コード例 #1
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: AndreI11/SatStressGui
    def test_power_complex(self):
        x = np.array([1+2j, 2+3j, 3+4j])
        assert_equal(x**0, [1., 1., 1.])
        assert_equal(x**1, x)
        assert_equal(x**2, [-3+4j, -5+12j, -7+24j])
        assert_equal(x**3, [(1+2j)**3, (2+3j)**3, (3+4j)**3])
        assert_equal(x**4, [(1+2j)**4, (2+3j)**4, (3+4j)**4])
        assert_almost_equal(x**(-1), [1/(1+2j), 1/(2+3j), 1/(3+4j)])
        assert_almost_equal(x**(-2), [1/(1+2j)**2, 1/(2+3j)**2, 1/(3+4j)**2])
        assert_almost_equal(x**(-3), [(-11+2j)/125, (-46-9j)/2197,
        assert_almost_equal(x**(0.5), [ncu.sqrt(1+2j), ncu.sqrt(2+3j),
        assert_almost_equal(x**14, [-76443+16124j, 23161315+58317492j,
                                    5583548873 +  2465133864j])

        # Ticket #836
        def assert_complex_equal(x, y):
            assert_array_equal(x.real, y.real)
            assert_array_equal(x.imag, y.imag)
        for z in [complex(0, np.inf), complex(1, np.inf)]:
            z = np.array([z], dtype=np.complex_)
            assert_complex_equal(z**1, z)
            assert_complex_equal(z**2, z*z)
            assert_complex_equal(z**3, z*z*z)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: jarrodmillman/numpy
    def test_power_complex(self):
        x = np.array([1 + 2j, 2 + 3j, 3 + 4j])
        assert_equal(x ** 0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        assert_equal(x ** 1, x)
        assert_almost_equal(x ** 2, [-3 + 4j, -5 + 12j, -7 + 24j])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** 3, [(1 + 2j) ** 3, (2 + 3j) ** 3, (3 + 4j) ** 3])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** 4, [(1 + 2j) ** 4, (2 + 3j) ** 4, (3 + 4j) ** 4])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** (-1), [1 / (1 + 2j), 1 / (2 + 3j), 1 / (3 + 4j)])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** (-2), [1 / (1 + 2j) ** 2, 1 / (2 + 3j) ** 2, 1 / (3 + 4j) ** 2])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** (-3), [(-11 + 2j) / 125, (-46 - 9j) / 2197, (-117 - 44j) / 15625])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** (0.5), [ncu.sqrt(1 + 2j), ncu.sqrt(2 + 3j), ncu.sqrt(3 + 4j)])
        norm = 1.0 / ((x ** 14)[0])
            x ** 14 * norm, [i * norm for i in [-76443 + 16124j, 23161315 + 58317492j, 5583548873 + 2465133864j]]

        # Ticket #836
        def assert_complex_equal(x, y):
            assert_array_equal(x.real, y.real)
            assert_array_equal(x.imag, y.imag)

        for z in [complex(0, np.inf), complex(1, np.inf)]:
            err = np.seterr(invalid="ignore")
            z = np.array([z], dtype=np.complex_)
                assert_complex_equal(z ** 1, z)
                assert_complex_equal(z ** 2, z * z)
                assert_complex_equal(z ** 3, z * z * z)
コード例 #3
def _std(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False):
    arr = asanyarray(a)

    is_float16_result = False
    ret = _var(a,

    # Cast bool, unsigned int, and int to float64 by default
    if dtype is None:
        if issubclass(arr.dtype.type, (nt.integer, nt.bool_)):
            dtype = mu.dtype('f8')
        elif issubclass(arr.dtype.type, nt.float16):
            dtype = mu.dtype('f4')
            is_float16_result = True

    if isinstance(ret, mu.ndarray):
        ret = um.sqrt(ret, out=ret)
        if is_float16_result and out is None:
            ret = arr.dtype.type(ret)
    elif hasattr(ret, 'dtype'):
        if is_float16_result:
            ret = arr.dtype.type(um.sqrt(ret))
            ret = ret.dtype.type(um.sqrt(ret))
        ret = um.sqrt(ret)

    return ret
コード例 #4
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: QJohn2017/ocelot
def gauss_from_twiss(emit, beta, alpha):
    phi = 2 * pi * np.random.rand()
    u = np.random.rand()
    a = sqrt(-2 * np.log((1 - u)) * emit)
    x = a * sqrt(beta) * cos(phi)
    xp = -a / sqrt(beta) * (sin(phi) + alpha * cos(phi))
    return (x, xp)
コード例 #5
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: iagapov/ocelot
    def moments(self, x, y, cut=0):
        n = len(x)
        inds = np.arange(n)
        mx = np.mean(x)
        my = np.mean(y)
        x = x - mx
        y = y - my
        x2 = x * x
        mxx = sum(x2) / n
        y2 = y * y
        myy = sum(y2) / n
        xy = x * y
        mxy = sum(xy) / n

        emitt = sqrt(mxx * myy - mxy * mxy)

        if cut > 0:
            inds = []
            beta = mxx / emitt
            gamma = myy / emitt
            alpha = mxy / emitt
            emittp = gamma * x2 + 2. * alpha * xy + beta * y2
            inds0 = np.argsort(emittp)
            n1 = np.round(n * (100 - cut) / 100)
            inds = inds0[0:n1]
            mx = np.mean(x[inds])
            my = np.mean(y[inds])
            x1 = x[inds] - mx
            y1 = y[inds] - my
            mxx = np.sum(x1 * x1) / n1
            myy = np.sum(y1 * y1) / n1
            mxy = np.sum(x1 * y1) / n1
            emitt = sqrt(mxx * myy - mxy * mxy)
        return mx, my, mxx, mxy, myy, emitt
コード例 #6
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: QJohn2017/ocelot
    def moments(self, x, y, cut=0):
        n = len(x)
        inds = np.arange(n)
        mx = np.mean(x)
        my = np.mean(y)
        x = x - mx
        y = y - my
        x2 = x * x
        mxx = sum(x2) / n
        y2 = y * y
        myy = sum(y2) / n
        xy = x * y
        mxy = sum(xy) / n

        emitt = sqrt(mxx * myy - mxy * mxy)

        if cut > 0:
            inds = []
            beta = mxx / emitt
            gamma = myy / emitt
            alpha = mxy / emitt
            emittp = gamma * x2 + 2. * alpha * xy + beta * y2
            inds0 = np.argsort(emittp)
            n1 = np.round(n * (100 - cut) / 100)
            inds = inds0[0:n1]
            mx = np.mean(x[inds])
            my = np.mean(y[inds])
            x1 = x[inds] - mx
            y1 = y[inds] - my
            mxx = np.sum(x1 * x1) / n1
            myy = np.sum(y1 * y1) / n1
            mxy = np.sum(x1 * y1) / n1
            emitt = sqrt(mxx * myy - mxy * mxy)
        return mx, my, mxx, mxy, myy, emitt
コード例 #7
def _std(array,
    ret = _var(array,

    if isinstance(ret, mu.ndarray):
        ret = um.sqrt(ret)
    elif hasattr(ret, 'dtype'):
        ret = ret.dtype.type(um.sqrt(ret))
        ret = um.sqrt(ret)

    return ret
コード例 #8
ファイル: ml.py プロジェクト: jpcoles/jcode
def save_bessel_functions(N):
    """Generate N 2D shapelets and plot."""

    beta2 = beta ** 2
    B = empty((grid_size, grid_size))  # Don't want matrix behaviour here

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Basis function constants, and hermite polynomials
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    vals = [[n, 1.0 / sqrt((2 ** n) * sqrt(pi) * factorial(n, 1) * beta), 0, 0, 0] for n in xrange(N)]
    expreal = exp(-theta.real ** 2 / (2 * beta2))
    expimag = exp(-theta.imag ** 2 / (2 * beta2))
    for n, K, H, _, _ in vals:
        vals[n][3] = K * jn(n, theta.real) * expreal
        vals[n][4] = K * jn(n, theta.imag) * expimag

    l = 0
    for v1 in vals:
        for v2 in vals:
            B = v1[3] * v2[4]
            pylab.subplot(N, N, l + 1)
            l += 1
    pylab.suptitle("Shapelets N=%i Beta=%.4f" % (N, beta))
    # pylab.savefig("B%i.png" % N)
コード例 #9
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Cowboycommit/SIT1719
def _std(a,
    ret = _var(a,

    if isinstance(ret, mu.ndarray):
        ret = um.sqrt(ret, out=ret)
    elif hasattr(ret, 'dtype'):
        ret = ret.dtype.type(um.sqrt(ret))
        ret = um.sqrt(ret)

    return ret
コード例 #10
ファイル: ml.py プロジェクト: jpcoles/jcode
def model_two_basis_functions():
    """ A test function that returns a model similar to model(), except
    that it uses the shapelet basis functions as the surface brightness
    and does not normalize.
    data = empty((nepochs, grid_size, grid_size))
    beta2 = beta ** 2
    for t, z in star_track(nepochs):

        if t == 0:
            x = raytrace()
            x = raytrace(rE_true, z)

        n = 0
        K1 = 1.0 / sqrt(2 ** n * sqrt(pi) * factorial(n, 1) * beta)
        H1 = hermite(n)

        data[t] = (K1 * H1(x.real / beta) * exp(-x.real ** 2 / (2 * beta2))) * (
            K1 * H1(x.imag / beta) * exp(-x.imag ** 2 / (2 * beta2))
    #        data[t] *= 100

    #        n  = 1
    #        K1 = 1.0/sqrt(2**n * sqrt(pi) * factorial(n,1) * beta)
    #        H1 = hermite(n)
    #        data[t] += (K1 * H1(x.real/beta) * exp(-x.real**2/(2*beta2))) * \
    #                   (K1 * H1(x.imag/beta) * exp(-x.imag**2/(2*beta2)))

    return data
コード例 #11
    def test_power_complex(self):
        x = np.array([1 + 2j, 2 + 3j, 3 + 4j])
        assert_equal(x**0, [1., 1., 1.])
        assert_equal(x**1, x)
        assert_almost_equal(x**2, [-3 + 4j, -5 + 12j, -7 + 24j])
        assert_almost_equal(x**3, [(1 + 2j)**3, (2 + 3j)**3, (3 + 4j)**3])
        assert_almost_equal(x**4, [(1 + 2j)**4, (2 + 3j)**4, (3 + 4j)**4])
                            [1 / (1 + 2j), 1 / (2 + 3j), 1 / (3 + 4j)])
            x**(-2), [1 / (1 + 2j)**2, 1 / (2 + 3j)**2, 1 / (3 + 4j)**2])
        assert_almost_equal(x**(-3), [(-11 + 2j) / 125, (-46 - 9j) / 2197,
                                      (-117 - 44j) / 15625])
            x**(0.5), [ncu.sqrt(1 + 2j),
                       ncu.sqrt(2 + 3j),
                       ncu.sqrt(3 + 4j)])
        norm = 1. / ((x**14)[0])
        assert_almost_equal(x**14 * norm, [
            i * norm for i in
            [-76443 + 16124j, 23161315 + 58317492j, 5583548873 + 2465133864j]

        # Ticket #836
        def assert_complex_equal(x, y):
            assert_array_equal(x.real, y.real)
            assert_array_equal(x.imag, y.imag)

        for z in [complex(0, np.inf), complex(1, np.inf)]:
            z = np.array([z], dtype=np.complex_)
            with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
                assert_complex_equal(z**1, z)
                assert_complex_equal(z**2, z * z)
                assert_complex_equal(z**3, z * z * z)
コード例 #12
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: iagapov/ocelot
def gauss_from_twiss(emit, beta, alpha):
    phi = 2*pi * np.random.rand()
    u = np.random.rand()
    a = sqrt(-2*np.log( (1-u)) * emit)
    x = a * sqrt(beta) * cos(phi)
    xp = -a / sqrt(beta) * ( sin(phi) + alpha * cos(phi) )
    return (x, xp)
コード例 #13
ファイル: _scat_crack.py プロジェクト: nbud/arim
def A_z_F(x, xi, xi2, h_nodes, z):
    return (-((xi + 1j * x**2)**2 - 0.5)**2 *
            P(xi2 * h_nodes * (xi + 1j * x**2)) / sqrt(2 * xi + 1j * x**2) *
            exp(-1j * pi / 4) * exp(xi * 1j * (z - 2 * xi2 * h_nodes)) +
            (1 + 1j * x**2)**2 * P(xi2 * h_nodes *
                                   (1 + 1j * x**2)) * sqrt(2 + 1j * x**2) *
            x**2 * exp(1j * pi / 4) * exp(1j * (z - 2 * xi2 * h_nodes))) * exp(
                -(z - 2 * xi2 * h_nodes) * x**2)
コード例 #14
 def check_power_complex(self):
     x = array([1 + 2j, 2 + 3j, 3 + 4j])
     assert_equal(x ** 0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
     assert_equal(x ** 1, x)
     assert_equal(x ** 2, [-3 + 4j, -5 + 12j, -7 + 24j])
     assert_almost_equal(x ** (-1), [1 / (1 + 2j), 1 / (2 + 3j), 1 / (3 + 4j)])
     assert_almost_equal(x ** (-3), [(-11 + 2j) / 125, (-46 - 9j) / 2197, (-117 - 44j) / 15625])
     assert_almost_equal(x ** (0.5), [ncu.sqrt(1 + 2j), ncu.sqrt(2 + 3j), ncu.sqrt(3 + 4j)])
     assert_almost_equal(x ** 14, [-76443 + 16124j, 23161315 + 58317492j, 5583548873 + 2465133864j])
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: 8cH9azbsFifZ/wspr
 def test_power_float(self):
     x = np.array([1., 2., 3.])
     assert_equal(x**0, [1., 1., 1.])
     assert_equal(x**1, x)
     assert_equal(x**2, [1., 4., 9.])
     y = x.copy()
     y **= 2
     assert_equal(y, [1., 4., 9.])
     assert_almost_equal(x**(-1), [1., 0.5, 1./3])
     assert_almost_equal(x**(0.5), [1., ncu.sqrt(2), ncu.sqrt(3)])
コード例 #16
 def test_power_float(self):
     x = np.array([1., 2., 3.])
     assert_equal(x**0, [1., 1., 1.])
     assert_equal(x**1, x)
     assert_equal(x**2, [1., 4., 9.])
     y = x.copy()
     y **= 2
     assert_equal(y, [1., 4., 9.])
     assert_almost_equal(x**(-1), [1., 0.5, 1. / 3])
     assert_almost_equal(x**(0.5), [1., ncu.sqrt(2), ncu.sqrt(3)])
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: jarrodmillman/numpy
 def test_power_float(self):
     x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
     assert_equal(x ** 0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
     assert_equal(x ** 1, x)
     assert_equal(x ** 2, [1.0, 4.0, 9.0])
     y = x.copy()
     y **= 2
     assert_equal(y, [1.0, 4.0, 9.0])
     assert_almost_equal(x ** (-1), [1.0, 0.5, 1.0 / 3])
     assert_almost_equal(x ** (0.5), [1.0, ncu.sqrt(2), ncu.sqrt(3)])
コード例 #18
def _std(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False):
    ret = _var(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof,

    if isinstance(ret, mu.ndarray):
        ret = um.sqrt(ret, out=ret)
        ret = um.sqrt(ret)

    return ret
コード例 #19
def _std(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False):
    ret = _var(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof,

    if isinstance(ret, mu.ndarray):
        ret = um.sqrt(ret, out=ret)
        ret = ret.dtype.type(um.sqrt(ret))

    return ret
コード例 #20
ファイル: dist_cities.py プロジェクト: dotslash/Projects
def get_distance(locA, locB):
    # use haversine forumla
    print "ayyo"
    earth_rad = 6371.0
    dlat = deg2rad(locB[0] - locA[0])
    dlon = deg2rad(locB[1] - locA[1])
    a = sin(dlat / 2) * sin(dlat / 2) + \
        cos(deg2rad(locA[0])) * cos(deg2rad(locB[0])) * \
        sin(dlon / 2) * sin(dlon / 2)
    c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
    return earth_rad * c
コード例 #21
ファイル: dist_cities.py プロジェクト: ukwatte/Projects
def get_distance(locA, locB):
    # use haversine forumla
    print "ayyo"
    earth_rad = 6371.0
    dlat = deg2rad(locB[0] - locA[0])
    dlon = deg2rad(locB[1] - locA[1])
    a = sin(dlat / 2) * sin(dlat / 2) + \
        cos(deg2rad(locA[0])) * cos(deg2rad(locB[0])) * \
        sin(dlon / 2) * sin(dlon / 2)
    c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a))
    return earth_rad * c
コード例 #22
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: QJohn2017/ocelot
def get_envelope(p_array, tws_i=Twiss()):
    tws = Twiss()
    p = p_array.p()
    dx = tws_i.Dx * p
    dy = tws_i.Dy * p
    dpx = tws_i.Dxp * p
    dpy = tws_i.Dyp * p
    x = p_array.x() - dx
    px = p_array.px() - dpx

    y = p_array.y() - dy
    py = p_array.py() - dpy
    if ne_flag:
        px = ne.evaluate('px * (1. - 0.5 * px * px - 0.5 * py * py)')
        py = ne.evaluate('py * (1. - 0.5 * px * px - 0.5 * py * py)')
        px = px * (1. - 0.5 * px * px - 0.5 * py * py)
        py = py * (1. - 0.5 * px * px - 0.5 * py * py)
    tws.x = mean(x)
    tws.y = mean(y)
    tws.px = mean(px)
    tws.py = mean(py)

    if ne_flag:
        tw_x = tws.x
        tw_y = tws.y
        tw_px = tws.px
        tw_py = tws.py
        tws.xx = mean(ne.evaluate('(x - tw_x) * (x - tw_x)'))
        tws.xpx = mean(ne.evaluate('(x - tw_x) * (px - tw_px)'))
        tws.pxpx = mean(ne.evaluate('(px - tw_px) * (px - tw_px)'))
        tws.yy = mean(ne.evaluate('(y - tw_y) * (y - tw_y)'))
        tws.ypy = mean(ne.evaluate('(y - tw_y) * (py - tw_py)'))
        tws.pypy = mean(ne.evaluate('(py - tw_py) * (py - tw_py)'))
        tws.xx = mean((x - tws.x) * (x - tws.x))
        tws.xpx = mean((x - tws.x) * (px - tws.px))
        tws.pxpx = mean((px - tws.px) * (px - tws.px))
        tws.yy = mean((y - tws.y) * (y - tws.y))
        tws.ypy = mean((y - tws.y) * (py - tws.py))
        tws.pypy = mean((py - tws.py) * (py - tws.py))
    tws.p = mean(p_array.p())
    tws.E = p_array.E
    #tws.de = p_array.de

    tws.emit_x = sqrt(tws.xx * tws.pxpx - tws.xpx**2)
    tws.emit_y = sqrt(tws.yy * tws.pypy - tws.ypy**2)
    #print tws.emit_x, sqrt(tws.xx*tws.pxpx-tws.xpx**2), tws.emit_y, sqrt(tws.yy*tws.pypy-tws.ypy**2)
    tws.beta_x = tws.xx / tws.emit_x
    tws.beta_y = tws.yy / tws.emit_y
    tws.alpha_x = -tws.xpx / tws.emit_x
    tws.alpha_y = -tws.ypy / tws.emit_y
    return tws
コード例 #23
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: iagapov/ocelot
def get_envelope(p_array, tws_i=Twiss()):
    tws = Twiss()
    p = p_array.p()
    dx = tws_i.Dx*p
    dy = tws_i.Dy*p
    dpx = tws_i.Dxp*p
    dpy = tws_i.Dyp*p
    x = p_array.x() - dx
    px = p_array.px() - dpx

    y = p_array.y() - dy
    py = p_array.py() - dpy
    if ne_flag:
        px = ne.evaluate('px * (1. - 0.5 * px * px - 0.5 * py * py)')
        py = ne.evaluate('py * (1. - 0.5 * px * px - 0.5 * py * py)')
        px = px*(1.-0.5*px*px - 0.5*py*py)
        py = py*(1.-0.5*px*px - 0.5*py*py)
    tws.x = mean(x)
    tws.y = mean(y)
    tws.px =mean(px)
    tws.py =mean(py)

    if ne_flag:
        tw_x = tws.x
        tw_y = tws.y
        tw_px = tws.px
        tw_py = tws.py
        tws.xx =  mean(ne.evaluate('(x - tw_x) * (x - tw_x)'))
        tws.xpx = mean(ne.evaluate('(x - tw_x) * (px - tw_px)'))
        tws.pxpx =mean(ne.evaluate('(px - tw_px) * (px - tw_px)'))
        tws.yy =  mean(ne.evaluate('(y - tw_y) * (y - tw_y)'))
        tws.ypy = mean(ne.evaluate('(y - tw_y) * (py - tw_py)'))
        tws.pypy =mean(ne.evaluate('(py - tw_py) * (py - tw_py)'))
        tws.xx = mean((x - tws.x)*(x - tws.x))
        tws.xpx = mean((x-tws.x)*(px-tws.px))
        tws.pxpx = mean((px-tws.px)*(px-tws.px))
        tws.yy = mean((y-tws.y)*(y-tws.y))
        tws.ypy = mean((y-tws.y)*(py-tws.py))
        tws.pypy = mean((py-tws.py)*(py-tws.py))
    tws.p = mean( p_array.p())
    tws.E = p_array.E
    #tws.de = p_array.de

    tws.emit_x = sqrt(tws.xx*tws.pxpx-tws.xpx**2)
    tws.emit_y = sqrt(tws.yy*tws.pypy-tws.ypy**2)
    #print tws.emit_x, sqrt(tws.xx*tws.pxpx-tws.xpx**2), tws.emit_y, sqrt(tws.yy*tws.pypy-tws.ypy**2)
    tws.beta_x = tws.xx/tws.emit_x
    tws.beta_y = tws.yy/tws.emit_y
    tws.alpha_x = -tws.xpx/tws.emit_x
    tws.alpha_y = -tws.ypy/tws.emit_y
    return tws
コード例 #24
def _std(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False, *,
    ret = _var(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof,
               keepdims=keepdims, where=where)

    if isinstance(ret, mu.ndarray):
        ret = um.sqrt(ret, out=ret)
    elif hasattr(ret, 'dtype'):
        ret = ret.dtype.type(um.sqrt(ret))
        ret = um.sqrt(ret)

    return ret
コード例 #25
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: iagapov/ocelot
    def sizes(self):
        if self.beta_x != 0:
            self.gamma_x = (1. + self.alpha_x**2)/self.beta_x
            self.gamma_x = 0.

        if self.beta_y != 0:
            self.gamma_y = (1. + self.alpha_y**2)/self.beta_y
            self.gamma_y = 0.

        self.sigma_x = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dx)**2 + self.emit_x*self.beta_x)
        self.sigma_y = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dy)**2 + self.emit_y*self.beta_y)
        self.sigma_xp = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dxp)**2 + self.emit_x*self.gamma_x)
        self.sigma_yp = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dyp)**2 + self.emit_y*self.gamma_y)
コード例 #26
    def sizes(self):
        if self.beta_x != 0:
            self.gamma_x = (1. + self.alpha_x**2)/self.beta_x
            self.gamma_x = 0.

        if self.beta_y != 0:
            self.gamma_y = (1. + self.alpha_y**2)/self.beta_y
            self.gamma_y = 0.

        self.sigma_x = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dx)**2 + self.emit_x*self.beta_x)
        self.sigma_y = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dy)**2 + self.emit_y*self.beta_y)
        self.sigma_xp = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dxp)**2 + self.emit_x*self.gamma_x)
        self.sigma_yp = sqrt((self.sigma_E/self.E*self.Dyp)**2 + self.emit_y*self.gamma_y)
コード例 #27
ファイル: elements.py プロジェクト: poliastro/poliastro
def rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu):
    r"""Returns r and v vectors in perifocal frame.

    .. math::

        \vec{r} = \frac{h^2}{\mu}\frac{1}{1 + e\cos(\theta)}\begin{bmatrix}
        \end{bmatrix} \\\\\\

        \vec{v} = \frac{h^2}{\mu}\begin{bmatrix}

    k : float
        Standard gravitational parameter (km^3 / s^2).
    p : float
        Semi-latus rectum or parameter (km).
    ecc : float
    nu: float
        True anomaly (rad).


    r: ndarray
        Position. Dimension 3 vector
    v: ndarray
        Velocity. Dimension 3 vector

    >>> from poliastro.constants import GM_earth
    >>> k = GM_earth #Earth gravitational parameter

    >>> ecc = 0.3 #Eccentricity
    >>> h = 60000e6 #Angular momentum of the orbit [m^2]/[s]
    >>> nu = np.deg2rad(120) #True Anomaly [rad]
    >>> p = h**2 / k #Parameter of the orbit
    >>> r, v = rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu)

    >>> #Printing the results
    r = [-5312706.25105345  9201877.15251336    0] [m]
    v = [-5753.30180931 -1328.66813933  0] [m]/[s]


    These formulas can be checked at Curtis 3rd. Edition, page 110. Also the
    example proposed is 2.11 of Curtis 3rd Edition book.
    r_pqw = (np.array([cos(nu), sin(nu), 0 * nu]) * p / (1 + ecc * cos(nu))).T
    v_pqw = (np.array([-sin(nu), (ecc + cos(nu)), 0]) * sqrt(k / p)).T
    return r_pqw, v_pqw
コード例 #28
def rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu):
    """Returns r and v vectors in perifocal frame.

    r_pqw = (np.array([cos(nu), sin(nu), 0 * nu]) * p / (1 + ecc * cos(nu))).T
    v_pqw = (np.array([-sin(nu), (ecc + cos(nu)), 0]) * sqrt(k / p)).T
    return r_pqw, v_pqw
コード例 #29
def cartesian2cylindrical(vector, source_width, source_height, r_is_1=True):
    """Calculates the location on a equirectangular plane of a vector,
    Will work with numpy's 2D arrays of points

    :param vector: 3d tuple of the point the vector
    :param source_width: width and
    :param source_height:     height of the equirectangular image
    :param r_is_1: boolean, denoting if vectors are normalized to 1 (default=True)
    :return: 3D tuple of the coordinates of the vector on the equirectangular plane

    middle = source_width / 2

    x = vector[0]
    y = vector[1]
    z = vector[2]

    r = 1 if r_is_1 else sqrt(square(x) + square(y) + square(z))
    theta = arccos(z / r)
    phi = arctan2(y, x)

    x1 = mod(middle + middle * phi / pi, source_width - 1)
    y1 = source_height * theta / pi

    return x1, y1
コード例 #30
ファイル: elements.py プロジェクト: aarribas/poliastro
def rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu):
    """Returns r and v vectors in perifocal frame.

    r_pqw = (np.array([cos(nu), sin(nu), 0 * nu]) * p / (1 + ecc * cos(nu))).T
    v_pqw = (np.array([-sin(nu), (ecc + cos(nu)), 0]) * sqrt(k / p)).T
    return r_pqw, v_pqw
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: alexxpan/python-art
 def check_power_complex(self):
     x = array([1 + 2j, 2 + 3j, 3 + 4j])
     assert_equal(x**0, [1., 1., 1.])
     assert_equal(x**1, x)
     assert_equal(x**2, [-3 + 4j, -5 + 12j, -7 + 24j])
                         [1 / (1 + 2j), 1 / (2 + 3j), 1 / (3 + 4j)])
     assert_almost_equal(x**(-3), [(-11 + 2j) / 125, (-46 - 9j) / 2197,
                                   (-117 - 44j) / 15625])
         x**(0.5), [ncu.sqrt(1 + 2j),
                    ncu.sqrt(2 + 3j),
                    ncu.sqrt(3 + 4j)])
         [-76443 + 16124j, 23161315 + 58317492j, 5583548873 + 2465133864j])
コード例 #32
ファイル: elements.py プロジェクト: yashverma38/poliastro
def rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu):
    r"""Returns r and v vectors in perifocal frame.

    .. math::

        \vec{r} = \frac{h^2}{\mu}\frac{1}{1 + e\cos(\theta)}\begin{bmatrix}
        \end{bmatrix} \\\\\\

        \vec{v} = \frac{h^2}{\mu}\begin{bmatrix}

    k : float
        Standard gravitational parameter (km^3 / s^2).
    p : float
        Semi-latus rectum or parameter (km).
    ecc : float
    nu: float
        True anomaly (rad).


    r: ndarray
        Position. Dimension 3 vector
    v: ndarray
        Velocity. Dimension 3 vector

    >>> from poliastro.constants import GM_earth
    >>> k = GM_earth #Earth gravitational parameter

    >>> ecc = 0.3 #Eccentricity
    >>> h = 60000e6 #Angular momentum of the orbit [m^2]/[s]
    >>> nu = np.deg2rad(120) #True Anomaly [rad]
    >>> p = h**2 / k #Parameter of the orbit
    >>> r, v = rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu)

    >>> #Printing the results
    r = [-5312706.25105345  9201877.15251336    0] [m]
    v = [-5753.30180931 -1328.66813933  0] [m]/[s]


    These formulas can be checked at Curtis 3rd. Edition, page 110. Also the
    example proposed is 2.11 of Curtis 3rd Edition book.
    r_pqw = (np.array([cos(nu), sin(nu), 0 * nu]) * p / (1 + ecc * cos(nu))).T
    v_pqw = (np.array([-sin(nu), (ecc + cos(nu)), 0]) * sqrt(k / p)).T
    return r_pqw, v_pqw
コード例 #33
def kaiser(M,beta):
    """kaiser(M, beta) returns a Kaiser window of length M with shape parameter
    from numpy.dual import i0
    n = arange(0,M)
    alpha = (M-1)/2.0
    return i0(beta * sqrt(1-((n-alpha)/alpha)**2.0))/i0(beta)
コード例 #34
    def get_phi_function(self, n):
        coeff = sqrt(2.0) / (self.RR * jn(abs(self.m) + 1, self.jzeros[n - 1]))

        def fun(r):
            return complex(coeff *
                           jn(self.m, self.jzeros[n - 1] * r / self.RR))

        return fun
コード例 #35
ファイル: function_base.py プロジェクト: alexxpan/python-art
def kaiser(M, beta):
    """kaiser(M, beta) returns a Kaiser window of length M with shape parameter
    from numpy.dual import i0
    n = arange(0, M)
    alpha = (M - 1) / 2.0
    return i0(beta * sqrt(1 - ((n - alpha) / alpha)**2.0)) / i0(beta)
コード例 #36
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: iagapov/ocelot
def m_from_twiss(Tw1, Tw2):
    #% Transport matrix M for two sets of Twiss parameters (alpha,beta,psi)
    b1 = Tw1[1]
    a1 = Tw1[0]
    psi1 = Tw1[2]
    b2 = Tw2[1]
    a2 = Tw2[0]
    psi2 = Tw2[2]

    psi = psi2-psi1
    cosp = cos(psi)
    sinp = sin(psi)
    M = np.zeros((2, 2))
    M[0, 0] = sqrt(b2/b1)*(cosp+a1*sinp)
    M[0, 1] = sqrt(b2*b1)*sinp
    M[1, 0] = ((a1-a2)*cosp-(1+a1*a2)*sinp)/sqrt(b2*b1)
    M[1, 1] = sqrt(b1/b2)*(cosp-a2*sinp)
    return M
コード例 #37
ファイル: function_base.py プロジェクト: alexxpan/python-art
def corrcoef(x, y=None, rowvar=1, bias=0):
    """The correlation coefficients
    c = cov(x, y, rowvar, bias)
        d = diag(c)
    except ValueError:  # scalar covariance
        return 1
    return c / sqrt(multiply.outer(d, d))
コード例 #38
def fastGradientProjectionStream(f, g, gradf, proxg, x0, initLip=None):
    """The (fast) proximal gradient method requires a gradient of f, and a prox
    operator for g, supplied by gradf and proxg respectively."""
    if initLip is None:
        Lipk = 1.
        Lipk = initLip

    eta = 2.
    xko = x0
    xk = x0
    yk = x0
    tk = 1

    def F(x):
        return f(x) + g(x)

    Fxko = F(xko)

    def Q(Lip, px, x):
        d = (px - x).flatten() # treat all matrices as vectors
        return f(x) + gradf(x).flatten().dot(d) + Lip * (norm(d) ** 2) / 2 + g(px)

    def P(Lip, x):
        return proxg(Lip, x - gradf(x) / Lip)

    """Non standard extension: expanding line search to find an initial estimate of Lipschitz constant"""
    for k in range(5):
        pyk = P(Lipk, yk)
        if F(pyk) > Q(Lipk, pyk, yk):
        yield pyk
        Lipk = Lipk / (eta ** 4)

    """Start standard algorithm"""
    while True:
        yield xk

        while True:
            pyk = P(Lipk, yk)
            Fyk = F(pyk)
            if Fyk <= Q(Lipk, pyk, yk):
            Lipk = Lipk * eta

        zk = pyk
        tkn = (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * (tk ** 2))) / 2
        if Fyk <= Fxko: # Fyk is F(zk)=F(pyk); Fxko is F(xko)
            xk = zk
            Fxk = Fyk
            xk = xko
            Fxk = Fxko
        yk = xk + (zk - xk) * tk / tkn + (xk - xko) * (tk - 1) / tkn
        Fxko = Fxk
        xko = xk
        tk = tkn
コード例 #39
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: sanghack81/KRCIT
def normalize_by_diag(k):
    if k is None:
        return None

    diag_array = diag(k).copy()
    diag_array[diag_array == 0.] = 1.  # will divide by 1
    x = 1. / sqrt(repmat(as_column(diag_array), 1, len(k)))
    k = (k * x) * x.transpose()
    return k
コード例 #40
ファイル: beam.py プロジェクト: QJohn2017/ocelot
def m_from_twiss(Tw1, Tw2):
    #% Transport matrix M for two sets of Twiss parameters (alpha,beta,psi)
    b1 = Tw1[1]
    a1 = Tw1[0]
    psi1 = Tw1[2]
    b2 = Tw2[1]
    a2 = Tw2[0]
    psi2 = Tw2[2]

    psi = psi2 - psi1
    cosp = cos(psi)
    sinp = sin(psi)
    M = np.zeros((2, 2))
    M[0, 0] = sqrt(b2 / b1) * (cosp + a1 * sinp)
    M[0, 1] = sqrt(b2 * b1) * sinp
    M[1, 0] = ((a1 - a2) * cosp - (1 + a1 * a2) * sinp) / sqrt(b2 * b1)
    M[1, 1] = sqrt(b1 / b2) * (cosp - a2 * sinp)
    return M
コード例 #41
def corrcoef(x, y=None, rowvar=1, bias=0):
    """The correlation coefficients
    c = cov(x, y, rowvar, bias)
        d = diag(c)
    except ValueError: # scalar covariance
        return 1
    return c/sqrt(multiply.outer(d,d))
コード例 #42
ファイル: _scat_crack.py プロジェクト: nbud/arim
def A_z(xi, xi2, h_nodes, num_nodes):
    # from fn_Qz_matrix

    # integral around branch point
    z_1 = xi2 * h_nodes * np.arange(num_nodes)

    # Pack arguments for LowLevelCallable.
    # data is updated at every loop. The main loop is NOT thread-safe. If the main loop
    # becomes parallel some day, make "data" local.
    data = np.array([xi, xi2, h_nodes, 0.0])
    data_ptr = ctypes.cast(data.ctypes, ctypes.c_void_p)

    quad_args = dict(limit=200)

    # For num_nodes = 4, I_12 looks like [a3, a2, a1, a0, a1, a2, a3] (size: 2*num_nodes-1)
    # Build the second half first, then copy it to the first half
    I_12 = np.zeros(2 * num_nodes - 1, np.complex)
    for i, z in enumerate(z_1):
        data[3] = z
        if i < 2:  # two first iterations, coefficients a0 and a1
            int_F1_real = scipy.LowLevelCallable(A_z_F1_real.ctypes, data_ptr)
            int_F1_imag = scipy.LowLevelCallable(A_z_F1_imag.ctypes, data_ptr)
            int_F2_real = scipy.LowLevelCallable(A_z_F2_real.ctypes, data_ptr)
            int_F2_imag = scipy.LowLevelCallable(A_z_F2_imag.ctypes, data_ptr)

            I_12[i + num_nodes - 1] = 4j * (
                si.quad(int_F1_real, 0, sqrt(xi), **quad_args)[0] +
                1j * si.quad(int_F1_imag, 0, sqrt(xi), **quad_args)[0]) + 4 * (
                    si.quad(int_F2_real, 0, 50, **quad_args)[0] +
                    1j * si.quad(int_F2_imag, 0, 50, **quad_args)[0])
            int_F_real = scipy.LowLevelCallable(A_z_F_real.ctypes, data_ptr)
            int_F_imag = scipy.LowLevelCallable(A_z_F_imag.ctypes, data_ptr)

            I_12[i + num_nodes -
                 1] = 4j * (si.quad(int_F_real, 0, 70, **quad_args)[0] +
                            1j * si.quad(int_F_imag, 0, 70, **quad_args)[0])
    I_12[:num_nodes - 1] = I_12[:num_nodes - 1:-1]

    v_ind = np.arange(num_nodes)
    m_ind = (np.full(
        (num_nodes, num_nodes), num_nodes - 1) + v_ind[:, np.newaxis] - v_ind)
    return I_12[m_ind]
コード例 #43
ファイル: ecef.py プロジェクト: zhufengGNSS/pylgrim
def ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R, deg=True):
    Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm (2006),
    see [4] --
    :param R: (X,Y,Z) -- coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param deg: if True then lat and lon are returned in degrees (rad otherwise)
    :return:  (φ,θ,h) -- lat [deg], lon [deg], alt in WGS84 (numpy array)
    # WGS 84 constants
    a = 6378137.0  # Equatorial Radius [m]
    b = 6356752.314245  # Polar Radius [m]
    e = 0.08181919092890624  # e = sqrt(1-b²/a²)
    E = e**2
    e1 = sqrt(1 - e**2)  # e' = sqrt(1 - e²)
    if isinstance(R, list): R = np.array(R)
    p = sqrt(R[0]**2 + R[1]**2)  # (1) - sqrt(X² + Y²)
    az = abs(R[2])
    Z = e1 * az / a
    P = p / a
    S, C = Z or 1, e1 * P or 1  # (C8) - zero approximation
    max_iter = 5
    for i in range(max_iter):
        A = sqrt(S**2 + C**2)
        Cn = P * A**3 - E * C**3
        Sn = Z * A**3 + E * S**3
        delta = abs(Sn / Cn - S / C) * C / S
        if isnan(delta):
            return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
        if abs(delta) < 1e-10 or i == max_iter - 1:
        S, C = Sn, Cn
    theta = np.math.atan2(R[1], R[0])
    Cc = e1 * Cn
    phi = np.sign(R[2]) * np.math.atan2(Sn, Cc)
    h = (p * Cc + az * Sn - b * sqrt(Sn**2 + Cn**2)) / sqrt(Cc**2 + Sn**2)
    if deg:
        out = np.array([np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(theta), h])
        out = np.array([phi, theta, h])
    # if filter(isnan, out):
    #     return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
    return out
コード例 #44
ファイル: ecef.py プロジェクト: kirienko/pylgrim
def ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R, deg=True):
    Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm (2006),
    see [4] --
    :param R: (X,Y,Z) -- coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param deg: if True then lat and lon are returned in degrees (rad otherwise)
    :return:  (φ,θ,h) -- lat [deg], lon [deg], alt in WGS84 (numpy array)
    # WGS 84 constants
    a = 6378137.0  # Equatorial Radius [m]
    b = 6356752.314245  # Polar Radius [m]
    e = 0.08181919092890624  # e = sqrt(1-b²/a²)
    E = e ** 2
    e1 = sqrt(1 - e ** 2)  # e' = sqrt(1 - e²)
    if isinstance(R, list): R = np.array(R)
    p = sqrt(R[0] ** 2 + R[1] ** 2)  # (1) - sqrt(X² + Y²)
    az = abs(R[2])
    Z = e1 * az / a
    P = p / a
    S, C = Z or 1, e1 * P or 1  # (C8) - zero approximation
    max_iter = 5
    for i in range(max_iter):
        A = sqrt(S ** 2 + C ** 2)
        Cn = P * A ** 3 - E * C ** 3
        Sn = Z * A ** 3 + E * S ** 3
        delta = abs(Sn / Cn - S / C) * C / S
        if isnan(delta):
            return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
        if abs(delta) < 1e-10 or i == max_iter - 1:
        S, C = Sn, Cn
    theta = np.math.atan2(R[1], R[0])
    Cc = e1 * Cn
    phi = np.sign(R[2]) * np.math.atan2(Sn, Cc)
    h = (p * Cc + az * Sn - b * sqrt(Sn ** 2 + Cn ** 2)) / sqrt(Cc ** 2 + Sn ** 2)
    if deg:
        out = np.array([np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(theta), h])
        out = np.array([phi, theta, h])
    # if filter(isnan, out):
    #     return ecef_to_lat_lon_alt1(R)
    return out
コード例 #45
ファイル: rel_kernel.py プロジェクト: sanghack81/RRCD
def normalize_by_diag(k: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
    """ Given a kernel matrix, normalize the matrix by its diagonal making its diagonal 1s and the rest of values normalized accordingly. """
    if k is None:
        return None

    diag_array = diag(k).copy()
    # TODO should we emit warnings?
    diag_array[diag_array == 0.] = 1.  # will divide by 1

    x = 1. / sqrt(np.repeat(diag_array[:, None], len(k), axis=1))
    k = (k * x) * x.transpose()
    return k
コード例 #46
ファイル: ecef.py プロジェクト: zhufengGNSS/pylgrim
def ecef_to_lat_lon_alt(R, deg=True):
    Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm,
    see [3] -- equations (C7) - (C12)
    :param R: (X,Y,Z) -- coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param deg: if True then lat and lon are returned in degrees (rad otherwise)
    :return:  (φ,θ,h) -- lat [deg], lon [deg], alt in WGS84 (numpy array)
    # WGS 84 constants
    a = 6378137.0  # Equatorial Radius [m]
    b = 6356752.314245  # Polar Radius [m]
    e = 0.08181919092890624  # e = sqrt(1-b²/a²)
    # e1 = sqrt(1 - e ** 2)  # e' = sqrt(1 - e²)
    e1 = 0.99664718932816898
    # c = a * e ** 2  # (6)
    c = 42697.67279723605
    if isinstance(R, list):
        R = np.array(R)
    p = sqrt(R[0]**2 + R[1]**2)  # (1) - sqrt(X² + Y²)
    T = R[2] / (e1 * p) or 1.  # (C8) - zero approximation
    for i in range(10):
        C = np.power(1 + T**2, -0.5)  # (C9)
        S = C * T  # (C9)
        T_new = (e1 * R[2] + c * S**3) / (p - c * C**3)  # (C7)
        delta = T_new - T
        T = T_new
        if abs(delta) / T < 1e-9:
    theta = np.math.atan2(R[1], R[0])
    phi = np.math.atan2(T, e1)  # (C10)
    T1 = 1 + T**2
    if p > R[2]:  # (C11)
        h = sqrt(T1 - e**2) / e1 * (p - a / sqrt(T1))
    else:  # (C12)
        h = sqrt(T1 - e**2) * (R[2] / T - b / sqrt(T1))
    if deg:
        out = np.array([np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(theta), h])
        out = np.array([phi, theta, h])
    return out
コード例 #47
ファイル: ecef.py プロジェクト: kirienko/pylgrim
def ecef_to_lat_lon_alt(R, deg=True):
    Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm,
    see [3] -- equations (C7) - (C12)
    :param R: (X,Y,Z) -- coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    :param deg: if True then lat and lon are returned in degrees (rad otherwise)
    :return:  (φ,θ,h) -- lat [deg], lon [deg], alt in WGS84 (numpy array)
    # WGS 84 constants
    a = 6378137.0  # Equatorial Radius [m]
    b = 6356752.314245  # Polar Radius [m]
    e = 0.08181919092890624  # e = sqrt(1-b²/a²)
    # e1 = sqrt(1 - e ** 2)  # e' = sqrt(1 - e²)
    e1 = 0.99664718932816898
    # c = a * e ** 2  # (6)
    c = 42697.67279723605
    if isinstance(R, list):
        R = np.array(R)
    p = sqrt(R[0] ** 2 + R[1] ** 2)  # (1) - sqrt(X² + Y²)
    T = R[2] / (e1 * p) or 1.  # (C8) - zero approximation
    for i in range(10):
        C = np.power(1 + T ** 2, -0.5)  # (C9)
        S = C * T  # (C9)
        T_new = (e1 * R[2] + c * S ** 3) / (p - c * C ** 3)  # (C7)
        delta = T_new - T
        T = T_new
        if abs(delta) / T < 1e-9:
    theta = np.math.atan2(R[1], R[0])
    phi = np.math.atan2(T, e1)  # (C10)
    T1 = 1 + T ** 2
    if p > R[2]:  # (C11)
        h = sqrt(T1 - e ** 2) / e1 * (p - a / sqrt(T1))
    else:  # (C12)
        h = sqrt(T1 - e ** 2) * (R[2] / T - b / sqrt(T1))
    if deg:
        out = np.array([np.degrees(phi), np.degrees(theta), h])
        out = np.array([phi, theta, h])
    return out
コード例 #48
def _quadratic_coeff(signal):
    zi = -3 + 2 * sqrt(2.0)
    K = len(signal)
    yplus = zeros((K, ), signal.dtype.char)
    powers = zi**arange(K)
    yplus[0] = signal[0] + zi * add.reduce(powers * signal)
    for k in range(1, K):
        yplus[k] = signal[k] + zi * yplus[k - 1]
    output = zeros((K, ), signal.dtype.char)
    output[K - 1] = zi / (zi - 1) * yplus[K - 1]
    for k in range(K - 2, -1, -1):
        output[k] = zi * (output[k + 1] - yplus[k])
    return output * 8.0
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/linuxtrail
    def test_power_float(self):
        x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
        assert_equal(x ** 0, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        assert_equal(x ** 1, x)
        assert_equal(x ** 2, [1.0, 4.0, 9.0])
        y = x.copy()
        y **= 2
        assert_equal(y, [1.0, 4.0, 9.0])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** (-1), [1.0, 0.5, 1.0 / 3])
        assert_almost_equal(x ** (0.5), [1.0, ncu.sqrt(2), ncu.sqrt(3)])

        for out, inp, msg in _gen_alignment_data(dtype=np.float32, type="unary"):
            exp = [ncu.sqrt(i) for i in inp]
            assert_almost_equal(inp ** (0.5), exp, err_msg=msg)
            np.sqrt(inp, out=out)
            assert_equal(out, exp, err_msg=msg)

        for out, inp, msg in _gen_alignment_data(dtype=np.float64, type="unary"):
            exp = [ncu.sqrt(i) for i in inp]
            assert_almost_equal(inp ** (0.5), exp, err_msg=msg)
            np.sqrt(inp, out=out)
            assert_equal(out, exp, err_msg=msg)
コード例 #50
ファイル: bsplines.py プロジェクト: ElDeveloper/scipy
def _quadratic_coeff(signal):
    zi = -3 + 2 * sqrt(2.0)
    K = len(signal)
    yplus = zeros((K,), signal.dtype.char)
    powers = zi ** arange(K)
    yplus[0] = signal[0] + zi * add.reduce(powers * signal)
    for k in range(1, K):
        yplus[k] = signal[k] + zi * yplus[k - 1]
    output = zeros((K,), signal.dtype.char)
    output[K - 1] = zi / (zi - 1) * yplus[K - 1]
    for k in range(K - 2, -1, -1):
        output[k] = zi * (output[k + 1] - yplus[k])
    return output * 8.0
コード例 #51
ファイル: vizkit.py プロジェクト: abailoni/greedy_CNN
def plotfeaturemaps(y):
    # Init
    f = plt.figure()
    # Determine Number of Features
    numfeatures = y.shape[1]
    # Determine Optimal Split
    sx = round(sqrt(numfeatures))
    sy = ceil(numfeatures / sx)
    # Plot
    for k in range(numfeatures):
        f.add_subplot(sy, sx, k)
        plt.imshow(y[0, k, :, :])
コード例 #52
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: QHwan/FeatherFlock
    def calc_dist(self, pos_mat, j):
        #find distance of every particle from particle j using periodic boundary conditions
        ref_pos_vec = pos_mat[j]
        pbc_pos_mat = self.check_pbc(np.tile(ref_pos_vec, (self.N, 1)),

        dist_vec = np.zeros(self.N)
        dist_vec.fill(self.L * 10)
        mask1 = abs(ref_pos_vec[0] - pbc_pos_mat[:, 0]) < self.r
        mask2 = abs(ref_pos_vec[1] - pbc_pos_mat[:, 1]) < self.r
        mask = mask1 & mask2
        dist_vec[mask] = sqrt((ref_pos_vec[0] - pbc_pos_mat[mask, 0])**2 +
                              (ref_pos_vec[1] - pbc_pos_mat[mask, 1])**2)
        return (dist_vec)
コード例 #53
def plotfeaturemaps(y):
    # Init
    f = plt.figure()
    # Determine Number of Features
    numfeatures = y.shape[1]
    # Determine Optimal Split
    sx = round(sqrt(numfeatures))
    sy = ceil(numfeatures / sx)
    # Plot
    for k in range(numfeatures):
        f.add_subplot(sy, sx, k)
        plt.imshow(y[0, k, :, :])
コード例 #54
def projectedSubgradientStream(sgf, proj, x0, theta=1.):
    """ Minimize a function f whose subgradient is sgf over
    a convex set of radius theta and orthogonal projection operator proj,
    starting at x0. """
    theta = float(theta)
    xk = x0
    # Using optimal step size for fixed number of iterations
    for k in count(1):
        yield xk
        gk = sgf(xk)
        'Theoretically motivated step size, sometimes decays too slowly'
        tk = sqrt(2 * theta / k) / norm(gk)
        uncon = xk - tk * gk
        xk = proj(uncon)
コード例 #55
def gauss_spline(x, n):
    r"""Gaussian approximation to B-spline basis function of order n.

    x : array
        a knot vector
    n : int
        The order of the spline. Must be non-negative, i.e., n >= 0

    res : ndarray
        B-spline basis function values approximated by a zero-mean Gaussian

    The B-spline basis function can be approximated well by a zero-mean
    Gaussian function with standard-deviation equal to :math:`\sigma=(n+1)/12`
    for large `n` :

    .. math::  \frac{1}{\sqrt {2\pi\sigma^2}}exp(-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma})

    .. [1] Bouma H., Vilanova A., Bescos J.O., ter Haar Romeny B.M., Gerritsen
       F.A. (2007) Fast and Accurate Gaussian Derivatives Based on B-Splines. In:
       Sgallari F., Murli A., Paragios N. (eds) Scale Space and Variational
       Methods in Computer Vision. SSVM 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer
       Science, vol 4485. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
    .. [2] http://folk.uio.no/inf3330/scripting/doc/python/SciPy/tutorial/old/node24.html

    We can calculate B-Spline basis functions approximated by a gaussian

    >>> from scipy.signal import gauss_spline, bspline
    >>> knots = np.array([-1.0, 0.0, -1.0])
    >>> gauss_spline(knots, 3)
    array([0.15418033, 0.6909883, 0.15418033])  # may vary

    >>> bspline(knots, 3)
    array([0.16666667, 0.66666667, 0.16666667])  # may vary

    x = asarray(x)
    signsq = (n + 1) / 12.0
    return 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * signsq) * exp(-x**2 / 2 / signsq)
コード例 #56
ファイル: ecef.py プロジェクト: kirienko/pylgrim
def lat_lon_alt_to_ecef_xyz(R):
    see [1] p. 512
    :param R: (φ,θ,h) -- lat [deg], lon [deg], alt in WGS84 (numpy array)
    :return:  (X,Y,Z) -- coordinates in ECEF (numpy array)
    # WGS 84 constants
    a2 = 6378137.0 ** 2  # Equatorial Radius [m]
    b2 = 6356752.314245 ** 2  # Polar Radius [m]
    radius = lambda phi: sqrt(a2 * (cos(phi)) ** 2 + b2 * (sin(phi)) ** 2)
    f, t, h = np.deg2rad(R[0]), np.deg2rad(R[1]), R[2]
    X = cos(t) * cos(f) * (h + a2 / radius(f))
    Y = sin(t) * cos(f) * (h + a2 / radius(f))
    Z = sin(f) * (h + b2 / radius(f))
    return np.array([X, Y, Z])
コード例 #57
ファイル: bsplines.py プロジェクト: ElDeveloper/scipy
def gauss_spline(x, n):
    """Gaussian approximation to B-spline basis function of order n.

    n : int
        The order of the spline. Must be nonnegative, i.e. n >= 0

    .. [1] Bouma H., Vilanova A., Bescos J.O., ter Haar Romeny B.M., Gerritsen
       F.A. (2007) Fast and Accurate Gaussian Derivatives Based on B-Splines. In:
       Sgallari F., Murli A., Paragios N. (eds) Scale Space and Variational
       Methods in Computer Vision. SSVM 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer
       Science, vol 4485. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
    signsq = (n + 1) / 12.0
    return 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * signsq) * exp(-x ** 2 / 2 / signsq)
コード例 #58
ファイル: bsplines.py プロジェクト: mbentz80/jzigbeercp
def gauss_spline(x,n):
    """Gaussian approximation to B-spline basis function of order n.
    signsq = (n+1) / 12.0
    return 1/sqrt(2*pi*signsq) * exp(-x**2 / 2 / signsq)
コード例 #59
ファイル: test_umath.py プロジェクト: jarrodmillman/numpy
 def test_simple(self):
     assert_almost_equal(ncu.hypot(1, 1), ncu.sqrt(2))
     assert_almost_equal(ncu.hypot(0, 0), 0)
コード例 #60
ファイル: bsplines.py プロジェクト: ElDeveloper/scipy
def _coeff_smooth(lam):
    xi = 1 - 96 * lam + 24 * lam * sqrt(3 + 144 * lam)
    omeg = arctan2(sqrt(144 * lam - 1), sqrt(xi))
    rho = (24 * lam - 1 - sqrt(xi)) / (24 * lam)
    rho = rho * sqrt((48 * lam + 24 * lam * sqrt(3 + 144 * lam)) / xi)
    return rho, omeg