コード例 #1
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def check(self, scenarioID):
     # Initialize
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     # Load
     scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.Scenario.id==scenarioID).filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)).first()
     # Return
     return dict(isOk=0 if not scenario or scenario.isQueued() else 1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def feedback(self):
     'Send feedback'
     # Load
     text = request.POST.get('text', '').strip()
     # If there is text,
     if text:
         # Initialize
         personID = h.getPersonID()
         headerByValue = {}
         # If the person is logged in,
         if personID:
             # Load
             person = Session.query(model.Person).get(personID)
             nickname = person.nickname
             headerByValue['reply-to'] = email.utils.formataddr((nickname, person.email))
         # If th person is not logged in,
             nickname = 'Anonymous'
         # Send it
         subject = '[%s] Feedback from %s' % (parameter.SITE_NAME, nickname)
                 config['safe']['mail support'], 
                 config['safe']['mail support'], subject, text, headerByValue)
             return dict(isOk=0, message='Error sending message')
         # Return
         return dict(isOk=1)
     # Return
     return dict(isOk=0)
コード例 #3
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def update(self, id):
     'PUT /scenarios/id: Update an existing item'
     # Initialize
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     # Load
     scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.Scenario.id==id).first()
     # If the scenario doesn't exist,
     if not scenario:
         return dict(isOk=0, message='Scenario %s does not exist' % id)
     # If the user is not the owner,
     if personID != scenario.owner_id:
         return dict(isOk=0, message='You are not the owner of scenario %s' % id)
     # Load
     scenarioName = request.params.get('scenarioName', '').strip()
     if not scenarioName:
         return dict(isOk=0, message='Please enter a scenario name')
         scenarioScope = int(request.params.get('scenarioScope'))
     except ValueError:
         return dict(isOk=0, message='Scenario scope must be an integer')
     if scenarioScope not in [model.scopePrivate, model.scopePublic]:
         return dict(isOk=0, message='Scenario scope can either be %s=private or %s=public' % (model.scopePrivate, model.scopePublic))
     # Update
     scenario.name = scenarioName
     scenario.scope = scenarioScope
     # Commit
     # Return
     return dict(isOk=1)
コード例 #4
ファイル: landing.py プロジェクト: aarabi/networkplanner
 def index(self, format="html"):
     "GET /: Show landing page if not logged in"
     # Initialize
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     # If not logged in,
     if not personID:
         return render("/landing/index.mako")
     # Take them to the scenarios,
         return redirect(url("scenario_index"))
コード例 #5
ファイル: people.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def update_(self):
     "Send update confirmation email"
     # Load
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     # If the person is not logged in,
     if not personID:
         return dict(isOk=0)
     # Prepare
     person = Session.query(model.Person).get(personID)
     # Return
     return changeAccount(dict(request.POST), "update", "/people/confirm.mako", person)
コード例 #6
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def delete(self, id):
     'DELETE /scenarios/id: Delete an existing item'
     # Initialize
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     # Load
     scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.Scenario.id==id).first()
     # If the scenario doesn't exist,
     if not scenario:
         return dict(isOk=0, message='Scenario %s does not exist' % id)
     # If the user is not the owner,
     if personID != scenario.owner_id:
         return dict(isOk=0, message='You are not the owner of scenario %s' % id)
     # Delete
     # Return
     return dict(isOk=1)
コード例 #7
ファイル: people.py プロジェクト: AlphaStaxLLC/networkplanner
 def update(self):
     'Show account update page'
     # Load
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     # If the person is not logged in,
     if not personID:
         # Return
         return redirect(url('person_login', targetURL=h.encodeURL('/')))
     # Render
     c.isNew = False
     person = Session.query(model.Person).get(personID)
     # Return
     return formencode.htmlfill.render(render('/people/change.mako'), {
         'username': person.username,
         'nickname': person.nickname,
         'email': person.email,
         'email_sms': person.email_sms,
コード例 #8
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def clone(self, scenarioID):
     'Show form to create a new item based on datasets and parameters from existing scenario'
     # Make sure the user is logged in
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     if not personID:
         return redirect(url('person_login', targetURL=h.encodeURL(request.path)))
     # Make sure the user has access to the scenario
     scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)).filter(model.Scenario.id==scenarioID).first()
     if not scenario:
         return redirect(url('new_scenario'))
     # Load
     scenarioInput = scenario.input
     # Prepare
     c.scenario = scenario
     c.metricModel = metric.getModel(request.GET.get('metricModel', scenarioInput['metric model name']))
     c.metricConfiguration = scenarioInput['metric configuration']
     c.networkModel = network.getModel(request.GET.get('networkModel', scenarioInput['network model name']))
     c.networkConfiguration = scenarioInput['network configuration']
     # Return
     return render('/scenarios/new.mako')
コード例 #9
ファイル: people.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def update(self):
     "Show account update page"
     # Load
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     # If the person is not logged in,
     if not personID:
         # Return
         return redirect(url("person_login", targetURL=h.encodeURL("/")))
     # Render
     c.isNew = False
     person = Session.query(model.Person).get(personID)
     # Return
     return formencode.htmlfill.render(
             "username": person.username,
             "nickname": person.nickname,
             "email": person.email,
             "email_sms": person.email_sms,
コード例 #10
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def index(self, format='html'):
     'GET /scenarios: Show all items in the collection'
     # Initialize
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     refresh = request.GET.get('refresh', 0)
     scope = request.GET.get('scope', str(model.scopePrivate))
     # Load
     scenarioQuery = Session.query(model.Scenario)
     if not personID:
         scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter_by(scope=model.scopePublic)
     elif scope == '-':
         scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter_by(owner_id=personID)
     elif scope == '*':
         scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID))
         scenarioQuery = scenarioQuery.filter_by(owner_id=personID).filter_by(scope=model.scopePrivate)
     c.scenarios = scenarioQuery.options(orm.eagerload(model.Scenario.owner)).order_by(model.Scenario.when_created.desc()).all()
     # If this is not a refresh request,
     if not refresh:
         return render('/scenarios/index.mako')
     # If this is a refresh request,
         return render('/scenarios/scenarios.mako')
コード例 #11
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def create(self):
     'POST /scenarios: Create a new item'
     # Initialize
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     if not personID:
         return redirect(url('person_login', targetURL=h.encodeURL(h.url('new_scenario'))))
     # Load
         demographicDatabase_h = int(request.POST.get('demographicDatabase_h', 0))
     except ValueError:
         demographicDatabase_h = 0
     if not demographicDatabase_h and 'demographicDatabase' not in request.POST:
         return cjson.encode(dict(isOk=0, message='The demographicDatabase field is required'))
     scenarioName = request.POST.get('scenarioName') or 'Untitled'
         scenarioScope = int(request.POST.get('scenarioScope', model.scopePrivate))
     except ValueError:
         scenarioScope = model.scopePrivate
     metricModelName = request.POST.get('metricModelName', metric.getModelNames()[0])
     networkModelName = request.POST.get('networkModelName', network.getModelNames()[0])
     callbackURL = request.POST.get('callbackURL')
     # Create scenario
     scenario = model.Scenario(personID, scenarioName, scenarioScope)
     scenarioFolder = scenario.getFolder()
     if os.path.exists(scenarioFolder):
     # If the user is using an existing demographicDatabase,
     if demographicDatabase_h:
         # Copy source in case it is deleted
         sourceScenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).get(demographicDatabase_h)
         sourceScenarioFolder = sourceScenario.getFolder()
         demographicFileName = sourceScenario.input['demographic file name']
         demographicPath = os.path.join(scenarioFolder, demographicFileName)
         shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(sourceScenarioFolder, demographicFileName), demographicPath)
     # If the user is uploading a new demographicDatabase,
         # Save original demographicDatabase in case the user wants it later
         demographicDatabase = request.POST['demographicDatabase']
         demographicFileExtension = os.path.splitext(demographicDatabase.filename)[1]
         demographicFileName = 'demographics' + demographicFileExtension
         demographicPath = os.path.join(scenarioFolder, demographicFileName)
         shutil.copyfileobj(demographicDatabase.file, open(demographicPath, 'wb'))
     # Store input
     configurationByName = extractConfigurationByName(request.POST, scenarioFolder)
     scenario.input = {
         'demographic file name': str(demographicFileName),
         'metric model name': metricModelName,
         'metric configuration': configurationByName.get('metric', {}),
         'network model name': networkModelName,
         'network configuration': configurationByName.get('network', {}),
         'callback url': callbackURL,
         'host url': request.host_url, 
     store.zipFolder(scenarioFolder + '.zip', scenarioFolder)
     # Redirect
     redirect(url('scenario', id=scenario.id))
コード例 #12
ファイル: scenarios.py プロジェクト: fparaggio/networkplanner
 def show(self, id, format='html'):
     'GET /scenarios/id: Show a specific item'
     # If the output format is not supported, 
     if format not in ['html', 'zip', 'geojson', 'json']: 
         return 'Unsupported output format: ' + format 
         id = int(id)
     except ValueError:
         return redirect(url('scenarios'))
     # Load
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     c.scenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.Scenario.id==id).filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)).first()
     # If user does not have access to the scenario,
     if not c.scenario:
         c.status = model.statusFailed
         if format == 'html':
             return render('/scenarios/show.mako')
         elif format == 'zip':
             return ''
         elif format == 'geojson':
             return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([]))
         elif format == 'json':
             return cjson.encode({})
     # If the scenario has an error,
     if c.scenario.status == model.statusFailed:
         c.traceback = c.scenario.output['traceback']
         c.status = model.statusFailed
         if format == 'html':
             return render('/scenarios/show.mako')
         elif format == 'zip':
             return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip'))
         elif format == 'geojson':
             return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([]))
         elif format == 'json':
             return c.scenario.exportJSON()
     # If the scenario has not been processed,
     if c.scenario.isQueued():
         c.status = model.statusPending
         if format == 'html':
             return render('/scenarios/show.mako')
         elif format == 'zip':
             return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip'))
         elif format == 'geojson':
             return geojson.dumps(geojson.FeatureCollection([]))
         elif format == 'json':
             return c.scenario.exportJSON()
     # Prepare
     c.status = model.statusDone
     c.scenarioInput = c.scenario.input
     c.scenarioOutput = c.scenario.output
     transform_point = geometry_store.get_transform_point(geometry_store.proj4LL, geometry_store.proj4SM)
     # If the user wants HTML,
     if format == 'html':
         # Render scenario
         c.metricModel = metric.getModel(c.scenarioInput['metric model name'])
         scenarioStatistics = c.scenarioOutput['statistics']
         nodeStatistics = scenarioStatistics['node']
         # Prepare map
         centerX, centerY = transform_point(nodeStatistics['mean longitude'], nodeStatistics['mean latitude'])
         box1X, box1Y = transform_point(nodeStatistics['minimum longitude'], nodeStatistics['maximum latitude'])
         box2X, box2Y = transform_point(nodeStatistics['maximum longitude'], nodeStatistics['minimum latitude'])
         # Render map
         datasetStore = c.scenario.getDataset()
         c.mapFeatures = datasetStore.exportGeoJSON(transform_point)
         c.mapCenter = '%s, %s' % (centerX, centerY)
         c.mapBox = '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (box1X, box1Y, box2X, box2Y)
         # Render nodes
         c.nodes = list(datasetStore.cycleNodes())
         c.populationQuartiles = scenarioStatistics['metric']['population quartiles']
         # Render scenarios
         c.scenarios = Session.query(model.Scenario).filter(model.getScopeFilter(personID)).filter(model.Scenario.status==model.statusDone).filter(model.Scenario.id!=c.scenario.id).order_by(model.Scenario.id.desc()).all()
         # Return
         return render('/scenarios/show.mako')
     elif format == 'zip':
         return forward(FileApp(c.scenario.getFolder() + '.zip'))
     elif format == 'geojson':
         return c.scenario.getDataset().exportGeoJSON(transform_point)
     elif format == 'json':
         return c.scenario.exportJSON(request.params.get('nodeID'))