コード例 #1
    [[s, t, v, l, h] for t in TG for v in var for l in len_scale for s in S for h in hurst]

RES = os.path.join("..", "..", "results")
# ogs configuration
task_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(RES, "eGRF_TPL_2D"))
pcs_type_flow = "GROUNDWATER_FLOW"
var_name_flow = "HEAD"

# generate a model for each core (prevent writing conflicts)
cstr = "core{:04}".format(rank)
model = OGS(task_root=os.path.join(task_root, cstr), task_id="model")

# spatio-temporal configuration
# define the time stepping: 2 h with 32 steps and increasing stepsize
time = specialrange(0, 7200, 32, typ="cub")
# radial discretization: 1000 m with 100 steps and increasing stepsize
rad = specialrange(0, 1000, 100, typ="cub")
# 64 angles for discretization
angles = 64

# generate mesh and gli
model.msh.generate("radial", dim=2, angles=angles, rad=rad)
model.gli.generate("radial", dim=2, angles=angles, rad_out=rad[-1])
# add the pumping well
model.gli.add_points(points=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], names="pwell")

# --------------generate different ogs input settings------------------------ #

model.pcs.add_block(  # set the process type
    PCS_TYPE=pcs_type_flow, NUM_TYPE="NEW"
コード例 #2
mpl.rc("text", usetex=True)
mpl.rc('lines', linewidth=3.5)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[5, 4])
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

# parameter lists to generate the para_set (single one)
TG = 1e-4  # mu = log(TG)
var = 1.0**2
len_scale = 10
hurst = 0.5

# radial discretization: 1000 m with 100 steps and increasing stepsize
rad = specialrange(0, 1000, 100, typ="cub")
# 64 angles for discretization
angles = 64
msh = MSH()
msh.generate("radial", dim=2, angles=angles, rad=rad)

seed = 1001
# init cov model (truncated power law with gaussian modes)
cov = gs.TPLGaussian(dim=2, var=var, len_scale=len_scale, hurst=hurst)
# init spatial random field class
srf = gs.SRF(cov, mean=np.log(TG), upscaling="coarse_graining")
# generate new transmissivity field
srf.mesh(msh, seed=seed, point_volumes=msh.volumes_flat)
triang = tri.Triangulation(srf.pos[0], srf.pos[1])
field = srf.field.ravel()
コード例 #3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import anaflow as ana
from ogs5py import OGS, specialrange, generate_time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# discretization and parameters
time = specialrange(0, 3600, 50, typ="cub")
rad = specialrange(0, 1000, 100, typ="cub")
obs = rad[21]
angles = 32
storage = 1e-3
transmissivity = 1e-4
rate = -1e-3
# model setup
model = OGS(task_root="pump_test", task_id="model")
model.pcs.add_block(  # set the process type
# generate a radial mesh and geometry ("boundary" polyline)
model.msh.generate("radial", dim=2, rad=rad, angles=angles)
model.gli.generate("radial", dim=2, rad_out=rad[-1], angles=angles)
model.gli.add_points([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "pwell")
model.gli.add_points([obs, 0.0, 0.0], "owell")
model.bc.add_block(  # boundary condition
    GEO_TYPE=["POLYLINE", "boundary"],
    DIS_TYPE=["CONSTANT", 0.0],
model.ic.add_block(  # initial condition