コード例 #1
def _make_along_axis_idx(arr_shape, indices, axis):
    # compute dimensions to iterate over
    if not _nx.issubdtype(indices.dtype, _nx.integer):
        raise IndexError('`indices` must be an integer array')
    if len(arr_shape) != indices.ndim:
        raise ValueError(
            "`indices` and `arr` must have the same number of dimensions")
    shape_ones = (1, ) * indices.ndim
    dest_dims = list(range(axis)) + [None] + list(range(
        axis + 1, indices.ndim))

    # build a fancy index, consisting of orthogonal aranges, with the
    # requested index inserted at the right location
    fancy_index = []
    for dim, n in zip(dest_dims, arr_shape):
        if dim is None:
            ind_shape = shape_ones[:dim] + (-1, ) + shape_ones[dim + 1:]

    return tuple(fancy_index)
コード例 #2
def diag_indices(n, ndim=2):
    Return the indices to access the main diagonal of an array.

    This returns a tuple of indices that can be used to access the main
    diagonal of an array `a` with ``a.ndim >= 2`` dimensions and shape
    (n, n, ..., n). For ``a.ndim = 2`` this is the usual diagonal, for
    ``a.ndim > 2`` this is the set of indices to access ``a[i, i, ..., i]``
    for ``i = [0..n-1]``.

    n : int
      The size, along each dimension, of the arrays for which the returned
      indices can be used.

    ndim : int, optional
      The number of dimensions.

    See also

    .. versionadded:: 1.4.0

    Create a set of indices to access the diagonal of a (4, 4) array:

    >>> di = np.diag_indices(4)
    >>> di
    (array([0, 1, 2, 3]), array([0, 1, 2, 3]))
    >>> a = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
    >>> a
    array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
           [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
           [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
           [12, 13, 14, 15]])
    >>> a[di] = 100
    >>> a
    array([[100,   1,   2,   3],
           [  4, 100,   6,   7],
           [  8,   9, 100,  11],
           [ 12,  13,  14, 100]])

    Now, we create indices to manipulate a 3-D array:

    >>> d3 = np.diag_indices(2, 3)
    >>> d3
    (array([0, 1]), array([0, 1]), array([0, 1]))

    And use it to set the diagonal of an array of zeros to 1:

    >>> a = np.zeros((2, 2, 2), dtype=int)
    >>> a[d3] = 1
    >>> a
    array([[[1, 0],
            [0, 0]],
           [[0, 0],
            [0, 1]]])

    idx = arange(n)
    return (idx, ) * ndim
コード例 #3
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # handle matrix builder syntax
        if isinstance(key, str):
            frame = sys._getframe().f_back
            mymat = matrixlib.bmat(key, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
            return mymat

        if not isinstance(key, tuple):
            key = (key, )

        # copy attributes, since they can be overridden in the first argument
        trans1d = self.trans1d
        ndmin = self.ndmin
        matrix = self.matrix
        axis = self.axis

        objs = []
        scalars = []
        arraytypes = []
        scalartypes = []

        for k, item in enumerate(key):
            scalar = False
            if isinstance(item, slice):
                step = item.step
                start = item.start
                stop = item.stop
                if start is None:
                    start = 0
                if step is None:
                    step = 1
                if isinstance(step, complex):
                    size = int(abs(step))
                    newobj = function_base.linspace(start, stop, num=size)
                    newobj = _nx.arange(start, stop, step)
                if ndmin > 1:
                    newobj = array(newobj, copy=False, ndmin=ndmin)
                    if trans1d != -1:
                        newobj = newobj.swapaxes(-1, trans1d)
            elif isinstance(item, str):
                if k != 0:
                    raise ValueError("special directives must be the "
                                     "first entry.")
                if item in ('r', 'c'):
                    matrix = True
                    col = (item == 'c')
                if ',' in item:
                    vec = item.split(',')
                        axis, ndmin = [int(x) for x in vec[:2]]
                        if len(vec) == 3:
                            trans1d = int(vec[2])
                    except Exception:
                        raise ValueError("unknown special directive")
                    axis = int(item)
                except (ValueError, TypeError):
                    raise ValueError("unknown special directive")
            elif type(item) in ScalarType:
                newobj = array(item, ndmin=ndmin)
                scalar = True
                item_ndim = ndim(item)
                newobj = array(item, copy=False, subok=True, ndmin=ndmin)
                if trans1d != -1 and item_ndim < ndmin:
                    k2 = ndmin - item_ndim
                    k1 = trans1d
                    if k1 < 0:
                        k1 += k2 + 1
                    defaxes = list(range(ndmin))
                    axes = defaxes[:k1] + defaxes[k2:] + defaxes[k1:k2]
                    newobj = newobj.transpose(axes)
            if not scalar and isinstance(newobj, _nx.ndarray):

        # Ensure that scalars won't up-cast unless warranted
        final_dtype = find_common_type(arraytypes, scalartypes)
        if final_dtype is not None:
            for k in scalars:
                objs[k] = objs[k].astype(final_dtype)

        res = self.concatenate(tuple(objs), axis=axis)

        if matrix:
            oldndim = res.ndim
            res = self.makemat(res)
            if oldndim == 1 and col:
                res = res.T
        return res
コード例 #4
 def __getitem__(self, key):
         size = []
         typ = int
         for k in range(len(key)):
             step = key[k].step
             start = key[k].start
             if start is None:
                 start = 0
             if step is None:
                 step = 1
             if isinstance(step, complex):
                 typ = float
                     int(math.ceil((key[k].stop - start) / (step * 1.0))))
             if (isinstance(step, float) or isinstance(start, float)
                     or isinstance(key[k].stop, float)):
                 typ = float
         if self.sparse:
             nn = [
                 _nx.arange(_x, dtype=_t)
                 for _x, _t in zip(size, (typ, ) * len(size))
             nn = _nx.indices(size, typ)
         for k in range(len(size)):
             step = key[k].step
             start = key[k].start
             if start is None:
                 start = 0
             if step is None:
                 step = 1
             if isinstance(step, complex):
                 step = int(abs(step))
                 if step != 1:
                     step = (key[k].stop - start) / float(step - 1)
             nn[k] = (nn[k] * step + start)
         if self.sparse:
             slobj = [_nx.newaxis] * len(size)
             for k in range(len(size)):
                 slobj[k] = slice(None, None)
                 nn[k] = nn[k][tuple(slobj)]
                 slobj[k] = _nx.newaxis
         return nn
     except (IndexError, TypeError):
         step = key.step
         stop = key.stop
         start = key.start
         if start is None:
             start = 0
         if isinstance(step, complex):
             step = abs(step)
             length = int(step)
             if step != 1:
                 step = (key.stop - start) / float(step - 1)
             stop = key.stop + step
             return _nx.arange(0, length, 1, float) * step + start
             return _nx.arange(start, stop, step)
コード例 #5
def polyder(p, m=1):
    Return the derivative of the specified order of a polynomial.

    p : poly1d or sequence
        Polynomial to differentiate.
        A sequence is interpreted as polynomial coefficients, see `poly1d`.
    m : int, optional
        Order of differentiation (default: 1)

    der : poly1d
        A new polynomial representing the derivative.

    See Also
    polyint : Anti-derivative of a polynomial.
    poly1d : Class for one-dimensional polynomials.

    The derivative of the polynomial :math:`x^3 + x^2 + x^1 + 1` is:

    >>> p = np.poly1d([1,1,1,1])
    >>> p2 = np.polyder(p)
    >>> p2
    poly1d([3, 2, 1])

    which evaluates to:

    >>> p2(2.)

    We can verify this, approximating the derivative with
    ``(f(x + h) - f(x))/h``:

    >>> (p(2. + 0.001) - p(2.)) / 0.001

    The fourth-order derivative of a 3rd-order polynomial is zero:

    >>> np.polyder(p, 2)
    poly1d([6, 2])
    >>> np.polyder(p, 3)
    >>> np.polyder(p, 4)
    poly1d([ 0.])

    m = int(m)
    if m < 0:
        raise ValueError("Order of derivative must be positive (see polyint)")

    truepoly = isinstance(p, poly1d)
    p = NX.asarray(p)
    n = len(p) - 1
    y = p[:-1] * NX.arange(n, 0, -1)
    if m == 0:
        val = p
        val = polyder(y, m - 1)
    if truepoly:
        val = poly1d(val)
    return val
コード例 #6
def polyint(p, m=1, k=None):
    Return an antiderivative (indefinite integral) of a polynomial.

    The returned order `m` antiderivative `P` of polynomial `p` satisfies
    :math:`\\frac{d^m}{dx^m}P(x) = p(x)` and is defined up to `m - 1`
    integration constants `k`. The constants determine the low-order
    polynomial part

    .. math:: \\frac{k_{m-1}}{0!} x^0 + \\ldots + \\frac{k_0}{(m-1)!}x^{m-1}

    of `P` so that :math:`P^{(j)}(0) = k_{m-j-1}`.

    p : array_like or poly1d
        Polynomial to differentiate.
        A sequence is interpreted as polynomial coefficients, see `poly1d`.
    m : int, optional
        Order of the antiderivative. (Default: 1)
    k : list of `m` scalars or scalar, optional
        Integration constants. They are given in the order of integration:
        those corresponding to highest-order terms come first.

        If ``None`` (default), all constants are assumed to be zero.
        If `m = 1`, a single scalar can be given instead of a list.

    See Also
    polyder : derivative of a polynomial
    poly1d.integ : equivalent method

    The defining property of the antiderivative:

    >>> p = np.poly1d([1,1,1])
    >>> P = np.polyint(p)
    >>> P
    poly1d([ 0.33333333,  0.5       ,  1.        ,  0.        ])
    >>> np.polyder(P) == p

    The integration constants default to zero, but can be specified:

    >>> P = np.polyint(p, 3)
    >>> P(0)
    >>> np.polyder(P)(0)
    >>> np.polyder(P, 2)(0)
    >>> P = np.polyint(p, 3, k=[6,5,3])
    >>> P
    poly1d([ 0.01666667,  0.04166667,  0.16666667,  3. ,  5. ,  3. ])

    Note that 3 = 6 / 2!, and that the constants are given in the order of
    integrations. Constant of the highest-order polynomial term comes first:

    >>> np.polyder(P, 2)(0)
    >>> np.polyder(P, 1)(0)
    >>> P(0)

    m = int(m)
    if m < 0:
        raise ValueError("Order of integral must be positive (see polyder)")
    if k is None:
        k = NX.zeros(m, float)
    k = atleast_1d(k)
    if len(k) == 1 and m > 1:
        k = k[0] * NX.ones(m, float)
    if len(k) < m:
        raise ValueError(
            "k must be a scalar or a rank-1 array of length 1 or >m.")

    truepoly = isinstance(p, poly1d)
    p = NX.asarray(p)
    if m == 0:
        if truepoly:
            return poly1d(p)
        return p
        # Note: this must work also with object and integer arrays
        y = NX.concatenate((p.__truediv__(NX.arange(len(p), 0, -1)), [k[0]]))
        val = polyint(y, m - 1, k=k[1:])
        if truepoly:
            return poly1d(val)
        return val