(id='test1', test='test2')) eq_(rv.status_code, 302) rv = client.get('/admin/model/') eq_(rv.status_code, 200) data ='utf-8') ok_('test1' in data) rv = client.get('/admin/model/edit/?id=test1') eq_(rv.status_code, 200) data ='utf-8') ok_('test2' in data)
def test_multiple_delivery_with_multiple_ack(self): data = str(uuid.uuid4()) data2 = str(uuid.uuid4()) client = yield self.quick_register(use_webpush=True) yield client.disconnect() ok_(client.channels) yield client.send_notification(data=data) yield client.send_notification(data=data2) yield client.connect() yield client.hello() result = yield client.get_notification() ok_(result != {}) ok_(result["data"] in map(urlsafe_b64encode, [data, data2])) result2 = yield client.get_notification() ok_(result2 != {}) ok_(result2["data"] in map(urlsafe_b64encode, [data, data2])) yield client.ack(result2["channelID"], result2["version"]) yield client.ack(result["channelID"], result["version"]) yield client.disconnect() yield client.connect() yield client.hello() result = yield client.get_notification() eq_(result, None) yield self.shut_down(client)
def test_reads_legacy_boto_file(self): with open(self.creds_tempfile, 'w') as credentials: credentials.write("""[Credentials] aws_access_key_id = itsme""") config = FileConfig() ok_(config._parser.has_option('Credentials', 'aws_access_key_id'))
def test_webpush_data_delivery_to_disconnected_client(self): tests = { "d248d4e0-0ef4-41d9-8db5-2533ad8e4041": dict(data=b"\xe2\x82\x28\xf0\x28\x8c\xbc", result="4oIo8CiMvA=="), "df2363be-4d55-49c5-a1e3-aeae9450692e": dict( data=b"\xf0\x90\x28\xbc\xf0\x28\x8c\x28", result="8JAovPAojCg=" ), "6c33e055-5762-47e5-b90c-90ad9bfe3f53": dict(data=b"\xc3\x28\xa0\xa1\xe2\x28\xa1", result="wyigoeIooQ=="), } client = Client("ws://localhost:9010/", use_webpush=True) yield client.connect() yield client.hello() for chan, test in tests.items(): yield client.register(chid=chan) yield client.disconnect() for chan, test in tests.items(): yield client.send_notification(channel=chan, data=test["data"]) yield client.connect() yield client.hello() for chan in tests: result = yield client.get_notification() ok_(result is not None) chan = result["channelID"] test = tests[chan] eq_(result["data"], test["result"]) yield client.ack(chan, result["version"]) yield self.shut_down(client)
def test_hello_echo(self): client = Client(self._ws_url, use_webpush=True) yield client.connect() result = yield client.hello() ok_(result != {}) eq_(result["use_webpush"], True) yield self.shut_down(client)
def test_model(): app, db, admin = setup() view = TestView(db.test, 'Test') admin.add_view(view) # Drop existing data (if any) db.test.remove() eq_(, 'Test') eq_(view.endpoint, 'testview') ok_('test1' in view._sortable_columns) ok_('test2' in view._sortable_columns) ok_(view._create_form_class is not None) ok_(view._edit_form_class is not None) eq_(view._search_supported, False) eq_(view._filters, None) # Make some test clients client = app.test_client() rv = client.get('/admin/testview/') eq_(rv.status_code, 200) rv = client.get('/admin/testview/new/') eq_(rv.status_code, 200) rv ='/admin/testview/new/', data=dict(test1='test1large', test2='test2')) eq_(rv.status_code, 302) model = db.test.find()[0] print(model) eq_(model['test1'], 'test1large') eq_(model['test2'], 'test2') rv = client.get('/admin/testview/') eq_(rv.status_code, 200) ok_('test1large' in'utf-8')) url = '/admin/testview/edit/?id=%s' % model['_id'] rv = client.get(url) eq_(rv.status_code, 200) rv =, data=dict(test1='test1small', test2='test2large')) eq_(rv.status_code, 302) print(db.test.find()[0]) model = db.test.find()[0] eq_(model['test1'], 'test1small') eq_(model['test2'], 'test2large') url = '/admin/testview/delete/?id=%s' % model['_id'] rv = eq_(rv.status_code, 302) eq_(db.test.count(), 0)
def test_get_jwt(self, client=None, extra_headers=None): res = self._post(client=client, extra_headers=extra_headers) eq_(res.status_code, 201, res.content) contribution = Contribution.objects.get() eq_(res.json['contribStatusURL'], reverse('webpay-status', kwargs={'uuid': contribution.uuid})) ok_(res.json['webpayJWT'])
def test_title(self): event = SuggestedEvent.objects.create( user=self.user, title='Cool Title', slug='cool-title', ) url = reverse('suggest:title', args=(,)) response = self.client.get(url) eq_(response.status_code, 200) data = { 'title': '', 'slug': 'contains spaces', } response =, data) eq_(response.status_code, 200) ok_('Form errors' in response.content) data = { 'title': 'New Title', 'slug': 'new-slug', } response =, data) eq_(response.status_code, 302) next_url = reverse('suggest:description', args=(,)) self.assertRedirects(response, next_url)
def test_details_timezone_formatting(self): location = Location.objects.create( name='Paris', timezone='Europe/Paris' ) start_time = datetime.datetime( 2013, 5, 6, 11, 0, 0 ).replace(tzinfo=utc) event = SuggestedEvent.objects.create( user=self.user, title='Cool Title', slug='cool-title', description='Some long description', short_description='', location=location, privacy=Event.PRIVACY_PUBLIC, start_time=start_time, ) url = reverse('suggest:details', args=(,)) response = self.client.get(url) eq_(response.status_code, 200) # the location is `US/Pacific` which means at 13:00 UTC, # the time is expected to be 05:00 in US/Pacific as_string = '2013-05-06 13:00:00' ok_('value="%s"' % as_string in response.content)
def test_send_mail(self, fake_messages): """Test EmailRepsForm email sending functionality.""" data = {"subject": "Test email subject", "body": "Test email body", "functional_area":} form = EmailRepsForm(data=data) ok_(form.is_valid()) area = self.functional_area UserFactory.create_batch(20, userprofile__functional_areas=[area]) factory = RequestFactory() request = factory.request() request.user = UserFactory.create() reps = User.objects.filter(userprofile__functional_areas__name=area) form.send_email(request, reps) eq_(len(mail.outbox), 20) address = lambda u: "%s %s <%s>" % (u.first_name, u.last_name, recipients = map(address, reps) receivers = [] for i in range(0, len(mail.outbox)): eq_(mail.outbox[i].subject, data["subject"]) eq_(mail.outbox[i].body, data["body"]) receivers.append(mail.outbox[i].to[0]) eq_(set(receivers), set(recipients)) fake_messages.assert_called_with(ANY, "Email sent successfully.")
def test_link_to_suggest(self): event = Event.objects.get(title='Test event') self._attach_file(event, self.placeholder) response = self.client.get('/') eq_(response.status_code, 200) start_url = reverse('suggest:start') ok_(start_url in response.content)
def test_saves_promo_img(self, requests_mock, crush_mock): img_path = os.path.join(settings.ROOT, 'mkt', 'site', 'tests', 'images', 'game_1050.jpg') # Mock the image fetch request. with open(img_path, 'r') as content: requests_mock.return_value = mock.Mock(, headers={'ok': 'ok'}, status_code=200) result = fetch_promo_imgs(, '') ok_(result) website = Website.objects.all()[0] eq_(website.promo_img_hash, '215dd2a2') # Check the actual saved image on disk. img_dir = website.get_promo_img_dir() for size in mkt.PROMO_IMG_SIZES: img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, '%s-%s.png' % (str(, size)) with, 'r') as img: checker = ImageCheck(img) assert checker.is_image() eq_(checker.img.size[0], size)
def test_register_without_code_vouched(self): user = UserFactory.create() with self.login(user) as client: response = client.get(reverse('phonebook:register'), follow=True) ok_(not self.client.session.get('invite-code')) self.assertJinja2TemplateUsed(response, 'phonebook/home.html') eq_(response.status_code, 200)
def test_index(self): """Integration-test ``index()`` with some decorator-handled arg.""" def valid_responder(*args, **kwargs): """Return an arbitrary successful Response.""" response = requests.Response() response._content = six.b('{"some": "json"}') response.status_code = 200 return response conn = ElasticSearch('') with patch.object(conn.session, 'put') as put: put.side_effect = valid_responder conn.index('some_index', 'some_type', {'some': 'doc'}, id=3, routing='boogie', es_snorkfest=True, es_borkfest='gerbils:great') # Make sure all the query string params got into the URL: url = put.call_args[0][0] ok_( url.startswith('')) ok_('routing=boogie' in url) ok_('snorkfest=true' in url) ok_('borkfest=gerbils%3Agreat' in url) ok_('es_' not in url) # We stripped the "es_" prefixes.
def ToUnicode_Py2Bytes_test(): value = utils.ToUnicode(bytes('abc')) eq_(value, u'abc') ok_(isinstance(value, str))
def test_scan(self): # TODO mock a successful scan devices = self.backend.scan() ok_(devices is not None) eq_(0, len(devices))
def test_topcrashers(self, rpost, bugs_get): def mocked_bugs(**options): return { "hits": [ {"id": 123456789, "signature": "Something"}, {"id": 22222, "signature": u"FakeSignature1 \u7684 Japanese"}, {"id": 33333, "signature": u"FakeSignature1 \u7684 Japanese"} ] } bugs_get.side_effect = mocked_bugs def mocked_sigs(url, **options): if 'signature/first_date' in url: return Response({ "hits": [ { "signature": u"FakeSignature1 \u7684 Japanese", "first_date": "2000-01-01T12:23:34", "first_build": "20000101122334", }, ], "total": 1 }) raise NotImplementedError(url) rpost.side_effect = mocked_sigs def mocked_supersearch_get(**params): if '_columns' not in params: params['_columns'] = [] if 'hang_type' not in params['_aggs.signature']: # Return results for the previous week. results = { 'hits': [], 'facets': { 'signature': [{ 'term': u'FakeSignature1 \u7684 Japanese', 'count': 100, 'facets': { 'platform': [{ 'term': 'WaterWolf', 'count': 50, }], 'is_garbage_collecting': [{ 'term': 't', 'count': 50, }], 'hang_type': [{ 'term': 1, 'count': 50, }], 'process_type': [{ 'term': 'plugin', 'count': 50, }], 'histogram_uptime': [{ 'term': 0, 'count': 40, }], } }] }, 'total': 250 } else: # Return results for the current week. results = { 'hits': [], 'facets': { 'signature': [{ 'term': u'FakeSignature1 \u7684 Japanese', 'count': 100, 'facets': { 'platform': [{ 'term': 'WaterWolf', 'count': 50, }], 'is_garbage_collecting': [{ 'term': 't', 'count': 50, }], 'hang_type': [{ 'term': 1, 'count': 50, }], 'process_type': [{ 'term': 'plugin', 'count': 50, }], 'histogram_uptime': [{ 'term': 0, 'count': 60, }], } }, { 'term': u'mozCool()', 'count': 80, 'facets': { 'platform': [{ 'term': 'WaterWolf', 'count': 50, }], 'is_garbage_collecting': [{ 'term': 't', 'count': 50, }], 'hang_type': [{ 'term': 1, 'count': 50, }], 'process_type': [{ 'term': 'browser', 'count': 50, }], 'histogram_uptime': [{ 'term': 0, 'count': 40, }], } }] }, 'total': 250 } results['hits'] = self.only_certain_columns( results['hits'], params['_columns'] ) return results SuperSearch.implementation().get.side_effect = mocked_supersearch_get url = self.base_url + '?product=WaterWolf&version=19.0' response = self.client.get(self.base_url, {'product': 'WaterWolf'}) ok_(url in response['Location']) # Test that several versions do not raise an error. response = self.client.get(self.base_url, { 'product': 'WaterWolf', 'version': '19.0;20.0', }) eq_(response.status_code, 200) response = self.client.get(self.base_url, { 'product': 'WaterWolf', 'version': '19.0', }) eq_(response.status_code, 200) doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content) selected_count = doc('.tc-result-count a[class="selected"]') eq_(selected_count.text(), '50') # there's actually only one such TD bug_ids = [x.text for x in doc('td.bug_ids_more > a')] # higher bug number first eq_(bug_ids, ['33333', '22222']) # Check the first appearance date is there. ok_('2000-01-01 12:23:34' in response.content) response = self.client.get(self.base_url, { 'product': 'WaterWolf', 'version': '19.0', '_facets_size': '100', }) eq_(response.status_code, 200) doc = pyquery.PyQuery(response.content) selected_count = doc('.tc-result-count a[class="selected"]') eq_(selected_count.text(), '100') # Check the startup crash icon is there. ok_('Startup Crash' in response.content)
def test_action_predicate_accept(self): """test all of the case where the predicate should return True""" filter_rule = DontConsiderTheseFilter() fake_processor = create_basic_fake_processor() # find non-plugin crashes test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '0' test_raw_dumps = {} ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find non-Firefox crashes test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Internet Explorer" ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with no Version info test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with faulty Version info test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = 'dwight' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with no BuildID info test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '17.1' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with faulty BuildID info test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '17.1' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '201307E2' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with faulty BuildID info (not integer) test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '17.1' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '201307E2' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with faulty BuildID info (bad month & day) test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '17.1' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20131458' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with pre-17 version test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '15' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121015' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with 18 version but build date less than 2012-10-23 test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '18' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121015' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with build date less than 2012-10-17 # and version 17 or above test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '17' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121015' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, DotDict(), fake_processor )) # find crashes with no default dump test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # find crashes with no architecture info test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # find crashes with amd64 architecture info test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.cpu_arch = 'amd64' ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # find crashes with main dump processing errors test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info.cpu_arch = 'x86' test_processed_crash.success = False ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # find crashes with extra dump processing errors test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info.cpu_arch = 'x86' test_processed_crash.success = True test_processed_crash.additional_minidumps = ['a', 'b', 'c'] test_processed_crash.a = DotDict() test_processed_crash.a.success = True test_processed_crash.b = DotDict() test_processed_crash.b.success = True test_processed_crash.c = DotDict() test_processed_crash.c.success = False ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # find crashes with missing critical attribute test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info.cpu_arch = 'x86' test_processed_crash.success = True test_processed_crash.additional_minidumps = ['a', 'b', 'c'] test_processed_crash.a = DotDict() test_processed_crash.a.success = True test_processed_crash.b = DotDict() test_processed_crash.b.success = True test_processed_crash.c = DotDict() test_processed_crash.c.success = False ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # find crashes with missing critical attribute test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info.cpu_arch = 'x86' test_processed_crash.success = True test_processed_crash.additional_minidumps = ['a', 'b', 'c'] test_processed_crash.a = DotDict() test_processed_crash.a.success = True test_processed_crash.b = DotDict() test_processed_crash.b.success = True test_processed_crash.c = DotDict() test_processed_crash.c.success = False ok_(filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # reject the perfect crash test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info.cpu_arch = 'x86' test_processed_crash.success = True test_processed_crash.additional_minidumps = ['a', 'b', 'c'] test_processed_crash.a = DotDict() test_processed_crash.a.success = True test_processed_crash.b = DotDict() test_processed_crash.b.success = True test_processed_crash.c = DotDict() test_processed_crash.c.success = True ok_(not filter_rule.predicate( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor )) # test the do-nothing action test_raw_crash = DotDict() test_raw_crash.PluginHang = '1' test_raw_crash.ProductName = "Firefox" test_raw_crash.Version = '19' test_raw_crash.BuildID = '20121031' test_processed_crash = DotDict() test_processed_crash.dump = 'fake dump' test_processed_crash.json_dump = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info = DotDict() test_processed_crash.json_dump.system_info.cpu_arch = 'x86' test_processed_crash.success = True test_processed_crash.additional_minidumps = ['a', 'b', 'c'] test_processed_crash.a = DotDict() test_processed_crash.a.success = True test_processed_crash.b = DotDict() test_processed_crash.b.success = True test_processed_crash.c = DotDict() test_processed_crash.c.success = True ok_(filter_rule.action( test_raw_crash, test_raw_dumps, test_processed_crash, fake_processor ))
def PathToNearestThirdPartyFolder_Failure_test(): ok_( not PathToNearestThirdPartyFolder( os.path.expanduser( '~' ) ) )
def PathToNearestThirdPartyFolder_Success_test(): ok_( PathToNearestThirdPartyFolder( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) ) )
def ToUnicode_Py2Str_test(): value = utils.ToUnicode('abc') eq_(value, u'abc') ok_(isinstance(value, str))
def OnTravis_IsOnTravis_test(): ok_(utils.OnTravis())
def PathToFirstExistingExecutable_Basic_test(): if utils.OnWindows(): ok_(utils.PathToFirstExistingExecutable(['notepad.exe'])) else: ok_(utils.PathToFirstExistingExecutable(['cat']))
def OnTravis_IsNotOnTravis_test(): ok_(not utils.OnTravis())
def RemoveIfExists_Exists_test(): tempfile = PathToTestFile('remove-if-exists') open(tempfile, 'a').close() ok_(os.path.exists(tempfile)) utils.RemoveIfExists(tempfile) ok_(not os.path.exists(tempfile))
def PathToFirstExistingExecutable_Failure_test(): ok_(not utils.PathToFirstExistingExecutable(['ycmd-foobar']))
def ToCppStringCompatible_Str_test(): value = utils.ToCppStringCompatible('abc') eq_(value, bytes(b'abc')) ok_(isinstance(value, bytes))
def RemoveIfExists_DoesntExist_test(): tempfile = PathToTestFile('remove-if-exists') ok_(not os.path.exists(tempfile)) utils.RemoveIfExists(tempfile) ok_(not os.path.exists(tempfile))
def ToUnicode_Int_test(): value = utils.ToUnicode(123) eq_(value, u'123') ok_(isinstance(value, str))
def ToCppStringCompatible_Int_test(): value = utils.ToCppStringCompatible(123) eq_(value, bytes(b'123')) ok_(isinstance(value, bytes))
def test_figure_naming(): pretitle, posttitle, prefile, postfile = figure_naming(pretitle='Test', posttitle=None, prefile="", postfile=3) nt.ok_(pretitle == 'Test -- ') nt.ok_(posttitle == "") nt.ok_(prefile == "") nt.ok_(postfile == "_3") pretitle, posttitle, prefile, postfile = figure_naming(pretitle='', posttitle="Test", prefile="test", postfile="") nt.ok_(pretitle == "") nt.ok_(posttitle == " -- Test") nt.ok_(prefile == "test_") nt.ok_(postfile == "")
def ToUnicode_None_test(): value = utils.ToUnicode(None) eq_(value, u'') ok_(isinstance(value, str))
def test_get_color(): nt.ok_(get_color(None, NeuriteType.basal_dendrite) == "red") nt.ok_(get_color(None, NeuriteType.axon) == "blue") nt.ok_(get_color(None, NeuriteType.apical_dendrite) == "purple") nt.ok_(get_color(None, NeuriteType.soma) == "black") nt.ok_(get_color(None, NeuriteType.undefined) == "green") nt.ok_(get_color(None, 'wrong') == "green") nt.ok_(get_color('blue', 'wrong') == "blue") nt.ok_(get_color('yellow', NeuriteType.axon) == "yellow")
def test_get_figure(): fig_old = plt.figure() fig, ax = get_figure(new_fig=False, subplot=False) nt.ok_(fig == fig_old) nt.ok_(ax.colNum == 0) nt.ok_(ax.rowNum == 0) fig1, ax1 = get_figure(new_fig=True, subplot=224) nt.ok_(fig1 != fig_old) nt.ok_(ax1.colNum == 1) nt.ok_(ax1.rowNum == 1) fig = get_figure(new_fig=True, no_axes=True) nt.ok_(type(fig) == plt.Figure) fig2, ax2 = get_figure(new_fig=True, subplot=[1,1,1]) nt.ok_(ax2.colNum == 0) nt.ok_(ax2.rowNum == 0) plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig2, ax2 = get_figure(new_fig=False, new_axes=False) nt.ok_(fig2 == plt.gcf()) nt.ok_(ax2 == plt.gca()) plt.close('all')
def test_plot_ticks(): fig1, ax1 = plot_ticks(fig, ax) nt.ok_(len(ax1.get_xticks()) != 0 ) nt.ok_(len(ax1.get_yticks()) != 0 ) fig1, ax1 = plot_ticks(fig, ax, xticks=[], yticks=[]) nt.ok_(len(ax1.get_xticks()) == 0 ) nt.ok_(len(ax1.get_yticks()) == 0 ) fig1, ax1 = plot_ticks(fig, ax, xticks=np.arange(3), yticks=np.arange(4)) nt.ok_(len(ax1.get_xticks()) == 3 ) nt.ok_(len(ax1.get_yticks()) == 4 ) fig2, ax2 = plot_ticks(fig0, ax0) nt.ok_(len(ax2.get_zticks()) != 0 ) fig2, ax2 = plot_ticks(fig0, ax0, zticks=[]) nt.ok_(len(ax2.get_zticks()) == 0 ) fig2, ax2 = plot_ticks(fig0, ax0, zticks=np.arange(3)) nt.ok_(len(ax2.get_zticks()) == 3 )
def test_plot_sphere(): fig0, ax0 = get_figure(params={'projection':'3d'}) fig1, ax1 = plot_sphere(fig0, ax0, [0,0,0], 10., color='black', alpha=1.) nt.ok_(ax1.has_data() == True)
def test_plot_labels(): fig1, ax1 = plot_labels(fig, ax) nt.ok_(ax1.get_xlabel() == 'X') nt.ok_(ax1.get_ylabel() == 'Y') fig1, ax1 = plot_labels(fig, ax, xlabel='T', ylabel='R') nt.ok_(ax1.get_xlabel() == 'T') nt.ok_(ax1.get_ylabel() == 'R') fig2, ax2 = plot_labels(fig0, ax0) nt.ok_(ax2.get_zlabel() == 'Z') fig2, ax2 = plot_labels(fig0, ax0, zlabel='T') nt.ok_(ax2.get_zlabel() == 'T')
def test_plot_style(): fig1, ax1 = plot_style(fig, ax) nt.ok_(ax1.get_title() == 'Figure') nt.ok_(ax1.get_xlabel() == 'X') nt.ok_(ax1.get_ylabel() == 'Y') fig1, ax1 = plot_style(fig, ax, no_axes=True) nt.ok_(ax1.get_frame_on() == False) nt.ok_(ax1.xaxis.get_visible() == False) nt.ok_(ax1.yaxis.get_visible() == False) fig1, ax1 = plot_style(fig, ax, tight=True) nt.ok_(fig1.get_tight_layout() == True) fig1, ax1 = plot_style(fig, ax, show_plot=False) nt.ok_(fig1 is None) nt.ok_(ax1 is None) if os.path.isdir(fig_dir): for data in os.listdir(fig_dir): os.remove(fig_dir + data) os.rmdir(fig_dir) fig1, ax1 = plot_style(fig, ax, output_path=fig_dir, output_name='Figure') nt.ok_(os.path.isfile(fig_dir + fig_name)==True) os.remove(fig_dir + fig_name) os.rmdir(fig_dir)
def test_secc_with_manager(self): """The manager can access the secure controller""" # Note how authentication is forged: environ = {'REMOTE_USER': '******'} resp ='/secc', extra_environ=environ, status=200) ok_('Secure Controller here' in resp.text, resp.text)
def test_plot_limits(): fig1, ax1 = plot_limits(fig, ax) nt.ok_(ax1.get_xlim() == xlim) nt.ok_(ax1.get_ylim() == ylim) fig1, ax1 = plot_limits(fig, ax, xlim=(0,100), ylim=(-100,0)) nt.ok_(ax1.get_xlim() == (0,100)) nt.ok_(ax1.get_ylim() == (-100,0)) fig2, ax2 = plot_limits(fig0, ax0) nt.ok_(np.allclose(ax2.get_zlim(), zlim0)) fig2, ax2 = plot_limits(fig0, ax0, zlim=(0,100)) nt.ok_(np.allclose(ax2.get_zlim(), (0,100)))
def test_index(self): """The front page is working properly""" response ='/') msg = 'This simple app was made as a challenge for Axant!' # You can look for specific strings: ok_(msg in response)
def test_plot_title(): fig1, ax1 = plot_title(fig, ax) nt.ok_(ax1.get_title() == 'Figure') fig1, ax1 = plot_title(fig, ax, title='Test') nt.ok_(ax1.get_title() == 'Test')
def test_lbheartbeat(self): response = self.client.get('/__lbheartbeat__') eq_(response.status_code, 200) ok_(not
def test_environ(self): """Displaying the wsgi environ works""" response ='/environ') ok_('The keys in the environment are:' in response)