コード例 #1
def estimate_magnitude(st, event_longitude, event_latitude, event_depth):
    Estimates the magnitude for a given Stream object (Z, N and E components)
    with attached PAZ and coordinate information. Longitude, latitude and depth
    (km, positive up) of event must also be specified.

    Returns estimated magnitude as a float.
    st.simulate(paz_remove="self", paz_simulate=PAZ_WA)

    st_trig = st.select(component="Z")
    st_trig.trigger("recstalta", sta=0.5, lta=10)
    samples = st_trig[0].data.argmax()
    t_trig = st[0].stats.starttime + (samples / st[0].stats.sampling_rate)

    st.trim(t_trig - 1, t_trig + 40)

    st_n = st.select(component="N")
    ampl_n = st_n[0].data.max() - st_n[0].data.min()

    st_e = st.select(component="E")
    ampl_e = st_e[0].data.max() - st_e[0].data.min()

    ampl = (ampl_n + ampl_e) / 2 / 2

    dx, dy = utlGeoKm(event_longitude, event_latitude,
                      st[0].stats.coordinates['longitude'], st[0].stats.coordinates['latitude'])
    dz = event_depth - (st[0].stats.coordinates['elevation'] / 1000.0)
    hypo_dist = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)

    ml = log10(ampl * 1000) + log10(hypo_dist / 100.0) + 0.00301 * (hypo_dist - 100.0) + 3.0
    return ml
コード例 #2
def estimate_magnitude(st, event_longitude, event_latitude, event_depth):
    Estimates the magnitude for a given Stream object (Z, N and E components)
    with attached PAZ and coordinate information. Longitude, latitude and depth
    (km, positive up) of event must also be specified.

    Returns estimated magnitude as a float.
    st.simulate(paz_remove="self", paz_simulate=PAZ_WA)

    st_trig = st.select(component="Z")
    st_trig.trigger("recstalta", sta=0.5, lta=10)
    samples = st_trig[0].data.argmax()
    t_trig = st[0].stats.starttime + (samples / st[0].stats.sampling_rate)

    st.trim(t_trig - 1, t_trig + 40)

    st_n = st.select(component="N")
    ampl_n = st_n[0].data.max() - st_n[0].data.min()

    st_e = st.select(component="E")
    ampl_e = st_e[0].data.max() - st_e[0].data.min()

    ampl = (ampl_n + ampl_e) / 2 / 2

    dx, dy = utlGeoKm(event_longitude, event_latitude,
    dz = event_depth - (st[0].stats.coordinates['elevation'] / 1000.0)
    hypo_dist = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)

    ml = log10(ampl * 1000) + log10(
        hypo_dist / 100.0) + 0.00301 * (hypo_dist - 100.0) + 3.0
    return ml
コード例 #3
events = client.event.getList(min_latitude=47.6, max_latitude=47.8, min_longitude=12.7, max_longitude=13,
                              min_datetime="2008-04-17", max_datetime="2008-04-18", min_magnitude=3)

event = events[0]

t = UTCDateTime(event['datetime'])

st = client.waveform.getWaveform(network="BW", station="RJOB", location="", channel="EH*",
                                 starttime=t-30, endtime=t+120, getPAZ=True, getCoordinates=True)

PAZ_WA = {'sensitivity': 2800, 'zeros': [0j], 'gain': 1,
          'poles': [-6.2832-4.7124j, -6.2832+4.7124j]}

st.simulate(paz_remove="self", paz_simulate=PAZ_WA)
st.trim(t - 5, t + 40)

st_n = st.select(component="N")
ampl_n = st_n[0].data.max() - st_n[0].data.min()
st_e = st.select(component="E")
ampl_e = st_e[0].data.max() - st_e[0].data.min()
ampl = (ampl_n + ampl_e) / 2 / 2

dx, dy = utlGeoKm(event['longitude'], event['latitude'],
                  st[0].stats.coordinates['longitude'], st[0].stats.coordinates['latitude'])
dz = event['depth'] - (st[0].stats.coordinates['elevation'] / 1000.0)
hypo_dist = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)

ml = log10(ampl * 1000) + log10(hypo_dist / 100.0) + 0.00301 * (hypo_dist - 100.0) + 3.0
print ml
コード例 #4
ファイル: mess_exercise_07.py プロジェクト: obspy/branches
    endtime=t + 120,

PAZ_WA = {"sensitivity": 2800, "zeros": [0j], "gain": 1, "poles": [-6.2832 - 4.7124j, -6.2832 + 4.7124j]}

st.simulate(paz_remove="self", paz_simulate=PAZ_WA)

st_trig = st.select(component="Z")
st_trig.trigger("recstalta", sta=0.5, lta=10)
num_samples = st_trig[0].data.argmax()
t_trig = st[0].stats.starttime + (num_samples / st[0].stats.sampling_rate)

st.trim(t_trig - 1, t_trig + 40)

st_n = st.select(component="N")
ampl_n = st_n[0].data.max() - st_n[0].data.min()
st_e = st.select(component="E")
ampl_e = st_e[0].data.max() - st_e[0].data.min()
ampl = (ampl_n + ampl_e) / 2 / 2

dx, dy = utlGeoKm(
    event["longitude"], event["latitude"], st[0].stats.coordinates["longitude"], st[0].stats.coordinates["latitude"]
dz = event["depth"] - (st[0].stats.coordinates["elevation"] / 1000.0)
hypo_dist = sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2)

ml = log10(ampl * 1000) + log10(hypo_dist / 100.0) + 0.00301 * (hypo_dist - 100.0) + 3.0
print ml